web based, eportfolios & e-assessment (updated version)

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Web-based Web-based lessons, lessons, e-portfolios e-portfolios & e-assessment& e-assessment

Evelyn IzquierdoEvelyn Izquierdo@eveweb@eveweb



Part IPart IWeb-based lessons & e-portfoliosWeb-based lessons & e-portfolios

Izquierdo, E. (2014) Web-based lessons, e-Portfolios and e-assessment


• Introducing Web-based lessons• Definition • Steps to create Web-based lessons• Web-based lesson samples

• Introducing e-portfolios• Definition• Exploring some e-portfolios• Step to create an e-portfolio• E-portfolios samples

• Designing a web-based lesson and/or an e-portfolio

Izquierdo, E. (2014) Web-based lessons, e-Portfolios and e-assessment

What is a Web-based lesson?

Izquierdo, E. (2014) Web-based lessons, e-Portfolios and e-assessment

A web-based lesson is…

…simply a lesson that in some way incorporates a Web site or many Web sites. A Web-based lesson can be conducted entirely online or it can be a traditional classroom lesson with an online component…It can be used in a lesson for a variety of purposes, including research, reading, writing, publishing, communication and collaboration with teachers and learners around the world. (World Education Literacy Division, 2005)

Izquierdo, E. (2014) Web-based lessons, e-Portfolios and e-assessment

AdvantagesWeb-based lessons:• Are more interactive, dynamic and interesting.• Develop creativity.• Promote original activities.• Promote critical thinking.• Promote digital skills development.• Provide opportunities for all learning styles.• Fit to any target language level and students’ age.• Improve teacher-student and student-student interaction. • Promote collaboration.• Are very useful for language learners since they are exposed to a variety of

formats, images, video, and sound.• Are a great tool for teachers. They can share their course works easily.• Can be used for multicultural exchange purposes.

Izquierdo, E. (2014) Web-based lessons, e-Portfolios and e-assessment

What does a Web-based lesson plan include?• Date:

• Teacher:

• Class/Level:

• Topic:

• Objectives (Learning Goals):

• Web sites used

• Name of Web site 1:

• URL:

• Rationale for selecting this site:

• Name of Web site 2:

• URL:

• Rationale for selecting this site:

• Other Materials:

• Teacher Preparation:

• Steps for Learners:

• Description of pre-computer/classroom activities (preparation)

• Description of computer/online activities

• Description of follow-up activities

Izquierdo, E. (2014) Web-based lessons, e-Portfolios and e-assessment

Source: http://tech.worlded.org/docs/surfing/section5.htm

Some web-based lesson samples

• http://blogbasedlessonsample.blogspot.com/ • http://bblep09tasks.blogspot.com/2009/01/my-preliminary-web-


• http://lifeslittlechores.blogspot.com/• http://bblep09-dinosaurs.blogspot.com/• http://elenargywebbasedlesson.blogspot.com/• http://tech.worlded.org/docs/gailmuhl.htm • http://www.alri.org/pubs/lessonplans.html• http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/lesson-plans• http://www.freeeslmaterials.com/sean_banville_lessons.html

Izquierdo, E. (2014) Web-based lessons, e-Portfolios and e-assessment

What is an e-portfolio?

Izquierdo, E. (2014) Web-based lessons, e-Portfolios and e-assessment

This image belongs to Helen Barrett, 2007. See the original image in context.

An e-portfolio is…

“… a purposeful collection of information and digital artifacts that demonstrates development or evidences learning outcomes, skills or competencies. The process of producing an ePortfolio (writing, typing, recording etc.) usually requires the synthesis of ideas, reflection on achievements, self-awareness and forward planning; with the potential for educational, developmental or other benefits. Specific types of ePortfolios can be defined in part by their purpose (such as presentation, application, reflection, assessment and personal development planning), pedagogic design, level of structure (intrinsic or extrinsic), duration (episodic or life-long) and other factors.“ (Newcastle University, 2008)

Izquierdo, E. (2014) Web-based lessons, e-Portfolios and e-assessment


E-portfolios are excellent for:

