propuesta para la creación de cursos a distancia

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  • 8/3/2019 Propuesta para la Creacin de Cursos a Distancia





    FEBRERO 2012

  • 8/3/2019 Propuesta para la Creacin de Cursos a Distancia



    I. Introduccin

    II. Aspectos Acadmicos

    III. Aspectos Administrativos

    IV. Aspectos Estudiantiles

    V. Proceso para Implantar un Curso a Distancia

    VI. Estrategias Intruccionales

    VII. Anejos

    A. Definicin de ConceptosB. Certificacin Junta de Sndicos

    C. Diez para la Dcada

    D. Marco Conceptual de la Universidad: Visin, Misin, Metas y Perfil delEgresado

    E. Substantive Change (MSCHE)

    F. Interregional Guidelines for the Evaluation of Distance Education (OnlineLearning) (MSCHE)

    G. Compendio de la Declaracin Mundial sobre la Educacin Superior(UNESCO)

  • 8/3/2019 Propuesta para la Creacin de Cursos a Distancia


    I. Introduccin

    La sociedad presenta desafos a las instituciones educativas respecto al

    desarrollo de nuevos modelos pedaggicos que permitan la insercin de ms

    estudiantes en la educacin superior. La educacin a distancia como paradigma

    educativo dentro de la educacin superior surge con el propsito de facilitar la

    participacin de personas a quienes se les haca difcil asistir a instituciones

    convencionales por circunstancias de ubicacin geogrfica, limitaciones fsicas,

    incapacidad financiera o responsabilidades personales. La forma de proveer

    educacin a distancia ha evolucionado desde el uso del sistema decorrespondencia hasta el desarrollo de cursos que se ofrecen a travs de la


    En el nivel mundial se ha observado un gran aumento en el nmero de

    instituciones de educacin superior que han adoptado la educacin a distancia

    como una alternativa para la enseanza. Las instituciones de educacin superior

    ofrecen cursos de forma presencial, en lnea o de forma combinada (hbrida).

    Definimos un curso presencial como aqul que conlleva menos de un 25% de la

    interaccin entre el profesor y estudiante mediante estrategias de educacin a

    distancia. El curso hbrido es aqul en el cual entre el 25% y el 75% del proceso

    enseanza y aprendizaje se realiza a travs de la educacin a distancia, mientras

    que en el curso que se ofrece en lnea ms de un 75% de la enseanza se provee

    a travs de la educacin a distancia.

    La Junta de Sndicos de la Universidad de Puerto Rico con el fin de viabilizar

    las metas y objetivos sealados en Diez para la Dcada estableci la Poltica

  • 8/3/2019 Propuesta para la Creacin de Cursos a Distancia


    Institucional de Educacin a Distancia de la Universidad de Puerto Rico para

    estimular y apoyar el ofrecimiento de programas a distancia y de cursos a distancia

    en programas presenciales mediante la Certificacin 2006-2007-73.

    Se define la educacin a distancia como una metodologa enmarcada en un

    proceso de aprendizaje formal en el cual la instruccin o para de ella se imparte

    estando el educador y el educando en lugares distintos de manera sincrnica o

    asincrnica, el educador y la institucin que auspicia dicho proceso educativo. Un

    curso que se imparte de forma sincrnica supone que el profesor y los estudiantes

    se comunican en un periodo de tiempo concertado, mientras que en el contactoasincrnico el profesor y los estudiantes se comunican en diferentes periodos de


    La Universidad de Puerto Rico en cumplimiento con su compromiso con la

    sociedad de acuerdo al contexto anteriormente mencionado en el documento Diez

    para la Dcada: Agenda para la Planificacin 2006-2016expone como uno de sus

    objetivos alentar, de manera sostenida y sin menoscabos administrativos, formas

    alternas de docencia, entre ellas el aprendizaje experiencia, la enseanza en lnea y

    la enseanza en equipo. La Universidad de Puerto Rico en Ponce tiene como meta

    en su Plan Estratgico 2010-2016 el proveer una oferta acadmica de excelencia

    promoviendo la actualizacin y la variedad de programas acadmicos con el fin de

    mantenerlos vigentes y a tono con las necesidades y tendencias globales y locales.

    Con el propsito de operacionalizar la poltica, el Senado Acadmico de Ponce

    nombr un comit especial para la Implantacin de la Poltica para atender lo que

    establece la Certificacin que los Rectores y los Senados Acadmicos de las

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    unidades podrn emitir disposiciones para implementar en su unidad lo dispuesto

    en esta Certificacin

    Los miembros del Comit desarrollaron la Gua para la Implantacin de

    Cursos a Distanciacon el propsito de cumplir con esa disposicin. La Gua incluye

    los aspectos acadmicos, administrativos y estudiantiles, cuya consideracin es

    fundamental para la implantacin exitosa del proyecto de educacin a distancia en

    la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Ponce (UPR-Ponce). Adems, se incluye el

    proceso para la implantacin de los cursos a ofrecerse a distancia. La Gua dirigir

    el proceso de implantacin de la poltica en la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Ponce.

