misterio o realidad evidente usted que cree

Post on 06-Nov-2015






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Amigo(a) lector(a), voy a comenzar esta narración a partir del momento en queREALMENTE ME CONVERTÍ EN HUMANO. Después dejaré que las ideas fluyana mi mente libremente para transcribirlas en el orden en que aparezcan. Antes deempezar a narrar lo que podría considerarse mi vida, quiero recordarle, amigolector, que para mí no existe el tiempo cronológico ...


  • Xu Chim Prez

    I love EARTH PLANET And you? Pgina 1

    A mis hijos e hijas: ellos y ellas han sabido vivir y soportar

    a un padre ms extrao que toda la extraeza

    del mundo reunida en un solo conjunto.

    A la familia lacidesta: honorables miembros de la

    Institucin Educativa Lcides C. Bersal Rossi

    (Estudiantes, docentes y administrativos).

    A mi madre y a mi padre:


    A mis hermanos y hermanas:


    Margoth Elida


    Simn Jos (In Memoriam)

    Hctor Benicio

    Lus Antonio (In Memoriam)

    Ruth Virginia

    Gregoria del Carmen

    A mis sobrinos y sobrinas:

    Hulichi, Temilda, Milena, Jaime Antonio, Marcel, Alexander, Lilo, Johana, Patricia,

    Yesenia, Evelsy, Leidis luz, Carlos Arturo, ngel Fernando, Jhon Jairo, Adanis Miris,


    Por ltimo:

    Cordial agradecimiento a mi gran amigo y hermano

    El Gran TIGRE BLANCO (Jorge Humberto)

  • I love EARTH PLANET And you, my dear friends?

    I love EARTH PLANET And you, my dear friends? Pgina 2


    A MANERA DE PRLOGO AS A PROLOGUE Amigo(a) lector(a), voy a comenzar esta narracin a partir del momento en que REALMENTE ME CONVERT EN HUMANO. Despus dejar que las ideas fluyan a mi mente libremente para transcribirlas en el orden en que aparezcan. Antes de empezar a narrar lo que podra considerarse mi vida, quiero recordarle, amigo lector, que para m no existe el tiempo cronolgico, tal como es concebido en la Tierra; tampoco conozco los sentimientos con matices humanos... creo que sera mejor decir que stos no tienen para m ni el significado ni la trascendencia que aqu se les da; sin embargo, muy a pesar mo y suyo, por supuesto, hoy puedo decir que SOY UN HUMANO, aunque muchos digan que nunca dejar de ser un misterio. Dear reader, I am going to begin this narration from the moment in which REALLY I

    BECAME HUMAN. Afterwards, I will let the ideas flow into my mind freely to write them

    in the order in which they appear. Before beginning to tell what would be able to be

    considered my life, I want to remember to you, friend, that for me the chronological time

    does not exist, just as it is conceived on the Earth; I neither know the feelings with human

    shadesI think that it would be better to say that these do not have for me neither the meaning nor the transcendence that here it is given to them. However, whether I or you like

    or not, of course, today I am able to say (that) I AM A HUMAN BEING, although many

    people say that I will never stop being a mystery.

    La interpretacin de estas lneas, y las que va a encontrar en la narracin propiamente dicha, las dejo a su imaginacin; y sea cual sea la conclusin a la que usted llegue, esa ser su realidad... recuerde, slo ser su interpretacin, sin que nadie se la imponga ni usted se la quiera imponer a otras personas. The interpretation of these lines, and the ones you are going to find in the exactly said

    narration, I let them to your imagination, and be that as it may the conclusion you deduce,

    it will be your realityremember, it will be your interpretation, with nobody imposing it to you, and with you not trying to imposing it to another persons.

    Cordialmente, XRALTZX

    Cordially, XRALTZX

  • I love EARTH PLANET And you, my dear friends?

    I love EARTH PLANET And you, my dear friends? Pgina 3


    Help me, help me! That was the shout asking for aid that we listened every time one had to pass close to the Totr Ghalix (Great She- midget or Milky Way, as call it the self named human beings) when we return to our home. Once, my companions of mission and I pass near to a vbobv (planet) which one seemed a small flashing blue ball in the middle of the bottomless grayish blue of the gaseous exterior plasma; one of the commanders of the flotilla of needles suggested that a joint exploration should be done to that intriguing blue sphere, which, certainly, has not a good reputation in none of the galaxies of Lox Ixraxinx Ghalix Altz (Confederation of Galaxies for the Exploration and New Settlements).

    Aydenme, aydenme! Ese era el grito de auxilio que se escuchaba cada vez que uno tena que pasar cerca a la Totr Ghalix (Gran Enana o Va Lctea, como la llaman los autodenominados seres humanos) de regreso al hogar. Cierta vez, mis compaeros de misin y yo pasamos cerca a un vbobv (planeta) que pareca una pequea pelota azul destellante en medio del insondable azul grisceo del gaseoso plasma exterior; uno de los comandantes de la flotilla de agujas sugiri que se deba hacer una exploracin conjunta a esa intrigante esfera azul, la cual, por cierto, no gozaba de muy buena reputacin en ninguna de las galaxias de la Lox Ixraxinx Ghalix Altz (Confederacin de Galaxias para la Exploracin y Nuevos Asentamientos).

    In spite of the fact that it was an unexpected suggestion, nobody batted an eye; in almost all the flotilla, backing home the soonest possible to enjoy the Nixk (atoms of energy of the biological cultivations) was the generalized idea. Xurlzx seemed to be the most anxious one by returning to his biological plot (Most Supreme Commander of the First Squadron and Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for Defense and Attack); however, precisely he was who gave the peremptory order: "Fraitz, ish nak frunt dai karitz. Shei wumw Cisz fent ('Listen, all the troops; lets do an exploration of two weeks. Still thus, we will arrive at time to Cisz')".

    Por la sugerencia inesperada, nadie se inmut; en casi toda la flotilla, la idea generalizada era volver, lo ms rpido posible, a casa para disfrutar de los Nixk (tomos de energa de los cultivos biolgicos). El ms ansioso por regresar a su parcela biolgica pareca ser Xurlzx (Comandante Supremo del Primer Escuadrn y Jefe del Estado Mayor de las Unidades de Defensa y Ataque), sin embargo, fue precisamente l quien dio la orden perentoria: "Fraitz, ish nak frunt dai karitz. Shei wumw Cisz fent ('A todas las tropas, hagamos una exploracin de dos semanas. An as, llegaremos a tiempo a Cisz')".

    As it was to expect, all the squadrons accepted the supreme order, 'It was not opportune neither salutary to discuss or defy similar suggestion'; not in vain, Xurlzx was the most calculating, methodical, effective and deadly of all the ciszconians; besides that, he was as an oracle for the Supreme Leaders of Cisz (Hidden Star) and for all the Confederation; Xurlzx (Deadly Ray of Light) was also a complete mystery, practically nobody did know who he was really or what his precedence was; certain the unique thing was that he should be obeyed for all the bujnr (subalterns) when he said something, and that some ciszconians assured he had a double one in a relatively nearby galaxy.

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    I love EARTH PLANET And you, my dear friends? Pgina 4

    Como era de esperar, todos los escuadrones acataron la suprema orden, 'no era oportuno ni benfico discutir o contravenir semejante sugerencia'; no en vano, Xurlzx era el ms calculador, metdico, certero y mortfero de todos los ciszconianos; era, adems, una especie de orculo para los Supremos Lderes de Cisz (astro oculto) y de toda la Confederacin; es ms, Xurlzx (Mortfero Rayo de Luz) era un completo misterio, prcticamente nadie saba quin era realmente o de dnde proceda; lo nico cierto era que cuando l deca algo deba ser obedecido por todos los bujnr (subalternos), y que algunos ciszconianos aseguraban que tena un doble en una galaxia relativamente cercana.

    It only took us a couple of fentoj (days) to arrive at the Blue Planet; once there, it could be verified it was really of a greenish appearance in different shades. It is good to clear up that no ship entered even in the geo stationary orbit of this solitary cosmic island; certainly, it is never known what kind of biological threats or electromagnetic ones can be found in porg (careless, contaminated, septic) environments; for such reason, they were only carried out some tele guided exploration over flights during three dip (hours); after being verified that there was no signs of danger, ten airships, under command of Xurlzx, were authorized to enter The Atmospheric Plasma of the yaimt (Green Planet) and for collecting the biggest possible quantity of data with no need to enter in contact with dredm (Earth Dwellers). Solamente, nos tom un par de fentoj (das) llegar al Planeta Azul; una vez all, se pudo comprobar que era en realidad de una apariencia verdosa en diferentes matices. Es bueno aclarar que ninguna nave entr siquiera en la rbita geoestacionaria de esta solitaria isla csmica; nunca se sabe con certeza qu amenazas biolgicas o electromagnticas se pueden encontrar en ambientes porg (descuidados, contaminados, spticos); por tal razn, slo se realizaron sobrevuelos de exploracin teledirigida durante tres dip (horas); despus de comprobarse que no haba seales de peligro alguno, diez aeronaves, con Xurlzx al frente, fueron autorizadas para ingresar en el plasma atmosfrico del yaimt (Planeta Verde) y recoger la mayor cantidad de datos posibles, sin necesidad de entrar en contacto con los dredm (terrcolas).

    The general order was 'not to be seen for any dredm', and if a ship (by carelessness or by the persistence of some curious) was seen by some Para intelligent being, then the dradtz (magnetic field of perturbation) should be activated to alter any device that could record or film in detail the ship in question. This task, of course, had been carried out previously by other squadrons; however, nobody had tried what was reflecting in Xurlzxs mind; this materialized itself as an incisive order: "Nxi zti fentojj (today is the great day), kabrix dieh fasint aim dredm niagsz (we are going to live together with the Earth Dwellers to study and to learn their ways of life)".

