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Year of the Parish June, 2017

Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School

Principal’s Message It seems hard to believe that this year has come to an end. Just a very short 10

months ago, I had my very first encounter with all of you in the school yard. We

all know that you have worked very hard this year. It has been a year of getting

to know all of you, a year of challenges, a year of great learning, a year of

laughter, a year of some disappointment and a year of hope.

Thank you to our Catholic School Parent Council this year that has funded

additional resources for the classroom and teachers to promote student

achievement and well-being, and most importantly, our Ukrainian Eastern Rite

traditions and culture. We bid adieu to Zoya Trofimenko who lead the JCS

CSPC for over two years and is to be commended for her hard work, diligent

efforts, and her sincere devotion to the JCS Ukrainian Catholic School

community. We also would like to extend a thank you and farewell to our

parent volunteers, Sonia Handziuk and Vera Romaniuk, for their contributions,

time and effort. We thank you all!

At this time we would like to bid farewell to a number of staff members who

will be leaving JCS as their Long Term Assignments at our school has come to

an end. Thank You to Mrs. Czyrnianski, Mr. Testani, Ms. Frangione, Ms.

Singh, Mr. Grant, and Mrs. Kogut. We thank them for all their hard work,

dedication, and commitment to our students and the JCS School community.

You will all be truly missed!

And finally, thank you to the staff, students, and parents for making my first

year as Principal of Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School a unique and

rewarding experience. I look forward to working with you next year.


Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School

35 West Deane Park Dr. Etobicoke, ON, M9B 2R5

Phone:416 393 5413 Fax: 416 397 6044



Vice Principal

I.Mandarino Secretary

M. Maglietta

Clerk Typists

S. Shanahan M. Wells


Doug Yack

Trustee A.Andrachuk


St. Nicholas Catholic Church Pastor: Fr. Roman Lobay

Entrance and Dismissal:

Entry 8:30 am Recess 10:12am

Lunch Hour 11:15 am Afternoon Entry 12:15 pm

Recess 1:40 pm Dismissal: 3:30 pm

Слово від Директора

Тяжко повірити, але цей шкільний рік вже добігає кінця. Тільки десять місяців тому ми вперше

зустрілися на шкільному подвір'ї і вже стоїмо на порозі закінчення. Ми всі тяжко працювали

цього року, щоб пізнати одне одного. Цей рік став роком чудового навчання, але і труднощів, що

часом виникали, роком деяких розчарувань, але і надії, що приносила нам радість і сміх.

Висловлюємо подяку нашому Батьківському комітетові за забезпечення наших студентів і вчителів

додатковими ресурсами, що дозволили їм досягти кращих успіхів, а найголовніше - підтримати наші

традиції Східного обряду та українську культуру.

Дуже дякуємо Зої Трофименко, котра 2 роки очолювала комітет, за її наполегливу працю та

старанність і за її щиру посвяту громаді школи Йосипа Кардинала Сліпого.

Ми також хочемо подякувати нашим батькам-волонтерам, Соні Гандзюк і Вірі Романюк, котрі після

багатьох років вже залишають нашу школу, за їх час, посвяту та зусилля, вкладені в нашу громаду.

Щира вам усім подяка!

Крім того, ми прощаємося з деякими з наших вчителів, котрі закінчують свої довгострокові

контракти в нашій школі. Дуже дякуємо і бажаємо досягнень в майбутній праці п.Чернянській,

п.Тестані, п. Франджоне, панні Синг, п. Грантові і п.Когут. Ваша наполеглива праця, відданість і

посвята заслуговують на величезну подяку! Всього вам найкращого! Нам буде дуже вас бракувати!

І нарешті, дякую всім студентам і батькам за те, що допомогли мені протягом першого року в якості

директора школи Йосипа Кардинала Сліпого здобути унікальний і дуже цінний досвід! З нетерпінням

буду очікувати на співпрацю з вами наступного року.

Анна Івасиків.

Year of the School starting in September 2017

Class Lists

We will begin the process of determining student placements for September 2017. When generating class

lists, some of the criteria include: academic ability, individual work habits and student skills, maturity and

social factors. We look to create classes that have a balance of gender and ability, as well as other needs.

