may 22 el clarín

Post on 01-Mar-2018






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  • 7/26/2019 May 22 El Clarn


    Beloved missionaries of the Spain Barcelona Mission participated in a mission-widefast on Sunday past. Imagine, if you will, the power of almost 190 loving disciples ofJesus Christ uniting their faith and showing their sincere intent by giving up food for 24hours for a spiritual cause. What was the purpose of the fast? You all know thereason but it is best described by the scripture found in Alma 6:6 which states,Nevertheless the children of God were commanded that they should gatherthemselves together oft, and join in fasting and mighty prayer in behalf of the welfare

    of the souls of those who knew not God. The Lord continues to bless us with a harvestof precious souls, but as I prayerfully considered our results in El Faro, I had the strongmpression that we can do better, that we must do better. Our fast was conductedso that we might be able to find more of our Heavenly Fathers childrenit wasconducted in behalf of the welfare of the souls of those who know not God. It washeld to show out Heavenly Father our righteous desire to bring more souls unto Himand to call upon the powers of Heaven to help us find them. But how exactly doesthe fast work? How can it help us achieve our righteous desires?

    When we truly fast and associate our fast with mighty prayers, it is a manifestation tothe Lord of our desire to do His will. But it is not just any prayer and action; it reflectsan increased desire, an intensified plea, a passionate wish to call upon the powers ofHeaven to help us in our righteous purposes. By denying ourselves food for 24 hours,something that we all love and crave, we are subjecting our flesh to the will of theSpirit. In so doing our spiritual power increases, the Lord is more willing to bless us andour priesthood power is augmented and made more manifest. We all recall the timethe man with a son possessed by an evil spirit came to the Master and asked him tocast it out. He did so and when the man asked him why the disciples (apostles?)couldnt cast out the spirit, the Savior explained, this kind goeth not out but by prayer

    and fasting. In other words, for some particularly strong evil spirits, more spiritualpower is required to cast them out. And how is that spiritual power attained? Byfasting and mighty prayer. It is a thrilling doctrine to know that when we have a

    Message From Presidente Dayton

    This Kind Goeth Not Out But by Prayer

    and FastingThe Mission Fast

    22 de Mayo de 2016El larn de El Faro

  • 7/26/2019 May 22 El Clarn


    particularly crucial need, we may increase our spiritual power to do by enlargingand strengthening our spirit by having it take over and subdue the flesh (not eating)through fasting.

    Virtually all scriptures that talk about fasting associate it with prayer, sometimesreferred to as mighty prayer. Thanking our Heavenly Father and then asking for Hisdivine help is much more credible when prayer and fasting are combined. Fastinghas been associated with the children of Israel from early in the Old Testament

    (Judges 20) and is mentioned frequently in the New Testament. Christ fasted for 40days and nights. Fasting can magnify and intensify the spiritual experience and giveus unusual insight and clarity for virtually anything in the gospel. Saul and Barnabuswere chosen to be missionaries after fasting (Acts 15:13), the Corinthians were told tofast to avoid Satans temptation (I Cor 7:5), the Nephites fasted to offer their wholesouls to the Savior (Omni 1:26), Almas family and the priests fasted to have Alma Jrsmouth opened (Alma 27:23), Alma Jr found out the gospel was true after fasting andprayer (Alma 5:46), and Ammon fasted to know the word of God and was filled withthe spirit of revelation and he taught with power and authority (Alma 17:3). Be

    aware, though, that fasting can have other less commonly witnessed applicationssuch as in mourning (Alma 28:6), to show gratitude (Alma 45:1), to purify and sanctifyour hearts (Helaman 3:35), and to have critical, incredibly important questionsanswered (3 Nephi 27:1).

    I express my heartfelt thanks to you for joining in this mission-wide fast. The Lord willbless us because of itof that I have no doubt. It is a nice reminder for us that He is incharge of this workthat we cant do it alone using our mortal abilities. May we everremember the power of fasting and prayer to enlarge us spiritually. We love you andask the Lords blessings to be with each of you, every companionship, that we maybe led to find more of our Fathers precious children.

    Con gratitud por el poder del ayuno,

    Presidente Dayton

  • 7/26/2019 May 22 El Clarn


    Attentiveness vs. Distraction

    Message From Hermana Dayton

    22 de Mayo de 2016El larn de El Faro

    Attentiveness is showing the worth of a person or task by giving our undividedoncentration. Attentiveness is an attitude of readiness to do what is needed. It is

    much deeper than just listening with our ears, it very often requires that we listenwith our hearts.

