~xpon£nt · 2016-06-17 · .~xpon£nt luiiie xx. bozel\ia:-1, i\iontac\a, tuesday, novei\iber 27,...

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.~xpon£nt LUIIIE XX. BOZEl\IA:-1, i\IONTAC\A, TUESDAY, NOVEi\IBER 27, 1928 NUU1BER 10



Ha\e \Ou dune \Our Chn:-.tma~ H il On ~knday aftc.~·!loon, ~0\:1.mbtn Shopping"? 1\J, at ·>'OJ p m, Alpha ( h1 S1!!ma,

If \CHI h:nc>n't, Rt.op at. t.he Home t. h :\ t l H h

Et• l'illb booth at the A1t IJa.!C.WI on rR 0 M TR Ip E~nT F1acte1;li~~ 1


ld the~:1


e~~lu1 (_m~1


\~~ 1'11dav and Satu1da,;:. Dccemlwr I Jl... in the ( hcnu:-.tJJ bmlding. At that :rnd 8 l ou might 111 ... e tu g-et )Our t 1 lime the nl'\\ pled.c;c:~ to the onga111 -


n'~ Local Fraternity Becomes Gamma Kappa Chapter of :'\a tional Organization. Ceremonies End Saturday Night \\ ith Installation Ball at Rose Ga rden . Thirty-five lnitia ted

hest f11en<l a Chnstmag fruit take. any 1zat10n wl1e lu11n.t!,\ nle<lgt.•d \\alla e l"lze cle-ncd and attrac:t1velv Y1rapptd H.aHJt.y o! J\.iat:onda, Oll\et ;\loigan fo1 Chusbnac:: gl\ mg. 01 how about ~.\t ended National Educational of Bozeman, C) 1.1 Evans of ])ei.._>1 j!l"ltmg ~ ou1 mother a ja1 of orange L J l · r. · r nlcl.1 m ... l<H e it's the best e\er and ..._'onfe r e n ce In \Yas hington l 11~\t~i~~. ~1 ~~~·e ~~~e fot~~ 1 :;~;s~~ 1 ;~~~ assortment or' homC'-made c:anc11es fnr Bennett of J \·thl ridge , .\ lberca, ran-

Fourteenth Convention of ~1ontana High School Women Breaks AH previous Records. 225 Girls From 114 School~ Here. Noted Speakers at Sessions. Dean Herrick, Director :sure to 11leasc? We ''ill also ha\ e an D. C. Nove1nber 20-21 I the sop hon,, 1e da~"• and :.\ltt'hael

ormal in."'tallat1011 of the lu ral, I.: mhda Phi, in to P1 IC1ppa A lph a took those afIJ.cted with " :::;\\ ee t tonh' lada. and Ralph .\nde,.. of Andes 1 Jlon-

~=r~~t:•n ~c:,~;,~~;~":~k )'/~~;ta;:~h·~;;~:~:cs l~~i~,:::·~~ 110:~~:::~~:ci,:1 ~1~1 •:;::: 1:~;~·=-;~~~~i~:!~lln~ b. CJOLIDGE AT RECEPTION ZIJ~~~. \We ch1>'en f1om the Junw1 • .iL';°,~~u~~:~ t~11 ~~·:~;u~·"i':~~o~>~l 1~:o::::~:n~:~\.~~0a h~~~~~·~~~d~~enn~~~ f h I

'[ont.rna St.1le Prc:\.y \ 1s1h; Several I - --- - fnt: g irl :-. from all part s of :\lontan~1 hea rd nationall'l: knO\\ n exnerts talk -;ent.1t1on u I e c1.1rt<:r \\NC completed S.iturda) mornmg. In the ------ BOBCAT HITS s , • . r II r R STAGE CLASS TO Lar~<r t:nl\er.s1llcs On I AINT on lhe \ari011" profos.'1 ons open to "Omen d11r111g the three dav ,e,.gion of mn g a orm.1 Jan(Jut't, ollo" cd b\ a ball al t he osc G•_irde n, " as held Hclurn 'J np the con'fention ·

•in honor of the ' lb1hng del egates I Oi>ened Wcdnesda) •

FARIS WINNER JN ~~al;~ :~,~~::~ity by the mly 111· 11 PRESENT Pl.AYS Pie ident ,\tkmson lei\ Bozeman IN THANl\SfilVINfi fiO " ~~h~o:1i1~::1ym~~~'.:~~ ~~·e~~:s~~t~·g::~ FAMOUS EXPLORER • io!·'~ ~\a 1~1~a ~lph: ~\·as fou~~~ Ill ~ ~0~h~tb1~s;z;~tl~on at~~n c\~1,{d mc;~1~ I mn g ,, 1th Dea n ll ern ck pres iding

FROSH DEBATE TRY )\ e "" r~ll). of \_1rgm ia. ___ (. lle.:.;t,, and l mvu~1 ll :, at wash - -- l'he delegates \\ere g1,en an address

WILL SPEAK HERE Du~ to the ~nsettled times 1mmed1-1

, . • • • nigt.on. D C T~is As ociation in- Fast Helena Squad Will Gh-e of \\elcome b) Bn111ee Cra ne, Presi-attl) folio" mg the c1nl war 1t• i \\ 1~! G1~ e Productions Before c~uc~c~ G.I m'titut10"-> , and had rcpre- Montana State Plent , o( dent uf A. \\. s . and h\ Edna Mae -- I ~ro" th "as rr~tricled and a fe,, ne'' ''om a n s Club and Method ists ~ ... ii.a. H~~ from man.!< state~ and T bl ) F s te f (' JI l h h · h 1 J - . , . . , . Ala-.ka anrl Jlawa11. T, e l'onvcmtwn rou e o r o ~.1 a 111 1g sc oo .. ean-

fteen ) earhng-s Competed For charters we1e founded. The ,tory of Ladies Aid I'"'' held :\o..-emuer 20. '1 }leetm" ell<' )Jellen of Ryegate high <chool Cup. Carolrn Delanev fn,"u'ltailly ~r01''t.h is marktehd t"n1

