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GRE 机经与真题更新汇总:

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阅读机经 – 150805 发布

适用 2015 年 08 月 21 日考试

parents。Max 的这些行为导致

他的 parents 也爱对他笑,爱抱

他。而 baby 喜欢 feedback from

the parents。这种 feedback 又进

一步刺激 Max 喜欢和父母交


Super 66 黄金范围预测

综合版(ZZ) – 140507 发布

针对 2014 年 5 月考试

GRE 机经与真题更新汇总:


The gorilla has the misfortune to be native to an area that has been ravaged by

war. Rwanda and the Congo are war-tom nations, and the resulting damage to habitat

has affected gorillas as well as humans. Gorilla populations have also been ransacked

by the Ebola virus, which has killed an estimated 90 percent of the gorilla population

in each area of western and central Africa where it has been found.

The number one threat to gorillas, however, is human greed. Humans are burning

down the forests where the last remaining gorilla families live. They are doing this to

harvest charcoal, which is used to fuel cooking fires throughout the region. In

addition, they are poaching the last remaining gorillas for meat and for their hands or

other parts, which are considered a delicacy in Africa and are used medicinally in

parts of Asia.

Which of the following best states the author's main point?

(A) Gorillas are not designed for survival.

(B) Poaching must be outlawed.

(C) Humans put gorillas at risk.

(D) We must protect our ape cousins.

(E) Ebola affects everyone in Africa.

参考答案:C. 第一段中讲到 gorilla 因为战争受到迫害,在中西非的数量减少

90%。第二段讲到人类的贪婪是 gorilla 死亡的主要原因。综合考虑,都是人类

的行为导致 gorilla 的减少。故选 C。

Based on information in the passage, about how many gorillas have survived Ebola in

regions where the virus is prevalent?

(A) about 1 percent

(B) about 1 in 10

(C) about half

(D) nearly 9 in 10

(E) nearly 4 in 5

参考答案:B。 根据文章,gorilla 在中,西非因为 Ebola 而减少 90%,即只有

10%得以生存,即 1/10.

The bright star we call Sirius is really a binary star—a gigantic white star known as

Sirius A and a far smaller dwarf called Sirius B. Sirius A is truly massive—about

twice the size of our sun and around 25 times more luminous.

Seen with the naked eye, the two stars coalesce into a single bright object in the

nighttime sky. Sirius’s existence was recorded by the ancient Egyptians, who used its

initial date of visibility—the date at which the earth's rotation moves it far enough

from the glare of our sun to be clearly seen—as the basis for their calendar. Its

extreme brightness frightened the ancient Greeks, who ascribed to it evil powers. It

wasn't until 1844 that astronomer Friedrich Bessel determined that Sirius must have

an invisible companion star, and in 1862, American Alvan Graham Clark finally

GRE 机经与真题更新汇总:

observed the tiny Sirius B.

Select one answer choice.

Which statement could most logically follow the final sentence in the passage?

(A) The Romans liked to celebrate the setting of Sirius with a canine sacrifice.

(B) We see Sirius as extraordinarily bright due to its proximity to Earth.

(C) The name of the star comes from the ancient Greek word for “glowing”.

(D) More recently, orbital irregularities have suggested a third, even smaller


(E) Sirius is nicknamed the “Dog Star”, as it is part of the Canis Major constellation.

参考答案:D. 最后一句话是讲到发现另外一颗星,D 选项最符合。其他都很突


Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.

The passage suggests that Sirius A is unusual in which of the following qualities?

A radiance

B density

C hue

参考答案:AC. 文章第一句写到 a gigantic white star, 描述了它的色泽,选 C。

文章也有提到 luminous, bright 等,与 A 对应。

Epitaphderives from the Greek words meaning “on the tombstone”. An epitaph,

therefore, is a short text honoring a deceased person. Although it may appear directly

on a gravestone, often the word is used to describe a poem or speech given to

celebrate the dead person's life. One famous epitaph, known as the Kohima epitaph

for the battle that inspired it, goes as follows:

When you go home, tell them of us, and say

For your tomorrow, we gave our today.

It appears on a war memorial to commemorate British soldiers who fell in a 1944

battle in Japan. It echoes an ancient epitaph written to honor soldiers in the Spartan


Tell them in Sparta, thou that passes by

Here, faithful to her charge, her soldiers lie.

Some epitaphs are simply lists of key qualities of the deceased or principles he or she

admired. Susan B. Anthony's, for example, reads “Liberty, Humanity, Justice,

Equality.” Others tell of the deceased person's contribution to the times. Scott Joplin's

simple inscription says "American Composer.” Some represent the person's own

GRE 机经与真题更新汇总:

words, as in Edgar Allan Poe’s “Quoth the Raven nevermore” or Frank Sinatra's “The

Best Is Yet to Come”. The most poignant are addressed to the deceased by a loved

one, as this epitaph for Mark Twain’s daughter Suzy:

Warm summer sun, shine kindly here;

Warm southern wind, blow softly here;

Green sod above, lie light, lie light—

Good-night, dear heart, good-night, good-night.

The author mentions Susan B. Anthony to

(A) show that American and English epitaphs are very much alike

(B) indicate that not all epitaphs are coined for fallen soldiers

(C) reflect on the life of a famous American heroine

(D) provide one example of an epitaph that mentions principles

(E) reveal some ways in which women’s epitaphs resemble men’s

参考答案:D. 此题比较简单,即举例论证前面观点,即 Some epitaphs are

simply lists of key qualities of the decease or principles he or she admired.

