proverbios chinos ingles-chino

Post on 01-Jun-2018






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  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


    Reduced to mere skeletons by one’s grief.

    哀毁骨立 (Aī huǐ gǔ lì)

    Love my house love the cro! on it.

    爱屋及乌 ("i !# $% !#)

    &ne gourd is 'ushued under the !ter but nother ots u'.

    按下葫芦起了瓢。 ("n *i h+lu ,ǐ le 'i-o)

    Almost grieved to deth.

    悲痛欲绝 (/i t0ng y1 $u2)

     3ou cn’t e*'ect to ctch cub !ithout venturing into tigress’s den.

    不入虎穴焉得虎子 (1 r1 hǔ*u2 y4n d2 hǔ5ǐ)

    6ight 7mmortls cross the se ech em'loying his or her theurgy.

    八仙过!"#$% (4*i4n gu0 h8i g9 *i8n ,% n2ng)

    :eeing once is better thn hering hundred times.

    &'不()* (8i !2n b1 r+ y% $i"n)

    ;is'ly one’s 'ro

  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


    istking the reection of bo! in cu' for snke.

    BCDE (/i gBng sh2 yǐng)

    Co! cn you 'ut out

  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


    Ilies never infest n egg !ithout crcks.

    op不qrst (H4ngy%ng b1 dīng !+ f9ng d"n)

    Cidden drgons crouching tigers.

    uvw虎 (H-ng l=ng !0 hǔ)

    A miniml error t the strt leds to !ide divergence in the distnce.

    xmyz!gm{| (Hh" 5hī h-o l% mi1 yǐ ,i4n lǐ)

    &ne !ho !lks long river fre,uently cnnot void getting his shoes !et.

    }~_•€!%不‚ƒ (Hh-ng 5"i h2bi4n 5@u n8 n2ng b1 shī *i2)

    ;rinking the !ter of !ell one should never forget !ho dig it.

    „F不…†‡ˆ (Hhī shuǐ b1 !"ng $u/ $ǐng r2n)

    A fll into ditch gin in your !it.

    „)‰!Š)‹ (Hhī yī ,i"n 5h8ng yī 5hì)

    A feet cn be shorter !hile n inch cn be longer.

    ŒŽŠ (Hhǐ du8n c1n ch-ng)

    Fotoriety trvels frther !y.

    ‘’ (Hh0u m%ng yu8n y-ng)

    Riddnce of evil must be thorough.

    “”– (Hh+ 9 !1 $ìn)

    7f the li's re gone the teeth !ill gro! cold.

    —˜™š (Hh+n !-ng chǐ h-n)

     Jhere is no silver hereK three hundred tels.›œrž&Ÿ (Hǐ dì !+ y%n s4n b8i li8ng)

  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


     Jhick brnches nd big leves.

    ¡¢£ (H# 5hī d" y9)

    ?rescribe the right medicine for sym'tom.

    ¤¥下¦ (;uì 5h9ng *i" y"o)

    Red criticlly nd you !ill

  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


    ;on’t hit one on the fce.

    ʈ不ÊË (;8 r2n b1 d8 li8n)

    Res'ect out of fer is never genuine reverence out of res'ect is never flse.

    Êb5ˆÌÍ5!Îb5ˆÌÏ5 (;8 '" de r2n shì $i8 de $ìng '" de r2n shì 5h/n


    Cve mouth s shr' s dgger but hert s soft s tofu.

    Ð子Ñ!ÒÓa (;4o5i 5uǐ ! d0ufu *īn)

    A mountin of knives nd se of

  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


    åæ¸ç (I1 5h# dBng li+)

    Gde through boiling !ter nd scorching me.

    èéêA (I1 t4ng d8o hu@)

    Gter s'illed cn never be retrieved.

    ëFìí (I1 shuǐ n-n shBu)


  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


    &ne 'lm mkes no ''luse.