11 dif- -- at thl san~e time and plac-c ~vas th~ Th 1 1

.-h- h , b tes.pcnded for the 0

h11,{h schvols uI the Yilhjalmur Rtefansson '\\'ill Give

S · · (' e~ atlf 1e,e1:s.es .a a\\av~ I \ \· · L- . ui:-.u1\ o t 1s "eek t e · 1g t tc ' . st II 1 h I Lectu1·e at Gymnast· Th. ls econd ti t b .. . b. t The pla, plod l..'iton ch~s put on a me1 ic~m .r ~s0< iatlon o n1ve1 "ttie~ , f \1 t h ·11 b s a ~Hi .... ()ne a~ c res«e< t e g-11 !:' um IS

~~~.~0~ 0~, 11~~~gi~1?i~d"f:~h~·;;~er'.:u ~ne-ac~ 1~la\\'ede~tiiled '"The Lond~1n'- C i'a~~~,110Ex~~~'-~~~n. 8~:ie.:~01 l;i,/o~ I i~,~rit. 0

Bot fin ~~: t ~~0{::: ~~:1 th: ~vnhi·;\:"~~e t~l';jpt~~i~{\h; ~~u~a0t!~1~;·c~1; Friday Night :rc:;hman <leb~1te tl~ outs were hcl<l ~h~a~ ~xistmg- in th~ ... Confederate ~~~~;n~ n ~t'"':-.ionne~~·1\.~;:~~~~fa111~01~~ 81 an neg-a~ of "the 1lome' Economi~~ I ~amt-. are . an ~10usl~· ~wa1.t111g- the \\ay to take n~tes. Foll~'' l~~ this l ' ---_\lonlla.'.! e\cnmg, -"0' embl'r l~ ir I~~~~; a!~Lh1~t ,~~~id ~ ~r 1~ whil~ ti I Q.te:-.s. The rnembers of the lfuit. \\elt- Dc1 a1 Lment and Blanche Lee, Home ~~Ie h"<l ~iotn 1 tc:abis i'1'l Pl imetl foi [!ean Herrick. introduced t.he execu· \ i~hJalmur Steffan:sson, noted L1tlle fheatre .. ~bout tlfte...n tned ta t cl 11 . ecol e non ~x-1 Ethelda Kempenaai I oi- Storv Gil· E 1 •:n ·me,.. and Ext er. on attendc<l e r amprnns 11 n att e t4 e staff of \ o.at10nal Congres.,, and Arctic explorer, \.\ill lc"<:ture at '.\Ion

f an<l the1e \\as dose 1.:ompctltlOn, l:S dn i IO\\Uer l~ coni~i..;ec~ to exiu; !bert. :\le.Farland ~rnd E\"e~·ett ae~t ihh rnedin'.{ :\lisg Le1..• \~ho IS at- ( ar.tarn Chez, the btg' pO\\€! m c:..l..;o the na!!es SpUl!> and :::>pur tana State College Fndav, ;\ovembt•J' e the material pre~en~eu ~howeo I~~ ::-; 0'~u ~am 5 i;ng · ow, Wl .\ • a part ~f teg:-ular da"'s work end,ni.r l olumb1a Unl\


ersity now :\Ic:ntana State's lrne, li:> $Uffc1ing I l,.,dges. .:\t the ~l'ndu.::.ion of the :'O. This lecture will g-1,e the stu­~md1d pn.paiation, and in mo:>t he

1 ms a ion .. o Gamma h.appa se~·e;al of the students were 'a~ked to <."ame down fiom ):ew y rk to attcnci f1 om an atta1.:k of the ··flu'' anti it 1s I 1 tcg1 am a ~ho1 t play. "The Londen· dent body the opportun1t\: to hem· the

:-., a thc.1ough kno:\1ed;::e uf the ("e~~n~~--f~\ ~~<;;~-:a~a. Stawhtheue ai~ as,..i~t 111

direct~n~ and manag;nl! tht I the t·omentton Two prominent speak- not definitely known whe_ther he will er1:i. An-,'' \\as pie.sented by the play zro.ate:-.t ll\ing cxplo1~r of the Fa1 JH:l. \\h1ch \\a.._..., tnc aboht.1on vi .Strt .· ltuh b P t.s

11!1 t e mt~ the episodes of the diffeient depart- er~ on the p1ogram wc.·1e the Secie- Le 111 thl· lmet:p Thank:.g1Yltlg- day 01 producllon dass ot: the coltepre. fhe )forth and 1s bemg of1ered through

JUD .. ystem. ,~1~.s 1

L->cl nt ·~5 3~:~hon )= in c-~mpa~ a- en ts Dorothy GaHett \\:as in clrnt !!e 1 tar1e,.. ot: Ag11culture and Intf i 1or not. I tc1::-t me luded ~hs.:. Ethelda Kem- 1 th~. ctfort::; of Chancellor Brannon he Judge~ \\ere Chaile~ L Grutll', h · ·

1 d.e. :-. a~ th\~.1 a~rrut~ of the physical eclucauon stunt" (President Coolidge who was unable .Shendan 13 ma~mo- extensive p1ep-11t•naar ::Xh~s Lois Ston·, E'erett Bes.t \1lhJa'mur Stefan.s.son is the gieat-

lla) ton Fa.a 1 m_zton. botn of the ::\''~~th·:~~:~<. eit., 1 ~~~-I .r erro,vte; be~~!! Claudina. oj,dyke of the se1.:re'a1 i~tl' to speak at the ses~1on. ,.:.ave a recep- ai at1ons f1,r thi::. col?'tiul e\ent an~! a and Gilbert ::\lcFarlanci. est l~\·1~g- ..\r~1c explore1 b€-mg ory depaJtmlnt c)l Gallatin htl!h ,t't nfined to the South a~d East Helen Bo\'.en of Engh~h, FianrC' .. t."'11 at the \Vh1te House for a ll m:.i.mn:oth c1owd of bolh \Vyommg- The p11nl·1pal speakers oi. Thut.:.day ~fnL~t \\lth Peaty. and Amundson ool, Jlrs RocbH•ll, )l1ss Power:,,j L bd· P'. f d

1 t . ::\I Fogler of sciern:e. Dollv Tripp of art. \U:ator:., land ~lontana fans are expected to be 1ro1nmg we1e Dr. E~ther Allen Gaw c \\as the ~lrst s<:1ent1st to pro\e b:y

. Jiur:s.t. <ln<l flied Le1gntv , alt oi It an~t ~\ nt 1~:J ~un ec th ·ton- and Loi" St.m-v of home °''Onom1 s I .\leetinjts Jn SC"chons pl<-'Sent to \\ltne..;;::;. this dash Cean of ·women at the Umveisity of a,,,tual experience that man could ll\e faculty of_;\! S. C · 0~11t~~.' e:i~ta1~'1.:e. ~it ha~ ut~~Zn a e r~11~~e_ \\'o rk

0·n On~-Act Pia) !-' ·· . Tha meetm:.rs we1e carried on. in . ~nth squads hai,;e a \Cq enviabl~ Ohio, and 3-hss Helen M. Bennett. from the land b~yond the. Antic

onald Fan:::. \\ vn first place. and 1 inent pla e n JJ.onta St t C ~1 us During the next few "eeks the <.:tu- "'l t1cns co1r..istm-;r of Extens.10n. 1 1 cto1 d behin<l them as eat.:h have de- :\lanagmg director of W om en 's j cirde. He ha.:> proven the Arctic zone

:.. .1wardet.I the 1...up p1csented by Pi l At. the he ~nning ~r°~ts ~x~st:;lC..: ;t dents will be bu~\" with ptoducinl:! one! Teachinl?. En2rnl'c_rimr, Honie Eco i feated se\eral of the strongest team:, I \\'orld~ Fai r, Chicago, ill )11ss Ben-1 '.S rroductl\-C ~nd man _can live there ppa Delt.a, and a meual; ::.eC'ond 1 h·ui a·

11 ~ b ·t . ·t

1 a- art pla:\S before b\O clubs and co11e..,..c nonuc: .. , and Ex.r-enment HE"port~ we-ie 1 m lhc country and according- to the r nett spoke to the congre:ss on "l\1ak- u~<('Pendent 01 an outside source for

rhird plac:e~:;. \\en \\on by Carol),\ I ti~nal :s f~ate~ d1~~ .. l\Fo~~ p:~r~c:~;~ rhe students. On December a "The !\Iak~r ;!'l\'('11 OJ~ WO! k 111 the \ anc.us 1..:olkg~~ dope fl 0111 I re\ JOU~ game .... t.he, odds I mg Good with Yom-selt" In her ad I his /00

<l s:.:pply. One of Stefan:;. ·on'~ ane'\ and J•ranklin De\1.eV re::.pec-

1 l t 't · b" t ) p JP A of Dreams" and "\Yill o' the \Visp" and UJ11\'erg1tics. Spe<. :i.l efJ.ort 1s "hould he about e-ven as to wh1en one dress she e1,1rha51zed the fact that exp orations mto t.he 'North lasted

ly ,' 'to .. ith place ''a .. \,on Li~


;~~ 11~:c:h~t~e~~ \~a;e~e~ ~n motio~ and will be pr~duc:ed before the Bozeman 1 bemg made lo obta"n mor:c,r: from 1 will be the v1<:tor. 1 the ":\L.o::-t mte.1 e ... ~_ing s..bJect in the ~or over hfl\ e and h a half ) ears, and n11l Dunham 'lhe othe1 six who contmued undei wa~- unti' the local " yoman's (lub "::\1ary J\Ican~ What I Cong1ec::.s fr>t" res, arch \\01k m en-


lwurld is )ourself Shl ga.\;e four u~~g--t at hme e lned off the l~rnd l compnse .the Fre:::>hman squad was g"lven pern11ssiOn to. present a She Say~.' \\tll be put on at the meet- ~mering At the. pres•nt tm1~ ::\Ion- )l' QTICE! "'ai~dank to hve up to ''Be honest, ~~b ~ :,.ame manner as. do the Eskimo : Robc.rt Blair, Ray fsl'ooks., Esthe1 J fo1 ma1 p<.•t1Lion last sp11ng. Earl\· this Inf! of the Ladies Atd of the }let ho- I U net State ha~ tne or / 1111zat1on for I \ nu ... eting or the )Ia th-Pin s ics be~ krn<l . . be ,,Iean, and. be ve.1 ~ busy JI e . . dtll, St.!lnley Yoelkcr. and J~1 me::. 1

I· JI the. r ne l wol' 1

that the. peti~ dtst Chuic:h 011 December fi. On Dc.>-1 C'xper1mcntat.1on but no !um! ... to ca1 ry I \Lib "ill be held m the Ph) ?; ics 1

all the time. Dr. Gaw s subJect was Authont) On .:\orth1and 'st !tion h,td be~ g:anted~ cember 13. The Community Pla~el" on with. . I ectuae Hoom t'1 \lontana Jl all. "The Fi·e)d Occupational Blank· .. She Sttfansson is an authority on the

Faris rreshman / \Y1th the C'stabhshing- of Pi Kappa will see "T~e Boy ·w 1l1' 1• a. pla) Ol (C'ontmued on Png-c, Three) 1 tonig-ht, :\ovember 27 . at .) 00 "'b~~·ed th: pomt.of se~f-analys is ~f cu~r.oms and language~ of the onald Faris. who pla<:cd fns.t, was Alpha at :\lontana State Colleg-e, the Skape.5peare:; 1..11ne. I o'clock. "lr. Tallman \\ill speak

0.ne.s .,n~e~tal, ph)sical and financial Eskimos. He ha.-> lived among them

the Fle<:.hman squ&d Ja ... t ytar, but' school 1s brought m closer touch with A ~ommit.tee under the .ha1ge of j MINS,.,REJ ('(HOW on thl' 13!.lbJE-d uf "t'oordmates" cap~H.: t e. · . . . . for O\er eleven years ad has. be~ome not. r,nb·h the )ear in ~chool anu th:• otht"r schools of the Roe:ky J.Ioun Cla~·drna Of?<lyke is abso \\ork111g- on 1 1 -" ~"' a"' rE>kted to urtal,t1cal ~(omelry. I .?th ... ,: '.:>pea~1eis on ~-he m~rmn.J? r

10· fam1har with then- manner .of making


1ed as a Freshman this vear tam Conference Se.en chapters now tho prodUltton of two of the plays. .\ II intereted 11er--t1h .ire invit~d 1g~nJ ere. ·

1 QJ_a Ro : !"f~rn_non the banen waste:, of the ~01ih furn-

10}yn Ddanei.: a Gallatm i-Iigh exist at Sl.'hoolc::. belong-mg to the Con- "}Iartha's :\1o1nmg" and " ''\' 111 o· tl•c BY KIWANIANS tn ,lttend. .i · ~:s~e Richarris·•n a!id l>tof "· :\-1 ish them a h\ehhood. The Biond mluate, ha"' be'en ac:tive rn debate fcrence Alpha Tau, Utah Univer:,1ty,1\V1sp" ,to be g'iven for tolle.l!'e stu- . . l(obl<-gh, all nf the toll:ee faculty. ~skunos were dtsco:ered. by Stefan.s--l dedamatwn for some rime. and Gamma Epsilon. Utah Aggie.:.. Beta dents. 'lhe pla)s will be given a \\eek Jn China, a telephone subscriber is Group Conferences son and be<:ause uf this d1SC0\cry

m third place m the oratvncal <:on- l:p.,,,ilon, Colorado Unher::.1ty. Gamma I from toda' at 3 00 o'ckok m the --- allO\\ed th1ee fh1·tat1ons with the cen-l. Thm&Jay a .. c~ ~noon the <lele:•ate" j 111~~Y sc1entifit theone:. have been t spmsoied by the Gre.at Falls (ram ma, Denver U111ve1"•.:ity, Beta Rho, Little Thea tie Thi~ ts being dcne to Proceeds of Productio b , Boze- tt·al ope1 ato1 If he exceeds the pre- I c.11\ uled mto g-1ou11::- fot c..:onfeten<.:es 1 1no~ed to be wrong-.

.. artl\e in debate rn Butte. and '<"l"5lty of :\ew iilex1co, Beta Beta, tun1t.y of ~eernir excellent one-act 1nan Organization "ill Go to promptlr taken out to remove the \1sio1:--, a co1dmg to then· <:hoice they hav: been ~dded to thl: map of tne "bune last )ear. Fianklm Dn,ey Cr1lo1ado ColLge, Beta Delta, Uni- afford the l.'olle~e students the oppo1- . . ~ ) • I ~cnbe<l thiee tunes his t lephone 1s 1 he gi1l:-. \\ere d1v1de1l into fi,e di-1 Over 100,000 squa.1e miles of land

ce coming to Bozeman three year::. 1;'ni' e1s1ty of \Vashrng'ton . Gamma plays fo1 the nominal fee of lOc. Cnder-priviliged Children temptat1011. 1 might attend the ronferen<.·c on home >:otth Arc:t1c ~e~10n through the. ef-has become well known in drc1- K~lppa, ~ [ontarui Stat<-. j _ I ---- el'onom1cs. ali. ~c1ence . hie1atu1c, 01 ~ort:::; of Steffanson He has o~tlmed

tic and dedamation \\Ork here. The installation team con.si:-ted of' . ,.. r lcrlul:at10n .rnd ~eoeta11al \\Olk, and exploted three 1.mportant islands rnll Dunham has also been actne a supreme t.ouncil iepresentauve. the I ENGINEERS SEEK 1 he Boz~man h.rnan1~ Club h wo1k- LONDON COMPANY J. Confe1u1<.:s were also held fur the h~~ond the .·\.~rd1c C1n.:le that bcf~re oratol1t·al wm k and represented dbtnd Pnntep:s. and repi e::,,entat.n es n .hat d m pn•pm t1on for thep· I Junior and :-.t.>lllor colleg-e "omen at ~ls. time w~:e unknown to the white

school Ill a dbtrict contest last from each of the chapters 111

the di:;- mm~t1el .show wh1<.h \\ I~ be g-1\:en at which :\ft ... ,.. Isabel Ba on and )Lss l~t.:e He ili:sCO\eled the lon-souj?ht for r. ti1ct. )Ir. Eveiet \V Fenton, Alpha ATHLETIC FIELD th<:> Ellen theatte tl• nighL.;;; of De- HERE NEXT WEEKI B~nnett held round table di~u-~ions ::\orth\\ei:;.t Pa:s. .. a~e durmg- one of the

dual debate with }lissoula in Sizma. was Sup1eme Com:cil iepre- l r.bt'1 10 to 11 \"' 1tl1 the !!'lrls abcut \arious vor.a.t:on~ most d1ff1.c-ult exp}urat10~ tnps at-'ch the \\ mnt't s of the first four ~entatJYe . I .esley Goates. Alpha Tau, An mte1e::;tin:.t e\'t. '1 nc.?':-. ent..ertam- th<y m1!.!ht 1 . rsue aft<"1 uaduat1on temp Led V.. range! b and oft the (Oa..;t ces will nartake. will be held sh.oi-t- 1Contmued on Pa<"f' 'l'wn) mcnt as pl()ntiscd b\ the 01ga11izatiun -- IC'ontmucd on Pnt!e Two) of ..\.la:,ka was colon1ze<l through h1~ after the Chri~tma::. holidays, on "' Seniors Looking; for S uitable ::-;01111~ ol Bozt.•man' ... most prominent I George Berna.rd Shaw's Conted- effoi:S and ts now one o~ . the most

.ubJe<t of the abolit10n of the MATH -PHYSICS CLUB Place for ~w Gridiron c1uzcib '"JI i:lny l«1d•n1< J'Ole< m the ies Will B p en t d t PROF M'KEE TO JUDGE impc-i,tant outpo>ts of rn tl1zat10n Ill r system >lr Stone, tnC::.tlUl.' or ('' llllll~ blac:ktal.'eo lJlOrluttJon. )lmstrcl e res e a the ~Orth. the debate <quad, believes that the for M. S. C. >1cw'. produ orl by loc al talent have Ellen Two Nights • ls a :'\oted Author a<l will do veiy t;ood work this ORGANIZED IN 1926 ~ 1 Hl\ s bl•en mt.ere,;,tm•'" and ente1 tain- CHICAGO GRAIN SHOW Besides being a famou::; exploier

ar. adn that 1n the "'Qua<l are the During the past few weeks fn·e ng ~The Kl\\arus show yi om 1~<·,.. t.o :\lont.ana Statt: Colle • t I t. \\ II Stefan~son Is a noted author His k of the ~hOOl for cJei at.e work , ':>tlllOrs. m f.:JVJJ engine-el !Ilg', namely' fm msh one of tr.e bl:'"'l mght's enter- t:'l\:t a ' ge S Ut Cn r \1 ideas and the lecotd of h1S many

)ia ey. Osweiler, Heu~chkel, On· anti ta 1nmln" ever offe1el to a Bozeman tl~eir J~Pb~ o~roiturut~ ht~h::,atI.S Y 3

--- a~hte\emenb are re1.:onled. in six pop-

