Ámbito da comunicación: lingua inglesa · 4 vb a4 clothing and accesories en primeiro lugar...

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Ámbito da comunicación: lingua inglesa

Unidade didáctica 13

Getting to know you

Educación secundaria para persoas adultas




1. Programación da unidade....................................................................................................2 1.1 Encadramento da unidade no ámbito da comunicación................................................2 1.2 Descrición da unidade didáctica ...................................................................................3 1.3 Obxectivos didácticos ...................................................................................................3 1.4 Contidos da unidade......................................................................................................4 1.5 Actividades e temporalización......................................................................................5 1.6 Recursos materiais ........................................................................................................8 1.7 Avaliación .....................................................................................................................8

2. Secuencia de actividades.....................................................................................................9 3. Portfolio ............................................................................................................................29

1. Programación da unidade

1.1 Encadramento da unidade no ámbito da comunicación

Unidade 1: Hello?... Hi? Bloque 1

Unidade 2: Ready to go?

Unidade 3: English online MÓDULO 1

Bloque 2 Unidade 4: Let’s learn more (surfing the net)

Unidade 5: Let me tell you about Bloque 1

Unidade 6: English in mind

Unidade 7: Let’s read MÓDULO 2

Bloque 2 Unidade 8: The way we live

Unidade 9: The media Bloque 1

Unidade 10: Publicity

Unidade 11: Audiovisual technology MÓDULO 3

Bloque 2 Unidade 12: English alive

Unidade 13: Getting to know you Bloque 1

Unidade 14: Professional English

Unidade 15: Let’s learn MÓDULO 4

Bloque 2 Unidade 16: Learn more


1.2 Descrición da unidade didáctica Esta unidade está dentro do módulo 4, bloque 1 “As cousas de palacio... A comunicación persoal e profesional” e denomínase “GETTING TO KNOW YOU”.

O obxectivo do ámbito da comunicación é desenvolver a capacidade de comprender e de saber comunicarse nas diversas situacións e contextos da vida. A linguaxe ten un papel fundamental no desenvolvemento integral da persoa, nas súas relacións consigo mesma e nas súas relacións e posibilidades sociais e profesionais. É tamén o instrumento imprescindible para entender e explicar o mundo, e intentar a súa transformación.

Neste bloque o alumnado debe traballar estratexias para a consecución da súa autonomía persoal e da súa capacitación para integrarse como compoñente pleno na sociedade, e para relacionarse e coñecerse mellor a través dun uso máis maduro da linguaxe.

Nesta unidade, ao igual que na número 5, atoparemos dúas partes diferenciadas: a primeira dedícase á revisión de todas as unidades anteriores; na segunda parte, seguirase cos contidos propios da unidade, como ser quen de presentarse, describir o carácter, actividades sobre gustos e suposicións, adecuación do tratamento e da forma de comunicarse en cada situación.

Farase fincapé na descrición das persoas e na súa biodata, insistindo na secuenciación cronolóxica. Realizaranse tarefas relacionadas con personaxes importantes da vida cultural do pasado e do presente. Como en todas as unidades anteriores, as unidades divídense en oito xornadas e as actividades propostas poderán adecuarse ás necesidades e á marcha do curso.

1.3 Obxectivos didácticos 1 Identificar a idea principal e os detalles relevantes de textos e mensaxes orais sinxelos

sobre temas coñecidos e próximos á experiencia do alumnado adulto, emitidos con claridade, cara a cara ou por medios técnicos.

2 Intervir e desenvolverse en conversacións sinxelas con funcións diferentes, establecer relacións, expoñer, narrar, describir.

3 A partir das tecnoloxías da información e da comunicación, escribir textos sinxelos e establecer relacións persoais.

4 Dar información elemental escrita sobre os intereses propios do alumnado adulto e os seus hábitos (condicións de vida e actividades diarias), dun xeito breve e sinxelo, usando estruturas básicas e aprendidas e utilizando un repertorio léxico moi básico e limitado, pero axeitado á situación e ao tema.

5 Recoñecer expresións significativas en cancións e noutros textos creativos, despois de ter realizado previsións sobre o seu contido.

6 Alcanzar un control limitado dos recursos lingüísticos, cos posibles erros sistemáticos propios do nivel.


1.4 Contidos da unidade COMUNICACIÓN ORAL

� Participación activa en diversas situacións de comunicación reais ou simuladas onde se transmita información e se expresen opinións, ofrecendo argumentos e respectando as normas que rexen a interacción oral organizada.

� Valoración do diálogo como medio de resolución de conflitos, intervencións orais respectuosas con quen nos rodea e actitude de cooperación en situacións de aprendizaxe compartida.

� Desenvolvemento de habilidades de comunicación asertiva, en especial, á hora de rexeitar peticións e propostas cando sexa conveniente.

� Utilización da lingua para tomar conciencia dos coñecementos, as ideas e os sentimentos propios e alleos para regular a propia conduta.

� Participación en actividades de aprendizaxe compartida para fomentar estratexias de cooperación e respecto.

