manual de ingles nivel 2- módulo 8

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  • 8/11/2019 Manual de Ingles Nivel 2- Mdulo 8


    Ingls IIMdulo VIII

  • 8/11/2019 Manual de Ingles Nivel 2- Mdulo 8



    Mdulo VIII

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  • 8/11/2019 Manual de Ingles Nivel 2- Mdulo 8



    Mdulo VIII


    Les presentamos una manera dinmica y actualizada para que Uds. aprendan a

    manejar el idioma ingls de forma prctica y sencilla. En el recorrido de los mdulos,

    podrn leer y comprender los dilogos que se entablan entre los distintos personajes y

    a partir de all, resolvern actividades que los conducirn al aprendizaje de la lengua.

    Uds. encontrarn las respuestas a cada autoevaluacin al final de cada leccin.

    Con esta metodologa, corroborarn su propio progreso y les permitir rever las

    lecciones anteriores en el caso que fuera necesario.

    Las actividades sealadas como tales sern evaluadas por los tutores, como as

    tambin el test de evaluacin (assessment), que se encuentra al final de cada mdulo,

    que les ofrecer una amplia visin sobre la efectividad en el manejo de esta lengua. La

    gramtica correspondiente a los contenidos se encuentra inserta en el desarrollo de

    cada leccin. El glosario bsico se encuentra en un anexo al final de cada mdulo.

    Uds. tendrn la oportunidad de manejar tres medios para lograr aprender ingls:

    1) Primero y principal: leer y realizar las propuestas en el mdulo grfico.

    2) Como soporte indispensable para que ustedes dominen la escucha y el manejo de

    la correcta pronunciacin, debern utilizar el cassette conjuntamente con el mdulo

    grfico .

    3) En forma complementaria, el CD-ROM como herramienta multimedial que

    colaborar en su prctica peridica, en donde encontrarn videos, audio,

    autoevaluaciones y vocabulario animado.

    Les recomendamos utilizar los medios detallados en el orden establecido para no

    obviar ninguna etapa del proceso de aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera, as como

    tambin para obtener ptimos resultados.

    En este segundo nivel no se incluirn las traducciones correspondientes a textos,

    dilogos y consignas. Nuestra intencin con estas modificaciones cumple dos objetivos

    fundamentales: primero, que Uds. logren un dominio an mayor de la lengua en forma

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    Mdulo VIII

    autnoma, segundo consideren que aunque les resulte dificultoso en un principio les

    resultar beneficioso finalmente.

    Uds. podrn utilizar el glossary (glosario) que se encuentra al final del modulo

    pero le recomendamos que no se concentren en cada una de las palabras que no

    conozcan al realizar la lectura, sino que traten de comprender globalmente el contenido

    y posteriormente recurran al uso del glosario o diccionario.

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    Mdulo VIII

    LESSON 1


    There was a time when the land wassacred, and the ancient ones were as onewith it.

    A time when only the children of the GreatSpirit were here to light their fires in theseplaces with no boundaries...In that time, when there were only simpleways,I saw with my heart the conflicts tocome, and whether it was to be for good orbad, what was certain was that therewould be change.

    -The Great Spirit

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    Mdulo VIII

    Self correction activity 1.1 Listening activity

    Read and listen to the following text about the Sioux. Then, answer the questions.

    The Sioux Nation or Lakota consisted of about 20,000 people in 7 different tribes

    throughout the Great Plains of North America.

    Free nomads of the Plains took great advantage of available horses which were

    originally brought to the Americas by Cortez and the Spanish in 1519. Horses let thenomads move more freely and easily and were an invaluable aid in hunting buffalo and

    other animals.

    Even though monogamy was the norm, Indian men used to marry more than one wife.

    The roles of men and women were clearly defined. While men used to provide for and

    defend the family by hunting and making war, women were the matriarchs, ruling the

    family and the domestic life. When a man married a Sioux woman, he had to move into

    her home.

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    Mdulo VIII

    The Sioux were deeply spiritual people, who communicated their spirit through music

    and dance. The Sun Dance was considered one of the most religious ceremonies of the

    Sioux. This twelve-day summer ritual of self-sacrifice was a testimony of individual

    courage and endurance in serving the Great Spirit. As a shared experience among men,

    the Sun Dance also showed a sense of tribal unity. By dancing and enduring the pain of

    self-inflicted wounds, each participant reasserted his identity as an Indian warrior.

    Going to the war was part of a rite for males. War was the most important principle of the

    Sioux people, because through it men could gain prestige, and their prestige was

    reflected in the family honor.

    A favorite sport was the Buffalo Dance, in which all members danced, but only thosewho had performed some outstanding act of bravery took the part of the buffalo.

    Sioux people have always fought against white people who wanted to steal and occupy

    their lands.

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    Mdulo VIII

    Reading the text, answer the questions.

    1.- Who brought the horses to America?

    2.- How did horses change the lifestyle and culture of the Sioux?

    3.- What were the roles of men and women?

    4.- What was the importance of war in Sioux culture?