h's 15 th,.• t111e oi year ~oi..; know en so many c:onfercn<:e teams start

nn1n go "molal '1C"to1 ie<.:;"

.For the purpo~e of de\e.Joping- an Bn:5-cce have been domg ~uney \\olk Theatre g-om~ aud1en<:(> . C.i~orge ~e 1~,;~1 ~~aw' i:ta:' r~~a~o~ An un~s~al hon 1 has rcme t~ P1of. ular books, se\eral technical ieports, inte1e5't m mathematics and physic~, fort.he pm pose of fmdmg a fea:-.1b'c· Pro1.:eeds t1om the ~ho'' will be lhlnWunak(:t as lhadie Chaplt;, \\hen Cl:.,~le. :\Id-.ec. head o,~ the Ag:onom~ and manv magazine article$ HiS; he . .;ond the mere .:.ubje-~t taug-ht m the 1ocat

10n for a new athktit.: fielri . The). o-l\e~1 towa1d bcnC"f1tmg- the undet- \ou ~e,er Lan fell", 'lhe Daik ldepaitment, m ln::. tem;r .:elei.:d~·d one \\rttings are both popular and sc1en­

cu111.u lum. the ::\ l ath-Phy~it·s Clull ha\·e been surveym~ the territo1y JU~t n11,·de.<lgC>d child Tht Kiwams club Lady of the Sonnet..'>", and "F'anny's o1. th~ Judg-cs at the lntetna~1onal tif1c "::\l) Life \\'1th The Eskimo", wt!c; formed m 192G by Professo1 ·w bac:k of the- gymna,.,1um The field i:-. has h::cn \<:ry atll\e n this work of l u~t P1ay' arc pte::,cnteu b. :;,\lautH.-e H.iy •. nd, Grain Sho\\ which \\ 111 he 'The Frien,lly Ar.tic". '' .Ad\·enture o: D Tallman. ft \\as pnmarih organ- to be of bowl shape and will ('on.:01s. helpml'.!. the nee<ly <:hi ldren ot t.his Colbou111e's all Emtllsh co:n anv at I held m Chi~ago. D0 e~11her 1-R. "pran,!el Island,'' and "The ~orth­ized for all ~tudents majormg- in of a football field with a runnmJ? lOn11nun tr r.t:nn1t the past \ear thev I th l!:ll T t T ~ . l The 1nte1 nabon~tl JS thl~ lar:....est ward Course of Empue"' are his most 1Pathematics and physll":S, or o~he1 tra<:k around the out,.ide of the gnc.J- "'P n .. oi c-1 the Sun-Shine (.amp and 1 \\ :<lne:t~a\T L~~:~be~·n 4 a~~t' 5avE~~h show of tb kmd on the :\orth i:,.opular works. allied departments. iron. A 220 yard straight-a-\\ay is \:ariou::; Boy ~cout and \·oc~it1onal cf th("'-e ,;i;n~ .... \\lll<:h arc full of fun] Amt:r~~an t.:on.t1.ne~t. bu 1~g- -~pe~ :o all lie h.is also \\rttten manv books

~; :irsl<~=~~n~ei:idL~I bt;~~~·od~~·eay:; ch~,1;~;;~•oi~.rw.tl~ ·~~~J~,~~'·19·;~ :~~~ ~~'be"~':,~;~.t~;'<loi'~' i~!;,"i~"1~~~~~ i> cuf~~•01;ei~1~~;t~111;~~~ th is show will ~.1d t~~u"g~.~~i i~i;huldr~i;~,\~:~.11t;;:~~ I: ~~~·:~~~;n ;~·,~~lla;l~ c~';~J. 'A\~e•k'.~ fo;.~~itdc:~P~?111Esfi n~~~111 :~ed"K•a~ S

.uc:e~eded la•·t , ·ea.r h.\· P1ofes::.01 F' Althou!!h tl1e 11lan,. at n1 .... ~···nt are pro\'1de for the good of the .. ommun- l umLereJ amon!! the •a e>t and ?llex1to. ~and the Sout~ ..\me11ra 1~ abr.dg-ecl edition of "~Iy Life \Yith ·. C. lt is not exae ... lv a new one, "' .. 1· ~ . ......,. t\' mak<' it a worlh\• (au~e to ,Up])Ol1: tt. 1 [. II h · k g l jeount11e:. \\111 ha\e exh1b1b• at this T1c Eskimo:," From hB diane ... ancl


it 15 the same as that used at the "'· ll am. Assi:-.tant Professot .J .\. only tentative, ;\lontana State may in Res11.Jc. this the b€-,...t' a~l ent 1"n Boze~ \,Lliuie,,sev~·i· a 111,,,'s, .. 'i'11°'ans .. ,,hich i·e· s''O\\. The tompetition 1s the ve!l') ant1l• notes Y1C>let In,111 and .fuha a+e l'mnrs1ty Fornerlv ~tudent Kiefer i.s th!"' present ch<lirman. Be- a few :-, ear::. tune hn' e a nC\\ athlc tic ... .. ,.,., P ) P k t I l "' h h d

. I t . k h ' . ct' ~ ., ide!=. the • hairi1rni\ the only other of- f 11 I I . . e t 'it n nian, citi~en.:. .rnct stu_dent"> rncludc. (I. ·cnt .. the J;la\s s.n1rnl<I appe.·tl no les.s . l'cne-< .a.nt prt.ze .wmnmg- exai.np e::. 8 \\a r tz ave also \\ritten manv (n~ o ma et e1r g1a e.::. 111 ten .. 1ethpace< 111 a piomm n p{:-. io wi ll 11.0 ,,Hlc lhe e\~nmg's. enlertam- th· .... th 1-. th 1 T [cue of extept1onall\ high oualit). l·h1ld1ens books of the Far ~orth · ade points bes1<les pa ... .smg m ttm ficci s are those on the program com - on L e c:ampus. ment an e P cl'Js em::;e \ e~ ms Thh ts t' e first t.Pne that a 1ndg-c Stefans<:..on is a \:en· mtere~ting

~~ts,;,nn~:'ad~ ;~:~t•b~e~i~~-~~,i;~i;~ ~~,i~t~~arT;:n~:~Z:':t'F~~~::u~f."B~J!: Plans aie being mn<le for an elec- . I ~'(;;~~:~:'':pe~.i~l\le~~m~··,~,~:111 '~,t~~~l:,i:: i\,~~n s~~~~t~~~ ~t~5 :i~!: ~~le p~~~/~~ ;t,\~";o ~li,i~~ ~1~~;u~~e~<~i~i~ ~~d:: ten c1edits This will ple\ent a stu- '\lr Rockwell and :\lr Fouler t11 .. at show to be put. on by the Elet- MONTANAN PLATES ON !.as J~l~~t t 01~rl~ltt~ .i, t{)un~pI~;rntl)J know that ''"e have a man at ~lonta1~a (nce :n a man ner that the\ unde1-ntfrom going- yEar after year with- Tins cLb holds regular meetings t 11 c:. Club DC'((~mbei 8. The Juniois ancl ~~;~1~e-ieL: am~t~I,~ ~~~o~~em~~:.~ c!,1 ~~\' Stnk . "~ho 1~ qualified to ad m_ th1!.' srnnd He talki:: with 1,;lar1fr ·and s1m-t acquiring- any or \CI") iew g-radc e\ety other Tuesday Its next meet- .scmo1~ m elett1·1c~l engmee1mg arc WAY TO ENGRAVER \\ho dc:,;;.en'l" special mention . · Bali0l caparit), a.s hl ha!'; f~or man). )e~ns pl!cttv and a humor that 1s ·s-omet1me ... mb, for. m order to graduate, 2.s ·ng "ill be this Tuesday, ~O\embe1 n·akrng l.P then· <.hspla~ s \\ h1c:h wil s 11 1 tal\cn a kl'.'C'n and acd\ c mtc1e"'t lil \en .::,.'.ltJri .al Of him Ellis Parker lny points as <red1ts ate 1eq .. 1red. 27, at 5 ·00 o'clock . in t.he physics demonstrate many elect"r1c:.al phern>m~ I~~ .0 day 1 lh~ fc;irt·:d p.ay_er,bhas 1 f<"11r~ ell'•\ C'l'tllll c;;..hnw.;; thHh1rrhout RUiler writc- .. 1 "Stefan~son should Smee this new rule will not go mto lecture room in :\lontana Hall. At ena Each student m ele<:tneal c 0 . --- I -~1 :ire ,tnt 15 "e no\\ n In ot 1 1 the i.\ortlrnlst. He ha~ judged such have been a humorist and not an etation until the next autumn the~e i:1eetmgs the students and fac- gmeeirng ,, 111 be allowed to bring- one J \\"' .. . ?\ s.id.e:-..of th~ .\..tlantir. ~l e. left London ls.hows. r..:., 'Yyoming- State Co111 RhO\v Arct1l~ ex.rioter art.er, those who c.re no\\ on the ult).· !!Ive talks on vanous math<:ma- guest. The paicnts of all sludcn:.s m ·~notk. 011 ,the.:.ton.tan.mfoi 19- .> has foi Ne.w '\ oik tu,plct) lci~o oppo.c::.ite \\' vcmmtr Pu1e Seed Show. Colora<lo E,rpry ~tudent ~hould attend th;s ngC'r lme are ad,1sed to apply ti.a l and ph)S1cal problems, desig-ned the department resichn~ 111 Bozeman 1 bc~·n·~t"'nLc<l ~n. earnt""t b:,. e<litor \Valtei Han~pden.:-> Otlll'llJ and tl~c',State fair. \.lbcrta Provn1r~a1 Corn lecture It is an added attraction for emselves more eat11e~tly , so that to broaden the \·1sion of tts members a

1e in\ited to att.enl The show will Jt.Je thaid B.10''!' and ither membei~ k.id ll1 the New ~otk Tl~eatie Guild~ S~ow a:. well a$ the ,·ar1ou;.:; c::.howg the fall qun1ter that has been se-eurecl

ien next fall tomes they will have I in thes~ fields l\1r. Tallman will be start at. .00 and will last until ] 0.00 of f' ::;ta[! fh~ football sect ton 1 ~ I' roduLtJ?tn of Sh aw .:> ''Doctor~ r.eld m th1~ state through the efforts of the executive e habi t. I the ~neaker at the commg mectmg. ' J I l II b , ti lalmt.::;t <.:omplete and "' t .. inmg out Ddt:mmi · The role of Dt:nocs 111 (Contmued on Page Three) ( (_ 'ont1nued on Pa<,::!;"e Th1ee) ----------------------------- l ~l~~;,c~al ~~bor~~~rv e ~J\en m ie lXl'ept.1onall \' well except for a lack "Saint Juan'' 1 declared to be. thC' fm-•'£ W NQUNCED _____ ._· _ 01 act101r p1dmes, ,i iesu lt of the un· est play for a century, was created A Q f. CHANGES AN At the present t ime th.ere are aboutl~~~r:~l~,'~~-~~~~I d~~~~l1~~h~o~~n~rt1~h~ ~:~l'l c~·~~· p';~lll~~e1:.111~1iJ~~.~ll~~lfinatN;~~ PA GE NT F PROMISE SHO ws

FOR Civil SERVICE EXAMS 9,000 te lephone compames operating g,.ime:; thtS .)Car The senior an<l 1 York. The lea<lrng lady is l\liss MANY COLLEGE ADV N nea rly 20,000 central off1tes and ovei Junior divisons aie m the p10ce's of Haroldme Jlum ph reys. \\ho follo\\ed A TA GES 1


9,000,000 telephones rn the Umted lom1x1s1t.1on at the pl'e"'cnt t.1mc an1..I iLa.dy Liana !\Ianner:s. in the ~lorns • ~ t States. J \\ill be sent to the eng-ravci•s Decem- ! Gest com pan\· in "The l\lintclc.''

The l:mted St.ate . ., Civil Servicer (These two on d11fe1ent date.;;;)


--- bcr 10. Students have gi\en good The rema111111g member~ of the Of outs.tandm!.! mte1e~t thi~ yenr B1•0\\ll \\ere pages )mm1ss10n announces a change m I.Junior natent examiner I\la1ch AN APPRECIATION 1t·oore1at1011 thus far as 1s e\id~nced 1company an all remarkably well cn,-;,t wai::. thl' "Pazeant of Pronfr~e'', por- The P:1g'Cant opened \\ith the :\ rt c examm.atton s.che<lule for gO\·e'lll- Junioi· fore~ter .. . Mai ch by the fact that 130 senio r p1rturrs ' in thefr vanous ro}ec; and go to make l1a\mg- \\hat t·olle,Jr< offc>rs to thC' ~tunt, one of the out--t.andmg- feature.:. ~nt pos1t1on; m 1929 which is ap- .lunior iange exammei f\larch mhe , . ~- !•ave he~m taken alread~., wh ile there up a nel'fe-.tl:r balanced company of h10'h sthool women. This unique and of the e\entng-, "Fo1m, co.l)l', line- anu Hable to younl! men and women (Th t

1 ff t d te) 1 Vol'abonal Cong1e~s staff wt1<.~ cnly 12h 111 the ."\Iontanan Jngt excepltonnl ment. delightful creation \\as \\rittcn ty mot.en. all of these a1e bast m all

e~ing \\Ork m the JUnlOt techni~al, . . ese \\O on < 1 cten a s \\1she~ to extend then thank~ to the Ha r Howe\ e r, editol' Brown u1.rn- ! i\1t s::-o Pe.arl Robt'rtson t1n<i ablv <liic ... 1.- art, und so ~hall come the"'e fig-Ul'l'.: rit:c~sional. arl sc:entific branches .• ,umor phys1c1st AP1!1 fol!owrng people who so greatly :urled e .. t.\y des11·es t hat ~cniur ... turn m then·' ,------------ ed b\• ~ft.:.:;, Florence Chubbuck. of the Ito t'Oll\InC< \'Ou of the c-1nl't' and ) far a~ IS pract1cable, the higher •1unr101!h techtolog1s~ ff t d .t A)pl il Jll t heLworkl· h h f . h I h pl oofs immcchatcJy. rr t.hl!' IS not YII.fl.T ..\ LMUR STEF'ANSSON E21?lish dt~lun.tment, and ~flss ~lary I ~u1.ely pei taimni.r to all UI t." :said th .. · ·rules are fill~d th i oug-h l)romotion. ese wo on 1 e1en a es . ·1 l\l an.tto 11', w o as urn1s ec t e done 1t ,, 111 be nece~~arv to use the S1r-·wait. pln·.;;:1c~1 l cd .. at1011 rn~·tru tor. Sp1nt of the Colle~e. and a ll\lllJ!

'le~· exammatwm; will be held under ,.Junio1 ma1kctmg ~pec1ahst. AJn1 l flowers for the congress srnce 19Vt 11ctun-s that :\Ir T.infwicl thmks are The paJ?eant \\il~ witnessed by 2~5 "tatul\ \\a, made by n group of girl.; d~fmn.e ~checL le of annual exam Anne nte~ients show1n~ the exad The Bozeman _People for takrng the I Le:->t, 111 01der to h:we the111 1cady fot VilhJalmur St.efansson. f.im- hi~h :::.l·hool git Jg as wc.>11 as a large around \\ hkh da.nce<l man) othc1· g-itl:.. ations, which will, of coui ... e . be held dat<..>s on \\h1ch the exam mat1ons ~·111 delegatcg 111 then· homes. t.he eng-ra \'t>t's on t,11ne. 'Pl·ll·;:c-nl:'tlon ol c11lleP'f' and town dad Ill bnllmnt colo1:;.; ore fre<1uently Hs the needs of t he lt:' held and giving- full rnformat.101~1 The _Bozeman C.hamber of_ Com- As f\Ti· DD. Fredell. vice president ous .Artie Explorer, '' 111 leclure people. It was declared by many to! The s(' ond s.tunt \\a"' the sec.retnr-T\Jce require. J iegatdinp: the iequirements, pla. es at meHc 101 the ~ l'\llCS of their car~. of the Buckbee Mears company, \\' 111 in the Gymnasium Friday c-ve- be the be~t µagennt that has ever yet 1al ~tunt . .-\n excveding-ly lever and The followinl!' named junior icchni-I' t•xa•nir.auon, etc, .will be mailed to the I The people who took part 111 the be in own th1-., week to gh-e achic:e ning, No, ember 30, at S:l:> been gh·en llpon an O('cassion of thi~ effective p1e~e-ntation of n typewn te1 1. professional. an<l scientific posi- lead~ of app1opnate . dcpart.m~nts of I pn~eant . ~ ncl sn!!cstion3 to the ~1ontanan staff, o'clock. kmd The ~tace was most picturesque in \\hllh the girl.:; , dressed in black ::ms. m the Vnited States Cl\ il , ,!Jeg-e:.. and unn et s1ties l:nJ otnc r rn- •


rhe coll ege ai~d h1~.h school stud- the editor \.\ ould not make any dcfi- I with the throne in the center on which I \nth lett..e1 :s on their hat~ were tht ~n'lce w

1ll be held under a definite !tt.'iesled persons a~prox1matc~y ~nc cnt5'.for the se r vices of their l'a1s. nite announ.emC'nt~ as to hi~ plan~ The \\ Onclerf1dly low adm is - I ~at ~[1ss Freda Hendrick~on ns HThejl\J'e\\nter, and the schem e wa.:; fur-

hedul~ of annual examinations as picnth m ad,·ance ol the examination Miss Ste~vart and Miss Chubbuck . for this y£n r ext:e-pt to say that the i<;1011 for Ktudents is GOc. Gl'.'t Spi11t of the Collef!e," and nt her feet 1 the1· tarried out by pantomine and .... <d belO\\ dates. Exammat1ons in acldit10n Lo J W~? were m _charge of the p~geant . \lonta nan will les.ult 111 a better 1 , sat. the court je~ter. Her attendants ·1 dance m101 C'hemis.t . . February the annual ones ma' alsr, be an- lhe alumni who :eturned Ill the

1 balante<l, more rnte1estmg, and mo1e your c ate ttO\\ · \\Cl e the Fangs and Spurs while the The Chem1~try st• nt de•,i<:ted the

mior Engineer . F ebruary I (Continued on Page Two) mterest of the Vocational Congress. bea,uti ful annual. ' '----------------' Misses Lois Cobleigh and Margaret (Continued on Page Three)



IN OUR MID T (Continued from Pnge One) ! ~----------------------------~ Established 1910