    Being attentive to the Lord is most important as we go through life. As we studynd then make application of scripture to our lives we develop understandingnd become who the Lord desires us to be. Being attentive to our living prophetspostles and church leaders is also important. ...whether by mine own voice ory the voice of my servants it is the same. D&C 1:38

    The Savior exemplified attentiveness by discerning the needs of others and theny serving them. He healed many, he listened to and loved all who came to hime was attentive to the Lord by following his commandments and doing all thate required of Him.

    Those who listen best learn most. "A wise man will hear, and will increaseearning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels." Proverbs:5. Listening is more than hearing words. It is also discerning facial expressions,onal patterns, body language, and most of all, listening to the spirit of aerson. We can be attentive listeners by maintaining good eye contact, sitting upraight, focusing on what is being said, taking notes as the person speaks, and

    larifying information heard by asking questions and restating in our own wordswhat has been spoken.

  • 7/26/2019 May 22 El Clarn


    Christlike Attributes- Faith, Charity, Love, Virtue, Hope, and Humility, Knowledge & Wisdom,Patience, Diligence, Creativity, Enthusiasm, Generosity, Forgiveness, Dependability, Availability,Orderliness, Gratitude, Endurance, Persuasiveness, Compassion, Alertness, Character, Decisiveness,

    Determination, Truthfulness, Benevolence, Honor, Sincerity, Punctuality, Joyfulness, Gentleness, SelfControl, Initiative, Cautiousness, Loyalty, Meekness, Sensitivity, Obedience, Discernment, Boldness,Discretion, Responsibility, Attentiveness

    We can apply attentiveness to missionary work by:

    Showing support of our companions by listening to their ideas, learning abouthem, of their interests and desires.

    Expressing interest in the ideas of those in the district on what they want to do forreparation day

    Following the council received by President DaytonSetting aside time to listen with eyes and ears to a leaders council and concerns

    Looking your investigators in the eye when they speak and listening with youreart

    Asking questions to clarify understanding

    Sitting or standing up straight during citas to show interest

    resident Dayton and I have been so grateful for how attentive you have been inone conferences, specialized trainings and other meetings we have enjoyedwith you. We see you taking notes, participating, and asking insightful questions.We see you being attentive to your investigators by diligently teaching them,

    alling them, and encouraging them as they make commitments. We lookorward to being with you in Specialized Conferences this week and especiallyook forward to all we will learn from Elder and Sister Dyches. Let me assure youhat President Dayton and I will be VERY attentive to what they teach us.

    Much love and gratitude,

    ermana Dayton

  • 7/26/2019 May 22 El Clarn


    Anuncios de la Oficina

    22 de Mayo de 2016El larn de El Faro

    These are a couple announcements that you should know:

    Preparation for the Upcoming Mission Conference

    Calendar Reminders

    May 27thConcilioMay 31stTransfers (DO NOT COME TO THE MISSION HOME)

    June 8thEnfoque de Zona

    President Dayton has requested that allmissionaries review Chapter 8 of PreachMy Gospel.

    Every missionary should bring: Their (updated!) Area Book, Daily Planner,Preach My Gospel, and Scriptures.

    Every missionary should: Shine their shoes, Cut their hair, Study from page 4of Preach My Gospel.

    Arrive at the chapel at 9:00 AM (Bilbao:on Wednesday; Barcelona: onThursday), Be seated reading their scriptures reverently before the meeting,Stand up when Elder Dyches enters thechapel.

    At 2:00 PM we will finish the meeting withlunch in the chapel.

    Follow the sleeping and proselytinginstructions given to you by the ZoneLeaders and Office Staff.

