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    Regional Studies November 2014



    Israel-Palestine conflictThe Zionist conflict between nations.


    Everything you need to know!About Israels Religion,Government, Food and history.

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    Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016

    Pellentesque habitant morbi

    tristique senectus et netus.

    Nullam ac ipsum gravida

    sem placerat suscipit.

    Aliquam scelerisquesagittis erat.

    In this Hanukkah, find a little magic in the perfect gift

    Only at Pashoshim.

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    Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016

    IndexCountrys general info..4 pg.

    Facts government..5 pg

    Facts Economy..6 pg

    Society ...7-8pg

    Culture...9-10 pg

    Conflict..11 pg

    Suggestion..12 pg

    Conflict .13-14pg

    Suggestion.15 pg

    Advertisment....16 pg


  • 8/10/2019 Proyecto de Escenarios



    Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016IsraelGeneral Information


    State of Israel

    Coordinates 31N 35E

    Continent Asia



    Egypt (SW)

    Jordan (E)

    Lebanon (N)




    Gaza Strip (W)

    West Bank (E)

    Golan Heights (NE)


  • 8/10/2019 Proyecto de Escenarios



    Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016

    State of IsraelIn the multitude of counselors there is safety.

    (Proverbs 11:14)

    Chief of State: Reuven Rivlin

    Head of Government: Prime Minister

    Government type: Parliamentary Democracy

    Constitution: No formal constitution, but has "Basic Laws" that establish a parliamentary

    system as a democratic republic.

    Interesting facts

    Israel is the only fully democratic country in

    the Middle East.

    Elections are held for seats in the Knesset or

    parliament every four years.

    The leader of the largest party becomes

    prime minister.

    All citizens serve in the armed forces after

    they finish school. (Men 3 years and women

    2 years)

  • 8/10/2019 Proyecto de Escenarios



    Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016

    Israels Economy

    Israels economic freedom score is 68.4,

    putting its economy in the 44th place world

    rank and 5thplace in the Middle East/North

    Africa region. Israel has achieved a 3 percent

    steady growth annually over the past five

    years, making it one of the top most secure

    countries to do business.

    Interesting facts aboutIsrael Economy

    Israel has the largest number of

    startup companies than any other

    country in the world, except for the


    Israel is the only country in the

    world to have simultaneous free

    trade agreements with the US,

    Mexico and Canada

    More Israeli companies are on the

    US stock exchanges (123) after the

    US and Canada.



    7.7 million

    GDP (PPP):

    $248.7 billion

    3.1% growth

    3.6% 5-year

    Compound annual growth:

    $32,312 per capita



    Inflation (CPI):


    Official coin:


    FDI inflows:

    10.4 billion

    World Rank: 44 Regional Rank: 5


    1 Shekel 0.25 USD

    1 Shekel 0.21 Euro

    1 Shekel 3.54 Pesos

  • 8/10/2019 Proyecto de Escenarios



    Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016

    Israels Society


    Muslims, when you hearthe word you mentally image

    terrorism, like the attack of

    the twin towers or violence

    people with big guns attacking

    poor innocent people.

    Religious extremist, fighting

    until the end bad using the

    name of God. They also

    mistreat the women by reapor hit them; women have to

    wear clothes over the face

    sometimes just around or all

    Jewish, stereotypes havedark skin, black hair, very

    large nose, are wearing

    Kippahs (hat of their

    religion) all day and also their

    appearance look dirty with a

    large black coat. They have

    been seeing as the people

    whos ancestors suffer in the

    World War II being the ones

    that could be right now

    extinct, they have been in

    suffer and maybe ones had

    hate of the German people forhow they act at that time.

    They are very workers in

    their life having many goals,

    they pray all day and

  • 8/10/2019 Proyecto de Escenarios



    Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016

    Israels Society


    Islamophobiais a term ofprejudice against or fear

    of Islamic people; it is a

    type of racism with people

    that practice the Islam. It

    is a big fear since all the

    wars, attacks, and suicidal

    bombs that the

    world has been

    resisting; if we

    could say so. Ittakes a shape of

    daily formed of

    racism that could

    lead to a violence

    form all around the

    world; it has

    violated the human rights.

