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De acuerdo a los principales objetivos de la biblioteca “Dra. Ma. Elena Caso Muñoz”, Unidad Académica Mazatlán del ICML, U.N.A.M. de apoyar la investigación y docencia a

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Compilación: Ma. Clara Ramírez Jáuregui Edición: Mat. Germán Ramírez Reséndiz.


LIBROS AGOSTINHO, ANGELO ANTONIO, ET. AL., 2004. Structure and functioning of the

Paraná River and its floodplain LTER-Site 6 (PELD-Sitio 6).—Maringa: EDUEM: 275 p.


Inundacao do Alto Rio Paraná: Aspectos físicos, biológicos e socioeconómicos. Maringa: EDUEM: 460 p.

CORREA, CHRISTIANE ERONDINA, 2004. Ecología do Pantanal. Curso de Campo

2003. – Campo Grande, MS: Editora UFMS: 227 p. ETHEM GONENC, I. AND JOHN P. WOLFLIN, 2005. Coastal Lagoons. Ecosystem

Processes and Modeling for Sustainable Use and Development.—Boca Raton: CRC Press: 500 p.

FELSENSTEIN, JOSEPH, 2004. Inferring Phylogenies.—Sunderland Massachussets:

Sinauer Associates, Inc.: 664 p. NAKATANI, KESHIYU, ET. AL., 2001. Ovos e larvas de peixes de agua doce:

desenvolvimento e manual de identificacao.—Maringa, PR: EDUEM: 378 p. PION ABUABARA, MARIA APARECIDA AND MIGUEL PETRERE Jr., 1997.

Estimativas da abundancia de populacoes animais. Introducao as técnicas de captura-recaptura.—Maringa-PR: EDUEM: 161 p.

RIGBY, J. KEITH, 2003. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology. Part E: Porifera,

Revised. Volume 2: Introduction to the Porifera.—Boulder, Colorado and Lawrence Kansas: The Geological Society of America, Inc. and the University of Kansas: 349 p.

TERAMOTO, T., Ed., 1993. Deep Ocean Circulation. Physical and Chemical Aspects.

Elsevier Oceanography Series, 59.—Amsterdam: Elsevier: 382 p. ZAVALA-CAMIN, LUIS ALBERTO, 1996. Introducao aos estudos sobre alimentacao

natural em peixes.—Maringa: EDUEM: 129 p.



TESIS ACOSTA VELÁZQUEZ, JOANNA, 2003. Análisis de la condición del bosque de

manglar en el sistema lagunar Teacapán-Agua Brava-Marismas Nacionales y sus relaciones a nivel de paisaje. Tesis de Maestría. CIAD-Unidad Mazatlán, 89 p.


ACTA SCIENTIARUM: Vol. 20, No. 2, June 1998. Vol. 21, No. 2, June 1999. Vol. 22, No. 2, June 2000. Vol. 25, No. 2, July-December 2003. BIBLIOTECA UNIVERSITARIA: Vol. 7, No. 2, julio-diciembre de 2004. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, THE: Vol. 207, No. 3, December 2004. BULLETIN OF THE FISHERIES RESEARCH AGENCY: No. 12, November 2004. No. 13, December 2004. CADERNOS DA BIODIVERSIDADE: Vol. 3, No. 1, janeiro 2002. Vol. 3, No. 2, julho 2002. Vol. 4, No. 1, janeiro 2003. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES AND AQUATIC SCIENCES: Vol. 61, No. 7, July 2004. Vol. 61, No. 8, August 2004. Vol. 61, No. 9, September 2004. CIENCIA: Vol. 51, No. 1, marzo de 2000. Vol. 55, No. 2, abril-junio de 2004. Vol. 56, No. 1, enero-marzo de 2005. CLIMATE DIAGNOSTICS BULLETIN: No. 12/04, December 2004. CRUSTACEANA: Vol. 77, Part. 9, October 2004. ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL:


Vol. 31, No. 1, January 2005. Vol. 31, No. 2, February 2005. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION: Vol. 134, No. 3, April 2005. ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY: Vol. 23, No. 11, November 2004. Vol. 24, No. 2, February 2005. ESTUARIES: Vol. 27, No. 6, December 2004. EXPLORATIONS: Vol. 11, No. 2, Fall 2004. FAO FISHERIES REPORT: No. 732: Report of the Workshop and Exchange of Views on Fiscal Reforms for Fisheries –to Promote Growth, Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Management.

Rome, 13-15, October 2003. No. 732, Supplement: Report of the Workshop and Exchange of Views on Fiscal

Reforms for Fisheries –to Promote Growth, Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Management. Rome, 13-15, October 2003.

No. 739: Report of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the European Association of Fisheries Economists. Rome, 5-7, April 2004.

No. 744: Report of the Expert Consultation on International Fish Trade. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-5 December 2003.

FAO FISHERIES TECHNICAL PAPER: No. 420: Sociedades, legislación pesquera e instituciones marítimas en el Mediterráneo

occidental. Resumen de derechos colectivos y sistemas descentralizados de disciplina profesional, 58 p.

No. 430: Fisheries in irrigation systems of arid Asia, 150 p. No. 463: Advances in sea cucumber aquaculture and management, 425 p. No. 465: The conservation and management of shared fish stocks: legal and economic

aspects, 69 p. FARO, EL: No. 46, enero 6 de 2005. FISHERIES: Vol. 30, No. 1, January 2005. FISHERIES OCEANOGRAPHY: Vol. 13, Supplement 1, December 2004. Vol. 14, No. 1, January 2005. GULF AND CARIBBEAN RESEARCH:


Vol. 16, No. 2, November 2004. ICES JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE: Vol. 62, No. 1, February 2005. INGENIERÍA HIDRÁULICA EN MÉXICO: Vol. XIX, No. 4, octubre-diciembre de 2004. JOURNAL OF AQUATIC ANIMAL HEALTH: Vol. 16, No. 4, December 2004. JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH: Vol. 21, No. 1, January 2005. Special Issue No. 3, Summer 1988: Dune/Beach Interaction. Edited by Norbert P Psuty. Special Issue No. 4, Autumn 1988: The Effects of Seawalls on the Beach. Edited by

Nicholas C. Kraus and Orrin H. Pilkey. Special Issue No. 5, Summer 1989: High Concentration Cohesive Sediment Transport.

Edited by Ashish J. Mehta and Earl J. Hayter. Special Issue No. 6: Summer 1990: Artificial Beaches. Edited by Maurice L. Schwartz

and Eric C.F. Bird. Special Issue No. 7, Spring 1990: Rational Design of Mound Structures. Edited by

Nobuhisha Kobayashi and Miguel A. Losada. Special Issue No. 8, Spring 1991: Impacts of Hurricane Hugo: September 10-22, 1989.

Edited by Charles W. Finkl and Orrin H. Pilkey. Special Issue No. 14, Spring 1995: Potential Impacts of Accelerated Sea-Level Rise on

Developing Countries. Edited by Robert J. Nicholls and Stephen P. Leatherman. Special Issue No. 15, Spring 1993: Beach and Surf Zone Morphodynamics. Edited by

Andrew D. Short. Special Issue No. 18, Fall 1993: Beach/Inlet Processes and Management: A Florida

Perspective. Edited by Ashish J. Mehta. Special Issue No. 21, Spring 1995: Impacts of Hurricane Andrew on the Coastal Zones

of Florida and Louisiana: 22-26 August 1992. Edited by Gregory W. Stone and Charles W. Finkl.

JOURNAL OF MARINE RESEARCH: Vol. 62, No. 6, November 2004. JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY: Vol. 40, No. 6, December 2004. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY: Vol. 34, No. 12, December 2004. JOURNAL OF PLANKTON RESEARCH: Vol. 27, No. 1, January 2005. JOURNAL OF SEA RESEARCH:


Vol. 53, No. 1-2, January 2005. Vol. 53, No. 3, February 2005. JOURNAL OF SHELLFISH RESEARCH: Vol. 23, No. 3, December 2004. JOURNAL OF THE WORLD AQUACULTURE SOCIETY: Vol. 35, No. 4, 2004. LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY: Vol. 50, No. 1, January 2005. MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES: Vol. 284, December 21, 2004. NEW SCIENTIST: Vol. 185, No. 2481, January 8-14, 2005. Vol. 185, No. 2482, January 15-21, 2005. Vol. 185, No. 2483, January 22-28, 2005. Vol. 185, No. 2484, January 29-February 4, 2005. Vol. 185, No. 2485, February 5-11, 2005. NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES MANAGEMENT: Vol. 24, No. 4, November 2004. OCEANUS: Vol.43, NO. 1, 2004. PACIFIC SCIENCE: Vol. 59, No. 1, January 2005. OCLC NEWSLETTER: October-November-December 2004. REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE CONTAMINACIÓN AMBIENTAL: No. 2, abril-junio de 2004. REVISTA DE BIOLOGÍA TROPICAL: Vol. 52, No. 1, marzo de 2004. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: Vol. 292, No. 1, January 2005. U2000. Crónica de la Educación Superior: No. 447, 24 de enero de 2005. ZOOLÓGICA SCRIPTA: Vol. 34, No. 1, January 2005.


PUBLICACIONES PERIODICAS Acta Scientiarum Volume 20, Número 2 Valores sangüíneos de pintados juvenis, Pseudoplatystoma coffuscans (Agassiz, 1829) Roger Beelen, Tom van der Heijden, Ronald Booms, Marc Verdegem e Gilberto Cezar Pavanelli................... 147 Influencia de anticoagulantes e estocagem de sangue em valores hematológicos de tambaquis, Colossoma macropomum Marcos Tavares-Dias e Elziane F. Silva Sandrim .................................................................................... 151 Características hematológicas de teleósteos brasileiros. 1. Série vermelha e dosagens de cortisol e glicose do plasma sangüíneo de espécimes de Colossoma macropomum em condic;óes de cultivo Marcos Tavares-Dias e Elziane F. Silva Sandrim .................................................................................... 157 Henneguya spp. (Myxozoa, Myxosporea, Myxobolidae), parasita de peixes do rio Paraná, Brasil Gilberto Cezar Pavanelli,Jorge da Costa Eiras e Aurélia Saraiva ........................................................... 161 Aspectos morfológicos relacionados a alimentac;áo de duas raias marinhas Narcine brasiliensis Olfers e Rhinobatos horkelli Müller & Henle Roberto Goitein, Fernando S. TOffes e Carlos Eduardo Signorini .......................................................... 165 Estrutura populacional de peixes no estuário do rio Caeté, Braganc;a, Pará, Brasil Mauricio Camargo e Victoria J. Isaac...................................................................................................................................... 171 Idade e crescimento de Plagioscion squamosissimus (Heckel, 1840) (Acanthopterygií, Sciaenidae) do reservatório de Barra Bonita-SP, através da estrutura dos otólitos Antonio Carlos Leal de Castro.................................................................................................................. 179 Técnicas de controle de qualidade utilizadas na criac;áo de tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) Vandir Medri, Geni Varéa Pereira eJúlio Hermann Leonhardt ................................................................. 185 Dieta de Crenicichla lepidota Heckel, 1840 (Perciformes, Cichlidae) da lagoa Redonda, Nísia Floresta,IRN Hélio de Castro Bezerra Gurgel, Raimunda Gonfalves de Almeida, Geraldo Barbieri e Lisandro, Juno Soares Vleira ............................................................................................................................................ 191 Efeito da composic;áo ionica da água do mar artificial no desenvolvimento de larvas de Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man, 1879) [Crustacea, Decapoda] no estágio II Margarete Mallasen e Wagner Cotroni Valenti ........................................................................................ 195 Estudo da termoestabilidade de peroxidases extraídas da polpa e casca de mexenca (Citrus deliciosa) &li Cristina Alvim e Edmar Clemente ....................................................................................................... 201 Levantamento florístico das tribos Psychotrieae, Coussareeae e Morindeae (Rubiaceae) na regiáo de Porto Rico, alto rio Paraná Débora Cristina de Souza e María Conceifiio de Souza .......................................................................... 207 Bactérias associadas a decomposicáo de folhas de Cedrela flSsilis Vello (Cedro) em mata tropical subcaducifólia do noroeste do Estado do Paraná Claudia Regina Co"ea, Valdovino Damásio dos Santos e Celso Vataru Nakamura ............................... 213 Características morfoquantitativas dos neurónios mientéricos do segmento terminal do intestino de Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus, 1758) (Osteichthyes, Cyprinidae) Sandra Regina Stabüle, Marcelo Aparecido de Lima e Ricardo de Melo Germano ............................... 217 Estudo morfológico e quantitativo dos neurónios do plexo mientérico do corpo do estómago de Rattus norvegicus Cristina Elena Prado Teles Pregonesi, Marcaio Hubner de Miranda Neto e Sonia Lucy Molinary.......... 221 CIENCIAS DA SAÚDE o efeito ansiolítico do 8-0H-DPAT é mediado por receptores 5-HTIA? Elisabeth Aparecida Audi, Vagner Siqueira Alves, Marcos Alberto Trombelli e Alexandra Candido De Barros........................................................................................................................................................ 225 Fadiga neutomuscular induzida por d- Tubocuranina, Hexametónio e Neostigmina em prepara~óes nervo frenico-diafragma isolado de ratos diabéticos Lisliane Marisa Tagliari e Wilson Alves-do-Prado .................................................................................... 231 lmunoestimuladores - potencial para o tratamento de imunodepressóes e doen~as infecciosas Sandra Cristina Bariio e Selma Giorgio .................................................................................................... 235


Atividade antibacteriana de extratos do caule de CedrelaflSsüis Vello (Meliaceae) Diógenes Aparício Garcia Cortez, Lúcia Elaine Ranieri Cortez, Tania Veda Nakamura e Celso Vataru Nakamura.................................................................................................................................................. 243 Acta Scientiarum Volume 21, Number 2 Evaluation of the genotoxicity and fetal toxicity of the herbicide Paraquat Luisa Fernanda Martinez Peña, Suzana de Fatima Paccola Mesquita and !lce Mara de Syllos Cólus... 219 Effect of S-Aminouracil on mitotic cell division in Allium cepa María de Fátima Pires da Silva Machado, Marcía Flores da Silva and Veronica Elisa Pimenta Vicentini225 Biology of Trypanosoma cruzi strains isolated from chagasic patients from different geographic origins residing in northwestern region of the state of Paraná, Brazil Silvana Marques de Araújo, Ana Lúcía Falavigna Guilherme, Max Jean de Ornelas Toledo, Paulo José Gamba de Oliveira,José Carlos da Silva and Monica Lúcia Gomes .............................................. 229 Histological studies on the effects of Clinostomum marginatum (Digenea, Clinostomidae) in its second intermediate host Loricariichthys platymetopon (Osteichthyes, Loricariidae) of the upper Paraná River, Brazil Jorge da Costa Eiras, María Luiza Gaspar Goulart Días, Gilberto Cezar Pavanelli and Marion Hamko Machado ................................................................................................................................................... 237 Feeding of six fish species inJiqui Lagoon, eastern coast ofRio Grande do Norte, Brazil Hélio de Castro Bezerra Gurgel and Bhaskara Canan........................................................................................... 243 The metascolex in proteocephalids Amilcar Arandas Rego and Gilberto Cezar Pavanelli ...................... 247 Species introduction: a commented synthesis Rosilene Luciana Delariva and Angelo Antonio Agostinho ...................................................................... 255 Occurrence of Diplostomum sp Nordmann, 1832 (Digenea: Diplostomatidae) in Plagioscion squamosissimus Heckel, 1840, from Volta Grande Reservoir, MG, Brazil Maurú:io Later{a Martins, Rodrigo Yudi Fujimoto, Adjair Antonio do Nascimento and Flávio Ruas de Moraes ............................... 263 Fish community structure of"Lago del Fuerte" reservoir, Tandil, Argentina Fabián Grosman ....................................................................................................................................... 267 Influence of different binders in the apparent digestibility of dry matter and protein in pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) fed with ration processed with or without steam Osmar Angelo Cantelma, Luiz Edivaldo Pezzato, Margarida María Ba"os and María Angélica Rosa Ribeiro....................................................................................................................................................... 277 Spatio temporal variations in Pimelodus ortmanni (Siluriformes, Pimelodidae) feeding in Segredo reservoir and contigous areas (PR) FabianeAbujanra, Márcia Regina Russo and Norma Segatti Hahn 283 The grade of feeding preference: a qualitative and quantitative method for stomach content analysis Francisco Manoel de Souza Braga........................................................................................................... 291 Alimentary ingredients and the feeding behavior ofNile tilápia (Oreochromis niloticus) Elyara Maria Pereira-da-Silva and Luiz Edivaldo Pezzato............................................................................................. 297 Sensory evaluation of the tilapia fillets fed with different levels of alcohol yeast Vandir Medri, Ceni Varéa Pereira, Júlio Hermann Leonhardt, Miriam de Souza Panini and Sandro Dietzel ....................................................................................................................................................... 303 Curvina Plagioscion squamosissimus (Heckel, 1840) (Peciformes, Sciaenidae) feeding activity in Parana river Norma Segatti Hahn, Valdirene Esgarbosa Loureiro and Rosilene Luciana Delariva ............................ 309 Aplication of Taguchi's los s function to production of Nile tilapia fed with different levels of alcohol yeast Vandir Medri, Ceni Varéa Pereira andJúlio Hermann Leonhardt ................................................... 315 Influence of different luminosity levels on the performance of Jundiá larvae (Rhamdia quelen) (Quoy and Gaimard, 1824) (Pisces: pimelodidae) Everton Rodolfo Behr,Joáo Radünz Neto, Ana Paula Tronco and Ana Paula Fontana .......................... 325 Number oflarval instars in Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) Carvalho Carlos Ecole, Norivaldo dos Anjos, Miguel Michere.ff Filho and Marcelo Picanfo ......................................................... 331 Haematology of parasitized Brazilian teleost fishes. 1. Parameters macrocephalus Garavelo and Britski, 1988 (Anostomidae) and Piaractus Holmberg, 1887 (Characidae) Marcos Tavares-Dias, Sérgio Henrique Canello Schalch, Maurício Laterfa Martins, Érico Demari Silva, Flávio Ruas Moraes and Dilermando Perecin .......................................................................................... 337


Morphology and anatomy of the flower of Ocotea puberula (Rich.) Nees (Lauraceae) Luiz Antonio de Souza and Ismar Sebastiáo Moscheta ..................................................................................................... 343 Biological effects of Pfaffia glomerata (Spreng.) Pedersen and Pfaffia paniculata (Martius) Kuntze (Amaranthaceae) Nádia Regina Alvim, Kely Christiane Tavares da Cunha, Lúcia Elaine Ranieri Cortez, Roberto Barbosa Bazotte, Luis Carlos Marques and Diógenes Aparício Carcia Cortez . .................................................... 349 Development of the mouse testis from fetal period to adulthood Rozangela de Lucca Martins Sachetim .................................................................................................... 353 Effect of water-administered acetic acid on Wistar lineage weaned rats (Rattus norvegicus) Haroldo Carcia de Faria ......................................................................................................................................... 359 Prevalence of hepatitis B in blood donors of the Núcleo de Hemoterapia de Apucarana (Hemepar), state ofParaná, Brazil Leonardo di Colli, Thaís Comes Verzignassi Silveira and Dennis Armando Bertolini ............................. 363 Nutritional monitoring of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease from pulmonary rehabilitation program Maria Luiza Ferreira Stringhini, Cersislei Antonia Salado and Maria Rosedália de Moraes ................... 369 Newborn jaundice: survey of the cases occured in the Hospital Universitário Regional de Maringá (HUM) from November 1993 to July 1995 Ana Maria Silveira Machado de Moraes, Éllen Cristina Santana Aleixo, Isolde Terezinha Santos Previdelli, Ana Beatriz Tozzo Martins, Eliana Caria Armelin, Adriana Domingues Valadares, Cynthia Renata Baiardi Mizoguti Oliveira and Dalton Ivan Steimmacher.............................................................. 375 Distribution and standardization of antihypertensive medications in the pharmacy of State University ofMaringá (FEN-UEM) Raquel Soares Tasca and Roberto Kenji Nakamura Cuman................................................................... 379 Antihypertensive medicine prescription in basic unit ofhealth in Maringá-Paraná Raquel Soares Tasca, DarliAntonio Soares and Roberto Kenji Nakamura Cuman...................................................................... 383 Efficacy of the rubber tube as an internallining in the esophageal anastomosis in dogs Orlando Ribeiro Prado Filho, AmaUlY José Teixeira Nigro, César Orlando Peralta Bandeira, Yara Juliano, Neil Ferreira Novo, Alex Moisés Pimenta and Priscila Valério Lima ............................................................................ 389 Influence of vasoconstrictors associated with local anesthetics on the arterial pressure of hypertensive and normotensive rats Carlos Luiz Fernandes de Salles, Adriane de Castro Martinez, Ángelo José Pavan, Apparecido Neri Daniel and Roberto Kenji Nakamura Cuman............................................................................................ 395 A study of Li2C03 and C7HsN03 noncaloric sweetener association in mice bone marrow cells Juida de Deus Palma Contar, Luciana Oliveira dos Santos, Simone Busko Valim and Terezinha Aparecida Cuedes .................................................................................................................................... 403 Quantitative morphological analysis of the myenteric neurons of the ileum in rats under experimental desnutrition Adriana Fiorini, Sonia Lucy Molinari, Maria Raquel Marfal Natali and Marcílio Hubner de Miranda Neto 409 Microscopic study of the myocardial bridges over cardiac veins of pigs Sonia Maria Marques Comes Bertolini, Nadir Eunice Valverde Barbato de Prates and Marcílio Hubner de Miranda Neto ....................................................................................................................................... 415 Acta Scientiarum Volume 22, Number 2 Mitotic and meiotic instability produced by an informational suppressor in Aspergillus nidulans Melissa Cracíte de Melo Franzoni and Marialba Avezum Alves Castro-Prado........................................ 263 Chiasma frequency, distribution and terminalization in hexaploid oats (Avena sativa L.) Flávía Roseli Baptista-Cíacomelli, Maria Suely Pagliarini andJulíano Luiz de Almeida ................................................ 269 Esterase isozymes for the characterization of "unnamed" cassava cultivars (Mánihot esculenta Crantz) María de Fátima Pires da Silva Machado, Fábio Pablos de Souza and Adriana Cazoli Resende ......... 275 Evaluation of maternal effect on inheritance of aluminum-tolerance in maize Alberto José Prioli, TJnia Aparecida Amaduccí Schneider, Andrea Akemi Hoshino, Juliana Pereira Bravo, Talge Aiex Boni, Sonia Maria Alves Pinto Prioli and Roxelle Ethienne Ferreira Munhoz ............ 281


