juego de naipes hecho con excel

Post on 16-Nov-2015






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Juego realizado con excel


Hoja1 Daniel Zegarra Zavaleta

Inicia Juego8QQ3K925568867KA7949J



Attribute VB_Name = "Mdulo1"Sub Bot1() ActiveSheet.Unprotect On Error Resume Next ActiveSheet.Shapes("Carta").Delete On Error GoTo 0 Range("Mensaje").ClearContents If Range("Num1") = Empty Then Range("Num1") = 1: GoTo Sale If Range("Num1") Empty And Range("Num2") = Empty Then Range("Num2") = 1: GoTo Sale If Range("Num1") Empty And Range("Num2") Empty Then Range("Num3") = 1 If Range("Num3") = Empty Then BorraNaipesSale: Mensaje If Range("Num3") = Empty Then TiraNaipes If Range("Num3") Empty Then Range("Mensaje") = "Concentrate en tu carta y haz clic sobre este naipe para voltearlo" MostrarCarta End If ActiveSheet.ProtectEnd SubSub Bot2() ActiveSheet.Unprotect On Error Resume Next ActiveSheet.Shapes("Carta").Delete On Error GoTo 0 Range("Mensaje").ClearContents If Range("Num1") = Empty Then Range("Num1") = 2: GoTo Sale If Range("Num1") Empty And Range("Num2") = Empty Then Range("Num2") = 2: GoTo Sale If Range("Num1") Empty And Range("Num2") Empty Then Range("Num3") = 2 If Range("Num3") = Empty Then BorraNaipesSale: Mensaje If Range("Num3") = Empty Then TiraNaipes If Range("Num3") Empty Then Range("Mensaje") = "Concentrate en tu carta y haz clic sobre este naipe para voltearlo" MostrarCarta End If ActiveSheet.ProtectEnd SubSub Bot3() ActiveSheet.Unprotect On Error Resume Next ActiveSheet.Shapes("Carta").Delete On Error GoTo 0 Range("Mensaje").ClearContents If Range("Num1") = Empty Then Range("Num1") = 3: GoTo Sale If Range("Num1") Empty And Range("Num2") = Empty Then Range("Num2") = 3: GoTo Sale If Range("Num1") Empty And Range("Num2") Empty Then Range("Num3") = 3 If Range("Num3") = Empty Then BorraNaipesSale: Mensaje If Range("Num3") = Empty Then TiraNaipes If Range("Num3") Empty Then Range("Mensaje") = "Concentrate en tu carta y haz clic sobre este naipe para voltearlo" MostrarCarta End If ActiveSheet.ProtectEnd SubSub Mensaje() Range("Mensaje1").ClearContents If Range("Num1") = Empty Then Range("Mensaje") = "Observa ahora en que columna aparece tu carta": Exit Sub If Range("Num1") Empty And Range("Num2") = Empty Then Range("Mensaje") = "Observa de nuevo en que columna aparece tu carta": Exit Sub If Range("Num1") Empty And Range("Num2") Empty Then Range("Mensaje") = "Observa por ltima vez en que columna aparece tu carta"End SubSub VoltearCarta() ActiveSheet.Unprotect ActiveSheet.Shapes("Carta").Select Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.Visible = msoFalse ExecuteExcel4Macro "FORMULA(""=Carta"")" Selection.Font.Size = 36 Selection.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 9 Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.Solid Selection.ShapeRange.TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0# Selection.ShapeRange.TextFrame.MarginRight = 0# If Range("ColorCarta") = "Rojo" Then Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 3 Range("Mensaje") = "Esta es tu carta:" ActiveSheet.ProtectEnd SubSub MostrarCarta() Range("H5").Select Sheets(2).Shapes("Carta").Copy ActiveSheet.Paste Range("E2").SelectEnd Sub

