tarea final odf mirian(1) odf

Post on 29-Mar-2016






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Esta tarea ha sido realizada por alumnos de 4º ESO, IES "Virgen de la Caridad", como trabajo final de una unidad CIL



Tarea Final

Las Vanguardias

El vanguardismo es una corriente artstica europea surgida a partir de 1910. Se caracteriza por la ruptura con la tradicin anterior y por el ntento de crear nuevas formas artsticas y literarias. Tiene diversas manifestaciones:

El Futurimo fue fundado en Italia en 1909.

El Cubismo fue un movimiento artstico desarrollado entre 1907 y 1914, nacido en Francia.

El Dadasmo es un movimiento cultural que surgi en 1916 en Zrich (Suiza).

El Surrealismo surgido en Francia a partir del dadasmo, en la dcada de los aos 1920.

Las Vanguardias

Futurismo: exaltaba todos los rasgos de la modernidad y propona, en una vertiente plstica y literaria, mostrar la realidad en pleno movimiento.

Cubismo: su origen es pictrico, rompe con la perspectiva nica e introduce la perspectiva mltiple. Con ello pretende reflejar la realidad mediante la simultaneidad de sus formas geomtricas mas significativas

Las Vanguardias

Dadasmo: Se refleja en la publicacin de manifiestos y en la celebracin de actos done los dadaistas se exhibieron a s mismos en actitudes provocadoras mediante las cuales queran acabar con las convenciones.

Surrealismo: Propone la exploracin en las capas profundas de la conciencia y en el mundo de los sueos, liberarlo de los convencionalismos morales y sociales.

Las Vanguardias

Rafael de Czar


La Belle poque

L'expression "Belle poque" est apparue en France, aprs la Premire Guerre Mondiale. La Belle poque dsigne les annes de paix comprises entre l'Exposition universelle de Paris de 1878 et le dbut de la Premire Guerre Mondiale en 1914. Cette poque dsigne des annes de prosprit conomique o le rgime rpublicain se consolide.

La Belle poque

Le train rvolutonne les communications rurales et le premier mtro commence circuler Paris.

Le dcouverts les plus connus sontla pasteurisation et le vaccin contre la rage ( Pasteur) et la radiactivit (Marie Curie).

Les inventions les plus spectaculaires sont l tlephone, l'electrict et le chauffage central.

Des peintres de premire importance et des colesdiffrentes coexistent Paris durant cette poque: limpressionnisme (le plus souvent), lexpressionnisme, le cubisme, le pointillisme, le symbolisme, lart abstrait... Tant la sculpture comme la musique suivent un chemin parallle aux ides de la peinture: se librer de son caractreacadmique et classique.

La Belle poque

Claude Monet est un artiste-peintre franais li au mouvement impressionniste, peintre de paysages et de portraits.


Virginia Wolf

Adeline Virginia Woolf was an English writer, and one of the foremost modernist of the twentieth century. The period of Virginia Woolf's early life was one of profound social and cultural change. She was born into a Victorian world, and came to maturity as an author in the modern world. In the Victorian world, certain beliefs were regarded as central and were not to be questioned.

Virginia Wolf

Known for her novels, and for the dubious fame of being a doyenne of the 'Bloomsbury Set', in her time Virginia Woolf was highly respected as a major essayist and critic with a special interest and commitment to contemporary literature, and women's writing in particular. Virginia Woolf started to work as a tutor at Morley College in 1904 and wrote reviews for some books. Her reviews were published in the Times Literary Supplement. In 1095 she started meeting with friends to discuss literary and artistic topics. In 1915, her first novel The Voyage Out was published.

Virginia Wolf

SOME QUATIONS:''You cannot find peace by avoiding life'' ''Someone has to die in order that the rest of us should value life more''''To enjoy freedom we have to control ourselves.''''I can only note that the past is beautiful because one never realises an emotion at the time. It expands later, and thus we don't have complete emotions about the present, only about the past''



It was born at the beginning of the 19th century, as a feeling of belonging to the same community or nation which members share a common past, a language and a culture. I adopt two forms:a conjecture he was wishing the liberation of, the nations submitted to others; another one was affirming that the territories with common, but politically divided elements had to inhale to constitute a nation.

Russian Revolution

In this epoch the population of Russia was hungry and was losing hope, also it was possible to find an inequality between the workers and the owners. Gradually, there are restored political secret groups, where his leaders were an educated person and that were in opposition to the nobility, the czars, the religions... In 1917 of February there took place a revolution, which created the implantation of the first communist regime of the history and me cause a great change in the economy and in the Russian company. The Duma was restored and established a provisional government, formed for socialist and liberal. The Revolution of October was caused by the Bolsheviks, who afterwards were named A Communist party, and they established a new Government.

World War 1

It took place due to the territorial recoveries of different countries, the economic rivalries, the colonial interests that already had provoked conflicts; and finally the formation of both blocks of alliances: la Triple Alliance and the Triple Etente. This situation favored the armament career, in which every country was increasing his military force to be prepared before a possible war.

Mirian Cuesta
Marina Bautista
Maria Baena
Miriam Miranda

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