limba spaniola

Post on 04-Nov-2014






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¡Buenos días! bway-nohs dee-ahs Hello! / Good morning!

¡Buenas tardes! bway-nahs tard-ays Good afternoon!

¡Buenas noches! bway-nahs noh-chays Good evening! / Good night!

¡Hola! / ¡Chao! oh-lah / chow Hi! / Bye!

Adiós. ah-dee-ohs Good bye.

Por favor. por fah-bor Please.

Hasta la vista / Hasta luego. ah-stah lah vees-tah / ah-stah loo-ay-go See you / See you later.

Hasta pronto. ah-stah prohn-toh See you soon.

Hasta mañana. ah-stah mahn-yahn-ah See you tomorrow.

(Muchas) Gracias. (moo-chahs) grah-see-ahs Thank you (very much).

De nada. day nah-dah You're welcome.

Bienvenidos byen-veh-nee-dohs Welcome

Lo siento loh see-ehn-toh I'm sorry

Con permiso / Perdón / Disculpe kohn pehr-mee-soh / pehr-dohn / dees-kool-peh Excuse me / Pardon me

¡Vamos! bah-mohs Let's go!

¿Cómo está usted? koh-moh ay-stah oo-sted How are you? (formal)

¿Cómo estás? koh-moh ay-stahs How are you? (informal)

¿Qué tal? kay tahl How's it going?

Bien / Muy bien bee-ehn / moy bee-ehn Good / Very good

Mal / Muy mal / Más o menos mahl / moy mahl / mahs oh may-nohs Bad / Very bad / OK

Sí / No see / noh Yes / No

¿Cómo se llama usted? koh-moh say yah-mah oo-sted What is your name? (formal)

¿Cómo te llamas? koh-moh tay yah-mahs What is your name? (informal)

Me llamo... / Mi nombre es... may yah-moh / mee nohm-breh ess My name is...

Mucho gusto. / Encantado. moo-choh goo-stoh / en-cahn-tah-doh Nice to meet you.

Igualmente. ee-guahl-mehn-tay Same here. / Same to you.

Señor / Señora / Señorita sayn-yor / sayn-yor-ah / sayn-yor-ee-tah Mister / Mrs. / Miss

¿De dónde es usted? day dohn-day ehs oo-sted Where are you from? (formal)

¿De dónde eres? day dohn-day eh-rehs Where are you from? (informal)

Yo soy de... yoh soy day I'm from...

¿Cuántos años tiene usted? quahn-tohs ahn-yohs tee-ay-nay oo-sted How old are you? (formal)

¿Cuántos años tienes? quahn-tohs ahn-yohs tee-ayn-ays How old are you? (informal)

Yo tengo _____ años. yoh tayn-goh _____ ahn-yohs I am _____ years old.

¿Habla usted español? ah-blah oo-sted eh-spahn-yol Do you speak Spanish? (formal)

¿Hablas inglés? ah-blahs een-glehs Do you speak English? (informal)

(No) Hablo... noh ah-bloh I (don't) speak...

¿Entiende usted? / ¿Entiendes? ehn-tyen-deh oo-sted / ehn-tyen-dehs Do you understand? (formal / informal)

(No) Entiendo. noh ehn-tyen-doh I (don't) understand.

Yo (no lo) sé. yoh noh loh seh I (don't) know.

¿Puede ayudarme? pweh-deh ah-yoo-dar-meh Can you help me? (formal)

Claro / Claro que sí klah-roh / klah-roh keh see Sure / Of course

¿Cómo? koh-moh What? Pardon me?

¿Dónde está / Dónde están... ? dohn-deh eh-stah / dohn-deh eh-stahn Where is ... / Where are ... ?

Aquí / Ahí ah-kee / ah-ee Here / There

Hay / Había... eye / ah-bee-ah There is / are... / There was / were...

¿Cómo se dice ____ en español? koh-moh seh dee-seh ___ en eh-spahn-yol

¿Qué es esto? keh ehs ehs-toh What is that?

¿Qué te pasa? keh teh pah-sah What's the matter (with you)?

How do you say ____ in Spanish?

No importa. noh eem-por-tah It doesn't matter.

¿Qué pasa? keh pah-sah What's happening?

Sin novedad. seen noh-veh-dahd Nothing much.

No tengo ninguna idea. noh tehn-goh neen-goo-nah ee-deh-ah I have no idea.

¡Buena idea! bweh-nah ee-deh-ah Good idea!

¡Pase! pah-seh Go ahead!

Estoy cansado / enfermo. eh-stoy kahn-sah-doh / ehn-fehr-moh I'm tired / sick.

Tengo hambre / sed. tehn-goh ahm-breh / sed I'm hungry / thirsty.

Tengo calor / frío. tehn-goh kah-lohr / free-oh I'm hot / cold.

Estoy aburrido. eh-stoy ah-boo-ree-doh I'm bored.

No me importa. noh meh eem-por-tah I don't care.

No se preocupe. noh seh preh-oh-koo-peh Don't worry

Está bien. ehs-tah bee-ehn That's alright. / It's ok.

Me olvidé. meh ohl-vee-deh I forgot.

Tengo que ir ahora. tehn-goh keh eer ah-oh-rah I must go now.

¿Listo? lees-toh Ready?

Quizás / Depende. kee-sahs / deh-pehn-deh Maybe / It depends.

Todavía no. toh-dah-vee-ah noh Not yet.

¡Qué chistoso! keh chees-toh-soh How funny!

¡Que le vaya bien! keh leh vah-yah bee-ehn Have a nice day!

¡Nos vemos! nohs veh-mos We'll see you!

¡Salud! sah-lood Bless you!

¡Felicitaciones! feh-lee-see-tah-see-oh-nehs Congratulations!

¡Buena suerte! bweh-nah swehr-teh Good luck!

Te toca a ti. teh toh-kah ah tee It's your turn. (informal)

¡Callate! kah-yah-teh Shut up!

Te amo. tay ah-moh I love you. (informal and singular)

Notice that Spanish has informal and formal ways of speaking. This is because there is more than one meaning to "you" in Spanish (as well as in many other languages.) The informal you is used when talking to close friends, relatives, animals or children. The formal you is used when talking to someone you just met, do not know well, or someone for whom you would like to show respect (a professor, for example.)

Encantado, cansado, enfermo, and aburrido are the masculine forms of the words. If the words refer to a woman or are spoken by a woman, then the final o changes to a: encantada, cansada, enferma, and aburrida

In Spain, as well as Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela, the Spanish language is called castellano instead of español.


Spanish Letter

English Sound

a ah

e ay

i ee

o oh

u oo

ll y

v b at beginning of word, real soft b between 2 vowels

ñ ny (as in canyon)

r almost like a d when in between 2 vowels

rr r with a roll of the tongue

d almost like a th when in between 2 vowels

j hard h

g g, sometimes a h

qu k

ai / all / ay eye

z s

z, ce, ci th (in northern Spain only)

The five vowels in Spanish are all pure vowels: [a], [e], [i], [o], [u] Be sure that you do not pronounce a diphthong as we do in English (the extra yuh or wuh sound at the end).

Stress: Just as in English, Spanish stresses a certain syllable in a word. If a word ends in a consonant, except s or n, the stress is on the last syllable. If a word ends in a vowel, or s or n, the stress is on the second-to-last syllable. For words that do no follow these rules, an accent is written over the vowel so that you will know to stress that syllable, as in el pájaro (bird).

Please keep in mind that because Spanish is spoken in many countries, there are several regional dialects and accents so pronunciation rules may not apply to all countries. This tutorial is mostly concerned with the varieties that are spoken in Mexico and Spain.


a ah j hoh-tah r air-ay

b bay k kah rr airr-ay

c say l ay-lay s ay-say

ch chay ll ay-yay t tay

d day m ay-may u oo

e ay n ay-nay v bay chee-kah

f ay-fay ñ ayn-yay w vay doh-blay

g hey o oh x ah-kees

h ah-chay p pay y ee-gree-ay-gah

i ee q koo z say-tah

The Spanish language academy no longer considers the ch, ll or rr to be separate letters in dictionaries, but they are still separate letters in the alphabet. In Spain, you can say oo-bay for v, but in Latin America most varieties just use bay and an adjective, such as chica (Mexico and Peru) or corta (Argentina and Chile).


Masc. Singular Fem. Singular

Masc. Plural Fem. Plural

the el (ail) la (lah) the los (lohs) las (lahs)

a, an un (oon) una (oon-ah) some unos (oon-ohs) unas (oon-ahs)

this este esta these estos estas

that ese esa those esos esas

that aquel aquella those aquellos aquellas

El is also used with feminine nouns beginning with a or ha when the accent is on the first syllable. Words that end in -o and -or are generally masculine, with a few exceptions: la mano (hand), la foto (photo). Words that end in -a are generally feminine, with a few exceptions: el mapa (map), el problema (problem). Other feminine words end in -ción, -tad, -dad, or -tud.

Use the ese forms to mean that when what you are talking about is near the person you are addressing. Use the aquel forms when what you are talking about is far from both you and the person you are addressing. Esto and eso are the neuter forms of this and that. They can be used in general and abstract ways. Demonstrative adjectives (listed above) are used before a noun; if you want to use the demonstrative pronouns, which are used before a verb, add an accent on all of the first e's: éste, ésta, éstos, éstas, ése, ésa, ésos, ésas, aquél, aquélla, aquéllos, aquéllas.


yo yoh I nosotros / nosotras

noh-soh-trohs / noh-soh-trahs


tú too you (informal) vosotros / vosotras

boh-soh-trohs / boh-soh-trahs

you (informal plural)

él / ella / usted

ail / ay-yah / oo-sted

he / she / it / you (formal)

ellos / ellas / ustedes

ay-yohs / ay-yahs / oo-sted-ays

they / they / you (plural)

Vosotros is used only in Spain when speaking to more than one person with whom you know well. Use Ustedes for plural you in other Spanish-speaking countries, regardless of formality. Usted can be abbreviated to Ud. or Vd. Ustedes can also be abbreviated to Uds. or Vds. Another singular informal you in Spanish (vos instead of tú) is used in several Latin America countries (especially Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay), but not in Spain. See the article on voseo at Wikipedia for more information on where it is used.

Nosotras and vosotras refer to a group of all females, as does ellas.

Please note that the subject pronouns are rarely used before verbs and usually only for emphasis.


ser - to be

present past future

soy I am fui I was seré I will be

eres you are fuiste you were serás you will be

es he/she/it is / you are

fue he/she/it was / you were

será he/she/it / you will be

somos we are fuimos we were seremos we will be

sois you are fuisteis you were seréis you will be

son they / you are fueron they / you were serán they / you will be

estar - to be

present past future

estoy I am estuve I was estaré I will be

estás you are estuviste you were estarás you will be

está he/she/it is / you are

estuvo he/she/it was / you were

estará he/she/it / you will be

estamos we are estuvimos we were estaremos we will be

estáis you are estuvisteis you were estaréis you will be

están they / you are estuvieron they / you were estarán they / you will be

tener - to have

present past future

tengo I have tuve I had tendré I will have

tienes you have tuviste you had tendrás you will have

tiene he/she/it has / you have

tuvo he/she/it / you had

tendrá he/she/it / you will have

tenemos we have tuvimos we had tendremos we will have

tenéis you have tuvisteis you had tendréis you will have

tienen they / you have tuvieron they / you had tendrán they / you will have

Highlighted forms are only used in Spain. Past refers to the preterite tense (also called simple past.) There is another past tense called the imperfect, which will be covered in Spanish II.

