semsim paper presentation

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  • 7/24/2019 Semsim Paper Presentation


    SEMSim Cloud Service: Large-scaleurban systems simulation in the cloud

    By Muhammad Ibrahim

  • 7/24/2019 Semsim Paper Presentation


    SEMSim Cloud Service: Large-scale

    urban systems simulation in thecloud

    Proposed architecture for a cloud-basedurban systems simulation platform

    Aim is to large-scale simulations availableto typical users

    addresses the issue of data condentiality

    Scalable Electro-Mobility SimulationSEMSim! Cloud Service that implements

    the proposed architecture

  • 7/24/2019 Semsim Paper Presentation


    SEMSim Cloud Service: Large-scale

    urban systems simulation in the cloud

    large-scale simulations being migrated to thecloud" users #ill have to face ne# challenges

    $sability % &raphical user interfaces of manysimulation soft#are tools have beendesigned for use on #or'stations by a singleuser(

    user interfaces that are specically designedfor cloud-based simulation services

  • 7/24/2019 Semsim Paper Presentation


    SEMSim Cloud Service: Large-scale

    urban systems simulation in the cloud

    enables many di)erent $*s for di)erentaspects of the same simulation e(g("

    conguration" visuali+ation" data analysis!(

    ,ata Condentiality-data may be sensitiveand data providers may not permit the useofcloud-services due to concerns regardingcondentiality(

  • 7/24/2019 Semsim Paper Presentation


    SEMSim Cloud Service: Large-scaleurban systems simulation in the cloud

    eb-based simulations: Providing collaborationplatforms or independent front-end interfaces(

    interfaces in the form of #eb-applications or thin-clientsfor controlling simulations(

    Modeling . Simulation as a Service MSaaS!

    model for provisioning modeling and simulation serviceson demand from a Cloud Service Provider CSP!

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    SEMSim Cloud Service: Large-scaleurban systems simulation in the cloud

    /esearch pro0ect CloudSME1 is concerned#ith the use of cloud-based simulations for

    the manufacturing and engineeringindustry(

  • 7/24/2019 Semsim Paper Presentation


    2vearvie# of proposed architecture

    for a cloud-based simulation service(

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    3ront-end Components ,esign of e4periment applications are used by the user

    to specify the e4periment that is to be performed(

    Create E4periment ,escription 3ile E,3! #hich contains all thenecessary information and data if applicable! inorder for the bac'-end to perform the simulation e4periment(

    5isuali+ation applications are used to perform real-timevisuali+ations of a currently running simulation


    Analysis applications are used to analy+e thesimulation results

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    6ac'-end Components

    A ,ispatch server ,S! application e4ecute asimulation e4periment according to the

    specication in theE,3(


    7! provisions a number of 5Ms in the cloud that#ill

    host the simulation instances" 8! initiali+es the 5Ms i(e(" copies les" setup therun-time environment" etc(!"

    1! starts e4ecution of the simulation instance inthe 5Ms" and 9! noties the user #hen the

    e4periment has been completed(

  • 7/24/2019 Semsim Paper Presentation


    6ac'-end Components

    5isuali+ation server application enables aspecic simulation instance connect to it and

    the real-time data stream is then for#arded tothe visuali+ation application in the front-end(

    /elays control commands from the visuali+ationapplication to the simulation instance(

    A Simulation instance e4ecutes a singlesimulation according to the specicationprovided in the E,3(

  • 7/24/2019 Semsim Paper Presentation


    2vervie# of general #or'o# for the

    manual use-case(

  • 7/24/2019 Semsim Paper Presentation


    SEMSim platform SEMSim platform is used in the conte4t of

    electromobility research and aims at helping to ans#ervarious ;uestions regarding the impact of large-scale

    electro-mobility on a city

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    SEMSim platform primarily t#o 'inds of simulations

    Agent-based tra=c simulation SEMSim >ra=c!