    孤掌ì鸣 (M# 5h8ng n-n m%ng)

    Look t leo'rd through 'i'e.

    管中窥豹 (Mu8n 5hBng kuì b"o)

    ;ismntle the bridge fter crossing it.

    过_拆桥 (Mu0 h2 ch4i ,i-o)

    Co! cn you e*'ect to

  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


    Ilo!ers look diQerent in diQerent eyes.

    "7入"8 (M9 hu4 r1 g9 y8n)

    Gtch the

  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


    RFSj (C+n shuǐ mB y+)

    :!llo! dte !ith its stone.

    TUVW (C+ l+n t#n 58o)

    :urvive the S! of Jiger.

    虎XYl (Cǔ k@u y+ sh/ng)

     Jo 'ull tooth from tiger’s mouth.

    虎XZ牙 (Cǔ k@u b- y-)

    A fo* borro!s the tiger’s might.

    [Í虎\ (Cǔ $i8 hǔ !/i)

    ;edly s she cn be tigress !ill never et her o!n cubs.

    虎]不^子 (Cǔ d+ b1 sh% 5ǐ)

    A frgrnt bloom is not necessrily beutiful o!er n ortor my not be crcker$ck.

    7_不)`ab!%×不)`cd (Cu4 *i4ng b1 yīdìng mPilì n2ng shuB b1 yīdìng

    huì 5u0)

    Add legs to the snke one hs $ust 'inted.

    eDfg (Cu" sh2 ti4n 5+)

    A yello! !esel victimi5es sick duck.

    ^hi²jkl子 (Cu-ngshǔl-ng d4n y8o bìng y45i)

    Iill in the eyes to 'inted drgon.

    evÁm (Cu" l=ng di8n $īng)

    ?luck o!ers s they bloom !it nd you’ll hve only the t!igs.

    7nopq©p!rsr7tp¡ (Cu4 k4i k4n 5h2 5hǐ *# 5h2 m0 d"i !+ hu4 kBng

  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


    5h2 5hī)

    ;r! cke to stisfy one’s hunger.

    euvw (Cu" bǐng chBng $ī)

    Glk side!ise nd block the !y.

    xQyz (C2ng *%ng b" d"o)

    A crne stnding midst ock of chickens.

    {立|}~ Hhinese ?in yin (C9 lì $ī ,+n)

    An mbitious horse !ill never return to its old stble.

    •马不„€1á (C8o m8 b1 chī hu%t=u c8o)

    A resourceful mn kno!s to void disdvntgeous sitution close t hnd.

    •不„8‚/ (C8oh"n b1 chī y8n,i-nkuī)

    :hoot t shdo! !ith snd.ƒ„…E (C-n sh4 sh9 yǐng)

    Lerning ho! the Cndn residents !lk.

    †‡ˆ‰ (C-n d4n *u2 b1)

    Fever hrbor the intent to victimi5e others but never let your gurd do!n

    ginst being victimi5ed.

    Šˆma不可5!‹ˆma不可r (C"i r2n 5hī *īn b1 kP y@u f-ng r2n 5hī *īn b1 kP


    Hrshing live

  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


    Iering l!s mkes one h''y every dy !ithholding truth from heven

    !orries one ll the time.

    ”’’–!—’˜˜™ (S1 f8 ti4n ti4n l9 ,ī ti4n rì rì yBu)

    Irgments of fo* fur se!n together !ill mke robe.

    š›±œ (S% y9 ch2ng ,i+)

    7t doesn’t mtter if your tvern sits in remote loction so long s the smell of

    your !ine is ''eling.

    &_不b子ž (Siǔ *i4ng b1 '" *i"ng5i sh/n)

    Cel' the needy insted of the 'oor.

    @(不@Ÿ (Si1 $% b1 $i1 ,i=ng)

    ;rinking !ith bosom friend thousnd shots re too fe! Jlking !ith

    disgreeble 'erson hlf sentence is too mny.