Ser is used to identify or describe. It tells what something is, its basic characteristics, or its origin. Estar is used to tell the location of something or how someone feels.

Uses of Ser

Identify person/object Inherent characteristics or qualities Nationality/Occupation Telling time Express ownership Impersonal expressions Passive voice

El edificio es un templo. La casa es grande. Carlos es pobre. Es carpintero. Son las tres. Los libros son de Juan. Es necesario. El teléfono fue inventado por Bell.

The building is a temple. The house is large. Charles is poor. He is a carpenter. It's three o'clock. The books are John's. It is necessary. The telephone was invented by Bell.

Uses of Estar

Location/position Temporary condition/state State of health Form progressive tense

El libro está en la mesa. La ventana está abierta. Juan está enfermo. Miguel está estudiando.

The book is on the table. The window is open. John is sick. Michael is studying.

Sometimes changing the verb can completely change the meaning: ser aburrido means to be boring, while estar aburrido means to be bored. Others include: ser bueno - to be nice, estar bueno - to be in good health; ser callado - to be discrete, estar callado - to be silent; ser moreno - to have brown hair, estar moreno - to be tan.

Many common expressions using the verb "be" in English use the verb "tener" in Spanish (but not all):

to be afraid tener miedo to be in a hurry tener prisa, estar de prisa

to be against

estar en contra to be jealous tener celos

to be at fault tener la culpa to be lucky tener suerte

to be careful tener cuidado to be patient tener paciencia

to be cold tener frío to be sleepy tener sueño

to be curious

ser curioso/a to be successful tener éxito

to be fed up estar harto/a

to be happy estar contento/a

to be thirsty tener sed

to be hot tener calor to be tired estar cansado/a

to be hungry tener hambre to be ___ years old

tener ___ años

Tener is also used with the following expressions that use "have" in English:

No tengo ni idea. I have no idea.

¿Tienes un resfriado? Do you have a cold?

Tengo que irme. I have to go.


what qué which cuál(es)

who quién(es) how much cuánto (-a)

how cómo how many cuántos (-as)

when cuándo whom a quién(es)

where dónde whose de quién(es)

why por qué


0 cero say-roh

1 uno oo-noh first primero

2 dos dohs second segundo

3 tres trays third tercero

4 cuatro kwah-troh fourth cuarto

5 cinco seen-koh fifth quinto

6 seis says sixth sexto

7 siete see-ay-tay seventh séptimo

8 ocho oh-choh eighth octavo

9 nueve new-ay-vay ninth noveno

10 diez dee-ays tenth décimo

11 once ohn-say eleventh undécimo

12 doce doh-say twelfth duodécimo

13 trece tray-say thirteenth décimo tercero

14 catorce kah-tor-say fourteenth décimo cuarto

15 quince keen-say fifteenth décimo quinto

16 diez y seis dee-ays ee says

sixteenth décimo sexto

17 diez y siete

dee-ays ee see-ay-tay

seventeenth décimo séptimo

18 diez y dee-ays ee eighteenth décimo octavo

ocho oh-choh

19 diez y nueve

dee-ays ee new-ay-vay

nineteenth décimo noveno

20 veinte bayn-tay twentieth vigésimo

21 veinte y uno

bayn-tay ee oo-noh

twenty-first vigésimo primero

22 veinte y dos

bayn-tay ee dohs


vigésimo segundo

30 treinta trayn-tah thirtieth trigésimo

40 cuarenta kuar-ain-tah fortieth cuadragésimo

50 cincuenta seen-kuain-tah

fiftieth quincuagésimo

60 sesenta say-sain-tah sixtieth sexagésimo

70 setenta say-tain-tah seventieth septuagésimo

80 ochenta oh-chain-tah eightieth octogésimo

90 noventa noh-bain-tah ninetieth nonagésimo

100 cien(to) see-ain-(toh)

hundredth centésimo

1000 mil meel thousandth milésimo

If you are just saying 100, you use cien. If it's over 100, you use ciento. So 101 is ciento uno and 156 would be ciento cincuenta y seis. Also you can use dieciséis, diecisiete, dieciocho, and diecinueve for 16, 17, 18, and 19, respectively. They are pronounced the same but are combined into one word. Additionally, 21-29 can be written as one word (veintiuno, veintidós, veintitrés, etc.), but you need to use y for the rest of the numbers.

Primero and tercero drop the final -o when used directly before a noun.


Monday lunes loo-nays

Tuesday martes mar-tays

Wednesday miércoles mee-air-coh-lays

Thursday jueves hway-bays

Friday viernes bee-air-nays

Saturday sábado sah-bah-doh

Sunday domingo doh-ming-oh

day el día dee-ah

week la semana say-mahn-ah

weekend el fin de semana feen day say-mahn-ah

today hoy oy

tonight esta noche es-tah noh-chay

last night anoche ah-noh-chay

yesterday ayer eye-yair

tomorrow mañana mahn-yahn-ah

my birthday mi cumpleaños mee coom-play-ahn-yohs

next próximo / próxima prok-see-moh / mah

last pasado / pasada pah-sah-doh / dah

day before yesterday anteayer ahn-teh-eye-yair

day after tomorrow pasado mañana pah-sah-doh mahn-yahn-ah

the following day el día siguiente dee-ah see-gwee-ehn-teh

the day before la víspera vees-peh-rah

Days of the week are all masculine in gender and they are not capitalized in writing. The definite article is not used after the verb ser, but at all other times it is required and there is slight change in meaning if it is singular or plural: el lunes = on Monday but los lunes = on Mondays


January enero ay-nair-oh

February febrero fay-bray-roh

March marzo mar-soh

April abril ah-breel

May mayo mi-oh

June junio hoo-nee-oh

July julio hoo-lee-oh

August agosto ah-gohs-toh

September septiembre sayp-tee-aim-bray

October octubre ohk-too-bray

November noviembre noh-bee-aim-bray

December diciembre dee-see-aim-bray

month el mes mais

first of [a month] el primero de [month] pree-mair-oh day _____

year el año ahn-yoh

decade la década deh-kah-dah

century el siglo see-gloh

millennium el milenio mee-leh-nee-oh

The preposition en is used with months: en abril = in April. Also notice that primero is used for the first of the month, but the rest of the days are referred to using the regular cardinal numbers: el primero de junio but el dos de julio. Months of the year are also all masculine and not capitalized in writing.

¿Cual es la fecha de hoy? What is today's date? Hoy es el primero de agosto. Today is August 1st.


spring la primavera in spring en primavera

summer el verano in summer en verano

winter el invierno in winter en invierno

autumn el otoño in autumn en otoño


to the right a la derecha

to the left a la izquierda

straight ahead todo derecho

north el norte northeast el noreste

south el sur northwest el noroeste

east el este southeast el sureste

west el oeste southwest el suroeste


red rojo / roja circle el círculo

pink rosado / rosada square el cuadrado

orange anaranjado / anaranjada rectangle el rectángulo

yellow amarillo / amarilla triangle el triángulo

green verde oval el óvalo

blue azul cube el cubo

light blue celeste sphere la esfera

purple morado / morada cylinder el cilindro

violet violeta cone el cono

brown marrón octagon el octágono

black negro / negra box la caja

gray gris pyramid la pirámide

white blanco / blanca

golden dorado / dorada dark oscuro / oscura

silver plateado / plateada light claro / clara

All adjectives in Spanish are placed after the noun that they describe and they agree in gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural) with the noun. Notice that some colors do not change for gender (marrón) or number (gris). To change an adjective to the feminine form, you usually just change the final -o to -a. To make an adjective plural, simply add an -s.

a red house = una casa roja

14. TIME

¿Qué hora es? What time is it?

Es la una. It's one.

Son las dos/tres/cuatro... It's two/three/four...

Es mediodía. It's noon.

Es medianoche. It's midnight.

Son las cinco y cinco. It's 5:05

Son las ocho y cuarto. It's 8:15

Son las diez menos cuarto. It's 9:45

Son cuarto para las diez. It's 9:45 (common in Mexico)

Son las nueve menos diez. It's 8:50

Son diez para las nueve. It's 8:50 (common in Mexico)

Son las tres y media / treinta. It's 3:30

de la mañana in the morning / AM

de la tarde in the afternoon / PM

de la noche in the evening / PM

en punto exactly / sharp

¿A qué hora? At what time?


¿Qué tiempo hace? What's the weather like?

Hace buen tiempo. The weather's nice.

Hace mal tiempo. The weather's bad.

Hace frío. It's cold.

Hace calor. It's hot.

Hace sol. It's sunny.

Hace viento. It's windy.

Hace fresco. It's chilly.

Está nublado. It's cloudy.

Hay niebla. It's foggy.

Hay neblina. It's misty.

Hay humedad. It's humid.

Hay granizo. It's hailing.

Llueve. It's raining.

Nieva. It's snowing.

Truena. It's thundering.

Llovizna. It's sprinkling.


a at, to al lado de beside, alongside of

con with alrededor de around

contra against cerca de near, close to

de of, from lejos de far from

en in, on delante de in front of

entre between, among debajo de below, under

hacia towards, about en frente de opposite

para for, in order, by detrás de behind

por for, through, along, via encima de above, on top of

sobre on, over hasta till, until

sin without desde from, since

There are two prepositional contractions with definite articles. A and el combine to form al, and de and el combine to form del.

Para often drops the second syllable in speech in the Caribbean and some Latin American countries. In informal writing, it is usually written as pa'


family la familia cousin (m) el primo

parents los padres cousin (f) la prima

husband el marido / el esposo

cousins los primos

wife la mujer / la esposa

relatives los parientes

father / dad el padre / el papá stepfather el padastro

mother / mom la madre / la mamá

stepmother la madrastra

son el hijo stepbrother el hermanastro

daughter la hija stepsister la hermanastra

children los hijos stepson el hijastro

brother el hermano stepdaughter la hijastra

sister la hermana godfather el padrino

brothers & sisters los hermanos godmother la madrina

only child (m) el hijo único baby el bebé

only child (f) la hija única teenager el adolescente

kid / boy el muchacho boy el niño

kid / girl la muchacha girl la niña

half-brother el medio hermano boys & girls los niños

half-sister la media hermana man el hombre

father-in-law el suegro woman la mujer

mother-in-law la suegra adult el adulto

brother-in-law el cuñado twins (m) los gemelos

sister-in-law la cuñada twins (f) las gemelas

son-in-law el yerno dog el perro

daughter-in-law la nuera cat el gato

grandfather el abuelo bird el pájaro

grandmother la abuela fish el pez

grandparents los abuelos gold fish la carpa dorada

grandson el nieto horse el caballo

granddaughter la nieta goat la cabra

grandchildren los nietos pig el cerdo

uncle el tío cow la vaca

aunt la tía rabbit el conejo

aunts & uncles los tíos turtle la tortuga

nephew el sobrino mouse el ratón

niece la sobrina deer el ciervo

nieces & nephews los sobrinos duck el pato

18. TO DO / MAKE

hacer - to do or make

present past future

hago hice haré

haces hiciste harás

hace hizo hará

hacemos hicimos haremos

hacéis hicisteis haréis

hacen hicieron harán


1. If a singular noun ends in a vowel, just add -s to make it plural: la casa → las casas

2. If a singular noun ends in a consonant, a vowel with an accent, or y, add -es to make it plural: el papel → los papeles

3. Singular nouns that end in -z change the z to c and add -es to form the plural: la luz → las luces

4. A few nouns that have an accent in the singular will lose it in the plural: el lápiz → los lápices


Initial Forms Terminal Forms

singular plural singular plural

my mi mis mío / mía míos / mías

your tu tus tuyo / tuya tuyos / tuyas

your/his/her/its su sus suyo / suya suyos / suyas

our nuestro / nuestra

nuestros / nuestras

nuestro / nuestra nuestros / nuestras

your vuestro / vuestra

vuestros / vuestras

vuestro / vuestra vuestros / vuestras

your/their su sus suyo / suya suyos / suyas

Remember that vuestro forms are only used in Spain (just as the vosotros subject pronoun & verb conjugations are only used in Spain).

