
Post on 22-Jul-2016






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If you save water, you will help aquatic animals

If you avoid cutting trees, you will help nature

If you do not throw garbage into rivers, you will have a better water

If you do not pollute nature, you will help to be in perfect condition

If you care to animals, you will help to fewer endangered species

If you care the glaceares, you will save more penguins

If you avoid yelling, you will have a better environmoment

If you have more conscientious about the dangers of the industry, you will help our air is not contaminated

if you do not cut trees, you will be able to have a better place

if you recycle, you will not see so much garbage in the streets

if you are caring for parks, you will have a better place to breathe

If you do not throw garbage into the seas, you will help sea animals

If you collect the defecation of animals, you will have a clean place

If you care for life, you will have a better environtent

If you care for the earth, you will have a better agriculture

If you water does not pollute rivers and seas will be cleaner

if you do not recycle there will be a lot of pollution

If you consume fewer cigarettes, you will be able to have space to breathe

If you pollute the soil will be Little production plant

if you throw toxic waste, deadly diseases will occur

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