slooding traffic cuba continues blast b loody w eek-e nd

Post on 08-Jun-2022






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Slooding Traffic A ccident Claims B a b y G irl’s L ife


Eastern GE Workers Go Back to Jol)

bchenectady, n . y ., Oct. n workers n

^ lucuic .companyt'tritd IMtructlon.'* of iniai lodny m d r

lo w ork fiillo’ ........... ..................1 Inp li

-nlcl Kiri l.ncam e G o o d ■ittiin fou r d a y s w h e i ke’s liospitul, H o ise . o .'itloiiL abou t A :‘M) p .n i >11 hfiiliwiiv 20-2G. T h i

C uba C o n tin u es B last A t U.S.; T r ia l , F ir in g

Squads S till in A c tio nH A V A N A . (5d. 17 ( U l’D — T h Ki,

'i;'i)cl,.d Ilt-niocralic p rcsjc le iilia l i;, lilt! th a t •'.-iiii'c he liocs im l iila '

( lid a to K oir. (

B l o o d y W e e k - E n d T a k e s S e v e n L i v e s

I n I d a h o M i s h a p s

1.000 Peo])Ie Are K illed East Paldstanhour ind n Ircmcndoii-'i tluR

,ve klUtd more th .in 3,000 people jnr Die tout o f E su l PaWMaii, ApproUffiMtly 80 p e r cent or the rlrtnr in tlip «rcaliU Jiomele J by deaUucUort of

1.000 homci.THe »lorm sItmcV: la s t Mondny,

most o! Ita dftmaRC to six___ofrshnre IMftnds in Uie DfiyDenftal. Tliry. like mosi of the

St of EnjJ Pnklstnn, b k ex irfm f prlmltlTe.

Communlctttlona -Rlth ttie out- de world were cu t. Not until jm - ■rdar when government officials lodueed the ir-report '• -hf-jpot lnve.Ulgntlon, wa.i the es- Itnale of the dend made. It Is ired (hat the correc t figure mn> irn out to be hluher.Hundreds of bodies were bellevcc' tdied oat U> sea whc/i {he Mai

,,..V.J.. Tfiu, 11/seven years' Iniprlsonmrnl b u t was expelled alter he pleaded for clemency and showed "slncerc re- pentoncf."

The report said Kaminsky con­fessed bt/cre (he mlliwry tribunal

Hve reccdcd. A complete total if killed m .iy never be pos-Ible.Such knier «torm.<5 a re ‘common

n this part of th e world.-Nearly M persons were killed In the jme area hy one In the fall of 1J58.

tha t he had coMccled Intelligence information.

I t specified that Kaminsky pho­tographed military Installations and carried a notebook contnlniiig '•coded notes about the locntlon/of nn artillery, radar ins^irtla. tlons and a military airfield."

Portland ManKaminsky had entered the Sovi­

et Union last July 27 by au tom o­bile w/tft another American tour-

Wounded by1st, Hsrvey C. Bennett, 26, Tracy. Calif, About three weeks la ter they disappeared, NothlnR fu rther was heard of them until the V. S. state

Shotgun BlastTORTLAND. O re .. OcL. 17 cti.ild N e w h o u s e , production

department announced last Friday thn t they had been expelled for being m a forbidden area.

The two were said lo have been ousted at the Soviet-crccho.Movak

■insRcr of the .*^trttck OreRonian, 11 loiinded Inst n ig h t by * shot- -n bla.1t fired throuRh r base* ent window o f h is Portland

border town of Ubhgorod. S o far :/icy hai-s made no contact Rlih U, S, embassies on the western side of the Iron curUln.

Russ Convict U. S. Tourist On Spy Count

MOSCOW. Oct. 17 WV-An Amer- .can tourl.n expelled from Uk Soviet Uflloj) wtt» convletcd o l spy-

The Soviet news agency Tnss lid tha tourUt. Mnrlc 1. K n

sky. 28, t leather from JcfXc Township, Mlc:

The b lu t s tru c k Ne«hous«' rlKht hip a n d thigh, poll

' '.t Good Snm nrltnn hosnltBl,

Ir condition n f tc r xurRcry, Kewliouse. 41, 1« a cousin of S,

>.Jiea,')iauM,..oynf.r ■ of, thr-O rcr

Olllcera said N ew house w u til' h is basem ent work' th e sh o t wa* fired ( f e e t above him. Ii Ihe wintiow and en

ittd Nftwhouse'a low er right aldi ,tcd thn t som

struclc New - -.... .W...W - .;re ao tffiepfy

ffibrdded tha t th e y were removed

Police ifficers called to found foo tp rin ts ouUldi ....

wment window o f the honn-Jn jilnnd'* faahlonablB W est Hills

The Stcreotypcra’ union »tructc ■ OreKonlan dnU OrcRon Jou?- I- Portland's tw o dally newa-

sperv fast Novem ber, Wctnbera ■■'■en other u n io n s observed Uii

!t, lines.

2 Spuds Gained,Bo is e , o c t. n oipii—a Keoo.

couple lo s t two or*nge»- , .aincd two Id ah o potAtou. Mr. and Mrs. C . B. Craropton

to sivft u p the erangea •ni’n they c ro u e d Into Id»ho ifom the O anad tan provlne# of

Columbia,^ to males u p to r th e Sou,

Hoiiert E . BmyUe forw vd- » U o loaho b a k e ii, saylni:

idaiiu does n o t produce clt- ^ tniu*, but. as-you do know,

Are the naU on 'a la rg u t pro* "'‘« f M pxM poUtOM ." •

Accident in Army Takes 17th LifePRANKFURT. Oct, 17 riTB—The

iragle overshot of an artille ry shell I t flj)—AjnWJCSD'-krniy 'tra ln ln* ire* last monUi h u c laim ed K n t h victim,

Sgt. i/tl, Clarence c . E gland. <3. died Friday of abdominal wounds Innicted when the el«hUlneh howUrer ahell eiploded am one a ’uater of Unis, the arm y ounced today.Esland died at a u ^ . a rm y hoa*

Ital a t Nuernberg, TSeventeen ot (he rematnlns: iJ

Injured In the blast have returned 0 duty, a apokeanun said. Eight r e itu i hoapltallced.


bombs went off In

aonie of th f eoniejor whieh will ride atont H pi p»cki|!B Into pcoin fe«Ia (hit fewer hindi

tUsn'a f ln l automatle poslaffict at tieduled for dedication on Thnndar.

»Ir*lew. above. The interior photo ahow la (or dlatributlon of parcel poit packafca t unlll Diemory un it of neehanlcal brain delUerj- ebule. The poUofflce depaHment 1 move a la r ie r voluine o( mall lo aborter n dollar baUdlD(. (A f wlrepboto)

State lOOF Sessions Opened in Twin Falls

T h e Independent O rde r o f O d d F e llo w s opened it.i f ir s t s t a t e convention .sessions S u n d a y m orn in« r n t th e RoRer- .Hon h o ld >vhi)e jMr.9. E -slhcr A rb o g a .s t , B u rle y , pre.Hidcnt of t h e dep artm e n t associa tion L a d i e s AuKilinrie.H P a triarch : M il ita n t, lO O F of Idaho , o p e n e d h e r g r o u p ’i a.Tti. S undav . LAPM o ffice rs w e r e s e a te d b'R u p e r t L A PM No. 13. M rs. A rb o R fts t 's h M r.s. E d ith Clevenger, B u r le y , w a.s in charKi

t h e d a y

Ike Sets Out On Nine-Day Political Trip

DErrROrr.'Oct. n (u?i>-Preji- dent'Elaenhower arrived here to-

■- 'Oliver an address on tht •conomic outlook a t thi

outset of a ntne*day "non-polltl- al" ipeakins lour.The Presldent'a Jet landed a t 1C .m. lEST) a t Detroit Metropoli­

ta n airport after a one-hour ant" lO>mlDUte lllght Irom Washing

lie’ll IteMlre Key. u met by l . L. m x l Col'

bert. prealdent of Chrysler cnrpor' -itlon-and ixaad of .llJs Au( fwufacturera association, i f ie chief execullve drove direct'

Jy to hij hotel. Hla schedule callec • r him to receive a key to the city _-id ipeak before a women's groilp before b b major address tonight a l the 43rd national auto show.

The chief executive was expected to reaffirm hl.v belief that the bualneu outlook la favorable ' the speech.

Hexteo -VUU S tt Ttie Detroit appearance Is the

firat alop on a 6.T28'mlle, cross­country journey that will take the Prealdent to six lUtea and belor the border to Mexico,

Leading Bepubllcsns were hope­ful that the Elsenhower magic would'rub off on voters and In­crease the victory chances of tbe OOP ticket on Nov. 8.


S S a i “ V d u rt iif rS a V h P^o' »• ■ from today untU N or. i riri duriDv m eUab between pr« and wU-Caitre poupa wi

AOAKr n a Oef 17 tfl— MJaoiJ’s buj atrUw eniered lU n th day todi> ?^ua£n* the longest prevloua <t>utdown of elty traasportaUon.

itaerUr* • !« « aald 1‘ « « e l ^ . a .befera noon that J. De»ia F a htiroaia hU bMn loeaied.

UNmtD NATIONS. N. Y ;. <Xt. 1 7 ® ^ ^ amloat SecntUT'OtneraJ H u n iu n k jo la on tb« bud«eUi7, front

of JfwsdlnC* to w p o it V. B . poUclef- ‘" lo a n r n ln d ia.laff* '

ions n t 8 n te am from no auxilia ry T h o u g h t of

:n by United F e rry . P ast

■idents intro- specifil hon- - LAPM

,SKiB o n n e rs

d e p a r tm e n t pre: ducecJ a n d (rivci o r by Caldwell No M rs. E sther O’Leao' and Mrs, Jes­sie Frnzer. both Wciser; Mrs, Elli Self. Lewiston; Mrs. Anna Leth ond Mrs. aertm de F. Disweii, bolt B uhl; Mrs. Estclln LeCrone, Naa P lym outh; Helen Ulman, Caldwell; M rs. Ruby Drake, Boise; Mrs Ruby Drake, Boise; Mrs. Leoni Rostad, Idaho Fall.<, and Mra G race Johns. Pocatello.

M rs. Arbogast appointed her various committees. Visitors wet- cooled during the momlog sesston were M rs. Alice Shively, ininols 7nCemat{on«( ARA tecreuty; Brig.

Jam es McNeal, Boise, depnrt- commander: Ucut. Col, Eart

V^rdiey, Bol«. department adju­ta n t and past grand patriarch; B rlK -O en; 'Ted-ArtiogMt/Butlej; p a s t department commander ;/Hor

g r a ^ 1 Payette,:tte. post grand master.

Mrs. Adeline Howard, Potlatch, assembly warden; Icel Weygi Caldwell, assembly manhal; V onla Pcnske. Payette, assembly h istorian, and Mrs. Edna Steven, son, Payette, Rebekah' assunbly p ast president; Mrs. fleasfe Baker, N atopa, assembly past president; M rs. M yra Peterson, Coeur d’Alene a acm b ly past president; Mrs. Mol- He Zimmerman, assembly - -prMJdeDt, Smmett; Mn, Thelmi W hitaker, assembly past presl den t. Midvale;Mra.EstherO'Leary,

Demo Ups Lead In Popcorn Poll

NABHVILL8. Tenn., OcL 17 Ifl —D tm O enllc cwdldate John F. K ennedy has boosted bis lead over R epublican oomlnee Richard M, N ixon In tbe presidential popcorn pcdl. ■

Results o f the second poU. com> piled he re yuterday, C*t« Kenne­dy M 3 per cent of the returns, compftred v lth 63.7 per cent In the }nlUaI«poll two weeks ago.’ T he poU. accurate In its picks

sine# (sbblnf H trry S. Thunta In IMJ.-1» bas*d:on popcam sslei In luov lt h o t ^ and supermarkets.

Buyers choote between boxes la- twled "N lm n '' or "EUhiUdr and th a s ^ arg tabulated hen tor popoortt promoter Jim UnUu.

Methodist Ministers Hold Parley in T.F.

K orlv-o inh t M etlH K iiiini.^lcrs fro m M iuthcn i hiiilin in<i ea.Kfoni O repoji b fn .-i:i in e rtw /: th e Fir.-^t M e th o d is t

fh iircli. Tw in F a lls . S u i u h y in iitt r e l r r a tcoverinif-iniiii.sLcriul n iiiL lcj-i-X licjieti.sioiia b e ca il.lil "i p .m .

■jSundny and \vill c o i i t in i ic iinlil T uesdnv noon. S u b jec ts ■-1 the aKeiiiia tiwil w i th prohlunis o f tlio m in is te r and

■■ ■ cipid sp p a k fr S u n d a v a n d vey I’o t th o ff . h e a d of th e

L'jjiA' killed 11) lii^’liwnv And ,e m a n wa.-! wounded w hile a rK a rc i {'(indie, IS.m onth- ■ V,. S ta rk . (M. M eridian; •.s. Ai-villa P ark inson . 5G. inn, a tid Cecil Simp.wn, 9, St F a lls .

ohn a25, Mnl . K.

' Fair Success Reported for Hunt in Area

phcft,ubsn InlclllR, ltd Drndley last May uheii he

to .H Bvann from Miami, ac ning to officials. Lacayo wa;

tiTCittd th e e a m t m prosecu tor a t th e trial o r and tw o Cubnn codclend in S an tlogo also linked

I th e lll-lBt.

) scialons Tues- he Rev. Charles

c eastern d is tric t, ond mley Andrews, of ' ercnirc, will probe objectives,

those attendJng o re quarter- ihe homes <4 pa rlsh lo n en of

tha First Methodist ch u rch .

Former Q uiz Show Experts Under Arrest

!/jy«ilon o t 0>-'I accuse th e U.S. governmen

of aiding tlicse men to lnvad<Cuba, trylns to overthrow the rev otuUon." s a id Ptosectuor David Dloi jjocjin.

But Fuller to ld the court he was' jre U S. authorities were una-' are the expedlUon had been lanned and fe lt they would have lopped It If they had known.Fuller, w ho was lx>rn in Cuba

nd spent ht-j childhood th c r e , | '_ „Slid he Jo ined the expedition of' hli own fre e will, having made ",,v, , contact In M lnm l w ith the C uban-..-^ , chief of th e expedition. (oouffh'

He said h e fell th a t the land'torocy taken from h is family under Cas-'surrender on second desre tro's agra rlnn reform laws wns'cliarses stemming fro still rlRhtfully theirs, and one of Jury information. Six his alms In Joining the Oct. i tiers were ctpccted tc expedition w as a hope to regain early this neck, the property.

luinUnR 2[ a. on lu south

; N-nrlrd by areas in thi ■h. according to prellml ires reported Mondny b: ilo iu .o iflc .c r..M orlO ) The Slio.'.hone b a .s li station reported 6C1 dec out by Mondny mornln

1.500 hunters rcturnc' inded. Tlie Tlock crce reported 534 hunters

dieckcd into Oje artx Ihe i season opened, bi cheeked out the fli

Oakley checklnR .1 dccr taken out the 67J

hecked out without Rame......... ist. the Rockland tlM lonreported 475 decf checked out. * SO per cent klu by ®50 hunter*.

The Wendell checking sta tion reported a light enrly season kill In gnmo m tnigemenl unit 15 Checkers In tha Soldier mountnlr hunt areas reported huntlnR pres­sure was light with a ahort supply of deer. Only IJ deer had been checked out, compared lo 2B head of elk in the special hunt area.

- ................ with light huntlnR

Larryaiiicm.', zu, Ln;ip. /\iucn i’, jtelley, 45. Holic, tt-ns woiilKlfcl.

nrk bccaiiie Klal.o s laTtUhlgh- vlctlm when lie died from in-

•.t Incurred SUJJiia;’ crcning in colllslcn ot Uh Mr a'Jth a

. . . . I driven by petcr Fos, Jr., Golt Lake Clfy.'Tlie ftccldcnt nappened - • - west of Boise on highway 20.

cordinj lo Ada founty aher- rieputics, Gt-irk was attempt-

lo turn off the hlRhwny when crush occurred, ills car was rk a t the left front by th e '

IS nnd a passenger In the c, Mnrvln'J, Po»eil„Caldweti, pcd serious Injury, rs. Parkinson died Instantly

when r in....................... ....... _ freight

ill) collided a t a jrade eroulng Plano, 10 miles southwest of Anthony. Mrs. Parkinson was

me a t the time of tlie accident. Tlie Slnip.?on boy aljo was kUied

Saturday v

NEW YORK, Oct. 11 mi 'teen fofroee TV quiz ahow idols, Including Charles V an D oren am' Kllrlda Von NBrdroff. w urc arrest ed today on perjury charges li

iconnccUon with wslimociy before i grand Jury Juvesllgatlns big mone, quitfhow rigging,I Tlie lonner contestants.— nine „ men and five women connecUdT v,lth the delunct NBC-TV £howsf>i

> T w e n ly -O n e '' a n d "Tic Tac •trooped to th e district at- olllce th is .,m orn ing U

pressure was reported from thi Muldoon and Fish creek areas.

Hunter turnout In the Setchum area was reported light.

Several tag violations have been found. Rhodes reported. He em - phaslied that hunters must a ttocti lags to deer as soon as they are killed M d punch out the

riate spaces, as specifiedtag.


Former Grange Leader, 82, Dies

SVHACUBB. N. Y.,,O ct. IT W— Louis J . T ab e r . 83. head of the Nttiontl a r a u g t lor 19 yesn. died yesterday.

Taber w aa chainnaa of the oaid and a founder o f the Parm- rs and T rad e rs L ife inauranci

company.' i t was a form er director of ag- uiture fo r Ohio and. a t the age 60, was elected m aster of the

Onmge./Iffylpg «■< iin tlnn .t mastei

of the fa rm organ ltation ended ir

Innlngf T old Jiank Bloomgarden, a

research consultant w ho iOO on 'T»cnly-Onc.~ w ;he first to surrender. V an Doren, «ho became a na tional celebrity IS a result of his TV appearance: ft-on JI29POO on the sam e show was Vcn Nardroff w as th e record quli show Winner w ith a take of »J20500 on -Twenty-One."

Dortn revealed''hls p a rt on U show conspiracy In soul_-

testlmony before - —

l« l . Taber n

gre.vslonal Wvestlgatlns commlttei>n Nov. 2, l»».

Lis If Adrolttcd -He admitted he Ued to th e grondl -- —

Jury' when'hiTestlflBd-hB- httdniiot

Tipsy Drivers Ai-e Filled by Burley JudgeTwo drlTtrs, John Paul Logftn.

medical P«»tetlo, and Paul O. O ranado. nnioR I Rupert, charged with Orl»lng w hile

*" ■ intoxicated were each fined »100 and costa and their driver’s lU censea were itvoked for one yeikr

T Burley juatlce of the Peace A i­red Crane Monday morning.Logan «aa arrested by D eputy

J ie rlff Ned Warner at 10 p .r - Sunday. U mUu west of Burley.

a ran ado was arrested by S ta te Patrolman U . J . Snyder Just of Burley a t the V-Dell cornL. . 9.-3D p .m . Sunday, A passenger In

e-half miles 'cmi of th# o-Washlngton sl»te line, Ha cTiAid on arrival at a Coeur

jLAlcns Jiospilal, T tiejrlver of the cnr was Identified rj Qeorge T. Riddle. 4C, Spokane, ftlddle laid the youngster n\n onto the road In

Heart Attack ' Takes Life of Area'Hunter

KAILEY. Oct. n - A 4).year>oI(! Hailey man. Fredrick RunUton •fomllDSon, died ot a he« t attack between B and 9 am. Sunday whUo hunting near th* Russian

Dhn ranger atfttlon.H# had gone with two friends,

Morgan DeBord and leonird Knight, on the Big Wood tlrer b un t and hod remained at the car while his friends went up tha

Knight returned to tha . . j.m. and Mr. Tomlinson was all right. A t #:3B ajn. DeBord relum ed to find Tomlinson sitting

I rock about 100 feet from ths . . . . Hla rille was laylog across his knees and he had not removed his

res. nor had he used any ol pills he had with blm.

-.Ir. Tomlinson was bom 'ta Qoldfleld. Nev.. Jan, lo, 1817, Ihi son of Mr. and Mrs. James A .. Tomlinson, He mo«d to Eureka,

with his family vtiere hli died when ha was 11 yean

n acUve Hepuliit iiad se rv ed the n a tio n a l ......

mlttees of food and farm prob- iems under e lx prcaideoU, both

a n d Democrats.

TRADE TALKS OPEN BONN, a e rm an y , Oct, n Cfl—

The Soviet Union and West Ger­many opened trade tAlks here to­day in an a tm osphere charged by communist pressure against the freedom 'of W est Berlin.

the Onmado car. Alfredo R sm lrtt. Rupert, arrested tor being IntoxV cated while in an automobile oi the h ig h ly , was jlned tSO an<

...;lved help, afid a s a result he lost his assistant professorship at Columbia univertlty o n d a 150,000- a-year Job given him by NBC after his 17 appearances.

Miss Von Nardroff maintained throughout the Investigations that she had

Kelson Pyle, 16. Buhl, ii-as given three citations after a two-car •£ - cldent a t ii;05 a .m . Sunday In Buhl.

He was cited by Buhl police cWef T. M. Kaodrick for driving a lone

u g auons tnai " i l e c t i o n permit, won...!""? ■;»», yield t ^ right of way.

. 1' Pyl® driving a 1949 F o rd_...mgarden was repw ted to ^hk* had no brakes. He w as

have denied receiving a id bu t i*t«r|tra»ellng north when he failed to made '‘substantial changes'* In hli'itop th« Intersection a t E ig h th testimony, according to th e pi'ee-javenue and M alnstreet and struck ecutor-s office. (C««U—u «■ i . c«u»i •

Campaign Moves Into Filial 3 Weeks; Attacks Boost Political Temperature

WASHINGTON, O ct. 17 — ■nie_iflM .. -pml4enMirt._electJoi campaign moved in to the flna three weelcs today w ith the po­litical tem pera ture naountlng in heated pe rsona l a ttacks by Sen. John r . K eooedy a n d Vice Presi­dent siohJa r4 M. Nixon.

Kennedy, cwnpalgnlng tn Ohlc today, la sh ed .cu t f tK lseahow er ■duioUtraUon mcney policies. He charged tI»at."peoplo a n In trou- ble-' a n d Nbcon Is-aatlsfled . . he says w e've never h a d It to good.

... . . . . ConnecUcut

The RepublUan cand ida te Is pectKl to open up h la a ttackofher~lasU«»'thl8-weet^~H«-U-<i- vlnced that the last “ before an electloi

eeks........ „ ............ , Im.portant, and according to thi* timeUble. has reached the point for pulling out aU stops. .

tinUl now. Nlxon-s strongeit Wow af'Kenaedy hav e been in tha foKlgn policy field—b u t th e llnatweeks sboulU $ee g r e * t« r -----on domosUc matter*.

Ohio, which hold a Uoh's share o f * l«toral votes.-IC«m*dji,.oaihe.other.liBDd. be­lieves he Is gaining the upper b a n d . H s-fte ta that .the vice presidroe failed. tO'Mora in the ir first th ree radio-TV debstes, thus dam ag' Nison's argument tha t he

Nixon feels liU chances of beat* . . . Jnj lib Democratic r iv a l a re about

ta d w estern New Y ork sUte to -'» -M , He freely pre<Ucta vlcto^ day. show ed every indication * e at jurty rallies, bu t — ~ -w o u ld .... ,______________UunU a t Kexmedy over whether to a b u d o a t h e Qucmojr to il Matsu U i ^ oI(

____ that neither caodldat« canyet .iafely claim such ' key ‘ ‘ u N»* Twk, oaUforslA. V tvanla. lllii|ols». U le h J c u sod

I t h u ever tha t b e «IU

e ra p a lg n e d lu t^ e e k . , jC mofOj already U hltilng m x -

on t a r d vu l )iU tpeM tiM ,

a n >lBdUter«it” t a «

;Old,He and his mother then moved

to Los Angeles where he « u grad- ited from high school. He was a ivy veteran of Worid war II and

married Sylvia Hanney on Oct. 9, 1940. a t Provo. Utsh. They cams to Hailey In 1S4S where ha h u been employed a t tbe Oolden Ruls itore.