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    II. Aspectos Acadmicos

    A. Los cursos hbridos o en lnea se rigen por las mismas normas y procedimientosde los cursos presenciales.

    B. Los objetivos y el contenido de los cursos hbridos o en lnea son los mismos delos cursos presenciales.

    C. Las horas de oficina se determinarn de acuerdo a la modalidad del curso:hbrido o en lnea.

    D. El nmero mximo de estudiantes en las secciones de cursos en lnea o hbridosdeber ser similar a las capacidades tpicas en los cursos presencialescorrespondientes.

    E. La evaluacin de profesores a los estudiantes ser similar a la que se realiza enlos cursos presenciales.

    F. El profesor orientar a los estudiantes sobre la honestidad acadmica al utilizarlos recursos en lnea.

    G. El Director/a de Departamento asignar el profesor a cargo del curso en consultacon el profesor.

    H. El Decanato de Asuntos Acadmicos proveer talleres de capacitacin para elpersonal docente.

    I. El Decanato de Asuntos Acadmicos en consulta con la oficina de ComputacinAcadmica evaluar la efectividad del uso de la plataforma institucional deeducacin a distancia y otras plataformas.

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    III. Aspectos Administrativos

    A. Disponer de una plataforma institucional y un personal tcnico capacitado parael ofrecimiento de cursos a travs de educacin a distancia.

    B. Los cursos pueden ofrecerse en secciones bajo la modalidad hbrida o en lnea;no obstante debe programarse al menos una seccin en forma presencial unavez al ao.

    C. Actualizacin y mantenimiento de infraestructura tecnolgica.

    D. Remuneracin de cursos hbridos o en lnea: Basado en cursos de 3 crditos.Para cursos con diferente cantidad de crditos, se prorratean las cantidades.

    1. Equivalencia de horas-crdito: Bajo esta propuesta, cada profesor disea yofrece su curso hbrido o en lnea y el profesor conserva la propiedadintelectual del mismo.

    Ofrecimiento Remuneracin curso hbrido Remuneracin curso en lnea

    Primera vez 4 crditos 5 crditos

    Segunda vez 3 crditos 4 crditos

    Prximas veces 3 crditos 3 crditos

    E. Diseo y Ofrecimiento: Bajo esta propuesta, la institucin paga individualmenteel diseo de un curso hbrido o en lnea y la institucin conserva la propiedadintelectual del mismo. El profesor que disea el curso no tiene que sernecesariamente el que ofrezca el curso.

    Proceso Remuneracin curso hbrido Remuneracin curso en lnea

    Diseo $ cantidad fija $ cantidad fija

    Ofrecimiento 3 crditos 3 crditos

    F. La creacin de cursos hbridos o en lnea cuenta como Creacin y Divulgacinpara efectos de ascenso en rango o permanencia.

    G. Los cursos hbridos o en lnea no deben programarse a travs del estereotipadode la matrcula de nuevo ingreso.

    H. La institucin proveer a la facultad apoyo tcnico en el diseo instruccional ygrfico para el desarrollo de los cursos hbridos o en lnea.

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    IV. Aspectos Estudiantiles

    A. Los estudiantes matriculados en un curso hbrido o en lnea tendrn todos losderechos y deberes esbozados en el Reglamento de Estudiantes.

    B. Los estudiantes matriculados en cursos hbridos o en lnea tendrn las destrezasbsicas sobre el uso de la tecnologa.

    C. Los estudiantes son responsables de tener el equipo y los materiales didcticosrequeridos en el curso hbrido o en lnea.

    D. Los estudiantes mantendrn interaccin frecuente con el profesor y sus pares atravs de las herramientas tecnolgicas.

    E. La Institucin proveer adiestramientos a los estudiantes sobre la educacin adistancia y servicios de apoyo.

    F. Los estudiantes evaluarn la efectividad del curso ofrecido a distancia al final decada semestre.

    G. La institucin proveer la infraestructura para acceder a los cursos hbridos o enlnea.

    H. El estudiante cumplir con las horas contacto, segn lo requiera el curso hbridoo en lnea.

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    V. Aspectos Educativos

    A. Las estrategias instruccionales para la ofrecimiento de cursos a distanciaincluyen: foros de discusin, video conferencia, salones de dilogo (chats),tutoriales, bitcoras (blogs), entre otros.

    B. Establecer mecanismos para salvaguardar la honestidad acadmica en elproceso de evaluacin tales como:

    1. limitar la duracin de los exmenes

    2. requerir que los estudiantes en localidades remotas tomen los exmenesbajo la supervisin

    3. requerir que los estudiantes usen una cmara en sus computadoras durantelas discusiones y exmenes

    4. usar localidades con equipo de video-conferencia que permitan observar alos estudiantes mientras toman el examen

    C. Se diseen talleres en lnea de capacitacin a la facultad para obtener unaexperiencia de la educacin a distancia.

    D. Proveer un acceso remoto a los recursos bibliogrficos de la biblioteca, donde elprofesor y los estudiantes logren acceso simultneo desde lugares distintos a losservicios de informacin disponibles, conectndose de forma sincrnica y

    asincrnica en diferentes periodos de tiempo a los servicios de informacindisponibles en la biblioteca. Integrar los servicios de informacin a la formacinprofesional de los estudiantes en un ambiente acadmico con el dominio de lasdestrezas de informacin. La biblioteca estar en cumplimiento de sucompromiso de mantener, de forma sostenida su rol proactivo en el proceso deenseanza-aprendizaje.