The author’s attitude toward the epitaph for Mark Twain's daughter may be described


(A) pained

(B) tolerant

(C) touched

(D) amused


参考答案:C. 此题关键是 the most poignant, 令人感伤的。

Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.

The author mentions which of the following varieties of epitaph?

A quotations or statements made by the deceased

B citations from famous operas, plays, or ancient literary works

C descriptions of the deceased person's role or occupation

参考答案:ABC. 这三种在文中都有提到。


By far the most popular United States literature of its time was a

body of now-neglected novels written between 1820 and 1870 by, for,

and about women. According to Nina Baym, who has termed this genre

“woman’s fiction,” the massive popularity of these novels claimed

a place for women in the writing profession. The novels chronicle the

experiences of women who, beset with hardships, find within

GRE 机经与真题更新汇总:

themselves qualities of intelligence, will, resourcefulness, and

courage sufficient to overcome their obstacles. According to Baym,

the genre began with Catharine Sedgwick’s New-England Tale (1822),

manifested itself as the best-selling reading matter of the American

public in the unprecedented sales of Susan Warner’s Wide, Wide World

(1850), and remained a dominant fictional type until after 1870. The

critical, as opposed to popular, reception of these novels in their

own time was mixed. Theoretical opposition by those who saw fiction

as a demoralizing and corrupting influence was by no means dead in

mid-nineteenth-century America, and popular successes naturally bore

a significant proportion of the attack. The moralistic tone of much

woman’s fiction did not placate these antagonists; on the contrary,

many clerical opponents of the novel thought that women were trying

to take over the clergy’s functions and hence attacked all the more

fiercely. Similarly, some male authors, disgruntled by the emergence

of great numbers of women writers, expressed contempt for the genre.

On the other hand, the women had a powerfully ally--their

publishers, who not only put these works into print but advertised

them widely and enthusiastically. Some few reviewers wrote about

these works with attention and respect, distinguishing between the

works of the different authors and identifying individual strengths

and weaknesses. These approving contemporary critics were

particularly alert to each writer’s contribution to the depiction of

American social life, especially to regional differences in manners

and character types. On the whole, however, even these laudatory

critics showed themselves uninterested in the stories that this

fiction told, or in their significance.

Baym acknowledges that these novels are tell--with variations--a

single familiar tale, and correctly notes that this apparent lack of

artistic innovation has been partly responsible for their authors’

exclusion from the canon of classic American writers traditionally

studied in university literature courses. Baym points out, however,

that unlike such male contemporaries as Nathaniel Hawthorne, these

women did not conceive of themselves as “artists,” but rather as

professional writers with work to do and a living to be made from

fulfilling an obligation to their audience. This obligation included

both entertainment and instruction, which are not, says Baym, at odds

with one another in these books, nor is entertainment the sweet

coating on a didactic pill. Rather, the lesson itself is an

GRE 机经与真题更新汇总:

entertainment: the central character’s triumph over adversity is

profoundly pleasurable to those readers who identify with her.

The passage is primarily concerned with

A. Summarizing the major contributions of two influential writers

B. Describing and commenting on a group of literary works

C. Summarizing the major events of a period of literary history

D. Contrasting two types of literary works from the same era

E. Arguing for the adopting of several neglected literary works into

university curriculums

参考答案:B 文章第一段有描述 1820到 1870年间的女性作家群体。第一,


The author of the passage cites Susan Warner’s Wide, Wide World most

probably as an example of a woman’s novel that

A. Had more advanced artistic elements than many of its type

B. Attracted an excessive amount of critical attention

C. Was found to be inappropriately moralistic by many members of the


D. Was significant as an indicator of the genre’s popularity

E. Signaled the gradual decline of the size of the genre’s audience

参考答案:D. 原句中 Susan Warner 的 Wide, Wide World是 best-selling

reading matter 解释论证该类型小说的流行程度。

The author of the passage implies which of the following about the

members of the clergy mentioned in the first paragraph?

A. They also opposed works of fiction that were outside the genre of

woman’s fiction.

B. They opposed journalism as well as imaginative writing.

C. Their influence reached its pinnacle in the mid-nineteenth


GRE 机经与真题更新汇总:

D. They were unable to obtain the support of other critics for their


E. Their attacks on the genre of the novel did not extend to novels

written by male writers.

参考答案:E. “women were trying to…”表明只是对女性作家作品的抨击。

Which of the following can be inferred from the passage concerning

the majority of the nineteenth-century reviewers of woman’s fiction?

A. They considered the position taken by the clergy in regard to

woman’s fiction self-serving.

B. They did not make fine distinctions between different authors.

C. They placed a higher value on plot than on social significance.

D. They subscribed to the view of writers as purveyors of popular

entertainment rather than as artists.

E. They felt that the literary market was saturated with novels by

and about women.

参考答案:C. 解该题关键在于第二段最后一句。

Biologists have long debated about whether egg production in birds is

biologically highly costly, some theorizing that egg production is

energetically or nutritionally demanding. Lack, however, suggested

that clutch size--the number of eggs a bird lays per breeding cycle--

is far below the potential limit of egg production. He suggested that

clutch size had instead evolved in relation to the number of young

that the parents could successfully rear. Subsequently, most studies

focused on limitations operating during chick rearing, particularly

among altricial species (species in which the parents feed their

young in the nest). Lack later recognized that in precocial species

(species in which young feed themselves), clutch size might be

explained by different factors -- the availability of food for egg-

laying females, for example.

The passage suggests that biologists who say egg production in birds

is biologically highly costly would agree that clutch size is

determined primarily by

GRE 机经与真题更新汇总:

A. The nutritional and energy demands of egg production.

B. The number of young that the parents can rear successfully.

C. Reproductive limitations operating during chick rearing.

D. The availability of food for newly hatched chicks.

E. The differences between altricial and precocial species.

参考答案:A. 参考第一句话。

Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.