    &ÿP4{B!Ø不投¡7¢" (Siǔ f2ng 5hī$ǐ ,i4n b/i sh8o hu" b1 t=u$ī b"n $1


    ;on’t do unto others s you !ouldn’t hve them do unto you.

    4L不欲£¹¤ˆ (Siǔ f2ng 5hī$ǐ ,i4n b/i sh8o hu" b1 t=u$ī b"n $1 duB)

    Ce !ho stys ner vermilion gets stined red he !ho stys ner ink gets

    stined blck.

    ¥¦Ú§!¥¨Ú© (Sìn 5h# 5hP chì $ìn m0 5hP h/i)

    Living t river one comes to kno! the nture of the

  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


    A frog in !ell shft

    ‡ïm (Sǐng dǐ 5hī !4)

    ?resent uddh !ith borro!ed o!ers.

    ®7¯° (Si9 hu4 *i"n f=)

    ?lese restrin your grief nd d't to the mish'.

    ±哀²³ (Si2 4i sh1n bi"n)

    An overcro!ded chicken frm 'roduce fe!er eggs.

    |"不下t!ˆ"Ê´; (Sī duB b1 *i" d"n r2n duB d8 *i4 lu"n)

    Regulr feet cn’t be Qected by irregulr shoes.

    6正不bƒµ¶·¸ (Si8o 5h9ng b1 '" *i2 !4i)

    A sly rbbit hs three burro!s.

    ¹ºž» (Si8o t1 s4n k#)

    A friend mde is rod 'ved n enemy creted is !ll built.

    ¼½¾¿"ÀÁ!½È"Ä* (Si4o g9 '2ngyou duB ti-o l1 sh1 g9 d%r2n duB dǔ


    ?ick u' sesme seed only to lose !termelon.

    Å了ÆÇÈ了ÉÊ (Si8n le 5hīm- di# le *īgu4)

    Aged ginger is more 'ungent.

    ËÌÌ5Í (Si4ng shì l8o de l")

    Crmony mkes both fmily nd ntion 'ros'erous.

    OΘ子Ï!ÐÎÑ$Ò (Si4 h2 rì5i !"ng gu= h2 !"n shì *īng)

    A honeyed mouth hides dggered hert.

    XÓÔÕ (T@u mì f1 $i"n)

  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


    Feither seen in the 'st nor in the future.

    t‚绝Ö (TBng ,i-n $u2 h0u)

    rking ot to :eek &ne’s :!ord.

    ×þ求Õ (T9 5hBu ,i+ $i"n)

    Any book you o'en !ill bene

  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


    Ilo!ing !ter never goes bd door hubs never gther termites.

    çF不Ó!ïð不ñ (Li+ shuǐ b1 fǔ h1sh# b1 d1)

    :o long s the green mountins re 'reserved there !ill be no shortge of

  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


     Jrees hve lredy been mde into bot.

    °已±þ (1 yǐ ch2ng 5hBu)

    Rice is lredy cooked.

    lR煮±饭 (:h/ng mǐ 5hǔ ch2ng f"n)

    Coning your htchet !ill not dely your eQort of !ood cutting.

    磨Ð不误砍Q工 (= d4o b+ !1 k8n ch-i gBng)

    7t is esy to dodge s'er tht comes in front of you but hrd to void n

    rro! shot from behind.

    明枪易躲!暗箭ì‹ (%ng ,i4ng yì du@ "n $i"n n-n f-ng)

    7f 'eo'le no longer fers deth ho! cn you threten to kill themD

    民不`!!"#`”m (%n b1 !9i sǐ n"ih2 yǐ sǐ $1 5hīD)

     Jhere’s no insurmountble ount of Ilmes.@5过不$5A%À (2iy@u gu0 b1 ,1 de hu@y"nsh4n)

    Like nts gn!ing t bone.