Mr. Tomlinson v u a member of the Emmanuel E p is c o p a l church, Hailey, and was senior warden of the ' Bailey Masonle lodge No, It, He was a past patrcai of betliei No. 23, Order of the Eastern Star, and a member of ths SawtooUi Rangers Riding club.

Besides his widow, he U sur­vived by two sons. LaVerl T. Tbm- Unson, a member of tbe navy In Japan, and John T. Tomllnsoa; airforce in Texas, and one daugh*

' T . Tomllnsoo. Baltey. itri'JMJ(D»-)*Ddliij''»*~

Mcaoldrlck funeral hon

Mrs. Deagle Wins Contest

. B am nU M . Oct. 17-Ura. Her* bert Deagle. Twin Falls, was viQ.^ oer o f the flOO tin t place priu la the third.annual tiddlers contest here Saturday and Bandar..

O tber winners among tlie Ur:_ impeting were Uannle Bhaw.

Corral, who reeetred |73 for second; place; Lloyd Wausr, CaldweU.-. ' tto . third: Terry Button. 30-year> .. • • logger from OU. «», fourth: -;

Womack. t7,< Ko«kla, lU . .R, and WlllUm ZJnpion, t t , :

Maekay, |10, .«littb. Wsnser s ^ : , he would railier play,against any. ■'le than a woman, /

A fter the final ecntal at tte : Eetchum grade school, th« eeBfO. J testanu went by ntyrack. ts union Patitle railroad held a Jam senlon ther>^» n T ^

> B3» m em ^rs ol,. tfc^O*! ___n-ch ib -w b o eaae i T t e l l^pecU c a n v f tr thilr't'

T he fiddler* oentM II by the wood t t f w a b t- efetjr wttb Jobn MDi^ >


Sessions for Idaho lOOF

Open atT.F

„ ijjd niftsifr, rnd---- CaWivcHjrancLiCcrrtrry. Hfliclc.-

ttnsembly rcptMcnlaUvf.'.ftcrrMi Evelyn Baker, St. AnlliDny, r Mmbly prcslrifnt; Mrs I-o<lcn Kln», Mcrtfllan, .

, pfwJdenf. «nd Mm. MaM Onr-, Und. Bolsf, iMcmbly itca-iurcr. ■

I Th# lints »cre formrrt by mrm- 1 b tn from No. 10 LAPM ' and White Ko-'r riccrrc "nA cnn-

ferrKl by Columbia No. 3, LAPM, Boise.

Mm- Ortice Jotitvi rciwrlpd oi tlie Intemfttlon*! LAPM mrelliii

I In I-onit Bf-vh. Cslit, nfilliiK tlia I Iduho Dcp/iflmcnl nvotlttilon Imt

won S\nl pUce in publlciiy. Mrs 1 Arbo«iu't liitroducrd Mrs. Qfr- ' tnide Blswcll, [lepnrlmfrit n.uooln-

tlon publlcliy chAlrman.The mccl' InR was then ndjourncd.

Offietra »nd (Lvisianl-i of tlif Rebeknfi Mrl uprclnl(Tj«t.i of the prcsldfnt, Evelyn

— Bikcr-m tt-at LhtADifrlrw t/-Blnn hall Sunday noon /or a get-nc- QURlnted luncheon.

Special pie.iLs were Alice Shively, aecrtt*r7 of tiie intfrn&tlonRi As- •oel&tlon of RcbekJih AssembllM: Marttaret Watta. past president ot Idaho Rrteltah Awenibly and pwt president of the lARA; Edllli CJevMiRer. TPpreicntMlve ot the IAHA. and Helen Broft-nlnc, — tron of the Home on itie Ulll.

Sunday altemoon at the Ji high school Bymnftslum. two drills were pu t on by men and women from Wetscr No. l« *nd Columbia No. 3. Bol». who were In

I 'lu ll ttreoa unllorm of iho MlUtani I branch.I Th# deeorailon of chivalry was

conferred on Lieut. Col. Calvin I Marvin. Welser, cnnlon No. 10;I R«y D. Wombftckcr, United No. 4,

Bonnera Ferry; Mrs. Florence Mn- honey. Albion; Esther Magmison. Mullan; Mrs. Vera Chlt»ood. Ka- m lnh; Mm . Lein >fari-l% Oranpc-

I v»!»- Mrs. Marv Bennett. 81.Maiinli

Twin F nlls Ma.sonic lodfie 45 clniliig.

TW IN FALLS — Ilnsary Will be , recited fo r Mr.i, Marie E. Kafvel- |j(rom n t 7;.70 p. VV^doe.-Jay »:

i|\Vlilte m ortuary chapel. Requiemcelebra

CAREY — lu iie ra l servlcr ■ Mnrgnrct Condlc will be held

f„ ip.m, W ediTerdaylri-lhe-CatJ/LDS “ i''* ’"• v.i.rd ch»!Kl w ith BLMiop Lynn

Aflimson offlcintlnR. Tlie family euRRC.iW donation.^ to the LDS Prl. nmry ChlJdrcn'5 JjosplM), S a liU ii City. In lieu of flowers. Donation: may be lelt n t ih o TliompBon fu­neral home, GoiXilnB. or with Mrs Donald Dllwortli. Carey. Friend.^ may c:ill at the Thomp.'^on fiint home TUMday nnd until lime servlcps W ednesday.

■.1 C.-illiollc •V. John KoeLvh e held In Sumc

Thursday rhiirch l>y Ui n iia l rlte.^ w

lemorlnl p a rt.

B u n i-E Y —nas-iry will be reclli for Jo h n Varela at 8 p. m. Thur

a t th e Joseph Payne Memorl

ral service.' for;iU PEaT Hyr jm Chadv-lclc 10 a. m. "njesday a t t/ic Walk tURry chnpcl w ith LD9 Bt-ihop Melvin Moncu/ offlclntlnit. Con- cludlni? rlte-s will be held bI Pleai-

Vlew cemetcry. Burley.

Mwlea; Mrs. n u b y M a i in ln g i^ .^ o n j l • Campbell *nd soi' Orangeville; Mrs. May 6m)»rtn- Crawford and dai

Whltehlrd: Mrs. l.sabellc anri Mr. i

Magic Valley HospitalsM agic Valley Mcmorral

V bltinB hour.i are from 2 nd T to 8 p.m. In the malemlty ards: m nil others, fr ) 8 p.m.

ADMITTEDMrs. V irgil Lanit. Mrs. Larry

-. re.sier. Mrs, Ray Hensiock. Mrs. William B urkhart, Mildred Rich­ard and M rs. Harley Qambrel, nil Twin r a i l s ; Mrs. Jake Hchlund and M rs. Cecil aallcy, t» lh 1 laiiRh; M rs. Everett'Mullins. 1

MrB. Merlin Knlep, Paul.DISMISSED

rs. D . L. Cain and «on, Her- Klicl Sotiner. Mm. VJrgll Uiir. Harry O lson. Mra. Wayne Lumll and son . Mrs. Vess \Vhllakcr and Mra. RAy Henstock, *11 Twin Falli; Mrs. T nom a« Tappen and daush-

r, M ra. Johnny l!ou«r and lURlit^r. O ail Ij. P nd fk and

Lorus McMurdy,

,McCn>C arter and Mr,<. nussell

a lt Filer; Dcrtha SImn-___ cn. and Mrs. Ifowaid

Sherlock. Rciio, Nev.BIRTIIS

fas bom Monday to Mr Cecil Galley, .Murlaueli

Sojii were born Sunday to .Mr ind M rs. Everett Borah, Twin

Fall.'., and Mr. and Mrs. U Dre.slpr. TVln Falls. Daucht

Sunday to Mr. and \ C harles Van Eaton, 'rv,-ln Pa

BJKl Mr.t. CliBrlcj Moorf, Ti Fall.', nnd Mr. and Mrs, Mei K nlcp. Paul.

M inidoka CountyV l.itllne hours nt M m id o ouiity hospital are from 10 a ) ^ n.m . for medical and surji

10:30 am. to 2 pm. and

WBlle, Whlteblrd; Mrs. l.sabellc PaynoT. Council; Mr . ^^arjory Benedict, Twin Falls; Mrs. aiftdj-s Johnson, Ko<xskla; Mr.v Rlia Slebe,CluUU; Mrs, Dcrtha Oxford. Don. ners Ferry; Mrs, Mattie Olson

•Deary: Mr.'. Des.-Je Chtlsteruon,Moscow; Mrs. Gertrude Orcutt,Moscow; Mm. Ethel OlllMple, Ru- j« r t; Mra. Asnes L. Slroud, Sho- ehone: Mrs. Addle Outline, Hailey,And Carolyn Hancock. New Mea- <Iows.

The ceremony eoijferrcd by « sU ff from Columbia canton and AtixUlar^-, Boise, wim HrlK. Gen.Jam es McNtal. deparUi wander, in charge.

Mrs. Wlltm Stelnccker. Pay- «tW. soloist, wM accompanied by Mrs. EsUitr OXeary. W( th e piano.■ The prologue preceding thL-; ceremony was Riven by Oliver £Mvls, Challls, past jirand master, tern lty

Sunday evening the Patrlnrch M lllt*nt banquet was held at the Elk# temple. Major Martin Jewell,Bellevue, gave the Invocation. Wil­liam IfWln. Bonnets Kerry, past g rand m u u r «id grund repre- *entaUve, was master of cere­monial. He Introduced leaders of each brunch, who In turn In’" duced leaders of each branch.In turn Introduced thclr offlci ______

'V*NT .DSHiw ter, WashlnRton. D. C. Mrs. je» lB Fraier. Welser, department Moclatlon pa.1t preslUeiit and In- ternatlonal LAPM beater, al'o va3 Introduced.

Sunday evening, the group at­tended church aervlccfl at the First Metbodlst churtii with the Bcv.B«rl w. Riddle olOclating.

Cassia M emorialvisiting hou rs a t Ca«.slA Me­

morial ho.ipltnl a re from 10-.30 8 p.m. in the* surgical and medl- l wards w ith a lim it of tai Ulors per room a t one time: from

- 30 to < and 7 to fl p jii . for ma- ternliy patien ts for fathers anc gtandmoihera only. -

a d m i t t i ;d Plow’d K andler. Mrs. Edith Ras-

mtiwen, Jud W orley, Wayne Ir} and Dale D om an, all Burley; Loul*e Cole. Hcyburn, Mid Alice Davts. Declo.

n tsM is flE n Mrs. M arilyn,G ablola and ;ne Moon, b o th Rupert: Cindy

Wilson and Siuidra Kitts, both Paul; Mra, C aro l Blouer, Mrs. MarJorlB BuntlnR. Mrs. LouAnn Gemhart, L eonard Beck. Mm- V!oI.T Msi-OncT. M n . Msrjorlc Seedall and M rs. Audrey Wilson, all Burley, a n d Arllss Daniel." Everett. Wa--<h.

n iitx H S ■re b o m to Mr. and Mr;

Jack W. BuntliiK and Mr. an •1 G em h art. a ll Butley.

:30 I ward.

1 the 11


A nthon R.insom and Mi Stallings, both Rupert.

DISMfSSKn M rs. Dunne Pcatson, James

Rush. Jo h n Mcfj^fn ana Mrs. Wi(. llam Morrison and <on. all nupcrt.

BIRTHS A daughter was born tn-Mf.

Mrs. Boyd stallliw . Runerl,

Gooding Memorialvisiting hou rs a t Gooding Me

lorlBl hff.'pJtal «re Irom B;30 a m 1 fl;30 p.m.

ADMITTKD Mrs. James Condle. Eldon Con-

die and Emilv Condte. all Boise; Mrs. Lawrcnce Johnson, King Hill, and Dan a o rre l l , Qoodlng.

DISMISSED Mrs, Roy Roblnion and daugh­

ter, aoodlng.n iR T H s

A non was bo rn to Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Johnson. King HUl.

St. Benedict’s. JeromeVisiting hou rs a t S t. Benedict's

hospital are from 3 to H and from 1 to B p.m. In th e m atem lly ward and from noon to * and « to 8

jn. on the o th e r floors, ADMITTED

Darwin H ullcr. Twin Palls, and

hour. Ambrose. 1C. Jernme, « atid Klvcn 20 demerit-'!

ill) by Judsc Eberliardt and lil, llccnsc viu juspcnded tor 60 days for a iloii slcn violation.

Hoy Kdward Barnard., :a tif, w-iis cited for p isslntf a t an nirrsfcllon after belnB mvolved

accldcnt five miles at H p.m. FYlday.

“ Forrest A.- Ca5clr08,-Kupcrt.-had ilEnalcd for ana was m aking a left

tiirn off highway 20 north his 1053 OMC tru ck was

. by a 135b Ford sedan driven by Uarnard,

Estimated damage to th e trtick as and to the Ford MOO.State Patrolman Roy Thomas

Inveitlgated.a m r d J. condcr. 30. Jerome.

m e lte d for pas.'ilim a t an Inter- icctlon by State PAtrolman Mar­gin S, Wright atter an accident at 8:10 p.m. Saturday to u r miles north of here on highway 7D,

driving a I95H Plymouth,___ , j pass a 1051 Plymouth,

driven by Victor P. Lunn, 30. Jc- l.una was travelinR north sd signaled for a le ft hand ,1-hen his car was struck by

Conder'j car causlii damajcs of M5 to Lii

damages to.Conder'.*; car. Tltc accident was InveatlKated by Depu­ty Sheriff C. M- r.-iskctt.

A, Swank, Buhl, v,-as tined . . caits when he appeared Saturday before Buhl Justice of the Pence C. E. Rudy on a stop

gn violation. He wa."i cited by lale Patrolman R ichard Burns. Don Aslirr. j j . DurJry. u-ns cJted

for following too closely a fte r bc- ItiK Involved In a twt>-car acci­dent at 7:50 p.m. Saturday a t the Intersection of Sixth s tre e t and Wnirr avenue.

Asher, driving a I»50 Clievrnfct, as rollowing a 1DS4 Biilck drlv.-n y Theo Wlckle, 32. Burley, The lolck was turning off SlMth Rtr^et

Into Milter avenue when th e Chev­rolet struck the car In th e rear,........... to tfie Bulck was set at

*100 and *250 to the Chevrolet. The accident was Inve.’itlgnted by Burley Officer Don Odom.

Fred, A. Steiner. 3<. Burley, clied for fslldre (o yJcld. th e rfeh!-| Df-wiy after being Involved In a two-car accident at 0:30 a.m. Sun-1 day Uirce and one-hair m llrs east' and four miles south of Burley at' a county road Intersection called the Rasrau.ven corner. [

Steiner, driving a 1D5B CMC Blckup, collided with a 1955 Old-

Margaret Condle »II, 1059, in lUiUy.

Survivor.'! brjlilrs her parents In elude a sister. Kmlly Connie, am two brothrrs. Eldon Condi" ant John'MRtthca- candle,-all Bntse paternal Rrniidmother, .Mrs. Lllllar Condle, Plochf, Nev.: maternn grandparents, Mr. and Mra. Floyd I 1 LlDMlii, T»lH m alernall;great-grandmother, Mrs. Zylpha t Lincoln KIrkman, Twin Fall.s. and : a m a te r n a l great-grandfather, Matthew Schmidt, Twin Falls. i

Funeral services will be held a t p.m. Wednesday In the C nreyji

Ds ward cliapel with Bishop , ynn Adamiun otflclatmg, C on-i,

eluding rites u.111 be held In t h e i t Carey ccmctery. Tlie family sug -l,, gests donations to the UJS Prl-

Children's h o s p i t a l , S a l ' ' - City, in lieu of flowers, Do- n.s may be left at the Tliomp- ineral home, Ooodlng. or w itli Donald O ilw o rth , Carey

Friends may call at the Thonipsot funeral home Tuesday and untl time of services Wednesday.

faldneir...e body of .Uarflyn K. t —Calducll.-\\a.\

itlng accident Sat- Her parcnLs are Mr, and

DsvLs, Caldwell,

Hunters Fined on Untagged GameBURLEV, Oct. 17-Four hunt

were fined 125 each and costs Mon- day by Durley Ju-Mlce ot the Penci Alfred Cr.iHf h r Ir-imprrthm njii having In their powejslon un-

I taRBcd deer.I Tliey are Aaron Gmlth, <0, arc Norma L. Dcrklcy, 37, both Twlr

I Fall;: Erlenr Miller. 24, Harelton and V/.-\yne Johnson, 31. Rupert.

John.',on had a tan belonging tc Ehvood P. liendrlck. Rupert.

•5, Logi

3men Meet Tuesday^ttcrnooll circles of the Baptist 5men's Ml«lnn society w(i( host illvcr musical a t 8 pm. Tue.sday the Finst naptUt church. 'Hie

-nine circles, members' husbands d frlend-s uill he guests.

Appear* In CourtLester DanleU. 33, Morrfi

M o, was fined $25 and cast Twin Falls police court Monday morning for being drimk In a pub- lie pJ.icc. Tlte f j;if )!,id not been paid a t noon Monday and he was held in the city Jail. Daniels was arrcited in the City cafe Sunday.

CllT Aide Arrive*Jiimes C. White, formerly Dofse.

Ims moved to Tv,-ln Falls lo a -iiim! his joh a.s superintendent of jtreet!

^and the cUy shop.

'oK S Meets TonightI Magic chapter No. H:, Order of I Eastern Star, will meet at 8 p.m 'toctav nt the Masonic temple. Or- I d rr of Ralnbo-v Girls from Hlcr ! will present the

s. Donjld Wondheod,

born Dec. 23, 1885. at Spain. He came lo Hit

___ ... 1010 and settled In Oeden.'He worked In the sheep Irnliistrv, nndTiyttnunint-biulnes^-uiitH hl.s retirem ent in 1535. Tlie past 15' years h e has lived In

sre cnt hrolhtr. Jne Varela, sr.. Burley: one sljter Ini South America, and several nieces ind nephews. He was preceded • ith by his parents and t

s.'5{ of mllK,

•other.s.Ro.sary will be recited ft£ S p.m

.;iur,'<lny a t the Joseph iMvne memorial chapel by Ihe Rev. F. J O’Drl.scoll. Time for rcfiulcm hlsli

VI will be announced later, ast rite s w|]i be held in llie •Icy Pleasant View cemeti

't . bupply,.....— .ram all th.ilees Will vWl 35 mil ; ■South Korea during

urvey.1 No reason for the i [began yesterday, wa.s ;Thcre was no Indlcatl icrease In black mark tJoiig hn.s pinruetl m)l Diflclnis ill Kore.-v.

Auto Damaged in H itting BarricadeRUPERT, Oct. 17—State P;

Roy Tlionias estimi damages to a 1556 ' '


ilighted barri­cade shuntlnu iralflc from on» lane to another at 6:30 p.m. Sun- lay 23 miles east of here on iifRh- tay 30 north




s, told 0

and Dale 1 sued t

lloth Ie.stlgal

Jamri Luna.,;r>

Mrs. Charles J o h n s o n daiigtiter. Mrs. Roger Bcssti and son. Frnncc.s S h u r tt , John Neal. Henrle Neal. R a lph Gard­ner, Mrs. Carlon Johnson and son and Janic-s Lima, all Jerom e; Mrs Ordle Padlock, H agerinan; Mrs Jiiin Mcnchnca. Twin Fnlls; Mrs Wayne I'acg and Mr.s. Rc.ssa Stev-

....................... M rs. Shcrn HIgley d Mrs.

A Golden Chariot processiot and mock battle between St Ofwge jind the draeon U slagei In Mons, Belgium, on T rin ity Sun­day in May,


E x p e rt WATCH and JEW ELR Y Repairifig

Immedlitt Srrvire


15 New Books Just Arrived!

S e e Us Also for:


F o b r ic s— Custom D repet

S h u t te r t— BllBdi

'■AKES NORTH Iw n. K lJt u j , i ‘ a t f il e r a v e n u e





Idaho 's l a r g e s t end

m ost c o m p le te


Bob A dom ion , M g r .

GOLD STRIKE STAMPSW ith all A p p lian ce and TV SERVICE


accident lour milts soutli and .‘.Ix mllf-t west ot niipert In an accident Wi-dnrsday. j

HiiroldM Atwell, 20. Tv ln Fall.-;, d ied f

•Ight-i ivlng1555 Ford truck. He slopiied 1c •'yield,- sign v,hcre his vision .waa owcured by a high ijank. falU n" lo see an approaching vehicle, he pulled out In front o[ a IDCO Stii- debaker driven by Marvin L. Hum, 33, Burley.

Hunt was cited for driving M'rh an expli cd driver's license. Damage to Stiideb.iker '•as estimated n t «M and lo the truck $50, S tate Patrolman Roy Thomas Investljal-

on au'slllary will 1. Tuf rtay n ' a potluck dinner


'Ice Prcsldfiit nichiri: las achedulrd ht^ tlili


For Machinery, Molars, Kte. Before Storing nr Oferhaul


*1 dancer in tending a man to the moon b he'll prob­ably h r in r back home tnorln lo borp h is triendn.

N O T IC ED r. H . H.

SCARBOROUGHT h e wc{(-known

V ISIO N SPECIALIST O f S a lt L ak e City

will be at IhB nilUL HOTT.l BUiU., Oel. 18 4 13; the COM MEttCIAL H O T E L , flLKN FKRRV. Oct. 20; and at l,I,NCOL.\ I.NN, GOODIN Oct. 21 A 2!. tb ezamlno < anil fll KlaMieii.

li l t J m ™ of experlene* eni him U> aklllfully handli DIFFICULT CAKES.

If your eye# or glsMt* tiH attenUon, make It ft polnl 'SEE O R. SCARBOROUGH



When jou hnre « niriftiCheck Personal C h ec lin j Account, you can keep a t much moDcy o r n» liltl# on deposit n» you like. And in addition ^


• Any omount openi your acc o u n t• Your nom t prinlod on ev ary ch sck — fre t

V * Checks pilntad on d itlincllv* ta ff tty popor• AltraeUve, colorful chockboek eo v«r

• N ochorB ifordopotlli




S it youf local too l d to i t r lodoyl • iii'Q i/ablefnfA iioreaonljf#*

[ ^ E H E E E E I TWIN FAllS BANK & TRUST CO.K to ilx rlr

jion dav. O C T O B E R 17. lOfiO ‘ T I M E S - N E W S , t w i n f a l l s , I D A H O

Firms Merge; T liey lHapStratcjry

u-W y o n k . Oct. 17 ri7 r-T uo -.V loslnK eastern rallriJAcls—

S fg ij .n d ttieDcInwari-, I.ickii. .r r l irnd W M lcm -fornlillly Hf.1 •

hd immediately set. o u t to rtrin-.oprraic;

ordlr°clor.<> or ti.c ' comp.Miy,

M “ ’f Erlc-I,i«cki»w,,n»;x! Jiairoad com ply . HoWm It.s fir.-<t|

Mlfsooi"®'’ th ;u \ l 'r !csrrlcr v.-Ul nchlev,- annual j sM’Incs of mnri' th an 13.S

S'l.on dollars wllliln Iiv,' yi.;,rs ' tiis IntcrstRtc comnuTCf i-nm.i

_^on order npprovlni; ih rf^^c .m e cfrcctlvc O ct. j

The mftKCil cnrrlpr, of jjlf H ihe

" "

Fair Site

3 BCt bw it imoukIi climlimtion ii;el (relfht find pnsspnp.-i iim-i ir.d oititr dupllcatliiK fncllltlor:.

0 ,t pioblcm Hint * tlll must I?? rrwlvtd 15 tlie f-Mc of soinr 2,000 jMbft.' «■•''>•’■! Jol)5 v.ere to have tffii itwllsheil undfr tiip mcrnpr t'ln. LMt wefk a fodpral Judsc j;i Bttrolt ruled the mcrKur coultl 10 thWKh B» ACliediilfd, but is- j-jtj > temporary ri.'stri»liilni: or- drt cn)oliiliiK rallrnncLi [rom iDlr.t off or trniisfcrrltiu milnn

A Ilirre-mnn federal court In Deifoll “•in rulf on the l.«ui- iflW ert^ oul or n .suit broijx;))! ty l»o rail iinlnns t l i a l seeks a

jrjt-vcar Job ■■ficcr.p. T7ic case ' »fil'b« ircu ta 'N avnS .---------- —

,ite of the 19C4-65 M'orltJ'* f»lr, llie uime pUc« m the 1939><0 fair. Some 10 million TisKDra ire andclpaCcd.