    It is also a big rejection of

    the Muslims religions,how they participate in

    the way they think, how

    they act in the name of

    god and what they do in

    their daily life that many

    of the people dont do,

    Main Facts of Israel

    318000 people arimmigrants and th

    annual people growt

    is 1.8%

    The tree most practice

    faiths in Israel ar

    Judaism, Islam


    Israel leads the worl

    in the numbers o

    scientists an


    Israel has mor

    museums per capita

    than any other countr

    in the whole world.

    They society is made o

    big fight in Jerusalem

    which religion coul

    gain the wholterritory because it i

    holy for each of them.

    Political, economic an

    cultural basis or th

    Israels society

    Anti-Semitism, is a forms to mistrust, hatredthe way the Jewish think, hate the way theycould control many business ideas and peopleharm them to stop them; harm could be madein expression not necessary physical attack.Hate the way they could use their symbols orimages such as the star or the Kippah. TheAnti-Smitism has existed a long time ago, ithave been targeting individuals orcommunities; example is the Nazi regimesthat organize to extinct the Jews throughtorture and holocaust.

  • 8/10/2019 Proyecto de Escenarios



    Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016

    Israeli CultureIsrael Religion

    Israel is a Jewish state, was

    reestablished in 1948 as the

    modern home of Jewish; the

    only country in Middle East

    that has freedom of religion.

    The religious communities are

    free to practice their exercise

    of faith and law, each of them

    has their own councils and

    courts, that are recognize by

    the law as also personal status

    (marriage or divorce, etc.)According to 2005 the

    countrys Central Bureau of

    Statistics the population was

    76.1% Jewish, 2.1% Christian,

    16.2% Muslim, 1.6% Druze

    and 3.9% no religion

    classified. Jewish tried to

    define their religion by the

    practices they made.

    The most important religion in

    Israel is Judaism is the

    birthplace and the most

    ancient religion; it is the place

    of Judaisms myriad holy,

    Jerusalem, The Temple Mount

    and Hebron. Jerusalem is the

    heart of the Jewish people

    since the King David.

    Israel is determined as a

    Jewish state, so they celebrate

    Sabbath (Saturday) and all

    Jewish festivals and holy days;

    national holidays;

    Islam in Israel

    Christianity in Israel

    Various places in Israel are very h

    for the Christians, these places

    where Jesus was born, live, work

    the most important where he d

    the name of the most holy sites

    the Via Dolorosa, The room of

    Last Supper and the Church of

    Holy Sepulcher in Jerusal

    Jerusalem the most wanted place

    many religions; the Church of

    Annunciation in Nazareth and

    Mount of Beatitudes. A lot Christians living in Israel are lo

    Arabs; many peasants work

    churches or monasteries.

    communities are divided into to b

    groups: Caledonian-Orthodox, N

    Caledonian Ortho

    (Monophysite), Roman Catholic


    Sundays is the day of the

    week to spend, have time

    with the family and the

    people you love. This day

    public transport is

    suspended, busyness closed

    and everything is supervised

    by soldiers.

    Saturday sis the day of the

    week to spend, have time

    with the family and the

    people you love. This day

    public transport is

    suspended, busyness closed

    and everything is supervised

    by soldiers.

    Unique place in the Middle

    East, invite people to

    participate as faith citizensin Israel life. They hope for

    a good life, modern and

    have a successful life.

    Muslims are very spiritual in

    their believes, are students in

    universities, most of them

    practice law or medicine; big

    workforce; some of them are

    part of the courts. This place

    is holly for them because of

    the Temple Mount *dome of

    the rock) Muslims believe

    that Muhammad ascended

    to heaven; most of the

    Muslims in Israel are Sunni


    Tourism in IsraelIsrael is a place where it has a lo

    history, a great place to open y

    knowledge and learn new differ


    One could be the Western Wal

    the most significant site in the wo

    for the Jewish people. Jewish fr

    all around the world gather in h

    to pray or write letters and put thon the wall.