    5.- What do you think? Why did the whites want the same land that the Sioux occupied?

    What was the importance of this land to the Sioux people?

    Self correction activity 1.2Find words in the text which mean:

    1.- Accessible and ready for use or service. Available

    2.- Having only one spouse at a time. ___________________________

    3.- A female head of a family or tribe. ___________________________

    4.- Something that serves as evidence. ___________________________

    5.- Breaks in the skin or an organ caused by violence or surgical incision.___________

    6.- A high standing achieved through success or influence or wealth etc. ____________7.- Distinguished from others in excellence. ___________________________

    Self correction activity 1.3

    Imagine a day in the life of a male Sioux. Write a paragraph trying to use:

    Had to/ didnt have to.

    May/must/ might/could.

    Used to/ didnt use to.

    I think life at that time wasnt easy at all. A male Sioux

    had to go to war.

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    Mdulo VIII









    Self correction activity 1.4 Listening activity

    Listen to Zinaida, a Sioux woman talking about the origin of the word Sioux.

    Now, listen again and answer the questions.

    1.- Where does the word Sioux come from? What does it mean?

    2.- Whats the meaning of Lakota?

    3.- Why did many people have to move to other places?

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    Mdulo VIII

    Dream Catcher (Lakota) Legend

    Long ago, when the world was young, an old Lakota spiritual leader called Ohiyesa was

    on a high mountain when he had a vision.

    In his vision, Iktomi, the great teacher of wisdom, appeared in the form of a spider.

    Iktomi spoke to him in a sacred language that only the spiritual leaders of Lakota could

    understand.At the same time the spider was speaking, he was knitting a web under a willow tree.

    He spoke to the elder about the cycles of life ... and how we begin our lives as infants

    and we move on to childhood, and then to adulthood. Finally, we go to old age where we

    must be taken care of as infants, completing the cycle.

    "But," Iktomi said as he continued to spin his web, "in each time of life there are many

    forces -- some good and some bad. If you listen to the good forces, they will steer you in

    the right direction. But if you listen to the bad forces, they will hurt you and steer you inthe wrong direction."

    He continued, "There are many forces and different directions that can help or interfere

    with the harmony of nature, and also with the great spirit and all of his wonderful


    All the time while the spider was speaking, he continued weaving his web, starting from

    the outside and working towards the centre.

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    Mdulo VIII

    When Iktomi finished speaking, he gave the web to the Lakota elder and said..."See, the

    web is a perfect circle but there is a hole in the centre of the circle."

    He said, "Use the web to help yourself and your people to reach your goals and make

    good use of your people's ideas, dreams and visions.

    "If you believe in the great spirit, the web will catch your good ideas -- and the bad ones

    will go through the hole."

    Ohisheya passed on his vision to his people and now the Sioux Indians use the dream

    catcher as the web of their life.

    It is hung above their beds or in their homes to sift their dreams and visions.

    The good dreams are captured in the web of life and carried with them...but the evil

    dreams escapes through the hole in the centre of the web and are no longer a part of

    their lives.

    They believe that the dream catcher holds the destiny of their future.

    The whites were always trying to make the Indians give up their life and live like white

    men....If the Indians had tried to make the whites live like them, the whites would haveresisted, and it was the same way with many Dakota.

    ....Wambdi Tanka (Big Eagle)

    Self correction activity 1.5

    Read the legend again and answer the following questions.

    1.- Who was Iktomi?


    2.- What did he speak about?


    3.- What may happen if you listen to the good forces?


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    Mdulo VIII

    4.- And if you listen to the bad ones?


    5.- What did the hole in the middle of the web mean?


    6.- What was Ohisheya duty?


    Self correction activity 1.6 Listening activity

    Listen to Iktomis pieces of advice. Complete the blanks.

    1.- It is clear to everyone that life has a course with a beginning, a __________, and an


    2.- This concept not only involves the idea that there are different __________ in life, but

    emphasizes the belief that __________ phase builds upon the previous ones.

    3.- When understood in this manner, the concept of stages of life is a very __________

    one.4.- We begin __________ lives as __________. We then move to __________ and

    finally to __________.

    5.- In each time of life, there are __________ forces.

    6.- You always _____ _____ listen to the good forces.

    7.- Some forces __________ interfere with the harmony of nature.

    8.- There is a __________ in the centre of the circle.

    9.- Use the web to help __________ and your people.

    10.- If you believe in the great spirit, the web __________ catch your ideas.

    Self correction activity 1.7 Listening activity

    Read and listen to the things we need in order to make our own dream catcher.

