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    Zynq-7000 EPP TRM

    Chapter 19: UART Controller  

    XTP152 (Draft) February 15, 2012

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    Chapter 19: UART Controller  


    Zynq-7000 EPP Technical Reference Manual  www.xilinx.com  3

    UG585 (DRAFT) February 15, 2012

    Chapter 19

    UART Controller

    19  UART

    19.1 IntroductionThe UART module is a full-duplex asynchronous receiver and transmitter that supports a wide range of

    software programmable baud rates and data formats. It can also accommodate for automatic parity

    generation and several error detection schemes and provides both receive and transmit FIFO buffering for

    the APU.

    The UART peripheral is structured into separate receiver and transmitter data paths, which include 64-byte

    FIFOs. The rate of operation of these data paths is controlled by the Baud Rate Generator module.

    The mode of operation is configured using the Control Logic module, and the current status of the UART is

    indicated via the Interrupt Control module. The current mode is also used to control the Mode Switch

    module which selects the various loopback modes available.

    Data to be transmitted is written from the APU into the Transmitter FIFO using byte operations through the

    APB interface.

    When the Transmitter FIFO contains enough data to transmit, the Transmitter module pulls the data from

    the FIFO and serializes it onto the transmitter serial output.

    Data received is deserialized by the Receiver module and written into the Receiver FIFO. The fill level of

    the Receiver FIFO module is then used to trigger an interrupt to the APU. The APU pulls data from theReceiver FIFO by reading byte or double bytes using the APB interface.

    If the UART is being used in a modem-like application, the Modem Control module detects and generates

    the modem handshake signals appropriately and also controls the receiver and transmitter paths according

    to the handshaking protocol.

    19.1.1  Features

    The PS supports two UART devices in the IOP with these key features:

    •  Programmable baud rate generator

    •  64-byte receive and transmit FIFOs

    •  6, 7, or 8 data bits

    •  1, 1.5, or 2 stop bits

    •  Odd, even, space, mark, or no parity

    •  Parity, framing and overrun error detection

    •  Line-break generation and detection

    •  Automatic echo, local loopback, and remote loopback channel modes

    •  Interrupts generation


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    Chapter 19: UART Controller  


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    •  Modem control signals: CTS, RTS, DSR, DTR, RI and DCD 

    19.1.2  System Viewpoint

    The system viewpoint diagram for the UART module is shown in Figure 1.


    MIO – EMIO


    PS Master

    Interconnect APB





    UART{0, 1}_REF_CLK

    IRQ ID# {59, 82}

    Tx, Rx

    UART{0, 1}_REF_RST

    T    x    ,  R   

    x    ,  C    T    S    

    N     ,  D   

    C    D   N     ,  

    D   S    R   N     ,  R   

    I    N     ,  D   

    T    R   N     ,  R   

    T    S    N    


    and Status




    CPU_1x clock

    UART{0, 1}_CPU1X_RST




     Figure 1: UART System Viewpoint

    There are two UARTs in the PS. Each UART can be configured independently. The TX and RX interface

    can be mapped to either the EMIO interface or the GPIO interface. The Modem control signals are only

    available through the EMIO interface. The clocks and resets to the UART are sourced from the global

    clock and reset blocks for the PS. The APB interface is connected to an AMBA interconnect which allows

    multiple masters to have access to the

    Software-driven modem flow control signals can be implemented via the GPIO controller and route the IOsignals to either the MIO or EMIO.


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    Chapter 19: UART Controller  


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    UG585 (DRAFT) February 15, 2012

    19.2  Funct ional Descript ion

    19.2.1  Block Diagram 

    The block diagram for the UART module is shown in Figure 2.











    Baud Rate












    Figure 2 UART Block Diagram

    19.2.2  Microprocessor APB Interface 

    The UART APB module implements a standard AMBA 2.0 APB slave interface. This allows an external

    APB master to read and write to the defined UART registers, which are distributed throughout the other

    UART modules.

    19.2.3  Control Logic 

    The Control Logic module contains the Control register and the Mode register, which are used to select

    the various operating modes of the UART. 

    The Control register enables, disables, and issues soft resets to the Receiver and Transmitter modules. In

    addition, it restarts the receiver timeout period, and  controls the transmitter break logic. 