� Escoita, identificación e comprensión do significado xeral e específico de conversas sinxelas sobre temas coñecidos, presentados de forma clara e organizada, co fin de contestar a preguntas ou cuestións sobre temas coñecidos.

� Participación activa en conversas e simulacións sobre temas cotiáns e de interese persoal con diversas fins comunicativas.


� Uso de estratexias para a comprensión de textos propios da vida cotiá e das relacións sociais, como disposicións legais e folletos, contratos ou correspondencia institucional ou comercial, e textos dos medios de comunicación, atendendo especialmente aos xéneros de opinión como editoriais, columnas, etc.

� Utilización da composición escrita como fonte de información e aprendizaxe, como forma de comunicar as experiencias e os coñecementos propios.

� Dominio das normas de presentación dos textos escritos citados, tanto en soporte papel como dixital, e respecto polas normas gramaticais, ortográficas e tipográficas.

� Comunicación persoal con falantes da lingua estranxeira a través de correspondencia postal ou utilizando medios informáticos.

� Presentación coidada dos textos escritos, en soporte papel e dixital, utilizando correctamente a ortografía e os signos de puntuación.


� Uso de estratexias de autoavaliación e autocorrección, aceptando o erro como parte do proceso de autoaprendizaxe.

� Uso de expresións comúns, frases feitas e léxico sobre temas de interese persoal e xeral, temas cotiáns e temas relacionados coas áreas temáticas de estudo.

� Fincapé nos verbos en tempo pasado e presente perfecto. Uso das partículas: yet, already, just. A oración subordinada despois de sure e certain: I’m sure (that) he was the most important writer of the past century.

� Léxico: young, middle-aged, old, tall, short, fat, overweight, thin, slim, attractive, good-looking, beautiful, a beard, a moustache, dark/fair/blonde/grey/long/short hair. What does he look like?/ What is he like? Generous, kind, funny, outgoing, shy, lazy, selfish.

� Recoñecemento e produción autónoma de diferentes patróns de ritmo, entoación e acentuación de palabras e frases na lingua estranxeira. Pronuncia dos participios pasados de verbos irregulares


� Valoración da importancia da lingua estranxeira en todos os eidos das relacións internacionais.

� Identificación das características máis significativas dos costumes, normas, actitudes e valores da sociedade cuxa lingua se estuda e relación cos patróns culturais existentes en Galicia.


1.5 Actividades e temporalización Abreviaturas utilizadas nesta táboa: CO = Comprensión Oral; CL = Comprensión Lectora; EO = Expresión Oral; EE = Expresión Escrita; VB/PR =

Vocabulario e pronunciación; PR = Pronunciación


1 e 2


Review Unit Esta unidade comeza cun apartado de reforzo onde se repasan os contidos das unidades 1 a 4. Esta review lesson debería servir, por tanto, para que o alumnado revise os contidos estudados e traballados anteriormente antes de comezar co presente bloque. As actividades que se inclúen baséanse e reproducen as que se estudaron nas anteriores unidades e poderán realizarse na aula, coa guía e axuda do profesorado ou tamén na casa, como traballo individual do alumnado e previo aos exercicios e contidos novos que se propoñen a continuación.

VB A1 Appearance: What does he look like?

Este é o primeiro de varios exercicios onde se tratan os adxectivos que describen os trazos físicos das persoas. O profesorado ten á súa disposición un documento PowerPoint que pode utilizar na aula. Algunhas das imaxes desa presentación utilízanse na propia unidade para introducir o vocabulario. En primeiro lugar aparecen os adxectivos xerais e máis básicos cos seus contrarios e logo vanse introducindo gradualmente outros máis específicos, referidos a aspectos tales como a idade, aspectos do rostro e do corpo, a cor e tipo de pelo, etc. Contrástase a utilización de He/She is... e He/She has got.

PR A2 Stress Trátase de que o alumnado escoite e repita a pronuncia dalgúns dos adxectivos que se viron nos anteriores exercicios.


CO/EO A3 Guess the celebrity Este exercicio traballa a utilización do vocabulario estudado anteriormente en descricións de personaxes famosos. No apartado A desta actividade o profesorado deberá describir un dos personaxes famosos das imaxes (incluídos no documento PowerPoint). No B, o alumnado, traballando en parellas ou pequenos grupos, deberá describir os personaxes aos/ás compañeiros. Por último, no apartado C, un/unha alumno/a deberá describir un personaxe da súa elección para que o/a compañeiro/a intente adiviñar de quen se trata. PERSONAXES: de esquerda a dereita e de arriba a abaixo: J.K. Rowling, Angelina Jolie, Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), Queen Elizabeth, Elton John, Brad Pitt, Mark Spitz, Marylin Manson

Quick Review/Warmer Como comezo da sesión, antes de seguir coa seguinte actividade, sería recomendable repasar, a través dunha actividade comunicativa de non máis de cinco minutos, algúns dos contidos estudados previamente.


VB A4 Clothing and Accesories En primeiro lugar lémbraselle ao alumnado a diferenza no uso do presente continuo e do presente simple cando se utiliza o verbo wear. Logo de explicar o significado deste verbo e a diferenza con respecto a carry, preséntase abundante vocabulario de roupa coa tradución dos termos ao galego para facilitar o seu estudo. O vocabulario está organizado en apartados que corresponden con categorías xerais de prendas, tales como outerwear, underwear, etc.