The passage suggests that Lack would agree with which of the

following statements about factors affecting clutch size in birds?

A. In altricial species, clutch size is determined primarily by

factors operating after eggs are laid.

B. In precocial species, clutch size is determined primarily by

factors operating after eggs are laid.

C. In many bird species, clutch size generally remains well below the

potential limit of egg production.

参考答案: AC. 参考第二句话,与选项 C 对应。第四句与 A 对应。

15 年 8 月 GRE 预测机经汇总(考前保持更新)

201506 There has always been controversy over the nature of poetic language. To some,

poetic language should be special, removed from the language of everyday (thus, the

dictum, ‘The language of the age is never the language of poetry’). To others, it

should be closely in touch with everyday, or, perhaps, be ‘current language


To Ralph Waldo Emerson, the whole language is in any case ‘fossil poetry.’

Statements of this kind to some extent miss the point, which is to stress the

enormous range of linguistic expression that is found under the heading poetry. At

one extreme, there are poems that are as far removed from everyday speech as it is

possible to imagine; at the other, there are poems that, if it were not for the division

into lines, would closely resemble prose.


GRE 机经与真题更新汇总:


It can be inferred from Emerson’s quote that he implied which of the following?

A. Poetry has influenced colloquial speech.

B. All language eventually becomes archaic.

C. Language that is too far removed from everyday speech becomes meaningless.

D. The range of linguistic expression is vast.

E. In most societies exists a disconnection between poetry and everyday speech.

答案:A。艾默生认为诗歌的语言与生活密切相关。The whole language is in any

case ‘fossil poetry’, 即整个语言体系都是古代的诗歌演化来的。故选 A。

“As far removed from daily speech as possible” most closely parallels which of the


A. “poems…would closely resemble prose”

B. “Current language heightened”

C. “fossil poetry”

D. “the enormous range of linguistic expression”

E. “The language of the age is never the language of poetry”

答案: E。 远离生活。E 表达了此意。

Originally, scientists predicted small asteroids to be hard and rocky, as any loose

surface material (called regolith) generated by impacts was expected to escape their

weak gravity. Aggregate small bodies were not thought to exist, because the slightest

sustained relative motion would cause them to separate. But observations and

computer modeling are proving otherwise. Most asteroids larger than a kilometer

are now believed to be composites of smaller pieces. Those imaged at high-

resolution show evidence for copious regolith despite the weak gravity. Most of them

have one or more extraordinarily large craters, some of which are wider than the

mean radius of the whole body. Such colossal impacts would not just gouge out a

crater—they would break any monolithic body into pieces. In short, asteroids larger

than a kilometer across may look like nuggets of hard rock but are more likely to be

aggregate assemblages—or even piles of loose rubble so pervasively fragmented that

no solid bedrock is left.

The rubble hypothesis, proposed decades ago by scientists, lacked evidence, until the

planetologist Shoemaker realized that the huge craters on the asteroid Mathilde and

its very low density could only make sense together: a porous body such as a rubble

pile can withstand a battering much better than an integral object. It will absorb and

dissipate a large fraction of the energy of an impact; the far side might hardly feel a

thing. At first, the rubble hypothesis may appear conceptually troublesome. The

material strength of an asteroid is nearly zero, and the gravity is so low one is

tempted to neglect that too. The truth is neither strength nor gravity can be ignored.

Paltry though it may be, gravity binds a rubble pile together. And anybody who builds

sandcastles knows that even loose debris can cohere. Oft-ignored details of motion

begin to matter: sliding friction, chemical bonding, damping of kinetic energy, etc.

GRE 机经与真题更新汇总:

We are just beginning to fathom the subtle interplay of these minuscule forces.

The size of an asteroid should determine which force dominates. One indication is

the observed pattern of asteroidal rotation rates. Some collisions cause an asteroid

to spin faster; others slow it down. If asteroids are monolithic rocks undergoing

random collisions, a graph of their rotation rates should show a bell-shaped

distribution with a statistical “tail” of very fast rotators. If nearly all asteroids are

rubble piles, however, this tail would be missing, because any rubble pile spinning

faster than once every two or three hours would fly apart. Recently, several

astronomers discovered that all but five observed asteroids obey a strict rotation

limit. The exceptions are all smaller than about 150 meters in diameter, with an

abrupt cutoff for asteroids larger than 200 meters. The evident conclusion—that

asteroids larger than 200 meters across are rubble piles—agrees with recent

computer modeling of collisions. A collision can blast a large asteroid to bits, but

those bits will usually be moving slower than their mutual escape velocity (the

lowest velocity that a body must have in order to escape the orbit of a planet). Over

several hours, gravity will reassemble all but the fastest pieces into a rubble pile.