Because su and sus can have so many meanings, de + a pronoun may be used following the noun: de Ud., de él, de ella, de Uds., de ellos and de ellas.

los libros de ellos their books

The terminal forms are placed after the noun, and the noun must be preceded by the definite article, except in direct address. When used with the indefinite article, it corresponds to the English "of mine, of yours," etc.

el libro mío my book Qué haces, hijo mío? What are you doing, my son? un amigo mío a friend of mine


venir - to come

present past future

vengo vine vendré

vienes viniste vendrás

viene vino vendrá

venimos vinimos vendremos

venís vinisteis vendréis

vienen vinieron vendrán

ir - to go

present past future

voy fui iré

vas fuiste irás

va fue irá

vamos fuimos iremos

vais fuisteis iréis

van fueron irán

Notice that the past tense of ir is the same as the past tense of ser. Context will indicate whether the meaning is was/were or went.

You can also use ir to express to be going to + an infinitive. You just need to insert a between the conjugation of ir and the infinitive.

Voy a estudiar más. I'm going to study more. Vamos a empezar de nuevo. We're going to start again.


to a

from de

in en

Remember to use the prepositional contractions (a + el = al and de + el = del) when a noun with an article follows the preposition.

Vengo de los Estados Unidos. I come from the US.


Africa el Africa Indonesia Indonesia

African africano/a Indonesian indonesio/a

Albania Albania Ireland la Irlanda

Albanian albano/a Irishman irlandés/esa

America la América Israel Israel

American americano/a Israeli israelí

Argentina la Argentina Hebrew hebreo/a

Argentine argentino/a Italy Italia

Asia el Asia (f) Italian italiano/a

Asian asiático/a Japan Japón

Australia Australia Japanese japonés/esa

Australian australiano/a Latvia Letonia

Austria el Austria (f) Latvian letón/ona

Austrian austríaco/a Lithuania Lituania

Belgium la Bélgica Lithuanian lituano/a

Belgian belga Luxembourg Luxemburgo

Bolivia la Bolivia Luxembourger luxemburgués/esa

Bolivian boliviano(a) Macedonia Macedonia

Bosnia la Bosnia Macedonian macedonio/a

Bosnian bosnio/a Malta Malta

Brazil el Brasil Maltese maltés/esa

Brazilian brasileño/a Mexico México

Bulgaria la Bulgaria Mexican mexicano/a

Bulgarian búlgaro/a Netherlands los Países Bajos

Canada Canadá Dutch holandés/esa

Canadian canadiense New Zealand Nueva Zelanda

China China New Zealander neozelandés/esa

Chinese chino/a Nicaragua Nicaragua

Chile la Chile Nicaraguan nicaragüense

Chilean chileno/a Norway Noruega

Colombia Colombia Norwegian noruego/a

Colombian colombiano/a Panama Panama

Costa Rica la Costa Rica Panamanian panameño/a

Costa Rican costarricense Paraguay Paraguay

Croatia la Croacia Paraguayan paraguayo/a

Croatian croata Peru Perú

Cuba la Cuba Peruvian peruano/a

Cuban cubano/a Poland la Polonia

Czech Republic la República Checa Polish polaco/a

Czech checo/a Portugal Portugal

Denmark Dinamarca Portuguese portugués/esa

Danish danés/esa Romania Rumania

Dominican Republic

República Dominicana

Romanian rumano/a

Dominican dominicano/a Russia Rusia

Ecuador Ecuador Russian ruso/a

Ecuadorian ecuatoriano/a Scotland la Escocia

Egypt Egipto Scottish escocés/esa

Egyptian egipcio/a Serbia Serbia

El Salvador El Salvador Serbian serbio/a

Salvadorean salvadoreño Slovakia la República Eslovaca

England la Inglaterra Slovak eslovaco/a

English inglés/esa Slovenia Eslovenia

Estonia Estonia Slovene esloveno/a

Estonian estonio/a South Africa Sudáfrica

Europe la Europa South African sudafricano/a

European europeo/a Spain España

Finland Finlandia Spanish español/a

Finnish finlandés/esa Sweden Suecia

France Francia Swedish sueco/a

French francés/esa Switzerland la Suiza

Germany Alemania Swiss suizo/a

German alemán/ana Turkey la Turquía

Great Britain la Gran Bretaña Turk turco/a

British británico/a Ukraine Ucrania

Greece Grecia Ukrainian ucraniano/a

Greek griego/a United Kingdom

Reino Unido

Guatemala Guatemala United States Estados Unidos

Guatemalan guatemalteco/a Uruguay Uruguay

Honduras Honduras Uruguayan uruguayo/a

Honduran hondureño/a Venezuela Venezuela

Hungary Hungría Venezuelan venezolano/a

Hungarian húngaro/a Wales el país de Gales

Iceland Islandia Welsh galés/esa

Icelandic islandés/esa

India India

Indian indio/a


accountant el contador musician el músico

actor / actress el actor / la actriz nurse el enfermero

architect el arquitecto official / civil servant el funcionario

author el autor optician el óptico

baker el panadero painter el pintor

banker el banquero pharmacist (chemist)

el químico

barber el barbero pharmacist el farmacéutico

bookseller el librero photographer el fotógrafo

businessman el comerciante pilot el piloto

butcher el carnicero plumber el fontanero

carpenter el carpintero policeman el agente de policía

computer programmer

el programador postman el cartero

cook el cocinero priest el cura

customer el cliente professor el profesor

dentist el dentista publisher el editor

doctor el médico / el doctor

salesman el vendedor

electrician el electricista scientist el científico

employee el empleado secretary la secretaria

engineer el ingeniero servant el criado

firefighter el bombero shoemaker el zapatero

fisherman el pescador singer el cantante

gardener el jardinero soldier el soldado

grocer el dependiente student el estudiante

hair stylist el peluquero surgeon el cirujano

jeweler el joyero tailor el sastre

journalist el periodista teacher el profesor

judge el juez teacher (grade school)

el maestro

lawyer el abogado typist el mecanógrafo

librarian el bibliotecario waiter / server el camarero

mason el albañil watchmaker el relojero

mechanic el mecánico worker (blue-collar) el obrero

model el modelo writer el escritor

accounting la contabilidad law el derecho

algebra el álgebra linguistics la lingüística

architecture la arquitectura literature la literatura

art el arte mathematics la matématica

astronomy la astronomía medicine la medicina

biology la biología modern languages las lenguas modernas

botany la botánica music la música

business el comercio natural science las ciencias naturales

chemistry la química painting la pintura

computing (IT) la informática philosophy la filosofía

drawing el dibujo physical education la educación física

earth science la ciencia terrestre physical science las ciencas físicas

economics la económia physics la física

engineering la ingeniería political science las ciencias políticas

English el inglés Portuguese el portugués

French el francés psychology la psicología

geography la geografía religious education la enseñanza religiosa

geometry la geometría science la ciencia

German el alemán sociology la sociología

Greek el griego Spanish el español

history la historia technology la technología

Italian el italiano zoology la zoología

Latin el latín


conocer - to know people

present past future

conozco conocí conoceré

conoces conociste conocerás

conoce conoció conocerá

conocemos conocimos conoceremos

conocéis conocisteis conoceréis

conocen conocieron conocerán

saber - to know facts

present past future

sé supe sabré

sabes supiste sabrás

sabe supo sabrá

sabemos supimos sabremos

sabéis supisteis sabréis

saben supieron sabrán


a lot mucho always siempre

very much muchísimo everyday todos los días

a little poco now ahora

very little muy poco usually usualmente

sometimes a veces there ahí

well bien over there allí

after después too bad demasiado malo

poorly mal


Verbs in Spanish end in -ar, -er or -ir. Before a verb is conjugated, it is called the infinitive. Removing the last two letters gives you the stem of the verb (cantar is the infinitive to sing, while cant- is the stem.) To conjugate regular verbs in the present tense, add these endings to the stems:






















Remember that verbs do not require the subject pronouns, so just canto means I sing. Here are some more regular verbs:

-ar verbs -er verbs -ir verbs

bailar to dance aprender to learn vivir to live

desear to want comer to eat escribir to write

escuchar to listen correr to run compartir to share

estudiar to study leer to read recibir to receive

hablar to speak vender to sell subir to go/come up

practicar to practice beber to drink

tomar to take / drink

comprender to understand

viajar to travel

Conjugations of regular verbs:

hablar aprender vivir

hablo aprendo vivo

hablas aprendes vives

habla aprende vive

hablamos aprendemos vivimos

habláis aprendéis vivís

hablan aprenden viven

To make sentences negative, simply put no in front of the verb.

No hablo bien el español. I don't speak Spanish well.

To indicate that something just happened, you can use acabar de + an infinitive. Acabar (to finish) is a regular verb.

Acaba de comer. He just ate.


Some verbs have vowel changes in the present tense for all forms except first and second person plural. After dropping the endings (-ar, -er, or -ir), the e of the last syllable changes to ie, and o of the last syllable changes to ue. Some -ir verbs change the e to i, while verbs ending in -uir change the i to y for all forms except first and second plural.

e to ie o to ue e to i ui to uy

pensar - to think querer - to want, like, love cerrar - to close comenzar - to begin despertar - to awaken empezar - to begin entender - to understand perder - to lose preferir - to prefer sentar - to seat sentir - to regret, feel

contar - to count poder - to be able costar - to cost dormir - to sleep encontrar - to find, meet jugar - to play morir - to die mostrar - to show volar - to fly volver - to return

pedir - to ask (for) repetir - to repeat seguir - to follow servir - to serve vestir - to dress

construir - to build

pensar contar pedir construir

pienso cuento pido construyo

piensas cuentas pides construyes

piensa cuenta pide construye

pensamos contamos pedimos construimos

pensáis contáis pedís construís

piensan cuentan piden construyen

A few other verbs are irregular only in the first person singular form. The rest of the forms tend to follow the regular pattern:

traer to carry traigo I carry

salir to go out salgo I go out

hacer to do hago I do

saber to know sé I know

dar to give doy I give

ver to see veo I see

tener to have tengo I have

poner to put pongo I put

decir to say digo I say

valer to be worth valgo I am worth

caer to fall caigo I fall

conocer to know conozco I know

deducir to deduce deduzco I deduce

caber to fit quepo I fit

Generally, verbs that end in -cer and -cir add z before the first person singular ending.