    La consigna general era 'no dejarse ver por ningn dredm', y si por algn descuido o por la persistencia de algunos curiosos alguna nave era avistada por algn ser para inteligente, entonces, deba activarse el dradtz (campo magntico de perturbacin) para alterar cualquier dispositivo que pudiese grabar detalladamente la nave en cuestin. Esta tarea, por supuesto, la haban realizado otros escuadrones con anterioridad, sin embargo, nadie haba intentado lo que discurra por la mente de Xurlzx; esto se materializ en forma de orden tajante: "Nxi zti fentojj (hoy es el gran da), kabrix dieh fasint aim dredm niagsz (Vamos a convivir con los terrcolas para estudiar y aprender sus formas de vida)".

    The task to select dredmt (human specimens) was not easy, because upon taking the body of a dredm and to carry out the xibavl (act of corporeal occupation) represented the

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    risk to lose more tiupq (energy) of what was predicted, due to the emotional and psychological instability detected by the gaiaf (mental explorers); for that reason the xibavl had to be done with a little precaution. Dredm are so unstable that they are almost whole the time attacking among themselves or they eliminate themselves.

    La tarea de seleccin de dredmt (especmenes humanos) no fue fcil, porque al tomar el cuerpo de un dredm y realizar el xibavl (acto de corporizacin) se corra el riesgo de gastar ms (tiupq) energa de lo previsto, debido a la inestabilidad psicolgica y emocional detectada por los gaiaf (exploradores mentales); de ah que el xibavl tuviese que hacerse con un poco de precaucin. Los dredm son tan inestables que se atacan entre ellos mismos o se auto eliminan.

    After the period of exploration and of test corporeal occupation, all the flotillas received the closing message from Xurlzx: "taiv nieb vib darivx srium dijovb vibarb xanietz- Cisz gharimn rikr fent zekz kerkz maitam dredm vbobv- nirk! (' Lets return to the Main Base before they notice our delay and they send another flotilla of supervision. Already we will have sufficient time to return to the dredm vbobv (Earth Planet) and to establish us here for a long while. I do guarantee to you all! ')". Despus del perodo de exploracin y de corporizacin de prueba, todas las flotillas recibieron el mensaje de cierre por parte de Xurlzx: taiv nieb vib darivx srium dijovb vibarb xanietz- Cisz gharimn rikr fent zekz kerkz maitam dredm vbobv- nirk! (Regresemos a la base central antes de que se percaten de la tardanza y enven otra flotilla de supervisin. Ya tendremos tiempo suficiente para regresar al dredm vbobv, Planeta Tierra, y establecernos aqu por largo rato Se los garantizo, amigos mos!

    What Xurlzx himself did not imagine, as well as no member of the General Fleet, was that a pair of enigmatic and polychrome eyes had spied almost all his movements and actions on the Earth Planet, and as neither, that those eyes belonged to a mysterious being who was living among the human beings a great deal time ago; likewise, we never knew who had sent the message asking for aid, and, as if this was little, Xurlzx received a telepathic message which nobody did know its origin, inasmuch as it seemed to be in each yev (photon of light) of the immense aiv noxg (Cosmic Plasma) : "duvn xhalix athozx xiaks fentojj- mirk! (One day, we will see face to face ourselves. I assure it to you, my friends')".

    Lo que no se imaginaba Xurlzx, as como ningn miembro de la flota general, era que un par de enigmticos ojos poli cromticos haban espiado casi todos sus movimientos y acciones en el Planeta Tierra, y, mucho menos, que esos ojos pertenecan a un misterioso ser que haca mucho tiempo estaba viviendo entre los humanos; adems, nunca supimos quin haba enviado el mensaje pidiendo ayuda, y, como si fuese poco, Xurlzx recibi un mensaje teleptico del cual desconoca su procedencia, ya que pareca estar en cada yev (fotn de luz) del inmenso aiv noxg (plasma csmico): duvn xhalix athozx xiaks fentojj- mirk! (Algn da, nos veremos frente a frente. Te lo aseguro).

  • I love EARTH PLANET And you, my dear friends?

    I love EARTH PLANET And you, my dear friends? Pgina 6


    Despus de sostener muchas luchas titnicas con mi ALTER EGO ESPECIAL, por fin logr manejarlo a voluntad, aunque algunas veces, especialmente cuando me descuido, se escapa para actuar a su manera. Recuerdo bien que me encontraba en la ciudad de Medalln- No, no est mal escrito... la segunda vocal, de las tres que tiene la palabra es la A... de manera que usted ley correctamente el nombre... digo Medalln, porque mi parte humana me dice que ese hormiguero humano se merece una medalla... Por qu razn?. Bueno, eso habra que explicarlo en otro momento- cuando tuve una extraa reaccin, la cual, desde luego, no podra explicar a qu se deba: yo estaba completamente solo en el cuarto de un modesto hotel, y solt el llanto, sin que hubiese una razn aparente. Fue en ese instante cuando me percat de que me haba convertido, sin quererlo y sin notarlo previamente, en un estpido, me haba vuelto un ser humano. Claro que cuando la estupidez es de tipo sentimental, es una estupidez maravillosa, as en algunos momentos cause dolor, pena o tristeza. After maintaining many titanic fights against my SPECIAL ALTER EGO, at last I could handle him at will, although sometimes, especially when I careless, he escapes to act to his

    way. I remember well when I was in Medalln City. No, it is not wrongly writtenthe second vowel, of the three ones the word has, is Aso that you read correctly the nameI say Medalln because my human side says to me that that human anthill deserves a medalWhy reason? Well, that would have to explain it in another moment- when I had a strange reaction, which, of course, I would not be able to explain why happened that

    thing: I was completely alone in a room of a modest hotel, and I freed the crying with no

    apparent reason. It was in that instant when I noticed I had become, without wanting it and

    without noting it priory, in a stupid one, I became a human being. Clearly, when the

    stupidity is of a sentimental type, it is a marvelous one, although, sometimes, it causes pain,

    grief or sadness.

    La primera reaccin, despus del evidente proceso de humanizacin que haba sufrido, fue presentar batalla contra esa oleada de sentimientos que me embargaban lenta y progresivamente; no obstante, casi inmediatamente, desist de semejante idea porque comprend enseguida que esa la nica forma de controlar el espritu de basilisco que controlaba mi cuerpo y mi mente. No se imagina usted cun difcil es que dos seres, distintos en esencia y comportamiento, rivalicen por obtener la supremaca a toda costa, y que todo esto ocurra en el interior de un organismo humano. My first reaction, after the evident process of humanization I had suffered, was to present

    fight against that wave of feelings that impeded me slowly and progressively; nevertheless,

    almost immediately, I desisted of such ideas because I understood promptly that was the

    way to control the spirit of basilisk who controlled my body and my mind. You do not

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    imagine how difficult is that two beings, distinct in essence and behavior contend in order

    to obtain the supremacy, at any cost, and that all this occur in the interior of a human


    Para aclarar un poco las cosas, dir que mis dos nombres son: XRALTZX y... bueno, el otro es un nombre humano; as que imagnese cualquiera y habr acertado, porque un nombre no es ms que una vulgar etiqueta, que nada dice de la personalidad de cada ser humano. Actualmente, vivo en una bella ciudad costera (Lorita), donde la gente se afana ms por tratar de resolver problemas que an no se han presentado, dejando de lado otros que ya se han materializado. Soy un observador de la raza humana; y, en muchas ocasiones, he tomado partido en asuntos estrictamente humanos; queda claro entonces que he aprendido a ser metiche, as yo piense que he tenido sobradas razones para hacerlo. To clear up things a little, I will say that my two names are: XRALTZX andwell, the another one is a human name; so, imagine any name, and you will be right, because a

    name is not more than a vulgar label which says nothing about the personality of each

    human being. Actually I live in a beautiful coastern city (Lorita), where people toils more

    trying to resolve problems that have not been presented yet, setting apart another ones that

    have already become materialized. I am an observer of the human race; and in many

    occasions I have taken part in matters strictly human. It is totally clear then that I have

    learned to be an impertinent, thus I think I have had exceeded reasons to do it.

    En Lorita, es fcil encontrar comunicadores sociales empricos, quienes se dedican a hablar mal de otras personas, sin tener razn ni derecho para llevar a cabo tamaa tarea de descuartizamiento; recuerde que bien lo dice un refrn francs: La glaive a tu bien des hommes, mais la langue a tu bien plus (Es cierto que la espada ha matado a muchos hombres, pero la lengua ha matado muchos ms). De ah que mi persona tampoco se haya salvado de las afiladas garras o fatdicos cuchillos orales que mis queridos conciudadanos utilizan cuando desean hacer trizas la personalidad de alguien, por capricho o regodearse y ser felices, a su manera, a costa de otras personas. In Lorita it is easy to find social and empirical communicant people, who are dedicated to speak badly about other persons, without being right or without having right to carry out

    so great task of disjointing; you are to remember that a French proverb says very well: La glaive a tu bien des hommes, mais la langue a tu bien plus (it is certain the sword has

    killed many men, but the tongue has killed many more). For that reason, my person have neither been saved from the sharp claws or fateful oral knives that my dear fellow citizens utilize when they desire to do bits the personality of somebody, by whim or to take delight and to be happy, to their way, at the expenses of other persons.