Nixon Asked To Tell Plan For Formosa

0 Miami, F la ., upollilctl Mymm.

The frelshter left Hrivnn:i last Jjly 11 to deliver suppllf.i lo f»:th(]Mlce victim.^ In Clille. II HIM on to Jtipan nn tl ««.■! or-

Ijdtrtd lo Rlop litre to pick im a Pcirso of rice on Its w ny home.

DelRado unld CnsI

-WASH!NOTOMr-Ocl.-n-Jl=5'I>----^Tlie chftlraian of the scnMe for- elRn relation! commlttce ho.s chal- IcnRcd Vice President Blchord M. Niion to »ay whether, If elected' prMldcnt, fif vouia seek a /naji-, dote In congieM to defend Quemoy; and Matsu. I

Ecn. J. William rn lb r ld it. D .| Art., Mid ycsterdfty 11 wo.< "fo r­tunate" the OOP nominee hnd "modl/lerf hlii fleo-s to conform ftlth the ndmlnUtmllon’s, position

« *'0n ‘hr Nntlnnallst-held l.ilandi, HU_faml!y ^jlrendy__hnd fled q ,, jhe Red China mainland.2 AnsHera Aaked

ever, lietiilrt in a .statement. ttill fhniild give Americans

his nnswer lo t»o tiuestlon.s: —Nixon Jliould Kay If he plans.

If ctpcicd. "10 Rubmlt to the Kenate n new treaty with the lU^publlc of

jChlna extendliift

Asylum Is Asked By Cuba Skipper;

au^YAQUIL, Ecuador. Oct. 17 «7I-Luls .Morse DclKRclo, .skipper c( ttif Cuban frclfihtcr Havnna. ddKtfd yesterday .saj'lnB he did rM «itit t» live under th e "tyrnn- wrreRlme of Premier Fidel Ca-s-j

1 sctung

Four Policemen Killed by Crash

EtlREKA. Utah. O ct. 17 Hslil uipluie with fou r pollw of- fictrj ibotird «maclccd Into a rmun'jln rldfjc h .sl Tlmrrday, iidllr.? Ill »t>o.vrf. T h e wrcckBRC »aj Icmnd Saturday five mllca fouihtw. of thla c en tra ! Utah eomraunlty.

AlmiJ »ere the p ilo t. Terry C. U'ter, H. and three pii.iscn(!crs, Ben 61n«Ie(on, 31. O eo rse Peter- »n, JJ, and pwUp Caldwell, 42.

They were mtmbera of the Salt Jke City police force erj route Lm Vfjo-s, Ncv, w here the i PWtment sild they planned lo ; about .buying a plane lo r tho f

. DisappearedI 8AN FUANCISCO, Oct. 17 Iff— •'A disorder which appeared In lour

pitienta ofter they .stopped smolc. .JuR clfrnrettes vani.shed dram at-

Ifcaiiyuhen they toolc u p the hoblt ^8»ln, says a medical Journal.

77!t!» slrangs cm es w ere report­ed by Dr. Ralph Bookm an, Bever­ly Hills, In an article Sn California Medicine, oftlclat Jou rnal of the CalKomla Medical association.! "Hie disorder wa» c an k e r eores In'; tn« moutfi end on th e tongue.' They developed a f e w dayg after

;iraoi;lnj W03 stopped.

Ilirdware. llouM wares. Plumb- ln{, Elfctrlcal. F a r m and Home "Kdi- 20'-, off this w eek a t Kren- »ll._

(<j df/ciid Quemoy and Matsu to the same extent th a t v

re now committed rcRnrdlng Po iO!it-anil the Pcscodorfs?—If he (loM not plan lo .seek cw trciily. NUon jhould .si. ,

ahctJjer )ie propoxed "nnotljer Joint rMolutlon retiuestlng th e np. proval of the congrcM lo th e lion he has Inken regarding these olf-shore, l lsnd.s?

Frfsldent. Nixon Acree Fvlbrlgliv) commcni about Nix- Vs "modified” stand referred to

White Hniisc Btatemcnt th n t th.jlrtsiilcnt and Pjcaldent £!•

.scnhower were completely abnut U- S, policy

Quemoy and Democratic Nominee Jo h n F.

Kennedy salfl Saturday n ig h t the White Hati'.e stniement proved

M tnr'on th e 1. fMlbniilil ,Mld Nixon now i\d

ejjlly .15 t))e pn-iidciil ___In a 19: b Ict'.fr to sm . Theodore P. Orccn, D., H. I., " ihal America must not be Involved In th e hos­tilities merely in tho defense Quemoy and Matsu.”


G uorantced Sc rv iee M akct & K in d s

Radio & T VServing T w in F oils

Since ‘46

Perry's Radio & TV Service

RE 3 -1 0 3 7




If you want real Savings, check o u r . . .


T H E ^ E A R !

o n U S E D C A R S a n d T R U C K SBIGGEST.

fc Ce, »op fumiKt,

19S9 CHEVROLET B e lA ir 4 -door Sedon. Sharp red and w h ite p o in t , V -8 en- - ginc, powcrglide- pow er s te e r in g , good tire s . Radio, h e a te r $ 1 O A C

Cleon inside o n d o u t........................................W g i $2195 N O W I

I9S9 CHEVROLET B c fA ir 4 -doo r Sedan. Beoutifuf crcom o v e r c o ra l finish. V-8 engine, pow er g lid e , pow er steering. O O Cexcellent tires, rad io a n d h e a t e r ..............W o i$ 2 1 9 5 N O W l 7 7 d

1955 FORD M ain lin e " V - 8 " 2-door with standard tran sm issio n $ ^ 7 Cond good fires .......................................................... W a. $ 795 N O W O / D

1958 CHEVROLET B c lA ir 4 -door H ard top . Sharp b lue po in t, b ig V -8 engine, radio, heater. A fine f a m i ly c a r . J " !Pow erglide.......................................................... W o i $1895 N O W 1 0 7 3

1958 FORD C u i to m ." 3 0 0 " 4 -door " 6 " w ith standord frc n s m is s io n , radio, Vieoter, nice g reen p o in t , $*■ | j A A0 reol economy c a r .......................................... W o i $1795 N O W 1 ^ 7 7

1957 DODGE CuU om R o y o l 4 -door Sedan, nice g reen fin ish , p o w er steering , power brokes' o u to m o t ic transrn ission , rod io , heoter, real good O O C fires, c very c lean c a r .....................................W o i $159S N O W I 0 7 J

1956 PLYMOUTH S a v o y 4 -d o o r "V -8" w ith outom otic tro r ism iss io n , radio, h e ate r ond new marcx>n p o in t, sharp .W oi $895 ............................................................................................ N O W / / O

1 954 BUICK Spccial 2 - d o o r , dynoflow, rodio , hcoler, good tire s .D on 't miss th is one ................................................Wo$ $ 695 N O W * * 7 3

T 954 CHRYSLER N ew Y o rk e r 4-door Sedan ' extra c h a n , po w er s te e r in g , pow­er brakes, rodio, h e o te r , n ic e tu -tone g ree n point, $ C O Creal co m fo rt............................................................... W oi $ 7 9 5 N O W 0 7 3

1954 STUDEBAKER C h a m p io n 4-dcor, a real econorhy c a r , n ic e b lu e finish good nioMr A cy linder, ov erd riv e .W o i $495 . ........................... .•.................................................................N O W ^ 0 / 0

1 9 5 9 PLYMOUTH 4 -dw r Snort S u b u rb a n 9- WASp a s s e n g e r Station W agon. A one o w n e r lowm ile a g e c o r wilh power sicering o n d b r a k e s , A ' t / JV -8 e n g in e , radio o n d heolcr, b ran d n e w ny lo n NOWt ir e s a n d beoutifu l guf» metal fin ish w ith w h ite *2295

1955 ClIEVROLET DclAlr 4 door "VB" stnllon wnson. ovprdrive iransml-sslon, new brown and cream paint, very clcin with radio and healer, SQ 7Ct;ood tlre.i..........................W as 51035 NOW 0 / J1955 KOltl) "V8" ranch wagon sUindayl tmnsroli.'lon. real clean and riin.i good, radio and heater. S l J CW«i »50 ........ ......................................... NOW 0 / J1355 DODGE CU-stom Royal 4 door sedan btxullful blue over gray with power steerliij, radio, heater, automatic transm lulon good tires a real $ 7 T Rimincl c,ir. ............................. M'as JR35 NOW / / J1S5S DODGK Coronet * door "VB" with nutomatlctr.insmljslon »:iir, nl b.irgaln p 1SS5 I'I.VMOLTH hard top coupc "V8" with aulomitlo trammiulon, new tea l covcrs, good blue and »hlte pnim, rndlo nnd heater. ® 6 7 5Waa »9S .

....>Va« $83$ NOW


1 957 CH EV RO LET " 6 " 2 ton, long w hee l b ase, e x c e l le n t m otor a n d tires. $ T i t * T C W o i $ 1 8 9 5 ....................... NOW l O / W

_ 1 9 5 8 VOLVO.

O n ly 2 4 ,0 0 0 miles a n d c l e a n o s new . One tocai o w n e r . See th is econ ­o m y c o r.

C a n 't te ll from new.

Was *1395


1 9 5 8 CHRYSLER 300D . Thec o r a f d istinction . S harp off-white f in ­ish , fu ll power equipm ent, p e rfec t t i r e s . D o n 't miss it.

W o t $ 3 3 9 5 ...... N O W *2895

1957 GMC 2 ton , g o o d t i r e s , g o o d point, ready

W c T s iS S S ...........................N O W *16751 95 6 FORD " F 6 " 2 t o n , 5 sp eed tronsmission, recen t overhaul on m o to r , re d color, long w h ee lb a se , S l y l T C W o» $ 1 6 9 5 ...........................N O W 1 ^ / 31 956 FORD " V 8 " 2 t o n . g ree n , 5 speed and 2 speed, 1,000 m iles o n n e w M otor $ 1 > | ^ C overhaul, W o i $ 1 6 9 5 N O W I * # / J 1 955 INTER N A TIO N A L c ab -o v er, new 8,25x 2 0 tires on rea r, long w h e e l b a s e , S Q T ' Cruns good.......W o i $ 1 1 9 5 N O W 7 / 31955 CHEVROLET " 6 " 4 -d o o r w ith stondord transm ission, rod io , h e a t e r - o n ly 12,000 miles m iles on new sh o rt b lo c k . S ^ A C

- -W o t- $ 8 4 5 -r r .- .— ^ :v ^ ....- ...^ N O W -— / - H P - 1 9 4 9 STUDEBAKER w i th 2 sp e ed and extra good beet b e d , m o to r is e x c e p tio n - S C A A a fly good .... W ai 5 6 5 0 N O W 1 9 5 S DODGE " V 8 " , l o n g V ito n , rew paint-

W o 7 j l3 9 5 ...........................N O W * 1 4 5 01 9 5 7 DODGE » V 8 ", lo n g V i to n , 4 speed , new p a in t, rodio a n d h e a t e r . S l I ^ TW p i $ 1395 ..............................N O W l l / O

1 9 5 0 DODGE cab - o v e r, 2 sp eed ax le , o g o o d old farm t ru c k ..........................

Was $595NOW$375

1 9 4 9 D O D G E 'A to n - w i th 3 speed , a g o o d o ld p ickup

' ' W a s '^ 3 5 0 '■

NOW $250


1 9 5 3 CH RY SLER New Y orker 2•doo^ sh a rp tu - to n e g r a y point, new seoteov* e rs , p o w er s te e r in g , power broltes, radio , h e a te r a n d w hitew all S ’S B Atire s. W o » $ 4 9 5 ................................................................................... NOW J w U195 3 B U JC K R oodm ojte r hord fop coupe, p o w e r s te e r in g , ^ w e r b/okes, dy* noflow , r o d io , h e a te r, pow er windows a n d s e a t ,w hitew all t i r e s ................................................... . W o i $ 4 9 5 N O W .195 3 H U D S O N H ornsf 4 door, hydrom atic tr a n s m is s io n , A sound ctir, ex tra c lea n w ith rod io a n d h e a te r . $ O ^ CW o* $ 3 9 5 ...............................................................................................N O W J a J195 3 C H E V R O L E T Bet-Air 4 d m le d o n , p o w e rg lid e tro n im l t . $ O A CSion, d o r k b lu e w ith w hite top............. .............. W o t $ 4 9 5 NOW 0 7 0195 3 C H E V R O L E T " 2 1 0 " 4 deor le d a n , p o w e rg lid e tran sm ission , nice mo* roon p o in t- rea l sound, r\ew seat Covers. S O O B W a i $ 4 9 5 .................................................................................................N O W


195 6 D O D G E " V -8 " , lo n g V5-ton, w ith s to c k ra c k , 4 speed $ 1 A 7 C ronsm issio ri , ro dio a n d heoter W o i $ 1 2 9 5 N O W l U / O

1955 FO R D “ V - 8 ' ^ - i o n With o v e r d r iv r t r a n im l u io n ,very g o o d t i r e s ............................... .......W o » $ 8 9 5 NOW

1953 D O DG E V i-\on w ith plotform rock , 4 - s p e e d $ E E Atro n sm is s io n , o reol b u y ........................W a t $ 6 9 5 NOW O O U

1 947 FO R D " V .8 " Yi-Xcm wilh 3 speed , runs f a i r ....................................... W a t $ 1 9 5 NOW *150


Sale Starts . . .

T u e s d a y , O c t . 1 8OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL NINE



p a g e f o u rTIM ES-NEW S, TWIN PALLS, ID A H O M O N D A Y . O C T O B E R 17,



r, and infcrentlally ihelr fl i siFinftl IhBt th e dtlCTiorai

_ key Intlustry coniiiiuicJ » to natlon»l economy Mid noun:

Everybody, Jt leent. exccp: !Ji , rciponslble aulhorlUt* »t Wufi-| ington. recognlM Ihe exUlwce »nd


GOOD G U YS A R l i “S Q V A U E S ' Juven ile Court Ju d g e P h l J lp 13. O llllam of

: 'I D enver, Colo,, Is m a k in g h im s e lf tjulie i '! repu la flon .

D uring h is 24 years on t h e b c n c h In cllf J c rc n t capacities, Judge G il l i a m h a s listen

!| cd to 100,000 cases— fro m d e n te d fen d e rs l< 0,000 babies given u p /o r adosH lon to 20.000 ch ild ren In troiiUle.

W ith a il th is b a c k g ro u n d , h e .should be welJ Qunllllcd to dJ.scu.« t h e so -c a lle d Juve­n ile delinquency prob lem .

Following, in p a r t, is w h a t h e to ld n o r th Id ah o educators a ltc n d liiB a n I d a h o E du­cation association m e e tin g In 'I^ew l.ston r e ­cen tly :

"So long (IS we h av e a p a th y , In to le rance I a n d poorly p.tid lc.^cl>cr.v, s o c ia l worker.? a n d ' police orfRCTSTO im JcH nqutm ey-problem -wiii

double In the nex t 10 y e a r s .. |j *'You a n d I m ust do a b e t t e r Job o f w ork- ' Ing w ith each o th e r. T h e m o s t Im p o r ta n t

ti l in g )^)u can do Ls to k e e p o u r c u ltu ra l, em otional and sp ir itu a l le v e ls h ig h . We’re no t iu s t Interested in th e d e l in q u e n t . In terested In the w hole c o m m u n ity , and 07 per c e n t never ge l in to t r o u b le .

*'Jt'.i n o t llic 5Jzc o f t h e to w n or th e schools th a t counts— I t’a t h e p e o p le we tu rn out.

"Y ou can talk a ll d a y a b o u t t h e reasons w hy people go bad. A m e ric a h a s e v e ry th in g .' T h a t 's o u r real tro u b le . W e h a v e to o m uch. O ur p rese n t society Is b a s e d o n p sycholog i­cal obsoicsccHcc,'w l£h a b u y new , p a y la te r philosophy.

......’.'Pecency U ,becom ing u n p o p u la r . Thls Isone o f th e chalienges . I n o u r sc h o o ls—th e Idea t h a t It's bad to b e a g o o d gu y . We ask o u r k id s th a t come t h r o u g h o u r c o u r t w hy th e y g e t in trouble . M a n y o f th e m say 'I d W a’t w an t to be a a q u a r e . ’ A a<juarff 3s som eone who loves h is c h u r c h , - h i s school, h is fam ily."

Judge Gilliam u rg e d te a c h e r s t o have re - »pect fo r them selves a n d t h e i r a b i l i ty to in ­s till th is In th e ir s tu d e n ts .

"A good te a c h e r a lso m u a t lo v e a Jot," h e sa id . "And one o f Che g r e u te s t lores f o r ft c h ild Is dUelpIine."



Il« t of th u ptc*.

I by 0

Iftht and piiserigeri—llie

Uicilntr feilcrnl aid sLalt_canimiTce _c^xmL’vsloii »ndicHodalilcal InteMltile aiiu lorilL

on CnplU>l Kill, railroad olflclnl ttncfd harsh and possibly revolutionary

MEROF. SOAD8 INTO SEVEN RYSTF.MS-rer- ap» the mildest Is the requeat of nunicroiu luiej 3r loaiu from tUc federal government ot the kind 'mt (iio rccofwtructlon fJiiitnce corporation liandwJ Ul during the dep th of (he Oeprc.vMon,

rftadj Ircm u tter bivnlcruplcy.Tlie New York. New Haven and Hartford, which »u till hard by lUs PennjyJvanJa raDrojii) itrJif

lia.? applied to tlio ICC for s ix million dollars. TlK Lelilgh Valley lias naked the govtrnment lo guar'

private borrowing. O thers are ' •"- - -pTfcnrloi

r-reachUilomion, the lOO-oda lines th a t now tris-wros; Stioii, frequently eervlng iJie same lerrltory, should t merfted Into about seven vtiat jyMcnu—i»o In the orlh,,lwo. in the .South and three In the Fnt West,

FEAItS OF- A FEDERAL TAKEOVER—OlherwlM, e .'ays. the uUlmtitc solution may govtrnment K'ncrslilp and operation ot th e rallrotds as a publli limy. He BhrUiks from the Idea becausc, he ndd might pave the way lor a rederal tateovcr of raanj

other key Industries clothed with a natlonnl necu- y. Extreme New D eals have frfquemly urged such

R ig h t along th is lin e , a T w tt\ F aU s b u s i­ness m a n told us o t a n e x p e r ie n c e h e h s tl recen tly .

Realizing h e w as g o in g t o be la te , h is sons had a sk ed h i s m o th e r to d rive h im to school.

“W hy don’t you r id e y o u r b ik e ? " she oak- ed h im persuasively.

“B ecause I d o n 't w a n t t h e m t o th in k I ’m ft squa re ," he rep lied .

T ry in g to reaso n w i th h e r so n . she a sked I f h e would m tf ic r r id e h i s b ike o r walk. H e m a d e h is decision— a n d w a lk e d to school.

W h a t a sense o f v a lu e s w e 're developing in o u r youngsters n o w a d a y s l

PUNY PUNiDfar Poti;

A »ord of com m ent on the i irriout (and In thU cue, Pc inilil on the word lerlous).

the l» o ■ candidates, commentatora were nearly blacked

r democracy wf vlsuallw the Uw as p u se d . even though II

0 may 1>« b r th e minority. Bui Jl « rupected by the majorliy ai

- .. roveriy. It, appears to mi t MerldUn, Ida ., provided the

lllbem atln' Hi(Curry)

, i T : o . \ S - n e

ned inllllons of c< mmunlllea Into j iy c<Kt3 and <1 d light Rood'. II


e Irom Wnshlnof 11

my nted financial a

Dear Pot Shot«;The k itten s we want to r1>

uay are Especially nice one licir m other, whom we csU "ML irchld" la dnlnty and nell*mat

' and the klttcnj nil tat lease come and g<^e two miles soucfi,

It;—one—eouth-»nd—one-reat of Jordan'i scrvli Filer.Mr*. R tabtn U aaaa

hit. w auhed a ball gi

lot.E lsht boys, k girl. a. bat and ball

1 m itt, •toddlers underfoot. Thi

i hot.Tlicy cast ft smiling glsnce o

a t me.They wrangled, strunRlcd through

R ha rd -fought game;Stopped to dlscuM the Plrat

d«n{ fJUo:-You a

.ngillve c . „That Rogers Li o D

- of there. iintsm LsF

your dish. Give Ihtm the works.Point out tha t In

Democratic . . . .entJon. Ld Boca Insisted on

I and that during the

etevenson re- Iwitaled »ll the fd radio opera- ors a t sea. Stev- ■nson said, •! - lon't tlJlnk we ough t to b« iiml on commies,'■La Boca said E lizabeth Bentley

lU, neurotic. Well, w ho's neuroUc lOw, with Khrusiichep aisd C.vnro alslng hell all over Nev/ York: "Olve them Y alta. T chcrnn

Potidam. Name nam es. Tell___ jbau t T rjm a n ’fHarry Dexter W hite sarnlnRa by the F B I *fls a spy.

"Joe ^fcCnrll!J•. m ;ommunUt, helped clo n 1552 by staymB oui tCenticdy found no fnu Swthy's 'mfthod.^’ ilayed out r by Jack's fn

ach. This neigh'

Wm poor, these c h l j^ n "under- privileged;''

Except In su n ; except In brothei hood;

■Except Irt m anners; and In III • ihcdged.

tallest boy bent down for earr

T H E M A R G IN N A R R O W S T h e votes f ro m y e a r t o y e o r o n Uie Issue

o f a d m ittin g R ed C h in a t o th e U. N. h av e b e en slowly s h if t in g a g a i n s t th e A m erican p o s itio n , which is to b a r t h e P e ip in g govern­m e n t so long fts I t c o n t in u e s a policy of belllBerency.

T h U tim e, th o se w h o o p p o s e P e lp li . m is sio n won th e d a y 42 to 34 on a vote w h e th e r to ta k e u p t h e Is s u e o r no t. I t th e lO th s tr a ig h t y e a r t h i s v e rd ic t h&s been g a in ed .

B u t th e c o m fo rt f o r A m e r ic a a n d Its a llies la grow ing sm a lle r . L a s t y e a r th e ba rrin g T ote w as 44 to 29. w ith f o u r ab s ten tio n s . T he 1060 vote w as a c c o m p a n ie d by 22 abstei tio n s .

N o t too m a n y o f t h e n e w e r n a tio n s sh a re t h i s coun try 's v iew t h a t R ed C h in a shou ld b e k e p t o u t o f th e U , N . u n tu i t adop ts a le ss m il ita n t a t t i tu d e .

T h e y seem to a c c e p t m o re o r less ^ a e tm U y .th e .iJ e c tr ln _ e _ o f u n iv e rsa lity , u n der

w W ch a ll n a tio n s a re a iJo w cd e n t ry reg a rd ­le s s o f form of g o v e t i im e n t o r in te rn a tio n a l be h av io r.

O bvldusly.'ft s h i f t o f f iv e v o te s , o r a fa lr - a laed move to w a rd a d m is s io n o n the p a r t of p re se n tly a b s ta in in g c o u m r le s . w ould tui t h e tables. T h ere is s t r o n g re a so n to believe su c h action m a y co m e I n Iflfli o r 1862.

N o t even th e m o s t n a iv e o f the new la n d s can Im ag ine t h a t P e ip in g 's e n try w do any th in g b u t c o m p lic a te th e U. N .'s c r e a d y deeply tro u b le d l i f e .