MÓDULO 4 BLOQUE 1 UNIDADE 13 Ao finalizar, inclúese unha táboa con vocabulario, a modo de pequeno glosario, que lle pode servir aos estudantes como ferramenta de consulta.

CO A5 Descriptions O alumnado escoitará unha serie de descricións que inclúen adxectivos referidos ao aspecto dos personaxes, así como á roupa que levan. O obxectivo é decidir a que persoa corresponde cada descrición. KEY: Pic A: Paul; Pic B: Sarah; Pic C: James; Pic D: Helen; Pic E: Claire; Pic F: Gary

EE A6 The Blind Date O estudante vai coñecer por primeira vez en persoa, a alguén que coñeceu nun chat en Internet. Ten que describir o seu aspecto físico para que o/a seu/súa amigo/a o recoñeza cando o vexa.

VB Chat phrases No cadro preséntanse algunhas frases/abreviaturas típicas que se utilizan nos chats. KEY: cm=call me; cu=see you later; em=e-mail; wbs=write back soon; hig=how's it going?; k=okay; tx=thanks

Quick Review/Warmer Como comezo da sesión, antes de seguir coa seguinte actividade, sería recomendable repasar, a través dunha actividade comunicativa de non máis de cinco minutos, algúns dos contidos estudados previamente.

CO A7 Is Image Important? Esta vez o alumnado escoita os comentarios de tres persoas sobre a importancia da imaxe persoal. KEY: 1: Helen; 2: Gretel; 3: Alison; 4: Gretel; 5: Alison

Gramática A8 Present perfect Presentación do tempo pretérito perfecto. Espérase que o alumnado simplemente o recoñeza e sexa quen de realizar os exercicios de gramática que se lle presentan ao final da explicación teórica, para practicar o tempo nas súas formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa. O tempo contrastarase nos exercicios que se inclúen a continuación.


CO A9 Canción A canción “I still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For” de U2 (album The Joshua Tree de 1987) é moi coñecida e serve para practicar o present perfect.

Quick Review/Warmer Como comezo da sesión, antes de seguir coa seguinte actividade, sería recomendable repasar, a través dunha actividade comunicativa de non máis de cinco minutos, algúns dos contidos estudados previamente.

EE/Gramática A10 Bios: Steve Jobs Texto biográfico dun dos fundadores da empresa de ordenadores Apple. Nesta actividade o alumnado deberá cubrir os ocos co tempo verbal correcto. O profesorado deberá explicar que bios é a abreviatura de biography e que se pode utilizar en contextos informais de conversación. Existe tamén o termo biopic... Recoméndase o visionado do anuncio considerado unha obra mestra da publicidade. O anuncio de 1984 da Apple (Macintosh) emitiuse, por única vez, durante a Superbowl dese ano; fai referencia á obra de Orwell e foi dirixido por Ridley Scott (Blade Runner): http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=OYecfV3ubP8 Apple actualizou o anuncio recentemente, engadíndolle un iPod ao personaxe principal.


EO A11 Why are they famous? Para o desenvolvemento desta actividade, ofrécense dúas propostas. A primeira consistiría en recortar as descricións por un lado, e os nomes dos famosos por outro, e pedirlle ao alumnado que una as que se corresponden. Na segunda opción, mais difícil, o alumnado deberá unir cada frase ao famoso que corresponda. KEY: 1: Marylin Monroe; 2: Tina Turner; 3: Woody Allen; 4: Albert Einstein; 5: David Beckham; 6: Sherlock Holmes (fictional character). A. Einstein (4, 12, 15); D. Beckham (5, 9, 16); T. Turner (1, 7, 14); S. Holmes (2, 6, 13); W. Allen (8, 11, 18); M. Monroe (3, 10, 17)


MÓDULO 4 BLOQUE 1 UNIDADE 13 Quick Review/Warmer Como comezo da sesión, antes de seguir coa seguinte actividade, sería recomendable repasar, a través

dunha actividade comunicativa de non máis de cinco minutos, algúns dos contidos estudados previamente.

VB A12 Personality: What is he like?

Presentación de máis adxectivos, pero esta vez referidos á personalidade. Os adxectivos aparecen en tres diagramas. O primeiro contén os adxectivos máis básicos. O segundo amplía o vocabulario, con adxectivos comúns pero non tan básicos. Por último, o terceiro presenta adxectivos que se refiren a aspectos negativos da personalidade, aínda que conviría explicarlle ao alumnado que algúns adxectivos como por exemplo shy, poden ter certa connotación negativa.

CO A13 Canción The Logical Song de Supertramp é unha boa oportunidade para repasar adxectivos e adverbios. CL/Gramática A14 Helen Keller Texto similar ao de Steve Jobs, sobre o gran personaxe feminino, tamén estadounidense. Esta vez só se

trata de colocar os verbos na súa forma do pasado simple.