We have already seen verbs that are irregular in all conjugations in the present tense, such as ir and ser. Another irregular verb is haber - to have or the impersonal there is/are; however, it is different from tener (which also means to have) because it is not used to show possession. It is only used in compound tenses as a helping verb, i.e. I have seen that movie, which will be covered in Spanish III.

The three completely irregular verbs in the present tense are:

ser - to be ir - to go haber - to


soy voy he

eres vas has

es va ha / hay*

somos vamos hemos

sois vais habéis

son van han

* The impersonal conjugation hay is used to mean there is/are in English.


The subject and the object are the same with reflexive verbs - the subject acts upon itself. A reflexive verb in Spanish will be marked with se attached to the end of the infinitive. These verbs are conjugated like regular verbs, except the reflexive pronoun agrees with gender and number and precedes the verb when it is conjugated. Reciprocal verbs are conjugated the same as reflexive except the action passes from one person to another. Reflexive verbs sometimes use the "-self" forms in English, while the reciprocal verbs use "each other."

reflexive verbs

acordarse - to remember

dormirse - to fall asleep

acostarse - to go to bed

irse - to go away/leave

atreverse - to dare levantarse - to get/stand up

bañarse - to take a bath

sentarse - to sit down

casarse - to get married

quedarse - to stay/remain

despertarse - to wake up

quejarse - to complain

desvestirse - to get undressed

vestirse - to get dressed

The reflexive pronouns are me, te, se, nos, os and se and they are placed before the conjugated verb:

me acuerdo I remember

te acuerdas you remember

se acuerda he/she/you remember

nos acordamos

we remember

os acordáis you remember

se acuerdan they/you remember

However, when the reflexive verb is in the infinitive and used with another verb, the reflexive pronoun must still agree with the subject of the conjugated verb. It is either attached to the end of the reflexive verb or placed before the conjugated verb:

Vamos a casarnos. / Nos vamos a casar. We're going to get married. Tengo que irme. / Me tengo que ir. I have to go. Puede quedarse contigo? / Se puede quedar contigo? Can he stay with you?

The verb contarse is used colloquially to ask how's it going (with you)? ¿Qué te cuentas ?


When the direct object of a verb (except tener) is a person, it is preceded by a. It isn't used if a number precedes the object though. The pronouns alguien (somebody), alguno (someone), nadie (nobody), and ninguno (no one) require a as well, when used as the direct object.

Veo a Juan. I see John. Conozco a tu amiga. I know your friend. Veo a alguien. I see somebody.


The preterite tense expresses an action in the past and is also called the simple past in English. It is used to describe events that have completely finished and are not still happening or that do not indicate repeated actions. It is formed by adding these endings to the verb stem:

-ar -er / -ir

-é -í

-aste -iste

-ó -ió

-amos -imos

-asteis -isteis

-aron -ieron

Conjugations of regular verbs in the preterite:

hablar aprender vivir

hablé aprendí viví

hablaste aprendiste viviste

habló aprendió vivió

hablamos aprendimos vivimos

hablasteis aprendisteis vivisteis

hablaron aprendieron vivieron

Notice that the nosotros forms of -ar and -ir verbs are the same in the present and preterite tenses.

Viví en España dos años. I lived in Spain for two years. Ellos hablaron con los niños. They spoke with the children. Quién comió la fruta? Who ate the fruit?


A few verbs are irregular in the preterite tense:

caber - to fit cupe cupiste cupo cupimos cupisteis cupieron

caer - to fall caí caíste cayó caímos caísteis cayeron

conducir - to drive conduje condujiste condujo condujimos condujisteis condujeron

dar - to give di diste dio dimos disteis dieron

decir - to say / tell dije dijiste dijo dijimos dijisteis dijeron

estar - to be estuve estuviste estuvo estuvimos estuvisteis estuvieron

haber - to have hube hubiste hubo hubimos hubisteis hubieron

hacer - to do / make hice hiciste hizo hicimos hicisteis hicieron

ir - to go / ser - to be fui fuiste fue fuimos fuisteis fueron

oír - to hear oí oíste oyó oímos oísteis oyeron

poder - to be able to / can pude pudiste pudo pudimos pudisteis pudieron

poner - to put / place puse pusiste puso pusimos pusisteis pusieron

querer - to want quise

saber - to know facts supe

tener - to have tuve

quisiste quiso quisimos quisisteis quisieron

supiste supo supimos supisteis supieron

tuviste tuvo tuvimos tuvisteis tuvieron

traer - to carry traje trajiste trajo trajimos trajisteis trajeron

venir - to come vine viniste vino vinimos vinisteis vinieron

ver - to see vi viste vio vimos visteis vieron

Ir and ser have the same forms in the preterite tense. Context will make the meaning clear.


The imperfect is another past tense that is used to express an action as going on in the past, as repeated or habitual, or to translate the English "used to + infinitive." It is also used with mental and physical conditions and for descriptions. The imperfect tends to be used more often than the preterite with these verbs: querer, creer, poder, esperar, tener, and saber.

The imperfect is formed by adding these endings to the infinitive stem:

-ar -er / -ir

-aba -ía

-abas -ías

-aba -ía

-ábamos -íamos

-abais -íais

-aban -ían

Regular imperfect tense conjugations:

estar - to be tener - to have decir - to say / tell

estaba tenía decía

estabas tenías decías

estaba tenía decía

estábamos teníamos decíamos

estabais teníais decíais

estaban tenían decían

Yo vivía en España. I used to live in Spain. Luisa estaba triste. Louise was sad. El vendía radios. He was selling radios.

Only a few verbs are irregular in the imperfect tense:

ser - to be ir - to go ver - to see

era iba


eras ibas veías

era iba veía

éramos íbamos veíamos

erais ibais veíais

eran iban veían

You can use ir in the imperfect tense to express "was/were going to + infinitive" similar to its use in the present tense:

Iba a decir "no." I was going to say "no."


bacon el tocino salad la ensalada

beef la carne de vaca salami el salchichón

beer la cerveza salt la sal

beverage la bebida sandwich el bocadillo

biscuit el bizcocho sauce la salsa

bread el pan sausage la salchicha

breakfast el desayuno soft drink el refresco gaseoso

butter la mantequilla soup la sopa

cake la torta sour cream la crema agria

candy los dulces steak el bistec

cheese el queso stew el guisado

chicken el pollo sugar el azúcar

chocolate el chupete supper la cena

chop la chuleta tea (iced) el té (helado)

coffee el café toast las tostadas

cookie la galleta turkey el pavo

cottage cheese el requesón veal la ternera

cotton candy el algodón de azúcar vegetable la legumbre

cream la crema vinegar el vinagre

custard las natillas water el agua

dessert el postre whipped cream la nata montada

dinner la comida wine el vino

duck el pato yogurt el yogur

egg el huevo bag la bolsa

fat la grasa bowl el tázon

flour la harina bottle la botella

fried eggs los huevos fritos box la caja

goose el ganso can la lata

ham el jamón can opener abrelatas

hamburger la hamburguesa carton el tetrabrik

honey la miel chopsticks los palillos

hot dog el perro caliente coffee pot la cafetera

ice el hielo colander el colador

ice cream el helado corkscrew el sacacorchos

jam la jalea cup la taza

juice el jugo / el zumo dish el plato

lamb el cordero fork el tenedor

lobster la langosta frying pan la sartén

lollipop el chupete glass el vaso

lunch el almuerzo jar el tarro

meal la comida jug la jarra

meat la carne kettle la caldera

milk la leche knife el cuchillo

milkshake la malteada lid la tapa

mustard la mostaza napkin la servilleta

mutton la carne de carnero plate el plato

oil el aceite saucer el platillo

omelet la tortilla saucepan la cacerola / el cazo

pepper la pimienta spoon la cuchara

pie el pastel spray can el spray

pork el cerdo table la mesa

rice el arroz tablecloth el mantel

roast el asado teapot la tetera

roll el panecillo tube el tubo

El zumo is used in Spain to refer to fruit juice, while el jugo only refers to juice from meat. In Latin America, el jugo refers to fruit juice.


Gustar plus a noun means to like something. Literally, it means to please and takes an indirect object, so the construction of the sentence will be different than that of English. The verb will only be conjugated in the third person singular or plural because it is agreeing with the noun or infinitive that follows it, not the subject.

Me gusta(n) I like

Nos gusta(n) we like

Te gusta(n) you like

Os gusta(n) you like

Le gusta(n) you/he/she likes

Les gusta(n) you/they like

Gusta is used with singular nouns or an infinitive, while gustan is used with plural nouns. It is also possible to add a + pronoun to emphasize the subject, but this is not necessary. These pronouns are the same as the suject pronouns except a mí and a ti.

Me gustan las flores. I like the flowers. (Literally: To me are pleasing the flowers or the flowers are pleasing to me.) A nosotros nos gusta la casa. We like the house. No me gusta. I don't like it. Le gusta a Ud.? Do you like it? A ellos les gustan los caballos. They like the horses.


almond la almendra barley la cebada

apple la manzana beans los frijoles / las judías

apricot el albaricoque beet la remolacha

avocado el aguacate broccoli el brócoli

banana el plátano / el cambur cabbage la col

berry la baya carrot la zanahoria

blackberry la zarzamora cauliflower la coliflor

blueberry el arándano celery el apio

cherry la cereza chives la cebollana

chestnut la castaña corn el maíz

coconut el coco cucumber el pepino

currant la grosella eggplant la berenjena

date el dátil garlic el ajo

fig il higo green bean la habichuela

fruit la fruta herbs le hierba

grapefruit el pomelo horse-radish el rabano picante

grapes la uva leek el puerro

hazelnut la avellana lentil la lenteja

kiwi el kiwi lettuce la lechuga

lemon el limón mint la menta

lime la lima mushroom el hongo / la seta

lychee el lichi oats la avena

mango el mango onion la cebolla

melon el melón parsley el perejil

olive la aceituna pea el guisante

orange la naranja pepper el pimiento

papaya la papaya potato la papa / la patata

peach el melocotón pumpkin la calabaza

pear la pera radish el rábano

pineapple la piña rhubarb el ruibarbo

plum la ciruela rice el arroz

prune la ciruela pasa rye el centeno

raisin la uva pasa sage la salvia

raspberry la frambuesa seed la semilla

starfruit la carambola spinach la espinaca

strawberry la fresa sweet potato el camote / la batata

walnut la nuez tomato el tomate

watermelon la sandía turnip el nabo

artichoke la alcachofa wheat el trigo

asparagus el espárrago zucchini el calabacín

Los frijoles, la papa, and el hongo are used in Latin America, whereas las judías, la patata, and la seta are used in Spain. El champiñón is also used everywhere for a round, white mushroom. La callampa is only used in Chile for mushroom.