T h e Soviet U irlon i s c u rr e n t ly s lra ln li t h e un ive rsa lity d o c t r i n e to th e breaking

: p o in t by a c tin g c o n s t a n t ly to subvert leg iti­m a te U .N . en d s. W e c a n e x p ec t th a t Com-

so u n ls t China w ou ld b e a t le a s t t»s disre- ; Bpectful.1. .. M a n y im p o r ta n ld i lf e r e n c e s huvedevelop- ! • e d betw een R u ss ia a n d R e d C h in a , and may •:. bon tlnue to grow . B u t i t Is s h e e re s t specula- '! t io n th a t th e se w ouJd necessarily a ssert 1 • them selves in th e U . N . J u s t a s likely is the .?• p ro spec t th a t th e tw o n a tio n s , would often ' j . - j c t In eoncect In a n c t to r l to th w a rt t » i

U . N. and th e fo rc es o f w orld decency • AaciUier altlcal problem wotUd be the future

Of the Natloaallst Chinese goven.ment ?n Focmoi*. We tannot under nny circumsiances eoGn-

turning oter o r thU Wnnd to IIkj ChUia Ul# Ultimate f u e o f Qiiang Kil-shek and

nl» Wmlu, the people o f Formosa want freedom ^ desene to be protected, against PelpUi*-. tyran-

^ ^ to the V. K. mty

i r . ! s s f ' . s ' « . s s x W E ' i

' n «W14 t r a * jQBt tlM pppCBll*.

•tep.Four Eastern s ta te and munlclpsi offlcfalj-Qov ■nors nockefellcr of New York. Meyner of Kew Jc r

sey. Blblcotf of Connecticut and Mayor Wagner o New York Clty-hivve named a "study" committee "mC will meet n ext tteek to eom liir tranjportallsn roblems In the congested metropolitan area.But this kind or regional and plece-meal approach,

according to experts and Pentagon otflclals alarmed orer W« sUuaiJon. cannot aoJve Ihe prospecllye na­tional emergency In th is vluii field. I t remains a u*k lor m# next admlnUtratlon

([lil~l.,l hr McClur. N,


7119 Kenaedy-NUon debates ore eipecJaJly helpful to volers In tliat they provide a basis for compwUig c Uie candidates' views on apecKle t& ues.

Oceaslorially . the presidential aspirants sidestep leadon collisions. B u t the debate format < torih their views on many of the tame I

s is helpful.In far loo many cam pa l^s. candidates for the ne offtee-taifc-ln entirely different dtrectfons. They - iphailte. natura lly enough, fields in which they B interested or a reas In which they consider theli

opponents to be especially vulnerable. This leave: nura ulthotit a basU tor intelllgeat comparison.

I t campaign lo r the First District si provides a good example. Rep. Oracle

Plcst. at least In h e r news release. Is concentrating trc on pollclea of the Hsenhuwer admlnlatra- Bhe ha.1 a ttacked OOP farm, water power,

tnry, public road and medical i

holdTo'sliow th» youngen ho» the bat.

Frincei Ilarrli (Hansen)

FROM a i i s s o u a i , h w i?'ear P ou ;In regards to the jiory of thi

fellow w ho shot the mooae In sel tferue, 11 rem inds me of a dor' tellow to ld me a'few yeArs back

.30u t a m an-alted catfish swim mlog across ihe. river above Twh falls, and crawling up on a rock ti sun Itself.

Was waltr coldT (Twin FalU)

1 T>romB!i!

la l requftlin t

_____ .1 pull II•s over to R epublican I/Wsi

after Kennedy was elected il4)r-he-never-opcncd_hls.ltiip McCorthylsm u n til La r

twisted his arm in 1050. Thei ratteil on McCarthy. How do . lie tha t profile In m oral courage?

"Li Boca said nobody who ki ,:lsa as well aa t h e knew J could believe him Ryllty. Well,

id him guilty Just . . w It seem s "her friend

Stevenson Is s la ted to be Keni ccrctary of stAtc. T hey do . discuss th e ir personal and

records on comn Don't be afraid to te ll thi »bout La Boca. I f the Am


t piuicoff yoi

„ Bcuther a round Kenr . ncclc. Quote th a t famous i letter from Russia about figh ting lor aSorJet.A;7!erJci

"You can knock th a t bum ihrough the sky ligh t bu t not If FQU keep up thLi Tom Dewey mln- utl and speolt w ith a lisp. Tell Kentiedy to QUlt t.-vlklnr tha t lace-

(tccclice a n d .^pcnk Amerl-

by the communist party of Lo '.ngeles, Nlion proved It on he n l that was how lie knocked he ow-lcKKCd the 19C0 campiUBi

The Elilcr brothers are real So­ld red.?. La Boca v.TDte le ttc ra to ct them into thU country and ived mlif/a&le Jncrate

from Hitler when patriotic In grotlon odlcers tried to keep them oat. After the war they went back to the workers' paradise,

Herbert Brownell, a ttom ej general wlUi access to all flies no destroyed by ilooseveli-Trumai admlnlstraUon, made a radio ad dress charging 'IVuman promotei Harry DexUr White a fte r t'*i warnlng-1 Irom the FBI. W hite wa; Henry Morgenthnu's plenlpoten tl»ry In Uie treasury and w h J tta ker Chambers Maliy calls h im i ■jovlet spy. Yet Kennedy w anted Ike to apologue 50 Moscow for ;he U2.

End of foolnote.The tclfkrim »as signed "W cal-

jroolc PeRler."

Animal Trainer Dies During Act

CORPUS CIimSTI, Tex.. Oct. ,7 — Ceorae Jacob Ki .lonaiiy known nnimal Iropped dead '»hlle perfc I cage of IliJns, £(«crs and pon- .hrr.i at the Shrine clrcu. .

ibout C2, had b.naJ tr

1 «)f..........iJ wh.incB'~Bpp3rently—1


t of’the performance, a n d thi cus conUnued without a break Mtendsnu rtallied th a t Kellei

lipd, Keller Uvea 1

Damage Is High In Italian Storms

Iff JtsHiih'Blvifra and SJcliy struck by heavy rains whlcl

CBUicd much damage a n d lei y families temporarily home Damace in La Spexln -alon

ejtlmaieil a t 1300,000.

e It hafter hi;langui..

old London school where ftarold Laskl Uught com m unist econom­ics. Remember Laskl 1 ed of being a commi ZnjJLsh court. He but the jur>' said h e wi

Kenned; ‘ihm : velf! He n't I

ordinary Amerlcw t say 'c ith e r ' as they pro. it in Peorln, N yethcr could

noo«eveIt, K ennedy I00IL1 at pco- ■ I through hn lf-.^hui eyc-V U a 1 can't look m e .^ uare W the } I don’t tru s t h im .'Remember T om Dewey. Dump


T»o Helms men were killed yes- lerdny -shcn tlieirsporU c ar crash' cd on U5. SI north of h e re while Uiey were en route to a spo rts

Poll Indicates Kennedy Has Gained; 17 States Undecidc,]I crririfrt.TV\»L/ I t *i_- *WASHfKOTOf/. Oct. 17 (.fl —

Democrst John P. Kennedy ap- aw- parenlly has pulled almost even me with Republican nichud M. NUon op

they tprlng lowsrd the DnJOi tin their-hectic race for the prtsl-1. '

t a new AssociiWd Pre. s > ■y indicates Ifiat-with eiec- 6 day only three weeks ohe.»d— a ler candidate has been able t rasp a clear advantage In n s numbering nraily half of. 536 electoral voles. |e

Li among thh undecided ' p that the winner likely v ,lll\

be decided. He will ^etd 269 elec-j ’ toral votes. j

T h» latest AP checkovtr of thel7 political mtunllon In all 50 s

;e.i-llke New York (1 .’ania (33), California

Mlchlcan (20).


csu iu o l e. : material ■ w


luite, ui uic ^group Itemed to Gfc;P'

Sinjrer WedsVENICE. Calif. Oct 1- .V

» . . r v „ InJIcl..; Nl.on ^* D v y T is iM iN is -

nedy e . if he w their

int for 267 elEcloral % to enough to elect a by thenweives. the previous survey two Nlion was regarded t

front In 22 states wltli 101 iml votes; Kennedy as leading I M states with 1:3 votes. And M ;aies with 253 votes n-ere listed n 1 doubt.Thuj, !fie indJcsllon la Ihnt Nix-

n h«s dropped by three state: nd JO electoral votes Kenned; as the same number of states a je last time—14—but hns added

the doubtful groups JfO»


by three states / (10). Colorado (6 1 moved from the ]

tossup (10) • - thi

Into Kennedy'!-And Momana.14). rated last as for Kennedy, slipped Into loubtful catejory. irr tossup suies; Ohio (J5), s 124). North Carolina (M). wrl I13>. Tenneuea (ID «nd

Mls-'lislppl (B>. before, thi

'd ,0

Illy I. t Falls, Moj . The

TW IN F A M ,S L O D G E No 45 A. F .& A . M .




pollcles-tiHer Republ/ean opponent. Sfayor TTiomi* A,

Leupp of Nampa, has aimed his major attack li........ weeks on R«p. Pfcofa recsrd In eongrew, H

irged th a t M rs. PfoBi, a member of the ma lorltr p iriy In cansreu. has been aaable to puiti ihroush leglslanon to benefit Itlaho-and hi ■ rinded her as tnerfcctlve.

To date, however, the two Nampans have pretty ii;cfi ai'oicted head-on canfjict on slinUar lisues.In our battle corners,' we have tried to get parties nd candldatea to state their views on stale, county nd national m u e s. To date, the Democrats have s(ed RhBf they consider to be Uie mujar Canyon )unty )uues a n d Mayor Leupp haa outlined hit

oplnloaitin several national questions. Thst's as far s matters have progressed to daU.'Tfie preis o/cen is cfltlcieeff’foTfU' ly the issues In political campalgtu. Sometim

candidates themaeivea make such clartilcatioi ilsh Impc&^ble. _ ft might be ft s re s t benefit to rotera If oppontaf

candidates for various local offlcM—as well as those seeking « a ta In congress-«ould be brought together

>ome public platform for face-to-face de' rpeciijc and perWnent tssaea. The Leagu. . .

Women Voters h a s tried this In the past-biit can- •“•■Hcs usually wondered off the assigned subjects

ihelr pet Interests. Such confrontations could •Ifrrjlvc, however, 1/ stric t ground r

forced.How about It. candidates? Would you like to give le vo;crs some basis for intelligent comparison.??

—U m p t Free Press.

T H E C L E A N L O O K o f a c t i o n

s c o r e s t h e s t y l e c o u p o f ’6 1 !

14-YEAB-OLO DRIVERSloRcrlns the voUng age is OK, but less admirable

Is the Idiho driver's license l»w which permit* .ear.old,^ to drive during daylight hours and gr Jnrr.^trlcted driving prlvllegcj to 16-year-olds.

Today's powerluj car? are too dangerous a weapon ;o cnirust to 1« o r 18-year-oldi: notwithstanding th irfuments of th e fond parents who usually have _ :e«ion ot convenience for Xavorlng lawful driving a t » tender age.

Dlttertv opposed to letting mere- babeWake the liieel of a deaUUy proJecUle are the parents ant' relatives of thoftfe whose loved ones were killed li irafflc accident* Involving these young drivers li I9J9 less than 14 per cenL of the driving populatloi •'ere under 25 year* of age, but were Involved In learly 29 per cen t of the faU l ac«ldents.Idaho-B m otor vehicle license laws which' permit

youngsten who h a re yet to reach the age of cauuon Md d r lr ja j Judgm ent to be UkIu! driven ifiould he a subject to be rtunedled At the next ieglilatlti ilon.-TU» nallcy Times

I I ’# A W ise w J/a w h o aska to r w hat sh e tu x t h a v e 6o s h # ,c a n com prom ls» on w h a t ' *'•* r e a l ly w a n t* .

B u ick s e ts o ff '6 1 's s ty ling e x c i t e m e n t With a new trim , d e a n look , h a i l e d b y fa s h io n le ad e rs and p e w c a r b u y e r s a s th e ta s tf i 's e l te r of Ihe y e a r!

■•l.fxiJ.; N’oiliittR tli|)v ii0tJtin« bends, n o t i i in g bul;;csl“ . . . " 1 li(»c tira ii, Ilowing l in e s a rc iitnp ly dci;aiii!■' . . . "T lic C lean L ook . o£ .attion? U really lt:u ill"

T lio ic :ire llic kitu^ of il i in p tHinntc a r e sayinff abo u t the new Bniti,. For nuicL 'i ta lk - a b o u l

soliiiR is jiirring up a s io im . W ith ju s t tin t uhtic, liuick K'oiiW Jw o iu f r o n t for ‘61; but Buick lias never been co n ten t to tlo t l i in p by liaK. So underneath its b ody iK rautiful is a new \Vililr.n V-8 with new suv innj anil ro; a new 'Jurbinc Drive Kill. b itcY sundard on a ll rttll•si^e Ihiicksl); a n e w Hidc-Away drive shaft for liatter lioors; a new Safcty-X hom e that Joi.'ch ihe lillJ, the ride . :T h a i jMi't all. T h is Buick is b u i l t a ro u n d in alltit-w Comrott Zone. T h o u g h ir im m cr and

A s fin c .a s new, a s y o u c a n go

F U L L -S IZ E ’6 1 B U I C K < ^ ' .


sleeker outside, B u ick has m ore h » d rootii, JcBfoom, iho iiJJer-room in iid e . T he jcatin;'* louer. And as you d r iv e . C o n tro l Arm Siupen- ilori imooths the b u m p s , fla tten ] the com en.

But no »'or</j o r p ic tu r e c an do Jjjis Buick justicc; you have to cU-Jve i t to anpreciaie it. Come 10 your Buick, d c a le r '* -a n u add lo (he corametiul


YOUR OUAUTY b u ic k d e a l e r m T W IN FA L L S IS : MILES J. BRO WNING 202 SECOND A V tN u’l NORTH,


I ,io N t)A Y , O C T O B E R 17, i% n “ TlMESOT'W SrTW TNFA-tLS-rlDA-HO------ p a g e f i v e

Experts Can't ; j^gree About gliimp in U. S.WASMWOTON. O rl. 11 r r r - i

Ji or^Jiisln hill. T iin t.

' “ liVoRCd nni' coiarsdiclorv.tllCsr.xprrM n;:,.o ,,u -

,, (cC'O'nyAusu.U ni>d

Sr^frUl” »:ia t <lrrUne

' ' AHopHon Clilmrd ,ElsenMoxcr

vifw. rxprcssnl bv TriMMiry nrv Robert D. AiuIitmiii. l i llic buslncs* world li is bcrii

I Midili'ii il;.s-• llon psycho!.

president ff/t InclPiyJor Di'..

*^u.counlb’ Jo'irnry. Id driivvr , n,i)or nddres.' on llif tcoimmv. ;

Andtr ioii siroiiRly bcliPM-s m? jcononilc o i r '" '- • '•'•boili lor th eK»nr nliMQ.

O thersOl).tr rconomlc obMrvrrs rit

noi (ulIT ?ub.«rlbc to Atiilcr.son,For pxnmplr, (lie Mnrsmi

Giiitinly TTilM compnny, Nnv y c rt.M ld .-I tlj rillflrullltijiulKf ■ htiher AndffTOti Is rinht oi »hf.litr thf* ntttlon l.s Jlldlnt; init

some nulhorltle-' Rliirply <ll>.a- u itli Ati(lfr.'o;i.,-.or

,*nd JfcKJnnon. a W.iJJ Airrr btolfrsKO houM, *nld "nf (in ii i «cfs.«lon rnUifr tlinn m niij\u[-

f.,r fur I t RofA Is stlllv rry mucl:11 QilP. llon."

Vi’hellicr the U nittd Slatr.t !•'........................ . . .In »is In, o r vilU be In « rccc.'.''lnnici'n!!v piirtlclpnied with Ij p»rlly K. nmiter nf MiviL^tln,]fonticl ffom the Ilrn i t parilr * question o( nord mcAji>irL\ion

Two Killed in Storm McLemores Take Voya«c and


Daughter Takes Over Vessel ;™''KMtV Mfl.KMOUi; It r;ui.-rd r.u-oM lompl

,1 ^ No M a tte r H ow You V eto . . ! ^ ■ D E M O C R A TIC or



(r. Mfgsn, 1 i»kln; It •vrn bclorc

Id her..Htcivcly liLi been

r lilt .suminiluk- pool, uljlic luuin.'. iinil visilcil I •ifrooiii.'. At tfir motiifiit Hie gymn«.?iiiiii imcl ii

, v , „ , . I T C H I ^ Tortufe' ^•'’r L r ': : £ r , l . 1 . J S to p p e d like Magic ^

viviiier*licr?,)I unlqi 1 the pitch


will bi r first call


. kllleil «tid tllili rihin In two d u r ln r high wl wan M »rtir«l G nnall, no^Hle l'»ri companion, was h u r t. Another lrf» Kenneth f . Miner, 10. Fre«no. C.l (Ar w/repholo)

INS I S KOREA—BUHLEV—Ocfr-17— Army-Ple: Orlii W, Pfrkln.^, v.lm%e wife llve.s

15«' Almo. avenue, Burley, re- ' r per.

Iirr Injured nhm Itte lop* c »1 Vniftnlte mtlonil park. De , N. Jr.Mrt. Henry, her Irll arrnv.1 nfvrral ll■nt^ eru*hlnic ir, other lent! were unoccupied.

Science Shrinks P iles"ABERDEEN"

C O A LN ew Way Wit Stops Itch-

Smylie Says ] Need Will Be

'* Basis for Aid’ BOISE. Oct. 17 (UPfi—Got. nobert E 5mylle say.i need will be ilie' tc'.f b,£ for (llstrlbutlnn of piili-|

i.wl.Mnncc moiipy to rtonoinl.’ dlslrc.iicd fnmlllc.^ /in Sho. j

_ le county,- - Smylle - wrota . Prcslilcnt J<)hn

U«UmlUer of the Kclloii Chiun- ■j- of Commerce over the week- ,id Ih it “no person or uroup «1H|

dominate- the Impact ot the pro- pun.

R«aoluUcn PrcMnted UitlmUler he&ded a deleRition

Thlch called on Bmylle a t thi lUtehouM Friday to pre.-sent i re.wlutlan opposing Uie proRrom. Smylie. recalling this visit and a number of I<!f|?rani5 ha-t rc- eelved on the mnlter, «i\W there sterru to be a wide tlearee of mb. understandUig about the pro(;r«m.

Ai^Utjirce will be KT*nt«l to eeedy pcrsou. he said. re(?nrdlesi e f orffiinlzflHonai ftfflllRtlon. psit, pre.ient o r luiure.

'To do oihetwlM would be to permit a humtnliarlsn proftram to become « tool in the iRbor dis­pute w hich cMi.'ted the dLitrejs to exbt In th e llrst place, he « '

Priority Set np ‘T h s priority concern of the

profrftin will b« to aisL-it Jlrat

>thci's famllle.i w i th clUldren, whoso needj for fuel, food and ctothlnjr connot be met from anj other ovixllable source, public o private.■■ he tsld,

f The prOKTiun will be admlnl#* ’ lertd by trftlned profe.wlonal ease workers who know their buslnesj. he add«Hl. He said no volunteer htlp of any kind will be used "be-

ue th e atjitutes do not permit I of personnel not recniltrf

through .the state merit system." Smylle said his decision to insll- > th e program In the strike I wrvs no t a hM ty one and that

lie toolc action when the public i.ulstancet department r e c o r mended 11 becauM the need e Isted.

ilry dl-Exercise 'IVoopcr I'urn-

...............(hree-dfly /(eld proSIrmIn Korea. Perltla'i W ft member of hcndtjunrtcm com pany of vision's eighth c.ivalry.

K o d a k F i n i s h i n g' -DAILY 8EHVI0&-

L e e d o i t i P h o t o


1 McCOYCOAL & TRANSFERGold S tr ike S tam ps

r flic r in e p(ihrinV«ce)


Irr cuf, *hil» retitlj :in, r^Jucltantool pl«ce. incof>It-reiulU«tr«

lOut Surgeiy lelieves Pain


Y es! I t 's b een 5 y e a rs . . . . and w e a r e hav ing a s p e c ia l s a le of m en's, wom en's a n d c h ild ren 's

sh o e s . O u r sale shoes will be o u t o n ta b le s for

y o u r se lec tio n .

;«tlon in the ni 1 of

nha.! str ik e was commenced «1x

month 8RO.” he said. "It was cb- » w ith the comlnj of winter

thtt local resources . , . were se-. vrely .^irnlned and would not be ulequnte- to meet

>Uirou(th th e winter.'Tlio well-being of Its people Is

» proper concern of stite goTem- niFni a n d certainly none who ire Jnrocent should be hungry or ^olrt," ho said, ‘•ou r laws are right

Ju.1t when they hold this 'to • proper expenditure of tax

NEW YO R K . 17 WTB-The head of a ^ llc e m a n 's organliatloi reported yeslerdoy that 60 to 7' per cen t o f New York City police­men hold outside Job* In violation ol the law .

Joim j , cauese. president of Ihg PatrolmciVs , Benevolent awocla- lliw, sa id that 14,000 to 11,000 of •he c ity 's policemen are doing flutslde work. H e *»ld they wer- oreed l<» uk» other Jobs l>ec«ui Ihelr police p»y was too low. _

_ TOWNSEND VJ9ITS U.S. ' 'NEW v o n K , O ct n lUro-peter

^w n jcnd . one-tlm« suitor of Wnces.i M arpiret, Britain, arrl*- •a iMt nlRht for » two-week bu>l. '*•» tr ip .

Hurry! Save 20% thli week. Blf ” »he noom* aaie. Kf«atle«v-A<i


CHICKEN’e f t n o p , M U d bowl.'I bUeuIlt, bowl et chleku


^ K lnbcrty BM d • V S . MB

T c c n n g e r s cfin f in d a w ide Bolection in t h i s la rg e

^ r o u p o f ahoe.i. B lack pa ten t, sq u a sh h e e ls , p um ps,

t i e s , w edges, nyion velvets.

W e hove a trem endous s e le c t io n of

~ to id ie l sk o e s ;J ri~ th ir~ tp e c ia l g r o u p ; -

C botfse from wedges^ flats, t i e s a n d s a n ­

d a ls .


L ad ies '

Dress Heelsy . 5 5

A la r g e g r o u p . B lack-tan-pum ps and s t r a p s . N e e d le to e s , narrow heels.

O ne t a b l e o f b o y ’s and m e n ’s shoes a t t h i s o n e sp e c ia l p rice!

SHOES*116 M ain .N orth

1e «»cfet l» « nfw hrnlinj^iiih- r . (!llo-Dyn»*)-d„co»(ry of •rId-f«moua research injlimi*.


PER lO A D f

I • Wo>he>12<omplelep1o<(uMlngi —77 dlihes,

k p/toi ol >liv«rwor«V • Wa>h«i d<>hei clean

ou1 P'e woihing ond rin I • Bi>lll'nheol*rkg«p>wi r pip«B hotlohelpV k • Spxiol R«odr-Rini« lor B diiheillioldon'tB«ed»udiino

• Flip-Top Rock — oo»1«»l I .0 loadr • HolniloIlaHon —


LOWEST P R IC E ever for » W ttakle • Free AdUud>U« D ryert • OentI« t e m p e r e d heat • Special a ir vent iwltch • C ontro l air circulation • S a f e t y door control • O lan t

flllun£^ii^W ith E x c lu s iv * M AGIC-M IX FILTER

F llten Unt « a t e f the water. Abe blcadsIn d e ten e n t aotomatleally. On« dial waihlni, ADtottsUc niUtiK. SoffUator ad ta te r action |tl*

T w in F oils ' Only EXCLUSIVE


PA G E s n - T I M E S = N E W 9 r T W - I N - F A L L S . T D A H Q ---------------

State Hunter, Road Mi^iaps Kill 7 Persons

front of him. l l^ 'n s too nhnrt t disunce to •top. «ald.

Oneia* county Sliciiff Johi Evnnj «ld tliat» v."s RllO Ihroush the chest .vrsCcrday :tK>r;> log «htle hunlltiK nloiiK Skyllm

■ ro»d In T»o-Mllc c.myoii Ju-'. Koulhoi^t ot MalAd.

Ev»n.» J3)d lh»t so for It lift not bffn deltrmliifd v.lio fln< th f («Ui «hol. He sftld

• vestlRalloii ».»» »tlll coiitmuliic An *lltop^y iiL'o »clic(luldl in d«v fn i(e((rnilnr [h? rsJllx r o hullfl whlrh killed ll>e ffitMrr <i

' Uirtf clillflrcn.MK7 Davl. clkd inst.intly flnt

urd»j ulirn /.Ilf npp.irrntly ppd shllF drrr liiintlnii DMflllnf rldfic •boiil

'IP~: I

rlllrficcrj t!(l(l t • ryliig fcM r

biillfl .«lrlklnK lifr In tli-' m rr. r lni]ur.'t IJ plnnii''<'. dfllr'T i muI.

eiiifia. «».< kiiird ft i:yf»r-oliI himllnc rorop.mlon, db rell KariiM, E»jlc. Appurfntli- mt took lilm for * dfcr Ov.yh< counly Khcrl/f Al UnIt> •rl. Bhlfld*. liimtlnK in Hi'' Murpl: jirrti, »A!i wcnrliijr n Irawii null «t the time.

