各地 - tlc.my...day 6 suzhou-wuxi wisdom hotel or similar (bld)hotel: 4¤ the lion forest garden ,...

Post on 03-Aug-2020






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第一天 吉隆坡-上海 (機上用餐) 宿:上海4*财富戴斯外滩店或同級 集合于吉隆坡机场,乘搭航班飞往“時尚之都”上海。抵达后,送往入住酒店。

第二天 上海-杭州 (早午晚) 宿:杭州4*海外海百纳酒店或同級 古运河游船:京杭大运河全长1794千米,是世界上最长的一条人工运河。香积寺为北宋太平兴国三年(978)柯氏舍宅为寺,初名兴福寺,大中祥符年间改今名,旧时为灵隐、天竺朝山香客的集散地,有“运河第一香”之称。漫步西湖:秀丽的湖光山色和众多的名胜古迹闻名中外,是中国著名的旅游胜地,也被誉为人间天堂。遠眺雷峰塔:雷峰塔曾于1924年倒塌,后来于2002年重建。

第三天 杭州-屯溪 (早午晚) 宿:屯溪4*东航国际酒店或同級 龙井问茶:埋在小溪流水及绿树林荫间的,便是著名的龙井问茶茶庄,卖的是山里种的龙井茶,客人可以随便试茶,还有专人为你讲解各种龙井小知识。屯溪老街:坐落在横江、率水和新安江三江汇流之处,所以又被称为流动的“清明上河图”,是中国保存最完整、最具有南宋和明清建筑风格的古代街市。

第四天 屯溪(缆车上下) (早午晚) 宿:屯溪4*东航国际酒店或同級 早餐后乘坐景区交通车抵达黄山缆车站,乘坐缆车登上黄山,游览 迎客松:此松是黄山松的代表,乃至整个黄山的象征。飞来石:平天矼西端的群峰中,有一巨石耸立在岩石平台上。西海景区:是黄山风景区中最秀丽、最深邃的部分之一。光明顶:是黄山的主峰之一,为黄山第二高峰,与天都峰、莲花峰并称黄山三大主峰。北海景区:以峰为体,汇集了峰、石、坞、台、松、云奇景,天工的奇妙布局,琉璃色彩变幻,构成一幅幅伟、奇、幻、险的天然画卷,是黄山的风景窗。

第五天 屯溪-南浔-苏州 (早午晚) 宿:苏州4*香雪海酒店或同級 南浔古镇:景区以中西建筑体为主,建筑中以南浔历史中居住的名人富人的家宅为主,明代时就有“九里三阁老十里两尚书”之谚。金鸡湖景区:中国最大城市湖泊公园,是二十一世纪苏州“人间新天堂”的象征。圆融时代广场:是集购物、餐饮、休闲、娱乐、商务、文化、旅游等诸多功能于一体的大规模、综合性、现代化、高品质的“商业综合体”及一站式消费的复合性商业地产项目。LED天幕:这座500米长、32米宽的巨型LED天幕,取代了美国赌城拉斯维加斯的400米“天幕”而成为世界第一。

第六天 苏州-无锡 (早午晚) 宿:无锡4*感知时代或同級 狮子林:因园内“林有竹万,竹下多怪石,状如狻猊(狮子)者",又因天如禅师惟则得法于浙江天目山狮子岩普应国师中峰,为纪念佛徒衣钵、师承关系,取佛经中狮子座之意,故名“狮子林”。灵山大佛:坐落于无锡马山秦履峰南侧,1997年建造而成。大佛所在位置系唐玄奘命名的小灵山,故名灵山大佛。灵山梵宫:建筑气势磅礴,布局庄严和谐,总建筑面积达7万余平方米。

第七天 无锡-上海 (早午晚) 宿:上海4*财富戴斯外滩店或同級


第八天 上海-送機 (早午晚) 宿:機上休息


第九天 抵達吉隆坡 (機上用餐)


Departure Date


Adult Twin


Child With Bed


Child No Bed


Adult Single Supp.


上海-小笼包风味、小天鹅火锅、金钱豹自助餐 杭州-老鸭煲、东坡肉、叫花鸡风味 苏州-水乡风味 无锡-无锡酱排骨、乾隆宴风味 屯溪-安徽料理/南浔-古镇风味/黄山-本帮菜


亚航长途航空 / Air Asia X

D1 吉隆坡-浦东 D7 330 1910-0020+1

D9 浦东-吉隆坡 D7 331 0120-0640







购物站:苏州丝绸、杭州龙井茶+乳胶、黄山竹炭 无锡珍珠、上海乐家老铺+玉器、 团费包含:机场税、2Okg行李、飞机餐、 小费、中国普通签证(一次入境) 团费不含:旅游保险、吉隆坡机场接送

Day 1 K.Lumpur-ShangHai (MOB)Hotel: 4¤ Days Hotel ShangHai Forture or similar Assemble at Kuala Lumpur airport, boarding flight to “Fashion City” ShangHai. Upon arrival, check in Hotel.