Should there be specific information that you wish to share with us (recent assessment results, medical

concerns, etc.) please provide this information in writing to the office.

Our decisions are made only after careful consideration of all the information with the common good of the

entire school community.

We are looking to minimize disruptions but, as always, look to your understanding and flexibility should the

need arise to address classroom changes. Our staffing is tentative and changes can take place between our

tentative class placements and the first day of school (and sometimes even thereafter).

Combined Classrooms Combined classes group children from two consecutive grades in one classroom. This includes organizing classes to

meet student learning needs and combining grades to balance class size. All classrooms include students with a range

of skills and abilities. Combined classes are neither better nor worse than single-grade classes. They are simply one of

the many ways schools meet students’ academic and social development needs. Various factors are considered when

grouping children into classes:

Learning styles

Social skills

Academic needs

At Josyf Cardinal Slipyj we strive to create a classroom environment that will support the needs of all students. Due to

a ministry initiative that decreases the number of students from Grades 1 to 3 to no more than 20 students in each

classroom, we will have combined classes next year. Teachers use many different strategies to teach students in

combined grades identifying the range of needs in the classroom and planning and programming to meet the needs of

all students.

Provincial Report Cards – go home on Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Medical Alert If your child is receiving medication at school, such as an inhaler for allergies or asthma or requires an Epi-

pen, we need you to inform the office. The Board requires additional forms to be completed by your child’s

pediatrician, if the administrations of medicine is required. The information you provide is critical for us to

make quick, informed decisions regarding the safety of your child.

Appropriate Dress Code Policy

The Toronto Catholic District School Board implemented an Appropriate

Dress Code in all of its elementary schools in September 2011.

The Appropriate Dress Code consists of any combination of white and navy

blue garments (e.g. plain white top, navy blue bottom or, navy blue top and

bottom, no denim). For more information on the appropriate dress code for

elementary schools, please visit:

Are you Moving?

If you are leaving our community and are not returning for September 2017 and have not yet had the

opportunity to inform us, please call and let us know. We are beginning class reviews and student

placements, and this information will be very helpful.

Class of 2016/2017 Our Grade 8 students will be recognized at the Graduation Ceremonies on Thursday, June 22 at 5:00 pm at

Michael Power/St. Joseph’s High School. Please join us to acknowledge our graduating class. After the

Moleben, the presentation of the diplomas, certificates and awards will take place. A light reception will


Track and Field Congratulations to our Track and Field Team. A big congratulations goes to our students who advanced to the Regionals. They include…. Anita Ternova, Sophia Salyk, Max Zharkovskiy, Max Khyshuk, Alexandra Yelisyevenko, Julia Hovdey, Solomiya Kyrychynska, Dmitri Collinson,Solomiya Sozanski, Ivan Bovbush, Matthew Borovik, Vicky Nakhodina, Nicholas Surzycia, Katherin Kolesnik, Maria Kukovska, Orysia Lubinski.

Congratulations to Max Zharkovskiy who placed 5th in the City in the 400m!

Girls Intermediate Soccer Team

Boys Intermediate Soccer Team

Thank You Coaches!!!


VYSHYVANKA DAY – Thursday, May 18th, 2017

Josyf Cardinal Slipyj School is proud to present a Book Reading by Author Peter Kuitenbrouwer of Our Song – The Story of “O Canada” on Monday, June 5th at 9:00am in the school gymnasium in honour of Canada’s 150th Birthday. Peter will be personally signing all books and books may be purchased on that day (limited quantities).

Mother’s Day Tea – Hosted by our

Kindergarten Classes

Virtue for the Month of June –



Next CSPC Meeting on Tuesday, June 6th @

7:00pm in the school library. All parents

are welcome and invited to attend.

Grade 8 Clap Out on Wednesday,

June 21, 2017 @ 3:00pm.

Grade 8 Graduation on Thursday,

June 22, at MPSJ High School

@ 5:00pm.

Congratulations Grads!


Tuesday, June 27,

in the morning.

Non uniform day

Last day of School on Thursday, June 29,

2017. Please join us for a school Moleben at

9:15am in the school yard.

Also, it is red and white day and singing of

National Anthem.