K«llfy »•«.' wounded In tl> rljtl ■Id'- Kbove the hip «lill« huniuiR in Ihe Owyhee* Jicur the Idnho- Oreuon borrfrr finturrfu}’ rnornlns:.Authorltle. s(ild h i s .......................p»nlon. Denton

—UJa-UQmtJcntiy mlatook i S

. Moiin


botplUI.Th« l%o hunltrs who <tlrd oi

h«*rt ■Ituki were Frederick Ham Uton TBmtouon. « . HnHey. •n d I!ewy B«d. »0. op»r«lor of » Rllf- by druiitore.

Totnlltuon Jmri a henrt n ttsck while elk hunlltif: iietir th e llu.i- lU n John ranwr *tnl!on nortfc of Kttehum. A compnnloii found him alltlDi on B rock with his rifle Initl kcrwf hit knee.i.

n tta died Stturdsy mornlnK v h llfU f iwne hunting a t Snwtrll mountain, fitrleken by a hetirt nt- Uck »hm he »rrlved o t the hun t- Jn» »rei. nctd. being driven b«ei: U likuid Park s’fien } e dlrd.

In til, 2S people met denth IruU week In more tlmn a doMii m li- >mpn.______ __ _ ^

FourlMn were ktiled in nlne‘*ep“ Ante trudc accklentJ.

The tmfflo death loll for the •tAte *todd a t IM today, compared with i n on th« correspondiiis date la i( year.

In addlilon, three men died In n plane crash, two men drowned In k bottlnj mlahap. a a-year-old girl droKPed and four h u n te n were ktlltd and another mli^ilng Sor more than a week, wa4 a.^sumecl dead.

The te'irch for Fred V lnneau. 84. mlBlns cln«e a week ago last Thuriday, w u ffltsn up. V lnneau was huntlnj elk In th e tugsed prlmlUT# area of eenlr*l Idaho when he dUippeared.

8K pmplB have thus f a r died In fatal hunting acddenl*—eeTen countln* Vlnneau — during th ts jr«az'5 MUon.

A near headon' collision neai lA ra IKl Sprlng.1 T liu rsd sr claim ' ed three lives. Killed were U oyd A. BoH, 42. Pocatello, ClUude Irlck. M. Lava Hot Springe, And Loulnt Lundgrecn, 73 Monroe,moh,

Another he»<ton collision In W aJ- Jace Wednesday also claim ed th ree lire*—Carolyn Campbell, 17. C ran ' aaa, Wtf,. sad • 0»est P’nlls. M ojit. couple, Ur. and Mrs. M nrvln P. Canmbell.

A traffic accident n e a r W endell ■Wurtda/claimed two llve.v-Mr». K ile WlUon, 6], and h e r daugh­ter, Irent Wilson, as. bollt Wen-

D f (Jatliohcs Tops Others

NEW YORK, Oct. 17 l^ ^^ o m an ' • Cailiollc church membership this country incrtwed Jost year u fBBter pace than protMtnnt cfiurcfi membersblp, tsy i the Nn-


I’ .uS {j/rniv.i. . a<u>4

11 ui mI ’ i«


■ V.'miyTliV

i p - “r J'ji.Mt’i*

1 s‘’r.rinJ Hu>lt1 KmriiMii


1 LmpKiiLa

I'piicTri.V’” '

lll'lUJl-Jl llourd-Lp

Growth Pace

tlonnl Cnuiicll of Chutchc.v Tolnl church menibershlp In

UhIled-8l.-itM In 1B53 kss put lljnd jo s from reports of 354

llglous bodiu to the National CQunelVs bureau of resenrch and survey.

Increase li M Ter Cent 77ils repreieiittd tn incres.'

3.4 per cent over 1958. or 2.608,104 member*. Church membership ,195s,slooil nt_634_per cent_or_the populntlon. compared with 03 per

tit In 19Sa.Tlie flKUtM. announced ye.'Icr- ly, were tnken from "The Year­

book of American Churches for Ml," Kljfduled for publication Cxt Monday.Catholic flpirei. taken from Ihe

olflclal Catliullc directory, placed ]95!i menibmhlp at 4d.B71,302. Increase of J.JSi,784 over 1 .... Tim Included all persons baptized In the Catholic fnith.

Growth Compared- The statlsUci showed thn t cath-

olic irowth In the nation wax 3 4 Protestant trowth t.7. while ettl- mited population growth for the period «aa U par eent.

ProtMtant figures, from reports of »8 bodies, totaled flJ,543.5o2 members, an Increase of 1.038,633

the ei.SOI.669 reported In UU by 334 groups.

The S}T3»gopie council of Amer­ica put persons of the Jewish faith at 8‘4 million, unchanged from ItU.

2 Competitors For New Dam File Answers■WAaHINQTON, Oct. 17 (tm>—

Adversaries competing for one of th e few remaining hljh-potcntlal hydroelccirfc nJtes In the Unrtcd

utility districts, will gel a federal | T h e line saappei Irom the license to develop energy on the ed welRht as coxall reached middle Snake river.

The FPC tet down unique ground

den... earlier. M arjartl Young. ,. „

year-old Rupert girl, w»# killed when the car In which ahe w as a

' 'pauenter rammed th e re a r end of % stopped track loaded w ith poles.

Thomas Aaron Andernon. 89, Warm aprlngs. M oot, * a s killed In a traffic accident n e a r Idaho rails on Tuesday.

AIM on Tuesday, th ree were killed In » plane crash 40 tnUes northwest of Poc«t«Ho. TJtey were pilot Lidnont Neal. Malad. •nd paueogerv U ndsay H«nry, 61, Pocatello, aiitt W endell B lair. 44, Znkom.

Thursday. * 2-year-old F ru lt- land girl, Mona H arriet VatJner. daughter of Mr. and M rs. Douc- la j Vadner. drowned In an, JrTlga- H at ^Iteh In front of h e r home.

A week ago, two Post FnlU men drowned when Ihelr small boat oreriuraed on J*ke Pend Orrllle.

Headquarters of Democrats Open Now at Jerome

Official Attacks® Protestant Plan

NEW YOnK. Oct. 17 (fl-T he executive director of Uie Fair Campaign Practices committee has protested what he calls Ihe pUn of man}’ Prctenlani ciiurehfj to “perverf Reformation Sunday by turning It Into nn nntl-Calhoiic, »nll-Kennedy rally.

Some consenatlve Prote.itant.s, seeltliig to defeat Sen. John p. Kennedy because he is a Roman Catliollc, have announced plans tc deliver anil-CatholIc semioiu or

is anniversary.Meanwhile. & prominent Prolrs-

bn t Episcopal churchman says t flood of antl-Calhollc lllerature hr-5 all but stopped rntlonal dl«- cuislon of letltlmaie i«ufs Jn ihi presidential election.

Woman Is Hurt in Tumble at HomelUCHFlELD. Oct. n —Mrs. H.

.. Bushby. Boise. l,s recovrrlnc a t at. Beneaifti ho^plinl. Jcrtime. alter a fall at the home of her


• j t l h f Pile home in- cufrlng a severe cut and mul tlple body bruises, FiilloalnR emcr litney_ treatment for the head

ia)!ri] to (he hoa-i wound .shepltal lor .................. .

Mrs. Bushby and liu.^band h a d been vlsliine (heir *on. LesUe

Pate family.Oushby. snii t:

itlD cnmpalgn head- ! open In th e GIdk-

. iMl«* on Wost Main iuDunen said the cen ter will be


Snow. Jerome- second

in Q cr-

Llcut. Don F. and Mrs. Don has been luMlgned

, tid T d -b iih e D em ocratir^;; ‘„r"U u .:n in rR ^r- club and volunteer workers who will greet the puMlc a n d help w llh]„,n i's «prnr‘r ^ n r , i . .

. eUBM tn regU tm iou and .-ipcilon S ........ ..l-tnlormaUoo, U well a s dlsp<>hslnitl__L

Wffee.. Bummera iatd. “We open > tMcd4u«rt«n this year with m i.... ,

• tBtDWlasm for Democratx and '• e r ie a n s m general have caught

/. 'th a TUlon of the eo's.’"

Paiking Finesc 'FOMtnc overtlmo parking bonds v W li city police sa tu rduy mid

j s m v w m Mrt. Joe McndloK l » Benaerson, M araha O tt and SpW W hlU ker.

f I j t t N U m IK G E R M A kr f l i L 9 ^ n - S l W . 4/e *. Datli. «oo of Mt». EloUe w , Burley, »«cenUy reen-

. , o r ^ years in the regular fw hll* servln* w luf the 63rd " * « cOBDpaoy la Q ttm any.

T b b daily schedule ol telerlslon and ra d io programi l| presenltd ,» a service lo readers of ihe Tlraei-Newi. Listing* are furnlihed by he nation. Any errors cr.ehingts should l>e reporUd (o tha lUtlon t.»l> ,„A nni th» Tlmn-News._____________________

Television Log

CAPTAIN TIlAlNKn DOHL, Oct. 17—C apt. Joseph '

Edgett, Jr., ha.s. completed

Demo Control Of Congress Is EmphasizedBURLEY. Oct. IT—Cong. Mamer

1, Budce told the Burley Cham- j f r of Commerce today th a t /om« person*, including his opponent, muat think the people of Idaho

SpeskJfif a t » chambrr lunch- jn'Budiie said. "With a two-to­ne majority In both the house

, nd Ihe senate . . - and with tame majority on all com m itted of both liou. c and the tcnn tc . . . (ome Democrats a r e claiming credit for everything thot was done

1* last congre.« while laylnc ..., blsme on Republicans ' everything that wasn't done.”

Rcprc-'enlatlve Budge snid the real split In coritre.vs . . . and one more Important than the division bet'^een Republlcnrw and Dcm< crnt.s . . . is bctv.'fen wl- Bllll believe that the federal coi ftltutlon Is a docuwent by whli Amcrlc^ can live ntid prow .slronR and tlia'* who believe th a t the federal government should be a fountsin from which unending

M O N D A Y , O CTO BEll 17,

British Princess Causes Debates

LONDON. Oct, n CTH-There U great debate going on here, to3,

id the Bubjeet Is whether Prfn- ..’ss Margaret Is really hnvlnn a baby or simply stirring up one of tho«e publicity storms she loved

ell in her single days, mors that the princess Is ex­

pecting a child In April or May have been circulating In Drlt.Hn and pouring In from all over Eu­rope fer the pu t !n'o MfeJt.’. 7710- have become to numerous and persistent that many people wUli the would say somethlnR

ne way or the other.For millions of Britons con­

firmation that Margaret is preg- nan t would be the happiest new.-, of tlie year- Blnce she Is not the relflnlnjj monarch she may make such an announcement—If It L\ true—anytime she wishes In.itcntl of walling till Ihg traditional fourth month.

flars ZOTi this week dnrlng Mg store-wide sale, everything re- dueed. KrengtVa—Adv.

when he's »ol In ,.'' h.-.incled todsy im j killer. *

Tlie Dritlih B.ite-y rcporird a direct link flu and miny d-iith, Jurle.s 01) Ihf rnadj, m 'nrt .. and In (he home.

"Pfopie loinR lo flu arf n rnensce to rn d th r public Krner^llv" . the report,

cln»tlon fljnlnii rnflurn-, council a l„ l, ,tho,u.-vnds of pwier.s



LYNN ond MARY210 8ho«h(me Rt, South.

blc-'.'l ;.i flow...............Bufls'e j«ia, "thff Jai­

ler are either blind to th e fact that the federal government has no money of its own—th a t all of the riioney U .spends must first be token'from all the people—or they clellfcefftlHy try lo mislead th e peo­ple Into bellcvlnR that someone else pijs the bill,"


Telelilm Associates,

Htn vree Europe commerclaU dur- TV interview iwt week with

KLIX-TViCliannel 111

« T«T,'£S-iK»'AW.------------------

Instructor Saves Life of Jumper

PA R I3, Ont.. Oct. 17 L f l - / jountf student parachute Jumpej dan^IInK helplessly at th e end o a th in line 3JOO feet above thi ground Was rescued by h is liutruc- tor. A lfred Coxall, who alld down

nd opened his parachut« for him.GcorRo vim Roosmaleii,

th e Ncz Pen Sheep case before tl'o federal pow-

• comml.«lon.At |« u e u whether Ihe Pacific

, beciune entangKd m hanging from the plane

from which he jumped. I t wrapped i tightly against his

rules for this fight, which paral­lels the famous Hells C.inyon dis­pu te on another part of the Snake a few years ago.

Under the rules, each aide filed que.illo» mid nnxwer brielf to tiie rP C . Today, each filed peutlons to Ktrlke certain parts of the wrllten technical testimony of the other. Oral cross examination of wit-

eases Ls scheduled lo start Nov.

TOie Wo-'hlnqlon Public Power Supply system proposes to build > 400 million dollar dam a t the Nei Perce site. This project would back u p the middle Snake, creatlnc a raservolr coninlnlnn 6.6 million acre feet ot water behind a 7ft foot high <lam. j t could h tv f t initial generating ctptdly of i< million klIowatt:i.

Pacific Northwest proposf.s to -Ulld a 350 million dollar dam 670 feet high at the Hl|h Mountain; Sheep site, three miles from Nez Perce. Tills project would contain' 876,000 kltowatts of capacity and create a reservoir of 3.8 million »cre feet. Tlier< would be flood control benefits from both dams.i

Masons ConveneRICHnELD. Oct. 17-E. O ulh-'

rle, Shoshone Masonic lodge mas-! Ur, and Walter Pethner and Ben' Walker. DIeWeh: and Otto Droy-

' l e i '^ 'a Jimw MlDBMncVntal't ley lodge, were special guests a t ' the Richfield Masonic meeUng "niurxtfAy evening,

Oeorgr Jl, Sehwaner and Max

ihB o th e r rnan, whose rip cord ... mrJiaged lo pull as they fell to­gether. He waited a few seconds to g e t clear, then opened his t parachut«. Both landed safely.


No Story Tops Ttila Onel llolUen'a Academy Award

winning ptrforaianee!







Jackpot. Nevada, Wednesday, October 19

ONE AM) .VO/104____ DOtLABS


Wednesday Nite

M embershipDRAWINGS!


Samuel Goldwyn's




_ j i O N r A Y , .p C r O B ^ ^ T I M E S - N E W S , T W I N F A L L S , I D A H O

prive Slated Week for

Concert Unit

Rcncwab «cic

hn j presented »uch mrmor- T onceru V, „„d'

nnhm D'ln-plnnlst nrlls.s. Pljiishe ISM-198J « cr.ll t^r

IS. Mime lop QUftllly nt mii'lc nnj

"""^ y o f d . n « r 5

ffftson.Attendnnce a ttmL-ershlp only

Both Vehicles Demolished in Burley Wreck

iM lclaiis lo

D*,';simi u*n *. iiv" -

mcnibi'rslil!>inhrt’n ■*■ Biirlry nnJ III (tie ."ir-

5 S ’ , s - 3 " ; £ " r v ; : . „ r sMulllkm store lo ac-

„ p l mfii'ber-'ljlps llicrr.» tpcclnl plionf hus bTn {ii-

•■.lied nt the licmlqiinrlers for ttifcimpB'K" *'clc-

Mr*- DlA'itr emph 'l7^■l' iv> bo% -/flee (vdml.isloiu will bp r-oM to ,nr of ths concern ulnrc ihr nr- lUU «rc «e1«tc<5 accoriJInK lo the number of memhcr!hrp» ot)tain«d iurlnc t"e d'"*'"'- wW'tin latmbcrshlps arc tirucd to obimn Uicm e»r'y 'he wpfl:.

interest in the concprts bn.< been w)de.«preivil Ihrouihovil the Mlnl- ru jta areiv, with cnpaclty «iees. The drive Is belriB Inuiiclicd ^ ih A dinner Mondsy tiifiht »t

- the-TfBtlon«l-hotel-lo which Hie jijje sroup of volunlrer workers 1, uiTlled. jpcikcr Ij Eve- fn Outiehmiat, represenlaiive ol Ctfflimunliy Coneerw, Inc. A •?«- till 'vltl •* Ifiiiier Budge, H-. Tda.__________

Buhl Grange Plans Special

’ Meet Oct. 27BITHL, Oct. IT - Buhl Ottngc

*111 hold a BpecUl meclljiK si 8 p. m. Oct. SI eit the Oranje h»I1

k when member.? of the Sunnjflde W 4-n Livestock cluD spon-^orcd by ' the Ortnme. • will b« g u « u — picc«nt ap i'ogun i—

W o m a n H u rt Sy A c c id e n t; D r iv e r C ited

announcement was miide durlnjr me regular OranRe me InjT T^ur.^da? niRht. I t filso v reported a prncllce »f.-jIor» for neM.' ofllecrs will be held nl 8 p. Thursd.iy. Oct, :o, at the Grnnse hall A silver otfcrliii: for mustu- Ur dystrophy nelted S7.C0.

CommlKcpJi /or thf eniuln? yeai were jppolntcd by MiLilcr Elmer phllllps. E x e c u t iv e commlttte jncmbers Include iUlo Davij, Klclntopf snd Dean Smith: Ches­ter Hobson and Ewin Smith were nnmed co-chairmen for the fair bnotJi: Donald Dleli. chalrmtn, KJe/nkopf. noy Smalley and It. L. WIllAiTjion, aKTlnilturc committee; .Milo Davis. chftVrman, Henry Leh­m an. 8- C, Orr and EIvi Mason,

■ resolutions 'commltlee: KenneUi Shrader, chalrmtn. Olen Dutken. dorf and Arnold Tinnier, finance committee.

A. D, Falrehlld and Arthur Bell, bulldliiit and grounds; Mrs. Mile

u Dovls. Mt3. Earl Parllnjer. cour- I lesy committee; H. B. Thomis and

” Mrs. R o / Smalley, beneTOlenri committee; Mrs, A. B, Palrchlld. hostcu commlttte; Mr*. Henry

iLehman. reporter; Stanley Webber, Insumnce and bujlnes* agent; Frank Southwlck, chairman for the youth committee.

Mrs. A rjhur BeJI. hom« eco­nomics chairman, named Mrs. Chester Hotuen, Mri, MUo Dkvls and Mrs, A. L. Klelnkopf. on thLi commUtee,

For the lecturer'* program. Mr*. Donald Diet* Introduced MUo Davta who read a poem, ■'Colum- bus." Mrs. DleU urged memben to vole In the tirealdenllal elec- tlon. She a l ^ had Orange mem­bers tell of their neighbor*’ tal. ents and c&pabllltlu. and gave the closing thought, 'Climbing moun­tains."

Delegate Leaves For Coast Meets

WENDEU,, Oct- 17 — C lyde kPet«rsen, represealatlve of the 'W endell Chunber of Commerce,

left Sundaf morning tor 8»n Francisco to attend ths tnduitrlal

|deveiopment meetlnp iponiored r by the *Ut« department ot

merce Oct. IT (o 20.Others attending from Ooodlng

county are Emer»on Pugmire, rep-1 —reftenUnr Uie-eeunty;- Dr. Waltarj

E. Anderson, representing Oood-! Ing Chamber of Commerce, and Leo Rice, representing Otwdlng.

Ttic party left from Boise via •Irllncr.

A Ueclo w om an. Mra. Karen J,Memorial hoapltal and teleawd nfler II Bunday In nu rley . f lr lre r Bt the oihfr cs

■KX% Irritled a t t h e Casila I nKlilfnt mboot «:S0 p.m. «ai Rohtrl W atts , Ifl, who

»»s rllrd for » »lfip »1*n ' Mn. Tvlrr't rar brnadslde.Iih"ln-rnCTa»lnj|

Delegate Sent To Meeting l»Y Area C. ofWENDF.I.L. Oct. n -I’lMis «f;T

complfffcrt for CJvilf Pi-in.xr^, irjp- rcsentntlvc f r o m t!ic \Vc;i.;(';i Chamber of Coninirrrp. lo niif;-. I

ln<l>is!rUl <lcvrlop;iifiu mr i..... m Snn m n c i- rt) Rt ft 'r in ir-day clltinrr nirctuiK held nt tlu’ lOOP hnll.

fl^jvr.'pJJtfttlvM (inm Uip JliiiCity I’TA were p!c>nU in phn HRilnwffii rctlvitips 'Die i'l'A ex­ecutive tioard plrvn' a rnriilval the m o n e y -r iil5liiK eifiii Chnmbcr of Comiiiprrp wl '

nr ptvraili- Find....... , ;irl7.f.'. Comininamed for the par.idf a

ncn Morgi ............

“Pets” SoughtMOUNT I'EHNQ.V. N. V,

Ort. n I f r - J 't .u c e ^ h ip f \vn- Uam McUonaUl mustered hl.-, Inrre today tor a lioii.-.c-ln. hniisp hunt ffir ]nBiii\rs. o Plr):. and xnake-< whr>-.i- o-.\nc.-r< Irul,-: arp prW.

The c;t>' council h.r^ hrntidr;! Ihp pets '■mill, (rrotlnu.'. Ilprpr- ii!i(l (lnngc^ou^" ami pn.v^d mi iirillnancp prnhililllua th'-in.

M a y o r nayaK^ul SlUitiMw the orcllimiicp Ktiii.iv

111(1 McDniinIrt (invp hlx mrii (TilPrs lo begin a .«r«rc/i for clip

U. S. an3 BritishAsrreement MadeLONDON, Oct. I7 4 .r-T he Lon-

<lr)n roporud toduy B rita inII.’S BKrrpil In irl the Unlled S U tes ■*t up a tinittnst basr at a 8co t- ll'li pnrt for U. .‘J, nuclear aubm a- rliin nrnifd with rolsvrL' n\lMlle».

Admlrnliy nfficlaU aald they had no kno,vlfd*(! ot any Im m inent

••ihp rp:.,-,r.n for the choice of ft scnm-h port li lhat .there thfl ipiirtrr will bp a< nfirr ft* pnwlble 10 thr Arctic w.iter. where the

arr ii cply ta operate, al Ir.iM initially," Ihe Time.*! »»ld.

. D . Pleri'c

Car Damaged as 'I'ire Blows Oyt

ililmii;;- An ;iccldent iippi l > a liliiwoul result'

Firemen Called

nnomir' chamber ul.ihes tc Wendrll c roup for lie r: 1. 'IliP ,

BUnt.EY. O ct. n —Robert Wntts.I. woi cited fo r a slop'slitil v;ola-'

tlon oftcr nn accident a t C:35 pm.ire whlclTdtmollshcd two .rnt n woman to the hos-

pIMJ/or U-cstmenl. ,Mr». Karen T>-ier, 22. Dcclo, was

taken to Cassia Meinorlnl hospital v.herc alic w as treated and rc- lea.^ed.

Mra. T>'lcr. drlvlne a iBSfl Ford, 1L1 going uoc i on Sixteenth strci t hcti ft ISJI CJiciToJeS, drlfcn );)•

Watts .yiiith on Cnnant avenue, rnn thrcijph a .stop sign hillin'? the Ford broadside, according lo I’ollce SerRpnnt Clinrlcs Givens. The Ford flipped o v rr on lt.s top asalnst the curb- I t was estiinotrd that W atu was Rolti!? nbout <0 mllf.'i per hour. T h e hendiiRht rims from

verc lay ln s In Uie gutter. heailnK stove bein': hniileti

In t^c trunk oL^lr^. Tyler * car was thrown liifo Uic yara ora'lioartT in the corner, M rs. Tj-lcr told police

t'she had n r .it Intended to her 1-year-old son at her

... s, but h a d chanRcd her mind and decided to deliver the j “

'ln--.teail.Women a t th e scene of Ihe nccl- ■nt, who helped Mra- T)ler from

-,ie car, s ta ted she was lying a Uie doahbonrcl.