El cambur is used in Venezuela, where el plátano means plantain instead of banana.

El camote is mostly used in Mexico and the Andes.


tomar - to take / drink

present preterite future

tomo tomé tomaré

tomas tomaste tomarás

toma tomó tomará

tomamos tomamos tomaremos

tomáis tomasteis tomaréis

toman tomaron tomarán

When tomar means to drink, it usually refers to alcohol. In Mexico, tomar can be intransitive, as beber is almost never used. In Spain, tomar is always transitive, such as tomar una copa - to have a drink and tomar un café - to have a coffee.


To form commands, drop the final -s on the present tense conjugation for the tú form and change the final -r of the infinitive to -d for the vosotros form. The other imperative conjugations (for Usted, Ustedes, and nosotros) use the present subjunctive forms. (More about the Subjunctive at #70.) You use the nosotros form when you mean Let's + infinitive. Negative commands use no + the present subjunctive conjugations for all forms. So the only forms that differ between affirmative and negative commands are tú and vosotros. Verbs that end in -car, -gar and -zar have the following changes in commands as well: c becomes qu, g becomes gu, and z becomes c.



-ar -er or -ir

-ar -er or -ir

tú -a -e

-es -as

Usted -e -a

-e -a

nosotros -emos -amos

-emos -amos

vosotros -ad -ed / -id

-éis -áis

Ustedes -en -an

-en -an

¡Habla! = Speak! (tú form) ¡Comed! = Eat! (vosotros form) ¡No comáis! = Don't eat! (negative vosotros form) ¡Beba! = Drink! (Usted form)

¡Coman! = Eat (Ustedes form) ¡No beban! = Don't drink! (negative Ustedes form)

There are 8 irregular verbs in the imperative, but they are only irregular for the tú form. The rest of the commands follow the pattern above.

infinitive tú form

decir hacer ir poner salir ser tener venir

di haz ve pon sal sé ten ven

There are several irregular stems that appear in the present subjunctive, and therefore in the imperative.

infinitive imperative stem

dar d-

decir dig-

estar est-

haber hay-

hacer hag-

ir vay-

poder pued-

poner pong-

querer quier-

saber sep-

salir salg-

ser se-

tener teng-

traer traig-

venir veng-


To make sentences negative, you place no before the verb. Other negatives may precede or follow the verb, but if they follow, they must follow a negative verb (a double negative). The word order is either no + verb + negative or negative + verb. Nunca means ever when it follows a comparative; jamás means ever when it follows an affirmative verb. Ya no + verb means the same thing as no + verb + más (no more, no longer).

más no more, no longer

nada nothing, (not) anything

nadie nobody, (not) anybody

ninguno (a) no, none

tampoco neither, either

ni nor neither... nor

ni siquiera not even

nunca, jamás never, ever

No bailas nunca. = Nunca bailas. You never dance. No juego más. = Ya no juego. I no longer play.


Feliz Navidad Merry Christmas

Feliz Año Nuevo Happy New Year

Feliz Cumpleaños Happy Birthday

Feliz Pascua Happy Easter

Spanish National Anthem: Marcha Real

There are no words to the Spanish national anthem; it is completely instrumental.

Mexican National Anthem: Mexicanos, al Grito de Guerra

by Francisco González Bocanegra

Mexicanos, al grito de guerra El acero aprestad y el bridón; y retiemble en sus centros la tierra Al sonoro rugir del cañón.

Ciña ¡oh patria! tus sienes de oliva De la Paz el arcángel divino, Que en el cielo tu eterno destino Por el dedo de Dios se escribió. Mas si osare un extraño enemigo Profanar con su planta tu suelo, Piensa ¡oh patria querida! que el cielo

Mexicans, at the cry of battle lend your swords and bridle; and let the earth tremble at its center upon the roar of the cannon.

Your forehead shall be girded, oh fatherland, with olive garlands by the divine archangel of peace, For in heaven your eternal destiny has been written by the hand of God. But should a foreign enemy Profane your land with his sole, Think, beloved fatherland, that heaven gave you a soldier in each son.

War, war without truce against who would attempt to blemish the honor of the fatherland!

Un soldado en cada hijo te dio.

¡Guerra, guerra sin tregua al que intente De la patria manchar los blasones! ¡Guerra, guerra! Los patrios pendones En las olas de sangre empapad. ¡Guerra, guerra! En el monte, en el valle Los cañones horrísonos truenen Y los ecos sonoros resuenen Con las voces de ¡Unión! ¡Libertad!

Antes, patria, que inermes tus hijos Bajo el yugo su cuello dobleguen, Tus campiñas con sangre se rieguen, Sobre sangre se estampe su pie. Y tus templos, palacios y torres Se derrumben con hórrido estruendo, Y sus ruinas existan diciendo: De mil héroes la patria aquí fue.

¡Patria! ¡patria! Tus hijos te juran Exhalar en tus aras su aliento, Si el clarín con su bélico acento Los convoca a lidiar con valor. ¡Para ti las guirnaldas de oliva! ¡Un recuerdo para ellos de gloria! ¡Un laurel para ti de victoria! ¡Un sepulcro para ellos de honor!

Mexicanos, al grito de guerra El acero aprestad y el bridón, y retiemble en sus centros la tierra Al sonoro rugir del cañón.

War, war! The patriotic banners saturate in waves of blood. War, war! On the mount, in the vale The terrifying cannon thunder and the echoes nobly resound to the cries of union! liberty!

Fatherland, before your children become unarmed Beneath the yoke their necks in sway, May your countryside be watered with blood, On blood their feet trample. And may your temples, palaces and towers crumble in horrid crash, and their ruins exist saying: The fatherland was made of one thousand heroes here.

Fatherland, fatherland, your children swear to exhale their breath in your cause, If the bugle in its belligerent tone should call upon them to struggle with bravery. For you the olive garlands! For them a memory of glory! For you a laurel of victory! For them a tomb of honor!

Mexicans, at the cry of battle lend your swords and bridle; and let the earth tremble at its center upon the roar of the cannon.


hay there is/are

había there was/were

hay que + infinitive it is necessary to + infinitive

tener que + infinitive to have to / must + infinitive

tener ganas de + infinitive

to want to + infinitive

ir a + infinitive to be going to + infinitive

acabar de + infinitive to have just + past participle

hace + time time + ago


The progressive tense indicates an action that is ongoing. It is formed by using estar (in any tense) with a present participle. Present participles are formed by dropping the ending of the verb, and adding the following endings to the stem:

Present Participles

-ar -ando

-er -iendo

-ir -iendo

Juan está hablando. Juan is talking. Estaban cantando. They were singing. Estuve escribiendo una carta. I was writing a letter.

A few irregular present participles are: poder - pudiendo, dormir - durmiendo, sentir - sintiendo, venir - viniendo, pedir - pidiendo, leer - leyendo, ir - yendo, reír - riendo.


haber - to have (auxiliary verb)

present preterite imperfect

he hube había

has hubiste habías

ha hubo había

hemos hubimos habíamos

habéis hubisteis habíais

han hubieron habían

This verb does not mean to possess (that is tener); but it is used in past tenses as an auxiliary verb.


The present perfect tense is a compound tense using haber with a past participle. (Haber is only used as a helping verb; it is never used to show possession.) This tense can be translated as "have/has + past participle." Please note that the preterite tense is used more often than the perfect when expressing the past.

Past participles are formed by dropping the infinitive ending, and adding these endings:

Past Participles

-ar -er -ir

-ado -ido -ido

The following verbs have irregular past participles: abrir (to open) - abierto (opened); escribir (to write) - escrito (written); morir (to die) - muerto (died); poner (to put) - puesto (put); ver (to see) - visto (seen); volver (to return) - vuelto (returned); decir (to say) - dicho (said); hacer (to do) - hecho (done).

No han vendido la casa. They have not sold the house. Dónde ha puesto Ud. la llave? Where have you put the key? Hemos ganado mucho dinero. We have earned a lot of money. Qué ha dicho Ud.? What did you say?

The past perfect tense corresponds to the English "had + past participle." It indicates an event that happened prior to another event in the past. It consists of the imperfect of haber and a past participle. Sometimes the preterite of haber is used, but the imperfect is more common.

Carlos había vivido en México. Carlos had lived in Mexico. Habíamos aprendido el español. We had learned Spanish.


airport el aeropuerto

embassy la embajada pier el muelle

bakery la panadería factory la fábrica police station

la comisaría

bank el banco farm la granja port el puerto

bar el bar fire hydrant la boca de agua

prison la prisión

barn el granero fountain la fuente restaurant el restaurante

barracks el cuartel garage el garaje road (highway)

la carretera / la vía

bench el banco grocery store

el supermercado

school la escuela

bridge el puente hospital el hospital sidewalk la acera

bookstore la librería hotel el hotel square la plaza

building el edificio house la casa stable la cuadra

butcher's la carnicería hut la cabaña stadium el estadio

castle el castillo inn la posada stop sign la señal de alto

cathedral la catedral lane (town) la calleja store la tienda

cemetery el cementerio

library la biblioteca street la calle

church la iglesia market el mercado suburb el barro residencial

cinema el cine ministry el ministerio theater el teatro

consulate el consulado monument el monumento tower la torre

corner la esquina museum el museo town la ciudad

courtyard el patio palace el palacio town hall el ayuntamiento

crosswalk el cruce peatonal

path la senda traffic light el semáforo

dock la dársena pavement la acera university la universidad

dry cleaner's

la tintorería pharmacy la farmacia village el pueblo

In Mexico, the square in many towns is called el zócalo.