EE A15 My own story Agora, coa axuda das indicacións/frases que se lle presentan ao alumando, estes deberán redactar a súa propia autobiografía.

Quick Review/Warmer Como comezo da sesión, antes de seguir coa seguinte actividade, sería recomendable repasar, a través dunha actividade comunicativa de non máis de cinco minutos, algúns dos contidos estudados previamente.

Gramática A16 Subordinadas: sure & certain

Presentación de máis frases subordinadas, esta vez con sure e certain. Só se trata de que o alumno se familiarice con estas frases, polo tanto só se lle pide que complete dúas a modo de exemplo.

PR A17 Past forms, present and past participles

Práctica da pronunciación do pasado simple e participios dos verbos incluídos no exercicio. Acompáñase un documento audio coa pronuncia.


Portfolio self-assessment Exercicio onde o alumnado reflexiona e autoavalía o seu progreso na aprendizaxe da lingua inglesa.


1.6 Recursos materiais Textos da unidade, internet e bibliotecas do contorno.

1.7 Avaliación A avaliación debe entenderse como un instrumento que valore o uso axeitado do idioma fronte ao coñecemento do seu sistema teórico ou da simple corrección formal. O erro é un elemento inevitable, produto de transición, que ofrece ao profesor información sobre a evolución e o estadio lingüístico do alumnado, e non se debe ter en conta sempre que non imposibilite ou dificulte enormemente a comunicación. Isto non exclúe, de xeito ningún, unha análise dos erros co fin de que o alumnado reflexione sobre a súa actuación e mellore.

Para levar a cabo eficazmente as tarefas correspondentes, o alumnado debe ser orientado no uso de estratexias de planificación, execución, control e reparación, como obxectivo da unidade.

A avaliación forma parte integrante do proceso. Os aspectos procedementais avaliaranse a través da observación e da valoración das distintas tarefas propostas. Valorarase a participación nas actividades en grupo e individuais a través da observación e dos resultados dos distintos traballos propostos.

En cada unha das sesións programadas hai actividades que poden servir de revisión, reforzo e/ou ampliación, dependendo das necesidades do alumnado.

Farase unha proba final de progreso co fin de comprobar que o alumnado adquiriu os obxectivos e aspectos conceptuais establecidos. Cada unidade remata cun Portfolio no que o alumno reflexionará sobre o tratado tanto na unidade como nas precedentes.


2. Secuencia de actividades


1. Write five things you remember from lesson 9: 5 words, expressions or sentences.

2. Write five things you remember from lesson 10: 5 words, expressions or sentences.

3. Write five things you remember from lesson 11: 5 words, expressions or sentences.

4. Write five things you remember from lesson 12: 5 words, expressions or sentences.

II. Give an example of each type of film.

A thriller film: ___________________________________ A cartoon film: __________________________________ A science fiction film: ____________________________ A comedy film: _________________________________ A romantic film: _________________________________

III. Complete the following telephone conversation with the words given.

phone morning in(2) message can hold please sorry

A: Good ___________. Swiss Airlines. B: Good morning. ___________ I speak to Mrs. Helliker, ___________? A: Yes, ___________ on a minute, please. I’m _________________, Mrs Helliker is not

___________ Can I take a ___________? B: Can you tell me when she is ___________? A: I’m sorry, but she will be out of the office all day. B: Thank you, I’ll ___________ again tomorrow.

IV. Add on or by to make different ways of travelling.

___ bike ___ foot ___ taxi ___ bus ___ ship ___ plane ___ train

V. Do the time expressions refer to the past, present or future? Put them in the correct column.

last Monday next weekend tomorrow last June my next birthday next week today next Saturday the day before yesterday

VI. Write the following contractions in the full form.

Past Present Future


I don’t ____________. He’s got ____________. You aren’t ____________. He shouldn’t ____________. He’d like ____________. He’s got ____________. He wasn’t ____________. She’s 11 ____________.

VII. Write the weather forecast for tomorrow in your region. Visit different sites to find out the weather and take notes.

VIII. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Discuss them with a partner. Use the phrases studied in unit 10.

� We should all give money to the poor and needy. � The national Government should not give more grants to university students. � We must all protect our environment. � Pollution does not affect our health. � Housewives should get a salary. � Young children should have cell phones.

IX. Compare the place you live with Madrid. Use the following adjectives:

noisy small healthy big expensive hot

X. Your best friend John is not feeling well. He is stressed and has bad eating habits.

A. You are worried and want to give him some advice. Write four tips to improve his health.

John, you should 1. ______________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________

Tomorrow will


3. ______________________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________________

B. John goes to his doctor, Mr. Feeny. Fill in the details on this medical card.

Patient’s name1 _____________________________

Age2 __________________ Marital status3: married single divorced

No. of children4 _________________

Job5 __________________________

Family doctor6 ____________________________________

Smokes7 Yes No

Drinks8 Yes No

Exercises9 Yes No

Health10 Satisfactory Poor Excellent

Doctor consulted11 ____________________________________

Write the questions the doctor should ask him.