JosUn. 7, «on o f >fr. nnrf Mrs. I,cM;r Jcwlln. ro u te 1, Twin F:ill.«. .skinned his elbow s Sunday uheii 1??“stepped Irom behind i pniked car In the 100 block o Slxlh avenue east Into th e path c a moving car.

Pwe M. McCauley, ro u te J. Je- LEOPOLDVILLE, Oct. 17 . m - jome, w s drlrlnc a lono Rambler

Army slronfim un Col. Joseph M o-„[ „ of speed when the butu announced today he Is “neu-- your.n.stcr was hit. Mr.'S. Joslln aald

....................... ' school.

Congo Parties to Be “Neutralised”

Odds ChangeVE0A9, Nev., O ct- n M

Vice P rw lrirn t Itldiiird M. Nixon was o n 8-to-

ti-l.>-5 Jftvnrlte r ig h t atlcrIh" nn'lonal convention, "butIhc odd. Inter went to 7-to-5.

S.-\turday thpy chfUiRed again mill ihls timu Kennedy cmerf-ed ilie fnvorlte. The gcncrnJ prjca was 6-tQ<5 but one establish* mi-iit m\lle Kennedy «v T-to-5 favorite.

Funeral Is Held

iinttedments c i'n tie made. 'i-i

An offi-r of ChrWmas l.uilrrn posts lo W endell tmm tlir .lororup pri ChnmtxT - was acceptpil niiil tli'ln, malerlftl will be mnvpd ovrr byid, IrucX- \rr>

M. H. Met* was appoliiieil In work on the Clirlstma.* commitlep with the mandlnR commlUcp. L ,

Emer.soii PuRmlre, 'llaKerlnaii.l „pre.sldent of th r MnclcVnllPV

1-ennl rentlon Ciniiicll. K vp a Iiil n.mclitl ninl activity report

re Ar- stated th n t Ort- 20 will be ati Mfltr- day w ork day

I Hoes- CryslAl Sprlnns .'oluntccrs.

■o! n lOiO MO driven b; p Dale llodrlqiie?., Ifl. ) , Ore., S-iturclay iilKh iny road three miles ^

T l!f'

e and arkcrtJEOOME. Oct, n - l-' ner. Albert J^.p.ieK, Mr jervlci for John D. Ahren.s w. l e ler and Henry Hrhulfheld ill 2 pm. Saturday at .‘ l. f-’lnal riles i\crf lirlil l:i Sunset * .ni»H ,fpre 'A f-rnF«i!'hif?M W : cj.urch r l th Memorial p M . -nun n iX n iftev. Carl Crtieggemann c fflc lai-; ------------------------- L ra I^m baU 'v ^ n , 70 v'"f- ! jiEC nriT TitAiNrn J ,Z ’i\„ r i .-ilusic w**by.Xean_Ruhltr..nnd._iVENDEU., O .t. A ' - -

Oene Ruhter. Joyce Brueggemann Dod.on. « n n, Mrs. > iiftd-A bout «7-i-Kanljt, Jordan, WenWl, ha., bten Rrad-lg„ty,^jjy after a lon^ Illness.

IT—Tlie Duhl flr« called to the Ray-

md Mflr.'iier ninrh one-fourth chill'd of a mile north cl Uuhl on the

W “>;;-.diiiiipk'rnund rnad at Il:5B »-m. he lifvVridny wlirn \traw around a slUgs I -'n il'1-, 1)11 ctiii-;lit (Ire.Ilcrinl.-j The blare Icnltert a nearby cor- t "n n.rn) frnrr but flrenirn were *bl# oulh I'll to e-ttlnriil.ih the flnme.s w ithout

' Irinilifr ilamafp. A neighbor no- .snld IJodrlqurr n;! ... |,.r ,d Ihe smoke and iumm on«a U .S . hlKhwaySO nnil'firemen.canal hridce ta hei . _________ ____

:0'~r nfr (Trrilhlng In i(or« thU TTpek. ni{ "Make RootQ" m1« al Krengfls.—Ad» _________________



•K DUIVKU KINI-Ocl.J’alls labor cniuji,

,• vMii fuip.t Si mid S fosi.n liv Jirv '■ [ticc <;f llic i’f.iee J. C. .Mlllff for

loiuTatlng a triiclc without slop, bcliis. State Patrolman I'ranit w

_'M ocen'on rlted him flve.mlics i,n iiiicj /our ni!Jc-i iiesi o l '

Mass Celebrated For Rupert Man

RUl’rnT. Oct. 17 — neciulem nia!-s *;is ulfbrated for Elio Purln at 10 am. S,\iurday a t S t . Nicho­las Catholic church w ith the Rev- Malach)- McSclIl offlcln tln j,

rallbe.itcT.s were G eorge OrUs- Intl, Eujene l.conl, A rchie Carotto, Victor Dsiac^Uo, R lu n o Orislntlniiij Akio DalloU^n._______

Milit-iry rites were conducled a t the Rupert ccmetery b y the Vet- er.ins uf Foreign W ars.

Coiicliiclinf! rites were under the dlrcctluii of the Wak m ortuary.

Elbows Skinned

trallzlns- a ll political parties and Monday I parliament u n til the end of the year in an apparen t effort to keep depojrt p rem ier Patrice Lumum- • a out or power.

Mobutu ac ted after a week-end conference w ith K atangi Presi­dent Molse Tshombe convinced him the Lumumba opponents are wronjp in c laim ing a parliamentary majority of 83 of the 137 aeata and tha t Lumumba might ttage surprise If parliam ent meets.

e the w orse lor the

-A"eom-Dlble" Is now be ing worked

out by a Uam of P ro testan t, C ath­olic and Jewish scholars, for tui

r(»dw in public schpol*.

Registrar Books Opened for Area

WENDELL. Oct. 17-Registrar book* are open In the Wendell pre­cinct*.

West W endell precinct registrar J» iSts. H ugh Caldwell. M8 Second street west; W endtll precinct. Mrs. Olen Parsons. 353 East avenue C; Orchard Valley precinct, II, J. Barton hom e In orchard Valley; West Point prcclnct. Mr*. Donald McCloud, southw est of the city.

ReWdenU a re urged to check to nd out If th e y are properly reg­


England recognized March I New Year'* day un til 17S3,

when It adopted Jan . 1.

-About 87-per-oeu;-u(-lhe.nBtlau'A .paper come.s from wood. The rf-s' co.TiM from libers of flax, »tra\

lUnd raES.

. ; ; i i

' 4 ,

inevi —


SENSATIONAL NEWPlugin4Jiit{urinlr





full Load Prys I I115 VOLTS k a a M B H i H B H M a J I


Sertilce b R e p a i r s

Phone RE 3 -6 0 B 0AU Type*—K ind*


Hl-Way Jft—On T ra c k Lane JUdlstM* Are O v B o s lo e a ^

Net a SldalliM


Rupert to Hear Geolo^ Expert

nuPE R T , Oct. IT — G eo rg e f?chneffcr of the geology depart­ment At Idaho State college will speak and show tUdei of the Heb- «en lake earthquake, and wUl de- Kribc the tormallan of the City Of

^'>ctai Bt th e WMfiing(on »ciioof ■PTA meetlntf Thursday.

Ed Rensmeyer, president of th«i PTA, invites all Interested persons, whether membeis of th« unit f-

Refreshments will be »erved.


New York Poet today endorsed B?n. John y . Kennedy for preil-






M O R E q U IE T P O W E RMore Gas Economy, More 2m c for Longer life • • •M o re p w e c . . . free flow Je . sig n lew en* back p re» ;^e. H h e a v i e r , c in c c o ite o . «tcel ' g u a rd s agatoa t aciJt

Ford PW rUne 'S5-MM ereiay ,'66-M ______ ” **C herro le t >M.8»---------P J /m , ’M -M ----------“ •**> o r A n i9 5 5 « d I - te fM o d * l6 i*

D r i v e I n F o r Y o u r F r e e M u f f le r I n s p e c t i o n !

8 . 9 5


Full Load Drys ON A 115In Less Than VOLT



• 453 M ain Ave. E. •520M ainA veS. DRIVE O U T AND SAVE"

rp a g e e i g h t

T I M E S - N E W S . T W I N F A L L S , I D A H O M O N DA Y , O C T O B E R

Couple a t H om e In Oregon A fter^

Rituol, Jo u rn e y

Ihe Immoculale Coiv lanrt.

T))f brlrii- 1.1 Di-- li

mirrifd iifcklliir

dhORff boiifiljrt of a h l f r<\

Tlie mnlcl of hoiirr ^ H.'vlRrr, rortlAnrt. •ni'- bnri WM Mnry I/iuKc 0 >:'. O ctMiHln nt llip l.rid'- ’n>r: Irtriitlcnl drpwA of 1'Arl.Ma owan.M and cnrrlrd cr Bhnped boiuiurLi of plnlc i lo^pl, H cR ric lrm a cn

nintfhrfrf (lirlr po ra rThe flowpr Kirl, j^nirle

IRK, n nlfcc nf llic brlclfcroo frocked In whllo ullk crcniij


T rade Prom ises in Portland '

U -I

Future A ctiv ity Is D iscussed by H a g e rm a n Unit

HAOOU.1AN. Oci. 17 — Future ncllvlIlM ^’cre dLtcuuM during the

conducted by Mrs, Ernc-it Bllllnrd, vjce pj-esJiJcnl. Jor Hi Wiiman’J Society of Chrtniri Scrvlcc Wtdnc-sday »t the Meth odlJfcliurch,

It m s decided to Bcce;it Itie rrcommfntlatlon cf llie ettcullve

rnmmee to Do,^ipone the haclUim f.p rlr

9 Dleriunj. wm nna brnrer. Ho wore '■ « whJt» m n r r JnrJK-l.

TrKdliloiiBl niMchP.f and milt- li able b«ck«roiind /lelccllorxn were I played by tlie church orsnrilst,[i RobeM LechtcnbcrB. Portland, l[ wai btJt man, Ushfri were Jecamc

Maitli: and WllUnm Arcndt, both Pofllond.

The mollier of the brldoRroom « U fOkned In paste! Rrern (lorAl prlnl. Her corsane wm of colored rose*. Mrs. Urla. of Uie bride, chose a PMt<Uc« dreu ov«r taffeta. Pin mudii up her cor.^ige.

The weddlnu reception waa held »t Uie home of an imcls n n d niiiil of lha brldenroom. Mr. a n d M n, R, D, Matjlll. Jnnet KIMn had charge of the (tuest book. T he were arranRed by Mrs. Russell

— Dlerklng. w«ddlns- c * lca -w u served by Margaret Orth. Presld. ijig *t JJie punch biwJ tvna Ida Wndry. At the coffee ser Joan ColIlM.

For the weddlBff trip th e new Mrs. Bncn chose a camel-colored wool dreii.- black acee.isorles and

. the conage from her veddlng bouqtiet.

Out-of-town cuesU a t th e eere- moBj JJieludfd Mr. and M rs. Joe 0»a. Ooodlns. and Joan Cloolna. eeyaiouf Johnson. N. C.

Bishop Byrnes Is KeynoteSpeokerA t Deanery M eetJEROME, Oct n — nuh

.wiie* Byrnts, Dolse. WM t speaker a t a dinner ending I fall aewlon oI the Tyrln Falls deanco'.

ni.iMop Byrnes iipnke on I theme of the rotellni!, "aod a World Pface." H» *ald, - If we i ROlng to immunlw this cdun

of oijwcnc lllernture.Mr*. Sidttcll, Twin PnllJ,

fiUroJuccd as chnlrman nl at Irjdlon and public rrlntlonv-K le ln - jalfl u . i y th e job m

A-'alicl Orldley. Mrs, V, W. Cjr,<' Mrs, John Joiie.i, Jr. Afr.'. FI

Mr.'i. Vlreil NorwMd a Mr'. Qeiie I jca ch are the comm

The 'tVVncleJl WSCS. liirnugh Mr.' IJlllan B arton, flxtciidcd ot hivltiHon to obicrvt World Com munily day N ov, < with them a •j p. m. at th e Wendell church.

Mr,', n o b c rl TUBpcr Ird th< wnrship Ptrvlcc on "Llvlnc Echo,',' "Chruilan citizenship" v.a,' the

c for the proitram dltccled b; Rny C1aw,^oii, A mnnoIORUi

clven w ith Mrs. Nellie Rorct* tlrfit ipealccr. lelllnn llif lri\R ot alcohol 111 the linme; Mr? JasUcc. tlie -woiirt .'pealtrj

nf the problem s of unciiiploy )ldcr people; Mr.'. nay Claw inking th e part of a colnrci

lan, upolcc on race dc.'cnmliia . u the t h i r d speaker, and Mrs

Wllla Justice pre.'cnted the for r's problem s a.i fourth speak

Dote A n n o unced

JANUS SlIKItWOOD . , . whoie approaehlnu mar-

rl»ie Oct. 2* to Phillip McEwcn.•on of Mr. and .Mr». Orlo Me- F.«ea, Kimberly, In announced by her parent,, Mr. and Mm. Chacirt Slier»0Dd. llascrm .irt..Mlj. Sheruood I' employed a l iFcdr (he T»ln Fill! |.-lilellty luou biak mnlur branch anil M ti:«eii .dpnt 1» tngtfti} In (armln*. (Album Mon photo—9(alf rii(ravli>cl

Book Review Is Parley Feature Of Honsen C lub w

HANSEN. Oct. n - M rs , Walter!

W CTU M eets for D istrict Institute Sociol Calendn~

of I

I. Donald Hlnej Monroe Hayps pre-'ented ex 1,-Irani 'Masters Of Dpccll

Edfctir Ifoovcr reccntjj- lo

„ susKC.'tlonj for a coi projccl for the fcdera Women's clubs schievemc

conte,'t to club next


■ community. Ucc, I. president, ell«lhe a e, « r,', Doiisid Ulctz ;i from the club was she tias morcd from

membtrs ........................Chrbtian Temperance'2oa'(er . . .

t lar sn annuai InjU-lThur.'Jay n l. . . ___.,-eek at the Filer South-jEjrl DoatrlKhi, :Ti Dnptlit church here with the[Apron pa ttern .' ' cv. Henry Cernhardt as guest:(or roll call. The jcaker. provided by :The all-day meeting was con­

ducted by Mrs, Lilian Eayborn, ct prt'ldent, Tlie deiotlonab ■' led by the Rev, D, E, Acker >

pii.'stor, and Mrs, John Binder the invocation. All officers reelected for Ihi

...ions reporllnB ’Burley, Filer and Twin Falls. Aft-

■ devptions were prwented >'Oemhnrdt, Memorial ttrv- •e conducted by Mrs, Lucy

Nelson,flag s.itu(e v.'a- led by Mrs.

KalbtleL'Ch, Filer, *nd the prayer »bs offered by Mrs.

Jovce Carrell.innoiinc'ed !he tlate


Miller,Wflili, this fall, Mrs

the former Sadie Nesbitt • prn'deni of Hie Nattonn

C om as U nit Sets Fashion Preview

t a country where comn ;an't gel root-i—any man w :Iudea Ood fn>m hli life I.

idldate ' • •

H eyburn W om en Meet for B rid g e

ifEymm-v, oc t. n —M r» ,"l* o Handy entertained the B B club Wednesday evenlnn with thr< ‘ ble.i of dessert bridge.

Member prties went to M rs. Earl Kelljfn, high, nnd Mrs. M lrm etU Pullman, Burley, low. Q u est priics tier# awarded Mrs. John B lanken- ahlp. high, and Mrs, VlrRll Crosa, Burley, low. T hu waa th « first (Ima Mra. Croaa had played In IT yeara because of polio.

The next meeting will b« held Kot. S al the home of M rs. Marla Pullman.

M arion M a rtin P a tte rn

a fit...... "The

;hlef danger to peace," the BUhop said, "H too much empha-Ms oi materialism." "reace mu.n bi ga/ned /lr«t In oneielf, In tli f Im mediate tnvlronment and then In the wprld;" he added.

Bisfiop Byrnei aUo^ipolte . the eucharlst and rosary pledges nnd the parish support appeal. Hi urged support of the confraternt- ty of Christian doctrine program and promotion of the discussion eJiiiM, 'T?i9 onJy prsotJcal means I know of for adult religious edur

itlon on a large scale Is the dis- isslon protrram." he stated.A workshop was held Wednes-

_ay afternoon In the parish hall, Mrs, Alo>-s Hof. deanery presi­dent, Introduced Mrs, Ocorgo Klein, Qrangeville, state presi­dent, and Mrs. Thcmaa J . Con­don, Boise, state chairman of lit­erature and publications. 8h< also Introduced the deanery ofll' cers, Mra. Anthony Humbach, vice president; Mrs, Harry Morris, secretary, and Mrs, B, P. Richter, treasurer. Mrs, John Hawea. local president, welcomed the group,

Sach of the deanery chairmen r Mrs, Klein spoke on the va­

rious committees, Mrs. Condon said no pariah Is too small to dc library work. She suRgested ar exchange table for literature oi asked members lo donate thel) magaxlnes to hosnltala or Instltu-

'lut to never throw them......... Mrs. Msry McOonJjfleHailey, deanery chairman of lit- erature and publlcatloru, askec each group to pledse Its crganl- tallon to help in the eradication

to pa'JT iircournge every member nf the parLMi to become a meml)fr of the Iclnlio Council of Catholic women.

M rs. Harold Klaaa, Jerome, gnve a slx-polnt prograin for fam­ily and parent education, fl In-

'e luded child education; pre-mnr- rlttgc. Catholic family cluD.', counclling dloce.^an family and Cabji conferencrs.

Klein spoke on llis youth commlttco headed by Mrs. Klaas. S he SAld the International high achool exchange proRrnm ca inrier this heading. There arc itudept.^ In the United Sti u nder this program, Mr, and K le in are the only family In I Jio w(jo are tiarUclpallng/ H)fy

ear-old girl from Chile She told of iho

le n a - ftnd-iun-of-tiavmg-a mother country.

DBCLO, Ocl. 17-T l)e Co-Pllot;.

S^",“ r;? .rX ‘“s;„";(Project Finishedday school i t the LDS church. The] - - -

Brftllsford, Buhl, spoke on the social action con' m lttee . This committee Includi s tudy groups, race Inlegmtlon . ‘obJemj, problems of IJi* aged, h tindlcapped and mentally 111, leg­islation , rural Ufa and cl\ ' fcnse.

Mr». Oeorge Zelmeti, Rupert, th e cooperating with Christian

c h a rity chairman. Thl-s commltlce Includes homes for the aged and S t. Joseph's chltdren'i home CuWeaac,

M n . Tom Mom,«n, Ooodlng, chairm an of study clubs and con­fra te rn ity of Christian doctrine, w a.n'not present. Mrs, Klein brief­ly reviewed fhrs committee.

M rs. Richard Bauman. SJid- shone, chairman of the Interna­tiona l relations, was also absent. M rs. K lein said thU cajnmltlee In­c ludes various projects Including foreign relief, the Madonna plan, opera tion China doll and tew for souls.

Elmer Maekay, Declo, spoke on spiritual development. T h e purpose of thl* committee

^velopment of Individual m em bers and encourage (hem lo •eltlndle and support their faith. 3he gave several ways to Increase >plrltuai development and ri m ended crusade for dally mai

Care o f Y our Chiltdren* 'B y A N G E L O PA TRl


SIZES1 2 -2 0•40-42

t y 'l i r « A i< M 'T n e ^BLIM. TRIM

I)ij>»n«r-diy dresa — easual j t t saaped wilh disUnctlon to •ITt you a «Um, trim figure. Note £l|>>over collar. curvlDR yoke and Up-.poeketB. Chooao jersey, cot- to a 'e r B>lron blend.

. PHnt«l PMtem 0357: Mlises B lm H.' 14- IS. 18, 20. 40, 43,

-18 takes 3S ya rd s 45-lnch.. -S o d BOe (colnsi fo r th is p.ittern U-'-Ud 10 cents for each pattern . | « matllnK- Send toUallaa Martin, T lm es-N evs,.ral- MA DepU 333 West J8 lh St.. New

p)*wJy name, .v ita cone, size and style

K««l Send now for ou r i960 Fall i 'W in ter Pattern CaUlog —

,jty.P<#« in cxeKlntr colorf 0\-er gQ-ftyles for all alies, a ir occasions'

There Is ususlly trouble with ihe'Tjoys and girls who are )n the w ly teen aja group, from U through 17, when the time uhed- ule Is brought to their attention, "Yen, you can go, of course, but you must b« Iq by 11:30 nt the lateal."

"Eleven-lhlrtyl The thing hardly begins until then. I might just as uFlI M*y home I! ihal's Ihs time I can have,"

"All right. Stay home. Dut I .\rn you. If you don't get home on me It is the last affair you at- nd this term. You've got lo have )ur sleep,""Aw, who warn.' to sleep,"This ntlitude of the ebildren.

lor children they itlll are Jn »pite nf their demonstrations, U 'tandable, Dul along wlih standing of their feclltiR' mustR o lh l'u rC a ers la n d lh r^n -------needs and thsi falls to tiie lot' of parents. They have lo hola firmly to the tims schedule they jet In order to safesuard their youngj growth, their heaKh of body mind.

The young peopla aim m their growing stage are Inexperienced. The? do not value hr»!ih, nor do Ihey have much understanding of their growUi, of ccarw thpv have been told for years, about ihelr need for sleep, rest, protecUon from evil. pmte<tton from their ' own iBnoraiiff, bui tellinir chil­dren Is flf liiile effect, They ean-; nol acccepl Information for which Wey hs«-e Utik baf^R^ound of: experleuee so the telling must bC' enforced by Authority, ;

Don't beum lo think that the! exercise of parental authomy «1j]' drive the children from their pa r-j ents and ihelr home. I t win do n o ' such thing. The iruth i.s ttwi these wily adolescents w h ile being drawn nway from home and par*i ents are secretly leanlns on.the ir ' IM».;r for ihat feeling of security that enablfs th e m to struggle through Uils uweiDijg sKce

Betting the rule that no ioclal engagements ar- ' '

Inc the scliool week, helps, l i ;uslonui the boys and girls to llm ltotlons that must be placed

luch entertainments, weekends allow more free time for parties a n d the other social times these youna people like and need.

Church attendance should not a crowded out n t the weekend, h e children need the spiritual

Inspfrallon (hac religious observ­ance affords them quite as much. If n o t mote, than they need the parilea..

Careful parents exerciie ecntrol over the lime schedules, ove tim e, the place, 'and the people concerned In them. Parental tho rlty I.? Sim a responsible forte in child rearing.

............... .U nrilnj peoples eii-charistle IcoRXic and keep Sunday true. The prORrom ot spiritual de­velopment ccn te rs around cnrla- t(«n unity Including the ecuneml-

il council n n d the liturgy.Mrs, K lein told of the chanRe: , me B tate constliullon and

recommended tha t the deanco' and local conslllutloiis be chanMc" ;o all three would be alike, Thi •hanges In th e constitution In. ;lude raising th e slate and dean •ry dues f ro m SO cents lo >1, change the tenure of the presl- • • ■ -n o n e year lo two years:

p rea lden t will automnll. tally be p residen t after serving

presiden t for two years, h is to ria n and a corres. scclletBryj'.ere_addccl l<

the list of officers; the nsmea 6 (he deancrJca v e n changed from

il, sou the rn , etc.. to Twlr Falls D eanery. Idaho Falls Dean. ;ry, etc.. a n d th e profftam for thi :halrmen wajs changed.

Mrs. K le in told the group thi lexl convention will be held In Blackfool. a n d the following yei 11 will be h e ld In Twin Falls. SI suggested th e deanery appol' someone to subm it suggestloTu for the model deanery constitli

Oroup sing ing , led by Mri Elsenhower. Hagerman, preceded lha dinner. Mrs. Nellie Ostrom Tttin Falls, w as accompanist. I

also sang two solos, 1 Elsenhower presented a humoi readme. “Prepartng a Church Dinner." M rs. Hof was mistress ol ceremonies.

Mrs, Hof a lso suggested the elec­tion of officers Bhould be atandari and said th e other deaneries had discussed dealing and Installing officers In th e spring.