Day 2 ShangHaiHangZhou (BLD)Hotel: 4¤ HaiWaiHai BaiNa or similar The Grand Canal runs roughly North-South from Hangzhou in Zhejiang 1800 kilometers to Beijing, connecting China's two major rivers, theYangtze and the Yellow River. Xiangji Temple is dated back to over 1,000 years ago. Walk around the West Lake, among the world’s best rated lakes, Hangzhou’s wondrous West lake cannot be rivaled. Leifeng Pa-goda used to stand on the slopes of Nanping Mountain on the southern bank of West Lake in Hangzhou.

Day 3 HangZhou-TunXi (BLD)Hotel: 4¤ DongHang International Hotel or similar Meijiawu Tea Village is it has now become one of the Four Famous habitats for Longjing Tea (Dragon Well Tea) and a featured tea-most farm village with rich tea culture and leisure tourism, which attracts over millions of tourists every year. TunXi Old Street has a plethora of souvenir shops. The old architecture and shops, and good restaurants, make Tunxi Old Street one of the region's favorite tourist spots.

Day 4 TunXi-HuangShan-TunXi (BLD)Hotel: 4¤ DongHang International Hotel or similar Huangshan is in Anhui Province in China. It is on the UNESCO World Heritage List and is one of the top scenic attrac-tions in China. The area is well known for its scenery, sunsets, peculiarly-shaped granite peaks, Huangshan pine trees, hot springs, winter snow, and views of the clouds from above. Huangshan is a frequent subject of traditional Chinese paintings and literature, as well as modern photography.

Day 5 TunXi-NanXun-SuZhou (BLD)Hotel: 4¤ Snowy Sea Hotel or Similar Nanxun ancient town was once the richest among the six ancient towns in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang area and re-garded as the “the Land of Fish and Rice” and “Silk Market”. Jinji Lake is a small fresh water lake located in the central part of Suzhou Industrial Park. Harmony Times Square is a business complex located in Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou,close to the east bank of Jinji Lake. It occupies an area of 210,000 square meters. The square has become a landmark in Suzhou.The square can be divided into 5 functional regions, including business, recreation, catering and so on. The most notable spotlight is the 500-meter long LED screen above the walkway.

Day 6 SuZhou-WuXi (BLD) Hotel: 4¤ Wisdom Hotel or Similar The Lion Forest Garden, one of the four great gardens of Suzhou and is admired for the incredible collection of pitted, eroded rocks that were greatly appreciated by classical Chinese scholars. The Grand Buddha it is one of the largest Buddha statues in China and also in the world. At more than 88 metres high, the Grand Buddha at Ling Shan is a bronze Amitabha standing Buddha outdoor, weighing over 700 tons. It was completed in the end of 1996. Brahma Palace : Across a greenbelt to the southeast of the Grand Buddha lies the Brahma Palace, another landmark of the scenic area. With 70,000 sq. meters (83,719 sq. yards) on its three floors, the majestic palace shows a classic expo on the profound Buddhist culture and brilliant traditional art in China.

Day 7 WuXi-ShangHai (BLD) Hotel: 4¤Days Hotel ShangHai Forture or similar Lake Light, serving as a link between city and lake, is situated between the Lord Bo’ Island and Fishing Father’ Islet. With its enchanting scenery, it becomes the Free park green space where Wuxi citizens willing best to go. Shanghai Xin Tian Di has become an urban attraction that holds the historical and cultural legacies of the city. It is a fashionable pedestrian street composed of Shikumen and modern architecture style. The Bund is Shanghai's stately street of old colonial-era buildings and the first port of call for many visitors. Shanghai's Old Town is located next to the southern part of the Bund.

Day 8 ShangHai-Kuala Lumpur (BLD) Taobao City fake product markets in Shanghai. Beats by Dre headphones, Rayban sunglasses, Obey caps, Vans shoes: a lot of copied products from famous brands can be found there. Nanjing Road is the main shopping street of Shanghai, China, and is one of the world's busiest shopping streets. Temple of the Town Gods, the biggest example of traditional Chinese architecture in Shanghai. You can find local snacks and food as well as other traditional Chinese decorations.

Day 9 Arrival Kuala Lumpur (MOB)

Departure Date Adult Twin Child With Bed Child No Bed Adult Single Supp.

Special Meal:

Shanghai : Steamed Dumpling, Hot Pot, Golden Jaguar

HangZhou: Old Duck Pot, DongPo Meat, Beggar Chicken

SuZhou : Water Village Flavor

WuXi : Sauce Ribs, Royal Cuisine

TunXi : AnHui Cuisine

NanXun : Old Town Flavor

HuangShan : ShangHai Dishes

D1 K.Lumpur - PuDong

D7 330 1910-0020+1

D9 PuDong - K.Lumpur

D7 331 0120-0640

Compulsory Additional

Tour *(RMB 450/Pax)

1. HangZhou Night of

West Lake Show

2. SuZhou GuanQian Street

3. WuXi Night Scene at

Wanda Plaza

4. ShangHai Oriental


Shopping Stops : Silk, LongJing Tea, Emulsion,

Pearl, Lepu Herbal, Jade, Charcoal

Included : Airport Taxes, 20 Kg check in Luggage,

In-Flight Meal, Tipping,

Normal Single Entry China Visa

Excluded : Travel Insurance, Airport Transfer

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