Addresses in the Spanish-speaking world use the name of the street first, then the number of the building.


by bus en autobús

by bicycle en bicicleta

by car en coche

by motorcycle en motocicleta

by subway en metro

by taxi en taxi

by plane en avión

by train en tren

by boat en barco

on foot a pie

El coche can also be used for car, while bus can also be la guagua (Cuba), la camioneta (Colombia and Venezuela) or el camión (Mexico) - but el camión means truck in other countries. A longer bus in Cuba is el camello and in Mexico it is el gusano.


querer - to want

present preterite imperfect

quiero quise quería

quieres quisiste querías

quiere quiso quería

queremos quisimos queríamos

queréis quisisteis queríais

quieren quisieron querían

poder - to be able to, can

present preterite imperfect

puedo pude podía

puedes pudiste podías

puede pudo podía

podemos pudimos podíamos

podéis pudisteis podíais

pueden pudieron podían

deber - to have to, must

present preterite imperfect

debo debí debía

debes debiste debías

debe debió debía

debemos debimos debíamos

debéis debisteis debíais

deben debieron debían

The difference in verb tenses (among the past) can change the meaning of the verb slightly


alarm clock

el despertador drawer el cajón pipe la pipa

armchair el sillón dresser el tocador pipe (water)

el tubo

ashtray el cenicero driveway la entrada del garaje

poker el atizador

attic el desván DVD player

el lector de DVD

radio la radio

balcony el balcón fence la cerca record el disco

basement el sótano film la película refrigerator el refrigerador

basket la cesta fire el fuego roof el tejado

bathroom el baño flame la llama room el cuarto

bathtub la bañera flashlight la linterna rug la alfombra

batteries las pilas flat el apartamento

sheet la sábana

bed la cama floor el suelo shelf el estante

bedroom la alcoba / el dormitorio

floor (levels)

el piso / la planta

shovel la pala

bell (door) la campanilla flower la flor shower la ducha

blanket la cobija freezer el congelador

sideboard el aparador

blinds la persiana front walk la vereda sink el fregadero

bookcase la librería furniture los muebles sink (bathroom)

el lavabo

box la caja garage el garaje sitting room

la sala

broom la escoba garden el jardín smoke el humo

bucket el balde ground floor

la planta baja sofa el sofá

camcorder la cámara hearth la chimenea stairs las escaleras

camera la máquina de fotos

hook el gancho steps los escalones

candle la vela house la casa story el piso

carpet la alfombra iron (flat) la plancha stove la estufa

cassette la cinta kerosene el petróleo study el estudio

CD player el lector de CD

key la llave switch el conmutador

ceiling el techo kitchen la cocina table la mesa

chair la silla ladder la escalera tap (faucet) el grifo

chimney la chimenea lamp la lámpara telephone el teléfono

cigar el puro / el cigarro

lawn el césped television el televisor

cigarette el cigarrillo light bulb la bombilla toaster la tostadora

clock el reloj living room la sala toilet (WC) el inodoro

closet el armario lock la cerradura towel la toalla

compact disc

el disco compacto

mailbox el buzón vacuum cleaner

el aspirador

computer la computadora

matches las cerillas vase el jarrón

corner el rincón mattress el colchón VCR el magnetoscopio

cupboard la alacena microwave oven

el horno microondas

wall (house)

el muro

curtain la cortina mirror el espejo wall (room) la pared

cushion el cojín oven el horno window la ventana

desk el escritorio pantry la despensa yard el jardín

dining room

el comedor picture el cuadro

door la puerta pillow la almohada


Comparisons are expressed as follows:

más [adjective] que menos [adjective] que tan [adjective] como tanto (-a, -os, -as) [noun] como

more [adjective] than less [adjective] than as [adjective] as as much/many [noun] as

El gato es menos inteligente que el perro. The cat is less intelligent than the dog. Mi prima tiene más discos que nadie. My cousin has more records than anyone. No tengo tanto dinero como ustedes. I don't have as much money as you.

To form comparatives, just add más or menos before the adjective or adverb. To form the superlative, place the definite article before the comparative. Note that de is used to express in after a superlative.

más alta taller la más alta the tallest Rosa es la niña más alta de la clase. Rosa is the tallest girl in the class.


Some adjectives and adverbs have irregular comparative and superlative forms. The most common are:

Adjective/Adverb Comparative Superlative

good bad great small well badly much little

bueno malo grande pequeño bien mal mucho poco

better worse greater less better worse more less

mejor peor mayor menor mejor peor más menos

the best the worst the greatest the least best worst most least

el mejor el peor el mayor el menor el mejor el peor el más el menos

Note that the bueno and malo change according to gender and number while grande and pequeño change according to gender. The adverbs (the last four) do not agree with the noun.


apron el delantal pants los pantalones

barrette el pasador pin el alfiler

bathrobe la bata pocket el bolsillo

belt el cinturón purse el bolso

blouse la blusa raincoat el impermeable

boot la bota ring el anillo

bracelet la pulsera sandals las sandalias

brush un cepillo del pelo scarf la bufanda

buckle la hebilla shirt la camisa

button el botón shoe el zapato

cap el gorro shoelace el cordón

clothes la ropa shorts los pantalones cortos

coat el abrigo silk la seda

collar el cuello skirt la falda

comb el peine sleeve la manga

cotton el algodón slippers las pantuflas

dress el vestido soap el jabón

earmuffs las orejaras sock los calcetines

earrings el arete stocking la media

fashion la moda suit el traje

glasses los lentes sunglasses las gafas de sol

glove el guante suspenders los tirantes

handbag el bolso sweater el jersey

handkerchief el pañuelo sweatsuit el chándal

hat el sombrero swimsuit el traje de baño

jacket la cazadora tie la corbata

jeans los vaqueros T-shirt la camiseta

mittens los mitones umbrella el paraguas

necklace el collar underwear la ropa interior

nightgown el camisón waistcoat el chaleco

overcoat el sobretodo watch el reloj

pajamas los pijamas wool la lana


llevar - to wear

ponerse - to put on

llevo llevas lleva

llevamos lleváis llevan

me pongo te pones se pone

nos ponemos os ponéis se ponen

You don't use possessive pronouns when referring to parts of the body or clothing, but you do use the definite article.


The future of regular verbs is formed by adding the following endings to the infinitive:

-é -ás -á

-emos -éis -án

Many verbs use irregular stems in the future tense, but they still use the regular endings from above:

caber (to fit) cabr- cabré

decir (to say, tell) dir- dirás

haber (to have) habr- habrá

hacer (to do, make) har- haremos

poder (to be able) podr- podréis

poner (to put, place)

pondr- pondrán

querer (to want) querr- querré

saber (to know) sabr- sabrás

salir (to leave, go out)

saldr- saldrá

tener (to have, to own)

tendr- tendremos

valer (to be worth) valdr- valdréis

venir (to come) vendr- vendrán


The conditional expresses an idea dependent on a condition that is either expressed or understood. It can also refer to the past when it expresses probability. It is usually translated by would + infinitive in English.

To form the present conditional, add these endings to the infinitive for all three types of verbs. Verbs that had irregular stems in the future tense also use that stem for the conditional tense. You will notice that these endings are the same as for the imperfect. The difference is that the conditional adds them to the infinitive, whereas the imperfect adds them to the stem.

-ía -ías -ía

-íamos -íais -ían

Notice that for half of the conjugations, the -í- is the only distinguishing sound between the future and conditional. sabrá = he will know vs. sabría = he would know


Adjectives must agree in gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural) with the noun they describe, and they are placed after the noun.

In general, masculine adjectives end in -o and feminine adjectives end in -a: blanco and blanca (white).

Adjectives that end in -ín, -án, -ón, -dor, -tor and -sor in the masculine will add an -a for the feminine.

Adjectives that end in -ete for the masculine will end in -eta for the feminine.

Adjectives of nationality add -a to the masculine to form the feminine: francés - francesa (French).Notice that when you add -a, the adjective is no longer written with an accent.

To form the plural of adjectives, follow the same rules for forming the plural of nouns.

Most adjectives follow the noun they describe, but the following adjectives drop the final -o if placed before a masculine noun in the singular: bueno - good; malo - bad; alguno - some; ninguno - no, any; uno - one; primero - first; tercero - third

When grande means great, it precedes the noun and drops the -de before a singular noun of either gender. Santo (saint) drops the -to before all masculine nouns, except those beginning with Do- or To-.


large grande high, tall alto

small pequeño low, short bajo

long largo pretty lindo, bonito

short corto beautiful hermoso

good bueno ugly feo

bad malo wide ancho

rich rico narrow estrecho

poor pobre heavy pesado

strong fuerte light ligero

weak débil hard duro

easy fácil soft blando

difficult difícil sweet dulce

fat gordo sour agrio

thin delgado bitter amargo

When any form of the definite article is placed before an adjective, then the adjective becomes a noun.

pobre - poor; el pobre - the poor man

If the neuter article lo is placed before a singular masculine adjective, the latter becomes an abstract noun.

bueno - good; lo bueno - the good (everything that is good)


ball la pelota pool la piscina

game el juego basketball el baloncesto

match el partido tennis el tenis

team el equipo swimming la natación

player el jugador boxing el boxeo

soccer el fútbol wrestling la lucha

football el fútbol americano hockey el hockey

baseball el béisbol volleyball el vóleibol

racket una raqueta net una red

ball (small) una pelota cleats unos zapatos de fútbol

bat un bate skis unos esquís

glove un guante ski poles unos bastones

ball un balón boots unas botas

basketball hoop una canasta helmet el casco


air el aire grass la hierba sea el mar

archipelago el archipiélago

gulf el golfo shadow la sombra

bank la orilla hail el granizo sky el cielo

bay la bahía hay el heno snow la nieve

barn el granero high tide la marea alta soil el suelo

beach la playa hill la colina south el sur

branch la rama ice el hielo spring (water)

la fuente

bridge el puente island la isla star la estrella

bud el capullo isthmus el istmo stem el tallo

bush el arbusto jungle la jungla storm la tormenta

cape el cabo lake el lago strait el aprieto

cave la cueva leaf la hoja stream el arroyo

city la ciudad light la luz street la calle

climate el clima lightning el relámpago sun el sol

cloud la nube lily la azucena sunflower el girasol

coast la costa low tide la marea baja thaw el deshielo

comet el cometa meadow el prado thunder el trueno

constellation la constelación

moon la luna tornado el tornado

country el país mountain la montaña tree el árbol

country(side) el campo mountain range

la sierra trunk el tronco

current la corriente mouth (river)

la desembocadura

tulip el tulipán

daffodil el narciso mud el barro valley el valle

daisy la margarita nature la naturaleza view la vista

darkness la obscuridad north el norte water el agua (f)

desert el desierto peninsula la península fresh water el agua dulce

dew el rocío plain el llano salt water el agua salada

dust el polvo planet el planeta watering la

can regadera

earth la tierra plant la planta waterfall la cascada

east el este pond el estanque wave la ola

farm la granja pot (for plants)

la maceta weather el tiempo

field el campo rain la lluvia west el oeste

flower la flor rainbow el arco iris wind el viento

foam la espuma river el río world el mundo

fog le niebla rock la roca

foliage el follaje root la raíz

forest el bosque rose la rosa

frost la helada sand la arena


decir - to say / tell

present preterite imperfect

digo dije decía

dices dijiste decías

dice dijo decía

decimos dijimos decíamos

decís dijisteis decíais

dicen dijeron decían

salir - to go out

present preterite imperfect

salgo salí salía

sales saliste salías

sale salió salía

salimos salimos salíamos

salís salisteis salíais

salen salieron salían

Decir also has irregular participles: dicho (said/told); dichiendo (saying/telling)


Para is used to express: use or destination (for), purpose (in order to); point of future time (for, by) and to be about to (estar para + infinitive - though this is not used in all varieties of Spanish.)

La carta es para Concha. The letter is for Concha. Estudia para aprender. He studies in order to learn. Lo tendré para el martes. I will have it by Tuesday. Juan está para salir. John is about to leave. (not used in all varieties of Spanish)

Por is used to express: a place through or along which; expressions of time (in, during, at); exchange, price (for); unit of measure (by, per); way or means (by); because of, on account of, for; to go for, to send for; on behalf of, for the sake of; motive, reason. It is also used after a passive verb to indicate the agent (by) and estar por + infinitive indicates what remains to be done or to be in favor of.

por el pueblo through the town por la mañana in the morning Pagó un peso por el libro. He paid a dollar for the book. Se vende por libras. It's sold by the pound. Voy por tren. I'm going by train. Voy por Alicia. I'm going for Alice. Voté por Juanita. I voted for Juanita. Fue escrito por Cervantes. It was written by Cervantes. La carta está por escribir. The letter is yet to be written. Estoy por escribirla. I am in favor of writing it.