Mrs. Condon, who Is running for national provincial director from the province of "Portland In Ore­gon." spoke to the rtoup on the national convention to be held li La.1 Vegaa th e end of October. She said the m n ln speaker a( the con­vention' w ill be ' Helen Hayej Cardinal Cushing aUo will be peaker,Mrs, H of nnnouneed Mrs. M b

Jorle Hawes. Twin Falls; Mrs. Mary MeOonlRle. Malley. and Mrs, John Olese, O oodlng, will be on the committee to submit suggestions for the constitution, Mrs, Seanor Furley. M rs. John Nye. Twin Falls, and Mrs. Brallsford. Buhl, will be

the committee for the spring Juneheon.

Mra. Hof thanked the committee members from Jerome includlnj Mrs. W illiam carpenter, Mrs. Har-

Klaas a n d Mrs- P. J, Supple reglstrotlon: Mrs. S, P. Hlcfiter coffee h o u r ; Mrs. John Hawes Mrs. Al H a n , Mrs, 8- P, BlchWr anij Mrs. H of. dinner decorations ana Mrs. L . W. Sacbeii, dinner program.

After th e meeting a coffee hour was held in the hall. Mn, Elmer Mackey. D eclo, past deanery pre; Ident, a n d Mrs, John Hawes, Je­rome president, pouried.

Benediction followed In St rome’s C atholic church with the

B e rn ard McBride as eele- branl. T h e S t, Jerome's choir di­rected by Mrs, WUllam Carpenter aang the benediction. Mrs. John

The a lln r was decorafed by Mr< Hosman. M rs. Carpenter and Mrs. Jack Tubbs,

• W ( G S



• V2 M A SK S

• J U M B O M A SfiS

• N O IS E M A K E R S''


COSTUMESR e g u la r 2 .9 8

ID S Class H o s Special P arley j”;

hlRh ,'cho<

Clurke »ni be prouram

1.980 be n * dur-.


3 - 7 3 7 1 lo r C uolily

C h ristm as Toy Stock A rr iv in g Dolly



Primary pre.'ldent, and Mr,v| j, l is s . Oct, 17-The quill proj- Taylor, counselor, were spe- ,f,e bauar was Ilni.MiJd ai

BX'sts, |iiie niecllng nf the BllM U d icsTeachers In chame v,-ere Mr.i.'Ald recently al Ihe church.'»en Osterhoul and Mrs. Wlnni Mrs. Les Parsons led the dc-

Osterhout, jvatlonj snd Mrt. n i le Butler,Members participating were Car-, prayer.

la Saxton. Arnold Richardson.) The group decided to donate J25 Carol Hurst, Joy Turner. StephenlW, H’C I'."' 'ofDinlngicn, fJaijcy Prc.'ton, Stcv.......... Mike Monde. Stanley

c'scbool. Mrs. Lloyd Har

• a il.Preston, DcAnn lii !lte, Qaylen Ostcrhout, Mike By. ^atcr, Debra Harris, DeWayne

Louder and Laurene Oklcbcrry. Prayers were given by Lnun ■ ';berry and Mark Tnylor.

Butler donated lour apron-s for the b8?.aar.

Member.' will meet Oct. 20 nt the church. Mri. DarreU LcJdJ? will be hastesi.

ing w y Dh with ■ormpnriL't. Tlie

Co-Pllol com-




Ida 0 J-alLv


terrlll, nit:(lttn<«l

Fall' buffP t d;m

Is making plans for the public fashion show (0

• R pjn. Tueidsy In

■ II', Inc., Ooodlng, will the fall and winter fs.ih-

lon.?. In addition lo the usual •n model.', young men's fa.ih-

...... will be modeled as well assmall Rlrl and boy fn.'hloiu

Lrnoy Trader Is chairman, B,«l,'red by Mrs, Bofarrt Neahoust.' Mrs, Oeorge Perkins. jr„ Mrs, Dale Rcedy and Mrs, Larry Clark,

lu.'ig-for-tha-eirmL.ftlll be.piOL .Ided by the mUilc commltlce, Mr.t. llany Durall. Mrs, Robert Froatea'on and Mrs. David Coul-

Refreshmenis will be 'provid­ed. by Mrs, Trader, Mrs. New- house. S&f. Reedy. Mrs. CwjJiei find Mrs, Clark. The serving ta­ble floral centerpiece Is being ar.

ipcd by Mrs. Charle.i 01,'on snd 1 he Riven away after the fash­

ion show.

Confab Outlined For Baptist IJnit

isl church.The buslne.v' meeting ?

prciJdeni^ Mrj, JloKitrd showed colored slides nl Indians nnd pre.senleii the deio- llonal nnd closing prayer.

Refreshmerarlon '

fen.', 1 ». Emmd Hti,


Delober I). IMO, ind Hamilton '

our Bulota | slcbe* I


Mor«ComfortWear]f)g 4F A L S E T E E T H

In com m ercc, a s Sn art, il Is raro ind(»d th a t a o r a t i o n cm ergea w inspired in eonccpt and *0 flaw ­less in execu tion that it is destined, from the v e ry beg inn ing , for cerlaiti grcatncsa.

A nd y e l, i t Boems not too booh fo «ay th a t th « C ad illac c a r of 1961 will take ifs'place am ong th e m ost m em o rab le of the peak achicvcmenU of th e auton:iotivo craft.

r i j d e a n , ch ssJe fomt h tn d u ix s a new ?ook fa r th(j w o rld ’s m otor cars to cmulalc, l^ icro ’ a new p roportion of ginss to sleel . , , a new "oneness” o f con tour a n d sliapc . . . a n entirely new re la tiam h ip o l in te r io r to silhouette.

In side , th e s to ry is equally rcmftrkable. H ere is new room inc ia in every dimenaion. Head room, Bcat

he igh t, and entrance room, for e x am p le , have been no tab ly increased with impressive ro su lta in groatcr ' com fort and luiury.

A nd as it« beauty is . . . so lt> p e rfo rm ance doea -in c re d ib ly nimble and q u iti . . . a m o o jii and fioat- in g . . . <|uiet and obedient in o p e ra tio n .

Cadillac’s new engine is the ve ry e ssen c s of con­tro lled pow er . , . steering is fea th e r lig h t sn d e m . . . and i t s new ride seems lo m a k e th e n w d i^ y van ish beneath the wlieels.

T h is is o n e O u you must see a n d d r iv e for youi^ se lf. The £act* ora simply too n tu o e ro tu a n d tao « -d t lh g to accep t sccond hand.

I t 's the 1961 Cadlllac~and w e k n o w you 'll agree i h a t g rea tn en is written all over it.

- 5 3 5 M ain Eot^ OPEN FRI. *1119

Twin F elh See Us And Schri


CARLESON PONTIAC-CADILUC6 0 1 M A . . . EcVl, Twin F s lli \ P k . „ RE 3 - 1 S I S

-------^ 0 N O A i ^ C I 0 1 i E I l _ U , j a n Q _

Paul Richards Named as UPI’s M anager of Year For American League

KEW Y O R K , O c t . 17 ( U P l) —Paul Richard.'^, w h o se B a ltim o re Oriulcs

Goes Tlirotigh Hole

fs'EW Y O R K , O c t . 17 ( U P l) —Paul Richard.'^, w h o se B a ltim o re Oriulcs e lo i-trificd t h bascbnll w o rld w ith a .<iici'tiiciilur l)icl fo r th e p e n n a n t , tutiay w as namoil th e A n ic rii -a ii w g u e 's m a n a R c r o f tliK y e a r for lOfiO by th e L 'n i tc d P r e s s in tp rn :a ional. RiclKird.'^ r e ­ceived H vo te .s o f n {(o.'-'iWe 2'! from U P J 's l /o a n ) o f b jiscbiill o.V|>ecfs, m ade ut< o f w r i tc r .i in each of t h e f i f rh t Am ericuii IcaKiie c itie s . C o o k ie I-avnKcttt>, who led th e W an liin K to n Senators to a f i f th ])laco| • ' ........................... .....................................,

SlM oore, Mitchell ! 'Race Teams to Win:i-l ^ B t T h t Aueclitfd rrr^t \

S |)cedster L e n n y M oore niul i!ol)|,y M itchell, chi.'« ive '■[iiickaKCH of sw io K in g h ip s nml flasliing fee t, a rc d a n c in jr 'a touchdow n j i ; r i n th e pnj<s-coiisciuus K atio iia l F o o tb a l l

'■league w hile d r i v i n g th e i r team s toward .liv iaional t i t lc .s , "o o rc , now in hi.s f i f t h p ro

ason, scorcil lo u c h c iu w n s i rm is„ f 1, :i.i and 57 y a r d s 111 laiiKhl a .lohnnv U n ita .s •J.’l /Of * lourtn KCTt n-f the ■I. chimoirvn Knltlmore Colts

the AnRfltj Rnm s 31-

. r'h »n 89-05 rrcord for ihc; finlali -slncc rcluriiiiiit I

American leaBUc in 15M, n ij 51-yeRr-old HichnrilJ li:i le oriole

11 Sepi- I, Lc-isI first t>l«c

Oriole; [J'JrOncst hour «Urn

jiraJght Bttmw fi )n Bnltlmorc •

cut the *■

tlicy ;

c firsbubble bur.M ho-

S«l. le. wl'en OJ/ Billlmore'4 world sci ,lih » four-gtuiie .nwi-L’i Yort -me Yankees llicn In tinLih lUc sciwon M,itli of IS itfslgftt Victoria OrloSM clinched second j; , j.j triumph over W, ta uie d(vy of the -ii

tluj; handler or pHclicr.i In rtOi, ha.1 been mnnntrlns lii oOjrs 10 years. iJc pDoleil ChWgo W hile Bon Irom 1 thrwsh 18H . leading tliem fcurth plBCe on Ills flr.n try r 10 ihird place on three other oc

He accepted the rtutil po.« pner«l manoRcr ana Held mi »r«r of tlic Orioles on Sept. H,

i|l» 4 »nd yielded the OM’s job to '^Lte MscPhnll prior to the ftsrt o(

tht ItSlI Mflflon. Untler nichnrrtj' guMince. the Orioles Jumped four r,5t£hei—frotn iiUlh place to sec- ond-between the 1050 and lOGO

^ campalBM-f The jenators abo aurprlMd mo;

bs'fbiU pundlta by ihelr fifth nlMe finish following th r e iinijHt y e a rs 'in the-AL-cellan U nje lto hod Ihe team battllns l<tr « fourlh pJnce berUi until final days of ih e BCMon »htn Cle^elind Indians passed Wf ItUton and nailed down the final «pol in the first division,

eitBjfl brought the Yankees homt In front for Ihelr lOtli pen- pint In 13 years under him. He » u bilked In an effort for h f eljhlh world championship whu th» Ptiishunfh Pirates bes* Yankee* In the world »erlc«.

Bowlers From Salt Lake City Win Awards

MURKAY. Dtah. Oct. 17 WV- Tno Sail Lake City bowlers cap­tured the lilies eundiy In the

lUlah A ll-SU r championships.Ken C hestnut won the men’s tl-

at San Bernardino, Calif.iln . B iit ie r r recflred Uii

Bos’ler of th e Year trophy Riven by the Ut&h B u te Bovllni; Pro­prietors aasocUtlon. Phll Graham. 6»ll Lake c ity , w aj given thi men’s awnrd

CHcstnuc won 30 games to l« tor n inner-up Steve Buell, Mri. Slaltery defeated Jo Oivald by *lnnlng 33 gwnea to jor Mr*. Oswald.


6in Francisco Olant* began their tour of Haw ait and Japan yesttf diy with a 6-1 victory over *' Hisall a ll-stars before 7.000 fam It iionolulu fltadlum. The National IfipjB clUb overpowered Iho local tlub with a flve-hlt pltchlnR and M 11-hit RtUwk tha t Included Urre. Aomera.

Ivan T hom as, general miuiBger ol Centennial r tce track, De

.hM a reason for gravitating towaro Ihoraes. B oth hU rtlJJw tnd grand, iither were cavalry ofiictri.

Shooting HoursFor Waterfowl

Announced»or Utnhl. CiuHr, Pulu, C«ni»*,

UWJnr. IJriM!,, Ulnliolc, Itnmi, Twia ralli ind Cu>l«. (HoaBUIn 8lan4>r4 Tla«)O't. t.iB. . p . . t^ 7 : l l l:M

1—7:11 *—7H4 «—fill


t i a i ' •l!!

$80,000 to Go to W inner In Her se Race

c.w d e n ! n . j .. Oct, n LB- 0 Onnlcn Mnte offlcltils announced toiliiv foiir J5.000 supplementary ti numiiintlnns for Sftturdny'a Qnr- i> ilcnli, ivliJcIi k cxpccCcd (o grow .i a rrcord tl55,000 w llh »80,003 for l< thf winner. .<i

■y are My p orlrttlt, owned by boy.i.

luilback lUn Ipaon of tlie V food Jnr fourjardJ In fir.t ptrlo at Lo^ AntelM. before Ucklpri i. able r s c plajeri Include lacVlp iftli tnd end Jim Ra(r-i (37). Su wirephoto)

llIuMy,iiclirii, onetime lllinol.i /itand- ' in ihu third NFL compnlRn.' ;iKil t klcknff Oo yards for . 1h:u«ii, faccJ 30 yards for un !• :iud look a Milt Plum pius r.Ki i,n±i tor i th ird fcor ;icc tht CIcvelnnd Drowns to i

J Chump(n5 of the DMIna Cow

Ticket Slash Solution for ■Fan Shortagei OAKIJVND. Calif., Oct, 17 (,f- irttO O.itlnnd RAidtr ov,mrs car, ttend chcaper tlcket,i are the wlti

Fli.. Utile Breeie, owned by Da- liil G. Neuman, phlladelphhi; Coolc Out. owned l>y Otorge A. Ca'tinauRh. Detroit; and Anccl Sjieed. oviTied by W illiam G. Hells,:

tv Orleans and Jobsiown, N. J. Dtlle Breere and Cook Out wore ic-two In Saturday’s first divi* 3n of the G ardenia trial, Angel'

Speed and My Porlrftlt were sec- and third behind Brook­es Bowl of Flowers In thi

other division.SfcRnwhllc. Burley Parke, train-

r of novinit M instrel, winner ol Murdny'.i chnmpaKne stalces ai elmont Park, notified olflclM;

htre that the 2-year-oId coll wil IJD.OOO supplementary nou)l. a for the *275,000 Garden I lUkes on O ct. 20.

Nationals Win All-Star Game By 5 4 Score

SYRACUSE. N. Y .. Oct. 17 HTO-

tell tlckei D«pJtc PJeraalJ«-ef/orls,

lal league all-stars fcated an Amerlcivn league

yesterday to r the second stralsht-tlme 5-<:

Plersall delighted a crowd of 3,700 with his antics while playing cenlerfleld. shortstop and even pitching to two ba tters . The Cleve­land oulflelder also chipped in -llh Uiree hits for the losers.

a il Hodges of Los Angefes drove .1 the winning ru n ’with flghlh-lnnlng single. Tlie blow

Dick Farrell of Philadelphia the winner and Bud Daley of Kan- as City the losei Vada Pinson. C incinnati’s fleet

outfielder, committed a three-bise allow ...........................

the ifosuts .'coring lead with lOinL on seven touchdown.-!. i tie foU irlumn},, ihe lr third nst one delcaf.'Xept th em ln ‘ e for first place In the W estern •'•ion niih the Chicago B ears, o' -tsnit sliead of Idle Green • 'IHe Bfsrs kept pace w ith a' 0 Uciory over S.\n Francl.ico. iie Uroins' romp gave them a | rccord md edged them fthrad' hr dflfiidliiiT New York Olniits

I. The;

go In front w lih two m . iflrsilnnlng. but redeemed him­self by collecting four hits. Includ'

- two-run homer.

Hiyner Named Back-of-Week

BAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 17 itW— Bob Hlvner. W ashington’s resene quarterback, was nomed back-oJ' Ihe-iccek todsy by th e big tlye.

Rlvner held a starting assign­ment with the HusWcs a year ago l>ut broke his finger in the opener against Colorado. Bob Schloredt took over and quarterbacked the Huskies Into the Rose bowl where they demolished Wl.'jconsln <1-8.

Then, last Saturdoy. Schloredt sustained a broken collar bone against UctiA and In came Hlvner to Jfld Ui* H(uUe« to .a ID’S win n r UCLA,Hlvner twice k e p t scoring drlTcs

going with hla passing and held the ball tor GeorRe Fleming’s field goal which p ro fiiln l the marglo of victory.

Detroit Bounces Winless'Boston-

NBWTON. Mass.. Oct. 17 End Pred Abele grabbed a pair of louchdoRn pusses to lead Detroit UniveraUy to a l» -7 victory ore. ■rInJeu &os(on Coller« Ssturdaf.

Guard Paul C ri«t batted down n Bttempled tw o.point convtr- on poM In th e f in a l minutes Uiai ould have given th e Eagles a (it Boston college rallied In the fi­

nal period on two touchdown pai- lu by quarterback Oeorge Van cost after a fTrst-perlod field »oal, but gambled and lost on the tiy to deadlock th e game. Crist, 20t‘pound senior from St. Lou knocked van C o tt's conversion pau do«m from h is middle lint* backer position w ith three and • half mtnut«i le ft to play.

OlnnU ntrt tlfd by the tVosh! _ :on Rea!;;iin ;4 .H on a touchdown' sa-M by Ralph Gugllelml w ith 25! ieconds lelt. ’ |

Tlie Pltijburch Sleelers defeat- :d the 8t. Louis Cardinati 27-H, iiid the pniUdelphU Eagles w hip. Pfd the Dttrolt Uons 38-10 In

Johnr»- Morrlji' Sf-yard' touch-! own run gave the Bears a 33-3 ;ad In liie second quart urd scofinj jaunl by M orris and :d Broans 01-yard touchdown aj< to wmie Dewveall p u t H f reacii [or Chicago.Ousllfta), romplelJng 13 of I#

P.1SSCS »iiiie bringing th e Red- ikins (l-i-n a 17-3 halltlm e defl- III, arched a 13-yard/r to J im Pa- doley and Bob Khayat kicked the extrs point to tie it against the Clnnt.^

The Sleelers (2-21 frustra ted Ihe C*rd (1-3; v ..Bert Rechlehar field goals. Tom Tracy’s four-yard louchdowi and a 3«-r*rcf scoring p itch trom Bobby Ltjne to Buddy Dial which built a 30-0 lead.

can Football league games.An fjtlmntcd 11.500 showed vip

nt S:ii) pj-anciKO’s Kf/.ar stadium Sunday to walch the Raiders bent Boston 27-H. In Ihclr other tivo ganiM at Keiar. the Raiders <lrcw 12.’03 nnd 6.021.

' "It’s too late lo do anythinR about H thLs tciuon, but next year I think we'll quite dcIlnKriy li:u’c to drop our priCM.” said Don Ble lll([.

iie added, "It’s obvlou.s that t>oo-pjr pay 1-

Law Day Set

fame' both diirn the

L-'iw parted II 20-0 M.i. nn ... rcRUinr play and unn two jjami-.s for the world-ciiamplon Pirates In the world .v;rlcs. He »a.s pulled

of nluhiirgli pile

N ational League Owners M eet Today to Award ” Two New Team Franchises

C n iC .- \(^ 0 , O ct. 17 (/P)— ()>\iU'r.s of th e N a t io n a l leagiio m eet today p rt-s iin ia b ly to ivani m a jo r li'ajriio Ita.'^eliall fruiii’lii.-ies to l ln u .s to n aiui N'ew York C itv . H o u s to n a p -

. L-ar.-i c 'l- l. 'i iii n 'c /'ii 'c il.s fr.v>chi^> to o |)c i- ;ilo ).y ) 'U i Xnw Vorl< 'ro ( irp sw ita t iv e s m u st c o n iu u p w itli a R iia ra n t i 'i 'th a t a n ew .s ta d iu m will lie built by HlOli o r t h a t n n arraiiK tM iient w ill ho w orked mit w itli th e N e w Y ork Y iuikees (nr piirposc.s o f le a s i n g

Captain Fair Goes for Win

SAN BIIUNO, Calif.. Oct. 17 —Captain Fair, son of th e Oi Fair ’l>uclt)f, joes after h is sixth straight victory Saturday In the *15,000 added' San Bruno stakes which will headline the w racing at Tanforan.

The J-year-old colt, a fro n t ... who h u not been headed In his last fire su rts . reecntly won the *10.000 added El Camlno stakes a t six furlongs with distance U spare then came back la s t Mon- day and captured (he Joe E Brown purte a t a mile and 7C yards. The San Bruno stakes 1: over the mile and one-slxleenth route.

Prince Ua. Mr. Blast, B lue Noor and Patlt Royal are among others seeking weights for the Juvenile stake event.

Pete Moreno heads the jocki 1 vlctorlM with 31 out of 113

points for *63,905 In purse earn- ings. He is followed by Ansel Val. enxuela who has won 22 tim es In 137 ri!l«.

Sutherland to Coach 411-Stars

PHOENIX.'Aril.,- Oct. 17 (ir?»— Jim Sutherland, football coach a t Washington State, wUl Join Dan Derloe of ftUssourl to become co-coach of the south-w est all- a tan In th«^ third annuitl Copper bowf.~------ --------------- ---------------

Spooson of the Dec. 31 event . :t to be played a t A rlrona State university siadlum In T em pe wade the announcement yesterday, say- In r eo-eoacA with R ip Kng)e ot Penn Stale for the rival HaUonaU will ba.anoounced soon.

Sutherland, a naUre of W inni­peg, h ti never had worse th a n a

sMson during h is fo u r years .it Wt4hlngton SUte. H e played football at Southern California and started his coachlnK career a t SanU Uonlca.


$13 p i r to n D tU ra r a d InU rm euR lain F tia l C « . BB t-M » - Twin FaU t

SPUD FARMERS!!!!P o t a to flto ragc a n l l a b b /n H o n fra n .


J. H. HENRY PRODUCE C O ;K IM SE K L V q A rf l.ld J - 5 5 1 1

(MiOl . .I'rancisco <9e:, of the Nation; Football Icaguei.’

Ble.Ming said tlie club woul think Irv terms o[ nbout »3 for rcs'-rvcd seat next year.

Ed McOah. another co-ownc Raid If the lengue would a;;r( " I ’d liVe to'see the price cut 1 half to *2.25,"

Rochester Moves Toward League Lead

OBy United r r t n Inlern.tlonalThe Bochr.'tcr Americans ore

taking sieps lo corrcci an impres- '.on by the Sprlnglleld Indians la t the American Hockey league ice b a one-term affair.Boctiejter irtoi’ed to wllhln three

points of the iMRue-lcadlng I n ­dians with a i -2 victory ovei ClweUnd last night while last- ptace Providence defeated Sprlng- flekl fl-4. Bulfalo climbed Into c tie lor third place by beating Her. shey 8-t.

Uttle Bill Saunders • p a c e C Rochester to Its vlclory with o pali of second period goals that broke a 1-1 tie. elan Snirke asststcd both of Saunders’ goals and sco:

ne himself in the first period.Ed McQueen was the pace-makcr

for Prwfldenee with a goal and tw< tu iiU ngtlm l SprJngJJeld, Thi Reds won the game with a four- goal burst in the final period.

Bobby Hiillls I Reason for Hawks Victory

By t'nlted Press InltmitlonalSobby Hull Is scoring at better

than ft Konl-a-gojne clip and tt the chlcf rcwon why Ihe unbci ChicaRo Black Hawks arc ofi such a liylnB sta rt In the National Hockcy league race.

The Hawks moved lo within . , point of first placc by beating the “ - Bnilns 5-2 ln.n nlKhl fi

Announcer DiesWABHIKG’TOK. Oct. 17 (Wl!— '

Areh McDonald, 59. veteran sporU announcer, died last night of a heart a tu c k on a train returning from New York where he had b r o a d c a it the Glants-Rcdsklns football game.

McDonald had been broadcast­ing the Redskins' Rames for sev­eral y e a ra jle was the volcc of tlic Wash/ - . . . .

r fourth ictor^- IIThe Hawks have played one t

Hull, the flMhy 52.year.old wing, started Chicago on Its way when he scored lils ,six(h goal ot the jcason curly In the Ilrst period Ted Lltzenberger, Tod Sloan. Ken W harram and Ab McDonald regis­tered Chicago’s olher goals.