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    Mdulo VIII

    While you listen, number the sentences in the correct order. The first one has been done

    as an example.

    a ) Twist one end of gold or silver craft wire onto a 4- to 5-inch round metal ring. The

    wire needs to be fairly tight. ____1_____

    b) Choose another point near the original starting point and repeat the process. You

    should now have a crooked V shape. __________

    c) Make a third set, again adding beads at random intervals. ___________

    d) Add a feather or fetish and a couple of leather strips to the top. __________

    e) Repeat the above steps except this time, as you cross parts of the original V, make a

    tight loop around it and string a bead on the wire. You can change direction slightly at

    that point. This will create a web effect. __________

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    Mdulo VIII

    f) Twist one end of gold or silver craft wire onto a 4- to 5-inch round metal ring. The wire

    needs to be fairly tight. __________

    g) Wrap the wire around at that point so that the wire has crossed the circle. _________h) Take the wire across the ring to a point opposite the wraps you just made. _________

    i) Wrap the wire tight and clip the end. __________

    j) Start with a new piece of wire at a place about 45 degrees from the first wrap you

    made. __________

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    Mdulo VIII

    Self correction activities Keys

    Self correction activity 1.1 (Suggested answers)

    1.- Who brought the horses to America? Cortez and the Spanish brought the horses

    to Americas in 1519.

    2.- How did horses change the lifestyle and culture of the Sioux? Horses let the

    nomads move more freely and easily and were an invaluable aid in hunting

    buffalo and other animals.

    3.- What were the roles of men and women? Men used to provide for and defend the

    family by hunting and making war, and women were the matriarchs, ruling the

    family and the domestic life.

    4.- What was the importance of war in Sioux culture? War was the most important

    principle of the Sioux people, because through it men could gain prestige, and

    their prestige was reflected in the family honour.

    5.- What do you think? Why did the whites want the same land that the Sioux occupied?

    What was the importance of this land to the Sioux people? I think the whites wanted

    the same land that the Sioux occupied because they were fertile lands and they

    wanted to cultivate them

    Self correction activity 1.2

    1.- Accessible and ready for use or service. Available

    2.- Having only one spouse at a time. Monogamy

    3.- A female head of a family or tribe. Matriarchs

    4.- Something that serves as evidence. Testimony5.- Breaks in the skin or an organ caused by violence or surgical incision. Wound

    6.- Ahigh standing achieved through success or influence or wealth, etc. Prestige

    7.- Distinguished from others in excellence. Outstanding

    Self correction activity 1.4 Listening activity (Suggested answer)

    1.- Where does the word Sioux come from? What does it mean?The word Sioux

    comes from the French language and means treacherous snakes.

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    Mdulo VIII

    2.- Whats the meaning of Lakhota? Lakhota means alliance of friends.

    3.- Why did many people have to move to other places? Many people had to move to

    other places in search of better education and employment conditions.


    The name "Sioux" is a French rendering of the Ojibwa word nadewisou, meaning

    "treacherous snakes." The name was never meant to be a compliment since the French

    were at war with us at the time. Only recently have our people started using the name

    Sioux . Before we had always referred to ourselves as "An Alliance of Friends


    In the Santee dialect, alliance of friends is spelled and pronounced "Dakhota," In the

    Yankton dialect it is "Nakhota," and in the Teton dialect, it is "Lakhota."

    Today, Lakhota people live primarily on Rosebud, Pine Ridge, Lower Brule, Standing

    Rock and Cheyenne River Reservations. In addition, thousands of our people have

    moved off the reservation in search of better education and employment conditions.

    We are constantly struggling for our rights. And, although we were able to move a few

    steps forward, we will never forget who we are and where we come from.

    Self correction activity 1.5

    1.- Who was Iktomi? Iktomi was the great teacher of wisdom.

    2.- What did he speak about? He spoke about the cycles of life.

    3.- What may happen if you listen to the good forces?If you listen to the good forces

    they will steer you in the right direction.4.- And if you listen to the bad ones? And if you listen to the bad forces, they will

    steer you in the wrong direction.

    5.- What did the hole in the middle of the web mean?The hole in the middle of the

    web was for the bad ideas to go through it.

    6.- What was Ohisheyas duty? Ohisheyas duty was to pass on his vision to his


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    Mdulo VIII

    Self correction activity 1.6 Listening activity

    1.- It is clear to everyone that life has a course with a beginning, a middleand an end.

    2.- This concept not only involves the idea that there are different cyclesin life, but

    emphasizes the belief that eachphase builds upon the previous ones.

    3.- When understood in this manner, the concept of stages of life is a very curiousone.

    4.- We begin ourlives as infants. We then move to childhoodand finally to adulthood.

    5.- In each time of life, there are manyforces.

    6.- You always have tolisten to the good forces.7.- Some forces mayinterfere with the harmony of nature.

    8.- There is a holein the centre of the circle.

    9.- Use the web to help yourselfand your people.

    10.- If you believe in the great spirit, the web willcatch your ideas.


    1.- It is clear to everyone that life has a course with a beginning, a middle and an end.

    2.- This concept not only involves the idea that there are different cycles in life, but

    emphasizes the belief that each phase builds upon the previous ones.

    3.- When understood in this manner, the concept of stages of life is a very curious one.

    4.- We begin our lives as infants. We then move to childhood and finally to adulthood.

    5.- In each time of life, there are many forces.

    6.- You always have to listen to the good forces.7.- Some forces may interfere with the harmony of nature.

    8.- There is a hole in the centre of the circle.

