solucións dos deberes da segunda quincena de maio 1º circle 4 … · 2021. 2. 22. · correcto...

Post on 16-Mar-2021






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Solucións dos deberes da segunda

quincena de maio


1-sister 2-daddy 3- mouse

4-granny 5-baby 6-brother

1- ears 2-tongue

3- teeth 4- hair

5- eyes 6- mouth

7- cheeks 8- nose

2- Look, read and tick

1- I like rollerskating 2- I don´t like painting

3- I don´t like dancing 4- I like singing

Marca tick or cross si se pode ou non se pode ver (see), oír (hear), saborear

(taste), ulir (smell) o tocar (touch). Escolle 5 debuxos dos abaixo indicados.

Respota libre

1- Find and write

1- reading 2-running

3-singing 4-painting

5-dancing 6-skipping

7- swimming 8- rollerskating

Count and write. Remember: I´ve got … (eu teño...)

• I´ve got five pencils

• I´ve got three pencil cases

• I´ve got five felt-tips

• I´ve got two calculators

• I´ve got seven rulers

• I´ve got seven pens

• I´ve got six glue sticks

• I´ve got four notebooks

Read and complete.

1- No, I haven´t.

I´ve got a ruler.

2- Yes, I have.

3- Have you got a folder? No, I haven´t. I´ve got a



2- sur 3- skate 4- football 5- volleyball

6- tennis 7- karate 8- sail 9- dive 10- ski

Find these words: skate, ski, football, karate, surf, tennis and dive

p f t e n n i s

o r p i i i g h

o u k v e b n n

e s k a t e c l

v t s d i b r y

i r e t a r a k

d f f y t r d e

f o o t b a l l

1- Look and write I can or I can´t

Anna: I can swim, I can´t ski, I can´t surf, I can sail, I

can ride a bike.

David: I can swim, I can ski, I can surf, I can´t sail, I

can ride a bike.

Write the numbers. You have got an example.

• Twenty-two – twenty-three – twenty-four

• fourteen - fifteen - sixteen

• twenty-nine - thirty - thirty-one

• twelve - thirteen - fourteen

• thirty-nine - forty - forty-one

• eighty-eight - eighty-nine - ninety

Rememenber: Se é nena empeza con She e se é neno empeza con He.

1- She can play volleyball.

2- He can´t play tennis.

3- She can´t skate.

4- He can´t do karate.

5- She can´t ride a bike.

6- He can play football.

1- Lood and write

1- She likes sausages and tomatoes. 3- He likes ice cream and chocolate.

2- She likes chicken and crisps. 4- He likes bananas and sandwiches.

Food: meat, fruit, fish, sugar and jam.

Drink: coffee, cola, juice, tea and milk

Write: Yes, I do/ No, I don´t. RESPOSTA LIBRE

1. Do you like coffee? ________________________________________

2. Do you like cola? __________________________________________

3. Do you like tea? ___________________________________________

4. Do you like milk? __________________________________________

5. Do you like fish? ___________________________________________

6. Do you like meat? __________________________________________

Write: nice, nasty, busy, hungry and thirsty. Se non recordas o seu significado

consulta unit 3 (class book).

b- She´s nasty

c- He´s hungry

d- He´s busy

e- She´s nice

f- He´s thirsty

There are 4 children: Ellie, Jamie, Pete and Nicky. Read every text and

write his/her name. Escribe los nombres de los niños en cada espacio.


1- Nicky

2- Pete


4- Jamie

Fíxate no menú. Se ti pides algo que non está, o camareiro dirache No,

sorry. Se pides algo que hai no menú, o camareiro dirache Yes, of course

1- Yes, of course

2- yes, of course

3- No, sorry

4- No, sorry

5- Yes, of course

The missing letter. You are going to find numbers, food, drink and animals.

Hai números, comida, bebida e animais.

cake coke

fifty leopard

bread fish

twelve milk

5º (unit 2 and 3)

Write Andrea, Alice, Jamie, Jane and Peter in the

correcto place. Escribe estes nomes no lugar correcto.

1. Alice

2. Pete

3. Andrea

4. Jane

1- football stadium 2-internet café 3- sports centre

4- ice rink 5- skate park 6- tennis court 7- art gallery

8- restaurant 9- bowling alley 10- shopping centre

2- Read and number

5 - 2 - 4

1- 6 - 3

Write the numbers.

1. Thirty x three (30x3) = ninety2. fourteen x two = twenty-two3. thirty-three x two = sixty-six4. twelve x six = seventy-two5. thirteen x six = seventy-eight6. thirteen x five = sixty-five7. seventeen x four = sixty-eight


0- IS


2- IS


4- IS

5- IS



1. There is

2. There isn´t

3. There are

4. There aren´t

5. There aren´t any

6. There aren´t

6ºFind and number.

6- 2 - 5 - 7 - 8 – 3 – 10 – 4 – 1 - 9

Observa as persoas do exercicio anterior e escribe quen é cada un.

Between: entre

next to: ao lado de

Find and write

1. a doctor

2. a vet

3. a shop assistant

4. an office worker

verb ----------------------------------- job (profesión)

teach (ensinar) --------------------- teacher (mestre)

Segue esta norma (terminación en -er) para formar as profesións. Hai unha profesión das de

abaixo que non segue esta norma.