Pero (but) usually follows an affirmative expression, but may follow a negative statement if the verb of the first clause is repeated, or if another verb follows.

Bebe leche pero no bebe café. He drinks milk, but he does not drink coffee.

Sino (but) is only used in negative sentences of contrasting statements when the verb of the first clause is understood but not repeated.

No bebe café sino leche. He does not drink coffee, but milk.


Subject Direct Indirect Object of Prepositions

yo I me me me to me mí me

tú you te you te to you ti you

él he/it lo him/it le to him/it él him/it

ella she/it la her/it le to her/it ella her/it

Usted you la you le to you Usted you

nosotros (as) we nos us nos to us nosotros (as) us

vosotros (as) you os you os to you vosotros (as) you

Ustedes you los, las you les to you Ustedes you

ellos (as) they los them les to them ellos (as) them

1. An object pronoun generally precedes the conjugated verb, except if is used in an affirmative command, with an infinitive or gerund. Then it is attached to the verb as one word. Déme Ud. el libro. Give me the book.

2. When you have more than one pronoun, the indirect comes before the direct. If both pronouns begin with the letter l, then the first one is changed to se.

3. When one or two object pronouns follow and are attached to the verb form, an accent mark must be added to retain the original stress of the word.

4. For clearness or emphasis, the prepositional form of a plus an object of a preposition may be used. Nos envió a Ud. He sent us to you.

5. When the preposition con (with) precedes me or te, the words change to conmigo (with me) and contigo (with you).


ankle el tobillo fever la fiebre pain el dolor

arm el brazo finger el dedo nose la nariz

artery la arteria fist el puño palm la palma

back la espalda flesh la carne pulse el pulso

beard la barba foot el pie rib la costilla

belly el vientre forehead la frente shin la espinilla

bladder la vejiga gum la encía shoulder el hombro

blood la sangre hair el cabello / el pelo

skeleton el esqueleto

body el cuerpo hand la mano skin la piel

bone el hueso head la cabeza skull el cráneo

brain el cerebro health la salud sole la planta

breast el seno heart el corazón spine la espina dorsal

breath el aliento heel el talón stomach el estómago

calf la pantorrilla hip la cadera tear la lágrima

cheek la mejilla intestine el intestino temple la sien

chest el pecho jaw la quijada thigh el muslo

chin la barba / la barbilla

kidney el riñón throat la garganta

coccyx el coxis knee la rodilla thumb el pulgar

cold el resfriado leg la pierna toe el dedo del pie

complexion la tez lip el labio tongue la lengua

cough la tos liver el hígado tooth el diente

disease la enfermedad lung el pulmón vein la vena

ear la oreja moustache el bigote wound le herida

elbow el codo mouth la boca waist la cintura

eye el ojo muscle el músculo wrist la muñeca

eyebrow la ceja nail la uña

eyelid el párpado neck el cuello

face la cara nerve el nervio

To express pain, use an indirect object pronoun + duele(n) + body part.

Me duele la cabeza. My head hurts. Le duelen los pies. His feet hurt.


Simply raise your voice at the end of the sentence. Place the predicate in front of the subject of the sentence. Add no? or verdad? or no es verdad? to the end of the statement. These translate to many phrases in English, such as Isn't it? Aren't you? Don't you? Didn't he? Isn't she? etc.


dar - to give

traer - to bring

doy das da

damos dais dan

traigo traes trae

traemos traéis traen


A relative pronoun connects a dependent clause to a main clause and refers to something already mentioned (the antecedent.) This pronoun may be the subject or object of a verb, or the object of a preposition. Que and quien are the most commonly used relative pronouns.

Que (who, whom, that, which) refers to persons or things, except after a preposition, when it refers to things only. El que (and its forms - la que, los que, las que) and el cual (and its forms - la cual, los cuales, las cuales) may replace

que or quien. These pronouns are used to avoid ambiguity when there are two antecedents, and with prepositions.

La casa en que vivo es pequeña. The house in which I live is small. He visitado la ciudad cerca de la cual vive. I visited the city near which he lives.

Quien (-es) (who) is used in a supplementary clause. When used with a preposition, it means whom. Quien(-es) is often used in place of el que and its forms as well, when it means one who, those who, etc.

Lo que and lo cual (which) refer to the whole sentence.

Cuyo (-a, -os, -as) is a possessive adjective and it agrees in gender and number with the thing possessed, which is always the word that follows it.


Disjunctive pronouns are used independently of the verb. They are the pronouns which follow prepositions, or show emphasis.

mí ti él ella Usted

nosotros (-as) vosotros (-as) ellos ellas Ustedes

Ello is also used as a neuter pronoun meaning it. Sí can mean yourself, himself, herself, yourselves or themselves. When con combines with mí, ti or sí, the words become conmigo, contigo and consigo. The forms of mismo (-a, -os, -as) can be added to these pronouns.


oír - to hear

oler - to smell

ver - to see

oigo oyes oye

oímos oís oyen

huelo hueles huele

olemos oléis huelen

veo ves ve

vemos veis ven


animal el animal lark la alomdra

ant la hormiga lion el león

antelope el antílope lizard el lagarto

antenna la antena lobster (spiny) la langosta

antler el asta louse el piojo

badger el tejón mackerel la caballa

bat el murciélago mole el topo

beak el pico monkey el mono

bear el oso mosquito el mosquito

bee la abeja moth la polilla

beetle el escarabajo mouse el ratón

bird el pájaro mule el mulo

blackbird el mirlo mussel el mejillón

bull el toro nest el nido

butterfly la mariposa nightingale el ruiseñor

calf el ternero octopus el pulpo

carp la carpa ostrich el avestruz

cat el gato owl el buho

caterpillar la oruga ox el buey

cheetah el guepardo oyster la ostra

chicken el pollo parrot el loro

chimpanzee el chimpancé partridge la perdiz

claw la zarpa paw la pata

cockroach la cucaracha penguin el pingüino

cod el bacalao pig el cerdo

cocoon el capullo pigeon el pichón

cow la vaca pike el sollo

crab el cangrejo pony el potro

crayfish el cangrejo rabbit el conejo

crocodile el cocodrilo raccoon el mapache

crow el cuervo rat la rata

deer el ciervo rooster el gallo

dog el perro salmon el salmón

donkey el burro scale la escama

dragonfly la libélula scorpion el escorpión

duck el pato sea gull la gaviota

eagle el águila (f) seahorse el caballito de mar

eel el anguila seal la foca

egg el huevo shark el tiburón

elephant el elefante sheep la oveja

feather la pluma shrimp la gamba

fin la aleta skin la piel

fish el pez slug la babosa

flea la pulga snail el caracol

fly la mosca snake la serpiente / la culebra

fox el zorro sole el lenguado

frog la rana sparrow el gorrión

fur el pelo spider la araña

gill la branquia squid el calamar

giraffe la jirafa squirrel la ardilla

goat la cabra starfish la estrella de mar

goose el ganso stork la cigüeña

gorilla el gorila swallow la golondrina

grasshopper el saltamontes swan el cisne

hamster la marmota tadpole el renacuajo

hare la liebre tail la cola

hedgehog el erizo tiger el tigre

hen la gallina toad el sapo

heron la garza trout la trucha

herring el arenque tuna el atún

hoof la pezuña turkey el pavo

horn el cuerno turtle la tortuga

horse el caballo wasp la avispa

hummingbird el colibri weasel la comadreja

iguana la iguana whale la ballena

insect el insecto wing el ala (f)

jellyfish la medusa wolf el lobo

kitten el gatito worm el gusano

ladybug la catarina zebra la cebra

lamb el cordero


Suffixes may be attached to nouns, adjectives or adverbs. Unaccented vowels should be dropped before adding the suffixes. The most common suffixes are -ito (a) and -cito (a). They express size, affection, admiration, appreciation or pity. The ending -ero (a) indicates the maker or dealer in charge of something. To indicate where something is made or sold, add -ería. When -eza and -ura are added to adjectives, they express abstract nouns. When -dor is added to a verb

(minus the final letter), it indicates the performer of the action.


The subjunctive is not used very often in English, but it is very common and important in Spanish. Some command forms are actually the subjunctive, so the formation of the present subjunctive should not be too difficult. Start with the first person singular yo conjugation in the present indicative tense, remove the final -o and add these endings:

Present Subjunctive

-ar verbs -er and -ir

-e -es -e

-emos -éis -en

-a -as -a

-amos -áis -an

(Notice that -ar verbs use -e and -er/-ir verbs use -a)

Usually when there is an irregular spelling change in the present indicative of a verb, that form will be used for the stem of all of the subjunctive forms. (Review #29 from Spanish I) Verbs than end in -erir, -ertir, or -entir use two different irregular spellings in the present subjunctive:

mentir in present subjunctive

mienta mientas mienta

mintamos mintáis mientan

The past subjunctive is formed from the third person plural of the preterite. Remove the -on ending, leaving you with -ar and -ier, and add these new endings:

Past (Imperfect) Subjunctive

all verbs

-a -as -a

-amos -ais -an

An accent is added to the stem vowel as well in the first person plural form. Instead of hablaramos, it is habláramos; instead of comieramos, it is comiéramos, etc. Note that there is another way to form the past subjunctive (a different set of endings), but the endings given are used more often. You

must always the past subjunctive after como si. Es como si fuera mi padre. It's as if he were my father.

The present perfect subjunctive is formed with the present subjunctive of haber and the past participle of the main verb. Similarly, the past perfect subjunctive is formed with the past subjunctive of haber and the past participle of the main verb.

Present perfect subjunctive

Past perfect subjunctive

haya hayas haya

hayamos hayáis hayan

+ past participle

hubiera hubieras hubiera

hubiéramos hubierais hubieran

+ past participle

You must always pay attention to the correct usage of verb tenses. When the verb of the main clause is in the present or future, then the verb of the subordinating clause will be in the present subjunctive. But if the verb in the main clause is in a past tense, the verb of the subordinating clause will be in the past subjunctive.