    Elder and Sister Dyches

  • 7/26/2019 May 22 El Clarn



    22 de Mayo de 2016El larn de El Faro

    Kamal Bolanle Yekini Vic B Hermanas Arauco y Roggiero

    Marina Rodas Garca Bilbao B lderes Reddish y Thompson

    Leslie Jimena Moreno Alvarado Vilafranca B Hermanas Cragun y Allen

    Concha Beltran Laguarda Valencia 3A lderes Carballo y Carter

    Vernica del Pino Medina Martn Valencia 2B lderes House y Downing

    Yeini Vernica Vlez Aguirre Catarroja B Hermanas Leija y Dupr

    Fernando Marcos Celix Burgos A lderes Barton y Keen

    Eran contados y seinscriban sus nombres














    Bautismos 19 12 6 8 6 3 8 6 12 5 3 2 7

    Confirmaciones 19 13 6 8 6 3 8 6 11 5 4 2 7

    Fechas bautismales 97 104 99 107 115 141 137 125 105 120 123 155 142

    Inv reunion sacramental 192 185 185 185 164 165 169 181 218 175 165 193 192

    Lecciones con unmiembro

    709 693 681 682 728 589 768 693 808 695 676 859 829

    Lecciones con un m. p. 45% 43% 36% 37% 36% 36% 39% 37% 44% 39% 39% 49% 44%

    Nuevos Investigadores 567 544 685 681 907 613 695 718 589 669 642 741 679

    Bautismos/Confirmaciones esta semana 7

    Bautismos/Confirmaciones este mes 17

    Bautismos/Confirmaciones hasta la fecha

    este ao147

  • 7/26/2019 May 22 El Clarn


    INCO: lderes Carballo y Carter

    UATRO: lderes Ipsen y Lakelderes Ball y Kreutz

    RES: Hermanas Walker e Ireguilderes Tyson y Miller

    Hermanas Fernandez y Stanleylderes Day y Sedgwicklderes Hamren y CliffordHermanas Randall y Lainelderes Gonzlez y BromleyHermanas Steinfeldt y Humbertlderes Murley y Simonlderes Reddish y Thompsonlderes Bennett y PembertonHermanas Fernndez y Johnsonlderes Ganowsky y JacobsonHermanas Mayes y Howelllderes Orantes y Robleslderes Male y LightfootHermanas Villeta y SebastiHermanas Leija y Duprlderes Barton y Keenlder Stepp

    Nuria, Roberto Barcelona 3AManuel Barcelona 3BAlice EixampleFina Sabadell 2AMar ManresaCleo Badalona 1AAndrea Matar A

    Sheriff, Carla Gerona AAbel Vic AAna, Naomi, Zaragoza 2APaco, JosJudith, Erica Zaragoza 2CMargarita Bilbao ACarolina San Sebastian AGisela Santander BBarbara Las ArenasWilliam, Ginella, Elton Hospitalet 2ACintia, Cesar, Victoria Hospitalet 2BEdith Hospitalet 1AEdmund Vilafranca AEva TarragonaAlegria, Darwin, Heidi TortosaJos Valencia 3ASandra, Gloria, Ana Valencia 1AKenneth Valencia 1BSelia Ganda A

    Abraham Catarroja BJos, Wandel Pamplona BRosario, Carolina Logroo AElsa Palma 1ARafael Palma 2APaquita, Antonio Ibiza

    22 de Mayo de 2016

    Compaerismos que lograronlas pautas de excelencia: Oremos por estos investigadores confechas bautismales para esta semana

    El larn de El Faro

    he one

    Hospitalet is in the Zone!

    With an average of 13 lessons with a member

    present per companionship this week!

    Valencia is in the Zone!

    -With a total of 3 baptisms this week!

    And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith.Doctrine & Covenants 42:14

  • 7/26/2019 May 22 El Clarn


    This week has been absolutelycrazy! We saw two amazingMIRACLES in ___________!

    The baptisms of ___ andDiosdado! It was such aprivilege for my companion andI to be able to baptize themboth. An even greaterexperience was when both ofthem were confirmed membersof the Church of Jesus Christ ofLatter-Day Saints on Sundayduring sacrament meeting. Iloved seeing their smiles and

    after the ordinances wereperformed and feeling the HolyGhost in the room as each ofthem received the gift of havingit with them forever. These daysare the times that makeeverything we do worthwhile.They are the fruits of the laborsof many missionaries andmembers that have workedhe'd to bring each one of these

    souls unto Christ. I have atestimony of baptism and itpower it has in harnessing thecleaning and healing power ofthe atonement of Jesus Christ.

    So my miracle this week wasobviously... The baptism ofBea! Bea is 10 years old andher parents are less-activemembers who haven't been to

    church for a very long time.She is very intelligent and lovesto learn which made it apleasure to teach her and tosee the change that thegospel brought to her family. Itwas a small, beautiful baptismthat I will never forget. She onlywanted her family and acouple of the ward membersto be there but I know that

    even the few people whocame made this day very

    special for Bea. When shecame out of the font she wasbeaming from ear to ear and

    that smile made all the stressand worry worthwhile. I am sograteful for this opportunity tosee some of God's childrenfollow the example of Christ. Iam also so grateful for thechance that I had to speakat Bea's baptism. I know thatthe Lord was waiting withopen arms to welcome Bea

    into His fold and I will foreverbe thankful that I could be aninstrument in his hands.