    Temple Mount is very important

    the Jewish people because accord

    to them its where many event

    the antique testament take place,

    creation of the world

  • 8/10/2019 Proyecto de Escenarios



    Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016

    began from the Foundation Stone,

    also the first human Adam;

    Abraham and Jacob where here to;

    the wall was made to protect thetemple.

    The Church of the Holy Sepulcher

    is the place where Jesus had the

    crucifixion and the tomb f Jesus of

    Nazareth, Christians from all

    around the world come here to see

    but most of all pray to God. It has a

    big wall for protection that was

    made 10 years after the crucifixion.It has several phrases that remind

    you of passages in the life of Jesus,

    this is very symbolic for the people

    of this religion.

    The Dome of the Rock, It enshrines

    the rock where Muhammad is said

    to have ascended to heaven after a

    mysterious night journey from

    Mecca to Jerusalem. It has anIslamic architecture of different

    shining mosaics colors; it is a big

    Food in Israel

    Israeli Breakfast Foods:

    Borekas (the picture)

    filled with cheese,

    potatoes, or vegetables

    Israeli salad

    Jachnun a filling dish

    made from dough and

    cooked overnight

    Israeli breakfast-

    composed of cheeses,

    Salads, olives,

    distinctive Israeli bread,

    juice and Coffee.

    Israeli Lunch / Dinner Foods

    The popular food in Israel is

    characteristically very

    simple, a typical lunch is

    shnitzel with salads, includes

    the hummus and tahini, and

    served with

    rice or mashed potatoes, also


    Baba Ganoush a tangy

    eggplant spread

    Falafel (the picture)- ground

    chickpeas mixed with onionsand spices formed into balls

    and fried, are served in pita

    bread as a sandwich

    Hummus a mashed

    chickpea spread, hummus

    can be served in many ways.

    Malawach this flaky round

    pastry you can add toppings.

    Pita bread the nationalbread of Israel

    Shnitzel chicken cutlets

    Israeli Snack Foods / Desserts:

    Baklava- is a popular dessert

    of Arabic origin and consists

    of flaky dough layered with

    honey and nuts

    Knafeh this dessert is madeof shredded pastry, soft

    cheese and sweet syrup

    Malabi a pudding flavored

    with rose water and topped

    with nuts

    Sahlab a rich, creamy,

    sweet hot drink or pudding

    Israeli Drinks:

    Caf Afuch an



    Also they serve

    Turkish coffee

    strong and thick

  • 8/10/2019 Proyecto de Escenarios



    Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016

    By Marian Fernandez | November 25, 2014

    Many centuries ago, Jews were forcedly moved

    from our land, the Land of Israel. Our history,

    culture and land were taken from our hands

    and many of us have been fighting for it since

    the 19th Century, when Zionism was created.

    The lands that once belong to us are Land of

    Canaan, the Holy Land and Palestine. As it is

    well known, since 2006, a very strong post-

    Zionist Israeli organization was created, the Im

    Tirtzu. The main objective of the Im Tirtzu is

    strengthening and promoting the Zionist values

    in Israel. Plus, as many of us now, the Im

    Tirtzu is an extra-parliamentary group.

    For the last three years, the Israeli High Court

    of Justice has been deciding whether or not to

    consider and decide if the Im Tirtzu should be

    taken as a fascist organization. The Im Tirtzu

    has a very old Jewish vision of Israel. They see

    Israel as an organic nation. Im Tirtzu sees

    the individuals as inseparable parts of a whole

    (Sadan, 1). While the government, sees the

    state as a partnership between individuals

    (Sadan, 1).