    The Mode register selects the clock used by the baud rate generator. It also selects the bit length, parity bit

    and stop bit to be used by transmitted and received data. In addition, it selects the mode of operation of the

    UART, switching between normal UART mode, automatic echo, local loopback, or remote loopback as 


    19.2.4  Baud Rate Generator 

    The baud rate generator furnishes the bit period clock, or baud rate clock, for both the receiver and the

    transmitter. The baud rate clock is implemented by distributing the base clock uar t _cl k and a singlecycle clock enable to achieve the effect of clocking at the appropriate frequency division. 

    The effective logic for the baud rate generation is shown in Figure 3.


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    by 8 Divide


    (BDIV + 1)

    Divide by CD CC > 1

    CC = 0

    CC = 1










    Figure 3: Baud Rate Generator

    The baud rate generator uses the master clock signal, uart _ref _cl k. 

    The uart_ref_clk   clock is divided down to provide three further clocks enable pulses, baud_sampl e,baud_t x_r at e and baud_r x_r ate. The baud_t x_r ate is the target baud rate used fortransmitting data. The baud_r x_r at e is nominally at the same rate, but gets resynchronised to the incoming received data. The baud_sampl e runs at a multiple of baud_r x_rate andbaud_t x_r at e and is used to oversample the received data. 

    First, uar t _r ef _cl k is divided by the CD field value in the Baud Rate Generator register  to generatethe baud_sampl e clock enable. This register may be programmed  with a value between 1 and 65535,and its reset value may be defined at compile time. 

    Secondly, the baud_sampl e clock is divided by BDI V  plus 1. BDI V is a programmable field in theBaud Rate Divider register and may be programmed with a value between 0 and 255. It has a reset value

    of 15, inferring a default ratio of 16 baud_sampl e clocks per baud_t x_cl ock / baud_r x_r ate. 

    Thus the frequency of the baud_sample clock enable is shown in Equation (1).

    Equation (1)

    The frequency of the baud_r x_r ate and baud_t x_r at e clock enables is show in Equation (2) .

    Equation (2)

    It is essential to disable the transmitter and receiver before writing to the baud rate generator register,

    ua_br gr , or the baud rate divider register, ua_di v. Issue a soft reset to both the transmitter andreceiver before they are re-enabled. 

    Some examples of the relationship between the uart_ref_clk clock, baud rate, clock  divisor, and the rate of

    error are shown in Table 1. The highlighted entry shows the default reset values for CD and BDI V. For


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    Chapter 19: UART Controller  


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    UG585 (DRAFT) February 15, 2012

    D1  D2  D3  D4  D5  D6  D7  D8  PA  S 

    this example a system clock rate of Uart _r ef _cl k  = 13 MHz and   Uart _r ef _cl k/ 8  = 1.625MHz is assumed. See Chapter 25, Clocks for details on system clock generation. 

    Table 1: Typical UART Parameter Values

    Clock   Baud Rate 

    Calc’d CD 

     Actual CD 

    BDIV   ActualBaud Rate 


    % Error  

    Uart_ref_clk   600  1354.167  1354  15  600.074  0.074  0.012 

    Uart_ref_clk/8  9600  13.021  13  12  9615.385  15.385  0.160 

    Uart_ref_clk   9600  84.635  85  15  9558.823  -41.176  -0.429 

    Uart_ref_clk   28800  41.035  41  10  28824.834  -24.834  -0.086 

    Uart_ref_clk/8  230400  1.008  1  6  232142.875  -1742.857  -0.756 


    1.  Highlighted row shows CD and BDIV reset values.

    2.  System clock assumed with Uart _r ef _cl k = 13 MHz and   Uart _r ef _cl k/ 8 = 1.625 MHz.

    19.2.5  Transmitter FIFO 

    The transmitter FIFO stores data written from the APB Interface until it is popped out by the Transmitter

    module and loaded into its shift register. The FIFO size is 8 bits maximum data width.

    Data is loaded into the transmitter FIFO by writing to the Transmit FIFO register.

    When data is loaded into the FIFO, the transmit FIFO empty flag is cleared and remains in this low state

    until the last word in the FIFO has been popped out and loaded into the transmitter shift register. This

    means that the host SW has another full serial word time until the next data is needed, allowing it to react to

    the empty flag being set and write another word in the FIFO without loss in transmission time.