Heteroplasmy in the T -uif13 mitochondrial gene of die Texas cytoplasm of maize Elizabete Satsuki Sekine, Laura Leal de Castro, Alberto José Prioli; Sonia Maria Alves Pinto Prioli and Laudenir Maria Prioli ......................................................................................................................................................... 287 Biological activities ofPHA, WGA,jacalin and artocarpin lectins Ana Maria Sell and Celso Paulino da Costa............................................................................................. 297 Effect of the fungicides Fosetyl-Al and Metalaxyl on arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization of seedlings of Citrus sinensis (L.) 'Dsbeck grafted onto C. limon (L.) Burmf Rosilaine Carrenho, Vera Lúcía Ramos Bononin and Luiz AntO'nio Cracíolli ......................................... 305 Study of parameters that influence the production of the enzyme CGTase from Bacillus firmus, strain no. 37 Craciette Matioli, Cristiane Moriwaki, Regiane Barbieri Mazzoni, Cisella Maria Zanin and Flávio Faria de Moraes ............................................................................................................ 311 Chemical composition of mushrooms cultivated in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) waste substratum Marlei Roling Scariot, Lucíana Rak, Sandra Maria Comes da Costa and Edmar Clemente ................... 317 Proceedings to avoid contaminants during isolation and storage of standard fungal strains Edson Luiz Zangrando Figueira, Eduardo Vicente, Yuko Yoshimoto, Elisabeth Yurie Satake Ono and Elisa Yoko Hirooka ..................................................................................................................................................... 321 Human behaviour towards nature from the biological theories of evolution Guillermo Foladori..................................................................................................................................... 327 A method for investigating the heterotrophic assimilation of ammonium and nitrate through planktonic organisms Cacilda ThaisJanson Mercante and lrineu Bianchini-júnior ..................................................................... 337 Species composition of rotifers in different habitats of an artificiallake, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil Juan Carlos Cisneros Martínez, Angela Canesin and Cláudia Costa Bonecker...................................... 343 Horizontal distribution patterns of testate amoebae (Rhizopoda, Amoebozoa) in plankton samples of the Corumbá reservoir area, State of Goiás, Brazil Fábio Amodeo Lansac- Tóha, Luiz Felipe Machado Velho, Cláudia Costa Bonecker and Anderson Setsuo, Miyashiro Aoyagui ....................................................................................................................... 347 On the occurrence of testate amoebae (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) in Brazilian inland waters. I. Family Arcellidae Fábio Amodeo Lansac- T6ha, Luiz Felipe Machado Velho, Maria Cláudia Zimmermann-Callegari and Cláudia Costa Bonecker ........................................................................................................................... 355 On the occurrence of testate amoebae (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) in Brazilian inland waters. n. Families Centropyxidae, Trigonopyxidae and Plagiopyxidae Luiz Felipe Machado Velho, Fábio Amodeo Lansac- T6ha, Cláudia Costa Bonecker and Maria Cláudia Zimmermann-Callegari ............................................................................................................................. 365 Evaluation of zooplankton groups in experimental ponds with the use of different organic substrates Anna Christina Esper Amaro de Faria, Carmino Hayashi, Claudemir Martins Soares and Giovani Sampaio Goncalves ................................................................................................................................. 375 Plankton, Artemia sp, artificial diet and their combinations on the development and survival of goldfish (Carassius aura tus) during larviculture phase Claudemir Martins Soares, Carmino Hayashi, Giovani Sampaio Goncalves, Eliana Maria Galdioli and Wilson Rogério Boscolo ........................................................................................................................... 383 Seasonal variability of the phytoplankton community of a lateral channel (Cortado) of the Upper Paraná River Sueli Train, Márcia Divina de Oliveira and Maria Tereza Quevedo ........................................................ 389 Effect of Ankistrodesmus gracilis and Scenedesmus quadricauda algae on growth and in lipid index of Daphnia laevis and Moina micrura Caria Fernandes Macedo and Ricardo Motta Pinto-Coelho..................................................................... 397 Survey of Coleoptera (Arthropoda: Insecta) associated with bovine dung in the municipality ofItumbiara, Goiás, Brazil Carlos Henrique Marchiori, Ándersen Terra de Oliveria and Arício Xavier Linhares .............................. 403 Local and regional species diversity in South American Falconiformes: a geostatistical approach Josana de Castro Peixoto, Márcia Christianne de Souza, José Alexandre Felizola Diniz-Filho and Luis Mauricio Bini ............................................................................................................................................ 409


Estrutura populacional de Poecilia vivipara Bloch & Schneider, 1801 (Atheriniformes, Poeciliidae) do rio Ceará-Mirim - Rio Grande do Norte Renata Swany Soares Nascimento e Hélio de Castro Bezerra Gurgel ................................................... 415 Percepcao dos insetos pelos graduandos da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brasil Eraldo Medeiros Costa-Neto e Paula Dib de Carvalho ............................................................................ 423 Distribui<;ao, abundancia e uso de diferentes ambientes pela ictiofauna dominante na área de influencia do reservatório de Itaipu Evanilde Benedito-Cecilio e Angelo Antonio Agostinho ........................................................................... 429 Parametros de crescimento e metabólicos da tilápia vermelha criada em tanques-rede flutuantes em acude de pequeno porte Paulo César Falanghe Carneiro, Elisabeth Criscuolo Urbinati e Damares Perecim Roviero ................. 439 Distribuicao espacial de peixes em ambientes lenticos: interacao de fatores Edson Fontes de Oliveira e Erivelto Goulart............................................................................................. 445 Relacao entre o padrao de crescimento em peixes e as diferentes categorias tróficas: urna hipótese a ser testada Maria de los Angeles Perez Lizama e Ricardo Massato Takemoto......................................................... 455 Avaliacao de canibalismo e comportamento territorial de alevinos de trairao (Hoplias lacerdae) Ronald Kennedy Luz, Ana Lúcia Salaro, Eduardo Ferri Souto e Evoy Zaniboni Filho ........................... 465 Diferentes [ontes protéicas na alimentacao de alevinos de curimba (Prochilodus lineatus V.) Eliana Maria Galdioli, Carmino Hayashi, Claudemir Martins Soares, Wilson Massamitu Furuya e Mariza Yuri Nagae........................................................................................................................................................ 471 Utilizacao de levedura spray dried na alimentacao de alevinos de tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus L.) Fábio Meurer, Carmino Hayashi, Claudemir Martins Soares e Wilson Rogério Boscolo ........................ 479 Níveis de nitrogenio e fósforo na água de tanques de cultivo de tilápia vermelha sub metidas a diferentes manejos alimentares Ana Eliza Baccarin, Célia Maria Dória Frascá-Scorvo e Paulo Fernando Colherinhas Novato .............. 485 Sobrevivencia e crescimento larval do pacama Lophiosilurus alexandri Steindachner 1876 (Siluriformes, Pimelodidae), em funcao de tres densidades de estocagem em laboratório Cristiane Machado López e Edson Vieira Sampaio................................................................................................. 491 Consideracóes sobre a reprodu<;ao artificial e alevinagem de pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus, Holmberg, 1887) em viveiros Claudio Luiz Bock e Carlos Roberto Padovani ......................................... 495 Aspectos da biologia pesqueira em femeas de Cathrops spixii do estuário do rio Potengi, NataVRN, com enfase nos índices biométricos Hélio de Castro Bezerra Gurgel, Cristiano Queiroz de Albuquerque, Djair dos Santos de Lima e Souza e Geraldo Barbieri ..................................................................................................................................... 503 Avaliacao hematológica de espécies de peixe de valor comercial da planície de inunda~ao do rio Paraná, Brasil María José Tavares Ranzani de Paiva, Angela Teresa Silva e Souza, Gilberto Cezar Pavanelli, Ricardo Massato Takemoto e Augusta Cocuzza das Eims ..................................................................... 507 Características hematológicas e fator de condi~ao relativo (Kn) associados ao parasitismo em Schizodon borellii (Osteichthyes, Anostomidae) e Prochilodus lineatus (Osteichthyes, Prochilodontidae) do rio Paraná, regiao de Porto Rico, Paraná Maria José Tavares Ranzani-Paiva, Angela Teresa Silva-Souza, Gilberto Cezar Pavanelli e RicardoMassato Takemoto....................................................................................................................... 515 Prosthenhystera obesa (Digenea), parasita de Salminlls maxillosus (Characidae) da planície de inunda~ao alto rio Paraná, Brasil: influencia do tamanho e do sexo do hospedeiro Andréia Isaac, Gislaine Marcolino Guidelli, Ricardo Massato Takemoto e Gilberto Cezar Pavanelli .............................. 523 Microscopia eletrónica de varredura de parasitos branquiais de Piaractus mesopotamicus Holmberg, 1887 cultivados no Estado de Sao Paulo, Brasil Maria Luiza Rodrigues de Souza, Maurício Later{a MartillS eJaime Maia dos Santos. ......................... 527 Fator de condi~ao e rela~ao hepato e esplenossomática em teleósteos de água doce naturalmente parasitados Marcos Tavares-Dias, Maurício Later{a MartillS, Flávio Ruas Momes e Sérgio Nascimento Kronka ..... 533


Diferenciacao do número de vértebras de algumas espécies de Characiformes (Osteichthyes) da bacia do Rio Paraná, Brasil Marta Eliane Echeverria Borges, Keshiyu Nakatani, Andréa Bialetzki e Michelle Elíane Gatti Felis....... 539 Falha na resposta do cortisol ao estresse por captura e por carragenina em Piaractlls mesopotamicus Holmberg, 1887 (Osteichthyes: Characidae) Maurício Later{a Martins, Flávio Ruas de Momes, Julieta Rodini Engrácia de Momes e Euclides Braga Malheiros................................................................................................................................................... 545 Etnoictiologia dos pescadores artesanais de Siribinha, município de Conde (Bahia): aspectos relacionados com a etologia dos peixes Emldo Medeiros Costa-Neto e José Gemldo Wanderley Marques .......................................................... 553 Análise morfológica e quantitativa dos neurónios do plexo mientérico do bulbo intestinal de Cyprinuscarpio (Linnaeus, 1758) (Osteichthyes, Cyprinidae) Ricardo de Melo Germano, Sandra Regina Stabille, Patrícia Marega, Sonia Lucy Molinari .................. 561 Efeitos da imposicao de dieta hipoprotéica em ratos Wistar adultos (Rattus norvegicus) María Raquel Mar{al Natali, Marcaio Hübner de Miranda Neto e Antonio Marcos Orsi ................................................ 567 Estudo anatómico do modelo arterial de vasos responsáveis pelo aporte sanguíneo da glandula submandibular de primatas neotropicais [Cebus apella, Linnaeus, 1766] Adriane Subtil de Oliveira,Jussara Rocha Ferreira e Alexandre Roriz BlumellSchein ............................ 573 Morfologia e histoquímica das fibras musculares do tecido muscular esquelético de cordeiros durante o crescimento Rosa Maria Gomes de Macedo, Maeli Dal Pai:'Silva, Vitalina Dal Pai, Francisco de Assis Fonseca de Macedo e Elias Nunes Martills ................................................................................................................. 581 Clinical, laboratory and epidemiological data of chronic chagasic patients residing in the northwestern region of the State ofParaná, Brazil Monica Lúcia Comes, Dirceu José Cassarotti, Miria Ramos, Paulo Donizeti Zanzarini, Lúcia Maria Cunha Calvtlo, Egler Chiari and Silvana Marques-Araújo........................................................................ 587 Control of intestinal parasitoses in the community of Núcleo Habitacional Santa Pelicidade of Maringá, state of Paraná, Brazil Maria da Luz Ribeiro Moitinho, Andrea Cláudia Bekner Silva Roberto, Eneide Aparecida Sabaini Venazzi, Maria Teresinha Comes Cqsavechia and Andréa Brustolin Pereira ........................................ 593 Biotransformation of drugs Elisabeth Aparecida Audi and Flávia Daniela Pussi................................................................................. 599 Evaluation of molluscicidal activity of Gymnema sylvestre R. Br., (Asclepiadaceae) Andréa Brustolin and Diógenes Aparício Carcia Cortez........................................................................... 605 Evaluation of the number of alveoli of the remaining rat lungs after lobectomy or bilobectomy Amélia Cristina Seidel, Alvacir Santos Bahls, Hugo Meister, Dorival Moreschi Jr, Juliana Paula Bagatin and Lilian Yumi Nakayama ...................................................................................................................... 609 Comparison between tracheal anastomosis suture with absorbable synthetic thread and with nonabsorbable synthetic thread in rabbits Cesar Orlando Peralta Bandeira, Amauty José Teixeira Nigro, Martin Zavadinack Netto, Orlando Ribeiro Prado Filho and Kelston Paulo Sales .......................................................................................... 615 Inguinal herniorrhaphy: local or regional anesthesia? Martin Zavadinack Netto, Orlando Ribeiro Prado Filho, César Orlando Peralta Bandeira, Kelston Paulo Felice de Sales and Tatiana Akemi Camiloti.. .......................................................................................... 621 Use of techniques to increase flexibility and equilibrium in adolescents with cerebral palsy: report of three case studies Katia Carpentieri Ferrarezi andJoana Elizabeth Ribeiro Pinto Cuedes ..................................................... 62 Bacteriological analysis of water in dental units Hiran Vinicius Martelli Xavier, Joice Renata Bulla, Luciana Melo Luize, Tatiana Moreno, Maria Cristina, Bronharo Tognim and Lourdes Botelho Carcia ........................................................................................ 631 Qualitative study using participant observation: analysis of an experience Sonia Silva Marcan and Ingrid EIsen ....................................................................................................... 637 Acta Scientiarum Vol..25, No. 2 Aerobic mineralization experiment for aquatic ecosystems: determination of replicas number


lrineu BianchiniJunior, Alexandre Luccas Bitar,José Roberto Verani and Alberto Carvalho Peret.......... 245 Effect of initial concentration of dissolved oxygen in aeration coefficient for long-term BOD experiments Marcela Bianchessi da Cunha-Santino and lrineu BianchiniJunior ......................................................... 253 Enumeration and isolation of facultative anaerobic bacteria in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor treating wastewater from a gelatine industry Angelica Marquetotti Salcedo Vieira, Rosangela Bergamasco, Marcelino Luiz Gimenes, Celso Vataru Nakamura and Benedito Prado Dias Filho ............................................................................................... 257 Evaluation of physical and chemical parameters and research on Vibrio parahaemolyticus in water samples from Anil river estuary ( Sao Luis, state of Maranháo, Brazil) Carmen Lucía Martins Serra, Paulo Roberto Saraiva Cavalcante, Lúcia Maria Coelho Alves, Adenilde Ribeiro Nascimento and Silvia Cristina Costa de Santana de Diniz ....................................................... 261 Bacterial microflora in the gastrointestinal tract of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, cultured in a semi-intensive system Lígia Maria Molinari, Denise de Oliveira Scoaris, Raíssa Bocchi Pedroso, Nilza de Lucas Rodrigues Bittencourt, Celso Vataru Nakamura, Tania Ueda-Nakamura, Benícío Alves de Abreu Filho and Benedito, Prado Dias Filho ....................................................................................................................... 267 Community ecology of the metazoan parasites of Banded Croaker, Paralonchurus brasiliensis (Osteichthyes: Sciaenidae), from the coastal zone ofthe State ofRio deJaneiro, Brazil José Luis Luque, Dimitri Ramos Alves and Renata da Silva Ribeiro ...................................................... 273 A new species of Kritskyia (Dactylogyridae, Ancyrocephalinae), parasite of urinary bladder and ureters of Leporinus lacustris (Characiformes, Anostomidae) from Brazil Gislaine Marcolino Guidelli, Ricardo Massato Takemoto and Gilberto Cezar Pavanelli .................................................................................... 279 A new species of Dadayius Fukui, 1929 (Digenea: Cladorchiidae), parasite of the intestinal tract of Metynnis maculatus (Kner, 1858) (Characidae) from the Upper Paraná River floodplain, Brazil Ana Carolina Figueiredo Lacerda, Ricardo Massato Takemoto and Gilberto Cezar Pavanelli ............... 283 Abundance of zooplankton from different zones (pelagic and littoral) and time periods (morning and night) in two Amazonian meandering lakes Erlei Cassiano Keppeler ........................................................................................................................... 287 The use of "branchoneta" Dendrocephalus brasiliensis (Pesta 1921) nauplii in Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone 1931) larval feeding Benviek Zafnath Yjlaar and Alfredo Olivera ............................................................................................. 299 Effect of female age and environmental factors on reproduction of the predator Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) Luciano Pacelli Medeiros Macedo, Brígida Souza, César Freire Carvalho, Carvalho Carlos Ecole and Marcio Marcos Coussain .......................................................................................................................... 309 Faunal composition of predator insects in forest fragment and area of vegetables in Jaboticabal region, state ofSáo Paulo, Brazil Francisco Jorge Cividanes, Vanderlei de Paula Souza and Luciano Kenji Sakemi ................................ 315 Limnologic variables evaluation and its relation to a pigmented Euglenaceae bloom in Nile Tilapia pond (Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus), Sáo Paulo, Brazil Cleide Schmidt Romeiro Mainardes-Pinto and Cacilda ThaisJanson Mercante ..................................... 323 Growth, recruitment and mortality of pequi Moenkhausia intermedia (Osteichthyes, Characidae) in the floodplain ofUpper Paraná River, Brazil Maria de los Angeles Perez Lizama and Ange1a Maria Ambrósio ......................................................... 329 Initial development and temporal distribution of larvae and juveniles of Bryconamericus stramineus Eigenmann, 1908 (Osteichthyes, Characidae) in the floodplain of Upper Paraná River André Vieira Caluch, Mirian Rodrigues Suiberto, Keshiyu Nakatani, Andréa Bialetzki and Cilmar Baumgartner ............................................................................................................................................. 335 Diet Comparison of two species of Triportheus in Manso Reservoir and lagoons of Cuiabá River, Mato Grosso do Sul André Beal Calina and Norma Segatti Hahn ........................................................................................... 345 Can lambari, Astyanax altiparanae (Characidae), be a seed disperser? Leandro Muller Comiero and Francisco Manoel de Souza Braga............................................................ 353 Fish species associations in lotic environments in 19uatemi river basin, State of Mato Grosso do Sul Yzel Rondon Súarez and Miguel PetrereJúnior ...................................................................................... 361


Fish fauna associated to aquatic macrophytes Eichhornia azurea (SW.) Kunth. and Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms. at Camaleáo lake, Central Amazonia, Brazil Jorge Iván Sánchez-Botero, Mariste1a Lima de Farias, Maria Teresa Piedade and Danielle Sequeira Carcez....................................................................................................................................................... 369 Gonadal and nutritional indexes influencing the reproductive behavior of Prochilodus cearensis (Steindachner, 1911) (Characiformes, Prochilodontidae) in Itans water reservoir, Caicó, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil Sandra Amaral de Araújo, Hélio de Castro Bezerra Curge1 and Renata Swany Soares Nascimento.... 377 Haematological and biochemical values for Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus cultured in semi-intensive system Nilza de Lucas Rodrigues Bittencourt, Ligia Maria Molinari, Denise de Oliveira Scoaris, Raissa Bocchi Pedroso, Celso VataTU Nakamura, Tania Ueda-Nakamura, Benício Alves de Abreu Filho and Benedito, Prado Dias Filho ....................................................................................................................... 385 Effects of forest fragmentation on bird communities Márcio Rodrigo Cimenes and Luiz dos Anjos........................................................................................... 391 New occurrence of Heliotropíum L. (Boraginaceae, Heliotropioideae) in Southeast of Brazil José Pranildo Miranda de Meloand Neusa Taroda Ranga....................................................................... 403 Leaf descriptors to use in microhistological discrimination of some forage species Jumaida Maria Rosito and Enio Marchezan ............................................................................................ 407 Morphology and anatomy of the fruit (hypanthium, pericarp and seed) development of Pereskía aculeata Miller (Cactaceae) Sonia Maciel da Rosa and Luiz Antonio de Souza .................................................................................. 415 Phylogenetic analysis of Phytophthora capsící Leonian in the state of Sáo Paulo based on the nucleotides sequence ofITS-5.8S rDNA region Daniel Dias Rosa, Janaina Marianno de Marque, Roseli Chela Penille, Nilton Luiz de Souza and Eiko, Eurya Kuramae ........................................................................................................................................ 429 In vítro propagation of Ocímum basílícum L. (Lamiaceae) Luciana Bicca Dode, Vera Lucia Bobrowski, Eugenia Jacira Bolacel Braga, Fabiana Kommling Seixas and Márcia Wu!ff Schuch ......................................................................................................................... 435 Pollen morphology of 12 Cestrum L. (Solanaceae) species from hygrophilous forest, in Bahía, Brazil Silvana do Nascimento Silva André, Maurício Vieira de Carvalho and Francisco de Assis Ribeiro dos Santos ....................................................................................................................................................... 439 Isolation and partial characterization of homologous sequences of ribosomal genes (rDNA) in Blastocladíella emersonií Luciano Seraphim Gasques, Maria Aparecida Fernandez and Luiz Carlos Correa ................................ 445 Study of the swine pineal gland by means oflight microscopy Leonardo Cristiano Neves de Lima, Kleber Fernando Pereira and Celso [van Conegero ...................... 453 Effects of algaroba (Prosopís juliflora) flour during pregnancy and lactation phases in Wístar rats Luci Francisca da Silva, Dilma Ferreira Lima, Creuza Bernardo Silva Nascimento, Rejane Bezerra de Lima and Guacyra Gondim Miranda Farias ............................................................................................. 459 Comparative study of the zooplankton composition of two lacustrine ecosystems in Southwestern Amazonia Erlei Cassiano Keppeler ........................................................................................................................... 467 Ecological aspects of endoparasite fauna of Acestrorhynchus lacustrís (Lütken, 1875) (Characiformes, Acestrorhynchidae) on the Upper Paraná River floodplain, Brazil Solange de Carvalho, Gislaine Marcolino Guidelli, Ricardo Massato Takemoto and Gilberto Cezar Pavanelli.................................................................................................................................................... 479 BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, THE Vol. 207, No. 3, december 2004 B. Govenar, M. Freeman, D. C. Bergquist, G. A. Johnson, and C. R. Fisher Composition of a One-Year-Old Riftia pachyptila Community Following a Clearance Experiment: Insight to Succession Patterns at Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents ................................................. 177-182. Rachel L. Rutishauser, Alo C. Basu, Stuart I. Cromarty, and Edward A. Kravitz Long-Term Consequences of Agonistic Interactions Between Socially Naïve Juvenile American Lobsters (Homarus americanus) .................................................................................................... 183-187.


Richard L. Chappell, Haohua Qian, Jane Zakevicius, and Harris Ripps Histidine Suppresses Zinc Modulation of Connexin Hemichannels ............................................... 188-190. Haohua Qian, Richard L. Chappell, Stephen Redenti, and Harris Ripps Potassium Currents Distinguish the Two Subtypes of Morphologically Distinct Skate Bipolar Cells 191-194. Neurobiology and Behavior: Anders Garm, Charles D. Derby, and Jens T. Høeg Mechanosensory Neurons With Bend- and Osmo-sensitivity in Mouthpart Setae From the Spiny Lobster Panulirus argus .................................................................................................................. 195-208. Kazuo Mori, Takehiko Saito, and Taketeru Kuramoto Physiological and Morphological Identification of Photosensitive Neurons in the Opisthosomal Ganglia of Limulus polyphemus ................................................................................................................... 209-216. Physiology and Biomechanics: N. A. Knott, A. R. Davis, and W. A. Buttemer Passive Flow Through an Unstalked Intertidal Ascidian: Orientation and Morphology Enhance Suspension Feeding in Pyura stolonifera ....................................................................................... 217-224. Nissa L. Lohrmann, Barry A. Logan, and Amy S. Johnson Seasonal Acclimatization of Antioxidants and Photosynthesis in Chondrus crispus and Mastocarpus stellatus, Two Co-Occurring Red Algae With Differing Stress Tolerances ..................................... 225-232. Ecology and Evolution: Patrick J. Krug and Richard K. Zimmer Developmental Dimorphism: Consequences for Larval Behavior and Dispersal Potential in a Marine Gastropod ....................................................................................................................................... 233-246. Yongping Wang and Ximing Guo Chromosomal Rearrangement in Pectinidae Revealed by rRNA Loci and Implications for Bivalve Evolution ......................................................................................................................................... 247-256. BULLETIN OF THE FISHERIES RESEARCH AGENCY No. 12, November 2004 The present condition of recreational fisheries in the Yukawa River surveyed by a questionnaire to anglers Kitamura, S.; Ikuta, K.; Shikama, T. ........................................................................................................... 1 A review on the black bass problem referring to the historical background in Japan Yodo, T.; Iguchi, K. .................................................................................................................................... 10 Abundance estimation of the young cohorts of the Japanese Pacific population of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) by acoustic surveys Honda, S. ................................................................................................................................................. 25 BULLETIN OF THE FISHERIES RESEARCH AGENCY No. 13, December 2004 Modeified analytical method for Organotin Compounds in high-volume water samples, and concentrations in sea water and suspended solids in Hiroshima Bay Autor: Onduka, T.; Tanaka, H. ................................................................................................................... 1 Where's the cadmium in biogenic particulate matter? Abe, K. ....................................................................................................................................................... 11 Search for the Japanese tuna fishing data before and just after World War II Okamoto, H. ............................................................................................................................................. 15 Studies on molecular mechanisms underlying high pressure adaptation of alpha-actin from deep-sea fish Morita, T ..................................................................................................................................................... 35 CADERNOS DA BIODIVERSIDADE Volume 3, número 1 RECUPERACAO DA RESERVA LEGAL E A CONSERVACAO DA BIODIVERSIDADE Jolio Batista Campos, Lysias Vellozo da Costa Filho e Maria, Mercedes Nardine ...................................... 1 ANÁLISE DO CONHECIMENTO ORNITOLÓGICO DA REGLIAO NOROESTE DO PARANÁ E ÁREAS ADJACENTES.