Continuanc~ of the .'.\lonthly Exponent, Established 1 95 from colleKe~ )fi&"' BcnnctL aadsed II the \\omen Lo go ~.st 1or g-radua Le

h work in ·what_.c'.·cr vocatton the)~ de- I PuLlbhed e\'ery Tuesday of the college year by the staff chosen from t e cided upoli. )L!s::; Bacon told 01 Lhe ~\ssociated Students of :'llontana !::>tate College at Bozeman, Montana ad\'antages of ston. t.i ain_ing.

li e kiSS L"Ci her lips of µ~~a rl) hue. Uuckwards th~n he ~hrunh. For s he wa:-: only a marble statute and he '"'as dN1d d~t~_nll: ('. \. t""urJ,.

I Suhscri 11tion Hate: $2.00 per school year

Two oi the outsWnding aJdresse~ I of t..he com en Won '' 1?-re dclh·ered Thm:.day e\emng. Dr. Gmv :,:;pokt;;> on

Acceptance for mniling at &pecial rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, ~i;~~~t;it~ .. G~~~:u!:~i~{0~~~lt. L~l~~:~~~= .Act of October 3. 1927, authorized February 17, 1919 tional probl~m 1ur i,rirls is 110 .dif.ler-

T" as on lr an old beer bottle wandering far from home. T" as onl y an old bet.~r bolllc adrift_ u~>on the ~oam: InsidP lay ·1 pi ... ce of paper and t. h1s ts "hat tl said: Who find \hi ~ old beer bottle will find the beer has flec\~y

LI. fl. Ory. I ent than for boy::.. bhl:! nlso ::1a!d t.hnt .1d1 b al'c not born or plaeed in an oc­cupation, but t h1.'y mu~L creale them

LEAP YEAl~ I Th;. re is n quc$tiOn in nrnny minds_- ~hould the name of the college be I

chang-ed. Some one ~ugg-esied thnt it nught w~ll be M. ~· C. yet. but th,: meaning would be either "Married Rtudents Club Cl" "l\larrrn.geahle Student:>

Telet>hone 1-17-.-\sk for Exponent. On .;\londay~ ~Hter 12:00 noon-80

Editor ............. . ............. Frank Hunsaker, '29 i:or themseh·es. . ............................ . .... Jlardy Tharp, Jr., 129 .\iiss Bennett's adc.Ln .. ·,,:~ -on "\\'omnn.

the \\ mdow Shopper" was originaJ and int.ere::.t.ing. ~he ~ta.ted that. 75

:Ke'"s Staff pt:r 1.:e-nt. of e\·erthin,!.! that is ~old in Associate Editors.... . .... .:\largaTet Dewey, '29, Esther Stoc-kton, '30 this ll)untry is sold to women. She

3 oiaid it was up to t.he \\Olllt."n to do }.lanaging Editor .... ········· · ············· ·wm. McCall, Jr. ' 1 thdr buying- \\ i~ely and w take ad-Assistant Editor. ························· ............... Leonard \\'ing nlilt.3.!!t' o~· the thing.:; this countr~· Sports Editor ... ··············-·······-·······-···- .................................. Frank Heikkila ha. to offer.

Business .M:annger . Cl~~~~· whether the g-rent number of marriages amon!t the_ M. S. C._ students,, this vear was due lo the change in times. or to Leap _l en~ ts the. l hmg. und~r di$CU.s$ion. A ll ~l!'g-uments are in fa\'or of the Leap \ear ldea. 1'hc cp1d e~111c, of wedding rings and chivarie~ has been mnrked. , The bold_er and wiser I .-:ex bas been i:;oine- ahead on lhe impetus of the b11? Leap 1 ear Ball and ·iu~t l'l-ec w hat · ha~ - happened. ln sted of the Alma l\Iater. the song should be "Here C'om 12 :-; the B1·ide-groom ·· to the tune of Loheng-nn and the toast, "Here's to Leap Year, mny it come oftner." Ha! Ha!

Feature Editor . ······~--········-···-····-··-··········--·- ........ ·····-·············James .Morrison Friday morning. i\lis::. Bacon, of the From ,, hat. " e hear-r:lt"her on~rhear-pi n ir pon.i;r is the game of the hou r . Society Editor .... ............. .. Frances Fo1ger Federaf Board for Vocational Educa- ___ _

. R h Pl tt tion. \.\ a.s.hin.irt.on, D. C' .. to1d thti tlcl~- -we wonder whY nil the girl~ are being e:;pecially 11ice to the_ Sigs and Exchange Ee.lit.or ···············-- ·········-···················· ··········-·· ······· ·········· ·· ·· ut 3

gates. (If h~r experiern:es in reiail S. A. E's. t"l.t this. time. Our guess as to the reas11n is Dec. 1 and 8. Spo rts. Geo. Ilal'l, Wallace Harrity, Don {!IacEl!iott.; " 'omen's .Athl etics. sansmans.hip. Miss Be1rnett. in ~\11 aci- ___ _ DoTothy Garrett; Mu s ic, Ted Chaddock, l\largaret_Choate; Dran~at1 c.s, Helen drcs.s entit-led, ''1he CILk ol hu And now we has~ the Pi Kaps. H ooray . ~ice going there bors-'.ve're .Schultz, Agnes Nug-ent, :\tarie Dolezalik1 Kathryn J\.ellett; Chennst.ry, Arlone HE:.els'· spoke of tne tJ1jngs a g-irl Crane· Engineering, Earl Rudberg; . \ g ri cultural Dept... Horace Bolster; should con~idt!r in L'hoosimr her oc~ proud of you. .Ha miJ1.on Hall \"era 0


N'eil · Society. Judith Belden, Tw~1nette Cherry, Char- u ... pation. Other ~pea.ke-r::> of the 11101_-n- \.Yasn'l their scrt' irndc jol ly? And lhe Installation Ball!! \Vhy we lotte .:::irnith, ll~len Crockett.'Louise Saunders, Florence ll1:liJ1~~i Proo~ R ender, iJlg wert'; _;\liss Le~na Hapne-r, l\l1ss didn 't lrnow there we.re

50 many g-ood looking g-i rl s in college. Oh, Well­

Geo. Pelton; Calendar. Flora DaYis; Feature . .i\lary Hale, Jun Gabn~l. John "Elizabeth Forrest, Dt·. :Sarah Jen- ,..,.e were ~·oung oni.:e ourselve$ .. ''Every do_g must have his day1• though Houston. Helen Olner. i\Iarcia Sn11th; ::'\

1l'ns Wn ters1 Nollna Becki ii-largaret ni11~1 .:\Iis:> Harriett. Cu~hnutn and the Pi Kaps took buth da~· ;rnd n ight. ac:corchng to rumors.

Bowman. V1rgmia ~lills, Lois Coble1gh, Bill Fl)nn, Chmles llle, Franklm ~Ii.ss .Unr...,- Stewart. nll -of ~lont.ana ____ _ De"ey, Est.her R1<ldell, Hazel 1lellon, 'Betty Baile~, Dorothy Hannah, 9aroline St.a.:.e Colfc-p:e. who spoke on tho nni- Han· you ev<'r noticed "Squint" 'l'homi>s on's eyes? Delaney, Clause De,\"it, A.lice Yandt.nhook. Har~ld Greiner. Rutl~ \\ oodard, vu~ dt·~rtml·nts they rcpres.ented. ____ _


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AT 1 ~


i l ' ' ! ¢

-~~~~~~~- ·--------- ........ ·--- ' ---Bernice Korrice, Lois \\"ells. )larjorie Foote . .:\Itcheal Deev·y . .Ahce Taylor, I Friday afternoon t:onfe>I"en('e.::> on the "Peck" McFal'lnnd is perishing to get his name in this column- so here )Jnrgaret Gary, ~lary O'Leary; Typing. Martha Flynn. ?llari;aret Brown, the sani~ order a> those held Thurs- it is: GILBERT )JcFARLAND.


~~'-~~'-'-'-~'-~'-~""-~~"~~'-~"'-'-"'-'-'-~'-~~ Elizabeth Seit.z, :.\Inry Hakala. Isabelle "'ood, )lary Ft·nnces ::Spam. da\' afternoon wete held. At thci.r h."-J

coilClusion the !'iris were taken on a It;, rumored that Emma Baldwin is making a collection of M sweaters. ~ If ITS ANYTHINf. IN Lur.r.Ar.E j Business Staff tour of ins.peer.ion of college bwldings ~ U UU U A.dvertising Maru~g:e1· ......... ............ ..... ... ····- ........................ Joe Delaney and departments. After 1,hi.s a re- " "hat we realh lihe about army day is that we get a lineup on all tJ1e I ~.~ " 'E HA,-E IT :,·. Assistants .. _. Len Robbins, Ed .:\la..\:ey, Ge(l. Gruenfelder, Jim Gabriel, Carl \Vall .oe1ltion was held in the fil'e place bowlej!"ged men. · "" u Business Department ................................................................................ Ed Burke room in Herrick Ifall. -~-- ~ . Circulation .Jack Erkkila, Ruth Grush, Bruce Garlinghouse At the Just meet in~ of the coagress, Will ~ome ki nd soul please enlighten l\Iarion John5on as to why we have ~ H ar tn1ann \\'ardrobe Trunks and Dress Trunks !

~liss Lillian Stone 'or Gallatin high no school 1'hur•day. ~ Travelmg I3ags, Hat Boxes, Suit Cases, Fitted •. Com·ier Print E'- Bozeman, Mont. school. add1esscd the meeting on ~ C nct Ca 'e< Unfitted "1 home e.onomic> and ,\Iiss Thelma }le- Th e Uobcat arm J had its picture taken Friday. He s urely looked fi ne . ~ ases a ' ' ' ·

With the end~~~~::T~l:1~:u:~:t:[,'.1~L:e::~l close upon the I ~~~!~;~~~1f1~:~~~~;~:~!1:~~~~l~f,f5 j' ~J~~,:~:rth:~~~r t\~~·~~1ro;~1d:r-~1-i~-_e_a_d_r~k~~~;ini&~untain Collegian . II ~ E A R L\ s p:cnM A1Rt S n H A L L The three dusing talk~ were g1vrn by Now that th e." Tlrnnksgidng season is al m ost upon us. we feel that a ~

collegiate world, the annual checkup of attendance and gate ~!is. .Bm-on, ~!JSs A<la Bcerstccher, turke" in t he roaster is worth two on the roost. ~~"-~'-'-'-"U-.~"-'-~~'-'-'-'-'-'-'-~'-~"'-'-'-~~~~~ recei ts is a center of attention There are athletic defirits to· and )lrs. L'. D. \\'iggenhorn. formel' I ·

p " . ~ ·.. l . tt. t' _ ff' .. t 1 pre~ident of :\lontana 'Yemen's cl.u~s. Our idea of the heig-ht of hard luck is trying to be nonchalent without OYeJ:"COille; great stadia to pay fOl, ant Il101 e a rac 1\ e 0 e1s 0 .llis!io Bal'on spoke on "Opportumt1es ·my il1m·ads. Jure successfu l coaches and still more successful players. The for Girls with.out College Training". ' ·

. . )hs.s Bacon s..·ud t.hat it would not be The fo llowin ic. after Hurd had dri\·en Gus Wylie home from football rapid rise in populanty of football as a nat10nal Rport. not only p1>Ssible for all the girls there to go practise; with students but with older people in all \\·alks of life, is amazing- throllgh college and she urged t.h_em Glls: Say, Html. I \\"Onder if you'll dri,•e me back up to the gym,-!

. . . to rake- a mes~age back to all g1rJs f got y car? ly extraordinary; and confronts us with facts and figures which ""ho would not be able t-0 go to col- or m · would seen1 n1ore logical in relation with a great industrial ror- le~e that they _s~ould a1ways be ope_n Pay no attention if this column lacks wim, wgor

1 and witality this week.

. t' th 'tb th thl t"c depa ·tment of an institution of nnndeJ_ and \nlhng lo learn .,·en if J It's all because we run out of darning needles for our vita phone. po1a ion an W'l e a e 1 l tlKy co1Jd not get. a formal eduLat10n. learning. Out here in the sparsely populated 'Yest the situation ~he recommended home~nrnkin,ir as the Sometime Satnt"Clny will probably be a case of when Greek meets Greek. · . t "l · -h r d f ch accounts a that of fE·st career for such girl,, A gang fight will masquerade as a footba ll game when the S. A. E. neophytes lS even more s 11 nn~, \\ en we :a

0 s~ c._ I ::\Iiss Ada BecrstecJ1er told of some play the Sigma Chi pledges on Gatton fie ld. Quotations from Homer, 90,000 people witnessmg the Stru1ford-Cahforma game at Berkely of her experiences as a. social >enice Aristotle, and llcmosthenes will be used for s ig1:als. Pegram "~ll take

CHOICE THANKSfilVINfi MEATS Turkeys - Chickens -- Geese

· Ducks


DELIVERY EVERY HOUR l ,t S tu ·da • i\Iore people than the total populace of any three worker. She urged all io;n·ls who co?l<l time out <lmmg the game to lead the band. I t will probably be the kmd as a

1 ~ · 1 • . • . . • and were 111tere~ted tt) take- up tm.s. of a game that makes stl'ong- men break d0\\'11 and weep. but nevertheless

1 of our Montana cities. But the effect IS not entirely local, for at work because M the sen·icc they could a rooting section \\"ould be desirable. 1- --===--===::-- --- ==========-- - - - = = = ren of the leading gridiron contests in the United States on the thus_ render their __ nation a.n<l c?m- -====--==--====--===- =======---====== llBBZ•mm•a:as::=.-s::m• 'l::::::;;!ll -'" ._ ~~-----=~ . . mumt1es. :\ltss. "1ggenhorn ~ subJec.t ----- - ---same day there were 530.000 spectators. Then 1mag1ne the added 1 was '1Type!'; of lnstituiion:s.' 1 ister resultin..i:r from the examination, J The followini:r men ,...-ere initiated thousands who attended other games, both collegiate and inter- Just before tlw closin1t of lhe con- roof of actual g-rnduation. The into Pi Kap1>a Alpha: W. 11. Tharp Jr.

· · h "th h vention Dean H<rril'k called on Hazel names of s ... nior st.u<.lents who attain ! Thomas Strand. Ralph \\7 agner. Frank scholastic, throughout the country. all of t em wi t e same }!ellen. Chainnan of the C'oll\ention eligibility may be cortifie<l and pro- Thomas Strand. Ralph Wagner, CJif. "football feyer" and Yigorous enthusiasn1. 80,000 saw Harvard to s.ay a few word!'. Following this vlsional apopi rment may be made at I ford Swanson, Earl l\l. Bartsch . Frank beat Yale' and ~10.000 ,,·atched ~aY.\" upset Princeton. At prices ?.o"n",n·entH10"11n. ·i<·k formally dosed tho any time Uwr names a1·e reached fur Heikkila, Robert Dull. James ~!or-

- ... ce1:tfitatiQn during- t.he existC"tll'e of l·iscn 1 llarry Harrity. Edwin. Strom-ranging from two to fi\'e dollru·s a seat, one can easily conceive the eligible 1 egister, bui such clig- men. rexter ~loser. Th<>mas ~le Cabe

Montana State College Bozeman, Montana

I d I h . t th ·1r 1 l\I ibles may- nn' enter dut.y until they .lame~ )!unay, Jnmu; E. Pepper of the money expen ec. reac mg 0 . e mi IOns co umn. any CHRISTMAS SALE BY have furnishe<l proof of graduation. I Wallace Harrity, Roy Rydell, Leonard of the larger universities hm·e eleared over $200.000 in a single This means t.<at , under fa\orablc <on- .Toh.nson. Georg-e Res, Charles Ski1lller,

1 A school that h as built and maintained standards of scholarship. Offering courses in the following didsions:

,1 l h t t .l f tb · · b 1 G d t diti011s, a sen n· student may be ex- Robert Erb. Hjalmt"r Skonord.. \\"C'n-year throug1 t e urns 1 es 0 eir immense ow s. ra ua e AWS AGAIN SATURDAY amined and nl.1cecl upon the employ- clall Wall. Hilmore Reik. Daniel Cul-1

managers handling these finances may be termed "big business ment list imme<lialely following his. !en. Claude Gjullin. \\-. A. ~lunay, .J. men" without any resen·ation, and the welfare of the atliletic ___ gradm1tion if he so desires; the onlr A. Thalcn" R. B. Bo\\"den, Eue:ene L