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    I love EARTH PLANET And you, my dear friends? Pgina 8

    Cuando transito por las empedradas calles de la ciudad, con el nimo de pasear o cuando debo llegar a mi lugar de trabajo, llegan a mis aguzados odos las virulentas oleadas de comentarios gratuitos o dulces expresiones con las cuales premian mi presencia: Ah va, siempre rodeado de misterio; parece un ngel Negro; tiene aspecto de Demonio al acecho. Es peligroso hacer amistad con l. Esas y otras lindezas, son los maravillosos elogios que recibo de esas bestias bpedas, ampliamente capacitadas para pensar y hablar mal de otros... y hasta razn tienen para hacerlo, ya que si la podredumbre no les cabe en el organismo, y, adems, amenaza con derramarse continuamente, lo mejor es derramarla con tiempo; lo que no se justifica es que la derramen en cualquier parte, y sin tener en cuenta a quin salpican. Me disculpan los BUENOS CIUDADANOS... los verdaderos seres humanos (todas aquellas personas que valen mucho, no por la etiqueta de humanos, sino por su inigualable calidad individual y social), que saben respetar la integridad de otras personas... perdonen AMIGOS, porque con ustedes no he pensado meterme en ningn momento; adems, la alusin a los respetables vecinos de la ciudad de los espadachines orales fue un accidente, y... bueno, para qu darle tanta importancia a esos prestigiosos representantes de Mugrelandia. Mejor sigo con la historia... When I walk on paving streets of the city, just to stroll or when I should arrive at place

    where I work almost daily, they come into my sharpened ears the big virulent wave of free

    comments or sweet expressions with which they reward my presence: There he goes, always surrounding by the mystery; he seems a Black Angel; he looks like a Devil upon

    spying. It is dangerous to have a friendship with him. Those and other insults are the marvelous compliments I received from those biped beasts, extensively qualified to think

    and to speak badly about other onesand it could be they are right to do it, just because if the rottenness does not fit in their organisms, and, besides, it threatens with being spilled

    continuously, the best thing is to spill it on time; what it is not justified is (that) they spill it

    in any place, and without keeping in mind whom they splatter on. GOOD CITIZENS are to

    excuse meyou are the true human beings (all those persons being worth a great deal, not by the label of human beings, but by their unparalleled social and individual quality), who

    know to respect the integrity of other peopleForgive me, FRIENDS, because I have not thought to have a struggle with you in no moment; besides that, the allusion to the

    respectable neighbors who live in the city of oral swordsmen was an accident, andwell, why to give so much importance to those prestigious representatives of Dirtyland. Better I continue telling my story Desde hace aproximadamente veinte aos, he sido un duro representante del Reino de Ciszconx: mirada aguda, fra y calculadora; rostro inexpresivo (que muchos confunden con el gesto hurao o malgeniado); ritmo acelerado al caminar; voz de profundos matices... menos ladrn, atracador, drogadicto o lomosexual. Soy el ms duro crtico que haya podido tener la humanidad, a lo largo de toda su

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    historia; por algo fui misntropo durante mucho tiempo, y slo dej de serlo hace pocos aos (ocho aproximadamente). Since approximately twenty years ago, I have been a hard representative of Ciszconx

    Kingdom: cold, sharp and calculator look, expressionless face (that many persons take as it

    were a diffident or bad tempered gesture), accelerated rhythm upon walking, voice of deep

    shadesless thief, robber, drug dependant or homosexual. I am the hardest critic (than) mankind have been able to have, along all its history; not in vain I was a misanthrope

    during a great deal of time, and only to stopped being it few years ago (eight


    Tal vez lo que ms le llame la atencin a la gente, es la forma peculiar de ver el mundo... raras veces sale de mis labios la expresin: Esto est difcil; las dificultades existen ms en la mente del ser humano que en la realidad del contexto natural, social o cultural donde ste se desenvuelve... y donde debe esperar, por cierto, a la Dama de la eterna sonrisa. Esta noble dama no discrimina entre robustos o famlicos, ya que ella no suele fallar el golpe a la hora de usar su afilado mondadientes; en sus cuadrillas de obreros, enrola por igual a un peso pluma de doscientas cincuenta libras que a un mastodonte de treinta o treinta y cinco kilos; estas cuadrillas tienen como tarea principal alimentar a los ms grandes fabricantes de abono natural que existen en este bello y horrible planeta. Perhaps what more catch the attention of people is the peculiar form to see the worldIt seldom comes out from my lips the expression: this is difficult; difficulties exist more in the mind of human beings than in the reality of the natural, social or cultural context where

    he evolves himselfwhere certainly he should wait for the Lady of Eternal Smile. This noble lady does not discriminate between strong or famished men, since she is not used to

    fail the blow when she uses her sharp toothpick; she enrolls both a feather weight of two

    hundred fifty pounds and a mastodon of thirty or thirty five kilograms in her bunches of

    laborers; these bunches have, as a main task, to feed the greatest natural manufacturers of

    natural manure existing in this beautiful and horrible planet.


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    1 Se vea desesperada... muy desesperada. Se le notaba en el rostro, en sus ademanes nerviosos. Miraba con recelo para todos lados, como si alguien estuviese acechndole, con quin sabe qu intenciones; empero, no pareca haber nadie, en el sitio donde crea haber visto algo. La mujer caminaba con paso inseguro de un lado a otro en aquel pequeo claro, en medio del pastizal que creca salvaje e imponente a orillas del Arroyo del Cuerno. Al fondo se divisaban los grandes picos montaosos de color azul ocre, a aquellas horas de la tarde, coronados por grisceas nubes, las cuales se vean tan hermosas como una amistosa anaconda hambrienta. She looked like desperatevery desperate. It was noted on her face, in her nervous gestures. She looked at all around with evident fear as if somebody was spying her with

    who knows what intentions; however it seemed there was nobody in the place where she

    thought to have seen something. Woman walked with not secure step from a side to another

    one in that small bald spot located in the middle of the high pasture for horses, which grew

    savage and imposing on the banks of the Stream of the Horn. At that time of the afternoon,

    in the background, one could see the large mountainous peaks of blue ocher color crowned

    by grayish clouds (which ones look as beautiful as a friendly hungry anaconda.

    Despus de cavilar un largo rato acerca de qu determinacin tomar: si gritar pidiendo ayuda o largarse a toda carrera, la mujer opt por la segunda opcin. Sali disparada como si la persiguiese Mefistfeles, con su orquesta de delicados y tiernos diablillos. Afortunadamente, pens ella, la casa slo distaba de all unos ciento cincuenta metros; la distancia la recorri en un santiamn: en el increble lapso de siete segundos. Seguro se hubiese ganado un Guinnes Record , si hubiese tenido como testigos a un grupo de camargrafos, un notario y los dems requisitos que exige la prestigiosa organizacin para otorgar el reconocimiento; ya lo dice un conocido refrn: El miedo pone alas en los pies al ms mastodntico de los hombres. En el calor del hogar, y en compaa de sus seres queridos, la noble fmina se sinti ms segura; aunque no dejaba de pensar en la extraa sensacin que haba tenido cerca del arroyo. Justamente, cuando ms confiada se senta, ocurri lo inesperado: las ventanas se abrieron de golpe, como si el viento quisiese demostrar que era enemigo de tales artilugios; pero lo curioso y sorprendente era que no soplaba la ms leve brisa en esos momentos. Entonces, qu haba hecho que las ventanas cedieran tan fcilmente y se abrieran con tanto estrpito? La respuesta no se hizo esperar, ante sus ojos tena al ms admirado, temido y odiado de todos los personajes que vivan en la regin: El Profesor Misterio. After criticizing a long while about what determination to take (if shout asking for help or

    run in a hurry), woman chose for the second option. She rushed away as if Mephistopheles,

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    with his orchestra of delicate and tender small devils, was pursuing her. Fortunately, she

    thought, the house was only one hundred and fifty meters away from there; she ran over the

    distance in a jiffy: in the incredible lapse of seven seconds. Sure she had won a Guinness

    Record if she had had like witnesses a group of cameramen, a notary, and the other

    requisites (that) the prestigious organization requires to offer the recognition; like a well-

    known proverb says: Fear puts wings in the feet of the more mastodons of men. In the heat of home and accompanied with her loving beings, the noble woman felt surer herself;

    although she did not stop to think of the strange sensation she had had near the stream.

    Exactly, when she felt surer, an unexpected event occurred: windows were opened

    suddenly, as if the wind wanted to show he was enemy of such jiggers, but the curious and

    surprising thing was that it did not blow the lightest breeze in those moments. Then what

    had done windows to yield so easily and they were opened with so much noise? Answer

    itself did not made to expect- facing to her was the most admired, feared and hated of all

    personages living in the region: Professor Mysterious. A Heneda Pulgarn casi se le caen los ojos, tan salidos los tena de las cuencas. No poda creer lo que vean sus lmparas naturales; pero no caba duda alguna, frente a ella, erguido como un gigantesco pino de California, y con aquella mirada nada tranquilizadora, se hallaba aquel personaje de leyenda... cuya vida estaba cubierta por un oscuro velo de sombras, las cuales no permitan ver ms all del rostro y ropas del personaje. Haba algo en la cara del profesor que provocaba desazn, y que, sin embargo, actuaba como un poderoso imn, ya que era inevitable mirarlo fijamente o continuamente a hurtadillas, cuando no se le poda sostener la mirada. Heneda Pulgarns eyes almost fall down from her face, she had them so grown larger that they were almost out of eye sockets. She could not believe what her natural lamps saw, but

    there was not doubt, in front of her, straightened up as a gigantic Californian pine, and

    with that look nothing smoothing, was that legendary personagewhose life was cover by a dark veil of shadows; this, of course, did not permit to see beyond the face and clothes of

    the personage. There was something on professor face that provoked annoyance, and that,

    however acted as a powerful magnet because it was inevitable to stare at him or to look at

    him continuously stealthily, when one could not maintain his look for a longer.