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    VI. Proceso para Implantar un Curso a Distancia

    A. Departamento

    1. Plantear la necesidad de ofrecer un curso hbrido o en lnea. (Necesidad,

    Propsito y Objetivos)

    2. Justificar la modalidad hbrida o en lnea a base de:a. Necesidad de llegar a estudiantes en localidades remotas.b. Extensin de la oferta de educacin contina.c. Alianzas con industrias, gobierno, instituciones sin fines de lucro u

    otras instituciones educativas.d. Beneficio de la modalidad en el proceso de enseanza-aprendizaje.e. lnnovacin de los procesos de enseanza- aprendizaje.f. Ampliacin del horario acadmico.

    3. Disear los mecanismos de evaluacin de los estudiantes que salvaguardenla honestidad acadmica.

    4. Disear los instrumentos de avalo.

    5. Aprobar por consenso de la facultad departamental.

    6. Informar al Decano de Asuntos Acadmicos el inters de ofrecer el cursohbrido o en lnea.

    B. Decanato de Asuntos Acadmicos

    1. Determinar la viabilidad de ofrecerse el curso a distancia.

    2. De ser viable el curso, realizar los trmites correspondientes para la creaciny disponibilidad del curso.

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    VII. Anejos

    A. Definicin de Conceptos1. Contacto sincrnico - El profesor y los estudiantes se comunican en un

    periodo de tiempo concertado.

    2. Contacto asincrnico - El profesor y los estudiantes se comunican endiferentes periodos de tiempo.

    3. Educacin a distancia - Metodologa educativa enmarcada en un proceso deaprendizaje formal en el cual la instruccin o parte de ella se imparte estandoel educador y el educando en lugares distintos, de manera sincrnica oasincrnica, y para el cual las tecnologas de la informacin y lacomunicacin son el enlace entre el educando, el educador y la institucinque auspicia dicho proceso educativo.

    4. Curso presencial - Curso que tienen menos de un 25% de la interaccinprofesor estudiante a travs de la educacin a distancia.

    5. Curso hbrido - Curso que se ofrece entre un 25 y 75% a travs de laeducacin a distancia.

    6. Curso en lnea - Curso que se ofrece en ms de un 75% a travs de laeducacin a distancia.

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    B. Certificacin Junta de Sndicos

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    C. Compendio: Diez para la Dcada

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  • 8/3/2019 Propuesta para la Creacin de Cursos a Distancia


    D. Marco Conceptual de la Universidad: Visin, Misin, Metas y Perfil del Egresado


    Ser el centro universitario de Puerto Rico que con ms efectividad fomenta el desarrollo de las

    potencialidades de sus estudiantes para que contribuyan destacadamente al bienestar del Pas.


    La Universidad de Puerto Rico en Ponce es una institucin pblica comprometida con el desarrollo de

    profesionales de una formacin integral a travs de la enseanza efectiva y retadora asistida por lacreacin, la investigacin, la divulgacin, el servicio a la comunidad, experiencias educativas

    enriquecedoras y servicios de apoyo al estudiante.


    1. Desarrollar profesionales con los conocimientos, destrezas y disposiciones necesarias paracontribuir responsablemente a su entorno social, cultural y ambiental.

    2. Ofrecer y desarrollar programas de estudio conducentes a grados asociados y bachilleratos, ascomo programas de traslado y otras experiencias educativas enriquecedoras atemperadas a las

    necesidades actuales de la sociedad.

    3. Cultivar el conocimiento a travs de la creacin, la investigacin y la divulgacin.4. Proveer oportunidades de desarrollo profesional a la facultad y al personal no docente para que

    stos contribuyan a mejorar y mantener la calidad institucional.

    5. Fortalecer los servicios auxiliares a la docencia para propiciar un ambiente ptimo para laenseanza y el aprendizaje.

    6. Brindar servicios de apoyo al estudiante que, en colaboracin con la fase acadmica, le facilitenel ajuste a la vida universitaria, el enriquecimiento de la experiencia educativa y el xito


    7. Propiciar una articulacin efectiva del quehacer universitario entre la administracin, losestudiantes, los docentes, los no docentes y la comunidad externa para el desarrollo ptimo de losofrecimientos acadmicos.

    8. Promover un proceso efectivo de planificacin y asignacin de recursos fundamentado en sumisin y metas; y utilizar los resultados del avalo institucional para el mejoramiento continuo.

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    Perfil del Egresado

    El estudiante egresado de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Ponce poseer las siguientes


    1. Habilidad para comunicarse efectivamente en distintos tipos de situaciones y frente a distintostipos de grupos de personas, de forma oral y escrita, tanto en espaol y como en ingls.

    2. Habilidad para plantear y resolver problemas que requieren la aplicacin de anlisis cuantitativosy cualitativos.

    3. Nociones generales sobre las maneras de investigar y construir conocimiento en las artes y lasciencias.

    4. Dominio de las destrezas de investigacin y habilidad para recopilar, analizar e interpretarinformacin de variadas fuentes.