Monthly Update from the Board - June 2017

Summer School Registration Continues

Course options and registration info for secondary school students:


Information about Reach Ahead Credits and Summer Enrichment Camps for elementary students:


School Cashless Online Payment Coming to all TCDSB Schools The Board of Trustees have approved the implementation of new system for cashless online payment of school-related

activities, goods and services across the TCDSB. Once the program is fully implemented by February 2018, all

parents, staff and students will have the option to make secure payments online by credit card and receive a receipt.

The new online payment system provides the following benefits:

• A convenient fee payment option that saves time

• Reduces paper

• Student safety - no more need to send cash or cheques to school

• A quick and easy to register. (It takes less than 5 minutes)

The Board is currently “Beta testing” the new cashless online payment application in selected TCDSB schools. More

details and information regarding when the payment system will be introduced in our school will be provided to

parents as soon as it is available.

Year of the Parish Capping off the Year of the Parish, and Catholic Education Week, the Toronto Catholic District School celebrated

Parish Family Day on Friday, May 5th. This culminating celebration featured a Mass of celebration, and a showcase of

student artwork, written work (poetry and stories), original music and video tributes that spoke to the special bonds

that have developed between our school communities and their parishes, pastors, sisters and others in their parish


To see all the wonderful submissions from our schools, see


The event truly brought to life our pastoral plan--Together With One Voice--Family, Parish and School. Throughout

the year, we have seen the collaboration among our schools and our parishes, and witnessed many examples of

partnership, celebration, outreach and involvement.

To see photos from the celebration, click here:


The Board now looks forward to bringing together the Family, Parish and School as we launch the Year of the

School starting September 2017, and we continue to build on the solid foundation that we have succeeded in

creating together.


2017 Canada Day Celebrations With the celebration of Canada’s 150th birthday, this Canada Day is truly extra special. As we have done in the

past, schools are encouraged to celebrate Canada Day a few days early by joining in our red and white spirit

day on June 29th, and gathering as a school community to sing the national anthem together at 9:30 a.m.

TCDSB is in the process of creating a commemorative CD featuring 10 renditions of our national anthem as

performed by TCDSB students. To view the more than 50 submissions from schools across the board, see:

Students who have an artistic flair are invited to consider submitting a CD cover design by no later than

June 16, 2017. Get all the details online here:

Secondary School Admissions Policy Changes Thank you to everyone who participate in the consultation regarding the proposed changes to the high school

admissions policy. The online survey has now closed. A report will go before the Board in June 2017. Know Anyone Seeking Employment with TCDSB? The Toronto Catholic District School Board is currently hiring for secretarial and custodial positions. For more

information regarding hiring procedures, please refer to the following link:

Interested in Parent Involvement?

Want to Help Others Become More Engaged in Catholic Education? The Toronto Catholic Parent Involvement Committee is a provincially mandated and funded committee, which

supports student achievement through increased parent involvement. Members of CPIC work locally within their own

wards, and also provide information and advice on parent engagement to the school board. The committee strategizes

and plans initiatives and events that promote and facilitate parent engagement, and helps parents to support their

children’s learning at home and/or at school. Toronto CPIC members are volunteer parents/guardians, who bring

forward information and ideas from their own wards, and relay important decisions and important information from

the central table back to the parents in their area.

If this sounds of interest, consider running for election in the fall of 2017.

Don’t have the time to serve on a committee? Consider nominating someone for the committee, and remember to come

out and vote for your CPIC representative. Visit soon for detailed election information.

June is… National Indigenous Month

Italian Canadian Heritage Month

Portuguese Canadian Heritage Month


Other Important Dates: June 4th—Pentecost

June 5th-9th—TCDSB Indigenous Education Week

June 9th—PA day for all elementary schools

June 17th—Faith in Our Child Event at St. Timothy Parish

June 19—Sickle Cell Awareness Day

June 30th is a PA day for all elementary schools. Last day of classes is June 29th.

June 28th to 30th are PA days for most secondary schools.

When in doubt, check with your local school for details.

July 1st—Canada Day—Happy 150th Canada!

July 4th—Summer School Begins

July 28-30—Steubenville Toronto

Get all the latest news and information: Visit the Board’s website

Subscribe to ENews to receive updates via email every week

Or Follow @TCDSB on twitter to get updates throughout the day

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