The example of the sandcastle (in the second paragraph) serves to

A. invalidate Shoemaker’s initial observation

B. offer an alternative hypothesis for an observed phenomenon

C. describe a condition in which the typical laws of the universe do not obtain

D. provide support for the rubble-pile hypothesis

E. present as instance in which gravity has little effect

参考答案:D 作者用 sandcastle 的例子是为了证明 rubber-pile 假说。

According to the rubble-pile hypothesis, an advantage conferred on an asteroid held

together by weak forces is that it is

A. unlikely to fall apart over a long period of time

B. more amenable to computer modeling

C. less susceptible to powerful impacts

D. not likely to collide with another object

E. more readily observed by astronomers


The primary purpose of the passage is to

A. refute an unconventional theory regarding asteroid collisions

B. express doubt regarding the validity of evidence offered up by several notable


C. explain how earlier evidence used to describe an aspect of asteroids was


D. explore common features of an asteroid in order to provide support for a theory

E. discuss how one explanation of an astronomical phenomenon is most likely


GRE 机经与真题更新汇总:

参考答案:E 该文整篇在论证一个假说的可行性。即 rubber-pile 假说。

11. The reason that graphs of asteroid rotation rates lack the expected statistical tail

associated with high rotational rates is that

A. the greater the speed in which an asteroid spins the more likely it is to cohere

B. the weak forces in asteroids displaying such a high rotational rate would not be

able to prevent the asteroid from falling apart

C. asteroids are not being subjected to a uniform distribution of random collisions

D. most monolithic asteroids, upon colliding with other asteroids, are able to

sustain such a high rate of rotation

E. for the most part, the asteroids surveyed were less than 150 meters in diameter

and thus far less likely to be rubble-piles, which are better able to sustain the

impact from collisions


201505 What was it about Oscar Wilde's only novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, that caused

it to create such an uproar when it was published in 1891? While cricks attacked the

quality of Wilde’s formal elements, their denunciation merely masked the true

concerns of many nineteenth-century critics. What these critics were actually railing

against was the thematic concern of Wilde's work, specifically his illustration of a

lifestyle devoted co useless beauty. For many a nineteenth-century moralist, The

Picture of Dorian Gray was nothing more dun a primer for spiritual depravity.

Wilde’s ultimate sin was his leniency coward his protagonist, an unabashed hedonist.

To the critics’ allowing an evil character to escape his just desserts was an

unforgivable sin. In their minds, Wilde’s work was corrupting the genteel reading

public by failing to show the proper consequences of immoral behavior.

The author of the passage would probably agree with which of the following


□ Most critics of Oscar Wilde’s novel objected primarily to the lifestyle of its author.

□ If The Picture of Dorian Cray were written in the twentieth century, the critical

reaction would be less severe.

□ Some critics of Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray believed that an author of a

book had a moral responsibility to the books audience.


Called by some the “island that time forgot,” Madagascar is home to a vast array

of unique, exotic creatures. One such animal is the aye-aye. First described by western

science in 1782, it was initially categorized as a member of the order Rodentia.

Further research then revealed that it was more closely related to the lemur, a member

of the primate order. Since the aye-aye is so different from its fellow primates,

however, it was given its own family: Daubentoniidae. The aye-aye has been listed as

an endangered species and, as a result, the government of Madagascar has designated

GRE 机经与真题更新汇总:

an island off the northeastern coast of Madagascar as a protected reserve for aye-ayes

and other wildlife.

Long before Western science became enthralled with this nocturnal denizen of

Madagascar's jungles, the aye-aye had its own reputation with the local people. The

aye-aye is perhaps best known for its large, round eyes and long, extremely thin

middle finger. These adaptations are quite sensible, allowing the aye-aye to see well at

night and retrieve grubs, which are one of its primary food sources, from deep within

hollow branches. However, the aye-aye’s striking appearance may end up causing its

extinction. The people of Madagascar believe that the aye-aye is a type of spirit

animal, and that its appearance is an omen of death. Whenever one is sighted, it is

immediately killed. When combined with the loss of large swaths of jungle habitat,

this practice may result the loss of a superb example of life’s variety.

The author's attitude toward the aye-aye, as represented in the highlighted text, could

best be described as

〇 admiring

〇 mystified

〇 reverent

〇 appalled

〇 lachrymose



Modernist manifestos tend to be full of radical rhetoric, but Henri Matisse's Notes of a Painter is

a precise, sensitive analysis of his own work in which he says that what matters to him is

expression. He doesn't mean the emotion communicated by a passionate face, but that conveyed

by the whole painting: "The entire arrangement of my picture is expressive: the place occupied

by the figures, the empty spaces around them, the proportions, everything has its share."

The Piano Lesson, a 1916 canvas 8ft tall and almost 7ft wide that is one of the glories of Tate

Modern's Matisse Picasso show, is a textbook example of what Matisse is talking about. In it

Matisse's son Pierre sits practising at the family piano in the home Matisse bought in the Paris

suburb of Issy-les-Moulineaux. Pierre is made to look younger than he actually was - he was 16 -

as part of an ensemble of effects designed to heighten and distil feeling. The placing of the

figures - one of them hallucinatory - is full of tension. Pierre seems oppressed by the scale of this

big painting. Above him, a woman supervises his practice from a stool. Her blank, watching face is

sinister, even when we realise that this is merely one of Matisse's paintings, his 1913-14 work

Woman on a High Stool. Pierre is pinned between this phantom observer and the sharp spear of

the metronome, whose violent point is repeated in the triangular fall of shadow that obliterates a

quarter of his face.

Greyness dominates and oppresses the picture, and it perversely demolishes pictorial logic, as a

depressive mood might distort one's sense of reality. Thus the same grey colours the view

outside the window, the walls and floor of the living room, and even the torso of the woman on

the stool - to the extent that it takes time to feel your way to seeing the room as a room, the

GRE 机经与真题更新汇总:

window as a window. Only Pierre himself is a fleshy, human survivor of this miasma, along with

tokens of life: the bronze nude in the corner, the candle on the pink piano top and, like a torch

beam, the ray of green garden that cuts desperately across the grey world.