    5. Conocimiento y utilizacin de los sistemas y tecnologas de la informacin, particularmente en sucampo de estudio.

    6. Habilidad para analizar, organizar y sintetizar la informacin y el conocimiento para poderaplicarlos en la solucin de problemas.

    7. Habilidad para pensar de manera lgica y crtica.

    8. Capacidad y disposicin para el auto-aprendizaje y el estudio independiente.9. Nociones bsicas sobre algunos de los productos ms relevantes de la imaginacin humana, tanto

    en nuestra cultura como en la de otros pueblos y momentos histricos.

    10.Capacidad para la colaboracin y el trabajo en equipo.11.Conocimiento de nuestra historia y valores como pueblo.12.Capacidad para comprender los problemas sociales, histricos, econmicos y polticos que

    afectan al mundo contemporneo y para reconocer sus dimensiones morales.

    13.Conocimiento y cultivo de valores ticos, cvicos y estticos.14.Capacidad para cultivar y desarrollar el conocimiento de si mismo, asi como de la salud integral y

    el buen uso del ocio.

    15.Discernimiento de las consecuencias de sus acciones y disposicin para asumir responsabilidaden la toma de decisiones.

    16.Disposicin para fomentar la solidaridad, tolerancia, libertad y responsabilidad necesarias paravivir en un mundo pluralista, complejo y de aspiraciones democrticas.

    17.Capacidad para anticipar y adaptarse al cambio y enfrentarse efectivamente a los retos queencontrar a travs de su vida.

    18.Dominio de las destrezas y de las competencias profesionales y personales mediante el uso deherramientas necesarias para desempearse en su profesin o disciplina.

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    E. Substantive Change (MSCHE)

    Middle States Commission on Higher Education3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2680. Tel:

    Policy Statement

    Substantive Change[Version: 1008]

    When an institution is accredited, or its accreditation is reaffirmed, that action applies to conditions

    existing at the time of the Commissions decision. The Commission requires that all institutions bereevaluated periodically because institutions are in continual processes of change. While the decision to

    modify an institution is an institutional prerogative and responsibility, the Commission is obligated to

    determine the effect of any substantive change on the quality, integrity, and effectiveness of the total


    Accreditation and Candidacy Status are subject to modification or revision in the event of changed

    circumstances that the Commission reasonably determines require such actions.

    A principle of institutional accreditation is that everything done in the name of the institution is covered

    by its accreditation. Conversely, anything done without appropriate concern for consistency with an

    institutions stated mission and concern for quality and integrity may threaten the accredited status of the

    entire institution.

    Substantive changes are not automatically covered by the institutions accreditation or candidate statusand may precipitate a review of the accredited or candidate status of the institution. Institutions planning a

    substantive change have the responsibility to inform the Commission on Higher Education in advance,

    following the procedural guidelines. Prior approval of the plan for substantive change is requiredbefore the change is included in the institutions previously granted Candidate or Accredited status.

    The Commission reserves the right to rescind approval of a substantive change or other Commission

    action if subsequent developments might have affected the Commissions decision.

    The Commission considers the following types of change to be substantive and therefore to require

    Commission review and approval. Substantive change includes, but is not limited to the following:

    Significant Changes in Mission, Goals, or Objectives of anInstitution, Other Changes that Significantly Affect the Institution

    This includes any changes that might affect mission, goals, or objectives including merger,

    acquisition, closure, expansion, adoption of new delivery modes, establishment of a new

    program that is not a logical extension of programs currently offered, or other event deemedto be significant by the accreditor, whether or not specifically listed in this policy or in the

    language of the U.S. Department of Education.
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    Distance Learning; New Courses and Programs; Change in Contentor Method of Delivery

    This includes instruction constituting at least 50% of a degree or certificate program that

    represents a significant departure, in terms of either the contentor method of delivery, from

    those assessed when the institution was most recently evaluated (e.g., a business school nowoffering nursing; distance learning; correspondence courses).

    Although an institution may have offered one or more distance learning courses in the past,

    the Commission requires that the institution receive prior approval through the substantive

    change procedures before offering 50% or more of a degree or certificate program through

    distance learning. The 50% standard includes only courses offered in their entirety via

    distance learning, not courses utilizing mixed delivery methods. At its discretion, the

    Commission may determine that only specified programs(s) delivered through alternative

    methods are included within the scope of accreditation.

    The Commission requires that the first two programs for which 50% or more is offered

    through distance learning be submitted for Commission review and prior approval. In specialcircumstances further programs may require formal Commission review and action.

    Higher Degree or Credential Level

    The addition of the first two courses or programs offered at a degree or credential level above

    that which is included in the institutions current accreditation or pre-accreditation must beapproved by the Commission prior to implementation.

    Included in higher degree or credential level are first professional degrees at any level.

    Certificate programs at the pre-baccalaureate and post-baccalaureate level are considered a

    substantive change if such certificate programs are offered at a level higher than what is

    currently offered by the institution and included within the scope of its accreditation.Institutions considering establishing a new degree level should be in contact with the

    institutions designated staff liaison as soon as it is aware of the potential change and prior tosubmitting comprehensive information to the Commission.