    This obviously presents a problem in oucountry and our people history, culture and life

    Many of us Jews favor the post-Zioni

    organizations and people, whom think that th

    Zionist movement already fulfilled i

    ideological goal when the State of Israel wa

    created in 1948. But obviously the Im Zioni

    Organization believes otherwise. This issue i

    our state is delicate and involves a lot ou

    religion, which is very pressure for us. What wihappen now? Should the Im Zionist need to b

    eliminated? Should we continue living withou

    part of our Promised Land? Or should we figh

    for it like the Im Zionist? Or should we accep

    and appreciate what we have, live our live

    proud of who we are, of our culture and ou



    - Im Tirtzu (Organization)

    - Israel Government

    - Israeli High Court of


    - Jew Citizens


    - Palestine, Israel, Lebanon,

    Syria and Jordan (Holy


  • 8/10/2019 Proyecto de Escenarios



    Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016Suggestions to this problem

    According to editor Blake Alott, everything

    that has to do with Zionism need to be

    rejected. Everything since organizations to

    suggestions in the government. An exampleof this is the Two-State Solution between

    Palestine and Israel. Blake Alott states that

    the Two-State Solution should be rejected

    because if one of the states is Palestine, the

    other is the existing, ethnocratic Jewish

    state in Palestine a Zionist state with

    everything that entails (Allot, 1). Zionists

    from Israel want to keep all of their

    Promised Land, this includes Gaza and

    West Bank. Zionists from Palestine want to

    take back what was stolen from them and

    make West Bank and Gaza an independent

    state. This is the actual Israel/Palestine

    conflict and it is obvious to see the Zionism

    ideology has a lot to do with it. This

    obviously brings trouble between Zionist

    groups, considering that both have a strong

    and alike ideology but with different goals.

    Israeli Zionists in protest for One State.

    Political Cartoon

    Map of Palestine for Years.

  • 8/10/2019 Proyecto de Escenarios



    Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016

    Israel vs. PalestineThis conflict has been going on since

    around the late 19th century and the early

    20th century. It started with nationalist

    movements from Arab Muslims and Jews.

    Since the tension within both cultures was

    evident and was rising rapidly, this led into

    a conflict in Levant, that is a region where

    western Asia, eastern Mediterranean and

    northeast Africa meet. This region has a

    very big variety of cultures, religions, and

    economic statuses. There is one conflict

    that is considered to be very influent in this

    Israel-Palestine conflict, The Six Day War of1967 where Israel took control over the

    Gaza Strip and the West Bank, 2 territories

    with a great amount of Arab Muslim


    To this day, West Bank is controlled by

    Palestine authorities, but they are still part

    of Israeli territory, this should be a start for

    the Muslims to have arguments to make the

    West Bank an independent state but the

    Israeli Jews are not dumb, they establish

    Jewish communities inside this territory

    and give them orders to expand, which

    makes it easier for the Jews to stop Muslim

    revolts for independence. These

    communities are protected by the Israeli

    army just in case Arabs try to hurt them,

    this way they kill 2 birds with one shot, they

    increase Jewish population, and have one

    reasonable reason to implement their army

    in the conflict zone to enforce security.

    The never-endingconflict

    This problem became an official conflict

    in 1963. Experts made an approximate

    calculation with a variety of studies

    and they got to the conclusion that

    there have been 21,500 casualties to

    the year 2013

    Political cartoonThis political cartoon cant be more specific and

    effective. On the left side of Israel we have anArab Muslim and on the right side we have an

    Israeli Jew. Both are fighting for the conflict

    zone which is all Israel. The figure of Israel has

    the Jewish Star of David that is the principal

    representation of the Jewish group, and it has

    the Palestinian flag as well, which as established

    before, are the 2 groups fighting over the

    territory they wan.

  • 8/10/2019 Proyecto de Escenarios



    Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016

    Israel vs Palestine

    The conflict that has been going on forcenturies and just cant reach a solution.