Everything about The Piano Lesson exemplifies Matisse's own description of his art perfectly,

except that the mood it creates is opposite to the ones we associate with him - the unbridled joy

of his paintings, the bliss of his paper cutouts. The colliding, fragile, not-quite-touching areas of

green and pink in The Piano Lesson, the glimpses of Matisse's sensuous world, are the most

painful of all - reminders of life like the stirrings of spring in TS Eliot's The Waste Land.

7. The passage suggests which of the following about Braque’s cubism

(A) It lends itself more readily to systematic analysis than does Matisse’s work.

(B ) It is more radical in terms of form than most paintings by Matisse.

(C) It was influenced by Matisse’s idiosyncratic and intuitive approach.

(D) It cannot be confined to any single source or meaning

(E) It is overly dependent on traditional signs and symbols.


Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.

1. The passage identifies which of the following as a reason that Matisse’s art can confound


A. Traditional analytical tools are not well suited to Matisse’s art.

B. Matisse’s art is marked by a freedom from systematic influence.

C. CThe norms that Picasso and Braque rejected were not ones that Matisse rejected


15 年 8 月 GRE 预测机经汇总(考前保持更新)

20150425 [第一篇阅读]

Benjamin Franklin is portrayed in American history as the quintessential self-made man. In

“Self-reliance”, Emerson asks, “Where is the master who could have instructed Franklin...?” In


Franklin took instruction widely, and his scientific work was highly collaborative. Friends in


sent equipment needed for his electrical experiments, others, in Philadelphia, helped him set up his

workshop there. Philip Syng constructed a device for generating electrical charges, while Tomas

Hopkinson demonstrated the potential of pointed conductors. Franklin, in addition to being the


theoretician, wrote and published its results. His fame as an individual researcher is partly a

consequence of the shorthand by which when one person writes about a group’s discoveries,


GRE 机经与真题更新汇总:

sometimes grants singular credit for collective effort.

1. Which of the following best describes the function of the highlighted sentence?

A. It states a viewpoint about Franklin with which the author disagrees.

B. It introduces new evidence about Franklin’s role in the collaborative process.

C. It explains Franklin’s reputation in terms of a broad scholarly phenomenon.

D. It emphasizes the extent to which Franklin relied on others in his workshop.

E. It describes Franklin’s approach to writing scientific results.

2. Emerson is mentioned in the passage primarily to

A. Identify the origin of a particular understanding of Franklin

B. Elaborate on a view of Franklin that the author takes issue with

C. Point to a controversial claim about Franklin’s historical legacy

D. Introduce the question of who Franklin’s main scientific influences were

E. Suggests that Franklin was resistant to collaboration with other scientists


Investigators of monkeys' social behavior have always been

struck by monkeys' aggressive potential and the con-

sequent need for social control of their aggressive behavior.

Studies directed at describing aggressive behavior and the

(5) situations that elicit it, as well as the social mechanisms

that control it, were therefore among the first investigations

of monkeys' social behavior.

Investigators initially believed that monkeys would

compete for any resource in the environment: hungry

(10) monkeys would fight over food, thirsty monkeys would

fight over water, and, in general, any time more than one

monkey in a group sought the same incentive simulta

neously, a dispute would result and would be resolved

through some form of aggression. However, the motivating

(15) force of competition for incentives began to be doubted

when experiments like Southwick's on the reduction of

space or the withholding of food failed to produce more

than temporary increases in intragroup aggression. Indeed,

food deprivation not only failed to increase aggression but

(20) in some cases actually resulted in decreased frequencies of


Studies of animals in the wild under conditions of

extreme food deprivation likewise revealed that starving

monkeys devoted almost all available energy to foraging,

(25) with little energy remaining for aggressive interaction.

Furthermore, accumulating evidence from later studies of a

variety of primate groups, for example, the study con-

ducted by Bernstein, indicates that one of the most potent

stimuli for eliciting aggression is the introduction of an

(30) intruder into an organized group. Such introductions result

in far more serious aggression than that produced in any

other types of experiments contrived to produce com-


These studies of intruders suggest that adult members

(35) of the same species introduced to one another for the first

time show considerable hostility because, in the absence

of a social order, one must be established to control

GRE 机经与真题更新汇总:

interanimal relationships. When a single new animal is

introduced into an existing social organization, the

(40) newcomer meets even more serious aggression. Whereas in

the first case aggression establishes a social order, in the

second case resident animals mob the intruder, thereby

initially excluding the new animal from the existing social

unit. The simultaneous introduction of several animals

(45) lessens the effect, if only because the group divides its

attention among the multiple targets. If, however, the

several animals introduced to a group constitute their own

social unit, each group may fight the opposing group as a

unit; but, again, no individual is subjected to mass attack,

(50) and the very cohesion of the groups precludes prolonged

individual combat. The submission of the defeated group,

rather than unleashing unchecked aggression on the

part of the victorious group, reduces both the intensity

and frequency of further attack. Monkey groups

(55) therefor see to be organized primarily to maintain

their established social order rather than to engage in

hostilities per se.

1. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with

(A) advancing a new methodology for changing a monkey's social behavior

(B) comparing the methods of several research studies on aggression among monkeys

(C) explaining the reasons for researchers' interest in monkeys' social behavior

(D) discussing the development of investigators' theories about aggression among monkeys

(E) examining the effects of competition on monkeys' social behavior

2. Which of the following best summarizes the findings reported in the passage about the effects

of food deprivation on monkeys' behavior?

(A) Food deprivation has no effect on aggression among monkeys.

(B) Food deprivation increases aggression among monkeys because one of the most potent

stimuli for eliciting aggression is the competition for incentives.

(C) Food deprivation may increase long-term aggression among monkeys in a laboratory

setting, but it produces only temporary increases among monkeys in the wild.