1. Example: What’s your name? 2. __________________________________________________________ ? 3. __________________________________________________________ ? 4. __________________________________________________________ ? 5. __________________________________________________________ ? 6. __________________________________________________________ ? 7. __________________________________________________________ ? 8. __________________________________________________________ ? 9. __________________________________________________________ ? 10. __________________________________________________________ ? 11. __________________________________________________________ ?

C. John is at the nutritionist’s. Fill in John’s answers.

N: I would like you to answer some questions about your eating habits. Do you eat fruit every day?

J: ____________________________________________________________ N: What king of food do you eat? Tell me four things you have for breakfast and four things

you have for dinner. J: ____________________________________________________________ N: Do you eat any fish? J: ____________________________________________________________ N: How often do you eat fish a week? J: ____________________________________________________________ N: Do you eat carbohydrates? J: Sorry? N: That’s cereals, pasta, potatoes... J: N: How many meals do you have a day? J: ____________________________________________________________ N: Do you eat between meals?


J: ____________________________________________________________ N: Do you exercise? J: ____________________________________________________________ N: Well John, we need to go on a diet. Here is the diet you will follow and you will come

back next week.

XI. You are not well. Complete the sentences with the correct words. More than one word is possible.

knee terrible a toothache a cough a headache a temperature sick

I feel ________________________________

I have _______________________________

My ____________________________ hurts.

XII. Recipe. The Spanish omelette is famous around the world. Write the recipe for a friend from Canada.






XIII. Fill in the following sentences. Use the correct relative pronoun: who, which, whose or that.

1. This is the house __________ John bought last year. 2. This is the man _________ wife wrote a famous book. 3. Peter, _______ lives in Australia, travels around the world. 4. My parents, ___________ like seafood, are happy to go to that restaurant. 5. Do you know the man _____________ is standing on the right?

XIV. Make suggestions for the different situations.

1. It’s Friday evening and you have no plans. Phone a friend. Use shall we/let’s/why don’t we.


2. You want to buy your parents a trip to England. You speak with your sister.

To make a Spanish omelette...



3. You are at home and you don’t want to cook. Speak with the people living with you. ___________________________________________________________

4. You have time and money to buy something. Ask you sister to go shopping with you. _______________________________________________________________

5. Your children are doing their homework. Ask your husband/wife for help. ___________________________________________________________

XV. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. How many books _________ you ______ (read) last year? 2. I ________ (have) lunch at home at three o’clock today. 3. He _____________ (live) in France when he _________ (be) young. 4. My sister _______________ (enjoy) reading very much. 5. We ___________ (watch) TV now. 6. He will __________ (start) work next month.

XVI. Fill in the correct forms of the irregular verbs.

Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle made










XVII. Put the irregular past simple forms in pairs of rhyming words.

Example: broke and spoke. bought went wore sold said read told sent thought saw

XVIII. Can you match the expressions and the situations?

Expressions Situation

Can I look round? station I’ll put you through. shop A single for two nights. replying to thank you A single for Watford. hotel reception It hurts a lot. giving directions Not at all. at the doctor’s First left. on the telephone

1. ___________________

2. ___________________

3. ___________________

4. ___________________

5. ___________________


XIX. Pronunciation

A. Listen to the words in box A and pronounce them.

B. Listen to the words in box B and pronounce them. Underline the words with the /ə/ sound?


go know don’t hope phone

closed open so won’t didn’t


century Norway serious Africa

machine exported Germany correct



A1 Vocabulary

Appearance: What does he look like?

Describing people

First we describe general features*: age, height and build.


He/She is… (+ an adjective)


He/She is… (not very) short

(very) tall

medium height Build He/She is… (very) thin

(quite) fat



He/She is… (quite) old

a child

in his/her twenties

in his/her fifties

about forty years old

*features = características


Next, we describe details such as the shape of the face, hair, eyes, nose, eye colour, etc.

He/She’s got… (+ a noun)

…a square/round/oval face

…a big/small/long nose

…a big mouth

He/She is… He/She’s fair.

He/She’s got… She’s got short blond wavy hair. (length—colour—type)

He/She’s got…

Example description Ana is quite young. She is in her twenties. She is very tall and thin. She has long, brown,

curly hair and beautiful blue eyes.

… big/small blue eyes.


A2 Pronunciation stress in words

Listen and underline the stressed syllable.

lovely pretty curly handsome fashionable sporty colourful

A3 Listening and Speaking

A. Look at the photographs and listen to your teacher’s description. Can you guess who the famous person is?

B. Now work with a partner. Take turns describing the people in the pictures.

C. Finally, describe your favourite pop star, film star or famous person to your partner. Don’t say his/her name. Your partner must guess the person’s name.

A4 Vocabulary


wear = have on a piece of clothing or accessory.

Usually I wear / You wear / He wears / She wears…


contact lenses (contacts)

Now I am wearing / You are wearing / He/She is wearing…


earrings a cap

a necklace a scarf

a bracelet

But... I am carrying…

a bag

Match the pictures with the correct word.