    - Hola, Heneda. Buenos das. Qu hay de malo?- salud corts el inquietante

    personaje, con voz carente de inflexiones emotivas y sin ningn tipo de acento regional.

    - Hello, Heneda. Good morning. What evil is there just here? - greeted courteous the

    perturbing personage, with a voice lacking of emotional inflections and with no type of

    regional accent.

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    - Buenas... bue... buenos das, profe- tartamude un poco Heneda.- Cmo y por dnde entr?

    - Good nigogood morning, professor- Heneda stammered a little- How and where did you get in?

    - Querida amiga, no te preocupes por esas pequeeces- fue la evasiva

    respuesta que obtuvo Heneda.- Mejor presntame a tus parientes, muchacha. - Dear friend, do not worry about those trifles- was the evasive reply Heneda obtained-

    better introduce me to your relatives, girl.

    - S... este... mucho gusto... les presento al Profesor Xraltzx Khimz- dijo la

    angustiada muchacha, mientras senta que se le doblaban las piernas. - Yes this this is Professor Xraltzx Khimz- the distressed girl said, while she felt her legs shot down.

    - Mucho gusto. Es un placer conocerlos a todos... ustedes- habl para todos los

    presentes, el profesor Xraltzx. - Gladly. Its a pleasure to know you all- professor Xraltzx spoke for all the people. - Gracias, profesor. El placer es nuestro.- habl por todos Ditko, el mayor de los

    hermanos de Heneda. Los dems prefirieron imitar a una locuaz pared de granito.

    - Thanks, professor. The pleasure is ours- spoke instead of all Ditko, the oldest one of

    Henedas brothers. The other ones preferred to imitate to a loquacious wall of granite.

    - Sintese, profesor- invit Heneda, un poco ms calmada, aunque sumida en

    un insondable mar de incertidumbres.- Qu viene a buscar el profesor en esta casa?- pens, ligeramente estremecida, la linda joven.

    - Sit down, professor- invited Heneda, a little calmer, although she was plunged in a

    bottomless sea of incertitude What does professor come to look for in this house?, thought, a little tremble, the pretty young girl.

    Inmediatamente despus del parco cruce de palabras, se hizo un silencio tan espeso que se poda cortar con un cuchillo; los moradores de aquel humilde lugar miraban al visitante, no con temor manifiesto, pero s con una profunda zozobra en sus nimos. Mientras tanto, Hennyl, como la llamaban cariosamente sus

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    hermanos, se dispuso a servir un poco de caf para el inesperado visitante y para sus hermanos; ella no tomaba caf desde haca mucho tiempo. Immediately after the crossing of words, a thick silence was done; it was so thick that it

    could be cut with a knife; the inhabitants of that humble place looked at the visitor, not with

    a clear fear, but with a deep worry hanging in their souls. In the meantime, Hennyl, as her

    brothers and sisters called her lovingly, was getting ready to serve a little of coffee for the

    unexpected visitor and for her relatives; she did not drink coffee since a great deal time


    Cul no sera su sorpresa cuando, antes de entrar al departamento de avituallamiento, escuch la voz del profesor (el Iceberg Humano), la cual reson en sus delicados odos cual si fuese un disparo de can: No, gracias. El tinto y yo no somos amigos. En lugar de eso, brndeme un vaso de agua tibia. Porque estoy que me congelo con esta temperatura tan baja- dijo el tranquilizador personaje. Which it would be her surprise when- before entering to the department of supplies- she

    heard professors voice (Human Iceberg), which resounded in her ears as if it were a shot of cannon: No, thanks. The dark red coffee and I are not friends. Instead of that offer me a glass of tepid water, because I am almost freezing with this so lower temperature- said the smoothing personage.

    Hennyl y sus hermanos se miraron entre s intrigados, porque la temperatura reinante era en realidad muy asfixiante y deba, segn ellos, sobrepasar los 400 centgrados; pensaron, adems, que sera cosa de acostumbrarse a las salidas del ilustre visitante. ste, por cierto, no volvi a despegar los labios en un tiempo considerable; slo habl en el momento de despedirse para lanzar un escueto Gracias... y que tengan dulces pesadillas. Hennyl and her brothers and sisters looked at plotted among themselves, because the

    reigning temperature was really very asphyxiating, and it would be, according to them, to

    surpass the 40 Celsius degrees; they thought (that) it would be thing to be become

    accustomed to the subterfuges of the illustrious visitor. This one, certainly, did not open his

    mouth in a considerable time; he only spoke when he had to say good bye muttering just a simple thanks and have sweet nightmares. En muchos das, Heneda y su humilde familia no volvieron a escuchar ms radiodifusiones orales acerca del clebre Hijo del Silencio; sin embargo, una fina red de periodistas populares difunda diariamente las noticias que se producan en la benemrita poblacin de los verdugos orales, personajes de dulce lengua con sabor a bilis. Las noticias ms destacadas, por supuesto, giraban en torno al hombre del oscuro antifaz.

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    During many days Heneda and her humble family did not listen more oral radio

    broadcasting about the famous Son of the silence; however, a fine popular network of journalists diffused the news produced in the worthy town of the oral executioners; they were personages of sweet tongue with the taste of the bile. The most noticeable news, of

    course, turned around the man of the dark mask.

    2 Era algo inverosmil, la vida transcurra en una calma pasmosa. Los aparatos de radiodifusin- de hecho todas las estaciones de difusin se fundan en una sola a la hora de transmitir los mensajes) andaban de capa cada porque prcticamente nadie les prestaba atencin, debido a que slo difundan sucesos pasados haca mucho tiempo; y, por supuesto, a la gente slo le gusta escuchar cosas nuevas o que fuesen del pasado pero que estuviesen inditas. De manera que los das se sentan lnguidos, y en muchas ocasiones tan livianos como casarse con una dama de 260 libras de peso. El ro de la vida segua su curso sin sobresaltos, hasta que algo vino a perturbar la calma que reinaba en el ojo del huracn, un suceso tan inslito que a ms de uno transform en gemelo de los erizos. It was somewhat incredible, life passed by in an astounding calm. Broadcasting

    apparatuses (in fact, all the stations of diffusion gathered themselves just in one when they need to transmit the messages) were in a bad way because practically nobody paid

    attention to them, due to the fact they only diffused events occurred a great deal time ago and of course, people just please to listen new things or some from the past which were totally unpublished. So that, days looked like languid, and in many occasions as light

    as to get marry with a lady of about 260 pounds of weight. River of life continued its course

    without starts, until something came to disturb the calm reigning in the eye of the

    hurricane, a so unusual event that transformed into twins of the hedgehogs at more than


    ........................................... Casi amaneca, eso se perciba porque algunos afilados y agudos sables dorados, provenientes del Astro Rey, lograban atravesar la espesa cortina de neblina que cubra toda la regin, especialmente en el Valle del Perico, donde se ubicaba Lorita y otras ocho poblaciones circunvecinas que se levantaban majestuosas alrededor de la Cinaga de la Santa Virgen. El religioso nombre lo reciba esta imponente masa de agua en honor a un clebre personaje de la regin, una noble dama que vivi en la zona haca mucho tiempo y siempre juraba que ella era completamente virgen, a pesar de ser madre de media docena de vstagos. Day almost woke up, that was perceived because some sharp and keen golden sabers,

    coming from the King Sun, could trespass the thick curtain of fog covering the entire region

    (especially in the Valley of Parakeet) where Lorita and other eight adjacent towns (raising

    themselves majestic around the Marsh of the Holy Virgin) were located. This imposing

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    mass of water received this religious name in honor to a famous personage of the region, a

    noble lady who lived in this zone a great deal time ago and who always swore she was completely virgin, in spite of being mother of stocking dozen of twigs.

    El vehculo rodaba lentamente por la carretera; aquel cacharro, un vehculo ltimo modelo (era modelo 69 solamente, y apenas transcurra el primer trimestre del ao 1990), iba con la meterica velocidad de una tortuga cuadrapljica debido a que el manto de neblina prcticamente impeda la visibilidad. En el puesto de control, obligatorio para todos los vehculos que recorran aquel maravilloso tramo de va, estaban dos pasajeros esperando transporte. En apariencia eran dos pacficos pasajeros ms, de esos que por lo general son madrugadores a la hora de viajar, slo que nadie se imaginaba el trgico in suceso que tendra lugar ms adelante. Una de las personas que haba abordado el vehculo era un distinguido profesor que laboraba en un colegio de Lorita, el profesor Xraltzx Khimz; la otra persona era una desconocida que sonrea beatficamente en todo momento; tena adems un aspecto noble y bonachn. La dama luca un llamativo vestido color gris claro. Vehicle rolled slowly on the highway; that junk, a last model vehicle (it was model 69 only,

    and barely elapsed the first quarter of the year 1990), went with a high speed of a

    paraplegic turtle because the cloak of fog practically impeded the visibility. In the Control

    Post- obligatory point for all the vehicles traveling through that marvelous section of way-

    there were two passengers waiting for transportation. In appearance they were just two

    peaceful passengers (those ones that generally wake up early when they want to travel);

    nobody was able to imagine the tragic event which would take place further on. One of the

    passengers that had gotten on the vehicle was a distinguished professor who worked in a

    prestigious school in Lorita: Professor Xraltzx Khimz; the other one was a stranger lady

    who smiled beatifically at every moment; she had besides a noble and good natured aspect.