    The transmit FIFO full flag indicates that the FIFO is completely full and prevents any further data from

     being loaded into the FIFO. If another APB write to the FIFO is performed an overflow will be triggered

    and the write data will not be loaded into the FIFO.The transmit FIFO nearly-full flag indicates that there is only byte free in the FIFO and writing one more


    A threshold trigger can be setup on the transmitter FIFO fill level. The Transmitter Trigger register may be

    used to setup this value, such that the trigger is set when the FIFO fill level reaches this programmed value.

    19.2.6  Transmitter 

    The Transmitter module pops parallel data from the Transmitter FIFO and loads it into the transmitter

    shift register so that it can be serialised. 

    The transmitter shifts out the start bit, data bits, parity bit, and stop bits as a serial data stream. Data is

    transmitted, least significant bit first, on the falling edge of the transmit baud clock enable,baud_t x_r ate. A typical transmitted data stream is illustrated in Figure 4. 



    Figure 4: Transmitted Data Stream


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    The CHRL in the Mode register selects the character length, in terms of the number  of data bits. TheNBSTOP field in the Mode register selects the number of stop  bits to transmit.

    19.2.7  Receiver FIFO

    The receiver FIFO stores the data that is received by the receiver serial shift register. The FIFO size has amaximum data width of 8 bits.

    When data is loaded into the FIFO, the receive FIFO empty flag is cleared and  this state remains low until

    all data in the FIFO has been popped out through the APB interface. Reading from an empty receiver

    FIFO returns zero. 

    The receive FIFO full flag, r f i f o_f ul l , indicates that the FIFO is full and prevents any further datafrom being loaded into the FIFO, although this will result in an overflow. When a space becomes available

    in the receiver FIFO, any character  stored in the receiver will be loaded.

    A threshold trigger can be setup on the receiver FIFO fill level. The Receiver Trigger  register may be used

    to setup this value, such that the trigger is set when the FIFO fill level reaches this programmed value. 

    19.2.8  Receiver 

    The UART continuously over-samples the ua_r xd signal using uar t _cl k and the clock enable,baud_sampl e. When the samples detect a transition to a low level, it may indicate the beginning of astart bit. When the UART senses a low level at the ua_r xd input, it waits for a count of half of BDI V baud rate clock cycles and then samples three more times. If all three bits still indicate a low level, the

    receiver  considers this to be a valid start bit, as illustrated in Figure 5 for the default BDI V of 15. 

    Figure 5: Default BDIV Receiver Data Stream

    When a valid start bit is identified, the receiver baud rate clock enable, baud_r x_r at e, isresynchronised so that further sampling of the incoming ua_r xd happens around the theoretical mid- point of each bit, as illustrated in Figure 6. 

    Figure 6: Resynchronized Receiver Data Stream

    When the resynchronised baud_r x_r ate is high, the last three sampled bits are compared. The logicvalue is determined by majority voting, two samples having the same value define the value of the data


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     bit. When the value of a serial data bit has been determined, it is shifted to the receive shift register. When a

    complete character  has been assembled, the contents of the register are then pushed to the receive FIFO. 

    Receiver Parity Error 

    Each time a character is received, the receiver calculates the parity of the received  data bits in accordance

    with the field PAR in the Control register. It then compares the result with the received parity bit. If adifference is detected, the parity error bit PARE in the Channel Interrupt Status register, ua_ci sr , is setand an interrupt event generated if enabled. 

    Receiver Framing Error 

    When the receiver fails to receive a valid stop bit at the end of a frame, the frame error bit FRAME in theChannel Interrupt Status register, ua_ci sr , is set and an interrupt event generated if enabled. 

    Receiver Overflow Error 

    When a character has been fully loaded into the receiver shift register it must be pushed into the receiverFIFO. The push will fail if the FIFO is already full, or the  push may experience a delay as this involves a

    transition across a clock boundary from uar t _cl k to pcl k. When a further start bit is detected beforethe previous character has been transferred to the receiver FIFO, the ROVR error bit in the Channel Interrupt Status register, ua_ci sr , is set and an interrupt event is generated if enabled. 