� coat - abrigo

� blazer – chaqueta (americana)

� jacket - cazadora

� raincoat – impermeable/gabardina

Dresses, skirts, trousers and suits

� dress - vestido

� suit - traxe

� jeans – vaqueiros

� trousers - pantalóns

� skirt – saia


� shirt -camisa

� jersey - xersei

� jumper - xersei

� sweater – xersei

� "T" shirt – camiseta


� slippers - zapatillas

� nightgown – camisón

� dressing-gown – bata


� bra - suxeitador

� socks - calcetíns

� knickers - bragas

� tights - medias

� pants - calzoncillos


� shoes - zapatos

� boots - botas

� high heels- tacóns

� sandals – sandalias

� thongs – chanclas

� trainers – deportivos



� gloves - luvas

� hat - chapeo

� swimming costume – bañador

� tie – gravata

� belt – cinturón

Vocabulary Extra

Learn the vocabulary. The words have been translated into Gallician to help you.

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A5 Listening


Listen to the descriptions of different people. Do you know who they are? Label each picture with a name from the box.

Picture A Picture B Picture C

Picture D Picture E

Picture F

1. James 2. Gary 3. Sarah 4. Paul 5. Helen 6. Claire

anorak – anorak mini-skirt - mini-saia

bikini – bikini pyjamas - pixama

blouse – blusa shorts – pantalóns curtos

bowtie – gravata de lazo sweatshirt - sudadeira

braces – tirantes tracksuit - chándal

button – botón uniform - uniforme

cap – gorra waistcoat - chaleco

cardigan – chaqueta de punto (rebeca) wellingtons - botas de goma


A6 Writing


You are chatting with a person on the Internet. Today you will meet him/her in person for the first time, but he/she doesn’t know what you look like. How will this person know who you are? Write a description of you.

These ideas can help you

• What colour are your eyes? • What colour is your hair? • How tall are you? • Are you fat or thin? • What hairstyle do you have? • Is your hair long? • What are you wearing? • Are you wearing shoes? • Are you wearing jewellery?

A7 Listening

Is image important?

Listen to three people talking about image: is image important for you? Circle the correct answer.

1. Who thinks image is very important for them? Helen Gretel Alison

2. Who thinks personality is the most important? Helen Gretel Alison

3. Who buys expensive designer clothes? Helen Gretel Alison

4. Who thinks that clothes must be practical? Helen Gretel Alison

5. Who hates to see people wearing cheap clothes? Helen Gretel Alison

A8 Grammar present perfect

The Present Perfect is for general past experiences.

have/has + past participle

Positive Negative Question

I / you / we / they I have spoken. I have not spoken. Have I spoken?

Pretérito perfecto simple

O pretérito perfecto simple úsase para expresar:

1. Unha acción que comezou no pasado pero que todavía continúa no presente.

2. Unha acción que acaba de rematar pero que ten importancia no presente.

Remember! ‘s = has in the present perfect But also: = is (be) = possessive ‘s.

Look at the phrases that we use in chats. Can you match them with the correct sentence?

cm how's it going? cu thanks em write back soon wbs okay hig call me k e-mail tx see you later

How do you write them in your language?


he / she / it He has spoken. He has not spoken. Has he spoken?

For regular verbs, we add -ed

For irregular verbs, we use the participle form.

Uses of Present Perfect

� Actions are still in process

Example: The film has not started yet.

� An action that stopped recently

Example: She has just cooked dinner.

� A finished action that has an influence on the present

Example: I have lost my handbag.

� An action that has taken place once, never or several times before the moment of speaking

Example: I have never been to Australia.

� In journalism, to communicate a piece of news.

Example: The President has just spoken on TV.

Present perfect

subject has/have past participle

I You We They

have ‘ve

He She

has ’s

heard the news. shocked the nation.

Present perfect negatives (—)

subject has/have past participle

I You We They

have not haven’t

He She

has not hasn’t

said very much. mentioned the economic scandal.

Present perfect questions (?)

has/have subject past participle


I you we they

Has he

heard the news? seen the television?

Irregular Verbs Infinitive Past simple Past participle be was/were been go went gone



Signal Words of the Present Perfect

� already, ever, just, never, not yet

Questions with yet Short answer

Has he come home Has she finished Have they seen the film

yet? Not yet (aínda non)

Negative statements with yet You haven't met her He hasn't done it She hasn't spoken to him


Present Perfect with already He's I’ve They've

already done it. eaten. come.

Present Perfect with never He's I’ve They've

never written. sold it. seen me.

Present Perfect with just He's I’ve They've

just written. sold it. seen me.

Hai certas palabras que nos poden indicar a necesidade de usar o pretérito perfecto. As principais son:

� already, ever, just, never, not yet.

Yet case sempre significa aínda, xa e todavía. Vai xeralmente ao final da oración en oracións afirmativas e negativas.

Already significa xa e vai xeralmente en oracións afirmativas. Vai entre have/has e o participio.

Never singnifica nunca e vai en oracións negativas. Vai entre have/has (en afirmativa) e o participio.

Just significa acabar de e vai xeralmente en oracións afirmativas. Vai entre have/has e o participio.


Present Perfect with ever (?) Short answers

Yes, I have. Yes, he/she has. Yes, they have Have


you I he she we they

done it? been there? seen that film? No, they haven’t.

