la nueva generación de detectores de humo - … · de detectores de humo ... las ventajas con...

Post on 05-Oct-2018






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La nueva Generación

de Detectores de


Disponibles hoy

Denis Leal Nascimento

Open-area Smoke Image Detection

2012 Poznan International Fair Gold Medal

ASIS 2011 Accolades

New Product Innovation Award in Fire & Life Safety -

North America, 2011 awarded to Xtralis based on

analysis on OSID by Xtralis

2011 Fire Excellence Awards - Best Detection and

Alarm Product Award

2011 New Product Showcase (NPS) -Judge’s Choice

Award at the ISC West

2010 Hot Technology by Network Products Guide

Premios y Reconocimientos


─ Alexandria Police Station – atrium

─ Mars pet food – warehouse (60 detectors)

─ Clarke County Ampitheatre

─ Waterman hospital – atrium

─ Georgia Tech – indoor football facility

─ Ontario Power Generation – warehouse

─ ALDI Food – warehouse (24 detectors)

─ Patron Tequila - warehouse

─ Texas Performing Arts – auditorium (5 detectors)

─ Boise train station – Main hall

─ HP/EDS - Plano, Texas (80+ detectors)

─ NBA Arena - Oklahoma City (12+ detectors)

─ Oklahoma State Arena (12+ detectors)

─ LA Convention Centre

─ Lockheed Martin

─ etc

Instalaciones en una amplia variedad de aplicaciones con OSID

Stanford University Palasport Verona

Burberry ─ Iconic British Luxury Brand Est. 1856Protected by Xtralis VESDA & OSID

© Xtralis Pty. Ltd. ─ Confidential Information 6

Burberry’s flagship store at 121 Regent Street in London, opened in 2012

44,000 square-foot space is divided into rooms themed as Bespoke, Acoustic & Experiences

Housed in a Grade II listed building, originally created in 1820, the store was renovated by

British craftsmen, from stonemasons to cabinet-makers, highlighting the building's old features

VESDA VFT-15 Smoke

Detectors protect front and

customer retail areas

OSID Open Area Smoke Imaging

Detectors protect large and imressive



Minimal to no damage

Local to General damage

Total loss



g t




VerifyDetect Watch it burn


VerifyDetect Respond



Very early warning Standard sensitivity After flame…


Activity disruption to Local damage

No damage

Prevención de Fuego








Las ventajas con respecto a los detectores de haz de luz

tradicionales obedece a cuatro mejoras de diseño:

Emisión de Frecuencia Dual IR y UV

Imagen Digital vs. photodiodos

Innovador Método de Alineamiento

Algoritmos inteligentes

Por qué es mejor la Tecnología Dual IR y UV?

Units mounted opposite one another

Optically aligned for maximum received signal

(manually or with software controlled motor-


Single IR frequency

Use IR led to transmit and photo diode to receive

Infra-red light beam dims with smoke or partial


If received signal falls below a threshold for a

delay period then a fire alarm is signaled

Nuisance blockages are recognized when the

signal falls suddenly (e.g. 90% within 5 seconds)

Individual transmitter-receiver

Integrated transmitter-receiver

using reflector

Pictures and diagram courtesy of Fire Fighting Enterprises

Principio de funcionamiento del beam tradicional

Challenges with traditional beam detectors

Reflections Some beams require alternating TX-RX to avoid cross talk

Challenges with traditional beam detectors

Reflections Some beams require alternating TX-RX to avoid cross talk

Pictures and diagram courtesy of Fire Fighting Enterprises





(2 m)

330 ft/00 m

Diagram courtesy of Fire Fighting Enterprises

Flexión del Edificio / movimientos 1° flexión = 1,75 mts de divergencia del rebote a 100m