. . . condition in SUl~ h a ease being that Grant. Lou L. Howard. 'Villis .J ,._ departments may be placed first in the consiclerntion of the re- Fll's t Display Is S uccess m Every the <tpi:.ointe<· furnish tn the l'nited \\'c 1XI , Wilhelm \\'ail, I gents without any hesitation. But the height of this ever in- Wa). Should Be Better I S~aces Ci,;1 Sel'vice C'omnli•<io!' pr~of ===============

Th· \V k ol e-rru:luaho11 before repurlmg for cre&sing trend is far from being reached in this genera lion, for is ee duty. , .1

, 1 11 1 11 1 1

, • , , ' " ' , , 1


1,,H, , , •• , ,1 ,~ there will be greater athletic deficits to oYercome, greater stadia S<da r ies ~ ~ 1

\\l~at a change lime has w-rought The pre~l..'ll l nl 1 ance :>a1ary for the ~ T k h K d k ~ And the people like it and glory in it. sales through the history of Bozeman and sc1ent1f1c pos1t10ns is $2,000 n ' • to build and pay for. and greater coaches and players to attract. in the articles sold at bazam·s and junior !l'ra('e • technical. ~rof-;ssional. I ~ a e t e o a ~

and the \Yest. ln the eady pioneer year. Promo ion ma.v be made to ~ ~ da\·s the ~!ow ox Lrain~ look weeks $2,500 a vear \Yilhou"t change in as- ~ The Thanksgi,-ing Day ~

THE RISING TIDE and months to bring anr article of sigm11ent." T " salary lP.n~es of all ~ football game. Thrills and ~ civilization through . nnd tht.~ express the grade~ Ul"l as fol1ows: I ~ ; 1 rat.es wt.re exorbl·iant. Su~:ar was one Junlo!' .. $2.000- 2.500 ~ excitement. Old friends, ~

So far this quarter three college newspaper editors in Rocky oi the greatest o[ li;xuries for them Assistant 2.GOO- :l.100 \ ~ dozens of chances for snap- ~ "0 jdly and candy were almost un- Assocwte 3,200- ~L700 ~ ~ 1'Iovntam Conference schools haYe resigned, t1uit s~hool, or bt>en heard of. Wild berries were used fat· Full :l,800- 4.400 ~ shots. See t hat your ~

fired In the case of two, action was brought againsl therr, by jellies aml preserves when any was Senior 4,GOO- 5,200 ~ Kodak accompanies you to · th f lt t tl t' · t' t · h d'd t n atle. Principal 5.600- 6,400 ~ " some 01 e acu )' a 1e respec 1ve ms ilu 10ns w o i no ap- [ Indian arlttles of clothing. an<! , Hearl 6,f>OO- 7,500 ~ the big game. ~=.

pro\·e of cer tain indiscreet items publishetl by the editors. The Jeweh·i. i\!occ"'-"ms leggms, head j Chief . S,000· fl,000 ~ · d " b " Id t · . dreseo belt, all beaded m l nt!1an de- ; If you haven't a Kodak, third an latest to become a has een cou no mamtam a sat1s- sipis. ' Buffaln iobe, tanned by the LAMBDA P HI I NSTALLED ~ come in now and get one. i

factory scholastic standing. The editor of lhe Utah Chronicle lndiars. Such article~ were their INTO P l K APPA ALPHA ] '•=.~- ~ Ht Salt Lake City printed an article concerning Herbert Hoo,·er's tkl~1:10':,/'';~:s ~\- s~~; a';,,dss;;;,~a~,:;i _ ~-~i~~sto a~:Ywhatever you i campaign ant.l followed with antagonistic comment. The editor \\·omen ~tutlents where all things are (Continu .. <l £1-0111 Pnge One) ~ of the Colorado College Tiger allowed a risque _ioke to sli1J b,\' hand ma<lc and hand painted by the Distric.t Prin.·eps ; Gamma Epsilon, ~

womt .. n o-C the college. \'ernon .'.\l. Budge, Eldon Danson: ~ his censorship. Both guffered the consequences. The l 'tah Ideal Gins Beta Upsilon. R oyal Rubright, Waller I• \\Titer was rebuked with the adl'ice that such conclusions of Article< <an be found at this sale Rule; Gamma Gamma, Raymond 1'. ~ Roecher Drug Co.

Phone 327 national importance were not in the realms of criticism by a colle!!e undergraduate. The unlucky lad at Colorado College, although he insisted that he 1rns utterly ignorant of the lines that 8lipped by his censuring e,·e. was spared no mercy by the puritanical faculty. The suspension of the editor of the Wyoming

to satisfy t.he artistic, the matedal- Fm tner, \\'alter K. Darrah; Bet.a Rho,. ~ btk and lhe modern. There is ample Richard Saunderson 1 Eug-enc 'Yein- ! for all. Herc L"an be foun<l all the benrer; Bc>ta Delta, Fife Peters; ; Christmas presents wanted for the Alpha Tau. Paul I verson. Grnnt I ~ P rescriptions a Specialty _girl friend, the sis.ter, or the mot.her. I ver~on. \'i'all.ricc A. Go1a.tes; Beta ~ .. Retc can be s£•cured the jelly fca· the Beta, Ed. lJard~, John H arris. 1 ·i111 1 11 1 u 1 11 1 11 11 r1 1 1 111 11 1 u 1111 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 11 1 111 11 1 111 u 1 u 1 11 1 u 1 111

.:rat house or th~ snr!n·ity. There are daintv handkerchiefs,

Branding Iron last week on account of poor grades was the mosi ri!lows, se for bttffot and dresser, recent act. ln t he last instance the steps taken were perfectlv modem book oi;ds and lamp shad~s,

. . . . · quilted and ruf1led and organdy p1l-log1cal and co11s1stent, but m the other cases the faculty measure., I Inv>. In fa,t e\"erything from soup to at.lrnnced ha,·e be~n se\'erelv criticised by other conference papers. I nuts .with extra roursh in between. 1·

·· This sale was a great SU('Cess Sal-lt seems that the boundar y line which a college editor must oh- 1 ura;- an<l with the help .or all of the Sd'\"e in the use of his humor and discuRsions iR very uncertain. •t"dents this 'ale will he a still I

. . • e--reater success this <-ommg- Saturday, WP never know until the deed IS done. Oc~ember the fil»t. Let'' go an<l make

-:==:--========================:::: 1 thi~ a biJ?ge.r :rnd better ~ale lhan ru1~~ - 1 that has yet been j!iven in Bozeman.

! Ul l I I : I f :/ I I l I I · • ' I I t I I I I I I I I r I I I I I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I;


PERSONAL XMAS CARDS Most Excellent Line Low Priced

Engra1 ing, Printing or Grapicose Work Done Neatly


(Continued from Fa~e One)

~ I notrnc:e<l. P1·ofe:o;sor ('..onkli11J:! will re- ' ~ I c:eive all information nn<l anoun('e-

!! mcnts at. l\.lonLil.mL Slate College. ~ I Senior ;\ l>lllitations ,

A 'e-1 y imoprt.ant. purl of t.he plan is. lhe provh•ion for the examinution and nppoint.ment of ~enior sluclent.s .

.. Applications will be aet·cpt.ed from : ~cnior students in ae r.:clited institn­

~ .. I ions subject lo thC"ir ful'nishing-, dur­' ',, •,,,. , ,,,, ,, , • • • , , , 11 11 1 111 111'''' ' ' 1 1111 11 111 1 11 1 11 1 11 111 1111111111 ,in.g the existence of the eligible reg-


1fl ;"[/'-'f.~ Yrunu1;z'ng ClJird FULL FASHIONED HOSlERY 7/llJ,\W(TIV/;ff OF ><JOT//_ T//lJPU:.VDOR VF ROYAIJl'

Sil k- to-T op Chi ffons with more thnn fine fabric, clever heel line and chic colors to recommend them. \Vith a !>tcp-up guard, narrow lisle so le :ind lislc-lineJ hem, Style 50 H ... r.U"•1in g Bird Full Fashioned Chif ...

College of E ngineering College of Agriculture ColJege of Applied Science College of Household and Industrial Arts

Each course leads to the degree Bachelor of Science

For Information Wri te to


Why Rent a Tuxedo

? •

Bea ut ifu l wool wor · ted T uxedos, Skinners Satin fari ng-, silk linings; a ll hand tail· ored: A Tu xedo that is truly wort h

35.00. a ll sizes at


Wa lk a F l ight ~c.;ave a Sight

Farrell's Clothes Shop T he College S hop




OClAL ACT IVITIES in college circ:le~ '~ere nui;1erous ?ver the ..-week

S end rci.wrNI probably by the formal mstallat1on of Gamn.1a Kappa chaPtcr of Pi Kappa Alpha. following the formal pres~ntat.1 011 of tl~r·

·hartcr and initiation ceremonies,. therC' ,~-as a forma_l .b~:mquet at Byron s 'afe, aftt'r whkh the mei:il~erl', mst.al1at1.o~ team, v1s1ting memb~rs, and it:pnsentatin:::. of frat nutle~ and so1J1·:t1es on the campus enJoyed a delightful ball at the Ro:-.<: Gar~cn. T~e .new men were honored at a formal n·ct"ption gi\'en by Alpha Omicron P1. ~unday afternoon.

Tia pll'ug:l:!S of Pi Beta Phi en~l;!rtamcd all ot.he1: pledges at a dance at thC' c.:hapter hol:'~(· ~aturday evenm!!. aud the affair proved to be a most ,~1dovubL occasion for the under<:la~~mcn.

DZ.lta Tau entertained at their annual fall party at the Elks' Ha11 Saturday t.•Hn;i1'" with .)J~:ers' Orche~tt·a furnishing the music. .

\len~bt-r~ and pledgei> (If Sigma .\lpha Epsilon and t heir lady fr1en<li> forrnul a theatre party at the Ellen Sunday CYening. . .

EUiteir's now; \Ve \\.'ish to apolog-ize for lhe omission of certarn soc1et:y 1ww~ in la:-.t week'~ i:;:-:ue. The copy submitted was mbslaicl and the error ,~a~ not Ji::;<.·o\ l•n•d Utltil after the 1.a1> .. r was printed.

ln~ tallation Ball. .\l pha Omic1on l'i Recept ion. One vf the most outstan<lin.ir social Alpha Omi _ron Pi held a formal

i1.c.;,~tl!at.on ball ot Lamd.a Phi 1ra- ---


Prospecl.'S Bright F'or Judg ing Tea ms In F ut ure Yea rs . Compet i-

tion Keen I The members of the ,-urious judg-- J

in~ Lt'ams t.hat went to Portland, gave sume \'ery interesting attounts of their trip, at t.he Ag. l lub meet­ing last \\'ldne.:>day e\·ening .

All rerorted that the I.rip wa~ highly cd~ caliona1 and well wo1 th the time and effort .spent in making the Wams. Students who are e-li_g:ibk• for the team:-; rn.. xt year were urg-ed, ~~sL~.:.?;n m.w. to prepare for the (·on- I

f rem pr~sent indkat.ion:.; t.here will I be no short.age of material fo1 the val'ious teams during the nc.xL .. uuplo I of yea1 :".. ln fact competition for 1 placv .... prom1$CS to be quite keen. Un-{ cubledly the result wiU be, that :Montana Stak will p1oduc:e ~illlH! t<:am~ that. will hold up h~r past record .


CHEMICAL SOCIETY ar1air:-; of tne ~~a-.:on wa~ g-i\·en .Sat- reception Sunday in honor of the in­ur<la.y t'"Yening, the _u,·,.a~ion bei~;r .the I s.tallation of Pi Kappa Alpha.

H" rllty, whkh Wds instaJle<l as Pi ha1~1:a Sigma Dinn('r Guests. The )lontana Section of the Amer­h.apra Alpha. . I :::,un<lay dinner guests at the Kappa 1can Chemical Sol·iet) nH:t. )tonch.y lh~ Ros: Garde~. wa_s. !~ecor~ited Sign~a h<:JU~e \~'<.le )Ir. und .)lt~ .. ·w. e\ening m the Chem1,tLy buildmg-

w.t..'1 1lowt:1-=> and hai..ernit) ..:ulol:s. i\l. Loble1gh, \\ anda HEnegan, Anuela Thu·e we1e nbout sixl'.t memoeis and t·ratenuty and ~or':~ ·ny repre~l'nta- .SpiC"th, 'iwanette Lnerry and Leota persons interested whO attended. Dr .

. in:-s. were: . R1:1by K.1~os .. hy .. !·I~~~n. Issacs. A. I-L ,John.-:.o-n spoke on "My eXpe1i-St:hul z. Adena Sch_ macho . .)faiga .et I -- en<:e a..;, a. Re.sea1\.h Chemist in the l:.'.o\\man, . ..\imy. Lau.son, )la~ga.iet I Amigo Announce Pledging. Car.sberg- Labo1at-0n." .:\lany inter-(. ho:.it<:'. ..\1lt:en Hig-g, ,Ch~.rlot:e :Smit~, Amigo anno .. nces the pledging u"'" e::;.:.ing inl'idl nt.s of · act.ua l lire with .\J.ary I attan •. Rena. .Seo\ Ii, II ene Set · Kenneth Rc-ckard Billing;; and \Vesley foreis:m people were told about a.:; ~athlcen, Bn<l, .\larg-~:et Dewey, Funk. ' well as a history of the Cailsber.e: 1cres.a 0 Donnell. Geot~ea ~cnepe, -- Labo1·atorv Dr Johnson had ·1 s{·hol-1.io'h· T1ipµ, Beth Po11e, Carol11u_ I· t ·th t · 1 l l t ' · 1 h Haie·\. Uons Kuhns, Glady~ Elliott, .\lµ~ a Omicron Pi Dinner Guest~. . a.1:~ ~lJ:l a a sr 100 as yea~· am .. e G;.;tti~cle 'Vilkin, Emfna Baldwin, 1Jmner guests at. the Alph~ 01111- e~p ained how these ~cholarsh1ps.\\e1e . for.el Willits, Virginia heye.s, Ger- c.-r~n Pi .house Sunday were Spe.rn:er g1Hn and !~ow ~he 1~1oner was u:-cd. If c Bowden \larcella :o:;chneider 1111:p. \\a,yne Johnson. and Ed 'loul- . . :Stu~ 1ed 1.rotems

a 1

m. l iand ~larie Bo~\·er \lar): den, Butte, and Gardiner Waite. '' hile studying- m Carlsb<:rg-, Dr. ~1\:~!ce Hazel ' .. \!~lion, Juanit~ ·Fish. .:\larie Bowi..r, '2o, W<_l::i a w~ek end John~on 's. work was. on P_I~O-~~~n.s an~ i. re~c:e .John:;on. Ruth Dudley, Yir- gue~t at the AJpha Omt('ron Pi hou.se. he \\ent into a ~etailed_ dbc .. .:-.s~on O•

' · R. k J· p -k F ·d Hen I --- some of t.he interest.mg- phases of J 1:11a te •. ~ 11e ~ 1 e: n a . .. . , . ..... . . the subject.

on<.ks n, E:-..her :Stockton, 2\lattha Kai.-1rn Sigma Dinner G.1.ests. t\.fte. D. J h ~ ,__ t. I I \f. F 1ynn. Wilma \'an Hot sen, .)J arjorie Fr day dinner gue::=.ts at the Ku.ppn I C ·bl . 1 h ~: ~ 0 n~on th aA .;:, .. · . 1. I• j:,,ke, Greta F'abrick, :\.lae- Burkhart, Sif:!ma hou.:c<~ wer~ l~athryn Flynn a.nd 0 e~g 1.-:cu::sec 1 . (. mei ic.rn

o1othv Grig~by, .:\fa.r.:.,a1et and Hekn !rent• .\kCown, h.ah~oe1l, and Juamt.a c11emi~al Soci.et),.e~~.amitlig- t~e n;.e~, ·LuJet~, ~lizab.eth qa11·: \'el~1~ ~d- Kiracofe, Dixon. ier~~~d b; b~f~~u:a~;1~~hei~ a~~e l~= ard~. h.athenne Ri\er:;, .:\laigatet kterature which i~ published. There

''Dou hied ond redouhled"

A leading bridge expert once said, "The aces and kings play th emselves; it's the iitrle spots that make games."

What's true in bridge seems equally tru e in the cigarecre business. Aces to deuce~, ~p,i<.ks

to clubs- from lhe very firs t deal, Chesterfield m ade every card good!

No risky finesses, no sharp double squeezes - Chesterfield rose to world-wide popularity

by straight honest selling with a straight honest pro dw.:t - an outstanding success in cigarette history.

So Chesterfield can bid high Tobacco qual­ity, perfecr blending, puriry, mildness, natural sweetness - with a hand like that, Chesterfield can redouble your smoking pleasure . . . and to·

day, next month, next year, keep right on ful. filling the contract.