Many verbs are considered irregular in the present subjunctive mood. However, only six verbs (marked in grey below) do not follow the pattern described above when starting with the yo conjugation of the indicative. Nevertheless, these verbs are still somewhat easy to remember even if they don't follow the pattern because the imperative form will help you determine the stem to use for the subjunctive conjugation.

dar - to give decir - to say/tell estar - to be

dé des dé

demos deis den

diga digas diga

digamos digáis digan

esté estés esté

estemos estéis estén

haber - to have hacer - to do/make ir - to go

haya hayas haya

hayamos hayáis hayan

haga hagas haga

hagamos hagáis hagan

vaya vayas vaya

vayamos vayáis vayan

poder - to be able to poner - to put/place querer - to want

pueda puedas pueda

podamos podáis puedan

ponga pongas ponga

pongamos pongáis pongan

quiera quieras quiera

queramos queráis quieran

saber - to know salir - to go out ser - to be

sepa sepas sepa

sepamos sepáis sepan

salga salgas salga

salgamos salgáis salgan

sea seas sea

seamos seáis sean

tener - to have traer - to bring venir - to come

tenga tengamos traiga traigamos venga vengamos

tengas tenga

tengáis tengan

traigas traiga

traigáis traigan

vengas venga

vengáis vengan

Many verbs are irregular in the past subjunctive as well:

dar - to give decir - to say/tell estar - to be

diera dieras diera

diéramos dierais dieran

dijera dijeras dijera

dijéramos dijerais dijeran

estuviera estuvieras estuviera

estuviéramos estuvierais estuvieran

haber - to have hacer - to do/make ir - to go

hubiera hubieras hubiera

hubiéramos hubierais hubieran

hiciera hicieras hiciera

hiciéramos hicierais hicieran

fuera fueras fuera

fuéramos fuerais fueran

poder - to be able to poner - to put/place querer - to want

pudiera pudieras pudiera

pudiéramos pudierais pudieran

pusiera pusieras pusiera

pusiéramos pusierais pusieran

quisiera quisieras quisiera

quisiéramos quisierais quisieran

saber - to know ser - to be tener - to have

supiera supieras supiera

supiéramos supierais supieran

fuera fueras fuera

fuéramos fuerais fueran

tuviera tuvieras tuviera

tuviéramos tuvierais tuvieran

traer - to bring venir - to come

trajera trajeras trajera

trajéramos trajerais trajeran

viniera vinieras viniera

viniéramos vinierais vinieran


The main uses of the subjunctive include (generally, que will follow the verb):

1. After the verbs querer and desear (to want) when there is a change of subject (but use the infinitive if there is no change of subject)

2. When one person tells (decir) or asks (pedir) another person to do something.

3. After verbs of emotion or command, such as esperar (to hope), sentir (to be sorry), temer (to fear), alegrarse (to be glad), mandar (to order), rogar (to request), when there is a change of subject.

4. After dudar (to doubt) and other verbs expressing uncertainty (negative of creer), as well as after quizás, tal vez and acaso (maybe) to reinforce the idea of doubt.

5. After most impersonal expressions, such as es posible que / puede que (it's possible), es importante que (it's important), es necesario que / hace falta (it's necessary) if there is a subject for the subordinate verb.

6. In adjective clauses is the antecedent is indefinite

7. After certain conjunctions, such as para que (in order that), sin que (without), and antes que (before)

8. After time conjunctions, such as cuando (when), en cuanto (as soon as), hasta que (until), when future is implied.

9. After que in expressions of wishes or desires: Que aproveche! Have a good meal!

10. To translate the future tense in subordinating clause: Cuando sea mayor iré a España. When I'm older, I will go to Spain.

In contrary-to-fact conditions, the past subjunctive must be used in the if-clause (and the main clause is in a conditional tense)


Most adverbs are formed by adding -mente to the feminine singular form of the adjective. However, two common adverbs that do not end in -mente are despacio (slowly) and demasiado (too much).

Adjective Adverb

correcto fácil claro absoluto rápido

correctamente fácilmente claramente absolutamente rápidamente

correctly easily clearly absolutely rapidly

Lo + adverb + que expresses how, while lo más + adverb + an expression of possibility is translated: as ... as ...

lo bien que how well lo más pronto posible as soon as possible


In passive sentences, the subject receives the action of the verb. In active sentences, the subject does the action. However, the meaning of both sentences is the same. The passive voice in Spanish is formed with a tense of ser and a past participle. Ser should be in the same tense as the verb in its corresponding active sentence. The agent is expressed by por if the action is physical; and by de if mental. The past participle agrees in gender and number with the subject. If you use estar instead of ser, the past participle is called the predicate adjective and it is not a passive sentence.

Active El viento destruye la casa. The wind destroys the house.

Passive La casa fue destruida por el The house was destroyed by the

viento. wind.

Predicate Adjective

Cuando la vi, la casa estaba destruida.

When I saw it, the house was destroyed.

El niño fue castigado por su padre. The boy was punished by his father. Rosa es amada por todos. Rose is loved by everyone.


The infinitive is translated as a gerund (the -ing form of the verb) after these words: el, al, a preposition, ver or oír.

El correr es un buen ejercicio. Running is good exercise. Partió sin hablar. He left without speaking. Oigo cantar a Maria. I hear Maria singing.


department store el almacén shop/store la tienda

shopping mall el centro comercial (open-air) market el mercado (al aire libre)

belt el cinturón (fixed) price el precio (fijo)

glasses las gafas sale la rebaja

gloves los guantes to bargain regatear

sunglasses los lentes de sol to spend money gastar


post office el correo bank el banco

envelope el sobre (traveler's) check el cheque (de viajero)

mailbox el buzón to cash (a check) cobrar

mail carrier el cartero to save (money) ahorrar

stamps las estampillas to deposit depositar

package el paquete account la cuenta


The following verbs require a, de, en or con when followed by another infinitive, although the preposition is not always translated into English.

Verb + a + another infinitive

Verb + de + another infinitive

acostumbrarse to become used to

acabar to have just

aprender atreverse ayudar comenzar convidar decidirse dedicarse empezar enseñar invitar ir negarse persuadir principiar rehusar resignarse resistirse resolverse venir volver

to learn to to dare to to help to begin to to invite to to decide to to devote oneself to to begin to to teach to to invite to go to to refuse to to persuade to to begin to to refuse to to resign oneself to to resist to resolve to to come to to return to

acordarse alegrarse aprovecharse arrepentirse cansarse cesar dejar encargarse gozar jactarse olvidarse tratar

to remember to be glad to to profit by to repent to tire of to cease to cease to take charge of to take pleasure in to boast of to forget to to try to

Verb + en + another infinitive

Verb + con + another infinitive

consentir consistir divertirse empeñarse esforzarse insistir ocuparse pensar persistir tardar

to consent to to consist to amuse oneself to insist on to endeavor to to insist on to busy oneself to think of to persist in to delay in

contar contentarse soñar

to count on to content oneself with to dream of


pencil el lápiz dictionary el diccionario

eraser la goma tape (audio) la cinta

pen la pluma map el mapa

ink la tinta newspaper el periódico

paper el papel novel la novela

letter la carta backpack la mochila

notebook el cuaderno stapler la grapadora

book el libro scissors unas tijeras


car garage

el coche el garage

tank gasoline oil air grease tire spare tire wheel steering wheel brake speed slow danger stop go service station

el tanque la gasolina el aceite el aire la grasa la llanta llanta picada la rueda el volante el freno la velocidad despacio peligro alto siga, adelante la estación de servicio


passport el pasaporte airport el aeropuerto

customs la aduana parking lot el aparcamiento

arrival la llegada bus stop la parada

departure la salida traffic jam los atascos

(round-trip) ticket

el pasaje (de ida y vuelta)

map el mapa

luggage el equipaje countryside el campo

single/double room

la habitación individual/doble

mountain la montaña

train (bus) station

la estación de tren (de autobuses)

beach la playa

subway la estación de metro paths los caminos

to take a trip hacer un viaje vacation las vacaciones

to go on vacation

ir de vacaciones to drive conducir

to pack hacer las maletas to visit visitar

to travel viajar to walk pasearse

to fly volar to get lost perderse


shampoo el champú brush el cepillo

soap el jabón comb el peine

makeup el maquillaje toothpaste la pasta de dientes

shaving cream la crema de afeitar toothbrush el cepillo de dientes

lotion la loción towel la toalla

nail polish el esmalte para las uñas

electric razor la maquinilla de afeitar


Beside the present and past perfect tenses, there are also the preterite, future and conditional perfect tenses. All are conjugated with a form of haber and a past participle.

The preterite perfect is formed with the preterite of haber + past participle, and it has the same meaning as the past perfect. But this tense is normally only used after conjunctions of time, such as así que, luego que, tan pronto como (as soon as); cuando (when); después (de) que (after); and hasta que (until).

The future perfect is formed with the future of haber + past participle and is also used to express probability, referring to the present.

The conditional perfect is formed with the conditional of haber + past participle and is also used to express probability, referring to the past.


Ago : hace + a period of time Se fue hace quince días. He left fifteen days ago.

Since / For : desde hace + a period of time (careful with verb tenses here: present tense in Spanish, present perfect or present perfect continuous in English) No vienes a verme desde hace un mes. You haven't come to see me for a month.

In : dentro de + a period of time (time at which something will happen) Te llamo dentro de media hora. I'll call you in a half hour.


Hello Diga telephone book la guía telefónica

Hello (reply) Oiga yellow pages las páginas amarillas

This is... Soy... to transfer someone poner con alguien

phone card una tarjeta telefónica

to call telefonear

phone booth una cabina to pick up descolgar

call una llamada to hang up colgar

ringtone el timbre del to leave a message dejar un recado


dialtone el tono de marcar to be very talkative hablar por los codos

wrong number un número equivocado

to dial a number marcar un número

busy signal la señal de ocupado


Exclamatory phrases, which express what a or how, begin with qué, cuánto, and cómo. Qué can be followed by a noun or an adjective. Sometimes tan or más are also used with the adjective to emphasize a defect or a quality. ¡Qué mujer! What a woman! ¡Qué familia tan unida! What a united family!

Cuánto expresses quantity, and agrees in gender and number with the adjective that follows. It can also be followed by a verb, in which case there is no agreement. Furthermore, lo que can replace cuánto when a verb follows. ¡Cuánta comida! How much food! / There's a lot of food! ¡Cuánto comes! How you eat! / You eat a lot!

Cómo expresses the manner in which something is done. It can only be followed by a verb. ¡Cómo baila! How he dances! / He dances well!


la pandilla group of friends ¡qué pasada! that's awesome!

el colega / el socio friend ¡qué rollo! it's boring!

el profe teacher ¡chulo! ¡chula! great!

el cole middle school ser un lince to be very clever

un(a) chaval(a) guy/girl llevarse un chasco to be disappointed

un tío guy estar hasta la gorra to be fed up

un ligue flirt ligar to flirt

un empollón hard-worker estar hecho papilla to be sad

un cabeza de chorlito scatterbrain estar hecho polvo to be tired

un cabeza cuadrada stubborn estar mal del coco to be crazy

un cara de mala leche mean look/face estar harto to be fed up


To express an action that is planned (going to happen): ir a + infinitive. Voy a acostarme. I'm going to go to bed.

To express an action that is just about to happen: estar a punto de + infinitive or estar para + infinitive. El avión está para aterrizar. The plane is about to land.

To express an action that repeats: volver a + infinitive. Vuelve a escribir su nombre. You write your name again.

To express an action that has just happened: acabar de + infinitive. Acabo de llegar. I just arrived.


Several verbs in Spanish that express feelings (pleasure, pain, etc.) have different word order than in English. These verbs have the same construction as gustar (#35): Indirect object + verb + subject. Me, te, le, nos, os, les are the indirect object pronouns. The verb is conjugated in third person singular or plural because it agrees with the subject, not the indirect object.

gustar to like dar asco to hate

apetecer to feel like dar miedo to scare

encantar to adore dar lástima to trouble

dar ganas to feel like doler to hurt

Te apetece salir. You feel like going out. Le duelen los dientes. His teeth hurt. Les da miedo la película. The film scares them.

You can also add a mí, a ti, a él, a ella, a usted, a nosotros/-as, a vosotros/-as, a ellos, a ellas, or a ustedes before the indirect object for emphasis.

A mí me gusta el fútbol. Me, I like soccer.

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