    On the other hand, the Gaza Strip is

    controlled by an Islamist fundamental party called

    the Hamas, but, just like the West Bank, its territory

    is part of Israel. The Hamas formed in 1987 and won

    political power on Gaza in the year of 2006 by U.S.-

    based elections, this made the situation much more

    tense and violent. The difference of these two

    Palestinian territories is that in 2005 the IsraeliArmy

    pulled out by orders of the former Israeli Prime

    Minister, Ariel Shanon. Since then the Israeli army is

    not able to go into the Gaza Strip, and Jewish people

    are not aloud to settle there either. The relationship

    between Gaza and Israel is way much tense than the

    one of the West Bank with Israel. There have been

    some worldwide known rocket attacks from the

    Gaza Strip territory that do directly to Israeli targets.

    Israel has taken action into this and sometimes Gaza

    is not provided with enough fuel, medicines, food

    and electricity that before arriving have to go through

    the government of Israel. The Israeli government

    takes advantage of this situation because they know

    that is the easiest way to weaken Gaza, because

    without enough food, medicines, and electricity

    people can get weaker.

    Basically the conflict is over the land tha

    belongs to Israel that Arab Muslims control. The

    Arab Muslim population gave their land the name

    of Palestine; over the years they basically established

    the name as official to themselves and the generaworld. The issue here is that Palestinians want to get

    their own state and Israelis oppose to the idea

    because it implies that they loose part of their

    country. There are a lot of actors involved in this big

    issue. We have the previously mentioned Aram

    Muslims and the Jews, but we have the UN, we have

    the PLO that stands for Palestinian Liberation

    Organization, which is runned by the PA, which

    stands for Palestinian National Authority. There are

    a whole lot in IGOs and NGOs involved in this

    conflict and it does not seem that is coming to and

    end, or minimum in a short term notice.

    This conflict has consequences in the marke

    of that zone because its very difficult to be certain

    that there is not going to be an attack, bombing or

    something, that does not help Israel nor the other

    country that stops making business with them.

    This is the visua

    representation and

    localization of where theissue is taking place

    On the left we have the Paestinian Loss of

    Land from 1947 to these day. The green

    part is Palestinan land and the white part

    is Israeli land.

  • 8/10/2019 Proyecto de Escenarios



    Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016

    Suggestions made by editors

    Editors say that do to the fact that the situation

    is very tense, there are just 2 options, a two state

    solution that means that Palestine becomes anindependent state, or a one-state solution that

    means that either of the sides gets full control of the

    territory. But both of them have a lot of negative

    consequences and non of the sides are willing to agree

    to loose something.

    The two-state solution is what the Palestine

    territories, West Bank and Gaza, want, that is what

    they been fighting for for so many years, but Israel is

    going to do everything in their power not to let that

    happen. They have been investing in this cause for alot of time and since they already started I doubt that

    they are going to stop and let the Palestine community

    get what they want. In fact, there were some peace

    negotiations going on and everything was going

    excellent, actually like never before, but they fell

    apart in July and August of this year. This made the

    conflict escalate to total war between Israel and

    Hamas. This is a realist approach because is what

    experts think is going to happen.

    On the other side, the one-state solution is

    what Israel is fighting for, but in my humble opinion if

    this happens, it will be a matter of time before a

    revolution takes place because if Israel wins the

    Palestinian community is not going to accept the

    defeat. A few years ago, the Gaza Strip and the West

    Bank were fighting each one by their side for the same

    objective, recently they decided to join forces to get to

    the same objective, but since the only thing between

    them is nothing more and nothing less than Israel,

    their enemy. This makes things way more complicatedfor everyone. There is a theory that says that when

    the West bank merges, the Israeli government will

    make the Palestinian leave the country or remove

    their right to vote, but this would imply violating

    human rights and it would become into a conflict

    where the UN will be forced to interfere and the

    conflict will get 10 times bigger. This is an idealist

    approach on the Israeli side, because is what they

    want but it seems difficult for this to happen.

  • 8/10/2019 Proyecto de Escenarios



    Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016

    The perfect dinner only at Touro

  • 8/10/2019 Proyecto de Escenarios


    Marian Fernandez A01193014

    Javier Gutierrez A01193217

    Magaly Villaseor A01193219

    Patricia Carrillo A01192971


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