Gary, J.laq:ra1et. Brown. ~\lanon .John- Amigo Din ner Guests. are a :?Teat number of rnagazine-s put onl.ete \\·a,·t", Frank Brown, George T~ursday dinner g-uest.s "'alt thpe out whkh ever;i.· per!'on intere!'-ted in

"' Anug-o house were .\Ir. and -• rs . · chemistry shouJ<l read. ·ogt, 11.trbcrt Dowell, ~~rold Lee, C. Gaines. A business meetinsr of tht~ section

onard '\Yin:;r, Harold Rinncs, .Ja k --- followed at which time Dr. Sheppard Langs~on, 01_·~and \farJ, FrtoJ Chez, I Jir. and :\I.rs . Robert Tootell were . resigned his position in t.he societv 1-1 EST llF ELD

d Saundet=>. .. <!inner !..rue:-.ts at the Amigo house and Dr. A. 11. Johnson was elected t~l Ch:t:.e1 ones were qean and. :\hs. I \\'ednc.'S<lay. fill th~ vacancy.

fomilton i\Ir. and :\,r:-'. Robe1t Too-ell Prcf~s!'Ol' and Jlr ...... Grant, :\1r.. .- -- ·------

1' }]r~ ~ar" S<~tt. Professor and I }Ir. J .. I. Reit.&:h. Rcu1clup, spent TORMENTORS PLAY TO r{. Th ·1 . the Wet·k encl at the Amigo h<'U~e I~. a o . visitinK his son J a~k .


hi Omega. Sigma. Bf.:ta of <~hi Omega an­

our. es the pled1.dn'.!' of < ·:~rr1e A1111 '1.ence o·· Thompson FaJls.

Pl~~t~r~:;ic="~~i ~;~ H~h~ P~i1«Mes or APPRECIATIVE CROWD FAJ\IOUS EX P LOHER Pi Bda Phi entertained the pledg«s The Tormentors' first p.-oduetion of I WILL , 'PEAK HERE of or her fi aternities and ~oro1;tics at this ~ea.son, "The Ca~silis Engage-

:..h~. \\.hitficld .Spain, ~1r . .-.. Lou Howard and 4 lrs. Ray Lewis were dinner .g"Ue~l:; at the Chi Omt. g-a ho..::-:.e Thurs<lay.

a danl·e at the Chapter hou~e. Lora ment,i· p1esenled at the E!ner~m Brown. Betb· Purdmn. and Helen Auditorium on Tuesday evenin:.?:, . (Continued fr·•m Pa~e. On~) Siln r were irl charge of the anange- r r ove<l t.o be exl'eptionally delight fol. off1Ct":-1; of the Grc te r L n1ver:-;1ty or nent.:. . .:\lrs. R. E. Brown and ),-)rs. The production was heartih· receh·e<l ~lcntana. ~tefan on is a man wh l Purdum were chaperones. by an audience of college students J has accomplished m1;1~h in hb. life '!f

\l pha Gamma Delta. I and local theatric.al lo\crs. work. He has thl' ab1hty to t<.11 of his Delta Gamma of Alpha Ga.mma I ~igma Chi Ui nner Guests. Fred Bennion a:; Geoffrey Cas:=;ilis. experiences in an nteref..~ing and en -

)Della enlertaine~ at .a fonnal drnn€'r Rog-m· Deeny of Butte, and Luke a young Eng-lishman i11~n::iely inter- te1 tainng manntH" whith appeal~ to l>n Tuts<lay e\·emng for ~lr. and .Mrs. 1 D~ ehc were dinner guests at tht.: ested in the affairs of hi~ e~ta.te. E.'Yeryone. 18. 0. Helm, :\lr~. "· KoTslund, an<l .~ig-ma Chi house Sunda\· afte111oon. carried his part in an ex<:ellent man- --------Ir;. Olg-a !W'S Hannon, · nn. Harolu Rhenes, as the worldly ATKT);'SON HO:\IE

• ~ 4 \ lpha Gam ma Rho gentleman, produ~ed some very plN1.s- FROM TRIP E "'T )li~s :\eta Chenow1th, . 01 Gr17at \r;n ounces Initiation. Jing comedy situations. The part of 1 l .rt..-:>

l:"aJ ls, is the glllS~ of her stster, ~I1ss Alpha Gamma R ho announces the Ethel Borridge, played by Teresa - -lt\-Iarga1et ChenO\\lth a~ the. Alpha initiation of A.lb~rt Cook Arthur De- I O'Donnell, showed a pedect i;lllkr- (Continued from Page One) G<:mma I:elta hou·s·e <lurmg" this week. \"1ies, and H.erbert De\'1~ies. At the 1· standing of t~e part. and Dolly TTipp Presidant Atk.i!1-.:on met fon11c.·r

--- l . C 1 banquet after th£l initiation .guests \\a~ super~ m her. role of u ;;;ports I Ch·tncell~r Ellioit and Dean and .\Ir .... .\h's. B1ewer .and daugrte1,. on- :were P rofes or l\LKee, A.H. PoF.t. lo\'lng. ~·efmed Eng-h~h woma~. Xc..~-ris at the eon,enticn. Enroute

tance, an~. :'.'.l1-::s ~elen ~· .Brewh~ _i\lr. J. A. ~elson. Johi; . .:'11ikl{leson, . Claudtna Opdyke.' ~f.; the< oc~n~?- he vi:ited the rni,·en:.itics. of \V is­were Sunda;i. d1nne1 gl.lesls at t \\ra!<lo Zernstem and Kirbv Brum- \\Oman and Lora 810\\:n, a..;; the ans- . :\I' t . d en· a1ro th~ Al pha Gamma Delta house. field .


• ~o~r_at!c moth~r, b?th di:-;p.~a~·ed _cl~evt.r :J°~~~1~1'. -c~l~~s;> aat .m~lilwa~~ee, ·and

Florence Folson and Jeanette Dun- f . .-- ~:~~~·b~h~Ii~sel~;f~r~~ec~ C\~~bb~~k~I- Cornell eniYersity. He retm,1ed to ean of Sheridan, and Dorothy ).lartin On~ega Bet~ Dmne r Gue- ts . · Bozeman i\ovember 25. 'and Xatalic Kreiger of Partk City, ~un<lay du~ner gu~1.::.t.s at the .? ;11e~~ ~· • • 1 delerrat~ wert" entei tained j Bela hou~e \\ere !\h. and :\Ii s. S~e,., FRESHMAN DANCE FOR 1

SENIORS IS TOMORROW atcili~1~l1J1r!-ia Gc.mma Delta hou~e dur- . A .. e1 .. , \elm a Edwards, Hel~n Fmch, ·n.I! the 1ecent congress. 1 and He len Maxey.

Delta Gamma of Alpha Camm:\ :Oelt.:. hdcl formal pledgin_g for Lucy B ,;;wman of Great Falls, on Saturday. No·•(:11ber 17.





I\ aj:tj.a. Delta Dinner GueMs. .tfa.1<an Sands and Pea1 I Kohn(n,

Shelby, and Jeanette :'.\l ellon and The meml.ers of t.he la:s~ of ·~i w;ll I Ethel Scho1tz. Rj egate. "e1e Thurs- ~in~ thdr annual Thanksgiving c!ance day dinner uu~sts at the Kappa Delta in honor of the seniors t.omoll'O\\ house. night at the Rose GanlC!n. The cu:;---- I tom of giving away a live tutkey lo Kap1:-a S igma .\nnounces P'edging. a holder of a lucky number will be

Kappa S igma announces the pl<:dg- followed out. Some of the cla s . .., ha\· ing of John Lairt, of L a'.;.H:I. bec.n de<.-orating- the hall and the Ln ---- I derc:as~men are predicting a very ~\migo Dinne r G uests. . suc('e:;sful affair. The music will be I

Sunday dinner gu ts at the Amigo furnished by PegTam's Rose Ga.nlen house wel'L' Miss Julia Power, ~orma Colleg:ians 1 and admission will be cne I Beck and Helen Schultz. doilar per couple.

--- ----· - --F.a1111a Uelta Guests. }fore than 75,000,COO completed

June Burke, Anaconda, and Vir- telephone conversations are handled g-inia Gilbert. Riek, Browning-, were <laily by the telephone companies in I week end ::rne~ls at the· Kappa Delta this country. house. !

-- ' PAGE.ANT ,?F P,ROMISE Dc~:1;~a¥a~·~~jd their Fall party at SHm\S MANY AD\ ANT AGES I

I the Elk's hall la-t Saturday evening. ---The hall was decorated appropriately (Conti nu ed from Page One) for the Thanksgivin.~ sea.:;on. 1\Jusic place that women hold in it:) field. was fun1ished by ;\lr::>. :.\lyers' orche:-;- rl he physica l education department tra. The c:hapc-rones were ). Jr . and showed the feats of skill and the de-lrs. JL C'. Cheever, and Capt. and light in spo1t.s to be gained from gw<l

'The Longines Watch

is the only watch of ObsetVa· tory fame that received the

Grand Prize at the Sesqui­

Centennial exposition in 1926.

H. A. Peas e & Co. Jewelers

\Ve Speciulize Jn Fine \Vatch He pa irin ir

enough for anybody .. and yet .• THEY SATISFY


PROF. McKEE TO JUDGE , • ........._-,,.,, .. .-.-.-~-..-..·----..-..-J"J' • ..,,..,..,._.......-.w.-.~.-~ • • • • • .-.-.


tr.nntir:ued from page one) , ~ ff B U G .t.y In going to Chlca:<o as a iudµ:e ~ • • l'\'I G ~

Profos•o1· }kKee will be m a po.1twn ~ H ARD\VARE lo make 'aluablt. contacts "ilh repre- ~ sentathes from many other a~ricul-1 \ ~ tural olleg-e>, which ";11 be of di>- ~ STARRETT TOOLS tinct benefit to azronomy work here. ~

Pro,esscr ::\le Kee will leave for lhe j ~ , L. F ~ ;;;:~t\~-~~nr~:{. ~~;;,.i\.,~;. f;~{e~~t:;'~ ~ Complete Catalogue __ ::~ -~~1:~. -~~. -r~-~---·-·-·.·.--·-·-·.}_ in,!.! info11nation in ::;.tore for us all -.,,..-,..,,,,-.-.........._._......_._.,,,,....._._. •-.. • • • ·- ------- - - - · · - - - -ll)".011 hi.::. l'Ptt1rl1.


TH ~~~RE I · ~. $ A~~,oL~~~" ~~"-CLARA BOW ,,,,.c~ Getting Better in~~~


Wednesday . Thursday





Saturday - RICHARD DIX


BLUE AND fiOLD TEA ROOM Home Cooked Food

Sunday and Party Dinners a Specialty

Special rates for board by the month

A New Management-Mrs . E. Byrne




!I!.' 1111 I 11 I 11111111111111 I 111 111111111111 1111111 111111

in •

I: "DOC KS OF NEW YORI(" ~ •, I I I l I I I 1111' 1 1 11 I I I I I 1 11 11 1 I I I; l A New

DEC. 2-3·4 :-1 rs. Luke Zech. hrnlth.

Delta Tau Dinner Guest. English and Education hold an irn ­

portant. place in colle,!!e and both were cleveriy pant.omined. The Engli~h stunt. rcpi esenting the- Drama of the: ages.

JI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I l+-t l Muffler


i\fr. P. C. Gaines was a dinner g-uest at the Delta Tau house Wed­nesday <. vening.

The gorg ous period c.-oslumcs of


1>1 f\appa Alpha \\'eek End Gu-cis ts. the Home E conomic feature, as w1.·ll Week end gue~t.s at t he Pi Kappa a:> the unique costumes representmg­

\ lpha hou~e we1e :\fr EYerett \V. different vegetables, made this JJJO­F'enton Leslie Goates, Ve t non Budge, duc:.t1on 'erv outstm1dmg. Ci ant i ve1·s.on, P1:tul [ \c1son, Wa llace I 1\nd lastly Lhe R. 0. T. C s.tunt t'uate!" Royal Ru bright, \Yal te r Ru le, "s)mtobe of lhat g-ua1·d1ansh1p the I Raymo'n<l · F'ortne1, Walter Dan-ah, umformed protectors of out stale," Eug-cne \.Vembm·g-e1, F1fo Pet<. rs, Ed was p1 esenie.d . . Hanis .• John Han·i s, F:ld on Hanson. I The Pag-eant clo~ecl with thl two Richard Saunderson, Ray Bowden, hunched and twenty-five high s hool

t "'ilhdm ·wall. IIilm ore Riek. and f!irls lighting- then· candles ~ymbol1c


Joseph Cullen. of the d~ssemination of knowledge hy --- institutions of learning-.

Hamilton Han I The ori ginators and participants of Il amilt.on JI all entertained t.he out- eac~1 st.unt de-serve a great. deal_ of

of_ thP - ~late Vocational Congress prat~e for the resoursefl1lness, i1me speaker~, Dean Gaw, Mi ss Bennett, and ha.rd work <levot.ecl t~ makint; t.h.e ancl Miss Bacon, at dinner Thursday program the outs.ta.ndmg :>uccess evening. I which it surely was.

They .\re Here Again


The only Portable on the market


HAUSEMAN & McCALL "Typewriter Supplies"

4 Eas t Main PHONE 407 v

Will iniprove the appearance of your old overcoat or add a touch of style to your new one

Have ones·!


$2 to $5 seen our hand painted

Holloway's ( 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I 1 I I I I I I · I I I I I I I I I I I I I""" I I C I I I I I I I i I I ' I I I I I I I I i I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I If


( onft!renc.·e Stand ing

"' L T l .th L'. 0 1 (\)1. 4 1 Linh • .\JrS. 1 ( cl. Col. Col. Ag-c. 2 ( I. 'Tcnl:h1.r::; 2 :II. ::;. c. Dcn\'t.:r U. ;J Col. .:\fine!" 2 B. Y. u. I \\"yoming- I) fi \Ye.st Stat<: 0

FOOT!~ I LL ::;CO!lliS



:~g~ ARE ALL VETERANS ~~,~~;.John J'.s' 1

l-~' Exg BE THRU THURSDAY .714 ·E\ans Ptn.:y RE lli~ .714 ll.irr \'h. \Capt.) IJ•; l:lH

·661 This 8eason Should See Great I ~!~~:;~~;~ :.!,'.'.'° L ~: m ~ St. Chm·les Game ln Sheridan


~ o,·, 28--F're::;hma n dan ce. ::\'oL ~9-Than h..;;giYln~ hnl itb y. ).; o,. 30-Lambd a Phi pl<'dg'C.f'. '.\° v\'. :{0-.\migo 1> lcdg('s. ::'\o,r. :rn-\ ilhjolmur Stt.>lfa--:ssoll

Lecture. Dec. l-l\.ap1rn Sij!'llln d n 1wt>. Dei:. t-Sig·ma Chi P art). Det.". 7-13. E. Part.' . !Ne. 7-Chi 0. Pa r t). Del~. S-S. :\. E. 1':1rt). l>ef·. S-.\l pha Cam ma l~ho part.'. Dec. 21-Qunrlcr l~ ncl s.


.600 I

.400 "Wonder Team·· at Heig ht I :llurphy A Ian l.G J8:: 1 Will .Be Last For .a3

a BriAce JLihn Ill t:-) I 1


The res:ults of Rock,· ~lt>...>nt<lin Con· .250 of Career .\lalcrk• .Jo..;, l{G \ '; l 1 'ev en 1\len fore-nee. fooLball l!aml.~ Saturdav did .000 :\lcGiliis ,John Lll 1-1-5 not npsd the pe1·centairc <.Vlun;n to 000 First workuut.s fvr Lhe champion I ~tlWe\\t~ La,, Rll Hil 1 \\'hen t.he BoLcuLs line UJl fi.gain::St any ~re.at c-x.tent. The Coloradn

· Bobcat. bH:skctbaJl team will be rlc..>lJ D<.lW Ha:; ~:~.,,~ 165 St. l'narles it.. w11I 111urk W1c dose ol Ag-g-ie::. lt.."Ok Colo-raJo :\lines. -tti to :lO aouuL u~·l.?'mb~r ;), .\iontanH Stntt.: Tho1·nburg :"tJl' n.D 17;) tht: football l·are<.:r:s oi 1.~ight. Hobeats thus lifting- th('ir rating- up a notch ns

~~:~~t~~~:)~~::~C~l~~~~c'.;£~;~:;~~~~; ~:~~*:¥,~;','.~:;:"· '1~~! }~~ ~frr~.~i~,;~ b~~~-~~~ ~,~i:'~E~;'~~~~~i;~~ ~i'~;~r:~~~:~:;:;:~~0



! 11 1 11 11 1 11 1 !1 1 l l 'l l It l ll l Jl l 111 111 1 11 1 I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I QUALlTY SEEI\ER..<; BUY FHOM THE ;

I WEST SIDE fiROCERY • Staple and Fancy Groceries


Phone 266 .JlO W. Curtiss Lol(lra.do Lul1e-,1!e ,..J.,1-., Wyoming­Ct1lorndv A!!:: . .de~ -Hi, l\lin-.s 20. ATmy 1 :~ • .:\'ebr:tsk~1 3. ~1 :.ther11 Ca\ifor11ia 28, Idaho 7. Orl'gon ;H ... \lonhmn P. ti.

25. the past. t\\O y<..at·s. lhrough the un- Rnbin$.on He1b l•'B<.' i;·>~ wish LI} thank t.hem tur the sen·ico.::-. and l"tah Ag-g-ies will command th€-l!.anny huop to~smg- ot "La.t" lhomp Grt'lss Wm. lhO lhey hme perio1mu.1 rur the institu- attention of t.he Confe-rcnce- Jans on ~~~ aj~1~~\ ~n~e~' ~:~1~~o;l~cl~~l{;th~·o~~~r ii·i~~~ ~~~l'y ~i¥ ~~ci ~c~n 0~111~1h;~0~r~~~~l~l~~:m!1;:1~~~1~l~~c ht:l~~ I ~:l~~~t~~~l~:.\·i~~ t~o~· l~{1~ '{:1~~setl1~(;~1~;, ii1 11 11 1 11 1 I I I I i • • I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l lt l I I I I I • • ~ ceam of the wc.sl. o·Learv 7\likc LE lli.j ~!."\,. f"t:ms ,i\Lont.an~i. St:1t-t..' has. sh0\\11 h<-r right. to Uic championship "·ill hi.'.'

une 01 i..J1e most. serious lo~;::,es to Smith Sid RE l 72 1 ~telf. as a c:outendt•r llll Lh~ footbldl undispuU:>d. l n the ca~e of a lo~s to