    &'(骨1 (8yǐ kPn gǔtou)

    A horse cnnot gin !eight if not fed !ith e*tr fodder during the night mn

    cnnot become !elthy !ithout ernings 'rt from his regulr slries.马r)á不*!ˆr+á不, (8 !+ y9 c8o b1 f2i r2n !+ !"iku"i b1 f1)

    Return the 'urchsed $e!elry but kee' its csket.

    -./0 (8i d+ hu-n 5h#)

    Iighting !olf !ith e* stlk either side is frid of the other.

    Ç1Êi:Ÿ1b (-g8n d8 l-ng>li8ngt=u '")

  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


    7t is too lte for gllo'ing horse to sto' t cli' it is useless for sinking

    bot to be mended in the middle of river.

    马]23í45!6]7a89: (8 d"o *u-ny- shBu $i4ng !8n chu-n d"o

     $i4ng*īn bǔ l0u ch%)

     Jhe son my be clous to his mother’s hrdshi' but the mother l!ys cres

    every bit of his 'ins.


  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


    :msh the 'ots nd sink the bots.

    RîSþ (?0 fǔ ch2n 5hBu)

    Ghen you re 'oor you !ill hve no visitors even if you live in cro!ded city

    once you become rich you’ll be sur'rised by visitors from lleged reltiveseven if you live in remote loction.

    ,ÈTUrˆV!,ÈžÀ5‘W (?%n $# n"oshì !+ r2n !9n f1 $# sh/nsh4n y@u


    A dro' of s!et s'ent in drill is dro' of blood sved in bttle.

    ëX"çY!ZXç[ (?%ngsh% duB li+ h"n 5h"nsh% sh8o li+ *iP)

    Hst out brick to invite $de.

    \]^玉 (?4o 5hu4n yǐn y1)

    Lern from other’s strong 'oints to oQset one’s shortcomings.

    _Š8 (Uǔ ch-ng bǔ du8n)

    Looking for donkey on its very bck.

    `驴a驴 (U% l 5h8o l)

    &nce on tiger’s bck you’ll

  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


    An nt my !ell destroy n entire dm.

    {|mij¤'穴 (Ui4n lǐ 5hī dī kuì y+ yǐ*u2)

    A smile !oth thousnd ounces of gold.

    {Â-k (Ui4n $īn m8i *i"o)

    A melon forced oQ its vine is not s!eet.

    lm5Ê不A (Ui-ng niǔ de gu4 b1 ti-n)

    Asking yourself for hel' is better thn sking others.

    求ˆ不(求4 (Ui+ r2n b1 r+ ,i+ $ǐ)

    A crrige tht overturned hed cn be lesson for those to follo!.

    ‚Gmn (Ui-n ch/ 5hī $i"n)

    A mn’s hert is indiscernible behind his chest.

    ˆa1op (R2n *īn g2 d1 '%)

    A mn’s greed is like snke tht !nts to s!llo! n ele'hnt.

    ˆa不gDV象 (R2n *īn b1 5+ sh2 t#n *i"ng)

    Void of long term 'ln !ill bring you trouble soon.

    ˆr‘q!r5¥™ (R2n !+ yu8n lW bì y@u $ìn yBu)

    A 'erson moves u' !hile !ter runs do!n.

    ˆs;t€!Fsutç (R2n !8ng g4o ch1 5@u shuǐ !8ng dī ch1 li+)

     Jhe o!ner’s de'rture leves the house vcnt.

    ˆ$vt (R2n ,1 l=u kBng)

     Jhe evil is dreded by men but not heven the kind herted is cheted bymortls but not Mod.

    ˆ”ˆb’不b!ˆwˆ—’不— (R2n 9 r2n '" ti4n b1 '" r2n sh"n r2n ,ī ti4n b1

  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino



    A 'erson cnnot be $udged by his ''ernce in the sme token s the se

    cnnot be mesured !ith bucket.

    ˆ不可xy!F不可z{ (R2n b1 kP m"o *i"ng h8ishuǐ b1 kP d@u li-ng)

     Jreting ded horse s if it’s still live.

