reconocimiento de herramientas telematicas

Post on 14-Dec-2014






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CODIGO: 7185305


GRUPO: 9017081

TUTOR: Mangely Londono






This course contains resources that promote the development of guidance course

as the News forum to be updated Agenda ongoing consultation, the Rules and

Conditions of the course and others aimed at the appropriation of the

methodology in AVA.

2. Tarea Previa: Inicialmente, el estudiante debe hacer un recorrido por el

curso con el fin de reconocer las unidades y actividades propuestas en el


3. . Tarea: En el foro respectivo, cada estudiante debe presentarse e invitar a

sus compañeros a participar en el foro al menos 3 veces. No olvide hacer

comentarios y recomendaciones a las contribuciones de sus compañeros

con el propósito de sugerir mejoras al trabajo del compañero.

Regards bandmates and tutor group my name is Julio César Sora Contreras currently nine semester course agronomy Cead José Celestino Mutis of Bogotá, one of my expectartions for this course is to again important new knoeledge that , allow practice in the future becuse the english languaje is now a very important languaje and why we estudy it in all universities in Colombia. I invite my fellow group members to actively interact and obtain a mew knowledge that allows us to practice in the near future. Mostrar mensaje anterior | Responder

4. Planeación: Part I: Actualice su perfil dando click en “perfil” y luego actualice

completamente toda la información requerida junto con su foto. No olvide

registrar su correo personal de contacto y una breve presentación de usted

mismo. Esto debe ser escrito en inglés.

País: Colombia

Ciudad: Bogotá

Perfiles de curso: INGLES IV-90170A

Primer acceso: lunes, 11 de agosto de 2014, 08:00 (13 días 10 horas)

Último acceso: domingo, 24 de agosto de 2014, 18:59 (54 segundos)

Intereses: Regards bandmates and tutor group my name is Juliu, currently

nine semester course in agronomy Cead Jose Celestino Mutis.

5. Part II Responda las siguientes preguntas en Inglés de forma escrita y

compártalas directamente en el foro. La respuesta a cada pregunta debe

ser completa.

1. Is English important in your life? Why?

Knowledge of a foreign language is a basic need for professionals. NEED, not aid

or supplement. Today, to succeed in professional life and make our life easier, it is

important to begin to study or improve our standard of English Language. Just

because English is the universal language spoken, read and write in many parts of

the world.

2. Is English important in your career? Why?

Today the management of more than one language is vital to have a fruitful career.

Speaking more than one language is an advantage for many professionals as the

world becomes increasingly globalized. Therefore, international companies require

a more skilled human capital and mastering more than one language definitely

opens more doors.

3. Do you think the syllabus of this course is going to help you to improve

your English? Why?

Observing the structure of this important English IV course I realize that it is well

structured and that allows us to clearly learn a new language in this case English

and able to enter into the globalization.

4. From the syllabus of the course, which topic is familiar for you? Have

you studied it previously? If so, Where?

if e previously studied English in the intitutos of Tunja, it seemed to me a very

important language structure in the grammar part and the Open and Distance

Unad National University prepare us very well from the beginning of this important

course and learn a new language and be more consistent in work.

5. How has your English learning experience been?

He has provided me since from the beginning of the course devoted many hours to

my learning moreover attend the Unad every 15 days to answer questions during

the course to the assigned course tutor.

Part III Realice una grabación en Inglés expresando cómo se siente en este curso

y cómo cree usted que va a contribuir este curso a alcanzar sus metas

académicas. Esta grabación debe ser realizada en formato MP3, WMA (utilizando

la grabadora de su computador), o cualquier otro formato que abra fácilmente en

cualquier computador. El peso máximo de esta grabación NO debe ser mayor a

2,95 MB. Este audio o grabación debe compartirlo en el foro.

I feel very well in this important course, I think I will contribute satisfactorily to get a

new knowledge to me and help me get better intellectually project or new

knowledge that allows me to be competitive in the labor field


Nothing easier than finding reasons for learning English; there are so many that it

would be hard not to find one immediately. It is not only one of the three languages

that have more native speakers, but it is the most used working language at the

level of international institutions and can be considered the "official" language of

science and commerce. It is well known the importance of English for jobseekers

and many companies that promote the realization of English courses among their

employees. Moreover it is by far the most in demand as the first foreign language

in school worldwide, both in primary and secondary studies. If in addition to the

above we consider that English has become a truly international lingua franca with

which the traveler can reach almost anywhere in the world, we can only come to

one conclusion: learning English is essential. And the sooner the better.

Today you can find many ways to learn English and with such a variety of methods

that can ensure that anyone with minimal motivation can find among the enormous

offer English courses to suit your personal circumstances, from extended stays in

to English-speaking countries English courses online that can be performed

without any requirement to have a computer connected to the Internet. The mode

that has more prestige are classroom courses in English speaking countries. So

many people, especially adolescents and young people each year participate in

these activities during your vacation. Its importance is such that the organization of

courses of English has become a veritable industry in many countries that use this

language as native. However this method is very expensive and requires the

availability of time that many do not have. Another very popular way to learning the

English language is that of scheduled courses, teaching units based on periodic

appearance and audiovisual support via CD or DVD. Such methods often prove

fairly inexpensive and allow you to customize the pace of learning but have

problems of interactivity, with the consequent loss of motivation.

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