Attribute VB_Name = "Mdulo2"Sub NuevoJuego() ActiveSheet.Unprotect Application.ScreenUpdating = False Range("A1:J13").Select ActiveWindow.Zoom = True Range("Num1, Num2, Num3").ClearContents Range("Mensaje").ClearContents Range("Mensaje1").ClearContents Range("Respuesta").ClearContents Range("Mensaje2").ClearContents ActiveCell.Select On Error Resume Next ActiveSheet.Shapes("Carta").Delete On Error GoTo 0 BorraNaipes Application.ScreenUpdating = False Sheets("Hoja2").Visible = True Sheets("Hoja2").Select Range("B5").Select Range("B4:D56").Sort Key1:=Range("B5"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:= _ xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _ DataOption1:=xlSortNormal ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Visible = False Sheets("Hoja1").Select Application.ScreenUpdating = True Range("Mensaje") = "Escoje una de las cartas de las que estan apareciendo en la pantalla" TiraNaipes ActiveSheet.ProtectEnd SubSub TiraNaipes()Attribute TiraNaipes.VB_Description = "Macro grabada el 21/06/2007 por Home"Attribute TiraNaipes.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = " \n14" Range("B5").Select BorraNaipes Sheets(2).Shapes("Naipe").Copy C = 0 For N = 5 To 11 For K = 2 To 6 Step 2 T = Timer + 0.2 While Timer < T Wend NN = NN + 1 Application.GoTo Reference:="R" & N & "C" & K ActiveSheet.Paste If NN = 1 Then ExecuteExcel4Macro "FORMULA(""=Naipe1"")" If NN = 2 Then ExecuteExcel4Macro "FORMULA(""=Naipe2"")" If NN = 3 Then ExecuteExcel4Macro "FORMULA(""=Naipe3"")" If NN = 4 Then ExecuteExcel4Macro "FORMULA(""=Naipe4"")" If NN = 5 Then ExecuteExcel4Macro "FORMULA(""=Naipe5"")" If NN = 6 Then ExecuteExcel4Macro "FORMULA(""=Naipe6"")" If NN = 7 Then ExecuteExcel4Macro "FORMULA(""=Naipe7"")" If NN = 8 Then ExecuteExcel4Macro "FORMULA(""=Naipe8"")" If NN = 9 Then ExecuteExcel4Macro "FORMULA(""=Naipe9"")" If NN = 10 Then ExecuteExcel4Macro "FORMULA(""=Naipe10"")" If NN = 11 Then ExecuteExcel4Macro "FORMULA(""=Naipe11"")" If NN = 12 Then ExecuteExcel4Macro "FORMULA(""=Naipe12"")" If NN = 13 Then ExecuteExcel4Macro "FORMULA(""=Naipe13"")" If NN = 14 Then ExecuteExcel4Macro "FORMULA(""=Naipe14"")" If NN = 15 Then ExecuteExcel4Macro "FORMULA(""=Naipe15"")" If NN = 16 Then ExecuteExcel4Macro "FORMULA(""=Naipe16"")" If NN = 17 Then ExecuteExcel4Macro "FORMULA(""=Naipe17"")" If NN = 18 Then ExecuteExcel4Macro "FORMULA(""=Naipe18"")" If NN = 19 Then ExecuteExcel4Macro "FORMULA(""=Naipe19"")" If NN = 20 Then ExecuteExcel4Macro "FORMULA(""=Naipe20"")" If NN = 21 Then ExecuteExcel4Macro "FORMULA(""=Naipe21"")" Selection.Name = "Naipe" & NN Selection.Font.Size = 36 Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.Transparency = 0.2 If Range("Color" & NN) = "Rojo" Then Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 3 M = 2 + NN / 5 If (NN / 2) - Int(NN / 2) = 0 Then Selection.ShapeRange.IncrementLeft M Else: Selection.ShapeRange.IncrementLeft -M End If Next K Next N Range("Mensaje").ClearContents If Range("Num3") = Empty Then Range("Mensaje") = "LISTO: Presiona una flecha para sealar la columna donde se encuentra tu carta" Range("E2").SelectEnd SubSub BorraNaipes()Attribute BorraNaipes.VB_Description = "Macro grabada el 21/06/2007 por Home"Attribute BorraNaipes.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = " \n14" Application.ScreenUpdating = False For N = 1 To 21 On Error Resume Next ActiveSheet.Shapes("Naipe" & N).Select On Error GoTo 0 Selection.Delete Next Application.ScreenUpdating = TrueEnd Sub

Attribute VB_Name = "Hoja1"Attribute VB_Base = "0{00020820-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = FalseAttribute VB_Creatable = FalseAttribute VB_PredeclaredId = TrueAttribute VB_Exposed = TrueAttribute VB_TemplateDerived = FalseAttribute VB_Customizable = True

Attribute VB_Name = "ThisWorkbook"Attribute VB_Base = "0{00020819-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = FalseAttribute VB_Creatable = FalseAttribute VB_PredeclaredId = TrueAttribute VB_Exposed = TrueAttribute VB_TemplateDerived = FalseAttribute VB_Customizable = True

Attribute VB_Name = "Hoja2"Attribute VB_Base = "0{00020820-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = FalseAttribute VB_Creatable = FalseAttribute VB_PredeclaredId = TrueAttribute VB_Exposed = TrueAttribute VB_TemplateDerived = FalseAttribute VB_Customizable = True

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