Fernando Costa Straube e Alberto Urben Filho ........................................................................................... 4 A BIODIVERSIDADE NO CONCEITO DA SILVICULTURA NATURALISTA NAS FLORESTAS NO SUDOESTE DA ALEMANHA Peter Spathelf e Irene Seling...................................................................................................................... 12 INCENDIOS FLOREST AIS NO BRASIL: ALGUNS PROBLEMAS E SOLUCOES ¬ Otávio Bezerra Sanlpaio ............................................................................................................................. 21 UTILIZACAO DOS ELEMENTOS DA P AISAGEM COMO FERRAMENT A DE AV ALIACAO DE IMPACTO AMBIENTAL SOBRE O MEIO BIÓTICO Willi Bruschi Junior, Rodrigo Agra Balbueno, Adriano Souza da Cunha e Marcelo Maisonette Duarte.... 27 CONSERV ACAO DO PAPAGAIO-DE-PEITO-ROXO (AMAZONA VINACEA, AVIS: PSITTACIDAE) NO PARQUE ESTADUAL DOS MANANCIAIS DE CAMPOS DO JORDAO (SAO PAULO - BRASIL) Alexandre Schiavetti e Celina Foresti......................................................................................................... 33 DINÁMICA DE COLONIZACAO DE MACROINVERTEBRADOS EM IGARAPÉS DA AMAZONIA CENTRAL, AV ALIADA PELO MODELO DE VERHULST. Rollaldo Angelini e Carlos E. C. Freitas...................................................................................................... 38 A FLORESTA ALTOMONTANA DO SUL DO BRASIL: CONSIDERACOES CLIMÁTICAS, PEDOLÓGICAS E VEGETACIONAIS Maria Carolina Guarinello de Oliveira Portes e Franklin Galvlio ................................................................ 44 CADERNOS DA BIODIVERSIDADE Volume 3, número 2. A FRAGMENT ACÁO DE ECOSSISTEMAS EM ÁREA PROPOST A PARA UNIDADE TERRITORIAL DE PLANEJAMENTO, NA REGIÁO METROPOLITANA DE CURITIBA Edson Struminski e Alexandre Lorenzetto.................................................................................................. 15 A POPULACÁO DO PARQUE NACIONAL DE ILHA GRANDE – Amalía María, Goldberg Godoy .................................................................................................................. 29 ESTRUTURA DA POPULACÁO DE EUTERPE EDULIS MART. NA FLORESTA OMBRÓFILA DENSA DAS TERRAS BAIXAS Emerson L. Tonetti e Raquel R. B. Negrelle............................................................................................... 43 ESTUDOS ECOLÓGICOS DE LONGA DURACÁO: RESERVA TÓRIO DE IT AIPU E PLANÍCIE ALAGÁ VEL DO ALTO RIO PARANÁ Alice Michiyo Takeda, Fábio Amodeo Lansac-Toha e Angelo Antonio Agostinho..................................... 51 COMPOSICÁO E ESTRUTURA DO COMPONENTE ARBÓREO DE UM REMANESCENTE DE FLORESTA OMBRÓFILA MIST A NO MUNICÍPIO DE QUEDAS DO IGUACU, PR Raquel R. B. Negrelle ................................................................................................................................. 64 CADERNOS DA BIODIVERSIDADE Volume 4, número 1 ATIVIDADE TURÍSTICA, INFLUENCIAS RECÍPROCAS NAS INTERACIOES ENTRE O HOMEM E O AMBIENTE Evandro Pinheiro .......................................................................................................................................... 1 CARACTERIZACAO FLORÍSTICA, FITOSSOCIOLÓGICA E PEDOLÓGICA DE UM TRECHO DE FLORESTA RIPÁRIA DOS CAMPOS GERAIS DO PARANÁ Emerson Antonio de Oliveira, Carlos Velozo Roderjan, Gustavo Ribas Curcio e Sandro Menezes Silva .... 8 INFLUENCIA DA MATA CILIAR E AGRICULTURA SOBRE TEMPERATURA DO SOLO SUPERFICIAL Luiza Wagatsuma, Masato Kobiyama, Milena Barcellos e Dirceu Fruet.................................................... 26 O ICMS ECOLÓGICO NA CRIACAO E CONSOLIDACAO DE UNIDADES DE CONSERVACAO EST ADUAIS NO PARANÁ – Wilson Loureiro, Anadalvo Juazeiro dos Santos e Vitor Afonso Hoeflich .................................................. 36 A FRAGMENT ACAO DE ECOSSISTEMAS NA ÁREA DE PROTECAO AMBIENTAL - APA DO RIO PASSAÚNA - REGIA O METROPOLITANA DE CURITIBA – PR Edson Struminski e Alexandre Lorenzetto.................................................................................................. 47


CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES AND AQUATIC SCIENCES Volume 61 Number 7 2004 Announcement Announcement: 75th Anniversary of NRC Research Press / Communiqué : 75e Anniversaire des Presses scientifiques du CNRC.................................................................................................................... iii Bruce Dancik Rapid Communication Simple representation of the dynamics of biomass error propagation for stock assessment models.... 1061 Carl Walters Article Blood chemistry correlates of nutritional condition, tissue damage, and stress in migrating juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) ....................................................................................... 1066 Tyler Wagner; James L Congleton Genetic polymorphism and mixed-stock fisheries analysis .................................................................... 1075 Steven T Kalinowski Movements of lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) in southeast Alaska: potential for increased conservation and yield from marine reserves .............................................................................................................. 1083 Richard M Starr; Victoria O'Connell; Stephen Ralston The origin of introduced rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Santa Cruz River, Patagonia, Argentina, as inferred from mitochondrial DNA ...................................................................................... 1095 Carla M Riva Rossi; Enrique P Lessa; Miguel A Pascual Denitrification in the Upper Mississippi River: rates, controls, and contribution to nitrate flux ............... 1102 William B Richardson; Eric A Strauss; Lynn A Bartsch; Emy M Monroe; Jennifer C Cavanaugh; Lorrine Vingum; David M Soballe Influence of shoreline features on fish distribution in the Laurentian Great Lakes................................. 1113 A Wei; P Chow-Fraser; D Albert Anthropogenic sound and marine mammal health: measures of the nervous and immune systems before and after intense sound exposure ............................................................................................... 1124 T A Romano; M J Keogh; C Kelly; P Feng; L Berk; C E Schlundt; D A Carder; J J Finneran A model for categorical length data from groundfish surveys................................................................. 1135 Birgir Hrafnkelsson; Gunnar Stefánsson Molecular and morphological variation within swim bladder nematodes, Cystidicola spp. .................... 1143 Allyson E Miscampbell; Murray W Lankester; Martin L Adamson Cumulative effects of nutrients and pH on the plankton of two mountain lakes ..................................... 1153 Brenda M. Lafrancois; Koren R Nydick; Brett M Johnson; Jill S Baron Predicting the impact of perturbations on salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) communities: implications for monitoring ............................................................................................................................................... 1166 M R Arkoosh; L Johnson; P A Rossignol; T K Collier Population genetic differentiation of sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) parasitic on Atlantic and Pacific salmonids: analyses of microsatellite DNA variation among wild and farmed hosts .................. 1176 C D Todd; A M Walker; M G Ritchie; J A Graves; A F Walker Local ecological knowledge and marine fisheries research: the case of white hake (Urophycis tenuis) predation on juvenile American lobster (Homarus americanus)............................................................. 1191 Anthony Davis; John M. Hanson; Hadley Watts; Holli MacPherson A Bayesian approach for overcoming inconsistencies in mortality estimates using, as an example, data for Acanthopagrus latus .......................................................................................................................... 1202 Norman G Hall; S A. Hesp; Ian C Potter Spatial and temporal variation in elemental signatures of statoliths from the Patagonian longfin squid (Loligo gahi) ............................................................................................................................................ 1212 Alexander I Arkhipkin; Steven E Campana; Jennifer FitzGerald; Simon R Thorrold Maternal influence and population differences in activities of mitochondrial and glycolytic enzymes in emergent sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) fry ............................................................................ 1225 D A Patterson; H Guderley; P Bouchard; J S Macdonald; A P Farrell Inferring sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) population dynamics and water quality changes in a stained nursery lake over the past 500 years ......................................................................................... 1235


Irene Gregory-Eaves; Bruce P Finney; Marianne S. Douglas; John P Smol Effects of stress on plasma homeostasis, endolymph chemistry, and check formation during otolith growth in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)..................................................................................... 1247 P Payan; H D. Pontual; A Edeyer; G Borelli; G Boeuf; N Mayer-Gostan Nitrogen regulation of algal biomass, productivity, and composition in shallow mountain lakes, Snowy Range, Wyoming, USA........................................................................................................................... 1256 Koren R Nydick; Brenda M. Lafrancois; Jill S Baron; Brett M Johnson Perspective Inferring age from otolith measurements: a review and a new approach............................................... 1269 RIC C. Francis; Steven E Campana The nearshore phosphorus shunt: a consequence of ecosystem engineering by dreissenids in the Laurentian Great Lakes .......................................................................................................................... 1285 R E Hecky; R E. Smith; D R Barton; S J Guildford; W D Taylor; M N Charlton; T Howell Variance heterogeneity, transformations, and models of species abundance: a cautionary tale .......... 1294 Brian H McArdle; Marti J Anderson CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES AND AQUATIC SCIENCES Volume 61 Number 8 2004 Article Biological Reference Points for Invertebrate Fisheries / [Points de référence biologiques pour la pê che aux invertébres] Introduction Biological reference points for invertebrate fisheries: introduction ......................................................... 1303 Stephen J Smith; Bernard Sainte-Marie PERSPECTIVE / PERSPECTIVE Current usage of fisheries indicators and reference points, and their potential application to management of fisheries for marine invertebrates ................................................................................. 1307 J F Caddy Perspective Biological reference points in the management of North American sea urchin fisheries ....................... 1325 Louis W Botsford; Alan Campbell; Robert Miller Biological reference points for sea scallops (Placopecten magellanicus): the benefits and costs of being nearly sessile ................................................................................................................................ 1338 Stephen J Smith; Paul Rago Precaution in the harvest of Methuselah's clams - the difficulty of getting timely feedback from slow-paced dynamics ...................................................................................................................................... 1355 JM (Lobo) Orensanz; Claudia M Hand; Ana M Parma; Juan Valero; Ray Hilborn A hierarchical approach to determining reference points for Pandalid shrimp....................................... 1373 Steven X Cadrin; James A Boutillier; Josef S Idoine Biological reference points for American lobster (Homarus americanus) populations: limits to exploitation and the precautionary approach.......................................................................................... 1392 Michael J Fogarty; Louise Gendron Comparison of reference points estimated using a size-based method for two high-latitude crab species in the United States and Canada............................................................................................... 1404 M S. Siddeek; Bernard Sainte-Marie; Jim Boutillier; Gretchen Bishop Article Predicting benefits of spawning-habitat rehabilitation to salmonid (Oncorhynchus spp.) fry production in a regulated California river .................................................................................................................. 1433 Joseph E Merz; Jose D Setka; Gregory B Pasternack; Joseph M Wheaton Effects of catchment characteristics and disturbances on storage and export of dissolved organic carbon in a boreal headwater stream ..................................................................................................... 1447 Graham R Hillman; Joseph C Feng; Cecilia C Feng; Yonghe Wang The role of ultraviolet radiation in structuring epilithic algal communities in Rocky Mountain montane lakes: evidence from pigments and taxonomy........................................................................................ 1461 Suzanne E Tank; David W Schindler


Availability to Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) of a seasonal prey resource: a prespawning aggregation of eulachon (Thaleichthys pacificus) .................................................................................. 1475 Michael F Sigler; Jamie N Womble; Johanna J Vollenweider Changes in the δ13C of pelagic food webs: the influence of lake area and trophic status on the isotopic signature of whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) ............................................................................ 1485 Marie-Elodie Perga; Daniel Gerdeaux Effects of sediment nutrients and depth on small-scale spatial heterogeneity of submersed macrophyte communities in Lake Pleasant, Pennsylvania......................................................................................... 1493 R K Johnson; M L Ostrofsky Importance of landscape variables and morphology on nutrients in Missouri reservoirs ....................... 1503 J R Jones; M F Knowlton; D V Obrecht; E A Cook Over-winter lipid depletion and mortality of age-0 rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) ..................... 1513 Peter A Biro; Ashley E Morton; John R Post; Eric A Parkinson Hydrogen peroxide distribution, production, and decay in boreal lakes ................................................. 1520 Petri J Häkkinen; Alexandre M Anesio; Wilhelm Granéli Movement patterns in inland cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki utah): management and conservation implications........................................................................................................................ 1528 Amy J Schrank; Frank J Rahel Temporal changes in nitrogen and phosphorus codeficiency of plankton in lakes of coastal and interior British Columbia...................................................................................................................................... 1538 John-Mark Davies; Weston H Nowlin; Asit Mazumder CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES AND AQUATIC SCIENCES Volume 61 Number 9 2004 Rapid communication Reconciling overfishing and climate change with stock dynamics of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) over 500 years ................................................................................................................................................ 1553 G A Rose Article Effect of the North Atlantic Oscillation on recruitment of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) ......................... 1558 K Brander; R Mohn Assessing food-web structure, matter fluxes, and system attributes of a Central European mountain stream by performing mass-balanced network analysis......................................................................... 1565 Elisabeth I Meyer; Rainer Poepperl Nutrient export from freshwater ecosystems by anadromous sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) 1582 Jonathan W Moore; Daniel E Schindler Swimming performance of upstream migrant fishes in open-channel flow: a new approach to predicting passage through velocity barriers .......................................................................................... 1590 Alex Haro; Theodore Castro-Santos; John Noreika; Mufeed Odeh Quantifying the combined effects of attempt rate and swimming capacity on passage through velocity barriers .................................................................................................................................................... 1602 Theodore Castro-Santos Reevaluating evidence of density-dependent growth in northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) based on measurements of archived skeletal specimens................................................................................. 1616 Michael A Etnier The replacement of a native freshwater amphipod by an invader: roles for environmental degradation and intraguild predation .......................................................................................................................... 1627 Calum MacNeil; John Prenter; Mark Briffa; Nina J Fielding; Jaimie T. Dick; Gillian E Riddell; Melanie J Hatcher; Alison M Dunn Genome-size evolution in fishes............................................................................................................. 1636 David C Hardie; Paul D. Hebert A recipe for Bayesian network driven stock assessment ....................................................................... 1647 T R Hammond Linking the dynamics of harvest effort to recruitment dynamics in a multistock, spatially structured fishery...................................................................................................................................................... 1658 Eric A Parkinson; John R Post; Sean P Cox


Fatty acid biomarkers: validation of food web and trophic markers using 13C-labelled fatty acids in juvenile sandeel (Ammodytes tobianus) ................................................................................................. 1671 Johanne Dalsgaard; Michael S. John Recovery of the South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) population in northern Patagonia.......... 1681 Silvana L. Dans; Enrique Alberto Crespo; Susana Noemí Pedraza; Mariano Koen Alonso Cage aquaculture and water-quality changes in the LaCloche Channel, Lake Huron, Canada: a paleolimnological assessment ................................................................................................................ 1691 Saloni Clerk; Daniel T Selbie; John P Smol Influence of lake chemistry and fish age on cadmium, copper, and zinc concentrations in various organs of indigenous yellow perch (Perca flavescens) .......................................................................... 1702 Anik Giguère; Peter G. Campbell; Landis Hare; D Gordon McDonald; Joseph B Rasmussen Site fidelity of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus): insights from stable carbon and nitrogen analysis ....... 1717 M A Gray; R A Cunjak; K R Munkittrick Evidence for limited larval dispersal in black rockfish (Sebastes melanops): implications for population structure and marine-reserve design ...................................................................................................... 1723 J A Miller; A L Shanks Resource selection functions for age-0 Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) and their application to stream habitat compensation.................................................................................................................. 1736 Nicholas E Jones; William M Tonn The population dynamics of Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua) through two decades: an analysis based on survey data.............................................................................................................................. 1747 Nils Chr. Stenseth; Geir Ottersen; Dag Ø. Hjermann Survival of Puget Sound chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in response to climate-induced competition with pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) ..................................................................... 1756 Gregory T Ruggerone; Frederick A Goetz Estimating reference fishing mortality rates from noisy spawner-recruit data ........................................ 1771 A Jamie F Gibson; Ransom A Myers Relationship of fish catch and composition to water quality in a suite of agriculturally eutrophic lakes. 1784 Christopher J Egertson; John A Downing Oxygen and carbon dioxide transport during sustained exercise in diploid and triploid chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha).................................................................................................................. 1797 Nicholas J Bernier; Colin J Brauner; John W Heath; David J Randall CLIMATE DIAGNOSTICS BULLETIN December 2001 TROPICS Highlights Table of Atmospheric Indices Table T1 Table of SST Indices Table T2 Time Series Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) Tahiti and Darwin SLP Anomalies OLR Anomalies T1 Equatorial SOI T2 200-mb Zonal Wind Anomalies 500-mb Temperature Anomalies 30-mb Zonal Wind Anomalies T3 850-mb Zonal Wind Anomalies T4 Equatorial Pacific SST Anomalies T5 Time-Longitude Sections Mean and Anomalous Sea Level Pressure T6 Mean and Anomalous 850-mb Zonal Wind T7 Mean and Anomalous OLR T8 Mean and Anomalous SST T9

Pentad SLP Anomalies T10 Pentad OLR Anomalies T11 Pentad 250-mb Velocity Potential Anomalies T12 Pentad 850-mb Zonal Wind AnomaliesT 13 Anomalous Equatorial Zonal Wind T14 Anomalous and Mean Depth of the 20C Isotherm T15 Mean & Anomaly Fields Depth of the 20C Isotherm T16 Subsurface Equatorial Pacific Temperatures T17 Tropical Strip SST T18 SLP T19 850-mb Vector Wind T20 200-mb Vector Wind T21 200-mb Streamfunction T22 200-mb Divergence T23 200-mb Velocity Potential and Divergent Wind T24 OLR T25


SSM/I Satellite Tropical Precipitation Estimates T26 Cloud Liquid Water T27 Vertically Integrated Water Vapor T28 Mean and Anomalous RH and Divergent Circulation (Pacific sector) T29 Mean and Anomalous RH and Divergent Circulation (Atlantic sector) T30 Mean and Anomalous Zonal Wind and Divergent Circulation (Western Pacific sector) T31 Mean and Anomalous Zonal Wind and Divergent Circulation (Eastern Pacific sector) T32 FORECAST FORUM Discussion Canonical Correlation Analysis Forecasts Canonical Correlation Analysis SST anomaly prediction F1 Canonical Correlation ENSO Forecast F2 NCEP Coupled Model Forecasts Forecast SST ANOMALY F3 Forecast SST NINO 3 F4a Forecast SST NINO 3.4 F4b LDEO Forecast Forecast of SST and Wind Stress F5 Forecast of Nino 3 SSTA F6 Linear Inverse Modeling Forecasts Predicted SST Anomalies F7 Forecasts of NINO 3 Anomalies F8 Scripps/MPI Hybrid Coupled Model (HMC-3) Forecast F9 EXTRATROPICS Highlights Table of Teleconnection Indices-Part I Table E1 Table of Teleconnection Indices-Part II Table E2 Surface Temperature - Anomalies and Percentiles E1 Monthly Temperature Time Series E2 Surface Precipitation (CAMSOPI)- Anomaly and Percentiles E3

Time Series of Selected Global Precipitation Estimates (CAMSOPI) E4 Time Series of U. S. Precipitation Estimates (CAMSOPI) E5 THESE TWO MAPS ARE NOT IN THE BULLETIN United States Surface Temperature - Anomalies and Percentiles United States Surface Precipitation - Total and Percentiles Northern Hemisphere Standardized Monthly Amplitudes of Selected Teleconnection Indices E7 Standardized Daily Amplitudes of Selected Teleconnection Indices E8 Mean and Anomalous SLP E9 Mean and Anomalous 500-mb heights E10 Mean and Anomalous 300-mb Wind Vectors E11 500-mb Persistence E12 Time -Longitude Sections of 500-mb Height Anomalies E13 700-mb Storm Track E14 Arctic Oscillation Index A2.3 Southern Hemisphere Troposphere Mean and Anomalous SLP E15 Mean and Anomalous 500-mb heights E16 Mean and Anomalous 300-mb Wind Vectors E17 500-mb Persistence E18 Time -Longitude Sections of 500-mb Height Anomalies E19 Stratosphere Height Anomalies at selected levels S1 Height-longitude section S2 50-hPa Temperature Anomalies S3 2 & 10-hPa Temperature Anomalies S4 Total Ozone Anomalies (Time Series) S5 Hemispheric Ozone Anomalies (Map) S6 Daily vertical component of EP flux S7

CRUSTACEANA Volume 77, No. 9, pp. 1025--1152, 2004 Influence de la salinité et de la température sur la croissance d'Arctodiaptomus salinus (Daday, 1885) (Copepoda, Calanoida), du marais temporaire salé, ``La Sebkha Zima'', Maroc [The influence of salinity and temperature on the reproduction of Arctodiaptomus salinus (Daday, 1885) (Copepoda, Calanoida) in the temporary salt marsh, ``La Sebkha Zima'' (Morocco)] A. Rokneddine ....................................................................................................................................... 1025 Breeding patterns of a tropical population of the fiddler crab, Uca inversa (Hoffmann, 1874) (Decapoda, Brachyura, Ocypodidae) C. Litulo .................................................................................................................................................. 1045 Territory usage and defence of the fiddler crab, Uca lactea (De Haan) (Decapoda, Brachyura, Ocypodidae)


