hola, hola 2014 ¿cuándo celebramos las fiestas del invierno?

Post on 28-Jan-2016






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Hola, Hola 2014 ¿Cuándo celebramos

las Fiestas del Invierno?

¿Cuándo celebramos el Año Nuevo?( 1-1-14)

Celebramos la fiesta

el miércoles, el primero

de enero

de dos mil catorce.

¿Cuándo celebramos los 3 Reyes?( 6-1-14)

Celebramos la fiesta

el lunes, el seis de enero

de dos mil catorce.

¿Cuándo celebramos _____?

¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?

28-11 27-11 25-12

______ - _____________________________ de ___________________

el 1 de eneroel primero de


El Año Nuevo

¡ Feliz Año Nuevo !¡Hola amigos!

Me llamo Juanita Gonzalez.

¡Soy de México!

I would like to share some of our Mexican tradiciones

of el año nuevowith you.

Hecho por Saralyn Borrowman and Agness Lee

Mexicans celebrate the beginning of el año nuevo in many different ways.

Some of our tradiciones are quite interesting.Most of them involve staying up past midnight

and celebrating with friends and family.

In Mexico, there is an old tradición. At midnight on New Year's Eve, gigantic clouds burst

across the sky to signal the beginning of

el año nuevo.

I like to stay up late with my brothers watchingthe sky.

We don’t want to miss seeing the magical clouds of cohetes (fireworks). This is

one of our most popular tradiciones of el año nuevo.

El año nuevo wouldn’t be the same without


We sing the traditional piñata song and take

turns hitting the piñata.

When the piñata breaks, it explodes with candy.

Some of our tradiciones are supposed to bring good luck in the upcoming year.

Eating twelve grapes as the clock strikes midnight is supposed to bring good luck.

Another Mexican tradición for

el año nuevois that we always try to start

out the New Year with a clean house.

Also, some people wash their cars and even

their pets to start the new year fresh!

Some folks say you should make sure to take a bath on New Year's Eve!

Another tradición has to do with what colorof clothes you wear as the New Year begins.

Rojo is supposed to bring luck.

Verde is supposed to bring money.

Blanco will bring good health.

Amarillo is supposed to bring work.

Someone suggested wearingclothes with the Mexican flag on them

because our flag has all of these colors!

Another Mexican tradición is the belief that you should bring out all of your suitcases and leave the house at midnight as if you are going on a


I heard someone say they got out their suitcases and walked around them a certain number of


I'm not sure what the purpose is,

but this is a popular tradición in my country.

My papá says that in Mexico grown-ups like to attend extravagant parties for el año nuevo.

At the stroke of midnight, couples often give each other a New Year's beso!

Although tradiciones change from my country to your country,

it seems to me that all celebrations del año nuevo

have certain things in common:

familia, amigos, comida deliciosa, y


el 6 de enero

Los 3 Reyes

6 eneroArrival of the 3 Kings:In the days preceding Kings Day children write letters to the Magi requesting a toy or gift that they would like. On the night of January 5th, the figures of the Wise Men are placed in the nativity scene. Traditionally children would leave out their shoes with a bit of hay in them to feed the animals of the Magi (they are often shown with a camel). When the children would wake up in the morning their gifts appeared in place of the hay. Nowadays, like Santa Claus, the Kings tend to place their gifts under the Christmas tree.

Rosca de Reyes:On Kings Day it is customary to eat Rosca de Reyes, a sweet bread shaped like a wreath, with candied fruit on top, and a figurine of a baby Jesus baked inside. The person who finds the figurine is expected to host a party on Día de la Candelaria (Candlemas), celebrated on February 2nd, when tamales are served.

Colorín, Colorado¡Este año se ha

acabado!Adiós 2013, Hola 2014

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