idesignx presentation 2017

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Online Assessment Hacks Every Instructional Designer

Needs to Know

Knowledge ≠ Competence

Tip 1Avoid the assessment ‘after-thought’!

Set expectations

with SME

Discuss performance


Decide on key

assessment Qs

Define learning


Critical v Nice-to-

Know• What do you want them to be able to DO?• What does good on-the-job performance

look like?• What are the consequences of not


“Trainers must begin with desired results and then determine what behaviour is needed to accomplish them.”

Don Kirkpatrick

Make your assessment an important part of the design process.

Avoid the assessment ‘after-thought’

• Work backwards – start with your assessment.

• Use these to define your learning objectives and inform your content decisions.

Tip 2Assessments can be engaging too!




Challenge their thinking

Engage their emotions

Allow them to experience

Three primary forms of engagement


Max ceased work on 7 August 2014. Assuming he is completely off work until each of the following milestones, calculate the relevant dates.


The 13 week reduction would apply on:

The 52 week reduction would apply on:

The claim can be transferred to LTM on:

The 130 week date is:

/ /

/ /

/ /

/ /

dd mm yyyy


Calculate the amount payable by WorkCover for each of the following scenarios. (Click the info pop-up to remind yourself of the formulas.)


Scenarios must be realistic and relevant

Jonathon loves attending his work Christmas party, and always gets involved in organising the event. This year, dressed in his finest suit and shoes, Jonathon spends the night on the dancefloor, never without a drink in hand. During one particularly rousing rendition of Taylor Swift, Jonathon trips and falls, injuring his leg and ending his night. The employer contacts WorkCover the next day hoping to make a claim, and admits that Jonathon was intoxicated at the time of the injury. Will the claim be approved or denied?

The claim is likely to be approved

The claim is likely to be denied, on the basis the employee was intoxicated


“Learning is not in the answering of the question,but in the feedback we provide”


In your weekly meeting, you update the team on the progress of the claim. You realise one or two other team mates are processing similar claims.“‘tis the season for Christmas party injuries,” your manager says. “Let’s process these as quickly as we can, and send a memo to our employers to remind them of their obligation to provide a safe environment at their work-related events.”

Uh oh!

Jonathan pays for expensive surgery to his leg, and is stressed at the thought of losing wages while he gets back on his feet. During recovery from surgery, his doctor says “You should be more careful when you’re drinking, but this is clearly a work-related event. You should be fairly compensated.”The employer calls your manager to make a complaint about your initial determination. Your manager, realising you made an incorrect determination, apologises for the error, and works hard to rebuild trust with the employer.

Blooms Taxonomy

Challenge their thinking.

• Seek cognitive and affective engagement.

• Use scenarios.• Engage through learner feedback as


Assessments can be engaging too!

Tip 3Don’t set and forget!

Level 1: Reaction

• Customer Satisfaction• Engagement• Relevance

Level 2: Learning

• Knowledge, Skill and Attitude• Confidence and Commitment

Level 3: Behaviour

• Application of Knowledge

Level 4: Results

• Targeted Outcomes

Value of the question

Value of the learner feedback

Value of the training content

The review process is critical.

• Do you know what happens afterwards?

• Include a review process in your development plan.

• Involve the SME in your review.

“It has been an insightful and veryworthwhile exercise.”

Don’t set and forget


Cathy James

LinkedIn: cathyjames101

Twitter: @cathyj101

All of the above

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