T. Yamaguchi & S. Tabata ..................................................................................................................... 1055 A review of the fisheries biology of the mantis shrimp, Squilla mantis (L., 1758) (Stomatopoda, Squillidae) in the Mediterranean F. Maynou, P. Abelló & P. Sartor ........................................................................................................... 1081 Influence of cooking, refrigeration, and freezing on size of blue swimmer crabs, Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758) W. Sumpton ........................................................................................................................................... 1101 Juvenile pink shrimp, Farfantepenaeus duorarum (Burkenroad, 1939): length composition in three nursery areas in Campeche sound, Gulf of Mexico M. Ramírez-Rodríguez, Y. Santos-Ortega & A. Navarrete-del-Proo ..................................................... 1107 The diphyletic nature of the infraorder Thalassinidea (Decapoda, Pleocyemata) as derived from the morphology of the gastric mill K. Sakai .................................................................................................................................................. 1117 A new deep-sea genus and species of the family Asterocheridae (Copepoda, Siphonostomatoida) from the continental margin off Angola (East Equatorial Atlantic) V. Ivanenko & D. Defaye ........................................................................................................................ 1131 Notes and News...................................................................................................................................... 1145 Ceratothoa steindachneri (Isopoda, Cymothoidae): an unusual record from the Mediterranean T. Horton, A. Diamant & B. Galil ............................................................................................................ 1145 First record of Paguristes streaensis Pastore, 1984 (Decapoda, Anomura, Diogenidae) from the Gulf of Naples (Tyrrhenian Sea) O. Soppelsa & F. Crocetta ..................................................................................................................... 1149 ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL Volume 31, Issue 1. 1-146 (January 2005) Phytoremediation of aquaculture wastewater for water recycling and production of fish feed • ........... 1-13 A. E. Ghaly, M. Kamal and N. S. Mahmoud Trace metal partitioning in Thalassia testudinum and sediments in the Lower Laguna Madre, Texas •15-24 Thomas Whelan, III , Jorge Espinoza, Xiomara Villarreal and Maria CottaGoma Identification of metal toxicity in sewage sludge leachate ................................................................... 25-31 B. Fjällborg, G. Ahlberg, E. Nilsson and G. Dave Development of an ELISA for the detection of bromoxynil in water .................................................... 33-42 Yongsong Cao, Yitong Lu, Shengyou Long, Jingbo Hong and Guoqing Sheng Multi-elemental EDXRF mapping of polluted soil from former horticultural land • ............................... 43-52 Nina Jørgensen, Jens Laursen, Arturs Viksna, Niels Pind and Peter E. Holm Geochemical estimation of copper contamination in the healing mud from Makirina Bay, central Adriatic • ............................................................................................................................................... 53-61 Polona Vreca and Tadej Dolenec Trace element pollution records in some UK lake sediments, their history, influence factors and regional differences .............................................................................................................................. 63-75 Handong Yang and Neil Rose Natural and anthropogenic hydrocarbon inputs to sediments of Patos Lagoon Estuary, Brazil ......... 77-87 Patricia Matheus Medeiros, Márcia Caruso Bícego, Renato Menezes Castelao, Clarissa Del Rosso, Gilberto Fillmann and Ademilson Josemar Zamboni Treatment of uncertainty and developing conceptual models for environmental risk assessments and radioactive waste disposal safety cases .............................................................................................. 89-97 Hamdi El-Ghonemy, Len Watts and Linda Fowler Endocrine and metabolic changes in Anguilla anguilla L. following exposure to β-naphthoflavone—a microsomal enzyme ............................................................................................................................ 99-104 M. Teles, M. Oliveira, M. Pacheco and M.A. Santos Determining the heavy metal pollution in Denizli (Turkey) by using Robinio pseudo-acacia L. • .... 105-112 Ali Çelik, Aslıhan A. Kartal, Abdullah Akdoğan and Yakup Kaska Organochlorine and organophosphorous pesticide residues in ground water and surface waters of Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India • ......................................................................................................... 113-120 Nalini Sankararamakrishnan, Ajit Kumar Sharma and Rashmi Sanghi


Pollution monitoring in Southeast Asia using biomarkers in the mytilid mussel Perna viridis (Mytilidae: Bivalvia) • ......................................................................................................................................... 121-132 S. Nicholson and P. K. S. Lam The quality of Albanian natural waters and the human impact ........................................................ 133-146 Alqiviadh Cullaj, Agim Hasko, Aleko Miho, Ferdinand Schanz, Helmut Brandl and Reinhard Bachofen ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL Volume 31, Issue 2. 147-312 (February 2005) Recent Advances in Bioremediation Special issue: recent advances in bioremediation .................................................................................. 147 N. Kalogerakis, P. Alvarez and E. Psillakis Degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by a bacterial consortium enriched from mangrove sediments • ..................................................................................................................................... 149-154 S.H. Yu, L. Ke, Y.S. Wong and N.F.Y. Tam Effect of biosurfactants on crude oil desorption and mobilization in a soil system • ...................... 155-161 Maria S. Kuyukina, Irena B. Ivshina, Sergey O. Makarov, Ludmila V. Litvinenko, Colin J. Cunningham and James C. Philp Application of biopreparation “Rhoder” for remediation of oil polluted polar marshy wetlands in Komi Republic • ........................................................................................................................................ 163-166 Valentina P. Murygina, Maria Y. Markarova and Sergey V. Kalyuzhnyi Naphthalene biodegradation kinetics in an aerobic slurry-phase bioreactor • ............................... 167-171 E. Collina, G. Bestetti, P. Di Gennaro, A. Franzetti, F. Gugliersi, M. Lasagni and D. Pitea In-vessel composting–bioremediation of aged coal tar soil: effect of temperature and soil/green waste amendment ratio • ........................................................................................................................... 173-178 Blanca Antizar-Ladislao, Joe Lopez-Real and Angus J. Beck An insight into soil bioremediation through respirometry • .............................................................. 179-183 António M.A. Fiúza and M. Cristina C. Vila Assessment of natural or enhanced in situ bioremediation at a chlorinated solvent-contaminated aquifer in Italy: a microcosm study • ............................................................................................... 185-190 Federico Aulenta, Annalisa Bianchi, Mauro Majone, Marco Petrangeli Papini, Monica Potalivo and Valter Tandoi Biodegradation of lindane by Pleurotus ostreatus via central composite design • ......................... 191-196 F. Rigas, V. Dritsa, R. Marchant, K. Papadopoulou, E.J. Avramides and I. Hatzianestis Colonization of surfaces by phenolic compounds utilizing microorganisms • ................................ 197-200 J. Masák, A. Čejková, V. Jirků, D. Kotrba, P. Hron and M. Siglová Azo dye biodegradation by microbial cultures immobilized in alginate beads • ............................. 201-205 Silvia Steffan, Laura Bardi and Mario Marzona Extent of sonochemical degradation and change of toxicity of a pharmaceutical precursor (triphenylphosphine oxide) in water as a function of treatment conditions • ................................... 207-211 Richard J. Emery, Maria Papadaki, Luisa M. Freitas dos Santos and Dionissios Mantzavinos Recent advances in the bioremediation of arsenic-contaminated groundwaters • ......................... 213-219 Anastasios I. Zouboulis and Ioannis A. Katsoyiannis Effect of indigenous bacterial activity on arsenic mobilization under anaerobic conditions • ......... 221-226 Vincent Chatain, Rémy Bayard, Florence Sanchez, Pierre Moszkowicz and Rémy Gourdon Comparison of differences between copper bioaccumulation and biosorption • ............................ 227-232 Jana Kaduková and Edita Virčíková Selenite precipitation by a rhizospheric strain of Stenotrophomonas sp. isolated from the root system of Astragalus bisulcatus: a biotechnological perspective • ............................................................. 233-241 Simona Di Gregorio, Silvia Lampis and Giovanni Vallini Photosynthesis and growth responses of giant reed (Arundo donax L.) to the heavy metals Cd and Ni • ........................................................................................................................................................ 243-249 E.G. Papazoglou, G.A. Karantounias, S.N. Vemmos and D.L. Bouranis Ability of transgenic poplars with elevated glutathione content to tolerate zinc(2+) stress • .......... 251-254 András Bittsánszky, Tamás Kömives, Gábor Gullner, Gábor Gyulai, József Kiss, László Heszky, László Radimszky and Heinz Rennenberg A whole-plant mathematical model for the phytoextraction of lead (Pb) by maize • ...................... 255-262


Eleni Chrysafopoulou, Jana Kadukova and Nicolas Kalogerakis Possible involvement of plant ABC transporters in cadmium detoxification: a cDNA sub-microarray approach • ....................................................................................................................................... 263-267 Lucien Bovet, Urs Feller and Enrico Martinoia Acute and sublethal toxicity tests to monitor the impact of leachate on an aquatic environment • 269-273 M.C. Bloor, C.J. Banks and V. Krivtsov Measuring the antioxidant activity of olive oil mill wastewater using chemiluminescence • ........... 275-280 Dora Atanassova, Panagiotis Kefalas and Elefteria Psillakis Sonochemical reduction of the antioxidant activity of olive mill wastewater • ................................ 281-287 Dora Atanassova, Panagiotis Kefalas, Christos Petrakis, Dionissios Mantzavinos, Nicolas Kalogerakis and Elefteria Psillakis Treatment of olive mill effluents: Part I. Organic matter degradation by chemical and biological processes—an overview • .............................................................................................................. 289-295 Dionissios Mantzavinos and Nicolas Kalogerakis Treatment of olive mill effluents: Part II. Complete removal of solids by direct flocculation with poly-electrolytes • .................................................................................................................................... 297-304 Roika Sarika, Nicolas Kalogerakis and Dionissios Mantzavinos Influence of olive mill wastewater in composting and impact of the compost on a Swiss chard crop and soil properties • ............................................................................................................................... 305-312 C. Paredes, J. Cegarra, M.P. Bernal and A. Roig ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION Volume 134, Issue 3. 363-557 (April 2005) Leaf litter processing and invertebrate assemblages along a pollution gradient in a Maine (USA) headwater stream • ......................................................................................................................... 363-375 Thomas S. Woodcock and Alexander D. Huryn No evidence for a critical salinity threshold for growth and reproduction in the freshwater snail Physa acuta • ............................................................................................................................................. 377-383 Ben J. Kefford and Dayanthi Nugegoda Amelioration of Indian urban air pollution phytotoxicity in Beta vulgaris L. by modifying NPK nutrients • .......................................................................................................................................................... 385-395 Anoop Singh, S.B. Agrawal and Dheeraj Rathore Bioaccumulation of PCBs in Arctic seabirds: influence of dietary exposure and congener biotransformation • .......................................................................................................................... 397-409 Katrine Borgå, Hans Wolkers, Janneche U. Skaare, Haakon Hop, Derek C.G. Muir and Geir W. Gabrielsen Performance of a constructed wetland treating intensive shrimp aquaculture wastewater under high hydraulic loading rate • ................................................................................................................... 411-421 Ying-Feng Lin, Shuh-Ren Jing, Der-Yuan Lee, Yih-Feng Chang, Yi-Ming Chen and Kai-Chung Shih Tissue distributions and seasonal dynamics of the hepatotoxic microcystins-LR and -RR in a freshwater snail (Bellamya aeruginosa) from a large shallow, eutrophic lake of the subtropical China • ...................................................................................................................................................... 423-430 Jun Chen, Ping Xie, Longgen Guo, Li Zheng and Leyi Ni Aerobic biodegradation of organotin compounds in activated sludge batch reactors • .................. 431-438 Athanasios S. Stasinakis, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, Anastasia Nikolaou and Andreas Kantifes Ozone slows stomatal response to light and leaf wounding in a Mediterranean evergreen broadleaf, Arbutus unedo • .............................................................................................................................. 439-445 Elena Paoletti Transfer of selenium from prey to predators in a simulated terrestrial food chain • ....................... 447-456 William A. Hopkins, Brandon P. Staub, Jennifer A. Baionno, Brian P. Jackson and Larry G. Talent Influence of pH on pesticide sorption by soil containing wheat residue-derived char • .................. 457-463 Guangyao Sheng, Yaning Yang, Minsheng Huang and Kai Yang Nitrogen content, 15N natural abundance and biomass of the two pleurocarpous mosses Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt. and Scleropodium purum (Hedw.) Limpr. in relation to atmospheric nitrogen deposition • ..................................................................................................................................... 465-473 A. Solga, J. Burkhardt, H.G. Zechmeister and J.-P. Frahm


Relationships between reproductive performance and organochlorine contaminants in great black-backed gulls (Larus marinus) • ....................................................................................................... 475-483 Morten Helberg, Jan Ove Bustnes, Kjell Einar Erikstad, Kai Ove Kristiansen and Janneche Utne Skaare Biosensor-based diagnostics of contaminated groundwater: assessment and remediation strategy 485-492 Jessica Bhattacharyya, David Read, Sean Amos, Stephen Dooley, Kenneth Killham and Graeme I. Paton Metal partitioning and uptake in central Ontario forests • ............................................................... 493-502 Shaun A. Watmough, Peter J. Dillon and Ekaterina N. Epova Specific accumulation of 20 trace elements in great cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) from Japan503-514 Dong-Ha Nam, Yasumi Anan, Tokutaka Ikemoto, Yuko Okabe, Eun-Young Kim, Annamalai Subramanian, Kazutoshi Saeki and Shinsuke Tanabe Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the root uptake and translocation of radiocaesium • ... 515-524 Hervé Dupré de Boulois, Bruno Delvaux and Stéphane Declerck Degradation and leaching of the herbicides metolachlor and diuron: a case study in an area of Northern Italy • ................................................................................................................................ 525-534 A. Barra Caracciolo, G. Giuliano, P. Grenni, L. Guzzella, F. Pozzoni, P. Bottoni, L. Fava, A. Crobe, M. Orrù and E. Funari Practical considerations for addressing uncertainties in monitoring bulk deposition • ................... 535-548 Ulrich Dämmgen, Jan Willem Erisman, J. Neil Cape, Ludger Grünhage and David Fowler Spatial variation of mercury levels in nesting Bonelli's eagles from Southwest Portugal: effects of diet composition and prey contamination • ............................................................................................ 549-557 Luís Palma, Pedro Beja, Paula C. Tavares and Luís R. Monteiro ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY VOLUME 23 NUMBER 11 November 2004 Editorial IT FLOATED BY MY EYES James T. Oris, President 2529 Symposium: Role of Black Carbon in Partitioning and Bioavailability of Organic Pollutants ROLE OF BLACK CARBON IN THE PARTITIONING AND BIOAVAILABILITY OF ORGANIC POLLUTANTS—Letter to the Editor Robert M. Burgess and Rainer Lohmann .............................................................................................. 2531 SORPTION OF 2,4′-DICHLOROBIPHENYL AND FLUORANTHENE TO A MARINE SEDIMENT AMENDED WITH DIFFERENT TYPES OF BLACK CARBON Robert M. Burgess, Stephan A. Ryba, Monique M. Perron, Rex Tien, Laura M. Thibodeau and Mark G. Cantwell ................................................................................................................................................. 2534 MODEL VERIFICATION OF THERMAL PROGRAMMED DESORPTION-MASS SPECTROMETRY FOR ESTIMATION OF RELEASE ENERGY VALUES FOR POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS ON MINERAL SORBENTS Sara I. Nicholl, Jeffrey W. Talley and Stephan Silliman ........................................................................ 2545 DEPENDENCY OF POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYL AND POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBON BIOACCUMULATION IN MYA ARENARIA ON BOTH WATER COLUMN AND SEDIMENT BED CHEMICAL ACTIVITIES Rainer Lohmann, Robert M. Burgess, Mark G. Cantwell, Steven A. Ryba, John K. MacFarlane and Philip M. Gschwend ............................................................................................................................... 2551 EFFECTS OF SEDIMENTARY SOOTLIKE MATERIALS ON BIOACCUMULATION AND SORPTION OF POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS Michiel T.O. Jonker, Annemarie M. Hoenderboom and Albert A. Koelmans ........................................ 2563 INFLUENCE OF SOOT ON HYDROPHOBIC ORGANIC CONTAMINANT DESORPTION AND ASSIMILATION EFFICIENCY Elizabeth M. Lamoureux and Bruce J. Brownawell ............................................................................... 2571 IMPORTANCE OF BLACK CARBON IN DISTRIBUTION AND BIOACCUMULATION MODELS OF POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS IN CONTAMINATED MARINE SEDIMENTS Amy E. Vinturella, Robert M. Burgess, Brent A. Coull, Kimberly M. Thompson and James P. Shine .. 2578


RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN METABOLISM AND BIOACCUMULATION OF BENZO[a]PYRENE IN BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES Aaron J. Rust, Robert M. Burgess, Bruce J. Brownawell and Anne E. McElroy ................................... 2587 INFLUENCE OF SOOT CARBON ON THE BIOACCUMULATION OF SEDIMENT-BOUND POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS BY MARINE BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES: AN INTERSPECIES COMPARISON Aaron J. Rust, Robert M. Burgess, Anne E. McElroy, Mark G. Cantwell and Bruce J. Brownawell ..... 2594 ROLE OF SOURCE MATRIX IN THE BIOAVAILABILITY OF POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS TO DEPOSIT-FEEDING BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES Aaron J. Rust, Robert M. Burgess, Anne E. McElroy, Mark G. Cantwell and Bruce J. Brownawell ..... 2604 EVALUATION OF THE ROLE OF BLACK CARBON IN ATTENUATING BIOACCUMULATION OF POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS FROM FIELD-CONTAMINATED SEDIMENTS Brita Sundelin, Ann-Kristin Eriksson Wiklund, Göran Lithner and Örjan Gustafsson ............................ 2611 DIGESTIVE BIOAVAILABILITY TO A DEPOSIT FEEDER (ARENICOLA MARINA) OF POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS ASSOCIATED WITH ANTHROPOGENIC PARTICLES Ian M. Voparil, Robert M. Burgess, Lawrence M. Mayer, Rex Tien, Mark G. Cantwell and Stephen A. Ryba ....................................................................................................................................................... 2618 Environmental Chemistry DEGRADATION OF METOLACHLOR IN BARE AND VEGETATED SOILS AND IN SIMULATED WATER–SEDIMENT SYSTEMS Wondi Mersie, Clyde McNamee, Cathy Seybold, Jigang Wu and Dennis Tierney ............................... 2627 SOIL PROPERTIES AFFECTING TOXICITY OF ZINC TO SOIL MICROBIAL PROPERTIES IN LABORATORY-SPIKED AND FIELD-CONTAMINATED SOILS Erik Smolders, Jurgen Buekers, Ian Oliver and Mike J. McLaughlin ..................................................... 2633 REDUCED GRAZING RATES IN DAPHNIA PULEX CAUSED BY CONTAMINANTS: IMPLICATIONS FOR TROPHIC CASCADES Göran Bengtsson, Lars-Anders Hansson and Katia Montenegro ......................................................... 2641 PERSISTENCE OF SELECTED ORGANOPHOSPHATE AND CARBAMATE INSECTICIDES IN WATERS FROM A COASTAL WATERSHED Svetlana Bondarenko, Jianying Gan, Darren L. Haver and John N. Kabashima .................................. 2649 POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS IN A HIGHLY INDUSTRIALIZED URBAN ESTUARY: INVENTORIES AND TRENDS Shelby E. Walker, Rebecca M. Dickhut and Catherine Chisholm-Brause ............................................ 2655 POLLUTION-INDUCED COMMUNITY TOLERANCE OF SOIL MICROBES IN RESPONSE TO A ZINC GRADIENT Miles R.H. Davis, Fang-Jie Zhao and Steve P. McGrath ...................................................................... 2665 HIGHLY PERSISTENT BUTYLTINS IN NORTHERN MARINE SEDIMENTS: A LONG-TERM THREAT FOR THE SAGUENAY FJORD (CANADA) Liza Viglino, Émilien Pelletier and Richard St.-Louis ............................................................................. 2673 INFLUENCE OF LEACHING MEDIUM AND DRYING TIME BETWEEN SUCCESSIVE LEACHING PERIODS ON THE EMISSION OF CHROMIUM, COPPER, AND BORON FROM TREATED WOOD Ana I. García-Valcárcel, Isabel Bravo, Cristina Jiménez and José Luis Tadeo .................................... 2682 Environmental Toxicology DIETARY ASSIMILATION AND ELIMINATION OF Cd, Se, AND Zn BY DAPHNIA MAGNA AT DIFFERENT METAL CONCENTRATIONS Rui Guan and Wen-Xiong Wang ........................................................................................................... 2689 [Abstract] [Full-text Article] [PDF Version] DEVELOPMENT OF TOXICITY IDENTIFICATION EVALUATION PROCEDURES FOR PYRETHROID DETECTION USING ESTERASE ACTIVITY Craig E. Wheelock, Jeff L. Miller, Mike J. Miller, Shirley J. Gee, Guomin Shan and Bruce D. Hammock 2699 USING ARTIFICIAL STREAMS TO ASSESS THE EFFECTS OF METAL-MINING EFFLUENT ON THE LIFE CYCLE OF THE FRESHWATER MIDGE (CHIRONOMUS TENTANS) IN SITU Kimberly A. Hruska and Monique G. Dubé ............................................................................................ 2709 TOXICITY OF STORM-WATER RUNOFF AFTER DORMANT SPRAY APPLICATION IN A FRENCH PRUNE ORCHARD, GLENN COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, USA: TEMPORAL PATTERNS AND THE EFFECT OF GROUND COVERS


Ingeborg Werner, Frank G. Zalom, Michael N. Oliver, Linda A. Deanovic, Tom S. Kimball, John D. Henderson, Barry W. Wilson, William Krueger and Wes W. Wallender ................................................ 2719 OSMOTIC DISTRESS: A PROBABLE CAUSE OF FISH KILLS ON EXPOSURE TO A SUBBLOOM CONCENTRATION OF THE TOXIC ALGA CHATTONELLA MARINA Janet Y.M. Tang and Doris W.T. Au 2727 BARRAMUNDI AS AN INDICATOR SPECIES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING IN NORTH QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA: LABORATORY VERSUS FIELD STUDIES Susan Codi, Craig Humphrey, David Klumpp and Steven Delean ........................................................ 2737 PARTIAL LIFE-CYCLE TOXICITY AND BIOCONCENTRATION MODELING OF PERFLUOROOCTANESULFONATE IN THE NORTHERN LEOPARD FROG (RANA PIPIENS) Gerald T. Ankley, Douglas W. Kuehl, Michael D. Kahl, Kathleen M. Jensen, Brian C. Butterworth and John W. Nichols ..................................................................................................................................... 2745 PLANT UPTAKE AND TRANSLOCATION OF HIGHLY WEATHERED, SOIL-BOUND TECHNICAL CHLORDANE RESIDUES: DATA FROM FIELD AND RHIZOTRON STUDIES MaryJane Incorvia Mattina, Brian D. Eitzer, William Iannucci-Berger, Wen-Yee Lee and Jason C. White ...................................................................................................................................................... 2756 FEMINIZATION OF FEMALE LEUKOPHORE-FREE STRAIN OF JAPANESE MEDAKA (ORYZIAS LATIPES) EXPOSED TO 17β-ESTRADIOL Gordon C. Balch, Karmi Shami, Paul J. Wilson, Yuko Wakamatsu and Chris D. Metcalfe .................. 2763 Hazard/Risk Assessment LOCATION-SPECIFIC ECOTOXICOLOGICAL RISK ASSESSMENT OF METAL-POLLUTED SOILS Patrick van Beelen, Marja Wouterse, Leo Posthuma and Michiel Rutgers ........................................... 2769 ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY VOLUME 24 NUMBER 2 February 2005 Editorial THE ECETOC APPROACH TO TARGETED ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ASSESSMENT Tom Feijtel, Geert Boeije, Mike Comber, Watze de Wolf, Martin Holt, Volker Koch, Andre Lecloux and Angela Siebel-Sauer ................................................................................................................................ 251 Environmental Chemistry TOXICITY ASSESSMENT OF MONO-SUBSTITUTED BENZENES AND PHENOLS USING A PSEUDOMONAS INITIAL OXYGEN UPTAKE ASSAY Ded-Shih Huang, Thou-Jen Whang, Fei-Chen Cheng, Ya-Ping Wu, Yi-Ting Wang, Wen-I Luo and Yane-Shih Wang ...................................................................................................................................... 253 OCCURRENCE OF TWENTY-SIX ENDOCRINE-DISRUPTING COMPOUNDS IN ENVIRONMENTAL WATER SAMPLES FROM CATALONIA, SPAIN Lidia Brossa, Rosa M. Marcé, Francesc Borrull and Eva Pocurull .......................................................... 261 POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBON BEHAVIOR IN BIOACTIVE SOIL SLURRY REACTORS AMENDED WITH A NONIONIC SURFACTANT Han S. Kim and Walter J. Weber Jr. ........................................................................................................ 268 QUANTITATIVE IDENTIFICATION OF SOURCES OF DIOXIN-LIKE POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS IN SEDIMENTS BY A FACTOR ANALYSIS MODEL AND A CHEMICAL MASS BALANCE MODEL COMBINED WITH MONTE CARLO TECHNIQUES Isamu Ogura, Masashi Gamo, Shigeki Masunaga and Junko Nakanishi ............................................... 277 IMPACT OF IMPOSED ANAEROBIC CONDITIONS AND MICROBIAL ACTIVITY ON AQUEOUS-PHASE SOLUBILITY OF POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS FROM SOIL Tasha L. Pravecek, Russell F. Christman and Frederic K. Pfaender 286 RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN Cd AND Zn PARTITIONING AND GEOCHEMICAL COMPOSITION IN SEDIMENTS FROM CHINESE RIVERS Shu-Heng Peng, Wen-Xiong Wang and Jingsheng Chen ....................................................................... 294 Environmental Toxicology PREDICTING AND OBSERVING RESPONSES OF ALGAL COMMUNITIES TO PHOTOSYSTEM II–HERBICIDE EXPOSURE USING POLLUTION-INDUCED COMMUNITY TOLERANCE AND SPECIES-SENSITIVITY DISTRIBUTIONS Mechthild Schmitt-Jansen and Rolf Altenburger ..................................................................................... 304