No, he/she hasn’t. No, they haven’t.


A Fill the gaps with 'have' or 'has'.

1. I ___________ answered the question. 2. She ___________ opened the window. 3. They ___________ called us. 4. You ___________ carried a box. 5. It ___________ rained a lot. 6. We ___________ washed the car. 7. He ___________ closed the window. 8. The girls ___________ visited the museum.

B Write negative sentences in present perfect simple.

1. Sarah/not/wash the dishes ______________________________________________ 2. Maureen and Helen/not/water the plants ___________________________________ 3. Joey/not/make his bed _________________________________________________ 4. David/not/buy milk _____________________________________________________ 5. Lisa/not/be to the supermarket ___________________________________________ 6. Ian and Mell/not/do their homework _______________________________________ 7. Jane and Ben/not/tidy up their rooms ______________________________________ 8. Alex/not/bought the hamster _____________________________________________

C. Write questions in present perfect simple.

1. Jenny/close/the door ___________________________________________________ ? 2. Walter/call/us _________________________________________________________ ? 3. you/see/the picture ____________________________________________________ ? 4. your parents/get/the letter _______________________________________________ ? 5. it/rain/a lot ___________________________________________________________ ? 6. Maureen/watch/the film _________________________________________________ ? 7. how many books/Bob/read ______________________________________________ ? 8. ever/you/be/to London _________________________________________________ ?

D. Put the verbs into the correct form (present perfect simple).

1. I (not/work) today. _____________________________________________________ 2. We (buy) a new lamp. __________________________________________________ 3. We (not/plan) our holiday yet. ____________________________________________ 4. Where (be) you? ______________________________________________________ 5. She (not/see) him for a long time. _________________________________________ 6. (be) you at school? ____________________________________________________ 7. School (not/start) yet. __________________________________________________ 8. (speak) he to his boss? _________________________________________________

Ever significa algunha vez e vai xeralmente en oracións interrogativas. Vai entre o suxeito e o participio.


A9 Listening �song “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For” by U2 from their album The Joshua Tree (1987).

A10 Reading

Read about Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Computer Company. Write the verbs in brackets in the correct tense: present, past, present perfect or future will.

teve Jobs 1______ (be born) in Wisconsin but Paul and Clara Jobs from California 2________ (adopt) him. Steve Jobs 3_______ (have) a great interest in technology all his life and 4_______ (start) work in an important manufacturer of video games. There he 5________ (become) friends with

Steve Wozniak, Apple’s other half.

Steve Jobs 6_________ (convince) him to work together in personal computers and 7_________ (co-found) Apple.

Where 8___________ (do) the name Apple 9________ (come) from? Some people believe it is a tribute to Alan Turing, a homosexual who 10________ (die) after biting an apple, but others think the name comes from a nice summer job that Steve Jobs 11___________ (have) in Oregon.

In 1976, Jobs, then 21, and Wozniak, 26, 12___________ (found) Apple Computer Co. in the Jobs family garage. The first personal computer 13_______ (cost) $666.66.

Steve Jobs also 14______ (start) Pixar Inc., which 15__________ (produce) animated movies like Toy Story (1995); A Bug's Life (1998); Toy Story 2 (1999); Monsters, Inc. (2001); Finding Nemo (2003); and The Incredibles (2004).

Steve Jobs 16________ (want) to revolutionise something more—the music industry. He introduced the iPod in 2003. Later, he 17________ (create) iTunes. Now the music industry 18_______ (use) a Mac to 19_______ (make) the music and an iPod to 20_________ (store) it.

When he 21____________ (became) an adult he 22__________ (meet) the novelist Mona Simpson, Job’s biological sister. Her husband, a writer for the Simpsons 23_________ (adopt) her name for the popular series.

Steve Jobs lives with his wife, Laurene Powell and their three children in Silicon Valley. In 2004, his doctor 24________ (discover) that Steve 25______________ (have) cancer. Steve Jobs 26__________ (say) he 27_______ (be) back to work soon!

A11 Speaking Game

Can you guess the celebrity? Read the facts and match them to the famous person. There are 3 facts about each one.

� He/She began working as a model. � He/She married 3 times. � He/She died young.




� He/She sold more concert tickets than any other solo performer in history.

� He/She won 8 Grammy awards � He/She sang the title song of the James Bond film



� He/She wears thick black glasses. � He/She is famous for his/her comedy films. � His/Her films are almost all set in New York City.


� He/She was from Germany. � He/She was best known for the theory of relativity. � His/Her favourite school subjects were Geometry

and Philosophy.


� He/She was born in 1975 in Leytonstone, London. � He/She plays as midfielder. � He/She is married to an ex-Spice Girl.


� He/She was a detective � His/Her famous phrase was “Elementary, my Dear

Watson... � He/She played the violin


One of the celebrities is a character from fiction. Who is it?

Alternative activity

Can you guess the celebrity? Read the facts and match them to the famous person. There are 3 sentences about each one.