    The lady wore a gaudy dress in a clear gray color.

    Nada anormal se presagiaba en el interior del vehculo. Algunos pasajeros charlaban animadamente, mientras que otros preferan ovillarse para tratar de evitar los aguijonazos del fro reinante; no obstante, haba tres o cuatro personas que no apartaban sus faros oculares de la singular pareja que haba abordado el bus ltimamente... y fueron estos amigos de la discrecin quienes se percataron de algo extrao que haba sucedido en el interior de la lata rodante. Sin saber cmo ni cundo, la pacfica parejita haba desaparecido del puesto donde se acomodaron al subir al bus. Tal vez cambiaron de sitio: fue lo primero que pensaron los vigilantes gratuitos; sin embargo, luego de una inspeccin ocular realizada como al descuido, se dieron cuenta de que ni el profesor ni la noble dama estaban en el vehculo. Sus subconscientes recibieron el mensaje, y ellos no pudieron evitar un repeluzno, ya que no podan explicarse cmo se haba esfumado la parejita; si el bus no haba hecho una parada ms, y ellos, como buenos cotilleros, siempre estuvieron vigilantes... Cmo diablos no se dieron

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    cuenta del momento en que vol la parejita de cuervos? Cuando ms afanados estaban, cavilando acerca de aquel hecho inexplicable, ocurri el desastre: el conductor del bus perdi el control de la mquina, y el aparato se sali de la carretera, estrellndose contra una cerca de alambres con pas, la cual era sostenida por gruesos y resistentes postes de madera. Nothing abnormal was foretold in the interior of the vehicle. Some passengers chatted very

    animated, while other ones preferred to cower themselves just trying to avoid the stings of

    the cold; nevertheless there were three or four persons who did not set apart their ocular

    lighthouses from the singular couple that had gotten on the bus lately And were those friends of the discretion who noticed that somewhat strange had happened in the interior of

    the tin rolling plating. Without knowing how and neither when, the peaceful little couple

    had disappeared from the seats where they had sat down upon rising to the bus. Perhaps they changed their place, was the first thing free watchmen and watchwomen thought; however, after an ocular inspection carried out at a carelessness way, they noticed neither

    the professor nor the noble lady were in the vehicle. Their subconscious received the

    message, and they could not avoid a chill, since they could not be explained how the couple

    had disappeared; if the bus had not made one more stop, and they, as good gossips, were

    always vigilant How the devil did they not noticed the moment when the couple of crows flew? When they were more toiled, just criticizing about that inexplicable fact, the disaster

    occurred: the driver of the bus lost the control of the machine and the vehicle came out of

    the highway, being shattered against a near wire fence with sharp points, which was held

    for thickness and resistant poles of wood.

    La noticia del accidente no tard en conocerse en Lorita. La mayora de los pasajeros sufrieron fuertes contusiones; algunos salieron con vida de aquel percance, pero con fracturas en brazos y/o piernas; otros, por su parte, salieron con leves raspaduras en el cuero cabelludo; empero, haba dos que daba grima mirarlos: estaban virtualmente decapitados y sus cuerpos desmembrados... como si fuera poco, sus vsceras quedaron desperdigadas por todo el lugar. News about the accident did not delay in being known in Lorita. Most of the passengers

    suffered serious contusions. Some of them left alive from that mishap, but with fractures in

    arms and/or legs; others, in turn, just suffered light scrapings on their scalps; however

    there were two ones who provoked fright to look at them: they were virtually beheaded and

    their bodies dismembered as if it was litttheir viscera remained scattered everywhere. Ayudados por espontneos voluntarios, tanto los heridos como los aparentemente ilesos fueron transportados rpidamente hacia el centro hospitalario San Juan Lara (San Belceb), donde fueron recibidos y atendidos por personal mdico del centro asistencial. Una vez all fueron llegando los parientes y amigos de los accidentados, con el fin de enterarse de la suerte corrida por sus seres queridos; claro est, tambin lleg una gran cantidad de curiosos, a la espera de pescar

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    abundante material periodstico para soltar luego en sus tertulias vespertinas, y vaya sorpresa... entre los visitantes se encontraba el profesor Xraltzx Khimz. Helped by spontaneous volunteers, both the injured persons and the apparently unharmed

    ones were transported quickly toward Medical Center San Juan Lara (Saint Beelzebub),

    where they were received and attended by medicine men and women of this Health

    Assistance Center. Once there relatives and friends of the people involved in the accident

    were arriving, in order to get some information about the luck their lovely beings had had;

    and, of course, a large quantity of curious also arrived, with the hope of fishing abundant

    "journalistic material" to free then in their evening gatherings, and what a surprise...

    among the visitors was the professor Xraltzx Khimz.

    Despus de que uno de los heridos hubo reconocido al intrigante profesor, y relatado cmo ste, el demonio de la sonrisa angelical, haba desaparecido misteriosamente del bus en plena marcha, justo antes de que ocurriera el accidente, algunas personas miraron acusadoramente al profesor; otros lo hacan con cierta reserva o con temor manifiesto. After one of the injured men had recognized to the intriguing professor, and related how

    this, the "Devil of the Angelical Smile", had disappeared in a mysterious way from the bus

    in full march, just before the accident occur, some persons looked at the professor

    accusingly; other ones did it with certain reservation or with evident fear.

    La noticia no tard en circular por toda la poblacin, difundida a travs de los invisibles cables y estaciones retransmisoras del famoso correo de las brujas, con lo cual se produjo la alarma general. Los comentarios se sucedan uno tras otro, e incluso en los corrillos que se formaban a diario en las esquinas de las calles, el tema obligado de conversacin giraba en torno a aquel demonio con figura humana (ste es otro de los insignes eptetos que algunos le han endilgado al modesto profesor); haba quienes aseguraban que slo era un orate desconcertante; an as, no faltaba quien dijese que loco, demonio, brujo, charlatn... o no, de todas formas no era una persona en quien se pudiese confiar de buenas a primeras. News did not delay in circulating for the entire town, diffused through the invisible cables

    and radio broadcasting stations of the famous "mail of the witches", with which the general

    alarm was produced. Comments were very constant, and including, in the huddles which

    were organized daily on the corners of the streets, the obliged theme of conversation turned

    around that devil with human figure (this is another of the famous epithets that some people

    have put to the modest professor); there were who assured he was only an disconcerting

    crazy man; still thus, there were also who said that crazy, devil, prattler... or not, in no

    way, the professor was not a person in whom we could be trusted at first view.

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    Muchas personas, especialmente los padres de familia, recomendaban a sus hijos o a los miembros ms jvenes de la comunidad que se cuidaran de trabar amistad con el ngel infernal, como algunas personas llamaban amablemente al profesor Xraltzx Khimz. Many persons, especially the parents, recommended to their children or to the youngest

    members of the community to take care of having friendship relationship with the "Infernal

    Angel", as some persons kindly called Professor Xraltzx Khimz.

    Casi todos tenan un consejo que dar o algo que comentar cuando se trataba un tema relacionado con el Profesor Misterio; a pesar de todo eso, prcticamente nadie osaba decir semejantes lindezas delante del interesado... tal vez por aquello de que Ms vale callar a tiempo, que tener que lamentarse en medio del tormento. Almost all of them had an advice to give or something to comment when was treated a

    theme related to the Professor Mystery; in spite of all that, practically nobody dared to say

    such things in front of the interested person... perhaps by that that "It is more worth to

    silence on time, than having to be regretted in the middle of the torment".

    De todas formas, a partir de esos instantes de sobrio intercambio de comentarios acerca de la personalidad del profesor Xraltzx, ste no volvi a pasar desapercibido para nadie en la poblacin, puesto que todos lo conocan personalmente o de odas; adems, siempre haba alguien dispuesto a satisfacer la tremenda sed auditiva de los insaciables pobladores que, en lugar de lenguas, parecan tener pistolas de rayos lser, listas para ser usadas en cualquier momento. In any case, from those instants of temperate exchange of comments about the personality

    of the professor Xraltzx, this did not passed unnoticed again for nobody in the town, since

    they all knew him personally or of heard; besides, there was always somebody willing to

    satisfy the tremendous auditory thirst of the insatiable settlers who, instead of tongues,

    seemed to have laser ray guns, ready to be used at any moment.

    Como era de esperar, los parientes de Heneda tambin le recomendaron a sta que evitara cualquier tipo de relacin con su amigo, el profesor Xraltzx Khimz. Pero ella, en lugar de amedrentarse por esos comentarios y recomendaciones, cada da senta mas atraccin por el misterioso ser, hasta tal punto que aceptaba, casi sin vacilar, las invitaciones a pasear o tomar refrescos que ste le haca con cierta regularidad. As it was to expect, Henedas relatives also recommended her to avoid any type of relationship with her friend, the professor Xraltzx Khimz. But she, instead of being afraid

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    by those comments and recommendations, every day she felt more attraction by the

    mysterious being, to such an extent (that) she accepted, almost without hesitating, the

    invitations to stroll or to take refreshments that this did it with certain regularity.