BLACK-BELLIED WHISTLING DUCK (DENDROCYGNA AUTUMNALIS) BRAIN CHOLINESTERASE CHARACTERIZATION AND DIAGNOSIS OF ANTICHOLINESTERASE PESTICIDE EXPOSURE IN WILD POPULATIONS FROM MEXICO Jaime Rendón-von Osten, Amadeu M.V.M. Soares and Lucia Guilhermino .......................................... 313 WHOLE-CARCASS RESIDUES OF THE RODENTICIDE DIFENACOUM IN ANTICOAGULANT-RESISTANT AND -SUSCEPTIBLE RAT STRAINS (RATTUS NORVEGICUS) Helen Atterby, Gerard M. Kerins and Alan D. MacNicoll ......................................................................... 318 ALGAL TOXICITY OF NITROBENZENES: COMBINED EFFECT ANALYSIS AS A PHARMACOLOGICAL PROBE FOR SIMILAR MODES OF INTERACTION Rolf Altenburger, Heike Schmitt and Gerrit Schüürmann ........................................................................ 324 HORMETIC EFFECTS OF GAMMA RADIATION ON THE STRESS AXIS OF NATURAL POPULATIONS OF MEADOW VOLES (MICROTUS PENNSYLVANICUS) Rudy Boonstra, Richard G. Manzon, Steve Mihok and Julie E. Helson .................................................. 334 FUNCTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS AMONG SELENIUM CONCENTRATIONS IN THE DIET, TARGET TISSUES, AND NONDESTRUCTIVE TISSUE SAMPLES OF TWO SPECIES OF SNAKES William A. Hopkins, Joel W. Snodgrass, Jennifer A. Baionno, John H. Roe, Brandon P. Staub and Brian P. Jackson ...................................................................................................................................... 344 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ETHINYLESTRADIOL-MEDIATED CHANGES IN ENDOCRINE FUNCTION AND REPRODUCTIVE IMPAIRMENT IN JAPANESE MEDAKA (ORYZIAS LATIPES) Susan C. Tilton, Christy M. Foran and William H. Benson ...................................................................... 352 ANALYSIS OF A DATABASE OF PESTICIDE RESIDUES ON PLANTS FOR WILDLIFE RISK ASSESSMENT Alain Baril, Mélanie Whiteside and Céline Boutin .................................................................................... 360 EFFECT OF TOXIC CATIONS ON COPPER RHIZOTOXICITY IN WHEAT SEEDLINGS Paolo Fortunati, Enzo Lombi, Rebecca E. Hamon, Annette L. Nolan and Mike J. McLaughlin 372 INSECTICIDE SPECIES SENSITIVITY DISTRIBUTIONS: IMPORTANCE OF TEST SPECIES SELECTION AND RELEVANCE TO AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS Lorraine Maltby, Naomi Blake, Theo C.M. Brock and Paul J. Van den Brink.......................................... 379 DETECTION AND EVALUATION OF ENDOCRINE-DISRUPTION ACTIVITY IN WATER SAMPLES FROM PORTUGUESE RIVERS Laia Quirós, Raquel Céspedes, Sílvia Lacorte, Paula Viana, Demetrio Raldúa, Damià Barceló and Benjamin Piña .......................................................................................................................................... 389 BIOCONCENTRATION AND ELIMINATION OF AVERMECTIN B1 IN STURGEON Jianzhong Shen, Qidi Zhang, Shuangyang Ding, Suxia Zhang and Joel R. Coats................................. 396 BROMINATED FLAME RETARDANTS: ACTIVITIES IN A CRUSTACEAN DEVELOPMENT TEST AND IN AN ECDYSTEROID SCREENING ASSAY Leah Wollenberger, Laurence Dinan and Magnus Breitholtz .................................................................. 400 EVALUATION OF ACUTE COPPER TOXICITY TO LARVAL FATHEAD MINNOWS (PIMEPHALES PROMELAS) IN SOFT SURFACE WATERS Eric J. Van Genderen, Adam C. Ryan, Joseph R. Tomasso and Stephen J. Klaine .............................. 408 USE OF LABORATORY TOXICITY TESTS WITH BIVALVE AND ECHINODERM EMBRYOS TO EVALUATE THE BIOAVAILABILITY OF COPPER IN SAN DIEGO BAY, CALIFORNIA, USA Gunther Rosen, Ignacio Rivera-Duarte, Lora Kear-Padilla and D. Bart Chadwick ................................. 415 TOXICITY OF FLUOROQUINOLONE ANTIBIOTICS TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS April A. Robinson, Jason B. Belden and Michael J. Lydy ........................................................................ 423 BEHAVIORAL RESPONSES TO SUBLETHAL CADMIUM EXPOSURE WITHIN AN EXPERIMENTAL AQUATIC FOOD WEB David J. Riddell, Joseph M. Culp and Donald J. Baird ............................................................................ 431 FEATHERS AS A NONDESTRUCTIVE BIOMONITOR FOR PERSISTENT ORGANIC POLLUTANTS Tom Dauwe, Veerle Jaspers, Adrian Covaci, Paul Schepens and Marcel Eens .................................... 442 HEPATIC PORPHYRIA INDUCED BY THE HERBICIDE TRALKOXYDIM IN SMALL MAMMALS IS SPECIES-SPECIFIC Bruce D. Pauli and Sean W. Kennedy ..................................................................................................... 450 IMPACT OF OIL-SANDS BASED WETLANDS ON THE GROWTH OF MALLARD (ANAS PLATYRHYNCHOS) DUCKLINGS


Kirsty E. Gurney, Tony D. Williams, Judit E. Smits, Mark Wayland, Suzanne Trudeau and Leah I. Bendell-Young ......................................................................................................................................... 457 DETERMINATION OF SELECT ANTIDEPRESSANTS IN FISH FROM AN EFFLUENT-DOMINATED STREAM Bryan W. Brooks, C. Kevin Chambliss, Jacob K. Stanley, Alejandro Ramirez, Kenneth E. Banks, Robert D. Johnson and Russell J. Lewis ................................................................................................. 464 Hazard/Risk Assessment RELEVANCE OF GENERIC AND SITE-SPECIFIC SPECIES SENSITIVITY DISTRIBUTIONS IN THE CURRENT RISK ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES FOR COPPER AND ZINC Bart T.A. Bossuyt, Brita T.A. Muyssen and Colin R. Janssen ................................................................. 470 MODE OF ACTION AND AQUATIC EXPOSURE THRESHOLDS OF NO CONCERN Watze de Wolf, Angela Siebel-Sauer, Andre Lecloux, Volker Koch, Martin Holt, Tom Feijtel, Mike Comber and Geert Boeije ........................................................................................................................ 479 Life-Cycle Assessment A COMPARISON BETWEEN THE MULTIMEDIA FATE AND EXPOSURE MODELS CALTOX AND UNIFORM SYSTEM FOR EVALUATION OF SUBSTANCES ADAPTED FOR LIFE-CYCLE ASSESSMENT BASED ON THE POPULATION INTAKE FRACTION OF TOXIC POLLUTANTS Mark A.J. Huijbregts, Loes M.J. Geelen, Edgar G. Hertwich, Thomas E. McKone and Dik van de Meent ....................................................................................................................................................... 486 ESTUARIES Vol. 27, No.6 CANOACE A. OVIATT. The Changing Ecology of Temperate Coastal Waters During a Warming Trend..................................... 895 A. M. GARCIA, 1. P. VIEIRA, K. O. WINEMILLER, ANO A. M. GRIMM. Comparison of 1982-1983 and 1997-1998 El Niño Effects on the Shallow-water Fish Assemblage of the Patos Lagoon Estuary (Brazil) ............................................................................................................ 905 LORI 1. MORRIS ANO ROBERT W VIRNSTEIN. The Demise and Recovery of Seagrass in the Northern Indian River Lagoon, Florida ........................... 915 PETER M. ELORIOGE, JAMES E. KALOY, ANO AORIAN B. BURD. Stress Response Model for the Tropical Seagrass Thalassia testudinum: The Interactions of Light, Temperature, Sedimentation, and Geochemistry..................................................................................... 923 ALICIA M. STEINMETZ, MICHELLE M. JEANSONNE, EMILY S. GOROON, ANO JOHN W BURNS, JR. An Evaluation of Glass Prisms in Boat Docks to Reduce Shading of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Lower Sto Johns River, Florida........................................................................................................... 938 K. S. S. VAN HOUTE-HoWES, S. 1. TURNER, ANO C. A. PILDITCH. Spatial Differences in Macroinvertebrate Communities in Intertidal Seagrass Habitats and Unvegetated Sediment in Three New Zealand Estuaries......................................................................... 945 PATRICIA A. SHAHEEN, JOHN P. MANOERSON, ANO MICHAEL P. FAHAY. Stage-specific Spatial and Temporal Variability in the Diets ofLarval Winter Flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) in a Northeastern U.S. Estuarine Nursery ........................................ 958 WILLIAM L. ELLIS ANO SUSAN S. BELL. Conditional Use ofMangrove Habitats by Fishes: Depth as a Cue to Avoid Predators............................ 966 RUI SANTOS, JOAO SILVA, ANA ALEXANORE, NURIA NAVARRO, CRISTINA BARRÓN, ANO CARLOS M. DUARTE. Ecosystem Metabolism and Carbon Fluxes of a Tidally-dominated Coastal Lagoon .............................. 977 JEAN-PAUL SIMJOUW, MARGARET R. MULHOLLANO, ANO ELIZABETH C. MINOR. Changes in Dissolved Organic Matter Characteristics in Chincoteague Bay during a Bloom of the Pelagophyte Aureococcus anophagefferens............................................................................................ 986 LAWRENCE F. SMALL ANO FREORICK G. PRAHL. A Particle Conveyor Belt Process in the Columbia River Estuary: Evidence from Chlorophyll a and Particulate Organic Carbon....................................................................................................................... 999 STEVEN P. FERRARO ANO FAITH A. COLE. Optimal Benthic Macrofaunal Sampling Protocol for Detecting Differences Among Four Habitats in Willapa Bay, Washington, USA .............................................................................................................. 1014


JAY AUSTIN ANO STEN ATKINSON. The Design and Testing of Small, Low-cost GPS-tracked SurfaceDrifters ............................................ 1026 FAO FISHERIES REPORT No. 732 CONTENTS PREPARATION OF THIS DOCUMENT 1. INTRODUCTION 2. REPORT AND SYNTHESIS OF PRESENTATIONS 2.1 Opening of workshop 2.2 Presentations by participants 2.3 Thematic group discussions 2.4 Regional group discussions 2.5 Comments from workshop observers 3. SUMMARY OF PRINCIPAL WORKSHOP CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ANNEXES ANNEX 1: Workshop agenda ANNEX 2: List of participants ANNEX 3: Workshop background papers Information sheet 1: Resource rent Information sheet 2: Fiscal issues in fisheries exploitation and management 1. Resource rent: the source of wealth in fisheries 2. Rent, access and incentives 3. Resource rent: the three possibilities 4. Need for appropriate instruments and institutions 5. Who is to do the exploiting? 6. What to do with fish resource rents? REFERENCES BACK COVER FISHERIES January 2005, Vol. 30 No. 1 Feature Fish Habitat Loss of Fish Habitat as a Consequence of Inappropriately Constructed Stream Crossings Poorly designed and/or installed culverts create serious problems for fish. This study along the newly constructed wilderness highway in Labrador demonstrates the importance of local awareness and involvement in rectifying this common and widespread situation. R. John Gibson, Richard L. Haedrich, and C. Michael Wernerheim Essay Fish Management Salmon Carcass Deployment: A Potential Pathway for PCB Contaminanion The salmon carcass distribution program may be unintentionally contaminating the environment with PCBs. Scientists and managers need to examine and discuss this potential pathway for PCBs. Brian Missildine Opinion Forum Fish and Watershed Program Review: USDA Forest Service The Rise to the Future Task Force offers several recommendations for improving the Forest Service’s fisheries programs. Virgil Moore, Fred Harris, and Dave Cross Opinion Economic Growth Forum Economic Growth, Fish Conservation, and the American Fisheries Society: Introducton to a Special Series


Based on a symposium in Madison, this new series will explore several aspects of how economic growth affects fisheries conservation. Brian Czech and Phil Pister Column President's Hook AFS Connections: Increasing the Accessibility of Fisheries Science through the Fisheries Conservation Foundation The first round of Fisheries Conservation Foundation-funded proposals are promising projects that support the Foundation’s mission to promote a better understanding of fisheries and aquatic resources issues by the public and decision makers. Barbara A. Knuth and Julie Claussen Column Guest Director's Line Leopold's Legacy for Fisheries: Plenary Session Address Adelman’s plenary session address from the Annual Meeting in Madison explains how fisheries professionals have a responsibility to advocate on the behalf of aquatic resources. Ira Adelman FISHERIES OCEANOGRAPHY December 2004 - Volume 13 Issue s1 Page 1-154 Original articles Contributions of the VENFISH program: meso-zooplankton, Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) and walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the northwestern Pacific..................................................................... 1 SHIN-ICHI ITO, HIROYA SUGISAKI, ATSUSHI TSUDA, ORIO YAMAMURA, KUNIAKI OKUDA Life histories of Eucalanus bungii and Neocalanus cristatus (Copepoda: Calanoida) in the western subarctic Pacific Ocean .............................................................................................................................. 10 ATSUSHI TSUDA, HIROAKI SAITO, HIROMI KASAI Seasonal changes in the reproduction of three oncaeid copepods in the surface layer of the Kuroshio Extension .................................................................................................................................................... 21 KAORU NAKATA, HIROSHI ITOH, TADAFUMI ICHIKAWA, KATSUYUKI SASAKI Distribution and life history of Euphausia pacifica off northeastern Japan KENJI TAKI Environmental factors affecting larval growth of Pacific saury, Cololabis saira, in the northwestern Pacific Ocean.............................................................................................................................................. 44 YOSHIOKI OOZEKI, YOSHIRO WATANABE, DAIJI KITAGAWA Variations in patterns of daily changes in otolith increment widths of 0+ Pacific saury, Cololabis saira, off Japan by hatch date in relation to the northward feeding migration during spring and summer........... 54 YUTAKA KURITA, YUTAKA NEMOTO, YOSHIOKI OOZEKI, KEN-ICHI HAYASHIZAKI, HITOSHI IDA Daily rhythm and seasonal variation of feeding habit of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) in relation to their migration and oceanographic conditions off Japan ............................................................................ 63 HIROYA SUGISAKI, YUTAKA KURITA Decadal changes in reproduction of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) off the Pacific coast of northern Japan............................................................................................................................................ 74 TOMONORI HAMATSU, KEIZOU YABUKI, KAZUTOSHI WATANABE Movement of juvenile walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, from a spawning ground to a nursery ground along the Pacific coast of Hokkaido, Japan.................................................................................... 84 SATOSHI HONDA, TATSUKI OSHIMA, AKIRA NISHIMURA, TSUTOMU HATTORI Diel changes in vertical distribution patterns of zooplankton and walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) off the Pacific coast of eastern Hokkaido, Japan, estimated by the volume back scattering strength (Sv) difference method................................................................................................. 99 KAZUSHI MIYASHITA, KOUTAROU TETSUMURA, SATOSHI HONDA, TATSUKI OSHIMA, RYO KAWABE, KEI SASAKI Initial design for a fish bioenergetics model of Pacific saury coupled to a lower trophic ecosystem model ........................................................................................................................................................ 111 SHIN-ICHI ITO, MICHIO J. KISHI, YUTAKA KURITA, YOSHIOKI OOZEKI, YASUHIRO YAMANAKA, BERNARD A. MEGREY, FRANCISCO E. WERNER


Modeling the influence of oceanic-climatic changes on the dynamics of Pacific saury in the northwestern Pacific using a life cycle model ........................................................................................... 125 YONGJUN TIAN, TATSURO AKAMINE, MAKI SUDA Trophodynamic modeling of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the Doto area, northern Japan: model description and baseline simulations ................................................................................. 138 ORIO YAMAMURA FISHERIES OCEANOGRAPHY January 2005 - Volume 14 Issue 1 Page 1-80 ORIGINAL ARTICLES Long-term variation in the abundance of the brown shrimp Crangon crangon (L.) population of the German Bight and possible causes for its interannual variability ................................................................. 1 V. SIEGEL, J. GRÖGER, T. NEUDECKER, U. DAMM, S. JANSEN A spatially explicit, individual-based model to assess the role of estuarine nurseries in the early life history of North Sea herring, Clupea harengus .......................................................................................... 17 JOACHIM MAES, KARIN E. LIMBURG, ANTON VAN DE PUTTE, FRANS OLLEVIER Assessing the variability of hydrographic processes influencing the life cycle of the Sicilian Channel anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus, by satellite imagery ............................................................................... 32 JESÚS GARCÍA LAFUENTE, JUAN MIGUEL VARGAS, FRANCISCO CRIADO, ALBERTO GARCÍA, JAVIER DELGADO, SALVATORE MAZZOLA Using commercial landings data to identify environmental correlates with distributions of fish stocks...... 47 MILES A. SUNDERMEYER, BRIAN J. ROTHSCHILD, ALLAN R. ROBINSON Clupeoid larval growth and plankton production in the Benguela upwelling system.................................. 64 MORTEN D. SKOGEN Distribution of albacore (Thunnus alalunga) in the Indian Ocean and its relation to environmental factors ......................................................................................................................................................... 71 I-CHING CHEN, PEI-FEN LEE, WANN-NIAN TZENG GULF AND CARIBBEAN RESEARCH Volume 16(2) November 2004 Contents Spatial Patterns of Estuarine Habitat Type use and Temporal Patterns in Abundance of Juvenile Permit, Trachinotus falcatus, in Charlotte Harbor, Florida Aaron J. Adams and David A. Blewett ...................................................................................................... 129 Predators and the Distribution and Abundance of Blennies on Offshore Petroleum Platforms Tommy J. Rauch ...................................................................................................................................... 141 Studies on the Crustacea of the Thrks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies. V. Records of Mysids from Pine Cay, Fort George Cay, Water Cay, and Adjacent Waters, W Wayne Price and Richard W Heard ......... 147 Range Extensions ~nd Review of the Caprellid Amphipods (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Caprellidae) from the Shallow, Coastal Wwaters from the Suwannee River, Florida, to Port Aransas, Texas, with an Illustrated Key John M. Foster, Brent P. Thoma, and Richard W Heard ......................................................................... 161 A Characterization of the Shallow- Water Coral Reefs and Associated Habitats of Puerto Rico Matthew S. Kendall, Curtis R. Kruer, Ken R. Buja, John D. Christensen, Ernesto Diaz, Robert A. Warner,. and Mark E. Monaco.................................................................................................................. 177 ICES JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE Volume 62, Issue 1. 1-143 (February 2005) Growth and potential of the ICES Journal of Marine Science ................................................................. 1-2 Andrew I.L. Payne and Christiane Barranguet Bonamia exitiosa epizootic in Ostrea chilensis from Foveaux Strait, southern New Zealand between 1986 and 1992 • .................................................................................................................................... 3-13 H.J. Cranfield, A. Dunn, I.J. Doonan and K.P. Michael


Growth and mortality of transient shrimp populations (Farfantepenaeus spp.) in a coastal lagoon of Mexico: role of the environment and density-dependence • ............................................................... 14-24 Roberto Pérez-Castañeda and Omar Defeo New target-strength model indicates more krill in the Southern Ocean • ........................................... 25-32 David A. Demer and Stéphane G. Conti Chokka squid (Loligo vulgaris reynaudii) abundance linked to changes in South Africa's Agulhas Bank ecosystem during spawning and the early life cycle • ........................................................................ 33-55 Michael J. Roberts Maturation of Newfoundland American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides): long-term trends in maturation reaction norms despite low fishing mortality? • ................................................................. 56-64 S. Barot, M. Heino, M.J. Morgan and U. Dieckmann Effect of changes in reproductive potential on perceived productivity of three Northwest Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) stocks • .................................................................................................................... 65-74 M. Joanne Morgan and John Brattey Diel vertical migration and shoaling heterogeneity in Atlantic redfish: effects on acoustic and bottom-trawl surveys • ..................................................................................................................................... 75-85 Stéphane Gauthier and George A. Rose Digestion of capelin, Mallotus villosus (Müller), herring, Clupea harengus L., and polar cod, Boreogadus saida (Lepechin), otoliths in a simulated seal stomach • ............................................... 86-92 Jørgen S. Christiansen, Anne-Grethe Gamst Moen, Thomas H. Hansen and Kjell T. Nilssen An adaptive, integrated “acoustic-trawl” survey design for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) with estimation of the acoustic and trawl dead zones • ............................................................................................. 93-106 Ian H. McQuinn, Yvan Simard, Thomas W.F. Stroud, Jean-Louis Beaulieu and Stephen J. Walsh Reproduction and seasonal occurrence of the copper shark, Carcharhinus brachyurus, from north Patagonia, Argentina • .................................................................................................................... 107-115 Luis O. Lucifora, Roberto C. Menni and Alicia H. Escalante Food and feeding ecology of juvenile albacore, Thunnus alalunga, off the Bay of Biscay: a case study • SHORT COMMUNICATION Pages 116-122 C. Pusineri, Y. Vasseur, S. Hassani, L. Meynier, J. Spitz and V. Ridoux Definition of signal-to-noise ratio and its critical role in split-beam measurements • ...................... 123-130 Robert Kieser, Pall Reynisson and Timothy J. Mulligan Provision of catch advice taking account of non-stationarity in productivity of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the Northwest Atlantic • ................................................................................................. 131-143 G. Chaput, C.M. Legault, D.G. Reddin, F. Caron and P.G. Amiro INGENIERÍA HIDRÁULICA EN MÉXICO 2004 Vol. 19 Núm. 4 [ Octubre-diciembre ] Regionalización de caudales. Propuesta metodológica para la identificación de regiones homogéneas Marta del Carmen París, Graciela Viviana Zucarelli ............................................................................. 5-20 El valor económico de los medios fluviales urbanos Francisco de Asis Ramírez-Chasco ...[et al] ....................................................................................... 21-32 ¿Por qué ocurren variaciones de nivel en el lago de Tequesquitengo? 1. Calibración de un modelo del sistema hidrológico José Bienvenido Martínez-Rodríguez, Carlos Gutiérrez-Ojeda ......................................................... 33-46 ¿Por qué ocurren variaciones de nivel en el lago de Tequesquitengo? 2. Simulación de eventos en el siglo XIX José Bienvenido Martínez-Rodríguez, Carlos Gutiérrez-Ojeda ......................................................... 47-56 Observaciones experimentales de las interacciones entre partículas en la velocidad de caída de mezclas polidispersas de sedimentos Juan A García-Aragón ...[et al] ........................................................................................................... 57-64 : Expresión de características de accesorios en trenes de descarga de pozos de bombeo Julio Sergio Santana, Edmundo Pedroza-González .......................................................................... 65-84 Estimación de la evaporación mensual en tanque tipo A en la República mexicana mediante datos de temperatura Daniel Francisco Campos-Aranda ...................................................................................................... 85-96