~= h~S:~~~~il ~iuall~·~~:!~(Y~:'.Q 1~~~~ 1e; ~g~~:l~~l ~~~-~-y ~~·~ {~~ ~~~t~~t~ \~~~L\~~~J~:~~i:'\j~~~ ~f~~rT~:~ ~-l~e r~~~i~1~f~~e~1;~ci~~1\Q:~~ay tnd in a \\•orden. He wa.:s one of the most -:Sash John LT lili ltlaho of the l'a.cific Loas.t. comercnct.'", ~· Yersitile men 011 Llie l..cam and the Link Gus RG 1G5 :\orth Dakota ot Lhe \\'e~Wrn lonfer-most pi'Umi::;.mg Ill\\ pluycr that t.!l!:! Link I~uis F'B I i:J


enc:e, 1\lontan.a Unin~1-sit\• oI the ..Bobcau r-oss.e:::.~c<l. Leicher Rich RT J:l;) Paenic and won imtr ari.d lo.')L 0111..

"Ca.L' iuom}JSon \\ill bo Lui:k in all t\:risman Ernil C 151 frai1le int.he. l-Onfett..'111..:c. 'lhis year we 1 his giory to \\orry the guun.l:s ~ind LuL·.ke Scott RG 161 playell on eYen. lcrms ·with t.ile Cni-

c:ou1.:111..·s of the divistvn with hi 15 phe- ,Junµhici· ('hn:, RE l:il Yt.'1·slLy, won L.hree i.:on.ferentt gan1cs. nominal playmg. 1t. i::. hard tu teli ?llalin J os LG l:'>O held !\ebraska tu a low St'Ote, de-whet..hl!r or not J1c. wi1l ha\·e ~1 ny nt:w Lutz Ed RH 130 leated Idaho. ::\ow, lhe Saint.'s !:)t'alp trkk.s w tJu-ill the aowds wirn but St.•itz PerC'r Fr. Rll 1-tG tu<"ked be-neath our bdt woul<l make

''R d " oun up

A Treatise on Exams In Plain Words

the iia...~;i: lltt.le Low hc!ld should add '..\I~td1ke \Ym. Lll 1Hfi tlw ~es.son si;cce~lul. to the hunoi:::. he nL'quire<l last. year. :\Jorrow Dix H.'1' 1.~ll Captain Fred Chez will play his last E\·jdently long and bitter exper-

F1·ank \\·ard \Yill be bad..: ll>l' L-Cntet Burke Leo RG Jfi~ gmne fo1· the la·. s at !::\h.eridan and icncc \\ith the mental obtuseness ot pos.ition lhi.s year. Tni.::> big- buy makes Ott Paul T 16'.l fini:sht'S with two :years of Yarsity I underclassmen ha"' L'aused educational a wundeiful mate ior the dllninuth-c :'11m·tha Ed RT 1~2 and one year oi frvs.h ball here. Be- authorities to institutionalize the tri-'l'bompson. Hi::. height and fa::>t. flour Lettermen. fore commg to ~lont.una CJwi played) weekly Roundup al i\l. S. C. All frosh

1 work, an un-thought-oi basket shoot- nt. Center College of hentucky. Ile b arie shown their ::;latus quo peliodic-iug ability combined with good gen- ..., ~ _. r r ~rom O~gen, Utah. and will gra<lua.te 1 ally by means of small grade s.Hps eTa.l.ship make him an able lcndur oi STATE UNI ' ERSITY ENDS • m I'hysu;al Edu .. a.tion. and needJc~s to say i.rreat are LhP. t.he Bobeat-s thi 8 year. HER P.-\Cl li, fC SCHEDULE [ ··~tag'' Yogt, stC'llar gunr?. will .he frights unrl L"On~t('111ation~ that arise

0. \Vanl sJ1oulcl be lm-k grently im- · a bJg loss to the center of t.he lme the.re frnm. proYed this yeur an<l \.,dter than e\er ,. ,

1 ... -- • . where. 11e has perfai:n~c<l fo1: t.h.l'~t: j Generally speakin~, the Roun.dnp

at. 1orward. I_h~ ~ has pla~c~ ~1 her u~ual years m the. guani pus1t10n .. St.ag 1s seems Lo be q~ile sati:;fact.ory if the Breeden and Wort.hm!{tOll, th c pos1LI011. m the l 11:1y1.LJi; Coast Co1uet·- dcNl.d eye_ en pl~oe kicks and ts ca~led wo1 ried look on trnsh fnces at tvst

~~,~~'''''''~''''~~ .......... ~,~~'-'-'-~''~~~ ..... ,~

~ WINTER IS HERE! ~ ~ Try Our Soups a

I STAR CHA'MBEPRfiER SHOP i ~'-'~''''''''~''"'''''''''~""'''~''~'''~~ .......... ,~

I ga.:.a.rd:;; ha Ye been playin.J.! 1lH.1tb:tll bul. ence Lhis year. batnrday they went OI"~ the kick oft and to Ol'!1Yert.. pomts time 1..an be taken as indicaLlve of were kept in 1 eserYe b~ Uyi..he for t.he down l? de.i_ea.t by a ~n to ti score t.o after ~oucluJo,~1 ns. lle w~ll also gra- any l"UStained intellect..ural effort. On conrin,x basketball :season. Thu._• men tn~ l mver~1ty of Ort-gou. The week duate m Ph:.-s1cal Educat:on... . the other hand it is impossible to add are two of the bes.t guards in the l'on- beroru they lost to l~aho1 ~he team ~\lare~. husky ta .. kle will 11n1sh by anything to a in.ind that is already ieience. ~hal p-~hoocer~ of t.he O!lPOS· the bobt.:at..:s., b . .::.n. t.he first 01 the sea- .itrndua.uon~ ne~t Ju1~e after two yeiu::. full and it does seem brulal to coerce ing team..- will ha\ e to be on their sou. .The llnzzlie:s ha\·e been tmab~e on the \ arsity line, where J~e ha::; the f1·os.h into abso1·bing more educa­toes to get throu1o.:,h to their Uas.kets. to wm any conterenee games this ~layed a go?d gan~c wh~never 1~1 the tion when they are already saturated :Jfo.cFru·land, HurJ.. Sadler. Browning. year, although they ha\·e s~own hnup. Ho w11l gTauuate in Chenustry, with ~a1ne Then aga1n it ~cC"ms un­and Gardne1• will Cc l::~ck und light- 11~:1~s of p-O\\er. and ;:.>P~ed at. times. Herschel Ilu1d, Hobcat end fo1 fair t.o foiee- frosh to work theil ing for place.·~ on the sqnad. There ::>mce the pa&SJ.ng of J\..elly and 111- three ~eats. fm1!:>IW:,; this )eat afte1 a I heads cff copying- cad1 other's work '''"--'re scveIJl tr.en who "·~ie le.Lt off !-llan t:.he team has been on th.c <le-dine. successful c:.aree1 .is a foot.ball and note-books and test;;.. UpperclassmeT~ the squad last year. but who showetl l~ero ha~ been some H';-lk of the ··u' basketball .11l~~er f\\o Jenrs cll!U ha'e a little more leisme but. :frosh a<i'l:i<:H:>J:B:>ml'O<:H;H:H:>(H)ci:><:H:>J'.H;><;>-<:>-JXH:B:>Pc<X!'IX><H;>; mueh promi::.e. l'nknown ilv:sh may 'nthdrawnig .*rom ~1C1r conference. Hurd _was rnjt.re.d a~tl wal-'. unable to are eiernally confronted wit.h exams I ~


come and be in the- fi~ht for the it would be mtercstmg Lf:> note how play l ootball bu~ for th_t .ln~t two 1-all because of the Roundui'· lo squad. Outside of cuntcrence J.t'illte> t.ll"). would slac.k up against Rocky years he has. ~etionno<l bnllrnntly ut WhoeYer fit-ot applied the term AFTER THE SHO'Y OR DANCE FOR A NICE oitly one ::.enes has lJeen arrani?:ed.

1 )lountam teams. lilany people are or Lhe wmg pos1t10n. Ht> wa.t:. a member i "Roundu ., to fro~] x ns r 1 ·ed

Th~ B-0b.a~ ,~;n meet th~ co0k'::. the_ .opinion t.hey hav~ Lo play ovc•r o: the. Conf:ren~c c_lrnmpio~1 basket- eit.h.er fotal disi~e~ :;._~1 t;11 J1 f~;1c~Y of 1HAL'l'ED r.tILK C01\1E TO

Dress Oxfords - Black or Tan calf skin, newest s tyles and lasts

ramt. ~:n.l \a.rms.h_tean~ Y..'lnc~ took then h.eads to vhwe 111 tlns confer- b.,iJl ,te,1m l~~t. wm!L'l. Ue \\:Ill g1;1du- consideration ior rr~h dignitv or a the national thumptonship at J\.an.sas ence. ate in Agncultur11l Educallon. cynid~m b r f e- .· • B 1 t ---.---Cit.r .la~t year.. . \Yashington, Or~gon, and Californ~n . 1-~rank Grady, qu:.rtcrback. will also ~-i.s it. ~1rn .

0 1~~thin :p~~1~e 11,\~·. be ti~ I ~

$5.00~ $5.50, $6.00 Th-s lS the fu·st game 5'hedulld this 1 turn out some o! the best tea1ns m fmish afLer three years on the Bob· 0 d \' 11 _g: t t Ll1 c ~ 1 U S:RH N.

~re-ar. It hns _not been de~ided ~\·heth~~ '~e cou.nti-y and an~· . t.eam meeting' ca.~ foot.ba!l te!1111 - where he dis~.in- ri"iedo~ th~ ~r~i~~a l~crh.ne ,,_ 1 '~h~ fr~~1h 5! the tc<:.im "nll tro on a vacnhon trip I tnem hfu> a hard task to push O\"Cr a gm.shed hunsell as a lapable f1ela ca b J'k 1 hp 1 f t k) J!! during the holidays. or not. Tht- grune.i:. \\~11. The Gdzzlies ha\e t.o compete general an<l snfety. man. Grady was bn~ is eit ~~~~~~a~~t~ ~\,.n~1~a~i ~TI:. § scheduled so far ar1..: \nth lm·~er l"Chools and stronger Yery handy at runrung batk punts and 1 fa.ct.•) ~ ···<:. • h ·

0 P .. ?..e .~

THE SUfiAR BOWL The Home of Homemade Candies

Wagner Bros. Ja.u. 10-ll· Cook"s Paint and \ arnish I te:ams. TJ1e:, haq~ foug:ht hard but to his nktCt."" will be hard to rm. He will 1 ·f th. \Lll-~lng' t c n~eta1~10t; turthei. q

here.._ . no avail. ~ gr~d~~t~ll in Phy-6kal Etluc-ation. . . :u·e ~he r?.~·ou~1~fu~;1~· ~h~:~ th;c f~~~~; 0. Jan .. lh.-:\lontan~ lT. (tentnbvc) Bnc~ Brcedt 11 put.s nwny hi~ member;:; are c-owpum:hl'rs! Howe\ er. t>i:H:>JXl-CH:>..XH:H:H:>t:f<:lcnt..:S:H:>Q-O..XH:HX>M-<XKH><fil-0-<H:H:><X>CH:>m:t<><>n;JX>(H);n.0

.:.\hssoula. . . TH.\~h.SGl\ J:\G GA31ES n~ole skms for .~l10t~ after ~he Turkey it is stlongh- advised in the int.ere-"t.$ Bozeman's Leading lllen 's

and Boys' Store

Jan. 18-Hl-"Ct.a.h -~g~1e:.::. , Logan day ~ame nn<l bPgu1s to fade out of of discretion tJwt no [r0$h )Oint ut Jan. 2,8-~I~mtana U .. (tt-nt~ttive) here. Cta.h Aggie:> vs. l.Jtuh l.'. ai Salt the picture <l~ an . athlete w~~re l~L his t.lis.ag-re.;able fad le) anJ tl.atht=>r Feb. 8:fi-:"lwh Ag-~1es, h~rt•. . Lake City. h~ he1d a p~·ommenl pos1t10n m beeau~e-well whY brinu· th~\t u l'! Feb. 101-lO----lTtah l .. Salt L:1kc City. Colorado L'. \":.;. Denn:r U. at ba::iketbaU and H•OtbaJI. Ile was an · :-


F('b. 18-19-B. Y. r .. PrO\O. De1wer. all con.fe!'enee ~-·ard in haskc.-tball for , , GRAD"' ~Iar. 1-:::-Utah U. here. / ::\lontanu l'". \S. Gonzaga. ~h~ la.st th1e1...· yc~\rs and playC'd good ENGINEERING Q

·-=======---======'========--==- -::==== .football wht!neYt·r in the lineup. I - ~ "Duke" \\.c-dh!-:'ton, t.he broken field Norman Case:.r, '28, is no-w em-artist, finishes his football l'areer al- µloved in the Tadio division of lhc> s~ and his l)IHL·1.. will b(.I hard to fill. Ge1;e1nl Electric Cumpn1w at Srhenec-



The Willson Co.

,~· .. lit~ I e.> J.~. . . . ' Gil-0.. ~_.

\~ hen Ji;e :vas !.!:Ding he "·r1.s nlway-: t.ady, X. Y. · g'Orn:J fol' l'OltllS., :tnd by his l·!t•\·erne::;s Joe Purcell. '2~. is workin.,· for the has out many a .c:a_me on the iec when :'.lonlunn Power Companv at its Gre:lt the Bobcat~ \H.'IL' rn dan,e:cr. He . ran Fa!J- pl·:rnt · through. the e:i.t.i r .. ~ Colorado lin.i- ::.. < • ... •

\"Cl'Sity three )L'ars ag-o tu \\in the Bun~10IH1 (r~Ztt•r •. a gradunte or tl~e ~ game for :_\lon1. 1 ;1:i Stat\. ti-:~. ~l~et~11tal En~nmenng- <lC'pnrlmcnt 111

The Grizzli~ " on another Joe Devil'h, 1 asing- hi::; fir~t vear -0. is no.,w employed hr the :~\l~mtm~a nrnral victor) la~ t ~at urda)' of YaJ sity. will : iTiish with the s~iint Power Com pan:.· nt lb st:itrnn In Oregnn ta king the J:!'•1111e 3l to 6. Charles t·ontest ThankscriYino- dltV and To\nl::.end, >fontana.

:\t".braska went dunwn be,nre the iieLe driYe:;; ol Chri~tian (R~d) ( ::i.g.l~ and hb deadly pa . ..:.~ing-, Army

: winning l:l tu a.

Saint Charlc-i:; i~ rircd "it h ambilion and waiting tu go in th~ big- gantL 11 1 She1 iclan ' l h n nk~gi ,-­ing clay.

The Bobcats may meet stilC op110.-d­j tiou in battling- Lht> SHinb. for State 1 thampi .. mship.

The Hock~ ;\lountain Cunrl~r­enc.:c ~ca~l)n b.- drawing: ra1Jidh to a t·lnl"e "ith l'Lah Univer-;itY !-ilill leading. flow ~' er the) mu~l ,, in their game wilh the l·tah .\g~ies to hold the ir top po:,;Uon.

\Yhile he wa. . ..:. in t.he. g-an~~ 1)1'a~·ed Ra:r_ .Jo.h11son, ·~s. i..:. ':'·orkltur (or l!Ood ball. InJu1ies have kept thi~ '.he ~\ c~tuw.house Elt."dnt· Comp:rny \,aluable man ·1 the bt 1wh tht• last 111 P1ttsbur~h, Permsyln1nia. two yeai.~ .. Jne was a. ml-1llcr lif th<' bri}Jjant. kittt>u team in thl~ fall of 1925

. f .. ·~ .:~·1~~~·s· ·s·P·E· c. ~A· L .... · ~ [ ACTIVITY TICKET NO. 10

GETS STUDENT.S TO GAME ~ For !\hid Smokers

\\'ord has bl'cn--;:e eiv«d Lhat lhe [~ lOC 1)1 JLont.ana Sht:ool of MinL•.s hu.-;. g-1 an led


~ ~ pc1·mission t.o ~ ud!.'nts or Jlontnna - ~ State to witnel"c- r.hc But.te-~l tie:. Cit\' ~ each ~ fuotball game n Buttt 'fh:rnk.::..ziyin~ • ~ j day upon pn':--1.nlation of :>-tuc.lent al:- ~ lh-ih· ticket :-.;"· i o. ~rn.s ('it,· """ Kle1·nschrn1.dt Co. ==·.:·-~ . sele-cted by thl· State Athletic ·rfon!·d t-0 pl~y l~ut.te High for the l"tate ? EAS 1 champ1onsh1p subsequent to the with- , '" 1~ T MAIN •



Prompt. Reliable Sen-ice - Careful, Court.eons Drivers

PHONE 3-1-4-W




Let us deJh·er a Box of Candy for you d1:awl of Hillin).! f1·0111 the title raL·e. I fi 1 11 1 1 1111 1 1 1 11•, 1 111111 11•1 1 1 1 1 , u 1 , 1 1 1 111 , 1 1 ~ ~ ...

Billings, who "as the log-kal onpon- 1 ::====:----------- ;i; ent. for the ).lining- C'ilv ~qund. en- i:Hln'IX>iX><:>l>*t><liX><:H:B:><:><:><xH:>J:K>l:H:><XH:H:H:>®<XH:>JIX>04lK><:><H:H:>O<OK><:IDI"'> deav(lred to luwe Llw· champion<:.hip ~~ .,.. ... .,..~..,... -------*----------------------- J Thl: big clashes of the L011Cc1·cn<-e

and alsn of the State will tome on ~tJ-#~.1';i.iC..#';J,(. .1'';:,,£.#';:,,I(.. .JfFM..1'':!.IC..d:;;X...JfF_':J.,(_.#;i.iC.. .10 Thank<ghing <lny. vhen ,,. will tum ~~~~~~~~~~~~ :ut:1sket.L::llw1lhthc!<illll1Psq~:.ltlas

~, ~ ~·~t yea1· ·with the t''\L'eption of

1" \.\'onlen. ' --~. - (l111rt•nttnan Cllarhn ! ~f Seulhern California ran rough-l"\ ~;hud mer l daho 28-7 to close

thl'ir ('onrcrence s,cason unde­rrated <ind cinch the champion· '!!! ----------- I ~ :-hip or the Paciric CnaY'il Cm1ff'r-

\.' ~ ence.

~ BRl.!'\G YOllR XMAS CARDS. TO US ~ . F,.osty Petern. a Iorn1cr :lluntana

.,._ y I "W:.ate ~tudcnt, · ctirNI a louchdown and ~ n ~afoty for Illinois to beul Oh.lo

~ ~ :-:'tat<> 8-0. and win fir~t lnurel~ in the

'Ye Print your name on them to match cards "' Big Ten circuit.

~ .· 'l'h I 1 -;--

~ k l" annun e 1annt rntt' between

--.-- ~"'\ t 1·w S .• \. E. aml lh'l:i freshmen at Denn·i- lTni\'e1·~ity will h~t\'e uothinl!

~ As g·ood as engrayed cards and at a much j "" the fovtball '"'me he1·,, Sutu1du1

~ h(·twecn the Si.g·ma C. "hi plr:dg-('S nn~I

\.\.. better price the Sig Al11h fror-.h. Dc,tails are lack-~ I ing;, but lhe contest i:l assun:d.

~ ~~ In la.st fall'::- ca m on1~n. the ~ Republi·can Courz· C t1f:,,.. fight in g S~li nt ... fr om HC'IE"na tied

~ • er Ompany ~;. Wa-h1111<ton Stale 6-6, lost t <> !he

~ L'nt\ ersit:i- Gri~zliC's 0-8. bllilt ln -

~ > ! termnunt:Jin 116-0. Gonzag.1 2 1-0.