(D) Food deprivation may temporarily increase aggression among monkeys, but it also leads

to a decrease in conflict.

(E) Food deprivation decreases the intensity but not the frequency of aggressive incidents

among monkey.

3. According to the author, studies such as Southwick's had which of the following effects on

investigators theories about monkeys' social behavior?

(A) They suggested that existing theories about the role of aggression among monkeys did not

fully account for the monkeys' ability to maintain an established social order.

(B) They confirmed investigators' theories about monkeys' aggressive response to competition

for food and water.

(C) They confirmed investigators' beliefs about the motivation for continued aggression

among monkeys in the same social group.

(D) They disproved investigators' theory that the introduction of intruders in an organized

GRE 机经与真题更新汇总:

monkey group elicits intragroup aggressive behavior.

(E) They cast doubt on investigators' theories that could account for observed patterns of

aggression among monkeys.

4. The passage suggests that investigators of monkeys social behavior have been especially

interested in aggressive behavior among monkeys because

(A) aggression is the most common social behavior among monkeys

(B) successful competition for incentives determines the social order in a monkey group

(C) situations that elicit aggressive behavior can be studied in a laboratory

(D) most monkeys are potentially aggressive, yet they live in social units that could not function

without control of their aggressive impulses

(E) most monkeys are social, yet they frequently respond to newcomers entering existing social

units by attacking them

5. It can be inferred from the passage that the establishment and preservation of social order among

a group of monkeys is essential in order to

(A) keep the monkeys from straying and joining other groups

(B) control aggressive behavior among group members

(C) prevent the domination of that group by another

(D) protect individuals seeking to become members of that group from mass attack

(E) prevent aggressive competition for incentives between that group and another


lionfish 从 Indo 洋扩展到太平洋了,阅读中有三种方法来解决:

( 1)人工捕捉它们来 protect coral reef 生物系统

( 2)把他们引入 fish market,这样可以减少对 local fish 的需要,让他们能有时间 recover

( 3)人们可以把它们用于日常饮食,因为它们高蛋白,低脂肪

Prof. William 教授全部反对

( 1)人工捕捉无法区分 lionfish 和其他鱼,很多 rare 的鱼也都在 coral reef ,会牵连其


( 2)引进市场会导致有人人工养殖。 Lionfish 如果从 fish farm escape ,这就造成了更

严重的 invasive 问题

( 3)有些 lionfish 是有毒的,吃了以后会造成 vomiting numbness arching,我们无法检验




Female in high position 讲女性的,大致的中心思想都是:你们这些 feminists

都太偏激啦,之前明明有女性写 history 哒,female 在高层并没有受到那么多


一篇长阅读讲的为啥地球上有液态水,一段一个一共四个 Factor 特别清晰!

GRE 机经与真题更新汇总:

Although passenger pigeons, now extinct, were abundant in eighteenth-and nineteenth-century

America, archaeological studies at twelfth-century Cahokian sites in the present-day United States

examined household food trash and found that traces of passenger pigeon were quite rare. Given

that the sites were close to a huge passenger pigeon roost documented by John James Audubon

in the nineteenth century and that Cahokians consumed almost every other animal protein source

available, the archaeologist conducting the studies concluded the passenger pigeon population

had once been very limited before increasing dramatically in post-Columbian America. Other

archaeologists have criticized those conclusions on the grounds that passenger pigeon bones

would not be likely to be preserved. But all the archaeological projects found plenty of bird bones-

and even some tiny bones from fish.

The relevance of the literary personality-a writer's distinctive attitudes, concerns, and artistic

choices-to the analysis of a literary work is being scrutinized by various schools of contemporary

criticism. Deconstructionists view the literary personality, like the writer's biographical personality,

as irrelevant. The proper focus of literary analysis, they argue, is a work's intertextuality

(interrelationship with other texts), subtexts (unspoken, concealed, or repressed discourses), and

metatexts 9self-referential aspects), not a perception of a writer’s verbal and aesthetic

“fingerprints." New historicists also devalue the literary personality, since, in their emphasis on a

work's historical contexts, they credit a writer with only those insights and ideas that were generally

available when the writer lived. However, to readers interested in literary detective work-say

scholars of classical (Greek and Roman) literature who wish to reconstruct damaged texts or

deduce a work's authorship-the literary personality sometimes provides vital clues.


1868 年美国的fourteenth constitution amendment 里提倡美国公民人人平等,但这个amendment 发行

后的80 年内,最高法院在对待黑人权益上仍存在种族歧视。于是一批人实行了act 以抗议这种不平等,




The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, ratified in 1868, prohibits state

governments from denying citizens the “equal protection of the laws.” Although precisely what the

framers of the amendment meant by this equal protection clause remains unclear, all interpreters agree

that the framers’ immediate objective was to provide a constitutional warrant for the Civil Rights Act of

1866, which guaranteed the citizenship of all persons born in the United States and subject to United

States jurisdiction. This declaration, which was echoed in the text of the Fourteenth Amendment, was

designed primarily to counter the Supreme Court’s ruling in Dred Scott v. Sandford that Black people in

the United States could be denied citizenship. The act was vetoed by President Andrew Johnson, who

argued that the Thirteenth Amendment, which abolished slavery, did not provide Congress with the

authority to extend citizenship and equal protection to the freed slaves. Although Congress promptly

overrode Johnson’s veto, supporters of the act sought to ensure its constitutional foundations with the

passage of the Fourteenth Amendment.