Evaluación del desempeño de reactores electroquímicos para a remoción de Cr (VI) de aguas residuales Sergio A Martinez-Oelgadillo ...[et al] ............................................................................................... 97-104 Costo del uso del agua en brócoli bajo la tecnología de ferti-irrigación sistema riego por goteo José Luis Jolalpa-Barrera ...[et al] .................................................................................................. 105-120 Dispositivo electrónico, de fácil construcción, para medir la velocidad de un fluido Rafael Hernández-Walls ...[et al] .................................................................................................... 121-128 JOURNAL OF AQUATIC ANIMAL HEALTH VOLUME 16, NUMBER 4, DECEMBER 2004 Articles First Report of Spring Viremia of Carp Virus (SVCV) in Wild Common Carp in North America Audrey L. Dikkeboom, Craig Radi, Kathy Toohey-Kurth, Susan Marcquenski, Marty Engel, Andrew E. Goodwin, Keith Way, David M. Stone and Clare Longshaw .................................................................... 169 Distribution of Tubifex tubifex Lineages and Myxobolus cerebralis Infection in the Tailwater of the San Juan River, New Mexico ........................................................................................................................... 179 Robert DuBey and Colleen Caldwell Survey of Pathogens in Juvenile Salmon Oncorhynchus Spp. Migrating through Pacific Northwest Estuaries ................................................................................................................................................... 186 M. R. Arkoosh, E. Clemons, A. N. Kagley, C. Stafford, A. C. Glass, K. Jacobson, P. Reno, M. S. Myers, E. Casillas, F. Loge, L. L. Johnson and T. K. Collier Cloning and Nucleotide Sequence Analysis of the Ampicillin Resistance Gene on a Conjugative R Plasmid from the Fish Pathogen Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida ......................................... 197 Hideaki Morii, Manish Surendra Bharadwaj and Naoya Eto Oxytetracycline Residues in Four Species of Fish after 10-Day Oral Dosing in Feed ............................. 208 C. Y. Chen, R. G. Getchell, G. A. Wooster, A. L. Craigmill and P. R. Bowser Detection and Identification of Fish-Pathogenic Aphanomyces piscicida Using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) with Species-Specific Primers ........................................................................................ 220 Panarat Phadee, Osamu Kurata, Kishio Hatai, Ikuo Hirono and Takashi Aoki Effect of Sublethal Exposure to the Trematode Bolbophorus spp. on the Severity of Enteric Septicemia of Catfish inChannel Catfish Fingerlings................................................................................................... 231 Lauke Labrie, Cedric Komar, Jeff Terhune, Alvin Camus and David Wise Vibrio Bacterin and Carboxymethyl β-1,3-Glucans Protect Penaeus monodon from Vibrio harveyi Infection..................................................................................................................................................... 238 Supattra Somapa Klannukarn, Kanokpan Wongprasert, Kornnika Khanobdee, Prasert Meeratana, Pattira Taweepreda and Boonsirm Withyachumnarnkul Communications Histological Analysis of an Outbreak of QPX Disease in Wild Hard Clams Mercenaria mercenaria in New York................................................................................................................................................... 246 Alistair D. M. Dove, Paul R. Bowser and Robert M. Cerrato Experimental Transmission of the Fungus Phoma herbarum to Chinook Salmon................................... 251 Tamara O. Burton, Theodore R. Meyers, Norman S. Starkey and Jill E. Follett 258 In Memoriam: John Louis Fryer, 1929-2004................................................................................... 258 Ronald P. Hedrick JOURNAL OF MARINE RESEARCH Volume 62 Number 6 Articles Diffusivity and viscosity dependence in the linear thermocline........................................................ 743 - 769 J.H. LaCasce Observed mechanisms of El Nino SST evolution in the Pacific ...................................................... 771 - 786 P. Niiler; D.-K. Lee; J. Moisan Passive tracer reconstruction as a least-squares problem with a semi-Lagrangian constraint: An application to fish eggs and larvae .................................................................................................. 787 - 814 G.G. Panteleev; B. deYoung; C.S. Reiss; C.T. Taggart Conceptual models of early diagenetic processes: The muddy seafloor as an unsteady, batch reactor815 - 835


Robert C. Aller Invertebrate larval availability during summer upwelling and downwelling on the inner continental shelf off New Jersey ................................................................................................................................. 837 - 865 Hongguang Ma; Judith P. Grassle Factors influencing organic carbon recycling and burial in Skagerrak sediments........................... 867 - 907 H. Ståhl; A. Tengberg; J. Brunnegård; E. Bjørnbom; T.L. Forbes; A.B. Josefson; H.G. Kaberi; I.M. Karle Hassellöv; F. Olsgard; P. Roos; P.O.J. Hall JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY December 2004 - Volume 40 Issue 6 Page 1003-1190 AWARD LUIGI PROVASOLI AWARD RECIPIENTS............................................................................................ 1003 ECOLOGY AND POPULATION BIOLOGY BENTHIC MICROALGAL COLONIZATION IN STREAMS OF DIFFERING RIPARIAN COVER AND LIGHT AVAILABILITY............................................................................................................................. 1004 Simon Roberts, Sergi Sabater, John Beardall DETERMINING THE AFFINITIES OF SALT MARSH FUCOIDS USING MICROSATELLITE MARKERS: EVIDENCE OF HYBRIDIZATION AND INTROGRESSION BETWEEN TWO SPECIES OF FUCUS (PHAEOPHYTA) IN A MAINE ESTUARY........................................................................... 1013 Aaron L. Wallace, Anita S. Klein, Arthur C. Mathieson A NEW RECORD AND ERADICATION OF THE NORTHERN ATLANTIC ALGA ASCOPHYLLUM NODOSUM (PHAEOPHYCEAE) FROM SAN FRANCISCO BAY, CALIFORNIA, USA........................ 1028 A. Whitman Miller, Andrew L. Chang, Natalie Cosentino-Manning, Gregory M. Ruiz INVERTEBRATE-MEDIATED NUTRIENT LOADING INCREASES GROWTH OF AN INTERTIDAL MACROALGA ......................................................................................................................................... 1032 Matthew E. S. Bracken FIRST EVIDENCE OF PALYTOXIN ANALOGUES FROM AN OSTREOPSIS MASCARENENSIS (DINOPHYCEAE) BENTHIC BLOOM IN SOUTHWESTERN INDIAN OCEAN..................................... 1042 Séverine Lenoir, Loïc Ten-Hage, Jean Turquet, Jean-Pascal Quod, Cécile Bernard, Marie-Claire Hennion PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY SINGLE-CELL PULSE AMPLITUDE MODULATION FLUORESCENCE MEASUREMENTS OF THE GIANT DIATOM ETHMODISCUS (BACILLARIOPHYCEAE) ................................................................ 1052 Tracy A. Villareal INTENSE GRAZING AND PREY-DEPENDENT GROWTH OF PFIESTERIA PISCICIDA (DINOPHYCEAE) ................................................................................................................................... 1062 Senjie Lin, Margaret R. Mulholland, Huan Zhang, Timothy N. Feinstein, Frank J. Jochem, Edward J. Carpenter ULTRASTRUCTURE OF UNICELLULAR N2 FIXING CYANOBACTERIA FROM THE TROPICAL NORTH ATLANTIC AND SUBTROPICAL NORTH PACIFIC OCEANS ................................................ 1074 Luisa I. Falcón, Susanne Lindvall, Karolina Bauer, Birgitta Bergman, Edward J. Carpenter CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY PROPOSAL OF ECTOCARPUS SILICULOSUS (ECTOCARPALES, PHAEOPHYCEAE) AS A MODEL ORGANISM FOR BROWN ALGAL GENETICS AND GENOMICS ......................................... 1079 Akira F. Peters, Dominique Marie, Delphine Scornet, Bernard Kloareg, J. Mark Cock STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE TERMINAL DOMAINS OF LINEAR PLASMID-LIKE DNA FROM THE GREEN ALGA ERNODESMIS (CHLOROPHYTA).................................................... 1089 John W. La Claire II, Jingshan Wang MORPHOLOGY MORPHOLOGICAL CHANGES DURING AKINETE GERMINATION IN CYLINDROSPERMOPSIS RACIBORSKII (NOSTOCALES, CYANOBACTERIA)............................................................................ 1098 David Moore, Glenn B. McGregor, Glen Shaw PREPARATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF PROTOPLASTS OBTAINED FROM THE PRASINOPHYTE SCHERFFELIA DUBIA (CHLOROPHYTA)............................................................... 1106 Lars Vierkotten, Andreas Simon, Burkhard Becker PHYLOGENETICS AND TAXONOMY


THE INVASIVE GENUS ASPARAGOPSIS (BONNEMAISONIACEAE, RHODOPHYTA): MOLECULAR SYSTEMATICS, MORPHOLOGY, AND ECOPHYSIOLOGY OF FALKENBERGIA ISOLATES .......... 1112 Fionnuala Ní Chualáin, Christine A. Maggs, Gary W. Saunders, Michael D. Guiry CRYPTIC SPECIES OF SCENEDESMUS (CHLOROPHYTA) FROM DESERT SOIL COMMUNITIES OF WESTERN NORTH AMERICA......................................................................................................... 1127 Louise A. Lewis, Valerie R. Flechtner IDENTIFICATION OF A PSYCHROPHILIC GREEN ALGA FROM LAKE BONNEY ANTARCTICA: CHLAMYDOMONAS RAUDENSIS ETTL. (UWO 241) CHLOROPHYCEAE ........................................ 1138 Tessa Pocock, Marc-André Lachance, Thomas Pröschold, John C. Priscu, Sam Sulgi Kim, Norman P. A. Huner PIGMENT SUITES AND TAXONOMIC GROUPS IN PRASINOPHYCEAE .......................................... 1149 Mikel Latasa, Renate Scharek, Florence Le Gall, Laure Guillou MORPHOLOGY, LIFE HISTORY, AND MOLECULAR PHYLOGENY OF STSCHAPOVIA FLAGELLARIS (TILOPTERIDALES, PHAEOPHYCEAE) AND THE ERECTION OF THE STSCHAPOVIACEAE FAM. NOV. ......................................................................................................... 1156 Hiroshi Kawai, Hideaki Sasaki CAROTENOID COMPOSITIONS OF CLADOPHORA BALLS (AEGAGROPILA LINNAEI) AND SOME MEMBERS OF THE CLADOPHORALES (ULVOPHYCEAE, CHLOROPHYTA): THEIR TAXONOMIC AND EVOLUTIONARY IMPLICATION ................................................................................................... 1170 Yukie Yoshii, Takeaki Hanyuda, Isamu Wakana, Kazuyuki Miyaji, Shogo Arai, Kunihiko Ueda, Isao Inouye BOOK REVIEW PHOTOSYNTHESIS IN ALGAE ............................................................................................................. 1178 Patrick J. Neale CORRIGENDUM CORRIGENDUM .................................................................................................................................... 1181 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY VOLUME 34 NUMBER 12 December 2004 EDITORIAL EDITORIAL BY AMS PRESIDENT AVERY ON UNPAID PAGE CHARGES. Susan K. Avery, AMS President ..................................................................................................................................... 2569–2569. ARTICLES A Study of the Iceland–Faeroe Frontal Variability Using the Multiscale Energy and Vorticity Analysis. Xiang San Liang and Allan R. Robinson..................................................................................... 2571–2591. Evaluation of Interior Circulation in a High-Resolution Global Ocean Model. Part I: Deep and Bottom Waters. Alexander Sen Gupta and Matthew H. England ........................................................... 2592–2614. Dynamical Response of the Oceanic Eddy Field to the North Atlantic Oscillation: A Model–Data Comparison. Thierry Penduff, Bernard Barnier, W. K. Dewar and James J. O'Brien ................ 2615–2629. Influence of the Surface Heating on Langmuir Circulation. Hong Sik Min and Yign Noh........... 2630–2641. The Eddy-Driven Thermocline. Paola Cessi and Maurizio Fantini ............................................. 2642–2658. Forcing of a Two-Layered Water Column over a Sloping Seafloor. F. Nilsen............................ 2659–2676. An Idealized Study of the Structure of Long, Partially Mixed Estuaries*. Robert D. Hetland and W. Rockwell Geyer........................................................................................................................... 2677–2691. The Dispersion Relation for Planetary Waves in the Presence of Mean Flow and Topography. Part I: Analytical Theory and One-Dimensional Examples. Peter D. Killworth and Jeffrey R. Blundell 2692–2711. Mass Flux and Vertical Distribution of Currents Caused by Strong Winds in a Wave Tank. Toshinori Ogasawara and Takashi Yasuda................................................................................................ 2712–2720. Isopycnal Averaging at Constant Height. Part I: The Formulation and a Case Study. A. J. George Nurser and Mei-Man Lee ............................................................................................................ 2721–2739. Isopycnal Averaging at Constant Height. Part II: Relating to the Residual Streamfunction in Eulerian Space. A. J. George Nurser and Mei-Man Lee........................................................................... 2740–2755. An Organizing Center for Thermohaline Excitability. Jan Abshagen and Axel Timmermann .... 2756–2760. Dynamic Potential Vorticity Initialization and the Diagnosis of Mesoscale Motion. Álvaro Viúdez and David G. Dritschel ....................................................................................................................... 2761–2773.


Simulation of the Transformation of Internal Solitary Waves on Oceanic Shelves. Roger Grimshaw, Efim Pelinovsky, Tatiana Talipova and Audrey Kurkin ............................................................... 2774–2791. Identification of the Mechanism of Interdecadal Variability in the North Atlantic Ocean. Lianke te Raa, Jeroen Gerrits and Henk A. Dijkstra ........................................................................................... 2792–2807. The Motion of a Point Vortex near Large-Amplitude Topography in a Two-Layer Fluid. Andrew J. White and N. Robb McDonald............................................................................................................... 2808–2824. Ocean Wave Slope Observations Using Radar Backscatter and Laser Altimeters. D. Vandemark, B. Chapron, J. Sun, G. H. Crescenti and H. C. Graber................................................................... 2825–2842. NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE A Simple Criterion to Determine the Transition from a Localized Convection to a Distributed Convection Regime*. Sonya Legg.............................................................................................. 2843–2846. On the Linear Parameterization of Drag Coefficient over Sea Surface. Changlong Guan and Lian Xie ....................................................................................................................................... 2847–2851. Dependence of Sea Ice Yield-Curve Shape on Ice Thickness. Alexander V. Wilchinsky and Daniel L. Feltham ....................................................................................................................................... 2852–2856. JOURNAL OF PLANKTON RESEARCH Volume 27, Number 1: January 2005 ORIGINAL ARTICLES: Naoki Iguchi and Tsutomu Ikeda Effects of temperature on metabolism, growth and growth efficiency of Thysanoessa longipes (Crustacea: Euphausiacea) in the Japan Sea ................................................................................... 27: 1-10 Peter G. Beninger and Priscilla Decottignies What makes diatoms attractive for suspensivores? The organic casing and associated organic molecules of Coscinodiscus perforatus are quality cues for the bivalve Pecten maximus ............. 27: 11-17 Hege Vestheim, Stein Kaartvedt, and Bente Edvardsen State-dependent vertical distribution of the carnivore copepod Pareuchaeta norvegica ................ 27: 19-26 Eva Friis Møller Sloppy feeding in marine copepods: prey-size-dependent production of dissolved organic carbon27: 27-35 Manuel Serra, Terry W. Snell, and John J. Gilbert Delayed mixis in rotifers: an adaptive response to the effects of density-dependent sex on population growth .............................................................................................................................................. 27: 37-45 M. Karin de Boer, Elise M. Koolmees, Engel G. Vrieling, Anneke M. Breeman, and Marion van Rijssel Temperature responses of three Fibrocapsa japonica strains (Raphidophyceae) from different climate regions ............................................................................................................................................. 27: 47-60 M. Bormans, P. W. Ford, and L. Fabbro Spatial and temporal variability in cyanobacterial populations controlled by physical processes ... 27: 61-70 L. M. Slater and R. R. Hopcroft Development, growth and egg production of Centropages abdominalis in the eastern subarctic Pacific ......................................................................................................................................................... 27: 71-78 Adam Benovic, Davor Lucic, Vladimir Onofri, Mirna Batistic, and Jakica Njire Bathymetric distribution of medusae in the open waters of the middle and south Adriatic Sea during spring 2002 ................................................................................................................................................. 27 Teresa Buchaca, Marisol Felip, and Jordi Catalan A comparison of HPLC pigment analyses and biovolume estimates of phytoplankton groups in an oligotrophic lake ............................................................................................................................. 27: 91-101 Carole A. Llewellyn, James R. Fishwick, and Jerry C. Blackford Phytoplankton community assemblage in the English Channel: a comparison using chlorophyll a derived from HPLC-CHEMTAX and carbon derived from microscopy cell counts...................... 27: 103-119 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS: Jay M. Fitzsimmons and David J. Innes No evidence of Wolbachia among Great Lakes area populations of Daphnia pulex (Crustacea: Cladocera) ................................................................................................................................... 27: 121-124 Herman J. Gons, Machteld Rijkeboer, and Kevin G. Ruddick Effect of a waveband shift on chlorophyll retrieval from MERIS imagery of inland and coastal waters ........................................................................................................................................................... 125-127


Kanako Ishikawa, Michio Kumagai, and Ross F. Walker Application of autonomous underwater vehicle and image analysis for detecting the three-dimensional distribution of freshwater red tide Uroglena americana (Chrysophyceae) .................................. 27: 129-134 JOURNAL OF SEA RESEARCH Volume 53, Issues 1-2 1-120 (January 2005) Iron resources and oceanic nutrients: advancement of global environment simulations • ..................... 1-6 M. Veldhuis and H.J.W. de Baar Picophytoplankton; a comparative study of their biochemical composition and photosynthetic properties • ............................................................................................................................................ 7-24 Marcel J. W. Veldhuis, Klaas R. Timmermans, Peter Croot and Bas van der Wagt Growth physiology and fate of diatoms in the ocean: a review • ........................................................ 25-42 Géraldine Sarthou, Klaas R. Timmermans, Stéphane Blain and Paul Tréguer Phaeocystis blooms in the global ocean and their controlling mechanisms: a review • ..................... 43-66 Véronique Schoemann, Sylvie Becquevort, Jacqueline Stefels, Véronique Rousseau and Christiane Lancelot Importance of the diazotrophs as a source of new nitrogen in the ocean • ........................................ 67-91 Julie LaRoche and Eike Breitbarth Linking ocean biogeochemical cycles and ecosystem structure and function: results of the complex SWAMCO-4 model • ......................................................................................................................... 93-108 Bénédicte Pasquer, Goulven Laruelle, Sylvie Becquevort, Véronique Schoemann, Hugues Goosse and Christiane Lancelot Physiological responses of three species of marine pico-phytoplankton to ammonium, phosphate, iron and light limitation • ......................................................................................................................... 109-120 K.R. Timmermans, B. van der Wagt, M.J.W. Veldhuis, A. Maatman and H.J.W. de Baar JOURNAL OF SEA RESEARCH Volume 53, Issue 3- 121-212 (February 2005) Internal waves near the buoyancy frequency in a narrow wave-guide • ........................................ 121-129 Hans Van Haren Seawater, atmospheric dimethylsulfide and aerosol ions in the Pearl River Estuary and the adjacent northern South China Sea • ............................................................................................................ 131-145 Qiju Ma, Min Hu, Tong Zhu, Lingli Liu and Minhan Dai Astaxanthin production in marine pelagic copepods grazing on two different phytoplankton diets • 147-160 Lies Van Nieuwerburgh, Ingrid Wänstrand, Jianguo Liu and Pauli Snoeijs Temporal variability of intertidal benthic metabolism under emersed conditions in an exposed sandy beach (Wimereux, eastern English Channel, France) • .................................................................. 161-167 N. Spilmont, A. Migné, A. Lefebvre, L.F. Artigas, M. Rauch and D. Davoult Life in the fast lane: macrobenthos use temporary drifting algal habitats • .................................... 169-180 Sonja Salovius, Marina Nyqvist and Erik Bonsdorff Barnacles, limpets and periwinkles: the effects of direct and indirect interactions on cyprid settlement and success • .................................................................................................................................. 181-204 Sebastian P. Holmes, Graham Walker and Jaap van der Meer Red mullet migration into the northern North Sea during late winter • ........................................... 205-212 Doug Beare, Finlay Burns, Emma Jones, Kevin Peach and Dave Reid JOURNAL OF SHELLFISH RESEARCH Vol. 23, No. 3 December 2004 CONTENTS A. Campbell, C. W. Yeung, G. Dovey and Z. Zhang Population biology of the Pacific geoduck clam, Panopea abrupta, in experimental plots, southern British Columbia, Canada ......................................................................................................................... 661 Zane Zhang and Alan Campbell Natural mortality and recruitment rates of the Pacific geoduck clam (Panopea abrupta) in experimental plots ......................................................................................................................................................... 675 Paul Edward Gribben, Jeremy Helson and Russell Millar


Population abundance estimates of the New Zealand geoduck clam, Panopea zelandica, using North American methodology: is the technology transferable............................................................................ 683 Brent Vadopalas, Larry L. Leclair and Paul Bentzen Microsatellite and allozyme analyses reveal few genetic differences among spatially distinct aggregations of geoduck clams (Panopea abrupta, Conrad 1849)… ...................................................... 693 Douglas S. Jones, Irvy R. Quitmyer and C. Fred T. Andrus Seasonal shell growth and longevity in Donax variabilis from northeastern Florida: evidence from oxygen isotopes ....................................................................................................................................... 707 Zhang Jihong, J. G. Fang, A. J. S. Hawkins and P. L. Pascoe The effect of temperature on clearance rate and oxygen consumption of scallops, Chlamys farreri...... 715 Marcial Arellano-Martınez, Bertha Patricia Ceballos-Vázquez, Marcial Villalejo-Fuerte, Federico Garcıa-Domınguez, Juan Felix Elorduy-Garay, Aarón Esliman-Salgado and Ilie S. Racotta Reproduction of the lion’s paw scallop Nodipecten subnodosus Sowerby, 1835 (Bivalvia: Pectinidae) from Laguna Ojo de Liebre, B.C.S., México ................................................................................................................. 723 Inke Sunila, Lawrence Williams, Steve Russo and Tessa Getchis Reproduction and pathology of blue mussels, Mytilus edulis (L.) in an experimental longline in Long Island Sound, Connecticut ....................................................................................................................... 731 Alan J. Power, Randal L. Walker, Karen Payne and Dorset Hurley First occurrence of the nonindigenous green mussel, Perna viridis (Linnaeus, 1758) in coastal Georgia, United States............................................................................................................................. 741 Joanne M. Harding, Cyr Couturier, G. Jay Parsons and Neil W. Ross Evaluation of the neutral red retention assay as a stress response indicator in cultivated mussels (Mytilus spp.) in relation to seasonal and environmental conditions ...................................................... 745 Jorge E. Toro, Angélica C. Alcapan, Johana A. Ojeda and Ana M. Vergara Selection response for growth rate (shell height and live weight) in the Chilean blue mussel (Mytilus chilensis Hupe 1854)…............................................................................................................................. 753 Sylvie Lape`gue, Frederico M. Batista, Serge Heurtebise, Ziniu Yu and Pierre Boudry Evidence for the presence of the Portuguese oyster, Crassostrea angulata, in northern China ............. 759 Mauricio Escapa, Juan Pablo Isacch, Pedro Daleo, Juan Alberti, Oscar Iribarne, Mónica Borges, Eder P. dos Santos, Domingo A. Gagliardini and Mario Lasta The distribution and ecological effects of the introduced Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793) in northern Patagonia ..................................................................................................................... 765 B. J. Kater and J. M. D. D. Baars The potential of aerial photography for estimating surface areas of intertidal Pacific oyster beds (Crassostrea gigas).................................................................................................................................. 773 Jonathan H. Grabowski, Charles H. Peterson, Sean P. Powers, David Gaskill and Henry C. Summerson Growth and survivorship of non-native (Crassostrea gigas and Crassostrea ariakensis) versus native eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) ................................................................................................. 781 Jorge Cáceres-Martınez, Sergio Curiel Ramırez Gutiérrez, Rebeca Vásquez-Yeomans and Patricia Macıas Montes de Oca Reproductive cycle and mortality of the Japanese oyster Crassostrea gigas cultured in Bahıa Falsa, Baja California, México ............................................................................................................................ 795 Eric N. Powell and Kathryn A. Ashton-Alcox A comparison between a suction dredge and a traditional oyster dredge in the transplantation of oysters in Delaware Bay ........................................................................................................................ .803 CONTENTS CONTINUED ON INSIDE BACK COVER Francis X. O’Beirn, Paige G. Ross and Mark W. Luckenbach Organisms associated with oysters cultured in floating systems in Virginia, USA ................................ 825 James T. Winstead, Aswani K. Volety and S. Gregory Tolley Parasitic and symbiotic fauna in oysters (Crassostrea virginica) collected from the Caloosahatchee River and estuaryin Florid ........................................................................................................................ 831 Ferdinand F. Wirth and Tara M. Minton A review of the market structure of the Louisiana oyster industry: a microcosm of the United States oyster industry.......................................................................................................................................... 841