~~~~~~~ ~ :\[tnh1na~ormal Li3-0 <lnd:\lon -';r"p~p~p~p-r:::p-;r:cp-r:::p~,,~~;,;~ ~ 1 )lines 60-?. __ Their tolal <cason 's

j score" a~ J.,6 t o 20 for opponents.

game played on the Billmg-s f1eltl, and I ~ 1.n t.hr c·onlro\ersy that folhmed, I s T u o E N T s forma1lr withdrew the11 1·1ghr. ;----..-.-...._.._.._ .... -..-..-.. .... -.. ... -....._ ....... .._ .... ..._..._.._..._.._._ .. _..._..._ .... .._..._ ............. .. -.. ........ -..-..-..-..-..-..-...-. .... -...-.. ...

,,t ~l~e 1~\~;';'~~.,;l~· 0T1 ;s~ut\~~;'.~t r'.tl\r~I; See us for all your needs in ~\~ II HOWARD' s II orn1a "ere smashed "hen la•t paste- the electrical line. Reading , boa1d fol' lht~ Notre Dame gnme was I 1\,,.. d ) · ~old at H a m November 9. three amps! l' ·.LaZ a an1ps, irons, \ ";~eks anti n day before the big gnme. , warmmg pads, heater s, per- ~I ~ 11cket.s had b<•c•n on public sale slight-) colators, toasters, waffle 1 \ ly nHH e than n day when the Inst were 1rons, etc. ) ~ sold. j ,

D. H . BUDD CO. ~1 ~ 18 _fr_ 30 W. Main Phone 300 1 ~


Tiley frt'qtwntly n<ld to , insteaci of detratt from . facial expres­sion. Thi!-1 is due to tlw e:qif'rt­ness with \\'hich our glas~c~ nre fit led.



~ ~

~ ~


SOLID COLOR SHIRTS They are beauties. Have a peek


LESLIE E. GAGE .Jew~for anc.l Optician

Broken Lenses ReplnceJ the Same Day

Funeral Directors and


Phone 122-W

~ ohe • ED 11nd LOU HOWARD

HUB 20 S. Black Ave. Phone 425-W

H. H. Dokken, Phone 122-J ~ Walk-0,·er hoes tetson Hats Nobby Caps >

I ...... .._.._.._..._ .... .._.._ .... _.,._._.._.._-_-.,-_ .. .,-.,.-.,...,_.._.._.._.._._ .. .,.._.._ .......................................... ._.._.._.._ ........ ..._._ ....... ..

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