Maxima tolerancia de error de desalineamiento de 0.3°- 0.6°

Problemática de alineamiento del beam tradicional

Reflejos, Luz natural a través de Ventanas, Luz Artificial False returned signal coming from obstacle or window, mirror,

shiny surfaces, …

Problemas con reflejos, luz natural o artificial del beam tradicional




Smoke Imager

UV beam

IR beam

Active emitter LEDs transmit wide beam IR

and UV to the Imager

─ IR and UV have differing wavelengths

─ Respond differently to smoke

Relative strengths of the UV & IR are


─ Detect smoke

─ Discriminate against particulates that cause

nuisance alarms on traditional beams

Software locates illuminated pixels on the

CMOS imager

─ Each emitter is uniquely coded

Imager software tracks building movement

─ No controlled motor drives

Tecnología Dual vs. Beam de un solo haz IR

Distancia de Cobertura

(*) Emitters come both battery

powered or externally wired

ImagersEmitters (*)

NúmeroMax. de Emitters

Campo de


Horizontal Vertical

Standard Power


Standard Power




10° 5° 30m (98 ft) 150 m (492ft) - 1

45° 20° 11m (36 ft) 60 m (197 ft) 130 m 7

90° 40° 6m (20 ft) 34 m (111 ft) 70 m 7

(El beam tradicional tiene una distancia de cobertura de

70mts y requiere un “amplificador” para llegar a max 100 mts )

Como ubicar múltiples Emisores en áreas irregulares

Cut out of a piece of paper a

rectangle of the size

corresponding to beam

width and length

Respect the scale and


X = Beam length, both allowed by local codes and within the

emitter range specs

Y = Beam coverage, width allowed by local codes

OSID Opción de colocar Multi-Emitters

Reflections Some beams require alternating TX-RX to avoid cross talk

OSID Opción de colocar Multi-Emitters

OSID Opción de colocar Multi-Emitters

Multiples coberturas

Imagers can be configured with various

lenses, 10°, 45° and 90° field of view

Multiple Emitters with wide beam LEDs are

placed on the opposing wall and aligned

Up to 7 emitters may be used at the same

time with a 45° and 90° imager. The

10° FOV imager caters for 1 emitter

Emitters can be positioned on multiple


Emitters flash in pseudo-random sequence

to avoid timing collisions

Emitters communicate to the imager by

data encoded on the LED pulses to report

status, including battery condition long

before replacement is needed

Strictly confidential

Como ubicar múltiples Emisores en áreas irregulares

Cut out of a piece of paper a

rectangle of the size

corresponding to beam

width and length

Respect the scale and


X = Beam length, both allowed by local codes and within the

emitter range specs

Y = Beam coverage, width allowed by local codes


Vista actual de un IMAGER 45 grados con 4

Emisores dentro de un area de 1,350 m2

Imager versus photodiodo

La Imagen es igual a

100,000 photodiodos

El IMAGER localiza y

rastrea, a nivel de pixeles, la

posición de los Emisores

en donde quiera que se

localicen en su campo de


Puede funcionar sin

problema bajo cualquier

condición de iluminación;

brillo de luz artificial / luz

solar hasta en total


Beneficios Notables

Inicializacion Terminada

• The image will now show the location of

the various emitters with a green icon

and a number

• Numbering of the emitters is from left to

right from the position of the imager

• If any faults now occur, the Emitter

icon(s) will be yellow. Type of fault will

show top right of screen and next to the

Emitter # n location

• For demo purposes, a fault can be

forced by blocking the beam

•For a new image click ‘Acquire’ button,

the image does not refresh automatically

• Now you are OK to demo

Imager alignment could have been better!