Sandra Herna´ndez and Wolfgang B. Stotz Reproductive biology of the “Copey” snail Melongena melongena (Linnaeus, 1758) in Cispata´ Bay on the Caribbean coast of Colombia ............................................................................................................ 849 Sergio A. Guzmán del Proo, Jorge Carrillo-Laguna, Jorge Belmar-Pérez, Laura Carreon-Palau and Alberto Castro Transplanting of wild and cultivated juveniles of green abalone (Haliotis fulgens Philippi 1845): growth and survival……...................................................................................................................................... . 855 Norma K. Hernández-Ibarra, Carlos Márquez, José L. Ramırez and Ana M. Ibarra Comparative karyotypes of two northeastern Pacific abalone species (Haliotis fulgens Philippi and Haliotis rufescens Swainson.................................................................................................................... 861 Joseph T. Dealteris, Brian D. Kilpatrick and Robert B. Rheault A comparative evaluation of the habitat value of shellfish aquaculture gear, submerged aquatic vegetation and a non-vegetated seabed ................................................................................................. 867 Arcadio Valdés-González, Pedro Flores-Rodrıguez, Rafael Flores-Garza and Sergio Garcıa-Ibáñez Molluscan communities of the rocky intertidal zone at two sites with different wave action on Isla la Roqueta, Acapulco, Guerrero, México. .................................................................................................... 875 Xiaodong Zheng, Jianmin Yang, Xiangzhi Lin and Rucai Wang Phylogenetic relationships among the Decabrachia cephalopods inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences................................................................................................................................................ 881 Kim D. Smith, Ian C. Potter and S. Alex Hesp Comparisons between the reproductive biology of females of two species of deep sea crabs that live in different water depths .............................................................................................................................. 887 Liusuo Zhang, Xiaoyu Kong, Ziniu Yu, Jie Kong and Limei Chen A survey of genetic changes and search for sex-specific markers by AFLP and SAMPL in a breeding program ofChinese shrimp (Penaeus chinensis)… .................................................................................. 897 Fernando Dıaz, Ana Denisse Re, Elizabeth Sierra and Eugenio Dıaz-Iglesias Effects of temperature and salinity fluctuation on the oxygen consumption, ammonium excretion and osmoregulation of the blue shrimp Litopenaeus stylirostris (Stimpson).. ................................................. 903 Ana R. Vázquez-Bader, Julio C. Carrero, Martın Garcıa-Varela, Adolfo Gracia and Juan P. Laclette Molecular phylogeny of superfamily Penaeoidea Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1815, based on mitochondrial 16S partial sequence analysis. ............................................................................................................... 911 Guoqiang Huang, Shuanglin Dong and Fang Wang Effects of feeding level on the growth, energy budget and body biochemical composition of Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis.......................................................................................................... 919 John C. Wekell, John Hurst and Kathi A. Lefebvre The origin of the regulatory limits for PSP and ASP toxins in shellfish ................................................. 927 JOURNAL OF THE WORLD AQUACULTURE SOCIETY December 2004 Effect of Dietary Phosphorus Levels on Growth, Body Composition, Muscle and Bone Mineral Concentrations for Orange-Spotted Grouper Epinephelus coioides Reared in Floating Cages. Qi C. Zhou, Yong J. Liu, Kang S. Mai, Li X. Tian.............................................................................. 427 -435 Effects of Dietary Vitamin A on Juvenile Red Sea Bream Chrysophrys major. Luis Hector Hemandez Hemandez, Shin-Ichi Teshima, Manabu Ishikawa, and Shunsuke Koshio . 436-444 Nitrite Toxicitytolitopenaeus vannameiin WaterContaining Low Concentrations ofSeaSaltor Mixed Salts. Anthony Sowers, Shawn P. Young, J. Jeffery Isely, Craig L. Browdy and Joseph R. Tomasso, J r445 -45 1 Incorporating Date Pits Phoenix dactylifera and their Sprouts in Semi-purified Diets for Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L.). Ibrahim E. H. Belal and M. A. AI¬Owafeir ......................................................................................... 452-459 lonic Supplementation of Pond Waters for Inland Culture of Marine Shrimp. Aaron A. McNevin, Claude E. Boyd, Orawan Silapajam, and Kom Silapajam.................................. 460-467 Effects of Dietary Protein and Feeding Rate on Channel Catfish Ictalurus punc¬tatus Production, Composition of Gain, Processing Yield, and Water Quality. Edwin H. Robinson, Menghe H. Li, Bruce B. Manning, Charles C. Mischke and Brian G. Bosworth468-477


The Effect of Temperature on Feed Consumption and Nutrient Absorption in Procambarus clarkii and Procambarus zonangulus. Suzanne L. Croll and Stephen A. Watts ............................................................................................ 478-488 Characteristics of Effluents from Central Arkansas Baitfish Ponds. Melinda J. Bodary, Nathan Stone, Steve E. Lochmann, and Ernmanuel Frimpong ......................... 489-497 Impact of Different Management Technologies o~the Production, Population Structure, and Eco¬nomics of Freshwater Prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii Culture in Temperate Climates. James H. Tidwell,1 Shawn D. Coy le, Siddhartha Dasgupta, Leigh Anne Bright, and Dave K. Yasharian ......................................................................................................................................... 498 - 505 Laboratory Determination of a Phosphorus Leaching Rate from Trout(Onchorhynchus mykiss) Feces. Dennis McIntosh, Erin Ryder, Gary Dickenson, and Kevin Fitz simmons... .................................... 506- 512 Diel Foraging Behavior of American White Pelicans Pelecanus erythrorhynchos on Experimental Aquaculture Ponds. Scott J. Wemer .................................................................................................................................. 513-517 Replacement of a Natural Diet by a Prepared Dry Feed for Successful Maturation and Spawning of Female Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone) Broodstock. Shaobo Du, Chaoqun Hu and Qi Shen.............................................................................................. 5I8- 522 Using Scope-For-Growth Estimates to Compare the Suitability of Feeds Used in Shrimp Aquaculture. I. Patrick Saoud and Gary Anderson ................................................................................................. 523-528 Cryopreservation of Yamú Brycon siebenthalae Milt. Pablo E. Cruz-CasaBas, Sandra C. Pardo-Carrasco, José A. Arias-Castellanos, Pedro E. Lombo Castellanos, Dora A. Lombo-Rodríguez and Jaime E. Pardo-Mariño............................................... 529-535 Effects of Artificial Substrate and Stocking Density on the Nursery Production of Pacific White Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. Komarey R. K. Moss and Shaun M. Moss......................................................................................... 537-542 Harvest of Channel Catfish with an Electrically Enhanced Seine. C. Douglas Minchew, Kenneth K. McDill, Rachel V. Beecham, and S. D. Filip To ........................... 543-545 In Vrtro Evidence of Laminarinase Activity in the Digestive Gland of Juvenile Pacific White Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. S. Divakaran and Shaun M. Moss ..................................................................................................... 546-550 LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY Vol. 50(1), January 2005 Articles Seitzinger, S. P., H. Hartnett, R. Lauck, M. Mazurek, T. Minegishi, G. Spyres, and R. Styles Molecular-level chemical characterization and bioavailability of dissolved organic matter in stream water using electrospray-ionization mass spectrometry ......................................................................... 1-12 Wei, Liping, and Beth A. Ahner Sources and sinks of dissolved phytochelatin in natural seawater ...................................................... 13-22 Maie, Nagamitsu, Chengyong Yang, Toshikazu Miyoshi, Kathleen Parish, and Rudolf Jaffé Chemical characteristics of dissolved organic matter in an oligotrophic subtropical wetland/estuarine ecosystem ............................................................................................................................................. 23-35 Baines, Stephen B., Nicholas S. Fisher, and Jonathan J. Cole Uptake of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and its importance to metabolic requirements of the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha ............................................................................................................ 36-47 Becker, Bonnie J., F. Joel Fodrie, Pat A. McMillan, and Lisa A. Levin Spatial and temporal variation in trace elemental fingerprints of mytilid mussel shells: A precursor to invertebrate larval tracking .................................................................................................................... 48-61 Dillon, Kevin S., and Jeffrey P. Chanton Nutrient transformations between rainfall and stormwater runoff in an urbanized coastal environment: Sarasota Bay, Florida ........................................................................................................................... 62-69 Boschker, H. T. S., J. C. Kromkamp, and J. J. Middelburg Biomarker and carbon isotopic constraints on bacterial and algal community structure and functioning in a turbid, tidal estuary ......................................................................................................................... 70-80 Eyre, Bradley D., and Angus J. P. Ferguson


Benthic metabolism and nitrogen cycling in a subtropical east Australian estuary (Brunswick): Temporal variability and controlling factors .......................................................................................... 81-96 Carmichael, R. H., and I. Valiela Coupling of near-bottom seston and surface sediment composition: Changes with nutrient enrichment and implications for estuarine food supply and biogeochemical processing ...................................... 97-105 Røy, Hans, Markus Huettel, and Bo Barker Jørgensen The influence of topography on the functional exchange surface of soft sediments, assessed from sediment topography measured in situ ............................................................................................. 106-112 de Beer, Dirk, Frank Wenzhöfer, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Susan E. Boehme, Markus Huettel, Justus E. E. van Beusekom, Michael E. Böttcher, Niculina Musat, and Nicole Dubilier Transport and mineralization rates in North Sea sandy intertidal sediments, Sylt-Rømø Basin, Waddensea ....................................................................................................................................... 113-127 Vopel, Kay, David Thistle, Jörg Ott, Monika Bright, and Hans Røy Wave-induced H2S flux sustains a chemoautotrophic symbiosis 128-133 Nomaki, Hidetaka, Petra Heinz, Takeshi Nakatsuka, Motohiro Shimanaga, and Hiroshi Kitazato Species-specific ingestion of organic carbon by deep-sea benthic foraminifera and meiobenthos: In situ tracer experiments ...................................................................................................................... 134-146 Rimmer, Alon, Yasuaki Aota, Michio Kumagai, and Werner Eckert Chemical stratification in thermally stratified lakes: A chloride mass balance model ....................... 147-157 Kraemer, Thomas F. Radium isotopes in Cayuga Lake, New York: Indicators of inflow and mixing processes ............... 158-168 Rueda, Francisco J., and Edwin A. Cowen Exchange between a freshwater embayment and a large lake through a long, shallow channel .... 169-183 Wüest, Alfred, Thomas M. Ravens, Nikolai G. Granin, Otti Kocsis, Michael Schurter, and Michael Sturm Cold intrusions in Lake Baikal: Direct observational evidence for deep water renewal ................... 184-196 Stevens, Craig L., Timothy S. R. Fisher, and Gregory A. Lawrence Turbulent layering beneath the pycnocline in a strongly stratified pit-lake ....................................... 197-206 Lemmin, U., C. H. Mortimer, and E. Bäuerle Internal seiche dynamics in Lake Geneva ........................................................................................ 207-216 Mitchell, Nicole L., and Gary A. Lamberti Responses in dissolved nutrients and epilithon abundance to spawning salmon in Southeast Alaska streams ............................................................................................................................................. 217-227 Chadwick, Michael A., and Alexander D. Huryn Response of stream macroinvertebrate production to atmospheric nitrogen deposition and channel drying ................................................................................................................................................ 228-236 Simis, Stefan G. H., Steef W. M. Peters, and Herman J. Gons Remote sensing of the cyanobacterial pigment phycocyanin in turbid inland water ........................ 237-245 Falter, James L., Marlin J. Atkinson, and Carlos F. M. Coimbra Effects of surface roughness and oscillatory flow on the dissolution of plaster forms: Evidence for nutrient mass transfer to coral reef communities .............................................................................. 246-254 Fulton, Christopher J., and David R. Bellwood Wave-induced water motion and the functional implications for coral reef fish assemblages ......... 255-264 Hoegh-Guldberg, Ove, Maoz Fine, William Skirving, Ron Johnstone, Sophie Dove, and Alan Strong Coral bleaching following wintry weather .......................................................................................... 265-271 Secord, David, and Gisèle Muller-Parker Symbiont distribution along a light gradient within an intertidal cave ............................................... 272-278 Saito, Mak A., Gabrielle Rocap, and James W. Moffett Production of cobalt binding ligands in a Synechococcus feature at the Costa Rica upwelling dome 279-290 Mayzaud, Patrick, Marc Boutoute, Stéphane Gasparini, Laure Mousseau, and Dominique Lefevre Respiration in marine zooplankton-the other side of the coin: CO2 production ............................... 291-298 Marañón, Emilio Phytoplankton growth rates in the Atlantic subtropical gyres ........................................................... 299-310 Buesseler, K. O., J. E. Andrews, S. M. Pike, M. A. Charette, L. E. Goldson, M. A. Brzezinski, and V. P. Lance Particle export during the Southern Ocean Iron Experiment (SOFeX) ............................................. 311-327


Anderson, D. M., B. A. Keafer, W. R. Geyer, R. P. Signell, and T. C. Loder Toxic Alexandrium blooms in the western Gulf of Maine: The plume advection hypothesis revisited 328-345 Dunn, Alison M., John C. Hogg, Andrew Kelly, and Melanie J. Hatcher Two cues for sex determination in Gammarus duebeni: Adaptive variation in environmental sex determination? .................................................................................................................................. 346-353 Nishizaki, Michael T., and Josef Daniel Ackerman A secondary chemical cue facilitates juvenile-adult postsettlement associations in red sea urchins 354-362 Fuller, Nicholas J., Nyree J. West, Dominique Marie, Marian Yallop, Tanya Rivlin, Anton F. Post, and David J. Scanlan Dynamics of community structure and phosphate status of picocyanobacterial populations in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea ............................................................................................................................ 363-375 Purcell, J. E., and M. B. Decker Effects of climate on relative predation by scyphomedusae and ctenophores on copepods in Chesapeake Bay during 1987-2000 ................................................................................................. 376-387 Becker, Claes, and Maarten Boersma Differential effects of phosphorus and fatty acids on Daphnia growth and reproduction ................. 388-397 Notes Stead, Tracey K., Jenny M. Schmid-Araya, and Alan G. Hildrew Secondary production of a stream metazoan community: Does the meiofauna make a difference? 398-403 MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Vol. 284 (2004) RESEARCH ARTICLES Ugland KI, Gray JS Estimation of species richness: analysis of the methods developed by Chao and Karakassis ................ 1-8 Forster RM, Kromkamp JC Modelling the effects of chlorophyll fluorescence from subsurface layers on photosynthetic efficiency measurements in microphytobenthic algae ............................................................................................. 9-22 Villafañe VE, Marcoval MA, Helbling EW Photosynthesis versus irradiance characteristics in phytoplankton assemblages off Patagonia (Argentina): temporal variability and solar UVR effects......................................................................... 23-34 Beaugrand G, Ibanez F Monitoring marine plankton ecosystems. II: Long-term changes in North Sea calanoid copepods in relation to hydro-climatic variability........................................................................................................ 35-47 Titelman J, Fiksen Ø Ontogenetic vertical distribution patterns in small copepods: field observations and model predictions49-63 Albaina A, Irigoien X Relationships between frontal structures and zooplankton communities along a cross-shelf transect in the Bay of Biscay (1995 to 2003)........................................................................................................... 65-75 Davis CS, Hu Q, Gallager SM, Tang X, Ashjian CJ Real-time observation of taxa-specific plankton distributions: an optical sampling method.................. 77-96 Takai N, Yorozu A, Tanimoto T, Hoshika A, Yoshihara K Transport pathways of microphytobenthos-originating organic carbon in the food web of an exposed hard bottom shore in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan ............................................................................... 97-108 Björk M, Axelsson L, Beer S Why is Ulva intestinalis the only macroalga inhabiting isolated rockpools along the Swedish Atlantic coast?................................................................................................................................................. 109-116 Tanaka Y, Nakaoka M Emergence stress and morphological constraints affect the species distribution and growth of subtropical intertidal seagrasses ....................................................................................................... 117-131 Jones RJ Testing the ‘photoinhibition’ model of coral bleaching using chemical inhibitors............................... 133-145 LaJeunesse TC, Bhagooli R, Hidaka M, deVantier L, Done T, Schmidt GW, Fitt WK, Hoegh-Guldberg O Closely related Symbiodinium spp. differ in relative dominance in coral reef host communities across environmental, latitudinal and biogeographic gradients .................................................................... 147-161


Jonsson LG, Nilsson PG, Floruta F, Lundälv T Distributional patterns of macro- and megafauna associated with a reef of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa on the Swedish west coast..................................................................................... 163-171 Drolet D, Himmelman JH, Rochette R Use of refuges by the ophiuroid Ophiopholis aculeata: contrasting effects of substratum complexity on predation risk from two predators ...................................................................................................... 173-183 Gascoigne J, Lipcius RN Conserving populations at low abundance: delayed functional maturity and Allee effects in reproductive behaviour of the queen conch Strombus gigas ............................................................ 185-194 Smith NF, Ruiz GM Phenotypic plasticity in the life history of the mangrove snail Cerithidea scalariformis..................... 195-209 Akiyama T, Yamamoto M Life history of Nippoleucon hinumensis (Crustacea: Cumacea: Leuconidae) in Seto Inland Sea of Japan. I. Summer diapause and molt cycle....................................................................................... 211-225 Akiyama T, Yamamoto M Life history of Nippoleucon hinumensis (Crustacea: Cumacea: Leuconidae) in Seto Inland Sea of Japan. II. Non-diapausing subpopulation .......................................................................................... 227-235 Zbinden M, Le Bris N, Gaill F, Compère P Distribution of bacteria and associated minerals in the gill chamber of the vent shrimp Rimicaris exoculata and related biogeochemical processes............................................................................. 237-251 Wilson SK Growth, mortality and turnover rates of a small detritivorous fish...................................................... 253-259 Costa PR, Garrido S Domoic acid accumulation in the sardine Sardina pilchardus and its relationship to Pseudo-nitzschia diatom ingestion................................................................................................................................. 261-268 Beare DJ, Burns F, Greig A, Jones EG, Peach K, Kienzle M, McKenzie E, Reid DG Long-term increases in prevalence of North Sea fishes having southern biogeographic affinities ... 269-278 Heffernan OA, Danilowicz BS, Milligan SP Determination of species-specific spawning distributions of commercial finfish in the Irish Sea using a biochemical protein-based method.................................................................................................... 279-291 Trenkel VM, Francis RICC, Lorance P, Mahévas S, Rochet MJ, Tracey DM Availability of deep-water fish to trawling and visual observation from a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) ................................................................................................................................................. 293-303 NOTE Barnes DKA, Warren NL, Webb K, Phalan B, Reid K Polar pedunculate barnacles piggy-back on pycnogona, penguins, pinniped seals and plastics ..... 305-310 NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES MANAGEMENT volume 24, number 4, november 2004 Performance of Two Strains of Lake Trout Stocked in the Midlake Refuge of Lake Michigan Patrick C. McKee, Michael L. Toneys, Michael J. Hansen and Mark E. Holey ...................................... 1101 Temporal and Spatial Estimates of Adult Striped Bass Mortality from Telemetry and Transmitter Return Data............................................................................................................................................. 1112 Shawn P. Young and J. Jeffery Isely Fish Populations Associated with Habitat-Modified Piers and Natural Woody Debris in Piedmont Carolina Reservoirs ................................................................................................................................ 1120 Robert D. Barwick, Thomas J. Kwak, Richard L. Noble and D. Hugh Barwick Movement and Spawner Distribution of Hatchery Fall Chinook Salmon Adults Acclimated and Released as Yearlings at Three Locations in the Snake River Basin .................................................... 1134 Aaron P. Garcia, William P. Connor, Deborah J. Milks, Stephen J. Rocklage and R. Kirk Steinhorst Stock-Specific Migration Timing of Adult Spring–Summer Chinook Salmon in the Columbia River Basin ....................................................................................................................................................... 1145 Matthew L. Keefer, Christopher A. Peery, Michael A. Jepson, Kenneth R. Tolotti, Theodore C. Bjornn and Lowell C. Stuehrenberg Summer Movements within the Fish Community of a Small Montane Stream ...................................... 1063 David A. Schmetterling and Susan B. Adams