    3 Transcurran los das y todo pareca volver a la normalidad, particularmente en la relacin familiar de Heneda con sus hermanos y de todos ellos con el extraterrestre de los ojos ahumados. Las visitas del profesor al hogar de la familia Pulgarn se hicieron ms frecuentes, y lo que en un principio pareca no ir ms all de una atraccin momentnea, se consolid como una de las ms fuertes y arraigadas relaciones amorosas; incluso, hubo algunos momentos en que viajaron juntos a las ilimitadas praderas que servan de reino al Dios Eros. Days passed by and all seemed to return to the normality, particularly in the family

    relationship of Heneda with her brothers and sisters and of all them with the

    extraterrestrial of the smoked eyes. The visits (that) professor carried out to the home of

    the Pulgarn family were more frequent, and what at first seemed not to go beyond a

    passing attraction, was consolidated as one of the strongest and taken root loving

    relations; including, there were some moments in which they traveled together to the

    unlimited meadows that served of kingdom to the God Eros.

    Una de las cosas que ms llamaba la atencin, con relacin al Profesor Misterio, era que cuando alguien le comentaba algo que haban dicho acerca de l, por lo general, slo sonrea y se limitaba a comentar que eso no tena por qu incomodar a nadie, ya que a l, como directo involucrado, esto no le preocupaba. No le presten atencin a esas sandeces que son propias de los bien paridos desocupados; esa era la desconcertante respuesta del profesor. A veces hablaba durante mucho rato y de las cosas ms variadas con rostro totalmente imperturbable. One of the things that more caught the attention, with relation to the Professor Mystery,

    was that when somebody commented something (that) some people had said about him,

    generally, he only smiled and he was limited to comment that that was not to disturb

    anybody, since to him, as direct involved, this did not worry. "Do not pay attention to those

    nonsense things which are own of the well recently delivered idlers"; that was the

    disconcerting answer of the professor. Sometimes he spoke during a great deal of while,

    and about the most various things, with imperturbable face.

    ................................... El Profesor Misterio haca viajes frecuentes a la ciudad de Medalln (en Medalln, casi todo el mundo es devoto de algn santo cobardn o de una santa coqueta); de ah su nombre, porque no falta quien tenga colgada en el cuello o guardada en

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    un pequeo altar secreto una medallita con la imagen de su patrn o de su patrona. Estos viajes, segn deca, tenan como finalidad cumplir con algunos compromisos acadmicos; sin embargo, haba una segunda intencin en estos viajes, realizados en perodos especficos del ao. El motivo secreto... ponerse en contacto con otra persona que perteneca al Grupo de los Veinticinco, que ahora slo eran diecisis porque l haba desertado del grupo haca mucho tiempo, sin intenciones de volver a formar parte de esa asociacin de depredadores de almas, y los otros ocho desaparecieron tan misteriosamente como haban llegado al Gran Enano Azul. Professor Mystery took frequent trips to Medalln City (in Medalln, almost everyone is

    devout of a coward saint or of a holy flirt); from there its name, because it does not lack

    who have hanging on his/her neck or kept in a small secret altar a little medal with the

    image of his/her "boss" or of his/her "she- boss". These trips, as he said, had like purpose

    to comply with some academic commitments; however, there was a second intention in

    these trips, carried out in specific periods of the year. The secret motive... to be put in

    contact with another person who belonged to the "Group of the twenty-five", that now were

    only sixteen because he had deserted from the group a great deal time ago, without

    intentions to return to form part of that "association of soul predators", and the other eight

    disappeared so mysterious as they had arrived at the "Great Blue Dwarf ".

    La persona visitada por el profesor en Medalln era una dama de noble aspecto y rostro risueo casi todo el tiempo, alta, bien proporcionada, ojos de color azul verdoso- como las aguas del incitante e inquietante Mar Caribe, sobre todo durante la bella temporada de verano. Esta dama era muy dulce en apariencia, pero en el fondo era tan tranquilizadora como dormir uno rodeado de una docena de erizos en celo o al lado de media docena de cocodrilos recin salidos de un largo perodo de abstinencia alimenticia. Era una de las menos poderosas del grupo, pero tambin era una de las ms crueles a la hora de actuar. Como cosa curiosa, casi siempre vesta con ropas de color gris claro o de colores gastados. The person visited by the professor in Medalln was a lady of noble aspect and smiling face

    almost all the time, tall, well provided, blue greenish eyes - as the waters of the inciting and

    disquieting Caribbean Sea, especially during the beautiful season of summer. This lady

    was very sweet in appearance, but in her soul and her mind she was as soothing as to sleep

    surrounded of a dozen of hedgehogs in zeal or next to stocking dozen of crocodiles recently

    come out of a long alimentary period of abstinence. She was one of the least powerful of

    the group, but she was also one of the cruelest when she has to act. As curious thing,

    almost always she dressed in clear gray clothes or in gaudy colors.

    La bella dama no era amiga de nadie en especial- ningn miembro del fatdico grupo tena amigos realmente. Las pocas personas que se podan considerar

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    allegadas a ellos, slo eran tenidas en cuenta para cubrir las apariencias, y no aparecer como coyotes solitarios en medio de la vanidosa y endeble humanidad. The beautiful lady was not friend of nobody especially- no member of the fateful group had

    friends really. The few persons, who could be considered close to them, were only kept in

    mind to cover the appearances, and not to appear like lonely coyotes in the middle of the

    conceited and flimsy humanity.

    Adems de realizar viajes frecuentes a la ciudad de Medalln, el inofensivo Profesor Misterio llevaba a cabo excursiones a otros lugares de la geografa condorbiana (segn algunos bien hablados, Condorbia debe su nombre a la rapia que pesa sobre ella, por parte de los respetables y honorables gobernantes). Estas salidas, fuera de Lorita, siempre son hechas de manera furtiva, es decir, casi nadie sabe cundo sale o regresa el profesor, ni qu demonios hace cuando se desaparece del lugar. En eso s estn apaados los comunicadores sociales honoris lengua, porque todava no haban podido enterarse de las razones para tanto ocultamiento. Besides taking frequent trips to the Medalln City, the inoffensive Professor Mystery

    carried out excursions to other places of the condorbian geography (according to some

    well spoken, Condorbia owes its name to the rapine that weighs upon her, on the part of the

    respectable and honorable rulers). These leavings, out of Lorita, are always carried out in

    a furtive way, that is to say, almost nobody knows when leaves or returns the professor,

    neither what the devil he does when he disappears from the place. In that are grasped the

    social communicators "honoris tongue", because they had not still been able to be informed

    of the reasons for so much occultation.

    En los pocos momentos en que el clebre maestro hablaba de su vida personal, eran muchos los que no crean casi nada de lo que deca. Para muchos de ellos, lo que el profesor deca no pasaba de ser un montn de fantasas, propias de una desquiciada mente, atolondrado por fuertes torbellinos csmicos; a pesar de eso, para algunas personas, lo que el profesor deca, o por lo menos el 80% de lo que hablaba era una gran verdad; sta, algunas veces, quedaba disimulada tras un velo de irona o de sarcasmo; en otros momentos, daba la impresin de hablar demasiado y decir poco realmente o, por el contrario, de querer hablar poco pero con mucha profundidad en sus palabras. In the few moments in which the famous teacher spoke about his personal life, they were

    many ones who did not believe almost anything of what he said. For many of them, what

    the professor said did not pass to be a pile of fantasies, own of an unhinged mind,

    thoughtless by strong cosmic whirls; in spite of that, for some persons, what the professor

    said, or at least the 80 per cent of what he spoke was a great truth; this truth, sometimes,

    remained dissembled after a veil of irony or of sarcasm; in other moments, he gave the

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    impression to speak too much and to say little really or, on the contrary, to want to speak

    little but with a great deal of depth in its words.

    4 Profesor- le pregunt alguien una vez- Quin y qu es usted realmente? De dnde viene y qu hace aqu? Qu busca en este planeta? - Professor- asked him somebody once- Who and what are you really? Where do you come

    from and What do you do here? What are looking for in this planet?

    - No le parece que son demasiadas preguntas y, adems, muy atrevidas- fue la evasiva respuesta del profesor.

    - Dont you think they are too many questions and, besides, very daredevils- it was the evasive answer of the professor.

    - S, pero es que yo quiero saber ms acerca de usted- insisti Zirko, un jovenzuelo que secretamente deseaba ser discpulo del profesor.

    - Yes, but it is that I want to know more about you- insisted Zirko, a young man who

    secretly desired to be disciple of the professor.

    - Muchacho, debes saber que la curiosidad suele ser peligrosa a veces. - Boy, you should know (that) curiosity is used to being dangerous sometimes.

    - S, lo s. Pero quiero conocer las cosas contadas por usted mismo- dijo Zirko, sin querer dar su brazo a torcer.

    - Yes, I know it. But I want to know things told by you yourself- said Zirko, without wanting

    to give up.

    - Chico, todo tiene su momento y su lugar, y ste no es ni el momento ni el lugar apropiados para decir segn qu cosas.- algn da sabrs algo acerca de m, y preprate para lo inesperado... el ser humano debe aprender a esperar lo inesperado para que no lo pillen por sorpresa- fue la pausada y cortante respuesta del profesor.

    - Small boy, all things have their moment and their place, and this is not neither the

    moment nor the appropriate place to say according to what things. One day you will know

    something about me, and prepare yourself for the unexpected thing... "Human beings

    should learn to expect the unexpected thing so that they wont be taken by surprise"- was the paused and cutting answer of the professor.