The broad language of the amendment strongly suggests that its framers were proposing to write

into the Constitution not a laundry listof specific civil rights but a principle of equal citizenship that forbids

GRE 机经与真题更新汇总:

organized society from treating any individual as a member of an inferior class. Yet for the first eight

decades of the amendment’s existence, the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the amendment betrayed

this ideal of equality. In the Civil Rights Cases of 1883, for example, the Court invented the “state action”

limitation, which asserts that “private” decisions by owners of public accommodations and other

commercial businesses to segregate their facilities are insulated from the reach of the Fourteenth

Amendment’s guarantee of equal protection under the law.

After the Second World War, a judicial climate more hospitable to equal protection claims culminated

in the Supreme Court’s ruling in Brown v. Board of Education that racially segregated schools violated

the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Two doctrines embraced by the Supreme

Court during this period extended the amendment’s reach. First, the Court required especially strict

scrutiny of legislation that employed a “suspect classification,” meaning discrimination against a group

on grounds that could be construed as racial. This doctrine has broadened the application of the

Fourteenth Amendment to other, nonracial forms of discrimination, for while some justices have refused

to find any legislative classification other than race to be constitutionally disfavored, most have been

receptive to arguments that at least some nonracial discriminations, sexual discrimination in particular,

are “suspect” and deserve this heightened scrutiny by the courts. Second, the Court relaxed the state

action limitation on the Fourteenth Amendment, bringing new forms of private conduct within the

amendment’s reach.

1. Which of the following best expresses the author's attitude with regard to the Supreme Court's

interpretations of the Fourteenth Amendment prior to the Second World War?

(A) Contempt for the Court's cold rationality

(B) Disapproval of the Court's subversion of the amendment

(C) Skepticism concerning the appropriateness of the Court's close reading of the amendment

(D) Satisfaction that the Court acted with appropriate intentions with regard to the amendment

(E) Bitterness about the irreparable harm done to civil rights by the Court

2. The author implies that the Fourteenth Amendment might not have been enacted if

(A) Congress’ authority with regard to legislating civil rights had not been challenged

(B) the framers had anticipated the Supreme Court’s ruling in Brown v. Board of Education

(C) the framers had believed that it would be used in deciding cases of discrimination involving non-

racial groups

(D) most state governments had been willing to protect citizens’ civil rights

(E) its essential elements had not been implicit in the Thirteenth Amendment

3. The author implies that the actions of the Supreme Court in the years immediately following the

passage of the Fourteenth Amendment demonstrate that the Court at that time

(A) was frustrated by the lack of detail in the amendment

(B) intentionally rejected the broad possibilities for advancements in civil rights that the amendment


(C) applied the amendment in areas that the framers would have considered inappropriate

(D) disagreed with President Andrew Johnson about the need for the amendment

(E) provided the foundation on which subsequent Supreme Courts were able to expand civil rights

4. According to the passage, which of the following specifically provided for the citizenship of persons

born in the United States?

(A) The Civil Rights Act of 1866

GRE 机经与真题更新汇总:

(B) The Thirteenth Amendment

(C) Dred Scott v. Sandford

(D) Brown v. Board of Education

(E) The Civil Rights Cases of 1883

5. Which of the following best describes the main idea of the passage?

(A) By presenting a list of specific rights, framers of the Fourteenth Amendment were attempting to

provide a constitutional basis for broad judicial protection of the principle of equal citizenship.

(B) Only after the Supreme Court adopted the suspect classification approach to reviewing potentially

discriminatory legislation was the applicability of the Fourteenth Amendment extended to include sexual


(C) Not until after the Second World War did the Supreme Court begin to interpret the Fourteenth

Amendment in amanner consistent with the principle of equal citizenship that it expresses.

(D) Interpreters of the Fourteenth Amendment have yet to reach consensus with regard to what its

framers meant by the equal protection clause.

(E) Although the reluctance of judges to extend the reach of the Fourteenth Amendment to nonracial

discrimination has betrayed the principle of equal citizenship, the Supreme Court’s use of the state

action limitation to insulate private activity from the amendment’s reach has been more harmful.

6. The passage suggests that the principal effect of the state action limitation was to

(A) allow some discriminatory practices to continue unimpeded by the Fourteenth Amendment

(B) influence the Supreme Court’s ruling in Brown v, Board of Education

(C) provide expanded guidelines describing prohibited actions

(D) prohibit states from enacting laws that violated the intent of the Civil Rights Act of 1866

(E) shift to state governments the responsibility for enforcement of laws prohibiting discriminatory


7. The author’s position regarding the intent of the framers of the Fourteenth Amendment would be most

seriously undermined if which of the following were true?

(A) The framers had anticipated state action limitations as they are described in the passage.

(B) The framers had merely sought to prevent discriminatory acts by federal officials.

(C) The framers were concerned that the Civil Rights Act of 1866 would be overturned by the Supreme


(D) The framers were aware that the phrase “equal protection of the laws” had broad implications.

(E) The framers believed that racial as well as non-racial forms of discrimination were unacceptable.

8. According to the passage, the original proponents of the Fourteenth Amendment were primarily

concerned with

(A) detailing the rights afforded by the principle of equal citizenship

(B) providing support in the Constitution for equal protection for all citizens of the United States

(C) closing a loophole that could be used to deny individuals the right to sue for enforcement of their civil


(D) asserting that the civil rights protected by the Constitution included nonracial discrimination as well

as racial discrimination

(E) granting state governments broader discretion in interpreting the Civil Rights Act of 1866

9. According to the passage, which of the following most accurately indicates the sequence of the

events listed below?

