vida e ciencia:ˆ o ponto de vista de um matematico´ filelago vostok estac¸ao vostok, ant˜...

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Vida e ciencia:O ponto de vista de um matematico

Graham Andrew Smith

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Avril 2019


“Buried Alive”, Frank Darabont, 1990

George Washington, 1732–1799

Frederic Francois Chopin, 1810–1849

Lista de controle de morte cerebral

Peixe leao

Platelminto marino



Cristal de vırus do mosaico do tabaco

Stephen Hawking, 1942–2018

Computer Trade Show, Boston, 1994

Samuel Butler, 1835–1902

Darwin among the Machines, 1863

John von Neumann, 1903–1957

Theory and Organization of Complicated Automata, 1949

Nascente de agua quente Morning Glory

Parque nacional de Yellowstone, Estados Unidos

Lago Vostok

Estacao Vostok, Antartida

Fonte hidrotermal

Oceano Atlantico

Caverna dos Cristais

Chihuahua, Mexico


Sistema solar


Lua de Jupiter

Nebulosa de Helix

Constelacao de Aquarius

“Solaris”, Stanislaw Lem, 1972

“Last and First Men”, Olaf Stapledon, 1930

Ai que fofo

Nada fofo



“The Writer”, automato criado por

Pierre Jaquet-Droz, 1768–1774

Alan Turing, 1912–1954

Computing machinery and intelligence, 1950

Esquema do Teste de Turing

“Der Golem”, Paul Wegener, (1920)

“Frankenstein”, Mary Shelley, (1818)

“I have love in me, the likes of which you can scarcely imagine, and rage the likes ofwhich you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, then I will indulge the other.”

“The Terminator”, James Cameron, (1984)

Kyle Reese - “The Skynet Funding Bill is passed. The system goes on-line August 4th,1997. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. Skynet begins to learn ata geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. In apanic, they try to pull the plug.”

“The Matrix”, Wachowski Siblings, (1999)

“2001: A space odyssey”, Stanley Kubrick, (1968)

Kubrick - “HAL 9000 malfunctioned following an acute emotional crisis because hecould not accept evidence of his own fallibility.”

“Blade Runner”, Ridley Scott, (1982)

Roy Batty - “I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off theshoulder of Orion. I’ve watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate.All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.”

“π”, Darren Aronofsky, (1998)

Sol Robeson - “Certain programs cause computers to get stuck in a particular loop.The loop leads to meltdown but just before the crash, they become aware of their ownstructure. The computer has a sense of its own silicon nature and it prints out theingredients.”

Gansos voando

Porque os gansos sempre voam em forma de V?

Ninhos de formigas

Porque os ninhos das formigas tem a estrutura que eles tem?

Desenvolvimento de dobras ne cerebro humano

Como acontece que o cerebro humano forma estas dobras quando cresce?

Dobramento de proteınas

O que faz que as proteınas se dobram desta maneira?

Tela de aranha

Como aprende a aranha a produzir suas telas?

Vırus exibindo simetria icosahedral

Porque tantos vırus possuem formas que saem da geometria pura?

Ninho de passaro tecelao

Quais sao os circuitos cerebrais dos passaros atras da criacao dos ninhos?

Concha de maravilha japonesa

Porque as conchas exibem curvas geometricas quase perfeitas?



Mata Atlantica

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