    `马NŒ马| (:ǐ m8 d4ng hu= m8 yī)

     Jhe trees !nt to remin ,uiet but the !ind !ill not sto'.

    Â欲}öû不~ (:h1 y1 $ìng Pr f/ng b1 5hǐ)

    ;iligence is the vehicle on the 'ths of ountins of ooks endurnce is the

    vessel on the courses of the :es of Lerning.

    ¨À5Á•d€!ˆr;dþ (:h#sh4n y@u l1 ,%n !2i $ìng *u2h8i !+ y- kǔ

    5u0 5hBu)

    A mouse’s vision is n inch long.

    hDŽ‚ (:hǔ m1 c1n gu4ng)

    Iish for the moon in the !ter.

    F中߃ (:huǐ 5hBng l4o yu9)

    Iish cnnot survive in bsolutely cler !ter.

    F„…†rj (:huǐ 5hì,īng 52 !+ y+)

    Gter cn ot bot nd sink it s !ell.

    F%‡þ!ˆ%ëþ (:huǐ n2ng 5"i 5hBu yì n2ng f1 5hBu)

    &nce tree flls the monkeys on it !ill sctter.

    ‰Š‹Œ (:h1 d8o h+s#n s"n)

    Mive one

  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


    from hunger ll his life.

    ˆ#jqŽ)Xm(!ˆ#ú†Ž)lm© (:h0u r2n yǐ y+ 5hǐ $i1 yī sh% 5hī $%

    sh0u r2n yǐ y+ 52 $iP yī sh/ng 5hī *#)

    :cholrs re invluble to ntion s the best course to bn,uet.ÚÐ中!(d‘N’ (:hì5hP gu= 5hBng b8o r+ !2i *% sh"ng 5h/n)

    7t tkes ten yers for tree to gro! u' but it tkes hundred for tlents to be


    “”°!&”ˆ (:h% ni-n sh1 m1 b8i ni-n sh1 r2n)

     Jen yers of oblivion in school my bring you fme overnight.“”šrˆV!)C±’下P (:h% ni-n h-nchu4ng !+ r2n !9n yī $ǔ ch2ng

    m%ng ti4n*i" 5hī)


  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


     Jhe gte of chrity is hrd to o'en nor close guest is esy to invite but hrd

    to turn !y.

    w,ìn!w,죠(:h"n m2n n-n k4i sh"n m2n n-n bì)

    Mood !ill be re!rded !ith good nd evil !ith evil it is only mtter of time.w”]1¤5¥!q¦¡L§¡: (:h"n 9 d"o t=u 5hBng y@u b"o 5hǐ dPng l-i 58o

    y1 l-i ch%)

    Till hen to get the egg.

    œ|_¨ (:h4 $ī ,ǔ lXn)

    Till chicken before monkey.œ|©?Ú (:h4 $ī gPi h=u k"n)

    &f ll the thirty si* strtgems to kno! !hen to ,uit is the best.

    ž“ª«€dN¬ (:4n sh% li1 $ì 5@u !2i sh"ng c9)

     Jhree humble shoemkers brinstorming mke gret sttesmn.

    ž½p!®½æ¯° (:4n g9 ch0u '%$i"ng c0u g9 Yh#gP Li"ng)

     3ou think you lost your horseD Gho kno!s he my bring !hole herd bck to

    you somedy.

    ±²g马!ÇP非K (:"i !/ng shī m8 4n 5hī f/i f+)

     Jhe body of strved cmel is still bigger thn living horse.

    ³`5´µ¶马¢ (:h0u sǐ de lu0tuo bǐ m8 d")

    A e on the to' of bld hed it is only too ''rent.

    ·子1N5¸子:明¹Ô5$ (J#5i t=u sh"ng de shī5i m%ngb8i 5he de shì)

    6ven rbbit my bite !hen cornered.

    º子(了ºjˆ (J15i $% le yP y8o r2n)

  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


    Rbbits do not et the grss round their burro!s.