• EFL teaching and learning• Fostering content• Developing creativity• Increasing students' motivation• Working collaboratively• Promoting and developing group work• Integrating ICT into the traditional f2f classroom• Developing tech skills

Izquierdo, E. (2014) Web-based lessons, e-Portfolios and e-assessment

e-Portfolios for K-12by Helen Barrett, 2009

Izquierdo, E. (2014) Web-based lessons, e-Portfolios and e-assessment

e-Portfolios for higher education by Helen Barrett, 2009

Izquierdo, E. (2014) Web-based lessons, e-Portfolios and e-assessment

Important points to consider…

• Purpose. Decide on the purpose for the portfolio. What are you trying to show with this portfolio? Are there outcomes, goals, or standards that are being demonstrated with this portfolio?

• Collection/Classification. What artifacts will you include in your portfolio? How will you classify these entries?

• Reflection. Reflection is the heart and soul of a portfolio. Reflection provides the rationale for why these artifacts represent achievement of a particular outcome, goal or standard. Blog entries provide an opportunity for reflection "in the present tense" or "reflection in action."

• Connection/Interaction/Dialogue/Feedback. This stage provides an opportunity for interaction and feedback on the work posted in the portfolio. This is where the power of Web 2.0 interactive tools becomes apparent.

• Summative Reflection/Selection/Evaluation. At the end of a course (or program), students would write a reflection that looks back over the course (or program) and provides a meta-analysis of the learning experience as represented in the reflections stored in the blog entries.

• Presentation/Publishing. The portfolio developer decides what parts of the portfolio are to be made public.

Izquierdo, E. (2014) Web-based lessons, e-Portfolios and e-assessment

By Hellen Barrett

e-Portfolio structureBy Evelyn Izquierdo

Source: http://annualcourse2007-2008.wetpaint.com/

1. Welcome message: A general welcome message to your students and online visitors.

2. About us: A brief description about your students and yourself as a teacher. Ss’ short bios might be included and a photo, if authorized.

3. The project: A brief description of what the e-portfolio is all about.1. Objective (s): What is expected at doing the e-portfolio.2. Audience: Students, other teachers and all people who will read the e-portfolio3. Steps: Every single step students have to follow in order to develop the e-portfolio,

including their reflection on the work done.4. Schedule: Content and activities to be posted per week.5. Structure: Design pattern students should follow for their class work. If you design a

group e-portfolio, you should add a page for each Team and team members.

4. E-portfolio (s): A collection of different woks done by the students.

5. Evaluation: Quantitative and/or qualitative, rubrics

6. Resources: Link to your web-based lesson and the websites to be visited and a forum for questions, doubts, and reflections.

7. Visitor’s page (optional): A page for visitors to leave their comments on your students’ work.

Izquierdo, E. (2014) Web-based lessons, e-Portfolios and e-assessment

Some popular tools we can use.

Izquierdo, E. (2014) Web-based lessons, e-Portfolios and e-assessment

More tools: http://electronicportfolios.org/web20portfolios.html

Some e-portfolio samples

• http://texttypologyeportfolios2011.pbworks.com/w/page/43932711/FrontPage

• http://areastudiesfirstyear.blogspot.com/

• There are many samples provided by Hellen Barrett (2009). See the references at the end of the ppt.

Izquierdo, E. (2014) Web-based lessons, e-Portfolios and e-assessment


Design a Web-based lesson and/or an e-portfolio by folllowing the structures presented here.

Part Part IIII


Izquierdo, E. (2014) Web-based lessons, e-Portfolios and e-assessment


• Defining what e-assessment is• Making a difference between e-assessment and

evaluation• Exploring different assessment tools• Designing a rubric for an e-assessment project.


Assessment Vs Evaluation

Sue Watson


• Assessment requires the gathering of evidence of student performance over a period of time to measure learning and understanding. Evidence of learning could take the form of dialogue, journals, written work, portfolios, tests along with many other learning tasks.

• Evaluation on the other hand occurs when a mark is assigned after the completion of a task, test, quiz, lesson or learning activity. A mark on a spelling test will determine if the child can spell the given words and would be seen as an evaluation.