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    As era casi siempre, no afirmaba pero tampoco desmenta nada de lo que dijesen los amigos del parloteo. En algunas ocasiones, slo esbozaba una ligera y mefistoflica sonrisa o sencillamente se evada con una de sus clsicas citas: Hay que ver ms all de lo evidente. Y si alguien se aventuraba a preguntar que si cul era el significado de aquella expresin, la explicacin que reciba era muy sencilla, pero en lugar de aclarar la incertidumbre del preguntn, lo que haca era aumentarla, como cuando deca: Joven. Muchas cosas no son lo que parecen, y otras s lo son, pero algunos no quieren aceptarlo as... As de fcil, Qu le parece?. He acted in that way almost always, he did not affirm but he did neither contradict

    anything of what the friends of the chattering said. In some occasions, he just outlined a

    light and Mephistophelian smile or he was simply evaded with one of his classical

    quotation: "one must see beyond the evident thing". And if somebody ventured to ask about

    which the meaning of that expression was, the explanation he received was very simple, but

    instead of clearing up the uncertainty of the inquisitive man, what it did was enlarging it, as

    when he said: "Young boy/girl. Many things are not what they appear, and others are

    totally true, but some people do not want to accept them thus So easy what do you think?"

    FCIL! No... No era fcil comprender a aquel demonio juguetn con rtulo de humano. Cuando pareca estar de mal genio o amargado, en realidad estaba del mejor humor, y, por el contrario, cuando se vea sonriente o de aparente buen humor, entonces estaba con un genio que alcanzaba los 990 en el malgenimetro. Pero, bueno... as era l. Cuando alguien deca que algo era muy difcil, entonces l tranquilamente deca que eso era muy fcil; una explicacin que haca ver fcil lo que aparentemente no lo era. As de sencillo. Y eso era suficiente para callar o para dar terminada, a su manera, el asunto en cuestin. Lo ms difcil siempre lo explicaba de una forma sencilla y natural; eso s, sin altisonancias ni pedantera. Todos estamos en capacidad para hacer las cosas, lo que pasa es que a veces nos enfrascamos en cosas sin importancia, y eso nos resta tiempo para analizar otras que s deben merecer nuestra atencin, sola decir para iniciar o dar por terminada una conversacin. EASY! No It was not easy to understand that playful devil with sign of human. When it seemed to be of badly genius or sour, he was really of the best humor, and, on the contrary,

    when he was seen smiling or with apparent good humor, then he was with a genius that

    reached the 99 Celsius degrees in the ill- humored meter. But, well... that was him. When

    somebody said (that) something was very difficult, then he tranquilly said that "that was

    very easy"; an explanation that did to see easy what apparently was not. It was so simple.

    And that was sufficient to silence or to give finished, to his way, the matter in question. The

    most difficult thing was always explained in a natural and simple form; of course, without

    high- flown language and with no pedantry. "We all are able to do the things, what really

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    occurs is that sometimes we become entangled ourselves in things without importance, and

    that reduces our time to analyze other ones deserving our attention", he was used to saying

    to initiate or to finish a conversation.

    Entablar conversacin con el Profesor Misterio no era difcil en realidad. Lo difcil era acercarse a l y comenzar a preguntarle cosas para ver si era cierto que saba bastante, como aseguraban muchas personas, distintas de sus contradictores o enemigos gratuitos, claro.

    Beginning a conversation with Professor Mystery was not really difficult. The difficult

    thing was to be approach him and to begin to ask him things to see if was certain (that) he

    knew enough, as many persons assured, distinct of his contradicters or free enemies, of


    Cierta vez, Lidtko le solt una pregunta con el fin de corcharlo, o sea, pillarlo en el error, aunque quera aparentar que lo haca por no saber an de qu se trataba. Cul no sera su sorpresa cuando escuch la fuerte y apacible voz del profesor, cuando estaba casi seguro que ya no recibira respuesta alguna: Chico, quien pregunta lo que sabe no slo es un estpido, sino que se expone a recibir una mala respuesta. No le hagas cosquillas a un grizzli para ver si es manso o es fiero. Certain time, Lidtko freed a question to him in order to make him to fail, that is to say, to

    drive him to make a mistake, although he wanted to pretend (that) he did because he didnt still know of what it treated. Which would not be his surprise when listened the strong and

    peaceful voice of the professor, when he was almost sure that no longer would receive any

    answer: "Boy, who asks what he already knows not only is a stupid one, but also he is

    exposed to receive a bad answer. Do not do tickles to a grizzly to see if it is gentle or it is


    5 Zirko, Lidtko y D. Chaux (una hermosa joven que lleg a enamorarse profundamente del profesor) queran por encima de todo convertirse en discpulos predilectos del Profesor Misterio, y los tres, por cierto, estaban en la lista de elegibles para suceder al profesor en su desconocida tarea. Haban sido escogidos despus de un minucioso estudio de las potencialidades mentales de cada uno de ellos. Zirko, Lidtko, and D. Chaux (a beautiful young girl who came to be courted deeply of the

    professor) they wanted over all the things to be become favorite disciples of the Professor

    Mystery, and the three ones, certainly, were in the list of eligible to be the successors of the

    professor in their unknown task. They had been chosen after a meticulous study of their

    mental potentialities.

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    A Zirko le correspondi, en suerte, aprender a concentrarse hasta alcanzar el quinto nivel, es decir, ver ms all de lo evidente, haciendo uso de la mente y no de los apndices visuales. Esto le permitira ver las cosas y objetos con claridad por muy cubiertas(os) que estuviesen. To Zirko corresponded to fall to his lot to learn how to be concentrated until reaching the

    fifth level, that is to say, to see beyond the evident thing, using his mind and not his visual

    appendices. This would permit him to see things and objects with clearly although they

    were very cover.

    El muchacho cumpla puntualmente su cita nocturna con su maestro y segua al pie de la letra las instrucciones recibidas; no obstante, a pesar de las recomendaciones de su gua, para que usara eso solamente cuando fuese absolutamente necesario- cuando tuviese un problema grave: fsico, sicolgico o fisiolgico- Zirko cometi el error de pensar, durante una de las sesiones, que eso le servira para ver a sus lindas vecinitas en vestidos dermatolgicos, y, de paso, ver en qu estado tenan sus tringulos de las Bermudas. Desde luego, eso le cost la suspensin de la enseanza y la anulacin de los conocimientos recibidos en forma definitiva. Y por mucho que insisti, nunca ms recibi orientacin por parte del profesor, aunque tampoco recibi explicacin alguna de por qu se tom esa drstica determinacin con l. Al muchacho se le olvid que los pensamientos son como libros abiertos cuando hay alguien que sepa leerlos. Boy complied with punctually his nocturnal appointment with his teacher and took literally

    the instructions received; nevertheless, in spite of the recommendations of his spiritual

    leader, to use "that" only when it was absolutely necessary- when he had a serious

    problem: physical, psychological or physiological- Zirko made the mistake to think, during

    one of the sessions, that "that" would serve to see to his pretty female neighbors "wearing

    their dermatological dresses", and, at the same time, to see in what condition they had their

    "triangles of the Bermuda". Of course, that cost him the suspension of the teaching and the

    annulment of the knowledge received definitely. And although he insisted a great deal, he

    never again received orientation on the part of the professor, and he neither received any

    explanation why that drastic determination was taken with him. Boy forgot that "thoughts

    are like open books when there is somebody who knows how to read them".

    6 Los minutos pasaban como ligeras avecillas que huyesen perseguidas por voraces gavilanes, y de pronto, Lidtko fue interrumpido por una voz de trueno que se impuso al ruido de la mquina de sonido (Pick Up: en ingls; Fonocaptor: en espaol), la cual desgranaba uno de los temas de moda en ritmo de champeta (msica criolla propia de los barrios populares en Cartagena- Costa Norte de Colombia).

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    Minutes passed by like fast little birds just running away because they were pursued by

    voracious sparrow hawks, and suddenly, Lidtko was interrupted for a voice of thunder

    which one was imposed to the noise of the sound machine (Pick Up: in English;

    Fonocaptor: in Spanish), which do fall into ears one of the fashionable themes in rhythm of

    "champeta" (native music of the popular neighborhoods in Cartagena- Northern Coast in


    - Lidtko... Te gustara recibir cuatro cosas que siempre has pedido? S o s? Qu respondes?

    - Lidtko would you please to receive four things you have always asked for? Yes or yes? What do you answer?

    - Claro que s, profesor. Eso ni se pregunta. Es lo que ms deseo en estos

    momentos.- contest vidamente el joven, con una lucecita de inquietud en sus pardos ojos.

    - Of course, professor. That is neither asked. It is what more I desire in these moments. -

    answered avidly the young man, with a light of anxiety in his brown eyes.

    - Pero... te recuerdo algo, muchacho. Debes ser cuidadoso al momento de elegir

    para que no te equivoques. Ah...! Y ten mucho cuidado cuando vayas a usar eso... mucho cuidado- fue la recomendacin del profesor.

    - But... I want you to remember something, boy. You should be careful when you have to

    elect so that you do not make a mistake. Oh. ..! And you have a great deal of care when be

    going to use "that"... a great deal of care- it was the recommendation of the professor.

    - Tranquilo, profe. Cuando lo vaya a usar, sabr cmo hacerlo bien. No se

    preocupe por eso. Claro que usted debe darme las instrucciones que considere necesarias para evitar posibles fallos.- habl Lidtko, ya ms pausado, tal como habra hecho el profesor en circunstancias como esas.

    - Be tranquil, professor. When I am going to use it, I will know how to do it well. Do not

    worry about that. And by the way, you should give me the instructions you consider

    necessary to avoid possible failures. - spoke Lidtko, already calmer, just as would have

    done the professor in circumstances as those.