    The National Center for Education Statistics defines a First Professional degree as a degreethat signifies both completion of the academic requirement for beginning practice in a given

    profession and a level of professional skill beyond that normally required for a bachelorsdegree.

    Examples of First Professional degrees include the fields of dentistry, medicine, optometry,

    chiropractic, law, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and theological and Talmudic


    After the approval of the first two programs, new programs at an existing degree or credential

    level ordinarily do not require Commission review. However, the addition of such programs

    may necessitate prior approval if these new programs significantly alter the mission of the

    institution or affect significantly the institutions ability to continue to support existing andproposed programs. Institutions should consult with Commission staff before submitting

    substantive change proposals for new programs at an existing degree level.

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    At its discretion, the Commission may determine that only specified program(s) at the new

    degree level are included within the scope of accreditation.

    Because branch campuses and additional locations operate with some independence from the

    main campus (including the resources available on each campus), the Commission also may

    require a branch campus or additional location to request a substantive change for the

    addition of programs at a higher degree level at that site, even if the main campus alreadyoffers that degree.

    Contractual Agreements

    Certain contractual agreements with an institution or organization not accredited by a

    Federally recognized agency to provide any portion of a postsecondary educational program

    that leads to an academic or professional degree, certificate, or other recognized educational

    credential on behalf of the accredited institution are subject to Commission review. This

    includes degree completion programs developed by third parties. In addition, certaincontractual relationships with entities accredited by a Federally recognized agency to provide

    a credit-bearing program are substantive changes. (See also the Commission policy on

    Contractual Relationships with Non-MSA Accredited Organizations.) The types of factorsthat will determine whether a particular contract is a substantive change include: the

    experience of the accredited institution and of the contracting entity in offering similar

    contracted services; the percentage of total programs affected; and the location and method of

    delivery of the program. Other contractual agreements may be considered substantive

    changes under other circumstances.

    Institutions requesting approval of a contractual agreement should submit sufficient

    documentation to demonstrate that they meet the policy Contracts by Accredited andCandidate Institutions for Education-Related Services. The Commission may, at itsdiscretion, request information to assess the capacity of the non-regionally accredited

    organization to fulfill its obligations.

    Non-credit Offerings that Affect Mission

    Commission review typically covers programs and courses that are offered for academic

    credit, including credit-bearing non-degree courses and certificate programs offered at either

    the pre-baccalaureate or the post-baccalaureate levels. Non-credit courses and communityservices offered in response to constituency needs do not normally fall within the purview of

    this policy unless they become a major component of the institutions activities. Nonetheless,the Commission expects that established institutional procedures will ensure their quality and

    integrity, and will ensure that these offerings do not affect negatively the institutions ability

    to meet its mission.

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    New Sites/Locations

    Branch CampusA branch campus is a location of an institution that is geographically apart and independent

    of the main campus of the institution. Branch campuses may be domestic or international.

    The location is independent if the location offers courses in educational programs leading to a

    degree, certificate, or other recognized educational credential; has its own faculty and

    administrative or supervisory organization; and has its own budgetary and hiring authority.

    The institution must notify the Commission if it plans to establish a branch campus and

    submit a business plan for the branch campus that describes:

    (i) The educational program to be offered at the branch campus

    (ii) The projected revenues and expenditures and cash flow at the branch campus; and

    (iii) The operation, management, and physical resources at the branch campus.

    The Commission will include the branch within the scope of the institutions accredita tion

    only after it evaluates the business plan and takes whatever other actions it deems necessary

    to determine that the branch campus has sufficient educational, financial, operational,management, and physical resources to satisfy the Commissions standards.

    The Commission will undertake a site visit to the branch campus as soon as practicable, but

    no later than six months after the establishment of that campus. The Commission considers a

    branch campus to be established when it is operational with students enrolled.

    Additional Locations

    An additional location is a location, other than a branch campus, that is geographically apart

    from the main campus and at which the institution offers at least 50% of an educational

    program. Additional locations may be domestic or international. This includes corporate sites

    and locations for limited, rather than ongoing, provision of programs. Some additionallocations might be subject to other substantive change policies, including contractual

    agreements for the provision of courses at the site, which might require additional

    substantive change requests.

    The Commission must determine if the institution has the fiscal and administrative capacity

    to operate the additional location. In addition, the Commission will visit within six months,

    each additional location the institution establishes, if the institution:

    (i) has a total of three or fewer additional locations;

    (ii) has not demonstrated, to the Commissions satisfaction, that it has a proven record ofeducational oversight of additional locations; or

    (iii) has been placed on warning, probation, or show cause by the Commission or issubject to some limitation by the Commission on its accreditation or preaccreditation


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    (iv) the first additional location of the institution to be located abroad, regardless of the

    number of domestic additional locations, unless waived by staff.

    The purpose of visits to additional locations is to verify that the additional location has the

    personnel, facilities, and resources it claimed to have in its application to the Commission for

    approval of the additional location.

    The Commission may conduct additional reviews as it deems appropriate, such as

    unannounced inspections. In addition, the Commission will conduct, at reasonable intervals,

    visits to additional locations of institutions that operate more than three additional locations.