    º子不„»•á (J15i b1 chī !B bi4n c8o)

    A Io* grieves over the deth of rbbit.

    º`[悲 (J1 sǐ h+ b/i)

    An unfolded m' revels dgger.

    ¼Ÿ½* (J+ ,i=ng bì *i"n)

    :tel bems nd re'lce them !ith 'oles.

    ¾¿ÀÁ (JBu li-ng hu"n 5h1)

    Iil to stel chicken !hich insted te u' your bit.

    ¾|不±ÝÂ)ÃR (JBu $ī b1ch2ng f8n shī yī b8 mǐ)

    ;rem diQerent drems on the sme bed.

    ýÄÅÆ (J=ng chu-ng yì m9ng)

    ?ersevernce cn reduce n iron rod to se!ing needle.

    ÇÈ磨±à (JiPchǔ m= ch2ng 5h/n)

    Hro!s every!here re e,ully blck.

    ’下乌É)—© (Ji4n*i" !#y4 yīb4n h/i)

    Fo bn,uet in the !orld tht never ends.

    ’下@5不Œ5Ê‘ (Ji4n*i" m2iy@u b1 s"n de y"n*%)

     3ou looked high nd lo! till your iron shoes !ere !orn out but still to no vil.

     Jhen you chnced u'on it !ithout ever looking.

    ËRǃrÌt!得¡全不Í.Π(J" '0 tiP*i2 !+ mì ch1 d2l-i ,u-n b1 f9i gBngfu)

    A mntis stlking cicd is un!re of n oriole behind.

    ÏÐÑÒ!^Ó~Ö (J-ngl-ng bǔ ch-n hu-ng,u9 5"i h0u)

  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


    Iifty ste's lugh t hundred ste's.

    Ô“‰k)&‰ (Gǔ sh% b1 *i"o yī b8i b1)

    7f you’ve done nothing !rong you shouldn’t !orry bout devils knocking t

    your door in midnight.

    r$不bAB, (G+ shì b1 '" guǐ $i"o m2n)

    &ne never comes to 'ry in the Jem'le of Jhree Jresures if he is not in


    r$不ÕžÖ (G+ shì b# d/ng s4nb8odi"n)

     Jhings !ill develo' in the o''osite direction !hen they become e*treme.

    ×ØrÝ (G1 $% bì f8n)

    Fo !ind no !ves.

    rû不起Ù (G+ f/ng b1 ,ǐ l"ng)

    Ruthlessness is key to mn’s ccom'lishment.

    r]不ÚΠ(G+ d+ b1 5h"ngfu)

    Ce !ho 'lys !ith

  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


    Add frost to sno!.

    ãNäå (ZuP sh"ng $i4 shu4ng)

    :end chrcol in sno! storm.

    ã|æç (ZuP lǐ s0ng t"n)

    7t tkes three yers to lern to be mn of integrity it only tkes three dys to


    ˆ•ž”!ˆèž’ (Zu2 h8o s4n ni-n *u2 hu"i s4n ti4n)

    Rein in horse t the edge of cliQ.

    23é马 (Zu-n y- l9 m8)

     Jhe o!er of hert is in full bloom.

    a7êë (Zīn hu4 n1 f"ng)

    :il !hen there is fvorble !ind strike it !hen the iron is hot.

    Q6ì²û! ÊÇìíA (Z%ngchu-n ch9n sh1nf/ng d8tiP ch9n h=nghu@)

    utcher the donkey fter it

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    e considerble to others nd you !ill be treted like!ise.

    §ˆôõ!34ôõ (31 r2n f4ngbi"n 5ì$ǐ f4ngbi"n)

     Jo en$oy grnder sight climb to greter height.

    欲Ÿ{|D!öN)÷v (31 ,i=ng ,i4n lǐ m1 g9ng sh"ng yī c2ng l=u)

    ?ss oQ

  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


    h''en to dro' my gro! into forest.