Assessment toolsGeoscience Faculty-Carleton College (2009)

• Concept Maps - A diagramming technique for assessing how well students see the "big picture".

• Concept Tests - Conceptual multiple-choice questions that are useful in large classes. • Knowledge Survey - Students answer whether they could answer a survey of course

content questions.• Exams - Find tips on how to make exams better assessment instruments. • Oral Presentations - Tips for evaluating student presentations. • Poster Presentations -Tips for evaluating poster presentations. • Peer Review - Having students assess themselves and each other. • Portfolios - A collection of evidence to demonstrate mastery of a given set of concepts. • Rubrics - A set of evaluation criteria based on learning goals and student performance. • Written Reports - Tips for assessing written reports. • Other Assessment Types Includes concept sketches, case studies, seminar-style courses,

mathematical thinking and performance assessments.

Concept or mind maps models

Concept or mind maps models



WebquestsIsabel Pérez, 2009http://www.isabelperez.com/webquest/index.htm

Webquest templatehttp://webquest.sdsu.edu/templates/TL/mywebquest/index.htm

E-portfolios references

Izquierdo, E. (2014) Web-based lessons, e-Portfolios and e-assessment

•Barret, H. (2009a) Official Website http://electronicportfolios.org/ •Barrett, H. (2009b) . Creating interactive ePortfolios with Wordpress and Google sites. http://electronicportfolios.com/blogmodels/index.html

•Barrett, H. (2009c) E-portfolios for learning. http://electronicportfolios.org/blog/

•EVO sessions (2009). Blog-based lessons and e-portfolios. http://bblep09weeklytasks.blogspot.com/

•Izquierdo, E (2007). Text typology e-portfolio. http://annualcourse2007-2008.wetpaint.com/?t=anon

•The Consultants-e (2008). Resources for e-portfolios http://www.theconsultantse.com/resources/Resources_ePortfolios.pdf

•Newcastle university (2008) E-portfolios. http://www.eportfolios.ac.uk/?pid=174

•World Education Literacy Division. (2005) Web-based lessons. http://tech.worlded.org/docs/surfing/section5.htm

•Images: https://www.edulink.networcs.net/schools/DeMontfort/PublishingImages/Homework1.jpg http://www.visualed.com/images/Clapping%20businesspeople.gif

e-Assessment references

• Buzzetto-More, N. and Alade, A. (2006). Best Practices in e-Assessment. Journal of Information Technology Education. Vol. 5 [Online] University of Maryland: Princess Anne, MD, USA Available at: http://informingscience.org/jite/documents/Vol5/v5p251-269Buzzetto152.pdf

• Geoscience Faculty (2009). Assessment tools. On the Cutting Edge [Online]. Carleton College: Canada. Available at http://serc.carleton.edu/NAGTWorkshops/assess/types.html

• Pérez, I. (2007-2009). ESL Site. Qué son las Webquests. [Online] Available at: http://www.isabelperez.com/webquest/index.htm

• E-Assessment. Guide to effective practice. [Online] Available at http://www.efutures.org/docs/guide.pdf

• O’Malley, J. And Valdez, L. (1992) Performance and Portfolio Assessment for Language Minority Students. NCBE Program Information Guide Series, Number 9, Spring Available at: http://www.ncela.gwu.edu/files/rcd/BE018651/Performance_and_Portfolio.pdf

• Watson, S. (2009).Assessment, evaluation and final marks. About.com [Online] Available at http://specialed.about.com/od/assessment/a/AandE.htm

More e-Assessment references

• Tools:

Cmaptools: http://cmap.ihmc.us/conceptmap.html

Rubistar: http://rubistar.4teachers.org/

Webquest: http://edmall.gsfc.nasa.gov/WebQuest/student.html#Evaluation

Rubrics4Teachers: http://www.rubrics4teachers.com/

iRubric: http://www.rcampus.com/indexrubric.cfm

• Images:




Evelyn IzquierdoICT in ELT course facilitator


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