Albert Einstein

David Beckham

Tina Turner

1. He/She won 8 Grammy awards

2. He/She was a detective

3. He/She married 3 times.

4. He/She won the 1921 Nobel Prize for Physics.

5. He/She is married to an ex-Spice Girl.

6. He/She played the violin

7. He/She sang the title song of the James Bond film “Goldeneye”

8. He/She wears thick black glasses.

9. He/She plays as midfielder.

10. He/She began working as a model.

11. His/her films are almost all set in New York City.

12. He/She was from Germany.

13. His/her famous phrase was “Elementary, my Dear

Sherlock Holmes


Woody Allen Watson...

14. He/She sold more concert tickets than any other solo performer in history.

15. He/She was best known for the theory of relativity.

16. He/She was born in 1975 in Leytonstone, London.

17. He/She died young.

18. He/She is famous for his/her comedy films.

Marilyn Monroe

One of the celebrities is a character from fiction. Who is it?

A12 Vocabulary

Personality: What is he like?

Personality adjectives Here are some positive adjectives.

A. Write sentences using the adjectives in the circ les.

He/She is…

1. He/not/happy ____________________________ .

2. Gary/a quiet boy__________________________ .

3. She/not very/funny________________________ .

4. James/be/outgoing ________________________ .


The adjectives on the right have a negative meaning.

A. Write sentences using the adjectives in the circles.

He/She is…

1. He/not/lazy______________________________ .

2. Jimmy/a selfish boy _______________________ .

3. Mary/quite/aggressive _____________________ .

4. She/be/pessimistic ________________________ .

B. Write a description of you. Use adjectives from the three diagrams.

A13 Listening �song “The Logical Song” by Supertramp, from the album “Breakfast in America” (1979).

A14 Reading & Grammar

Complete the text with the past simple of the verbs in brackets.

Helen Keller (1880-1968): An amazing woman

At the age of 19 months Helen Keller ________ (be) a happy, healthy child. Then she ________ (have) a high fever and she ______ (become) deaf and blind. She could not see or hear. She

________ (recognize) people by feeling their faces or their clothes. She ________ (make) signs with her hands so she could "talk" to her family. She had 60 different signs.

Helen was a very bright child. She ________ (become) very frustrated because she couldn't talk. The family ________ (know) they had to do something to help her. They ________ (find) a teacher named Anne Sullivan. Miss Sullivan was blind, but ________ (have) an operation and regained her sight. She ________ (understand) what Helen was feeling. She ________ (teach) Helen the signs for the letters of the alphabet. Then she would "spell" the words in Helen's hand to communicate with


One day Anne ________ (take) Helen to the water pump and ________ (spell) the letters W-A-T-E-R as the water ran over Helen's hand. She ________ (do) this a lot of times and at last Helen _________ (understand) that the word "water" meant the water which was on her hand. This ________ (open) a new world for her. She ________ (run) everywhere asking Anne the name of different things and Anne ________ (spell) the words in her hand. This was the key to the world for her.

Anne ________ (teach) her for years. Helen ________ (learn) to read Braille. When she ________ (go) to college, her teacher Anne ________ (go) with her. She ________ (write) her book called "The Story of My Life".

Helen ________ (have) an amazing memory, and she also ________ (have) skills very few people ________ (have): She could ________ (put) her fingers to a person's lips and ________ (understand) the words spoken. She ________ (become) famous and ________ (travel) around the world speaking to groups of people. She ________ (meet) many important and well-known people as she travelled.

Helen Keller was successful because of her determination. Many people helped her. The most important person in her life was Anne Sullivan, who stayed with her for 50 years. Biography at gardenofpraise.com


A15 Writing

Write about you in the past and present. These sentences can help you complete your autobiography.

1. when you were born 2. where you were born 3. your family and friends 4. the people you have known or met in the past 5. where you live 6. your school/job 7. your life and how you feel now 8. what you are doing now 9. the clothes you wear and the way you look 10. the music you listen to 11. the things you love and the things you hate 12. the places you like and don’t like

A16 Grammar

Look at these subordinate sentences after sure and certain.

1. I’m sure that she was a sad child.

2. I’m certain that she succeeded because she was hard-working.

Do you know their meaning?

Now write 2 sentences using:

1. I’m sure that ___________________________________.

2. I’m certain that ___________________________________.

A17 Pronunciation present, past & past participles

1. Listen to the pronunciation of the past participle of irregular verbs. Do you know which they are? Do you know their meaning?

cost drunk done given left paid said gone been spoken bought taught

understood sold sung thought forgotten

2. Now listen to verb forms in present, past or past participle. Can you fill in the chart? Some verb forms can be past and past participle of the verb.

wrote say fly forget heard knew had leave made ate meet pay

teach woke up won written slept






Your teacher will give you the answers. Now fill in the missing forms. How do you pronounce them?

3. Portfolio

I CAN DO (TICK=����) With a lot of

help With some help

On my own Very easily

I can describe a person using common words related to descriptions, answering the question: What does he/she look like?

I can describe a person answering the question: What is he/she like?

I can write about the important moments in the life o a person, famous or unknown, in the present and past.

I can use and see the difference between the present perfect and past tenses.

I can write a text in English about myself.

I can express my interests, make suppositions or predictions.

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