    All new additional locations and the closure of locations require Commission review and

    approval through the Substantive Change Committee. Although the Commission is obligated

    to conduct visits to the first three additional locations, the Commission may, at its discretion

    conduct visits to subsequent new locations.

    The Commission shall then modify the institutions SAS accordingly. At its discretion, theCommission may conduct visits to these additional locations.

    Instructional Site

    An Instructional Site is a location, other than a branch campus or additional location, at which

    the institution offers one or more courses for credit. Instructional Sites should be noted onthe annual Institutional Profile. Commission approval is not required for an Instructional Site

    to be included within the scope of accreditation. However, if an Instructional Site changes

    over time and meets the definition of an Additional Location or Branch Campus, further

    reporting and a substantive change review are required. Sites established outside of the U.S.

    for the sole purpose of offering courses through the study abroad experience are not

    considered to be instructional sites. If 50% or more of a program is offered, the site will meet

    the definition of an additional location and must be reviewed and approved accordingly.

    Rapid Growth

    The Commission may, at its discretion, conduct visits to additional locations, to ensure that

    accredited and pre-accredited institutions that experience rapid growth in the number of

    additional locations maintain educational quality.

    Institutions contemplating rapid growth (or uncertain whether planned changes fall under this

    category) should be in contact with the institutions designated staff liaison prior tosubmitting comprehensive information to the Commission.

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    Mergers and Other Changes in the Legal Status, Form of Control, or

    Ownership of the InstitutionThis includes, for example, merger or consolidation with another institution; sale of a

    proprietary institution; or beginning or ending public sponsorship and control.

    The institution must notify the Commission as soon as it is aware of the potential change,such as negotiations for transfer of ownership.

    The Commission will undertake a site visit to an institution that has undergone a

    merger, change in legal status, change of ownership, or other change that resulted in a

    change of control as soon as practicable, but no later than six months after the change

    of ownership.

    Definitions: These summaries of definitions drawn from the federal regulations may be


    Control. Control means the possession, direct or indirect, of the power to direct or cause the

    direction of the management and policies of a corporation, partnership, or individual, whetherthrough the ownership of voting securities, by contract, or otherwise.

    At some applicant, candidate, or accredited institutions, the institution's governing board

    shares decision-making responsibility with one or more non-accredited "related" entities

    concerning some functions and operations such as those involving finances, planning,

    governance, budget and approval processes, recruitment, information systems, or employee

    compensation. This policy is intended to ensure that accreditors receive appropriate

    assurances and sufficient information and documentation to determine whether such

    institutions comply with Commission standards and policies.

    A related entity may be a corporate parent, system administration or board, religious sponsor,

    funding sponsor (which, in some cases, may include an equity or investment fund), or other

    entity that can affect decisions related to accreditation (herein Related Entities). Relatedentities may include institutional or corporate layers or groups. Institutions with related

    entities must comply with the requirements stated in the policy on Institutions with Related


    Ordinarily, local, county, and state legislatures, other accreditors, local advisory boards, andgovernment agencies are not related entities. The scope of this policy does not include

    "contractual relationships" in which the accredited entity contracts for services; these are

    governed by a separate Commission policy.

    Ownership. Ownership or ownership interest means a legal or beneficial interest in an

    entity, or a right to share in the profits derived from the operation of an entity. The term does

    not include the interests of a mutual fund that is regularly and publicly traded, of an

    institutional investor, or of a profit-sharing plan in which all employees of an entity may

    participate. A change in ownership of an institution that results in a change of control may

    include, but is not limited to merger of two or more eligible institutions, conversions of the

    institutions from a for-profit to a nonprofit institution, sale of the institution, transfer of the

    controlling interest of stock of the institution or its parent corporation, transfer of the

    liabilities of an institution to its parent corporation, or transfer of assets that comprise a

    substantial portion of the educational business of the institution (except where the transfer

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    consists exclusively in the granting of a security interest in those assets).

    If the change in ownership is due to the retirement or death of the owner, and the ownership

    is transferred either to a family member or to a person with ownership interest who has been

    involved in the management of the institution for at least two years preceding the transfer, the

    institution should contact the Commissions staff liaison to determine whether approval orreview is necessary.

    Accredited or Candidate status is not automatically transferred or extended to an acquiring

    Institution or organization; the fact of change in control may itself constitute grounds for

    modification or termination of status.

    Site Closure

    An institution planning to close or merge an additional location or branch campus shouldinform the Commission no later than six months prior to the planned closure/merger date or

    as soon as such plans are approved. Additional locations are those sites at which a student can

    complete at least 50% of a program. A branch campus is geographically apart and offerscourses in educational programs leading to a degree, certificate, or other recognized

    educational credential; has its own faculty and administrative or supervisory organization;

    and has its own budgetary and hiring authority.

    For sites (other than those whose cohort has completed the course or program), institutions

    should submit plans describing how any students remaining in the program will be

    accommodated. Sites established for a specific cohort (such as a corporate site) do not require

    notification upon closure.

    Institutional Closure

    An institution planning to close or merge should inform the Commission no later than six

    months prior to the planned closure/merger date. Institutions planning an institutional closure

    should submit to the Commission for approval any plans to provide students with reasonable

    opportunities to complete their education, including any teach-out agreements that theinstitution has entered into or intends to enter into with another institution. Approvals from

    any licensing, regulatory or other legal entities as may be necessary also should be provided.