    9.- Use the web to help yourself and your people.

    6.- If you believe in the great spirit, the web will catch your ideas.

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    Mdulo VIII

    Self correction activity 1.7

    1. Twist one end of gold or silver craft wire onto a 4- to 5-inch round metal ring. The

    wire needs to be fairly tight.

    2. Take the wire across the ring to a point opposite the wraps you just made.

    3. Wrap the wire around at that point so that the wire has crossed the circle.

    4. Choose another point near the original starting point and repeat the process. You

    should now have a crooked V shape.

    5. Wrap the wire tight and clip the end.

    6. Start with a new piece of wire at a place about 45 degrees from the first wrap youmade.

    7. Repeat the above steps except this time, as you cross parts of the original V, make

    a tight loop around it and string a bead on the wire. You can change direction slightly at

    that point. This will create a web effect.

    8. Make a third set, again adding beads at random intervals.

    9. Add a feather or fetish and a couple of leather strips to the top.

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    Mdulo VIII

    LESSON 2


    Read the following text

    In contrast to most Greek sites, Olympia is green and lush, amidst groves of trees. Here

    was the great Sanctuary of Zeus, the Altis, and the setting for the Olympic Games. For

    over a thousand years, in peace and war, the Greeks assembled here to celebrate this

    great festival.

    Aerial view of sanctuary from SEPhotograph by Raymond V. Schoder, S.J., courtesy of Bolchazy-Carducci


    The Greeks referred to the Sanctuary of Zeus as the Altis. The name Altis came

    from a corruption of the Elean word for grove, alsos . Sanctuaries were centres of

    religious worship where the Greeks built temples, treasuries, altars, statues, and

    other structures.

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    Mdulo VIII

    The crowns made of olive leaves came from a wild olive tree in the Altis, which

    was called the olive of the Beautiful Crown. Olive trees, which supplied the

    Greeks with olive oil, olives, a cleaning agent for bathing, and a base for

    perfumes, were an important resource in the rocky and dry Greek environment. A

    Greek legend credited the hero Herakles (Hercules) with introducing the olive tree

    to Greece.

    The ancient Olympics were rather different from the modern Games. There were fewer

    events, and only free men who spoke Greek could compete, instead of athletes from anycountry. Also, the games were always held at Olympia instead of moving around to

    different sites every time.

    Tampa 86.35 - Shoulder: chariot racePhotograph by Maria Daniels, courtesy of the Tampa

    Museum of Art.

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    Mdulo VIII

    Like our Olympics, though, winning athletes were heroes who put their home towns on

    the map. One young Athenian nobleman defended his political reputation by mentioning

    how he entered seven chariots in the Olympic chariot-race. This high number of entries

    made both the aristocrat and Athens look very wealthy and powerful.

    Self correction activity 2.1 Listening activity

    Now, read the text again while listening to the cassette and answer the following


    1.- Where did the Olympic Games take place?



    2.- Did the Greek celebrate the games in war time?



    3.- What was the Altis?



    4.- Who introduced the olive tree to Greece?



    5.- In what ways were the Ancient Olympics different from the modern games?



    6.- In what ways were they similar?



    7.- Make predictions about how you think Olympic Games in the future will be.

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    Mdulo VIII

    Example: I think athletes willearn less money and that money will be devoted to




    Please, contact your tutor in the

    Aula Magna, in order to correct

    point 7 and perform some oral


    Learn more about the ancient Olympic games

    People travelled for great distances to go to the festival at Olympia. This was a religious

    festival for the ancient Greeks. At the festival, there were sports events in which the best

    athletes from all around the Greek world took part. At the beginning of the festival, all the

    athletes had to swear an oath. The oaths were made in front of the organisers of the

    games, in a building called the Bouleuterion. In that building, there was a large statue of

    Zeus, the king of the Greek gods. The athletes swore that they had been in training for

    ten months.

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    Mdulo VIII

    The festival lasted for five days. During the first day

    there were events in which boys took part. The

    second day began with horse and chariot races.

    Women were allowed to own teams of horses. So

    although they were not allowed to be at Olympics,

    sometimes they were the winners in these events!

    In the afternoon of the second day came the

    pentathlon. It was similar to the modern pentathlon,

    with five separate events. In the ancient Olympics

    these were the discus, the javelin, running, long

    jumping and wrestling.

    The Olympic games were part of a religious festival. On the third day there was an

    important ceremony. Oxen were sacrificed, and parts of them burned on top of a large

    altar. The rest of the meat was then shared out amongst the crowd. Every one of the

    thousands of spectators was given some to eat. On day three there were running races.

    The short sprint is the oldest Olympic event. In fact it was the only event at the first

    Olympic games, in the year 776BC.

    On day four there was boxing, wrestling and an event called the pankration. This was a

    form of wrestling with hardly any rules. There was also a running race in which the

    runners wore soldier's armour and carried shields. Many of the events at the ancient

    Olympics were about being a successful soldier.