    Receiver Timeout Error 

    The receiver timeout function enables the receiver to detect an idle condition on the ua_r xd line. Themaximum delay for which the UART should wait for a new character to arrive while the ua_r xd line isinactive (a high level is present on the ua_r xd line) is programmed in the Receiver Timeout register

    (ua_rto). A non-zero value in this register represents the maximum time before a timeout is issued, in terms of multiples of four bit periods. When this register is set to 0, the timeout detection is disabled. 

     Note that when a new timeout value is written into ua_r t o, it is not actually loaded  into the timeoutcounter until either a new start bit is received or when the reset timeout bit, RSTTO, is written high in theControl register. If no start bit or reset timeout occurs for 1023 bit periods, a timeout will occur. When a

    start bit or reset timeout is seen, the most significant 8 bits of the 10 bit timeout down counter are initialized

    with the value of ua_rto. The counter decrements at each bit period and is reloaded at the start of eachcharacter frame or  if the reset timeout bit is written. If the counter reaches 0, a timeout interrupt event is

    generated and the appropriate bit in the Channel Interrupt Status register is set if unmasked. 

    Timeout duration is calculated by multiplying the timeout value (RTO) by four times the bit period.

    19.2.9  Mode Switch The mode switch module provides an interface between the external transmit and  receive signals, and the

    rest of the UART. This block is used to implement the mode selected by the Mode register: normal mode,

    automatic echo, local loopback or  remote loopback. For details, refer to Modes of Operation. 


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    19.2.10  Modem Control 

    The Modem Control module facilitates the control of communication between a modem and the UART. It

    contains the Modem Status register and the Modem Control register. 

    The read-only Modem Status register (ua_msr ) is used to read the values of the clear to send(ua_nct s), data carrier detect (ua_ndcd), data set ready (ua_ndsr ) and ring indicator (ua_nr i )modem inputs. It also reports changes in any of these inputs and indicates whether automatic flow control

    mode is currently enabled. 

    The bits in the ua_msr are cleared by writing a high to the particular bit. 

    The read/write only Modem Control register (ua_mcr ) is used to set the data terminal ready (ua_ndt r )and request to send (ua_nrts) outputs, and to enable the automatic flow control mode register. 

    By default the automatic flow control mode is disabled, meaning that the modem inputs and outputs work

    completely under software control. When the automatic flow control mode is enabled by setting the FCM bit in the Modem Control register, the UART transmission and reception status is automatically controlled

    using the modem handshake inputs and outputs. 

    In automatic flow control mode the request to send output, ua_nr t s, is asserted and de-asserted basedon the current fill level of the receiver FIFO, which will result in the far-end transmitter pausing

    transmission and preventing an overflow of the UART receiver FIFO. The FDEL field in the Flow Delayregister is used to setup a trigger  level on the Receiver FIFO which will cause the de-assertion of

    ua_nr t s. It remains low until the FIFO level has dropped to below four less than FDEL . 

    Additionally in automatic flow control mode, the UART will only transmit whilst the ua_nct s input isasserted. When the ua_nct s is de-asserted the UART will  pause transmission at the next character


    19.2.11  Interrupt Control 

    The Interrupt Control module detects events from the other UART modules and  conditions them for

    reporting through the Channel Interrupt Status register, ua_ci sr , and the Channel Status register,

    ua_csr . The ua_ci sr register presents the latched version of the interrupt events. The ua_csrregister provides raw unmasked read-only status. 

    Interrupts are enabled and disabled individually using the Interrupt Enable register, ua_i er , and theInterrupt Disable register, ua_i dr . The resulting status of whether  the interrupt is enabled or disabled isindicated in the Interrupt Mask register, ua_i mr . This arrangement of the three registers allows eachindividual interrupt to be enabled or disabled without affecting the current mask of the other interrupts. 

    The current value of ua_i mr is applied to the latched versions of the interrupt events, and onlyinterrupts which are unmasked (enabled) can generate an interrupt event to the system CPU by asserting

    the ua_i nt output. This output remains asserted until the latched version is cleared, thus making theinterrupt output level sensitive. 

    The ua_csr contains read-only unmasked versions of some of the ua_ci sr  bits, which are cleared

    under control of the ua_ci sr . 

    The configuration may be changed at compile time such that the ua_ci sr register  is unmasked and its bits are set on an interrupt event regardless of the current state of the mask. In this configuration the

    duplicate unmasked ua_csr  bits are removed  from the design. Note that the mask is still applied to thegeneration of the ua_i nt  output, such that only enabled interrupts will cause a CPU interrupt. 