    If an institution has received notice that the Secretary of Education has taken action to limit,

    suspend, or terminate the institutions participation in the Title IV student assistanceprograms or if the Secretary initiates an emergency action against the institution, the member

    institution must submit for Commission approval a teach-out plan.

    Under Federal law, the Commission can approve teach-out agreements only if the agreement

    is between institutions that are accredited or have Candidate status by a nationally recognized

    accrediting agency, is consistent with applicable standards and regulations, and provides for

    the equitable treatment of students by ensuring that:

    the teach-out institution has the necessary experience, resources, and support servicesto provide an educational program that is of acceptable quality and reasonably similar

    in content, structure, and scheduling to that provided by the closed institution; and

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    the teach-out institution demonstrates that it can provide students access to theprogram and services without requiring them to move or travel substantial distances.

    Institutions requesting approval of a teach-out agreement should provide sufficient

    documentation to demonstrate that they meet the policy Closing or Merging a Postsecondary


    Clock/Credit Hours

    o Change from clock hours to credit hours; oro a substantial change in the number of clock or credit hours required for the successful

    completion of a program, or the length of a program.


    Notification to the Commission on Higher Education

    Changes that are substantive must be reported to the Commission prior to the planned date of

    implementation, consistent with the timetable for submission detailed under Commission Review andDetermination of Status. Requests for prior approval of Substantive Change should be reported to the

    Commission prior to the planned date of implementation and should be directed to the President of the


    The Institutional Profile annual update is not an appropriate vehicle for notifying the Commission of a

    substantive institutional change.

    Although the Commission requires prior approval of substantive changes within both candidate and

    accredited institutions, once a request for approval of substantive change has been submitted, Candidate

    institutions must submit to a review of their candidate status (status review visit) as detailed in the

    Commissions handbook, Candidacy for Accreditation, unless staff determines otherwise. Visits or othertypes of review as required by specific types of change outlined in this policy also may apply.

    If the institution is uncertain whether the proposed change is substantive or routine, the institution should

    contact the designated staff liaison with preliminary information on the nature and purposes of the

    activities. This should be done as early in the planning process as possible. Based on this preliminary

    review, the staff liaison will advise the institution and send confirmation by letter if appropriate.

    Content of Substantive Change Requests

    Substantive change requests should provide the necessary information and analysis in as concise a

    presentation as possible. While the length will vary dependent on the complexity of the substantive

    change, most requests will not be more than 25 pages. Submission should be loosely bound and

    paginated. Any supplemental documentation that accompanies the request must be specifically

    referenced within the proposal itself, and the relevance of any such documentation must be made

    apparent. Submissions can be made via an electronic mail attachment addressed to the staff liaison for the

    institution or by sending five full copies to the Commission office.

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    If the institution knows the proposed change is a substantive one or if the proposed institutional change is

    determined to be substantive based on staff review, the following information should be provided with the

    substantive change request. Additional elements listed below should be included if relevant to the type of

    substantive change.

    The following information is required unless waived by staff in a specific situation:

    1. A one-page executive summary of the substantive change proposal;

    2. Statement of the nature and purposes of the activities, including relevance to the current

    institutional mission and evidence of need for the activities;

    3. Tentative or final plans in other areas such as expansion, merger, and/or change of size,

    locations, enrollment, and number or qualifications of faculty;

    4. Financial Impact of the proposed change;

    5. Analysis of the impact of the proposed change(s) on the rest of the institution or system; and

    6. Legal authorization to conduct the program(s) or activity, if required.

    In addition, such other information and documentation will be submitted as necessary to evidence

    continuing compliance with all accreditation standards. These may include submission of a complete

    long-term strategic plan, including plans for implementation of expansion, merger, and/or change of size,locations, enrollment, number or qualifications of faculty, and other relevant areas.

    The institution should include the following as relevant to its particular proposal:

    basic planning documents including:o the budget and other information showing adequate financing for the projected activities;


    o provisions for needed resources (faculty, administrators, library, facilities, etc.).

    intended constituency;

    governance and administrative organization;

    plans for the assessment of student learning outcomes;

    records of institutional procedures followed in approving the activities;

    copies of contractual arrangements; or

    publications announcing and/or describing the planned activities, if available.

    When applicable, institutions must also comply with the policy on Institutions with RelatedEntities and submit the required documentation.

    If the proposed change is to establish a branch campus, the request for inclusion within thescope of accreditation should include a description of the educational program(s) to be offered

    at the branch; the projected revenues and expenditures and cash flow at the branch; and theoperation, management, and physical resources at the branch campus.

    If the proposed substantive change concerns a new degree or academic program, additionaldetails should be included about the constituency that will be served, provision of necessary

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    resources, expected budget, plans for assessing student learning outcomes, and any other

    relevant information.