    On day five the events were all over, and the prizes were given out. Like in the modern

    Olympics, there were no money prizes. Instead, the winners were given a crown madefrom olive branches. These were special olive branches, from the sacred olive tree near

    the temple of Zeus. At the end of the fifth day the festival ended. There were

    celebrations and feasting!

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    Mdulo VIII

    Self correction activity 2.2

    Write sentences talking about what ancient athletes used to and didnt use to do in the

    Olympic Games.

    Example: In ancient Olympic Games, people used totravel for great distances to go to

    the festival.

    Self correction activity 2.3 Listening activity

    Listen to Thomas, a modern athlete, talking about the different disciplines performed in

    the ancient Olympic Games. Pay close attention to each description and decide which

    discipline he is talking about.

    Choose from the following:

    Pentathlon Wrestling Discus J umping The foot race - J avelin

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    Mdulo VIII


    A) Pentathlon

    This was a 5-event combination of discus, javelin, jumping, running and wrestling.

    Aristotle describes a young man's ultimate physical beauty: "a body capable

    of enduring all efforts, either of the racecourse or of bodily strength...This is why

    the athletes in the pentathlon are the most beautiful." (Aristotle, Rhetoric 1361b)

    B) ____________________

    Photograph courtesy of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

    The ancient Greeks considered the rhythm and precision of an athlete throwing it asimportant as his strength.

    It was made of stone, iron, bronze, or lead, and was shaped like a flying saucer. Sizes

    varied, since the boys' division was not expected to throw the same weight as the mens.

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    Mdulo VIII

    C) ____________________

    From Caskey & Beazley, plate XXXVII.

    It was a man-high length of wood, with either a sharpened end or an attached metal

    point. It had a thong for a hurler's fingers attached to its centre of gravity, which

    increased the precision and distance of the flight.

    Photograph by Maria Daniels,

    courtesy of Harvard University Art


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    Mdulo VIII

    D) ____________________

    Photograph courtesy of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

    Athletes used lead or stone jump weights (halteres) shaped like telephone receivers to

    increase the length of their jump. The haltereswere held in front of the athlete during

    his ascent, and forcibly thrust behind his back and dropped during his descent to help

    propel his body further.

    Photograph by Maria Daniels, courtesy of The University ofPennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.

    Jump weights also doubled as weight lifting equipment during training.

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    Mdulo VIII

    E) ____________________

    Photograph by Maria Daniels, courtesy of The University ofPennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

    Like the modern sport, an athlete needed to throw his opponent on the ground, landing

    on a hip, shoulder, or back for a fair fall. Three throws were necessary to win a match.

    Biting was not allowed, and genital holds were also illegal. Attacks such as breaking

    your opponent's fingers were permitted.

    Olympia,Palaestra: Eastern porticoPhotograph by Michael Bennett

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    Mdulo VIII

    F) ____________________

    It is the oldest contest that took place in

    Olympia. Until the 13th Olympiad (728 B.C.),

    when the games lasted for only one day, it was

    the only event at the sanctuary. The athletes

    were running nude, in an area whose length

    was determined at 600 feet (192.27m), that is

    one Stade . It was this distance that gave its

    name to the area used for the performance of

    the event. These areas, the stadiums, were

    situated on hillsides or in small valleys, thus

    enabling the spectators to follow the events.

    Later and as the crowd of spectators grew,

    artificial slopes were built and the spectators sat

    on the ground.

    In one of Aristophanes's comedies, one character recommends that another rub

    his neck with lard in preparation for a heated argument with an adversary. The

    debater replies, "Spoken like a finished wrestling coach." (Aristophanes, Knights


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    Mdulo VIII

    Self correction activity 2.4

    Factors like fitness level and food intake play a major part in how well you feel each and

    every day. Answer these six simple questions and figure out whether or not you're

    helping your body perform to the best of its ability--or hampering your physical


    1. The alarm you set to fit in an hour of exercise before work goes off.

    You... Principio del formulario

    get out of bed, put on your running shoes, and slip out the door within


    roll over and go back to sleep. You'll work out tomorrow.

    manage 30 minutes on the exercise bike and a few yoga poses.

    2. At your annual family reunion, what position are you most likely to

    play at the all-family softball game? Principio del formulario




    3. The escalator at the mall isn't working. You see that flight of stairs and

    think: Principio del formulario

    "I can do this if I take it slow."

    "Wonder if I can take them two at a time?"

    "Is the elevator working?"

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    Mdulo VIII

    4. You have muscle aches and pains...

    pretty much all the time.

    when you're stressed-out or haven't gotten enough sleep for a couple ofdays.

    after an intense workout.

    5. How long does it take you to fall asleep at night? Principio del


    You toss and turn for at least an hour.'re already asleep.

    20 minutes.

    6. You frequently feel hungry and light-headed during the day and crave

    sweet, starchy foods...

    always--"Another Krispy Kreme, please!" is your mantra.

    only when tired or stressed.

    Self correction activity 2.5

    Now, based on your answers in Self correction activity 2.4, you are going to decide whatthings you should and what things you shoudnt do in order to keep healthy and fit.