    Right now we are workingwith Jairo and Vanessa, afamily in our area who have afecha for the fourth of June.We had such a sweetexperience with them as weasked them how the Book of

    Mormon reading was going.They said they had beenreading and praying, andthat they had received ananswer that it was true. TheSpirit filled the room as I couldsee their doubts melting intofaith. Vanessa was sick thisweek so she could not attendchurch, but Jairo and hisdaughter were able to

    attend and they bothenjoyed it very much. Wefound out they are in factmarried and have been forfour years! They areprogressing so much and weare so excited for them.

    We had a miracle lessonwith Fernando where westarted teaching the plan ofsalvation but then he startedteaching us and said 'I

    13 de abril de 2014

    The Miracle of Baptism

    22 de Mayo de 2016El larn de El Faro

    already knew this but thanksfor telling me again' superfunny so we went through apractica of the baptismquestions and he said 'yeah Ihad a problem with coffeebut now I drink chamomileevery morning'. This man isincredible. When we endedthe lesson we always say, ifthere's something you needjust call us. And he said to us'lders if you need anything,call me and we'll drive out toa random village or dosomething' couldn't believe ithe is great!

    This week was pretty good.We had two investigatorsaccept baptismal fechas for

    the first time.Rosario, a Spanish womanwith 55 years, she has cometo church 2 weeks in a rowand progressing very well. Ihave high hope and faiththat if we work well anddiligently with her, she will bebaptized on the 11th of June.And Carolina, she is thedaughter of Rosario(other

    investigator from Bolivia) andshe is 9 years old. The motherand the daughter both havefechas for the 28th of thismonth. They are wonderful.

    We witnessed a beautifulmiracle this week. We metwith a couple from Nigeria fora first lesson, talked about ourbook and purpose, andcommitted them to baptism!They've been looking for a

  • 7/26/2019 May 22 El Clarn


    place to worship - theymoved here recently from

    Valencia - and are extremelyinterested in reading theBook of Mormon. They askedall the right, golden questions,they listened with interest,they're married, and they'vesettled here to rear a familyaway from the hustle andbustle of the city. They'reready!

    Hemos tenido una semanallena de Milagros. Primerotenemos Nuria. Me alegrmuchsimo cuando ella noscont sobre su progreso conla palabra de Sabidura. Nosdijo que haba dejado todo!Un milagro. Se vaprogresando un montn. Unacosa que estamos haciendocon ella para apollarle es

    que al dejar alcohol, caf, ymarijuana, nosotros a la vezestamos dejando cereal,bacon, y chocolate hastaque se bautice. Le encantaese idea. Todava tenemos

    13 de abril de 2014

    The Miracle of Baptism

    22 de Mayo de 2016El larn de El Faro

    que ensearle Diezmos ytemplos, entonces loharemos esta semana yesperamos que se bauticeesta semana.

    This last week was a goodweek. Last week we werewalking and this guy nameJosin stopped us and ask ifwe were Mormons. We saidwe were and he said that hehad been looking for the

    Mormons. He had been tochurch before and met withthe missionaries before. Hehad to go on a business tripoutside of the country andlost contact with them. Hehad also forgotten were thechurch was so he couldn'tcome back. He had beenstopping everyone thatlooked like us trying to find us.

    Yesterday he came tochurch. We were kind ofexcited for that.

    Well the miracle this weekwas this. We had finallyplanned a visit with Alexia

    and her mom which is really

    important because Alexia isnot baptized because hermom won't let her. We havetried ever since I've beenhere to meet with both ofthem but haven't been ableto. Today we had a visit at530 and we needed a manto come with us so that wecould enter. Well at 5 theman fired on us. We calledeveryone but no one couldhelp us. So we were kind ofbummed. But we went overthere anyways to see if wecould maybe teach in thepark or something. But whenwe got there wouldn't youknow it Emilio Mamboprobably the best memberwe could have had with us

    was dropping off Alexia'smom at the house. He wasable to help us and after thevisit Alexia and her mom nowhave set goals so that Alexiacan be baptized. We are sohappy about that.

    hacemos todo lo que podemos a fin de que la obraavance; pero sta es la obra del Seor, l la dirige y l estal mando. Nos maravillamos al verlo abrir puertas quevosotros no podemos abrir y efectuar milagros queapenas podemos imaginar lder Neil A. Andersen

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