    The bits in the ua_ci sr are cleared  by writing a high to the particular bit. 


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    The ua_csr register is a read-only register and its bits are cleared only when the asserting conditionfinishes. Similarly, if the duplicate bits are included in ua_csr  register from the ua_ci sr register,these are only cleared when the ua_ci sr is cleared. 

    19.3 Modes

     of O


    rat i

    on The UART can operate in a number of modes, set using the Mode register, ua_mr . 

    19.3.1  Clock Modes 

    The UART baud rate is derived from the uar t _ref _cl k provided by the clock controller .

    See Chapter 25, Clocks for details on system clock generation.

    19.3.2  Bit Frame Modes 

    The Mode register can be programmed to control the UART serial bit frame format, including using frame

    formats of 6, 7 or 8 databits, generating or checking even, odd, space, mark, or no parity. For each bit

    frame format, 1, 1.5 or 2 stop bits can be used, as shown in Figure 7.

    Figure 7: Bit Frame Modes

    19.3.3  Operational Modes 

    The CHMODE field in the Mode register can be programmed to use one of the four  operating modes of theUART; Normal, Automatic Echo, Local Loopback and Remote Loopback. Each of the operating modes

    is described in the following sections. 


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    Normal Mode

    In this mode the UART operates as a standard UART.


    Mode Switch





    Device Core Pins


    Figure 8: Normal Operating Mode

     Automatic Echo

    In this mode the receiver data input is immediately transmitted through the transmitter output pin. No

    internal data can be transmitted from the UART but received data can be read by the processor. 

    Figure 9: Automatic Echo Operating Mode

    Local Loopback

    In this mode the signal transmitted from the UART is connected to the receiver input. No data can be

    transmitted and no external data can be received. 


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    Figure 10: Local Loopback Operating Mode

    Remote Loopback

    In this mode the receiver input data is immediately transmitted  through the transmitter output pin,ua_t xd. No internal data can be transmitted from the UART and the UART cannot access received data.

    Figure 11: Remote Loopback Operating Mode


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    19.4 Register OverviewAn overview of the UART Registers is shown in Table 2.

    Table 2:UART Register Overview

    Function Register Names Overview

    Configuration Control_reg





    Configure mode and baud rate.

    Read status.

    Interrupt processing Intrpt_en_reg




    Enable/disable the interrupt detection,

    mask interrupt sent to the interrupt

    controller, read raw interrupt status.

    Receiver Rcvr_timeout_reg


    Configure receiver timeout and FIFO

    trigger level value

    Transmitter Tx_FIFO_trigger_reg Configure transmitter FIFO trigger level


    Modem Modem_ctrl_reg


    Configure modem-like application

    Data TX_RX_FIFO Read data Received. Write data to be



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    19.5 Signal Int erf ace 

    19.5.1  UART Rx Tx Interface Signals

    Table 3 shows the interface signals for UART0. For UART1, simply substitute the uart0 portion of each

    signal name with uart1.

    Table 3: UART0 interface for RS232 Protocol

    Signal Name I/O UART Pin Description

    uart0_rx  I  0  UART receiver serial input pin 

    uart0_tx  O  1  UART transmitter serial output pin 

    19.5.2  UART EMIO SignalsTable 4 shows the pins for UART0. For UART1, simply substitute the UART0 portion of each pin name

    with UART1.

    Table 4: UART Pin List Details

    Pin Name Dir Name Description

    EMIOUART0TX O EMIO_UART0_TX UART transmitter serial output pin

    EMIOUART0RX I EMIO_UART0_RX UART receiver serial input pin

    EMIOUART0CTSN I EMIO_UART0_CTSN Clear-to-send flow control

    EMIOUART0RTSN O EMIO_UART0_RTSN Request-to-send flow control

    EMIOUART0DSRN I EMIO_UART0_DSRN Modem data set ready

    EMIOUART0DCDN I EMIO_UART0_DCDN Modem data carrier detect

    EMIOUART0RIN I EMIO_UART0_RIN Modem ring indicator

    EMIOUART0DTRN O EMIO_UART0_DTRN Modem data terminal ready


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