    Example: I should take more exercises.

    I shouldnt smoke.




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    Mdulo VIII






    Please, contact your tutor in the

    Aula Magna, in order to correct

    point 7 and perform some oral


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    Mdulo VIII

    Self correction activities Keys

    Self correction activity 2.1

    1.- Where did the Olympic Games take place?

    Olympic Games took place in the great Sanctuary of Zeus.

    2.- Did the Greek celebrate the games in war time?

    Yes, they did.

    3.- What was the Altis?

    The Altis was the Sanctuary of Zeus.4.- Who introduced the olive tree to Greece?

    It is believed that the olive tree was introduced to Greece by Herakles (Hercules).

    5.- In what ways were the Ancient Olympics different from the modern games?

    In the past, there were fewer events, and only free men who spoke Greek could

    compete. Also, the games were always held at Olympia instead of moving around

    to different sites every time.

    6.- In what ways were they similar?Like our Olympics, though, winning athletes were heroes who put their home

    towns on the map.

    7.- Make predictions about how you think Olympic Games in the future will be.

    Example: I think athletes willearn less money and that money will be devoted to


    Please, contact your tutor in the

    Aula Magna, in order to correct

    point 7 and perform some oral


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    Mdulo VIII

    Self correction activity 2.2 Suggested answers

    Athletes used to swear an oath at the beginning of the festival.

    Boys used to take part in the first day of the event.

    Women used to own teams of horses.

    They used to sacrifice oxen.

    They used to share out the oxen meat amongst the crowd.

    Runners used to wear soldiers armour and carry shields.

    They didnt use to give money prizes.

    Self correction activity 2.3

    A) Pentathlon

    B) Discus

    C) Javelin

    D) Jumping

    E) Wrestling

    F) The foot race


    A) Pentathlon

    This was a 5-event combination of discus, javelin, jumping, running and wrestling.

    Aristotle describes a young man's ultimate physical beauty: "a body capable of

    enduring all efforts, either of the racecourse or of bodily strength...This is why the

    athletes in the pentathlon are the most beautiful." (Aristotle, Rhetoric1361b)

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    Mdulo VIII

    B) Discus

    The ancient Greeks considered the rhythm and precision of an athlete throwing it as

    important as his strength.

    It was made of stone, iron, bronze, or lead, and was shaped like a flying saucer. Sizes

    varied, since the boys' division was not expected to throw the same weight as the mens.

    C) J avelin

    It was a man-high length of wood, with either a sharpened end or an attached metal

    point. It had a thong for a hurler's fingers attached to its centre of gravity, which

    increased the precision and distance of the flight.

    D) J umping

    Athletes used lead or stone jump weights (halteres) shaped like telephone receivers to

    increase the length of their jump. The haltereswere held in front of the athlete during

    his ascent, and forcibly thrust behind his back and dropped during his descent to help

    propel his body further.

    Jump weights also doubled as weight lifting equipment during training.

    E) Wrestling

    Like the modern sport, an athlete needed to throw his opponent on the ground, landing

    on a hip, shoulder, or back for a fair fall. 3 throws were necessary to win a match. Biting

    was not allowed, and genital holds were also illegal. Attacks such as breaking your

    opponent's fingers were permitted.

    In one of Aristophanes's comedies, one character recommends that another rub

    his neck with lard in preparation for a heated argument with an adversary. The

    debater replies, "Spoken like a finished wrestling coach." (Aristophanes, Knights


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    Mdulo VIII

    F) The foot race

    It is the oldest contest that took place in Olympia. Until the 13th Olympiad (728 B.C.)

    when the games lasted for only one day, it was the only event at the sanctuary. Theathletes were running nude, in an area whose length was determined at 600 feet

    (192.27m), that is one Stade . It was this distance that gave its name to the area used

    for the performance of the event. These areas, the stadiums, were situated on hillsides

    or in small valleys, thus enabling the spectators to follow the events. Later and as the

    crowd of spectators grew, artificial slopes were built and the spectators sat on the


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    Mdulo VIII

    LESSON 3


    Self correction activity 3.1 Listening activity

    Listen to the text about the closing of the Olympic Games and complete the blanks.

    A grand , the ATHENS 2004 Olympic Games, which for . days

    returned to .., the country where they were originally born and the city where

    they revived, is completed.

    These Games broke many ... Athens hosted athletes, the largest

    number ever and also the .. women athletes ever. Representatives of .

    countries took part, more than any other sport event. The Olympic traveled

    for the first time to all continents.

    Four billion viewers all over the world watched these Games. They all

    Greece, inside and outside the stadiums.

    With a warm Closing Ceremony, full of music and , Athens bade a final

    farewell to the athletes and its guests.

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    Mdulo VIII

    Closing Ceremony of the ATHENS 2004 Olympic Games

    Self correction activity 3.2

    Read the text and answerT(true), F (false) or DK(dont know), if you dont have the

    information in order to answer.

    Sunday, 29 August 2004 last day of the Games of the XXVIII Olympiad.