ThB Detroit Bed Wings scored In every period lo hand the league- Icadlni? Montreal Cansdlens ihelr first defeat of Uia young season

Oordle Hos'tf p ictd the \V!ngt, scoring one goal and assisting on two othcr.i. Goals by Warren God- frey.’ Lcn Lunde and Howe helped Detroit to a 4-2 lead In Uie second period and Murray Oliver and Norm Ullman each tallied In the third period to clinch the victory.

Torotilo finally broke Into the victory column with a 7-J decision over New York Ihsl moved the Maple Leals Into a fourth plate tie with the Rangers and Bruins,

LArry Regan. Ron Stewart and Frank Mahovllch, each scored a pair of goals for the Uaple Leafs, both of Resan's goals comlag'while Toronto was Bhort-handed.

Houston Wins Over Dallas With Aerials

Ry The Asxocl.'ited I’rfMCoach I>Hi Ryniku^ of th i

American I'ootbull Imrup'« Hoa^ ton O ilers iiiluhl posMbly havi come up with ft jeeret weapon tha caa tell In advance when a tcan Li going to pafs.

It looked llwl way Sun- Houston Interccpled fin

Dallas aerials cn route to a 20-11 vietory,-C^Uig-inlo-th»-Haai#_Uje Oilers hftd swiped only five enemy

I In four prevloiu game.s,■ aecreC weapon story got

------ from the lair of a Houstonfan 'Who walked into Ihe team’s office a n d announced; "I c;1 the stands and tell SO pei / the llnie when jou are golni J pass."Though he didn’t .nick nround

to Uke up Rymkui' Invitation to o Oilers’ defpn-'lve bacl m lghl be hard to convini

Dalla* th a t there wa.Mi't some othi use Houston had found for him, e.'ipeclally since Dallas quarterback Cotton Davld-son had loct only six of 1G3 passes In live games.

Los Angele.^ cut Denver’.i Wr. t- •n division lead lo a half Rame.

beating the Broncos 23-10 as i i . old Ben Agajanlan kicked goals of 11, 20 and 47 yards. York beat Du//sJo 27-13 «nc

Oaklana beat Boston 27-U In oihei sam e*r-'~ , -?qlou4lon’8 CJeorgo Blanda kicked t^ o 'f lc ld goals and passed nine \irdi t^ ’SW Oroman /or a toufh- lown. H e and Davidson came oul

even on Ihelr heralded pass, lel, Blanda getting 17 of 38

_____ 3 yards while Davidson hadIG of 34 for 330. Blanda had two Intercepted. Oroman anagged 10 for HO yards.

., ,a a d i t i t i i . W . . . N a l io ttn l leaK iic p

......... h a s p r o m is e d ikin<i o f a c t io n o n oxpaii:

"We're Rolntj to do some leJinitP,'’ Glle-i sftlri recently, mvi' ilrlnyed loriBC rnouRh: u>t ri>liig

Tlu- American U-ndue will meet icxi Moiulay w hen It w ilt nrob.ibiy icri'i'n nppllcatloiis for friiiiciv n ic Amrlcan leji ilHihciiiion.' from ■xiicctrd to lean I'orl Worth a n a Minneapolis.St.

American Jcague, chagrined nt iDstng the Houston territory

senior c ircuit, has one U <lon~Alumping-to-mov«-a-tci Los Angeles.

Walter O'Mftlley.[/3S AngelM Dodffors and

Sets Record

team oa radio for 2S years and also of . television broadcaster fo r; club


AMERICAN PORK, Utah, Oct. 17 «V-Ralph Johnson of Salt Uke City established a course record ‘ eo and won the Central Utah Am

I.I.- ui w m .teur golf championship Sunday, bsscJjnll I He /)nl5h«l with a 35-hoJe total

'.ciuo course, uuu norm or bt I Lake finished second with 151'.

Thompson Is Winner of 400-Mile Race

CHAItLOTTB, H, C.. Oct. 17 (.« —Alfred (Speedy) Tliompson. who dldn’l even have a car to drive In the *65.000 National 400.mlle stock cnr race two weeks ago, to­day bo-iked in the spotlight lie had not known for more than three y?“r»,

Tlio husky 34.year.old Charlotte welding shop operator made a be­lated connection with anothei racer, Glen Wood of Stuart, Va, and agreed to drive his lOSO Ford In the Inaugural National a t Char- )ito m otor speedway Sunday.TIiomiMon made It a good deal

for both men by grabbing the lead a fte r FtrebaU Roberta of Day­tona Beach. F ia, th# pace-setter all the way; blew a tire and forced out with 33 lap* to go.

Thompson, seldom worse than lecond after BO laps of the 3S7.Isp .•ace over the mile and one-half iTBCk, Jed all the way in after Robert.'s had to quit, Thompson's lime was l l 2J» i miles an hour, record for the new uack.

Ihc :rom m ltlee............... .. ............lurc Houston will qualily and \ddcd tha t he hopes New York; «-ouid work o u t an atjreemei *lth the Y ankee manageniem >lay In Yankee stadium.

Tlic New York board of e.'(limate| more than a year ago approved the building of a 10 million dollar itta-

Lonj? r.nland but little progress has be«n made since.

- C ity Mayor Robert week sent telegrams nor Ford Frick and

NnlJonnJ league owner.i ftiklcg for prompt action regarding a fran- chLie in order to permit the city to expedite construction of a new sports stadium.

Casper Has Chance for Four Straight

COSTA MESA. Calif., Ocl, 17 LR —Three s tra ig h t might no ' much of a w inning streak (n . . . . sports, bu t Its been eight years

ncc any golfer has doas better a the tournam ent trail.J^ow comes portly BUI Casper,

with a chance to make it four. Casper, a 210*pounder who says

..!’d n ithcr go fishing than golf­ing. scored h is third consecutive tournament victory Sunday by shooting a tw o-under-par Ci In the final ro u n d of ehe f3,000

range county open,Casper came here a fte r vinning

the PoVtland. O re , and Hesperia, Calif., opens. H e next goes to Louisiana for th e Cajun open—o ' which he is th e defending cham­pion, If ho w ins there, he equaU the four-ln-a-row performance of Jack Burke. Jr.. in J952.

Krause Wins in Sports Car Race

RIVERSIDE. Calif.. Oct. 17 UR— BHl Krnuse’e Birdcage MaseraU had to be tow ed from the track, bu t lhat was a f te r the Long Beach. Calif,, driver h a d won the River side Grand P r lx for sports cari Sunday.

Krause. 2T, made no pit stop! during the 303.4-mile grind anc 'ils car r a n o u t of fuel Just after ie got the chcckered flag. He cov- -■red the d is tance In 3 hours. 13 minutes, 10 seconds for an average speed of e i.5 miles per hour. Krause took home 17,000 ot the t36,g50 pot.

Bob gcbtoredt, U nlveraltr erf W»»hlngton'i AU-Americ* qa a r- Ifrbiek, aheds le a n oa beoeb after hs was taken oat of gun * with UCLA a t Seattle Saturday, with a broken coUar bone. ’The Injary may pui an end to col­lege foolbail tor the senior w ho led Washington to a Rom bowJ e h a a p i o n a b i p last aeaaon. Scbloredt-s team neteated UCLA 10 (0 I. (AF wtrepboto)

BOWLADROUk Xbb D«M«n U*ir»«

uni 4>friU4 Carttri i-Ai K*rrliie>

li Crrtiulitc*

Li,',.n. <!5. m,n.inf’ gif 1iiindlup t«tn (trlM. Curnilnsliiint.

iil«b i£r*Mb ( o a •trio . Cu»*


* N A TIO N AL B R A N D *Cfisrasleed PerauM B * type j

! ANTI-FREEZE 1Go, 1.99




> MUAM CONMCnNO CAMRli------- - G arre tt t r u c k s or* d a iig n td witli th* ihlpper Inm ind. W h e th e r you ih lp a Ti V. i* t « r o touM *.If 0 t ru c k e o n m e re it G a m tt can h o u f it. ......W h eth e r y o u 'r e shipping in t h t w tit o r oe ro n th*

, no riw »r« G o r r e t t t f u tk eoB MW* you ^ i t . ................................................................

D o n 'r w oif. Ask yoae m a m t ttm in a l for our D in c ta ry 4 f P e ln lx S«rr« l, Phoiw todaf,]

U.S. CU STO M S BONPED A R R E T T I 5 6 0 T hird S t f M ' T w in F o lliv Jd a h e

F H O N .‘ Edweod S - 3 2 U


M O N D A Y . OCT'OBER 17. l% p T I M E S - N E W S , T W I N F A L L S ,T D A T i O • - P A G E - E L E V E N -

m a r k e t s a n d f i n a n c e

Livestock Grains

Report Made For Shipment OfDry^BeaiissS

Damage Reported In Hansen Crash

Calf, Feeder Prices up at

Special. Sale

Youth’s Leg Hurt By Burley CrashBURLEY. Oct. n — Lytin

I pivyne, rfceWtd flicli o hLi IPK Jiflcr liLi mwiir

■r colllclrcJ with ihp side ot

T. F. WomanPasses at 34

7 Olrt.w I drive

ren ts l.i}Klipr nn I 40 Irol, iron ' '•il.plt iMr.l FPPtIrr Mfcr.i 1(1 ;rhldp pounds soM by

O . pnor otJaj’.•lorti wn.n Roliiit on

........ Imd Slopped,occcdcrt on to OvrrKviid as

, HUh

>!n, M««( E, K a/icls lro in . 31. (IleU Rt B:2b p.m. Sunday n l Mskic ViiUtr Munorinl ho-'.pltnl whfte slic hMl been i» pa tien t lor two d«)v ShMmcl been m the

I Mm, Knfvclr.trom Wa-i tiorn Feb.118. 10:c, ftt I'ocalcllo Mid lind bci'ii |'ft reildciit or Twill F.\1U {or «1

Ihf Ills, h it th(

. «lilc left fro

0 Pnyiui nnd he liml cl 1. liolliI Knr

Fall Meet for ; Toastmistress ; Couiieii Jleid '

1(1 by MiTlr llnjf. :

w i r c ’i'l'rn '!.JJl jjoijiiih nt i■ i-iilvos-‘•oW Ijy Mine lloil-,in!ir riiiuu,T[i.-> wmu r-nslnE 3;0 pound.i foU! MUl 22 bln100 pniniih M s::3 50: C.r.iy mrnibcr.-i on th r line •• Sivlnion, 375 immuh in'ulll be held Oct. 2 4-T pounil' ni f j j ; O'ien Miiin., r Rpokcsiiis. 5 pounds bC jajlO . (day.

, Ulnckroot; iwn lirolhrrs, I-'rnnlc Connn nnd ' D.iiilcl Comm, l>'i;li Illacltfoot, nntj R jIMtr. Mrs, I.-abe:ie M. Hook. Bhekloot. *

Ri-i iilcni mnM aill be c d fb ratcil i Bl 10 (im. Thiir'diiy n l 61, E d- '■

Cnihollc fh iirch . Ro.'nry i

,):Uh tiry chnpcl.

tod n c doy At White I lie IJcv, John 1,t. rinnl rlirn w ill be hcJ. 1 Eun'ct Mcmorlnl pa rk .

Juplltr. with 11 Katclllte.v hna llie greivlcst number of .satellites of All the kiioun m a jo r ' planeU.

Stock Averages

Butter and Eggs

_B15,fl00 Ita.; H ind

‘fl. >41.111,-

Yo u t h r o o M abb o i d“ JS ANQBLES, Oct. .11 m - • /M e rit poll- o f -t il# ‘ nation'*

fwn>{cr *<iic»ttt euch t« n . Me Woin a i a v l* pmJejr. ntMwi


' None Hurt in Trio o f Eden Ai’ca G ’aslies

EDEN. Oct. 17—No Injuries reported In th ree uccldents ln»M- tlgated in th is area Satur<]>r ' Deputy Sheriff Gordon Neshrj.

A 1055 M rrcu ry drlren by Ear/ O. Tnlbot, 17. Burley, waj derool- Ishtd when ho lost control ot the automobile a n d It turned er hlttlnir looac im»el - . Hunt rond a b o u t stvcn mlJeJ if here.

Tiio youth a n d «lx other boys li llio cM'vJero c n route to the Hunt LDS farm to w ork a t about 10 ajn.

Citations fo r having no aiop IlKht.*!. siRnal ftrm not In operation and Inadequate rear vies mirror

! re iMucd to Goss Oorcton, a lu r . 1039 Dodge trwek h# o m w u Involved in a n accident at 1 pjn, «{lKtIay.two_niJfe« »utJ» o f le « . A less C hevrolet truck" loaded

..•Ith *usnr b e e tj driven by Harold L. Moore, 31. H anten.-and owned by A. R, B ally , Hansen, and the Dodgs truck, driven by Charles Huhbcll. 20. b o th going east on a market road, collided a t Hubbell Jtarled to m oke a left turn at the crouroad.

Damages o f $85 were luted to tha Chevrolet tn K k and t7S to the Dodga iruek.

At 10:15 p jn . Saturday one- fourth of a mtW *eat of Haultoo

t an Interaectlon on highway "■ - 1932 WUlya ftrtren by Marrln U Anderson. 20. Tw in FalU. collided with a iPflO Mercury driven by Katherine B alach, 88, Haaelton. u ahe made a le f t turn off the high­way In fron t o f the Anderwo cu-

Deputy N M rbry reported »H» damage* to e a c h car.

u ln : Id«ho-Or*tos ;

rUTURESH i folkiwIi.| fuiurn qi

NaitmUr. 1.10 Wih, luw. clni: .

KoT«fnbir _____ _ i.

'■ sell ateeli, chemlcnls, niumlnunis, >■ eIectronJ«, paper.i und o ther poor* 1. ly acting Iwue-H, Tlicic should be ■ relnveattd. lie wy.', in cicfct\.slve

jtoclo—ollJ. alrcr-iiw, motion pic* I- turea and other Bpcclol altuntlons,• W bat nil) the speculative gold

aharea do Iti rCApoiuo to clecUons, rtaults? Eldon Grimm o t WnUton '■ and compojiy &.-iys n Kennedy vie-

tory might cau« a greater outfloi ti of gold due to cxpccted lower in

terest rates here, and gotds sliouM , rally. If Nlion wIm, lie aays. golds 1, may fall for a lime, '1- BuslnefJ- ReporLi, Inc., finds

Orolicr. Inc., a stock w ith good• gain poienlJal tliat also Affords

good protection against lass, r f ommendj buying at the m arket

’ Q any furtlier dlp-

H eif^Killedby •Auto N^r MaltaB0RLEY. Oct, n - A yearling

heifer belonging to. Duane H utchl- Malta, was struck and killed :25 pjn. Bunriay by ‘

Dairy Cattle Farm M achinery


S T A R T IN G AT 12:.^0 ^ I.UNCH O N r .R O U N D 3

L o c a te d Vt '’’He w esl from N o rih c i t y l im i t s of W endell, Idaho. T u r n w e s t a t t h er'w.o f Il fltnlln.* ISnVriMfw m/\\A n f n .T Mrlll daII a4W e n d e ll tins a n d (Jli siQllon. H a v in )? so ld in y tn rm i win ecu tn e lo i i o w in g a t

p u b l ic a u c t io n :

1 8 HEAD DAIRY C A TTLEBEAUTY—HoWeln cow, 5 ne. old. mlllcing,

Cnche Valley breeding riN T O —Holsltln cow. (I >tj. old. milking. Cache

M ACHINERY-2 T R A C T O R S• OLIVER ffS TRACTOR In very good condi­

tion with elccirlc snd hydraulic lift, rub­ber like ncB'. with the following equipm ent:

Valley breeding DAIRY—Holsltln cow. J yn. bid. milking. C ache

Vfllle/ brwdlng BONNIE-HolJteln cow, J yrj. old, fresh 00 days.

Cache Valley breeding BULLF.T—Ouernjcy cow. 8 yn, old. milking PENNV—Oucriuey cow, mlllLlnj heavy flow BESa-HolslcIn heifer. 20 moa. old, bred

bean and beet cultivator complete. 2-way liinj-on plow, 7-It. hang-on m ower


Olson manure loader to mount on SO tractor or any other 3-wheeIed type trac to r

9 coll spring renovator shanks-CTtlCItET-lIolstcta-helfer, M moj,-o!d; b r e d —

LADY—Holjteln helfcr. J1 mw, old, bred PENNY—IlolsWn heifer. 31 mw. old. bred

IRCS-ftrlontlcm-diK------------------------------------Oliver 3-aec. wood bar harrow, good condition Old 3-seetlon harrowHol.'itein helfcr, 18 mos. old, oiwn

2 Holstein heifer calves, ftom 3 to # mos. old3 WJjIla PDce Jiel/ers, S mos. to 1 yr. • OLTVEn TRAtTTOR MANURE SPREA D ER.

OS RUBBSn, LABOE 6I2EW illie Face steer, g mo3. old 2 Holstein steer calves, 3 to fl mos. old • All the abate cow* etrrrln* (he serviees of

Cache Vslle; bulls. Dreedlo( dslea and pro- duclloD records gUrn dsy of aala. Loading

Double wing ditcher, tricycle type New Idea 4-bar side rote—wooden la n d float 4-wheel rubber tirtd watoii with f la t rack 2-whccled atock trailer

chute a t r.neh.

M ILKING EQUIPMENT2-unlt DcLavnl magnelic milking muchlnc w ith

pipe nnil slall cock.v-6 JC.riI. niHk cans 25-gal, aulomillc electric hotwalcr h e ate r for

dairy barn—1 melal mllk;art.

aalvanl:ed stock saltrlnc i:ink, like new Large cast lion cwVlns kettle—2 -to n chain

hoist Poi'. vice. anvn. 2 elcctric grlndera. 3 m e weedchopper clecfrlc fencer*

Steel po.1t driver. 50-ft, roll of hose , walk- ins plow, set de/iorncrs, 4 log c h alM . lot of Ill-Inch galvanized pipe



Post hole digger, 3 gal. vced sprayer, 8 -lb . ham ­mer, cross-cut saw, posts and panels, pitch forks, shovels, gardi^n tools, a liop tools, Shurmaster gsrdtn tactor w ith a ttach­ments. miscellaneous articles too numeroua to mention

TERMS: C a s h Day of Sole

(IKE) L. ARMSTRONG, OwnerAUCTIONEER: llanrey C. irersoD Phone WE 4-I3M, Goodlag

c l e r k : K Tereit i»eu Pbana WE 4-«4S0. Gooding

I Stude

Vandals Toss Spoiled-Stealc ^

Someone delivered a package of spoiled veal round s teak Sunday morning to the hom e of Leonard Brom, 334 Ninth avenue east.

Tha package, neatly wrapped tn aluminum foil, waa tossed down the basement a partm en t >*t«ps "le Brown ttome.

Urf. 0 . V. HlaUa. 220 UlaQi . sue eu t, who report«d the incident * “-i.poUee, said se n en u viindal-

rilhin a few blocks of her___has bteti .goInK on for aomi

lima, U o(t of tha acUvity appear* •-> Uke plufl S a turday night, she

In tha past fuses have beet: pulled and wire fcnelog euL Th acUrlUea hava been «oln« on will to u t retutarlty a fn o a .Ju ^ 29, alx said. PoUc« are InTMtlgatlng.

Twin Falls Markets

(T m tw la ra w iia s ) .

nii«4 a_________________*“ u v f?0 U I.T « T


Banks Will Close On Veterans Day

Twin Falls banks will, remain open until « p.m. Thursday, Nov. 10. Chamber of Commerce mer- ehantd were told during their regulaJ Monday noon meeting at Wray’s cafe.

T he banks will be closed nil day ?rf(Iay and Satunfay fn observ- “Dce' of Veteran's day. “

Mr*, Hodney Tegan. chamber secretary, reported on the financial standing of the Commercial dlvi- jJon.

T he group-discussed Chrlatmoa deooraUoos.


A group of pacifists were Icfc ' day without a nuclear aubma to picket. The navy alipped' PolarU firing sub Qeorge W aah- iQgton.out ot harbor.


OVERSTOCK CIEARANCE1 1 C E n a ppl ia n c e sU 9 B I # and TELEVISION

FRIGIDAIRE A P PL IA N C E S a n d ZENITH T .V . A R E THE BIGGEST SELLERS IN M AGIC VALLEY o s th e y are everywhere e ls e . T h e TRADE-INS have b e e n ro ll in g in fa s t ond W E ARE LOADED . . .

In o rd er to properly d is p la y our new m erch an d ise in t h e space available W E M U S T MOVE 4 0 PIECES N O W I

2 0 T O 3 0 %W E H A V E M A R K E D D O W N E V E R Y I T E M , F R O M

until we move th e se 40 units.Select from the largest s e le c t io n iii Idaho.

38.0048 REFRIGERATORSPrJse i i to r t o t .................

22 RANGESPficea t t a r t d ) ..................

36 TELEVISION SETSP rice i gtBit g t ..... ............

9 A UTOM ATIC DRYERS P rice i g»or» o»....................

48.0048.006 8 . 0 0

E very Htm ho t b n n rig id ly R E C O N D t-

T iO N E D a n d TESTED by o u r tc r v i c * por>

ie n n « l u n d « r t h t lupe rvU ion o f Bob


IT E M S M A R K E D D O W K i

A C C O R D I N G L Y .

No Money Down . . . Easiest of Termsr


III SOOKiUcdinijl Algerian and , j French F ig lil

; | fh r

s,irT;,;s .'iw:™;:

Market Place of

Magic Valley



j a w a r - - ...... ...E S 'rE ,;-™ '

A, (;. J]ni,i..\xf)UEAI, i:.Vi-ATr:



.1,A Y . O C T O B E R 17, IDf.n . T I M E S - N E W S , T W I N F A L L S .- ID A .H O PA C E T H IR T E

M arket Place of

M agic Volley


m i s © ' : 3 - 0 9 3 1


t w i n f a l l sR E A L T r & I^^S.

P O T A T O D IG G E R C d A I N

p lL K R C H A IN

* "" ’'K o S r"" .

P A U L E Q U IP M E N T - i i ia 'A V E L D lN G -S liO P


' I e e d s - T n e T p Ta n t s -



inr.c, i J . v t x i L N ’


S l ’A K T l! MOTOR C A i J , FA

I). K O J'I 'K L C O .

• W A N T E D 'T O 'B U f

W .■ f S ™ i“ K T r T A ^ '

K liH N C K L ’S




H A R D W A R li

S P 0 R T IN i3 ~ G 6 o b s~ '

IHl, I. U. .;ll .til i„i, > I;---


Tm O L D S ............ .Sfiiir,

C - A - R - L - E - S - O - N - ’-^l'O ST I/\C — C:\VILI.AC —

w m m— uiT.V.TTTTTF

I I. L S 3 CA R D E P T .



-C LO SE O U T -




■ * ^ S o ^ W , s CAIN'S, INC .








l \ 'R T n 'E N G U ARANTEE!


M O T O R C O .



■ N O W ! ■

O N L Y $ G O O

h,u,„.r- K>rdl.M,Mdlti..ti Ihrv.ib.



U S K I ) C A R L O T

150 3rd Ave, East RE M0I3

Z . L n ^ .r . ..nd ,k.*r H .L !" G L E N G. JE N K IN S ,



S P A E T H M O T O R C O .

58 FORD $1695

59 FORD ^$1095


52CHEV $425

!K‘.:X .r SitSii! "“. jA s r u M c K . r , '- '










in rr . L IN C O L N


WILLSJ 'JX J 'S T ,S]::J.Kf.'TIO N.s!';i,!'X'T u s i - : n c a r s

r.'.'j Mn;n v o..n.rr .-rf.., ro—


‘S r S ' S ' E ’’


V ^ E E K '


C o iiU tiiic s T lio u O ctobcr

................- - . a ? ' ”


r s S v - s S i S |j|





S K '.S E .rV .-S V .i tS r1957^BU IC K ..._ „ „ .S 1 B 9 5

; S « K « r S

U -N-I-O -N


, BIG DR rV E-lN LO-r ■

P A G E F O U R T E E N T I M E S - N E W S , T W I N F A L L S , I D A H O M O N D A Y , OCTOBEK





6 9 ”"DRIVE OUT AN D S A V E "

t a l k e r ' sI Ay«. E.

top related