Fault descriptions, if any

Mayor Sensibilidad = Detection mas Rápida

UV es la frecuencia de

detección principal

20% obsc para 150 mts

UV es 50% mas

sensible que IR para

detectar fuegos con


Prueba de Humo

Alarma de Humo

A Filter is included in the demo kit

3rd party filters might alarm – but

don’t bank on it

The filter will highlight the alarm


I.e., the larger the difference

between IR and UV the faster the

alarm will be accepted and detected

There is always more UV than IR


UV detects smaller particles than IR

The detector will remain in alarm for

a short while after the alarm is gone


Obstrucción de Objetos

IR and UV are both fully

obscured. IR signal ‘hidden’

behind UV. UV or IR is selectable

Fault signal but no alarm

Obscuration needs to last, around

9 sec for 3+ emitters and around

30 sec for a single emitter, to

have a fault signal

When obscuration is removed

signal will drop back to normal

Movimientos de la Estructura

Make sure the Large Particle Alarm

(Dust rejection) Dip sw. 7 is set to


Insert the laser screwdriver in any

emitter as if you were aligning it.

With the laser turned on, rotate the

emitter +/- 1° out of its normal

alignment in one direction

Wait 30s and give it another 1°and so on until about 5 °

You will see a ‘step function’ as in

this graph

Stop at 5 °. Point made!

Luz Reflejada

Use torch lamp, camera flash,

laser screw driver, laser


Shine into the imager from a


You should register no change

and no faults

You can bring the light source

close(r) to the imager provided

you do not ‘blind’ the imager.

Watch the graphs

With the light source on you can

demo an alarm with the filter

Partículas de Polvo

Blow/spray talcum powder in the

beam path – but test first

You will need ‘a lot’ to get to some

reasonable peak

There will be no alarm

Invite customer to have a go – fun

but messy !

Insectos (Arañas, Telarañas)

Los Beams normales se ponen

muy fácilmente en alarma con

insectos como arañas ya que este

patrón es muy similar a la alarma

del IR que utilizan.

Make (or tame!) a spider

Bits of string work well

Wave it around in front of the Imager


You will get ‘spikes’

Alarm should not occur.

Vapor de Agua

Spray fine water droplets in front

of the imager in the beam path

It is not a problem if some of the

droplets hit the imager (see


The result is similar to dust – no


BUT – keep an eye on the UV &

IR trend

Ejemplos de Aplicaciones

Beams reemplazados por OSID

70% reduction on installation time

No false alarms since…

Aspectos Críticos:

Almacén con ventanas

que causan refracción de


Cientos de falsas alarmas

y problemas diariamente

Enormes Movimientos del

Edificio causando fallas

Tienda de Distribución de Alimentos en Texas (Beam tradicional)

Distancias muy Largas

Deteccion con fiabilidad a 150 mt

Permite calibracion 20% a 150 mt

Alineamiento a través de la

estructura metálica del techo


Sitio Industrial


6”/15 cm

El usuario estuvo

considerando el cable sensor

térmico para “controlar”

colapso del edifico por fuego...

Desafíos para la Detección

Desafíos para a Detección

Salas de Cómputos

Galpones e Almacenes

Cámaras Frías

Áreas Estéticas


OSID en Tequila Patrón


Vapor en las áreas, VESDA y OSID

3-D arrangement may be

configured to protect

many large, open spaces

Centros Comerciales y Atrios

Empresa de Impresiónde Cartón









Problema Crítico:

Vapor de agua

Almacén Semi-abierto

5,85 “/15 cm

Problema Crítico:


Luz Solar

Planta de ReciclajeÑ

5,85 “/15 cm

Tiempo Estimado para

limpieza de lentes:1 mes


Reflejos por luz solar

– Los beams tradicionales son afectados por reflejos de

la luz solar y otras fuentes de emision de luz en la

industria, como lamparas, candelabros, etc.

Luz Natural, iluminación Artificial y otras Fuentes de Luz

Emisión directa de luz Natural (sol)

5,85 “/15 cm

Descartar por completo la

recomendación de instalación con

orientación East – West, la tecnología

dual evita lña condición de falla

cuando es expuesta directamente por

un periodo largo a la luz del sol.