    ,iscrete-event po#er system simulationSEMSim Po#er

    >hese t#o simulations are coupled using the?igh Level Architecture ?LA! ( >his allo#s us toinvestigate the impact of thousands of electricvehicles on the po#er grid depending on their

    charging behavior(

  • 7/24/2019 Semsim Paper Presentation


    SEMSim platform SEMSim Platform is designed to ans#er

    electromobility ;uestions for mega-cities usingmultiple tools li'e SEMSim >ra=c and SEMSimPo#er" the computational needs are large

    2ne ma0or di)erence bet#een SEMSim >ra=c andthe e4isting tra=c simulations is the level of detail

    at #hich the internal state of vehicles is simulated(

    SEMSim >ra=c" every agent represents a driver-vehicle unit #hich consist not only of driverbehavior models but also vehicle component models

    e(g(" air conditioning" drive train" battery!(

  • 7/24/2019 Semsim Paper Presentation


    SEMSim platform SimSEM also simulate the internal state of

    vehicles" #e refer to it as nanoscopic

    simulation in order to emphasi+e thedi)erence to e4isting microscopicsimulations(

  • 7/24/2019 Semsim Paper Presentation


    SEMSim platform $nli'e e4isting simulations tools e(g(" MatSim" S$M2!

    #hich use a time-stepped simulation engine" #e use adiscrete event simulation engine(

    *n ,ES! engine" the state of the simulation is onlyadvanced #hen an event is e4ecuted as compared toevery time step in a time-stepped simulation!(

    Events in a ,ES can be scheduled at arbitrary times@this gives us the needed e4ibility as some modelsneed more fre;uent updating e(g(" moving of agentson the road net#or'! #hile others are updated onlyinfre;uently e(g(" internal vehicle models or behavior!(

  • 7/24/2019 Semsim Paper Presentation


    SEMSim platform SEMSim platform and in particular" SEMSim

    >ra=c( ,ue to the high computational

    re;uirements of simulating a large number7BB'! of agents and their interaction in ananoscopic simulation" the e4ecutionenvironment for the SEMSim platform is a

    high performance computing cluster thatsupports highly parallel e4ecution(

  • 7/24/2019 Semsim Paper Presentation


    SEMSim platform

  • 7/24/2019 Semsim Paper Presentation


    3ront-end applications SEMSim CS provides a series of front-end


    ,esign of e4periments is concerned #itht#o parts

    Prole ,esigner P,!: parameteri+ation ofthe models used #ithin a nano-scopic tra=c


  • 7/24/2019 Semsim Paper Presentation


    3ront-end applications >his model parameter can either be a

    4ed value or a distribution from #hich a

    value is dra#n #hen the specic modelinstance is created(

    >hese proles are stored in a repository

    and #ill be used #hen creating the actuale4periment(

    >his is done by using the E, application

    E, application is divided into t#o sections

  • 7/24/2019 Semsim Paper Presentation


    Front-end applications upper section of the application #indo#

    general e4perimentation parameters are

    congured e(g(" road net#or'" number ofagents" simulation time span!@

    6ottom part agent population is congured(

    >his conguration uses the proles createdin the P, to specify the di)erentcombinations of driver-vehicle-unit proles#ith ratios on the total population in order tocreate a heterogeneous agent population(

  • 7/24/2019 Semsim Paper Presentation


    Front-end applications

  • 7/24/2019 Semsim Paper Presentation


    3ront-end applications 5isuali+ation applications: SEMSim CS

    provides a set of visuali+ation

    applications( broad overvie# of the simulationshe overhead due to cache misses in the

    hard#are architecture and the

    programming model leads to the biggestperformance decrease

    Simulating thousands of agents in a

    nanoscopic manner leads to cache misses"since it cannot be predicted in #hichprocessor the same agent data is neededduring the ne4t calculation

  • 7/24/2019 Semsim Paper Presentation


    Simulation runtimecomparison An access to a memory address from a CP$

    core on the same CP$ results in using the

    cached value in the CP$ L7 to L1 cache" dueto the locality principles(

    *f a memory address re;uired by a core is

    on a di)erent CP$ the data #ill not be inthe cache and therefore has to be retrievedfrom main memory using the system bus(

    >his operation costs many computing cycles

  • 7/24/2019 Semsim Paper Presentation


    References ,aniel Iehe a" Alois Dnoll" entong Cai"

    ?ei'o Aydt" JSEMSim Cloud Service: Large-

    scale urban systems simulation in the cloudK" 8B7" Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory

  • 7/24/2019 Semsim Paper Presentation



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