    If the Commission or Commission staff determine that the proposed change indicates rapidgrowth, the institutions request for inclusion of the substantive change within the scope ofaccreditation should include:

    o enrollment and financial projections for a three-year period;o identification of educational programs offered and planned at each site and the mode(s)

    of instructional delivery;

    o quality management controls (for the purpose of administrative and academic oversight);o staffing plan for faculty, administration, and student services;o plans (with timetable) for implementing the changes and for evaluating the progress of

    implementation; and

    o outlined plans to guide the coordination with existing activities.

    If the proposed change concerns change in legal status, form of control, or ownership of theinstitution, all relevant documents should be disclosed, such as acquisition resolution and

    agreements, oral or written. When applicable, institutions must also comply with the policyon Institutions with Related Entities and submit the required documentation.

    If the proposed substantive change involves matters requiring the approval of another agency,proof of that approval should be provided. For example: state agency approval (as required)

    for new degrees or programs should be provided; legal authorization should be included for

    programs offered in other countries or jurisdictions; etc.

    If an institution has prepared materials for approval by another agency, the institution may usethese materials or excerpts from these materials, annotating and supplementing them as

    needed to meet the above information requirements.

    Requests for approval of substantive change that fail to include adequate analysis (rather than merelyprovide documentation) may be rejected.

    Commission Review and Determination of Status

    Staff has authority to designate any activity as a substantive change, or to waive its treatment as

    substantive change, provided that staffs actions comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Thetypes of factors staff may consider, for example, are the effect on other programs of the institution, the

    experience of the institution in the area of substantive change, the nature of an additional location, and

    other relevant information.

    Substantive changes are usually brought for review and recommendation to an appropriate committee of

    the Commission such as the Committee on Substantive Change or the Committee on Follow-

    Up/Candidate Institutions. In some cases, substantive changes may be reviewed and an action may be

    recommended by staff. In such cases, the action will be placed on a consent agenda for committee review.

    All recommendations are submitted to the Executive Committee, which will act on behalf of the


    In order to assure timely review and response, institutions preparing substantive change requests should

    adhere to the following timetable:

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    Submit report by: for Executive Committee action at its meeting in:September 1 October

    November 1 December

    January 1 February

    March 1 April

    May 1 JuneJuly 1 August

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    Commission Action

    If the Commission has determined that there is insufficient information to substantiate the institutionscompliance with one or more accreditation standards should the substantive change request be granted,

    the Commission may postpone a decision and request a supplemental information report.

    If, upon initial review by staff, it is clear that the substantive change request does not have sufficient

    information or detail for the Commission to consider the request, staff also may request that the institution

    re-submit the substantive change request with additional information as specified by staff.

    If the Commission is not satisfied that the substantive change should be included within the scope of an

    institutions accreditation, the Commission may deny the institutions request to include the changewithin its accreditation. The institution may re-submit the substantive change request after the

    Commissions concerns are addressed.

    The timing of final Commission approval or denial of a substantive change application depends on thespecific situation.

    The Commission reserves the right to decline to entertain a substantive change request by any institutionthat is not in compliance with eligibility requirements and accreditation standards, policies, guidelines,

    and practices including those institutions subject to Warning, Probation, or Show Cause.

    The range of possible Commission actions include termination of Accreditation or Candidacy, refusal to

    consider or grant the substantive change, further review including on-site evaluation or complete self-

    study evaluation, and those other actions included in the policy statement, Range of CommissionActions on Accreditation.

    The Commission may amend its public disclosure statement to inform the public of a possible substantive


    Site Visits/On-Site Review

    In order to meet its obligations as an accrediting agency, the Commission may direct a site visit or require

    other action of an institution planning or undergoing change, as provided above, prior and/or subsequent

    to official action on the proposed change. The Commission and its staff will determine the individual(s)

    best suited to carry out the site visit.

    The Commission reserves the right to conduct special monitoring activities prior and/or subsequent to the

    submission of and prior to approval of a substantive change proposal should there be institutional issues

    (e.g., reduction of programs, closure of instructional sites, financial exigencies, etc.) or other

    circumstances (e.g., adverse actions by other quality assurance agencies, investigations by regulatory

    agencies, legal issues that could affect the operations of the institutions, etc.), which might also affect the

    institutions ability to implement the proposed substantive change, to operate, or to fulfill its educationalpurposes.

    Follow-up Reporting

    Through specific follow-up activities directed by the Commission, or as part of the Periodic Review

    report or self-study, the institution may be asked to provide updated information to the Commission at

    critical stages in the implementation of the substantive change.

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    After review of the follow-up information (whether presented separately or as part of a self-study or PRR)

    the Commission may take any action provided in Range of Actions and require further reviewincluding, where appropriate, on-site evaluation of the activities, complete self-study re-evaluation of the

    entire institution, revocation of approval of the substantive change, or such other measures as the

    Commission may determine.

    Extra-Regional Activities

    Institutions conducting educational activities or establishing locations in other regions will be evaluated

    under the procedures outlined in Inter-regionally Operating Institutions. An instructional site located ina region other than that of its home campus, if it functions independent of operational control of the

    parent college or university, will be considered under the policy, Separately Accreditable Institutions.

    Version: 1008


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    F. Interregional Guidelines for Evaluation of Distance Education (Online Learning)(MSCHE)

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    G. Compendio de la Declaracin Mundial sobre la Educacin Superior (UNESCO)

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