    As the Greatest Celebration of Humanity reached its final phase, host-city Athens bade

    a final farewell to the athletes and its guests. The Ceremony was held on 29 August at

    the Athens Olympic Stadium, under Attica's full moon.

    Just like D. Papaioannou had said, the Closing Ceremony is a human celebration, full ofmusic and singing, dances in the Greek way, and a patchwork of music from all over

    Greece on a continuous flow, just like an energy river".

    Let the dances last was the first song to be heard in the Olympic Stadium today, and

    many other followed, by some of the best Greek singers, like Charis Alexiou, Dimitra

    Galani, Marinella, George Dalaras, Giannis Parios, Chronis Aidonidis and many more.

    Afterwards, the medal ceremony for the Mens Marathon took place. It was the first timeever that a medal ceremony was included in an Oympic Games Closing Ceremony.

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    Mdulo VIII

    Then, the flag-bearers entered with all the countries flags, followed by the athletes, who

    rushed in the Stadium without distinction of nationality, to celebrate the end of the

    greatest celebration of humanity and to set the foundations for new competitions at the

    upcoming 2008 Olympic Games.

    After short speeches by Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki and Jacques Rogge, the

    national anthems of Greece and China were heard and the Olympic flag was handed

    over to the mayor of Beijing. Immediately after, the IOC President declared the ATHENS

    2004 Olympic Games closed.

    In the Closing Ceremony of the ATHENS 2004 Olympic Games participated 3,691

    volunteers, performers from 15 countries and 2,200 support volunteers from 32


    Now, answer:

    1.- The closing ceremony was held on 29th August.

    2.- The Greek Way was sang during this celebration.

    3.- George Dalaras is one of the best Greek dancers.

    4.- It was the first time that medals were given during this closing ceremony.

    5.-The next Olympic Games will be in the year 2008.

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    Mdulo VIII

    Some of the heroes

    Michael Phelps

    ATHENS, 23 AugustAmerican swimming sensation Michael PHELPSset the tone for

    an exciting eights days of Swimming when he dived into the pool on Day 1 for the final of

    the Mens 400m Individual Medley, finishing with a world record and the first of his eight Olympic medal haul.

    Certainly the swimmer of the meet, PHELPS made USA history with six gold medals,

    and two bronze medals, making a medal winning appearance almost every day.

    His domination of the Individual Medley events featured a world record of 4:08.26 in the

    400m and an Olympic record of 1:44.71 in the 200m event.

    Hobbies: Playing video games. (USOC 18/06/03)

    Occupation: Student

    MarStatus: Single

    LangSpoken: English

    Club: North Baltimore AC, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (USA Swimming 18/06/03)

    Coach: Bob Bowman, USA, since 1997 (USA Swimming 18/06/03)

    Additional Information:Training Regime

    He swims everyday for two to two-and-a-half hours. "I do doubles on Monday,

    Wednesday and Friday during the school year and then Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

    and Friday in the summer." He started swimming at the age of six.

    Hero / Idol: Pablo Morales. (USA Today 13/08/00)

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    Mdulo VIII

    Superstitions / Rituals / Beliefs: He listens to music before competing. He also keeps

    a can of clam chowder in his hotel room for good luck. (USA Today 13/08/00)

    Awards and honours:He won the 2003 Sullivan Award as America's top amateur

    athlete. He is the first swimmer to win the award since Janet Evans in 1989. (VOA14/04/04)

    He was named FINA's 2003 Male World Swimmer of the Year. (Sydney Morning Herald


    He was named Swimmer of the Meet at the 2003 World Championships, after winning

    six medals, including four golds and breaking five world records. He also became first

    person to ever break five world records in one meet.

    He and his coach, Bob Bowman, were named 2001 and 2003 Swimmer and Coach of

    the Year by USA Swimming. (USA Swimming 11/03/04)

    In 2001 he became the youngest man [at 15 years, nine months] to break a world

    record, breaking 200m fly mark at 2001 Spring Nationals.

    He was named 2001 USA Swimming's Swimmer of the Year. (USA Swimming 10/07/02)

    At 15 years of age, he became the youngest male swimmer in 68 years to earn a spot in

    the US team for the 2000 Olympic Games. (USA Swimming 12/04/01)

    Other Information:FOUR STROKES

    Since he was 11, his coach, Bob Bowman has insisted he work on all four swimming

    strokes -butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle. (Chicago Tribune 21/07/03)

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    Mdulo VIII

    Self correction activity 3.3

    Imagine you are a journalist for a sport magazine. Take into account all the informationyou have about the famous swimmer Michael Phelp and write an article about him.

    Please contact your tutor in the Aula Magna in order to correct this activity.

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    Mdulo VIII

    Nadia Comaneci

    Nadia COMANECI

    The Perfect 10

    Romania's Nadia Comaneci was the star of the Montreal Olympics in 1976

    when she became the first gymnast in Olympic history to be awarded the

    perfect score of 10.0. ABC Television set her performance to music, using a

    theme from a popular American soap opera, and the song was eventually

    renamed "Nadia's Theme". Comaneci first achieved her perfect 10 on the

    uneven parallel bars in 1976 and the judges awarded her the maximum

    mark seven times during the Games. Comaneci first came to prominence at

    the 1975 European Championships, at which she won four gold medals. In

    the 1976 and 1980 Games she won a total of nine Olympic medals.