When fully exposed to the

sun.... will only give a fault

Alta Resistencia al Polvo, Humedad, Vapores, etc (No falsas alarmas)

OSID’s 2 wavelengths provide a comfort zone of +90% for nuisance rejection

Single wavelength IR beams have a < 1% comfort zone for nuisance


Particle size0.01 µm 6 µm 100 µm

1 µm

Smoke Dust/fog/sprays

Comfort zone dual wavelength OSIDPotential


Comfort zone single

wavelength IR



The effect which occurs when smoke,

which is hotter than the surrounding air,

rises until equal to the temperature of the

surrounding air, causing the smoke to stop


This typically happens in atria covered

with windows where the air is heated by

the sun

Adding extra emitters at lower level will

result in a faster detection of smoke

Estratificación – Malla de Detección

Detection grid

Using 2 sets of OSID create a grid that

allows for early and cost-effective detection

at all levels of the atrium, at ground level as

well as at the top level.

The grid uses OSID’s horizontal and vertical

spatial performance to crate a full coverage

with minimum wiring costs

Difficult & Time Consuming to Align & Install

─ Use of ball and socket housing and unique laser alignment tool reduce time of install up to


Large particle obscuration rejection

─ Use of UV & IR in specific wavelengths assist in evaluating whether obscuration is caused

by small particles in the physical size resembling smoke or from larger particle (i.e. dust,

steam, insects, fork-lift, ladders, etc.)

Tolerance to building shift and vibration

─ The multiple pixels of a CMOS imaging chip as opposed to a photodiode along with the

uniquely coded light beam from an emitter provides the ability to track the position and

tolerate movement

Foreign light intrusion

─ The Imager is fitted with a dyed glass filter, designed to be almost opaque except to all but

two wavelengths of interest

Superando los Retos Tradicionales

Instalación y Comisionamiento


Beam Setup


Mounted using bracket

─ Use Mounting Bracket Drilling template

─ Mount straight and flush on the surface

Mounted Directly

─ Use Rear Assembly Drilling Template


Align the Imager first then each emitter

The Laser Alignment screwdriver is inserted into the alignment

hole (2).

Adjust the optical sphere (1) until the laser beam from the

pointer is aligned.

─ Angle adjustment ±60° horizontal and ±15° vertical

Rotate the Laser Alignment tool to lock optical sphere in place.

Locking the sphere activates the emitter

Calculos Geométricos de Cobertura

La distancia de cobertura vertical

(FOV) es típicamente la mitad de

la horizontal

Calculos Geométricos de Cobertura Vertical90° Imager: 80° FOV

Vertical plane

Cálculos Geométricos de Cobertura Horizontal90° Imager: 80° FOV

Horizontal plane

D max = 34 m

Cubierta Protectora─ Designed to not interfere with the operation

of the protected unit

─ Fast and easy installation

─ Simple removal for servicing the units

─ Constructed from 9 gauge galvanized steel


─ Plastic coated for durability and use in harsh


─ Protects against vandalism or accidental



Housing to be used in wet, dusty, corrosive

and cold environments─ IP65 with glass window

─ Imager housing with glass for LED visualisation

─ Mounting plate with screws for fixed mounting

─ Competitively priced

─ Minimal loss of beam distance

Gabinetes para diferentes ambientes

Min (m)

Max (m)

HP Min (m)

HP Max (m)

OSI-10 25 125 - -

OSI-45 13 50 25 100

OSI-90 5 28 10 57

OSI-90 corners - 23 - 45

Next steps─ IP65 with thermo-controlled heater

─ (IP65 with cooler ?)

Detección más rápida que los beams tradicionales que solo tienen señal IR

Detección Extremadamente Fiable

Instalación, comisionamiento y mantenimiento muy sencillos y fáciles de hacer

Amplio Rango de Detección (hasta 150 mts)

Altísima Tolerancia contra Vibración y Movimientos Estructurales del Area

Alta Resistencia a polvo, humedad, vapores, reflejos de luz artificial y

obstrucción de objetos (montacargas, anuncios publicitarios, cartéles, etc)

Alta resistencia a reflejos por la luz natural

Estetica y amplia cobertura 3D

Que Beneficios Reales Tenemos Entonces con OSID la Detección de Tecnología Dual?

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