Fish Health Assessment Index Study of Four Reservoirs in West-Central Georgia .............................. 1173 Steve L. Schleiger Microsatellite Variation Indicates Population Genetic Structure of Bocaccio ......................................... 1189 Andrew P. Matala, A. K. Gray, A. J. Gharrett and M. S. Love Angling Pressure and Trout Catchability: Behavioral Observations of Brown Trout in Two New Zealand Backcountry Rivers ................................................................................................................................. 1203 Roger G. Young and John W. Hayes Survival and Growth of Lake Whitefish from Two Stocking Strategies in Lake Simcoe, Ontario Frank Amtstaetter and Campbell C. Willox............................................................................................. 1214 Gear Effects on Marine Habitats: Harvesting Northern Quahogs in a Shallow Sandy Bed at Two Levels of Intensity with a Short Rake ................................................................................................................. 1221 Clyde L. MacKenzie Jr and Robert Pikanowski Effectiveness of High-Velocity Inclined Profile-Bar Fish Screens Measured by Exclusion and Survival of Early Life Stages of Fathead Minnow................................................................................................. 1228 Kevin R. Bestgen, Jay M. Bundy, Koreen A. Zelasko and Tony L. Wahl Spawning Season and Nest Fidelity of Largemouth Bass in a Tropical Reservoir ................................ 1240 D. Scott Waters and Richard L. Noble Simulated Impacts of Tournament-Associated Mortality on Largemouth Bass Fisheries ...................... 1252 M. S. Allen, M. W. Rogers, R. A. Myers and W. M. Bivin The Role of Density Dependence in Growth Patterns of Ceded Territory Walleye Populations of Northern Wisconsin: Effects of Changing Management Regimes ......................................................... 1262 Greg G. Sass, Steven W. Hewett, T. Douglas Beard Jr, Andrew H. Fayram and James F. Kitchell Comparison of Fish Density Estimates from Repeated Hydroacoustic Surveys on Two Wyoming Waters..................................................................................................................................................... 1279 R. Scott Gangl and Roy A. Whaley Methodological Bias in Estimates of Strain Composition and Straying of Hatchery-Produced Steelhead in Lake Michigan Tributaries................................................................................................................... 1288 Meredith. L. Bartron, Dave R. Swank, Edward S. Rutherford and Kim T. Scribner Methods for Predicting Age-0 Crappie Year-Class Strength in J. Percy Priest Reservoir, Tennessee . 1300 R. Todd St. John and William Patrick Black The Influence of Hook Type, Angler Experience, and Fish Size on Injury Rates and the Duration of Capture in an Alaskan Catch-and-Release Rainbow Trout Fishery....................................................... 1309 Julie M. Meka Genetic Variation and Management of Striped Bass Populations in the Coastal Rivers of South Carolina................................................................................................................................................... 1322 James S. Bulak, Christopher S. Thomason, Kaiping Han and Bert Ely Use of Prepositioned Areal Electrofishing Devices with Rod Electrodes in Small Streams................... 1330 John S. Schwartz and Edwin E. Herricks Ice Processes Affect Habitat Use and Movements of Adult Cutthroat Trout and Brook Trout in a Wyoming Foothills Stream...................................................................................................................... 1341 Jason W. Lindstrom and Wayne A. Hubert Evaluating Stream Habitat Survey Data and Statistical Power Using an Example from Southeast Alaska ..................................................................................................................................................... 1353 Mason D. Bryant, John P. Caouette and Brenda E. Wright An Analysis of Stream Habitat Conditions in Reference and Managed Watersheds on Some Federal Lands within the Columbia River Basin .................................................................................................. 1363 Jeffrey L. Kershner, Brett B. Roper, Nicolaas Bouwes, Richard Henderson and Eric Archer Acoustic-Tracking and Radio-Tracking of Horseshoe Crabs to Assess Spawning Behavior and Subtidal Habitat Use in Delaware Bay.................................................................................................... 1376 Lorne J. Brousseau, Matthew Sclafani, David R. Smith and David B. Carter A Comparison of Atlantic Salmon Embryo and Fry Stocking in the Salmon River, New York ............... 1385 Stephen M. Coghlan Jr and Neil H. Ringler Management Briefs Evaluation of a Gastric Lavage Method for Use on Largemouth Bass................................................... 1398 James P. Hakala and Frank D. Johnson


Effects of Absorbable Suture Strand Diameter on Retention of External Radio Transmitters by Juvenile Lake Sturgeon......................................................................................................................................... 1404 Trent M. Sutton, Eric T. Volkman, Kevin L. Pangle, Deborah A. Rajchel and Jeremy P. Duehr Comparative Survival and Growth of Atlantic Salmon from Egg Stocking and Fry Releases................ 1409 James H. Johnson Using Time-Lapsed Video to Estimate Survey Life for Area-under-the-Curve Methods of Escapement Estimation ............................................................................................................................................... 1413 Tom Shardlow Imaging Fall Chinook Salmon Redds in the Columbia River with a Dual-Frequency Identification Sonar1421 Kenneth F. Tiffan, Dennis W. Rondorf and Joseph J. Skalicky Efficacy of a Chase Boat for Electrofishing Flathead Catfish in Three Oklahoma Reservoirs ............... 1427 Kenneth K. Cunningham An Evaluation of 5.87-cm and 6.03-cm Escape Rings for Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus Traps .......... 1431 Vincent Guillory, Ralph Allemand, Kenny King and Lisa Bare Anchor and Visible Implant Elastomer Tag Retention by Hatchery Rainbow Trout Stocked into an Ozark Stream.......................................................................................................................................... 1435 Maureen G. Walsh and Dana L. Winkelman Abundance and Demography of Channel Catfish in a Large Northern River......................................... 1440 Tim Haxton and Kirby Punt Abundance and Size Distribution of Ocean-Type Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Upper Sacramento River Margin before and after Hatchery Releases ................................................................................. 1447 Edward D. Weber and Kurt D. Fausch Feasibility of Dual-Marking Age-0 Chinook Salmon for Mark–Recapture Studies ................................. 1454 Phillip C. Gaines and Craig D. Martin Implications of a Migration Impediment on Shortnose Sturgeon Spawning ........................................... 1460 Douglas W. Cooke and Steven D. Leach Postrelease Rate of Loss of Juvenile Red Drum Stocked out of Season in the Chassahowitzka National Wildlife Refuge, Florida ............................................................................................................ 1469 Edward T. Sherwood, Debra J. Murie and Daryl C. Parkyn Seasonal Movement of Brown Trout in the Clinch River, Tennessee .................................................... 1480 Jason M. Bettinger and Phillip W. Bettoli OCEANUS Vol. 43, No. 1, January 2005 Dynamic Waters: Change is constant at the border of land and sea Rising Sea Levels and Moving Shorelines New tools and techniques show promise for better predictions and decisions about coastline change By Rob L. Evans, Associate Scientist Geology and Geophysics Department Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Shaping the Beach, One Wave at a Time New research is deciphering how currents, waves, and sands change our shorelines By Britt Raubenheimer, Associate Scientist Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering Department The New Wave of Coastal Ocean Observing Shore stations and seafloor nodes provide connections for long-term studies of coastal processes By Mike Carlowicz, Science Writer, with Senior Scientist John Trowbridge and Associate Scientists James Edson and Heidi Sosik Fertile Waters: A crossroads of currents, chemistry, and abundant life The Grass is Greener in the Coastal Ocean Coastal waters teem with life, but sometimes scientists can't explain why By Kenneth H. Brink, Senior Scientist Director, Coastal Ocean Institute and Rinehart Coastal Research Center Rites of Passage for Juvenile Marine Life Learning from the life-or-death journeys of barnacle, lobster, and clam larvae By Jesús Pineda, Associate Scientist


Biology Department Where the Rivers Meet the Sea The transition from salt to fresh water is turbulent, vulnerable, and incredibly bountiful By Rocky Geyer, Senior Scientist and Chair Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering Department Water Flowing Underground New techniques reveal the importance of groundwater seeping into the sea By Matthew Charette, Associate Scientist, Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry Department and Ann Mulligan, Assistant Scientist, Marine Policy Center Troubled Waters: Life and death issues of chemical and nutrient pollution The Growing Problem of Harmful Algae Clay sticks to algae and sinks, offering a potential solution to an expensive and deadly problem By Donald M. Anderson, Director, Coastal Ocean Institute Senior Scientist, Biology Department A Fatal Attraction for Harmful Algae Tiny plants pose a potent threat to those who live in and eat from the sea By Mario R. Sengco, Postdoctoral Investigator Biology Department Red Tides and Dead Zones The coastal ocean is suffering from an overload of nutrients By Andrew R. Solow, Senior Scientist and Director, Marine Policy Center Mixing Oil and Water Tracking the sources and impacts of oil pollution in the marine environment By John W. Farrington and Judith E. McDowell Senior Scientists Oil in Our Coastal Back Yard Spills on WHOI’s shores set the stage for advances in mitigating and remediating oil spills By Christopher M. Reddy, Associate Scientist Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry Department Strategic Waters: Tapping coastal ocean resources For the Navy, the Coast Isn't Clear Oceanographers mobilize to help the Navy operate effectively in complex, shallow waters By Rear ADM (Ret.) Richard F. Pittenger Vice President for Marine Operations (Ret.) Where are the Mines Hiding on the Seafloor? New research reveals how waves, currents, and swirling sands can bury mines By Laurence Lippsett Editor, Oceanus Magazine New Instrument Sheds Light on Bioluminescence A WHOI engineer invents a device to measure a critical but elusive ocean phenomenon By Laurence Lippsett Editor, Oceanus Magazine The Cacophony on the Coast The Navy’s deep-ocean acoustic detection methods don’t apply in complex shallow waters By Laurence Lippsett Editor, Oceanus Magazine Robo-Sailors Navy-sponsored research spawns a new generation of underwater vehicles By Laurence Lippsett Editor, Oceanus Magazine Which Way Will the Wind Blow? Marine scientists have a key role to play in the debate over wind farms in the coastal ocean By Porter Hoagland, Research Specialist Down on the Farm...Raising Fish Aquaculture offers more sustainable seafood sources, but raises its own set of problems


By Hauke Kite-Powell, Research Specialist Marine Policy Center PACIFIC SCIENCE Vol. 59, No. 1, january 2005 Hydrologic and Isotopic Modeling of Alpine Lake Waiau, Mauna Kea, Hawai‘i Bethany L. Ehlmann, Raymond E. Arvidson, Bradley L. Jolliff, Sarah S. Johnson, Brian Ebel, Nicole Lovenduski, Julie D. Morris, Jeffery A. Byers, Nathan O. Snider, and Robert E. Criss ......................... 1–15 Distribution of the Rough-Toothed Dolphin (Steno bredanensis) around the Windward Islands (French Polynesia) A. Gannier and K. L. West .................................................................................................................... 17–24 Cephalopods in the Diet of Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) Caught off the West Coast of Baja California, Mexico Unai Markaida and F. G. Hochberg ...................................................................................................... 25–41 A Colorful New Species of Albericus (Anura: Microhylidae) from Southeastern Papua New Guinea Fred Kraus and Allen Allison................................................................................................................. 43–53 Odontocete Stranding Patterns in the Main Hawaiian Islands (1937–2002): How Do They Compare with Live Animal Surveys? Daniela Maldini, Lori Mazzuca, and Shannon Atkinson ....................................................................... 55–67 An Observation of Inking Behavior Protecting Adult Octopus bocki from Predation by Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) Hatchlings Roy L. Caldwell ..................................................................................................................................... 69–72 Review of Clupeotoxism, an Often Fatal Illness from the Consumption of Clupeoid Fishes John E. Randall..................................................................................................................................... 73–77 Structure of Diatom Assemblages Living on Prop Roots of the Red Mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) from the West Coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico David Siqueiros-Beltrones, F. Omar López-Fuerte, and Ismael Gárate-Lizárraga .............................. 79–96 New Records of Butterflies (Lepidoptera) from the Eastern Caroline Islands, Micronesia Donald W. Buden, Donald P. Sands, and W. John Tennent .............................................................. 97–103 Tetraplasandra lydgatei (Araliaceae): Taxonomic Recognition of a Rare, Endemic Species from O‘ahu, Hawaiian Islands Timothy J. Motley.............................................................................................................................. 105–110 Abstracts of Papers from the Twenty-ninth Annual Albert L. Tester Memorial Symposium, 11–12 March 2004 ........................................................................................................................................ 111-123 Association Affairs Pacific Science Association ............................................................................................................... 125-128 REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE CONTAMINACION AMBIENTAL No. 2. Abril-junio 2004 Evidencia experimental de la reducción de la evaporación del suelo por la presencia de un lecho natural de residuos vegetales Enrique González Sosa, Jean Louis Thonyt, Isabelle Braud, Michel Vauclin Estimación a tiempo real de las variaciones locales en la rugosidad del fondo en flujos someros Gabriel Soto Cortés, Ricardo Aguilar López Predicción de la conductividad hidráulica relativa de los suelos con modelos fractales Carlos Fuentes, Antonio C. D. Antonino, Jorge Sepúlveda, Felipe Zataráin, Benjamín de León Procesos hidrodinámicos y geomorfológicos en la respuesta hidrológica de una cuenca Gustavo Calle V., Eduardo Varas C. Concentración de metales en sedimento y su relación con los patrones de deposición en la presa José Antonio Alzate, Estado de México Juan Antonio García Aragón, Carlos Díaz Delgado, Pedro Morales Reyes, Pedro Ávila Pérez, Samuel Tejeda Vega, Graciela Zarazúa Ortega Solución numérica de las ecuaciones del flujo impermanente unidimensional Yoel Martínez González Eventos extremos de 1999 en el sureste mexicano. Actualización del análisis hidrológico del complejo hidroeléctrico Grijalva, en Chiapas, México Humberto Marengo Mogollón


Omar Salinas Uribe Efecto de la posición del manto freático en la evolución del frente de avance en el riego por melgas. HeberSaucedo, Pedro Pacheco, Carlos Fuentes, Manuel Zavala Technical articles Laboratory evidence of evaporation decrease induced by a naturallitter Enrique González Sosa, Jean Louis Thonyt, Isabelle Braud, Michel Vauclin Real-time estimation of local variations in bottom roughness in shallow water fIows Gabriel Soto Cortés, Ricardo Aguilar López Prediction of the relative soil hydraulic conductivity with fractal models Carlos Fuentes, Antonio C.D. Antonino, Jorge Sepúlveda, Felipe Zataráin, Benjamín de León Hydrodynamic and geomorphological processes in the hydrologic response of a watershed Gustavo Calle V., Eduardo Varas C. Metal concentration in sediment and its relationship with deposition patterns in the José Antonio AIzate reservoir, State of Mexico Juan Antonio García Aragón, Carlos Díaz Delgado, Pedro Morales Reyes, Pedro Ávila Pérez, Samuel Tejeda Vega, Graciela Zarazúa Ortega Numerical solution of the one-dimensional unsteady fIow equations Yoel Martínez González The extreme events of 1999 in the Mexican Southeast. Update of the hydrological analysis of the Grijalva Hydroelectric Complex, Chiapas, Mexico Humberto Marengo Mogollón, Omar Salinas Uribe Effect of the water table position on the evolution of the advance curve in border irrigation HeberSaucedo, Pedro Pacheco, Carlos Fuentes, Manuel Zavala Revista de BIOLOGíA TROPICAL Vol. 52(1), Marzo, 2004 JULIÁN MONGE-NÁJERA, CATALINA BENAVIOES-VARELA & BERNAL MORERA El fin de las separatas impresas.............................................................................................................. XVII JULIÁN MONGE-NÁJERA, CATALINA BENAVIOES-VARELA & BERNAL MORERA ¿Cuáles son las revistas, libros y personas más influyentes en la biología latinoamericana? ................... 1 AXEL P. RETANA-SALAZAR & SAlO A. RETANA-SALAZAR Hacia una lógica simple en la determinación de grupos biológicos: la especie y los grupos supraespecíficos ........................................................................................................................................ 19 ANA STITENFELD, MARIBELLE VARGAS, ETHEL SÁNCHEZ, MAR lELOS MORA & AURELIO SERRANO Una nueva especie de Euglena (Euglenozoa: Euglenales) aislada de ambientes extremófilos en las Pailas de Barro del Volcán Rincón de la Vieja, Costa Rica........................................................................ 27 ETHEL SÁNCHEZ, MARIBEL V ARGAS, MARIELOS MORA, JOSÉ MARíA ORTEGA, AURELIO SERRANO, ENRIQUE FREER & ANA SIlTENFELD Descripción ultraestructural de Euglena pailasensis (Euglenozoa) del Volcán Rincón de la Vieja, Guanacaste, Costa Rica ..............................................................................................................................3 l LISElTE VALVERDE CERDAS & LAURA ALVARAOO GUZMÁN Organogénesis in vitro en Dalbergia retusa (Papilonaceae). ..................................................................... 41 FERNANDO L.M. MANTELAITO, JUSSARA M. MARTlNELLI & ADlLSON FRANSOZO Temporal-spatial distribution of the hennit crab Loxopagllrlls loxochelis (Decapoda: Diogenidae) from Ubatuba Bay. Silo Paulo State. Brazil ........................................................................................................ 47 LUDWIG C. A. NAEGEL Laboratory spawning of the purple snail Plicopllrpllra pansa (Gastropoda: Muricidae).............................. 57 GERARDO TORo-FARMER, JAIME R. CANTERA K., EDGARDO LONDOÑO-CRUZ, CARLOS OROZCO & RAUL NEIRA O. Patrones de distribución y tasas de bioerosión del erizo Centrostephanlls coronatlls (Diadematoida: Diadematidae), en el arrecife de Playa Blanca, Pacífico colombiano. ....................................................... 67 R. WILLS FLOWERS The genera of Chrysomelinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Costa Rica............................................... 77 L. SUBIAS, J.Po ZABALLOS, E. BANDA, F. FONTAL-CAZALLA & J.L. NIEVES-ALDREY


Ácaros oribátidos (Acari: Oribatei) del Parque Nacional de la isla de Coiba, Panamá.............................. 85 LUIS S. SUBfAS & ANTONIO ARILLO A new species of Carabodes (Acariformes: Carabodidae) from Venezuela .............................................. 97 FAUSTO DA COSTA MATOS NETO, HARLEY NONATO DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ COLA ZANUNCIO, ANDERSON MATHIAS HOLTZ, ISAIAS OLIVEIRA & MARIA 00 CARMO QUEIROZ FIALHO Ganancia de peso del depredador Podislls distinctlls (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) en combinaciones de las presas Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) y MlIsca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae .... 101 ANTONIO JOSÉ MAYHÉ-NUNES & ADRIANA MARIA LANZIOITI Description of the female and male of Mycetarotes carinatlls (Hymenoptera: Fonnicidae) ..................... 109 JUAN CARLOS SANDlNO Are there any agricultural effects on the capture rates of male euglossine bees (Apidae: Euglossini)? ..l15 VANESSA NIELSEN, PRISCILLA HURTADO, DANIEL H. JANZEN, GISELLE TAMAYO & ANA SIITENFELD Recolecta de artrópodos para prospección de la biodiversidad en el Área de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica ........................................................................................................................... 119 LILIAN GONZÁLEZ-SEGURA & RODOLFO CÁRDENAS-REYGADAS The reserpine effects on the gonadotrophic cells of the male corrunon carp Cyprinlls carpio (Osteichtyes: Cyprinidae).......................................................................................................................... 133 Y.H. CRUZ ESCALONA & L.A. ABITIA CÁRDENAS General characteristics of the diet of Trachinotlls paitensis (Teleostei: Carangidae) from San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja California Sur, Mexico ........................................................................................................ 139 IRACEMA DAVID GOMES & FRANCISCO GERSON ARAÚJO Reproductive biology of two marine catfishes (Siluriformes, Ariidae) in the Sepetiba Bay, Brazil ......... 143 MARIO URRIOLA HERNÁNDEZ, JORGE CABRERA PEÑA & MAURIZIO PROlTl QUESADA Composición, crecimiento e índice de condición de una población de Poecilia reticulata (Pisces: Poe¬ciliidae), en un estanque en Heredia, Costa Rica ............................................................................ 157 JOSÉ RODRIGO ROJAS M., ERICK MARAVILLA & FRANCISCO CHICAS B. Hábitos alimentarios del pargo mancha Lutjanus guttatus (Pisces: Lutjanidae) en Los Cóbanos y Puerto La Libertad, El Salvador ................................................................................................................ 163 AA AYOADE, A.A. SOWUNMI & H.1. NWACHUKWU Gill asymmetry in Labeo ogunensis from Ogun river, Southwest Nigeria ................................................ 171 XAVIER CHIAPPA-CARRARA, AGUSTfN A. ROJAs-HERRERA & MAITE MASCARÓ Coexistencia de Lutjanus peru y Lutjanus guttatus (Pisces: Lutjanidae) en la costa de Guerrero, México: relación con la variación temporal en el ..................................................................................... 177 SILVIA DfAz-RUIZ, ENRIQuE CANO-QUIROGA, ARTURO AGUIRRE-LEÓN & RAÚL ORTEGA-BERNAL Diversidad, abundancia y conjuntos ictiofaunísticos del sistema lagunar-estuarino Chantuto-Panzacola, Chiapas, México..................................................................................................................... 187 VIVIANA BERRIOS C. & MAURICIO VARGAS F. Estructura trófica de la asociación de peces intermareales de la costa rocosa del norte de Chile ......... 201 VERTEBRADOSTERRESTRES BRIAN KUBICKJ & MAXIMllLlON FLORES REYES Collection of Dermophis parviceps (Gymnoplúona: Caeciliidae) from underground mud nests in Guayacán, Costa Rica ............................................................................................................................. 213 BRIAN KUBICKJ Rediscovery of Hyalinobatrachium chirripoi (Anura: Centrolenidae) in southeastem Costa Rica............ 215 HEINZ HOFFMANN Description of the previously unknown tadpole of Hyalinobatrachium pulveratum (Anura: Centrolenidae) .......................................................................................................................................... 219 MARCElA BERNAl MÚNERA, JUAN MANUEL DAZA R. & VIVIAN P. PÁEZ Ecología reproductiva y cacería de la tortuga Trachemys scripta (Testudinata: Emydidae), en el área de la Depresión Momposina, norte de Colombia .................................................................................... 229 Ross D. MACCULLOCH & AMY LATHROP A new species of Dipsas (Squamata: Colubridae) from Guyana ............................................................. 239 EDUARDO ESPINOZA MEDlNllLA, EPIGMENIO CRUZ, IVÁN LIRA & IGNACIO SÁNCHEZ Mamíferos de la Reserva de la Biosfera "La Sepultura", Clúapas, México.............................................. 249


MIGUEL ANGEL MINERO, MISAEL CHINCHILLA, OlGA MARTA GUERRERÓ & AlFREOO CASTRO Infección de fibroblastos de piel de animales con distinto grado de susceptibilidad a Leishmania infantum y Leishmania mexicana (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae) ................................................... 261 J.C. FUENTES, V. CASTRO, J. JAKUPOVIC & R. MURllLO Diterpenos y otros constituyentes de Croton hirtus (Euphorbiaceae) ...................................................... 269 GÓMEZ-GUIÑÁN Actividad de las fosfatasas ácidas y alcalinas (extracelulares e intracelulares) en hongos de la rizosfera de Arachis hypogaea (Papiloneaceae) ...................................................................................... 287 AÍDA MALPICA SÁNCHEZ, THALÍA CASTRO BARRERA, HORACIO SANDOVAL TRUJlLLO, JORGE CASTRO MEJÍA, RAMÓN DE LARA ANDRADE & GERMÁN CASTRO MEJÍA Composición del contenido de ácidos grasos en tres poblaciones mexicanas de A rtemiafranciscana de aguas epicontinentales ........................................................................................................................ 297 ZOOLOGICA SCRIPTA Vol. 34, No. 1, January 2005 Editorial ...................................................................................................................................................... 1-1 How do morphotypes and chemotypes relate to genotypes? The colonial ascidian Cystodytes (Polycitoridae) .......................................................................................................................................... 3-14 Authors: Susanna López-Legentil; Xavier Turon Comparative morphology of terminal-instar larvae of Cynipoidea: phylogenetic implications .............. 15-36 Authors: JoséLuis Nieves-Aldrey; Hege Vårdal; Fredrik Ronquist Larval morphology and biology of oxycorynine weevils and the higher phylogeny of Belidae (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea) ................................................................................................................. 37-48 Author: AdrianaE. Marvaldi DNA sequence variation at the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I subunit among pheromotypes of the sibling taxa Diachrysia chrysitis and D. tutti (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)............................................ 49-56 Authors: Axel Hille; MichaelA. Miller; Sven Erlacher Protoxenidae fam. nov. (Insecta, Strepsiptera) from Baltic amber — a ‘missing link’ in strepsipteran phylogeny............................................................................................................................................... 57-69 Authors: Hans Pohl; RolfG. Beutel; Ragnar Kinzelbach Assessing species boundaries and evolutionary relationships in a group of south-western European species of Isotomurus (Collembola, Isotomidae) using allozyme data.................................................. 71-79 Authors: Antonio Carapelli; Francesco Frati; PietroP. Fanciulli; Francesco Nardi; Romano Dallai The Early Cambrian Halkieria is a mollusc ............................................................................................ 81-89 Authors: Jakob Vinther; Claus Nielsen Phylogeny of Capitata and Corynidae (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) in light of mitochondrial 16S rDNA data . 91-99 Authors: AllenG. Collins; Silke Winkelmann; Heike Hadrys; Bernd Schierwater Total evidence requires exclusion of phylogenetically misleading data ............................................ 101-117 Authors: Guillaume Lecointre; Pierre Deleporte

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