    Following the 1980 Games, natural physical development began to inhibit

    her performance and after a victory at the 1981 World Student Games she

    retired. Strangely, Comaneci won only one individual World Championship

    title- on the balance beam in 1978. In 1989, she defected from Romania and

    settled in North America. She has since married American Olympicgymnastic medallist Bart Conner. Together they perform in gymnastics

    Self correction activity 3.4

    Now, imagine you have to interview Nadia Comaneci. Contact your tutor in the Aula

    Maga, in order to perform this activity.

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    Mdulo VIII

    Self correction activity 3.5

    Pay attention to the following chart. Compare the medals won by the following countries

    and make sentences.

    Olympics Medal TableCountry Gold Silver Bronze TotalUnited States 35 39 29 103China 32 17 14 63Russia 27 27 37 91Australia 17 16 16 49

    apan 16 9 12 37Germany 14 16 18 48


















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    Mdulo VIII

    Self correction activities Keys

    Self correction activity 3.1


    17 (seventeen)



    11,099 (eleven thousand, ninety-nine)

    Most202 (two hundred and two)





    A grand celebration, the ATHENS 2004 Olympic Games, which for 17 days returned to

    Greece, the country where they were originally born and the city where they revived, is


    These Games broke many records. Athens hosted 11,099athletes, the largest number

    ever and also the mostwomen athletes ever. Representatives of 202countries took

    part, more than any other sport event. The Olympic flametraveled for the first time to all

    continents.Four billion viewers all over the world watched these Games. They all saw Greece,

    inside and outside the stadiums.

    With a warm Closing Ceremony, full of music and singing, Athens bade a final farewell

    to the athletes and its guests.

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    Mdulo VIII

    Self correction activity 3.2

    1.- The closing ceremony was held on 29 August.T

    2.- The Greek Way was sang during this celebration. F

    3.- George Dalaras is one of the best Greek dancers. F

    4.- It was the first time that medals were given during this closing ceremony.T

    5.-The next Olympic Games will be in the year 2008.T

    Self correction activity 3.3

    Please contact your tutor in the Aula Magna in order to correct this activity.

    Self correction activity 3.4

    Please, contact your tutor in the Aula Magna, in order to correct this activity

    and perform some oral work.

    Self corrrection activity 3.5 Suggested answers

    China won more gold medals than Russia.

    Japan won more medals than Germany.

    Germany was the country with less medals.

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    Mdulo VIII


    Adulthood: Adultez


    Award: Premio

    Boundaries: Lmites

    Branches: Ramas

    Bravery: Valenta

    Bread: Pan

    Charity: Caridad

    Childhood: Niez

    Coach: Entrenador

    Crowd: Multitud

    Cycles of life: Ciclos de la vida

    Discos: Disco

    Dream catcher: Cazador de sueos

    Farewell: Despedida

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    Mdulo VIII


    Tribes: Tribus

    War: Guerra

    Warrior: Guerrero

    Willow tree: Sauce

    Wire: Cable

    Wisdom: Sabidura

    Wounds: Heridas

    Wrap: Envolver

    Wrestling: Lucha

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    Mdulo VIII

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    Mdulo VIII


    Presentacin ............................................................................................................................... 3

    LESSON 1 ................................................................................................................................... 5

    THE GREAT SIOUX NATION ...................................................................................................... 5

    Self correction activity 1.1Listening activity .............................................................................. 6

    Self correction activity 1.2 ............................................................................................................ 8

    Self correction activity 1.3 ............................................................................................................ 8

    Self correction activity 1.4Listening activity .............................................................................. 9

    Dream Catcher (Lakota) Legend ............................................................................................... 10

    Self correction activity 1.5 .......................................................................................................... 11

    Self correction activity 1.6Listening activity ............................................................................ 12Self correction activity 1.7Listening activity ............................................................................ 12

    Self correction activitiesKeys ................................................................................................. 15

    LESSON 2 ................................................................................................................................. 19

    Self correction activity 2.1Listening activity ............................................................................ 21

    Self correction activity 2.2 .......................................................................................................... 24

    Self correction activity 2.3Listening activity ............................................................................ 24

    Self correction activity 2.4 .......................................................................................................... 30

    Self correction activity2.5 ....................................................................................................... 31

    Self correction activitiesKeys ................................................................................................. 33

    LESSON 3 ................................................................................................................................. 37

    Self correction activity 3.1Listening activity ............................................................................ 37

    Self correction activity 3.2 .......................................................................................................... 38

    Self correction activity 3.3 .......................................................................................................... 42Self correction activity 3.4 .......................................................................................................... 43

    Self correction activity 3.5 .......................................................................................................... 44

    Self correction activitiesKeys ................................................................................................. 45



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