    El profesor, luego de escribir durante un buen rato, le entreg a Lidtko unas anotaciones y, por supuesto, le recomend que las guardase celosamente, mientras no las estuviese leyendo y, adems, cuando las leyese, deba tener cuidado de no ser visto por otras personas. Tambin, recibi Lidtko otra noticia: T ocupas el nmero dos en la lista de los cinco elegidos. De forma que debes

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    portarte bien para que logres llegar al primer lugar y, as, puedas recibir el legado maldito que muchos querran tener para s. Professor, after writing during a good while, delivered to Lidtko some notes and, of course,

    he recommended it to him to keep them jealously, while he was not reading them and,

    besides, when he was doing it, he should have care of not to be seen by other persons.

    Also, Lidtko received other news: "You occupy the second number in the list of the five

    chosen. So that you should behave very well, so that you can become the first one and, that

    way, you can receive the damned bequest which many people would want to have for


    En consultas posteriores con el insigne maestro, Lidtko se enter que eso, dependiendo de la potencialidad mental de la persona, puede actuar a nivel del consciente o del subconsciente; de eso, ya haba tenido pruebas, el muchacho, cuando en determinados meses fue atropellado por la fiebre escocesa, a lo sumo cinco veces en menos de un mes, aunque l mismo, se resista a aceptarlo as. In subsequent consultations with the famous teacher, Lidtko was informed that "that",

    depending on the mental potentiality of the person, can act at conscious or unconscious

    level. About that, boy had had enough evidences, when in specific months he was knocked

    down for the "Scottish fever", to the greatest thing five times in less than a month, although

    he, himself, was resisted to accept it.


    A D. Chaux no le hubiese costado esperar demasiado para obtener el legado, si no hubiesen intervenido personas ca... r... gadas de energa altamente negativa, que hicieron dudar a los padres de la joven, con relacin a los posibles beneficios o perjuicios que esto pudiese acarrearle a la bella aprendiz; aunque, a veces, ella misma era muy comedida en extremo. To D. Chaux, it hadnt cost to wait for too much in order to obtain the bequest, if there had not had intervened people cha... r... ged of highly negative energy, who made young girl

    parents to get into a doubt, with relation to the possible benefits or damages that this was

    able to bring to the beautiful apprentice; although, sometimes, she herself was extremely


    D. Chaux se entreg en cuerpo y alma a su maestro no slo por aprender algo de l, sino tambin porque se senta espiritualmente ligada a l, en forma tan fuerte y estrecha que eso le daba fuerzas para sobreponerse a cualquier obstculo- incluso a los comentarios por parte de sus propios parientes y de algunos hijos de pera (pera, no perra) que acostumbran a meterse en las vidas ajenas, sin importar a quien le hagan dao con sus dulces y venenosas palabras.

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    D. Chaux devoted herself in body and soul to her teacher not only for learning something

    with him, but also because she was felt spiritually tied to him, in so close and so strong

    form that that gave her strengths to get over to any obstacle- including to the comments on

    the part of her own relatives and of some "children of pear" (pear, not dog) that become

    accustomed to become in the alien lives, without importing to whom they do damage with

    their sweet and poisonous words.

    Contrario a lo que se pudiera pensar acerca de la relacin de esta hermosa joven con el demonio mentiroso (ste es otro de los apelativos aplicados al Profesor Misterio), qued interrumpida por un distanciamiento obligado de la joven, quien, por cumplir con una disposicin familiar, prefiri mantenerse alejada de quien le despertara sus ms ocultos sentimientos y emociones; lo que ella nunca se alcanzara a imaginar, en esos momentos, era que jams se borrara de la mente del misterioso profesor y que, adems, sigue ocupando su lugar de privilegio en la lista de elegidos... esperando el momento en que ella decida volver como amiga y como aprendiz. Por lo menos, eso era lo que discurra por la compleja mente del Rey del orgullo. Algn da... algn da... monologaba casi siempre el Prncipe de los ojos oscuros. Contrary to what it can be thought about the relationship of this beautiful young girl with

    the "lying devil" (this is another of the nicknames applied to the Professor Mystery), it

    remained interrupted by an obliged farness of the young girl, who, by complying with a

    family disposition, preferred to be maintained far away of whom awoke her more hidden

    feelings and emotions; what she never would be reached to imagine, in those moments, was

    that she would never be erased from the mind of the mysterious professor and that,

    besides, she continues occupying her place of privilege in the list of chosen... expecting the

    moment in which she decide to return like friend and as apprentice. At least, that was what

    reflected for the complex mind of the "King of the pride". One day... one day... soliloquized

    almost always the "Prince of the dark eyes".

    7 Algo que sorprenda mucho era la capacidad que tena el Hijo del silencio para grabarse rpidamente cualquier informacin recibida, y la habilidad para manejar esa informacin a su antojo. El Prncipe de los ojos oscuros siempre estaba dispuesto para hablar de cualquier tema, por difcil que esto pudiese parecer para algunos. Lo mismo hablaba de qumica, fsica, sicologa, sociologa, derecho, medicina... como de mampostera, fontanera, cocina, dibujo... Ah! Qu conste, amigos. Cuando se dice hablaba es porque el profesor ya casi no quiere hablar de muchos temas en pblico, sino de vez en cuando, si alguien le solicita una asesora en cualquiera de esos campos tan dismiles entre s algunos de ellos. Something very surprisingly was the capacity that had the "Son of the silence" to be

    engraved quickly any information received, and the ability to handle that information to his

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    craving. The Prince of the dark eyes was always already to speak about any theme, for

    more difficult (that) this thing could seem for some people. He was able to speak about

    chemistry, physics, psychology, sociology, law, medicine... as about masonry, plumbing,

    cuisine, drawing... Oh! What be evident, friends. When it is said "he was able to speak" is

    because the professor almost does not want to speak of many themes in public, but

    occasionally, if someone requests him an advising in any of those so unlike fields.


    Se encontraba descansando en su pedacito de oficina, cuando fue interrumpido por unos jvenes que llegaron a interrogarle acerca de la verdad de su vida. He was taking a rest in his small office, when he was interrupted for some young men who

    came to interrogate him about the truth of his life.

    - Profesor- pregunt Xalix, el ms lanzado del grupo- Por qu usted no quiere

    hablar mucho acerca de usted mismo?

    - Professor- asked Xalix, the most dare of the group- Why do not you want to talk a great

    deal about you yourself?

    - Concrete su pregunta... Qu desea saber en realidad? Explquese con ms

    claridad, porque no le entiendo, joven- fue la grantica respuesta del profesor. - Be concrete in your question... What do you desire to know really? Explain yourself

    more clearly, because I do not understand you, young boy- was the granite answer of the


    - Cmo puede usted saber tantas cosas?- insisti el joven universitario- Por

    qu no quiere ceder parte de ese conocimiento a otras personas? - How can you know so many things? - Insisted the young university student- Wont you want to yield part of that knowledge to other persons?

    - Yo nunca he dicho que no quiera ensear a nadie. Simplemente digo que

    prefiero callar algunas cosas. Eso es todo. - I have never said I do not want to teach anybody. Simply I say (that) I prefer to silence

    some things. That is all.

    - No. No es todo, profe- salt otro de los muchachos, quien responda al nombre

    de Yidtko- De dnde viene usted realmente?

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    - No... It is not all professor- jumped another of the boys, who responded to the name of Yidtko- Where do you come from really?

    - Hasta donde yo s, soy CONDORBIANO... como todos ustedes. A qu

    diablos viene esa pregunta? - To where I know, I am CONDORBIAN... like you all. Why devils do you ask that


    - No se vaya a molestar- medi Xalix, aunque en su interior se hallaba bastante

    inquieto ante la presencia del cazador nocturno. ste, por dems, a travs de sus anteojos oscuros, daba la impresin de mirar glidamente a sus visitantes.

    - Dont get angry- interceded Xalix, although in his interior he felt enough restless in front of the presence of the "nocturnal hunter". This, moreover, through his dark eyeglasses,

    gave the impression to look at his visitors in a gelid way.

    - No se preocupe por m, joven Xalix. Ms bien, preocpense por ustedes. - Do not worry about me, young Xalix. Somewhat be worried about you.

    - Por qu nos dice eso, profe?- fue lo nico que acert a preguntar el atribulado

    joven- si usted no quiere decir nada ms, ya no lo molestaremos en lo sucesivo.

    - Why do you say that to us, professor? - Was the unique thing the worried young managed

    to ask - if you do not want to tell anything more, no longer we will bother you in the future.

    - Tranquilo, joven. A m no me han molestado. Es ms, piensen en tres

    preguntas, y sean cuales sean, se las responder sin rodeos.- afirm rotundo el expresivo Hijo del silencio.

    - Be quiet, young boy. You hadnt bothered to me. Rather, think about three questions, and they be which they be, I will answer them without evasion. - affirmed flat the expressive Son

    of the silence.

    Durante un buen rato, los jvenes se dedicaron a seleccionar tres preguntas que deban formular, sin que stas fuesen a incomodar al ilustre personaje, quien para muchos era un personaje de leyenda; algunas cosas que de l se contaban pasaban de la realidad a la fantasa o viceversa, con mucha facilidad. Cosas que eran reales, muchos las tomaban como fantasas, y otras que fcilmente podan tomarse como producto de la fantasa, entonces las crean a pies juntillas.

  • I love EARTH PLANET And you, my dear friends?

    I love EARTH PLANET And you, my dear friends? Pgina 31

    During a good while, young men were dedicated to select three questions they should

    formulate, without these could disturb upon illustrating personage, who for many persons

    was a legendary personage; some things telling about him passed from the reality to the

    fantasy or vice versa, with a great deal of easiness. Things being real, many people took

    them like fantasies, and others which could easily be taken like product of the fantasy, and

    then they believed them with feet together.

    Lleg el momento en que el silencio se hizo agobiante, como indicio de que algo inta

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