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I. Civil Rights Act of 1866

II. Dred Scott v. Sandford

III. Fourteenth Amendment

IV. Veto by President Johnson

(A) I, II, III, IV

(B) I, IV, II, III

(C) I, IV, III, II

(D) II, I, IV, III

(E) III, II, I, IV

10. Which of the following can be inferred about the second of the two doctrines referred to in the


(A) It caused some justices to rule that all types of discrimination are prohibited by the Constitution.

(B) It shifted the focus of the Supreme Court from racial to nonracial discrimination.

(C) It narrowed the concern of the Supreme Court to legislation that employed a suspect classification.

(D) It caused legislators who were writing new legislation to reject language that could be construed as

permitting racial discrimination.

(E) It made it more difficult for commercial businesses to practice racial discrimination.

Scholars/literal critic 和 historian

历史学家对资本主义文学的研究不到位。主要源自于他们受到的训练不够,训练有两方面(记不清了)。然后历史学家注重 details;而文学家注重

generalization。资本主义国家 literal critic 和 historian 研究问题的不同方式,

比如 historian 缺乏某些方面知识导致他们不能像 literal critic 那样去评价事物。


Analyzing the physics of dance can add fundamentally to a dancer's skill. Although dancers seldom see

themselves totally in physical terms -- as body mass moving through space under the influence of well-

known forces and obeying physical laws -- neither can they afford to ignore the physics of movement?

Some movements involving primarily vertical or horizontal motions of the body as a whole, in which

rotations can be ignored, can be studied using simple equations of linear motion in three dimensions.

However, rotational motions require more complex approaches that involve analyses of the way the

body's mass is distributed, the axes of rotation involved in different types of movement, and the sources

of the forces that produce the rotational movement.

1. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) initiate a debate over two approaches to analyzing a field of study

(B) describe how one field of knowledge can be applied to another field

(C) point out the contradictions between two distinct theories

(D) define and elaborate on an accepted scientific principle

(E) discuss the application of a new theory within a new setting

2. The author mentions all of the following as contributing to an understanding of the physics of dance


(A) the law of conservation of angular momentum

GRE 机经与真题更新汇总:

(B) analyses of the way in which the body’s mass is distributed

(C) equations of linear motion in three dimensions

(D) analyses of the sources that produce rotational motions

(E) the technical terms for movements such as leaps and turns

3. The author implies that dancers can become more skilled by doing which of the following?

(A) Ignoring rotational movements

(B) Understanding the forces that permit various movements

(C) Solving simple linear equations

(D) Learning the technical terms utilized by choreographers

(E) Circumventing the law of conservation of angular momentum

4. Analysis of which of the following would require the kind of complex approach described in lines 14-


(A) A long leap across space

(B) A short jump upward with a return to the same place

(C) A sustained and controlled turn in place

(D) Short, rapid steps forward and then backward without turning

(E) Quick sidesteps in a diagonal line


对比了1970 之前非干旱时期,以及1970-1980 干旱时期树木的状况。主要得出以下结论:

(1) 高大的树木对干旱反应更大,因为他们的根要吸水,有一种树(oak 吧),在火灾到来之前叶子就掉

光了,说明更容易受干旱影响;而干旱和干旱+大火对canopy 的致死率差不多;

(2) 另外一些小树抗旱能力强一点,但是容易被火灾烧毁,因此小树苗比canopy 更怕大火;

(3) 生长在斜坡上的C树木,相比生长在平地(洼地)的树木更受干旱的影响,因为土层薄shallow,含水



答案:解释fire 和drought 对环境的影响。


参考答案:要有大量不同种类及size 的plants 做sample。


题目:什么能证明canopy 的主要影响是drought 而不是fire

答案:在仅仅drought 和drought+fire 得情况下其死亡数量差不多。


关键词:rain-forest drought fire 1970-1980

白鲨的捕食对像是海狮(sea lion)和海豹(seals)。科学家认为白鲨的数量增长非但对海豹和海狮有影


然后做了一个类比说海濑(sea otters)对巨型褐藻林(kelp forests)也有相同的机制作用。

海獭吃两种水生生物a 和b,a 和b 则吃水草,所以海獭就凭借这点保护了水草。海獭数量增长后,水草



参考答案:a 和b。海胆和鲍鱼。


GRE 机经与真题更新汇总:









西有关。逻辑题是关于咖啡因的,讲的是咖啡中的咖啡因还有一种含咖啡因的茶,然后问的是基于哪种假设. 有考到可卡因那道阅读逻辑题 之前机经有,

但不是说心脏病, 就是范说的一种 disease。


是想听于是后来有了 gospel music 之类的

地震 地震余震那个,老观点认为地震余震会长时间积累,新观点发现余震很快



说 65 万年前恐龙灭绝是因为 comet or other meteriot? 的 impact 造成的,其

证据是因为在一个考古地方,65 万年前的, 发现了一种元素 i, 记不清具体的了,因为这种元素在地球很少见,只能是由于行星的撞击,因为非地球的行


行星撞击的。 同时在距今大概 120 万年的地方也发现了该元素,但是其含量只有 65 的十分之一,同时文章开头的意思是要证明 120 的这个也是由于行星

撞击造成的。 文章最后结尾说起撞击的行星也有可能含这种元素较少,而且

comet 全是由冰构成的, 所以撞击 120 的那个可能只是一个小星星, 只能引起小范围的灭绝,不能引起全部的生物灭绝,但是 65 的那种是全球灭绝。

题目有一道问你, 由于 120 的 i 元素只有 65 的十分之一,则可以推测 120 的

那颗星星与 65 导致恐龙灭绝的那颗有什么区别, 我选的是那个 i 元素含量与行星撞击的 impact 没有直接联系 。

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