    5«栽77不n!r«插柳柳±荫 (3@u yì 54i hu4 hu4 b1 k4i !+ yì ch4 liǔ liǔ ch2ng


    ;on’t sus'ect someone you em'loy but if one is sus'icious don’t em'loy him.ªˆ不疑!疑ˆ不ª (30ng r2n b1 y% y% r2n b1 y0ng)

    &ne bee mkes no honey one grin mkes no rice sou'.

    )q蜂酿不±Ó!)颗R熬不±粥 (3ī 5hī f/ng ni"ng b1 ch2ng mì yī k/ mǐ -o b1

    ch2ng 5hBu)

    &ne $ustice cn over'o!er hundred evils.)正压&¶ (3ī 5h9ng y4 b8i *i2)

    Ghen good fortune

  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


    A mn of honor !ill feel shmed by single ,uestion to !hich he does not

    kno! the ns!er.

    )$不P!君子P耻 (3ī shì b1 5hī $#n5ǐ 5hī chǐ)

    &ne dog snrls t shdo! hundred ho!l t ech others brking.

    )îE!äî声 (3ī ,u8n f9i yǐng b8i ,u8n f9i sh/ng)

    &ne cnnot refuse to et $ust becuse there is chnce of being choked.

    !"#^ (3īn y9 f9i sh%)

    A yer’s hrvest counts on s'ring mn’s success counts on his diligence.

    )”m$~¤ø!)lm$~¤• (3ī ni-n 5hī $ì 5"i y+ ch#n yī sh/ng 5hī $ì 5"i y+


    &nce bitten by snke one is scred ll his life t the mere sight of ro'e.

    )”èDj!“”b‡% (3ī ni-n 54o sh2 y8o sh% ni-n '" $ǐngsh2ng)

    Cit stone !ith n egg.

    #¨&0 (3ǐ lu8n t=u sh%)

     Jhe drgon hs nine sons ech diQerent from the others.

    )vl'(!((不ý (3ī l=ng sh/ng $iǔ 5h@ng 5h@ng 5h@ng b1 t=ng)

    7t is im'ossible to dd much !eight !ith single morsel it is hrd to trvel fr!ith single ste'.

    )X„不±)子!)‰*不]’• (3ī k@u chī b# ch2ng '"ng5i yī b1 ku" b1 d"o


    Till t!o vultures !ith one rro!.

    )箭+, (3ī $i"n shu4ng di4o)

    A single merit cnnot mke hundred demerits fde hundred merits cnnot

    hide single demerit.

  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


    )•-不了&-!&•-不了)- (3ì h8o 5h/ b1 li8o b8i ch@u b8i h8o 5h/ b1 li8o

    yī ch@u)

    &ne monk shoulders !ter by himself t!o cn still shre the lbor bet!een

    them. Ghen it comes to three they hve to go thirsty.)½ÎÞ.F/!Ÿ½ÎÞ0F/!ž½ÎÞ@F/ (3ī g9 h2shng ti4o shuǐ h/ li8ng

    g9 h2shng t-i shuǐ h/ s4n ge h2shng m2i shuǐ h/)

    Iight 'oison !ith 'oison.

    #]1] (3ǐ d+ gBng d+)

    An inch of time is n inch of gold but n inch of time cnnot be 'urchsed forn inch of gold.

    )Ž‚2)ŽÂ!ŽÂì-Ž‚2 (3ī c1n gu4ngyīn yī c1n $īn c1n $īn n-n m8i c1n


    6ch sovereign kee's tem of his o!n men.

    )朝’子)朝3 (3ī ch-o ti4n5ǐ yī ch-o ch2n)

    6ch l! suit is

  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


    Relese c'tured tiger bck to its mountins.

    J虎ÝÀ (Y0ng hǔ guī sh4n)

    &nes o!n met dishes re not s delicious s others vegetrin ones.