Write the jobs

1. a teacher

2. a cleaner

3. an actor

4. a photographer

5. a builder

6. a farmer

Remember the past simple verb to be (ser/estar)


I was – eu era/estaba

You were – ti eras/estabas

He was – el era/estaba

She was – ela era/estaba

it was – era/estaba (para animal, cousa …)

We were – nós eramos/estabamos

You were – vós erades/estabades

They were – eles/elas eran/estaban

In negative, it´s the same but we use wasn´t/weren´t. Se tes dúbidas consulta a páxina 31,

Class Book


1. She wasn´t a very nice person. (negative)

2. They were at the football stadium. (affirmative)

3. I wasn´t at the cinema. (negative)

4. This dog was very fast. (affirmative)

5. You weren´t at the swimming pool. (negative)

6. Were you at the bowling alley? (interrogative)

7. The warriors (They) weren´t brave. (negative)

8. He wasn´t at home. (negative)


1º (Unit 3/4)

Look and write. Ordena las letras para formar palabras.

Trace Enviar

Now, colour every animal following the example. Colorea cada animal seguindo o exemplo:

1. The bear is brown and white.

2. The elephant is ____________________________________.

3. The leopard is_____________________________________.

4. The monkey is ____________________________________.

5. The snake is ______________________________________.

6. The spider is______________________________________.

7. The tiger is_______________________________________.

8. The turtle is_______________________________________.

Segue o camiño e marca (tick) todos os animais que vai

coñecendo o mono.

Nestes dous enlaces poderedes practicar vocabulary relacionado

cos animais (non vos preocupedes, non tedes que sabelos todos): .

Nestes outros enlaces poderedes practicar as cores e os números.


2º (unit 3 and 4)

Remember: Enviar

I like (a min gústame)

I don´t like (a min non me gusta)

Write: I like/I don´t like

1 ________________ ham.


3_________________ ice cream.

4 _________________ apples.

5 __________________ coke (coca-cola)

Circle and write. You have got an example.

Neste enlace poderás practicar os números ata o 20.

Neste outro poderás practicar tipos de comida


Ordea as palabras para facer preguntas e logo responde.

1 karate? Can do you = Can you do karate?

Label - Enviar

Read and tick or cross.

Remember: He/She likes (a el/ela gústalle) but I like (a

min gústame)


Vai a estes enlaces e fai estas fichas interactivas

relacionada cos alimentos.



Para practicar números ata o 99 vai a este enlace:

interactive-board-game/ NUMBERS. Entra neste enlace para practicar os


Escribe as túas rutinas diarias.



Write the words in order. Match and draw the clocks. Tes que ordear as palabras para facer

unha oración con sentido, por exemplo, a primeira sería: She has a shower at seven o´clock.

Mira onde está situado o gato. In é dentro, on é encima, under é debaixo e by é ao lado. For

example: The cat is on the box (o gato está encima da caixa).

No primeiro exercicio recorta o balón e pégao dentro, debaixo ou

encima da caixa, según se che indica.

No exercico número dous escolle entre IN, ON or UNDER.

5º- Enviar

Be careful! In number 3, you have to use they. No número 3 empeza con they (eles) porque son

dous rapaces.

Look and write

1. Fai click no enlace que te levará á canción.


3. Fai click onde pon vídeo. Escóitaa varias veces e enche os

ocos coas palabras seguintes: dream, celebrate, voices,

young, lives, hearts, together, turn and chance (algunha

palabra repítese).

4. Unha vez que a fagas, ao final da canción hai unha pestaña

que pon solución.

1.Fai click no enlace que te levará á canción.

2.Fai click onde pon vídeo. Escóitaa varias veces e enche os

ocos coas palabras seguintes: near, heart, dear, money,

thousand, listen, hear, do, above, truth and fool (algunha

palabra repítese).

3.Unha vez que a fagas, ao final da canción hai unha pestaña

que pon solución.

6º (unit 3/4)

In the morning- pola maña

In the afternoon- pola tarde

Une os contrarios.

Read and number. Cada personaxe é algo (is) e ao mesmo tempo non é algo (isn´t).

Do you remember the meaning? Always (sempre), often (con frecuencia), sometimes (algunhas

veces) and never (nunca). Fala de ti mesmo (I´m always/often/sometimes/never …)

Enviar (non envíes a canción)

Here, you are going to use the past. Vas a utilizar o pasado, se utilizas a afirmativa tes que coller un

verbo acabado en -ed. Se utilizas a negativa empezas con didn´t + verbo sen -ed.

Fíxate en Jo. Jo didn´t play the guitar (Jo non tocaba a guitarra) but Jo listened to music (Jo

escoitaba música).

1.Fai click no enlace que te levará á canción.

2.Fai click onde pon vídeo. Escóitaa varias veces e enche os ocos coas

palabras seguintes: near, heart, dear, money, thousand, listen, hear, do,

above, truth and fool (algunha palabra repítese).

3.Unha vez que a fagas, ao final da canción hai unha pestaña que pon


Agora vas practicar números Find the number. Tes que atopar o número

que está entre outros dous (between). Vai ao seguinte enlace:

Fai click no recuadro que pon 1 to 100 na columna In Between.

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