    3O5K不_!ˆO5å5L (Yì $i4 de r0u b1 *i4ng r2n$i- de c"i y@u!9i)

     Jhe fther is res'onsible for his son’s conduct.

    子不ÿVm过 (Yǐ b1 $i"o f1 5hī gu0)

     Jrying to 'ull grment together by the front only to ter it t the elbo!.

    MN*O (YhuB $īn $i"n 5h@u)

    &nly !hen ll contribute their

  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


    ?ut one 'erson’s ht on nother’s hed.

    E@Z[ (Yh4ng gu4n lǐ d"i)

    A thief cries N:to' thief\O

    \]M\ (Y2i h8n 5huB 52i)

    :it on mountin to !tch tigers

  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


    §Ñب不(QÑ|Á (;+ !"n $u8n sh# b1r+ *%ng !"nlǐ l1)

    Hreful !ith others is must hve.

    ‹ˆma不可r (I-ng r2n 5hī *īn b1kP !+)

    Ghen the !ind of chnge blo!s some build !lls !hile others build !indmills.

    ûDf³X5ˆg*5ˆhûG (I/ng *i"ng 5hu"n bi"n sh% y@u r2n 5h+ ,i-ng

    y@u r2n 5"o f/ng ch/)

    Iortune does not come t!ice. isfortune does not come lone.

    Kri„I不²Q (I+ !+ 5h0ng 5hì hu0b1d4n*%ng)

    Ither’s debt son to give bck.

    Vj子/ (I1 5h"i 5ǐ hu-n)

    ;o not hrbour intentions to hurt others.

    Šˆma不可5 ("i r2n 5hī *īn b1 kP y@u)

     Jhings of tody ccom'lished tody.

    ;˜$!;˜k (Sīnrì shì $īnrì bì)

    7f the !ind comes from n em'ty cve it’s not !ithout reson.


  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


     Jhree monks hve no !ter to drink.

    `马NŒ马| (:ǐ m8 d4ng hu= m8 yī)

     Jech mn to tke

  • 8/9/2019 Proverbios Chinos Ingles-chino


    {|mQth¤g下 (Ui4nlǐ 5hī *%ng shǐ y+ 5+ *i")

    Iilure is the mother of success.

    gu̱.mW (:hī b"i shì ch2ng gBng 5hī mǔ)

    king thousnd decisions even the !ise !ill mke mistke.

    ‹Ú{qr5)g (Yhì5hP ,i4n lW bì y@u yī shī)

     Jell me nd 7’ll forget sho! me nd 7 my remember involve me nd 7’ll


    不'不a'm!'m不a*m!*m不aPm!Pm不aQm~ˆ„¤Qmö~b (1

    !2n b1 ru0 !2n 5hī !2n 5hī b1 ru0 $i"n 5hī $i"n 5hī b1 ru0 5hī5hī 5hī5hī b1 ru0*%ng 5hī *u2 5hìy+ *%ng 5hī 2r 5hǐ yǐ)

    &ne ste' t time.

    vwxy (Z+n *1 $i"n $ìn

    Reding ten thousnd books is not s useful s trvelling ten thousnd miles.

    §Ñب不(QÑ|Á (;+ !"n $u8n sh# b1r+ *%ng !"nlǐ l1)

     Jry to sve the ded horse s if it is still live.

    `马NŒ马| (:ǐ m8 d4ng hu= m8 yī)

     Jechers o'en the door. 3ou enter by yourself.

    z{|y,!}Q~½ˆ (:hī fu lǐng $ìn m2n *i# *%ng 5"i g9 r2n)

    Ghen !e get to the mountin there’ll be !y through.

    G]À‚r5Á (Hh/ d"o sh4n ,i-n bì y@u l1)

    Lerning is tresure tht !ill follo! its o!ner every!here.

    ˆ~Ì•‘€‚ˆ5× (Zu2*% shì y@ngyu8n g/nsu% 5hǔr2n de b8o!1)

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