examen a cuid sep 2013

Post on 16-Jan-2016






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Conteste a TODAS las preguntas de tipo test (25 en total) ÚNICAMENTE en la hoja de lectura óptica. Al final del examen, entregue ÚNICAMENTE la hoja de lectura óptica y LA ÚLTIMA HOJA de este examen, en cuyo revés escribirá las redacciones. No olvide consignar sus datos personales en ambas hojas. Puede llevarse el resto del examen. Esta prueba escrita se califica en total sobre 100 puntos: las preguntas con respuesta múltiple (“multiple choice questions”) valen 50 y las redacciones (“compositions”) valen 50. El mínimo para aprobar este nivel se establece en 30 puntos para las preguntas con respuesta múltiple y 25 puntos en las redacciones. Hay que superar los mínimos en ambas partes para poder aprobar el examen. Las respuestas incorrectas no restan puntos.



1. READING COMPREHENSION A Sara was on her way to the airport when she began to have car trouble. She stopped at the side of the road. She tried calling the AAA on her cellular phone but she couldn’t get a signal. “What can I do?” She wondered. “I mustn’t miss my flight.” “It might just be a flat tire”, she thought, as she got out of the car. “That’s not a big problem. I can change a tire in only ten minutes.” But when Sara checked her tires, she saw that they were all fine. “What could be the problem? She wondered. Suddenly Sara saw the headlights of another car. It stopped and a man got out. “Can I help you?” he offered. Sara couldn’t help smiling. It was Ted, her neighbour. “Ted, I’m so glad to see you. Could you tell me why my car won’t start?” “The battery may be dead.” Ted got into Sara’s car and turned the key. “Yes, that’s what it is.” “Could I borrow your jumper cables, Ted?” Choose the most suitable option: 1. Which of the following words in the text means “To set into motion”? a) check b) turn c) start d) get into 2. Sara’s car trouble _________________. a) started when she was getting to the airport. b) began as soon as she started to drive to the airport. c) started when she was driving to the airport. d) had begun before she started driving to the airport. 3. Which of the words below is closer to the meaning of “flat” in the text? a) low b) collapsed c) outstretched d) smooth 4. Sara checked her tires because ________________. a) something was wrong with her car .

b) she thought they were fine. c) nobody answered her call.

d) she had to get to the airport.

5. Sara smiled when she saw Ted because ________. a) he had her jumper cables.

b) she knew him. c) he knew what was wrong with her car. d) he was willing to turn the key.

6. Sara couldn’t contact the AAA because ____________. a) her phone did not work. b) it was lunch time.

c) her mobile reception was too weak. d) her phone was switched off.

B Propeller Island City Lodge is not like any other hotel in the world. It is located in Berlin, Germany, as was created by German artist, Lars Stroschen. The rooms don’t look like ordinary hotel rooms at all. Each one is different and has its own design and theme. It all started when Lars turned two rooms in his own apartment into guest rooms to rent out. Word got out about these amazing rooms and they quickly became popular. This motivated Lars to buy an old hotel and redecorate it. Every room in Propeller Island City Lodge is a work of art and has its own name. In the Mirror Room, for example, every wall is covered in mirrors. In the Upside Down Room, the furniture, mostly handmade by Lars Stroschen himself, hangs from the ceiling. There is even Grandma’s Room, where the shower and toilet are hidden inside the closet! Today the Propeller Island City Lodge has over thirty rooms and is more popular than ever. If you happen to find yourself in Berlin, be sure to check it out! Choose the most suitable option: 7. Which of the following options means the same as: “Propeller Island City Lodge is not like any other hotel in the world.” a) Propeller Island City Lodge is similar to some hotels but only a few. b) Nobody likes any other hotel. c) Propeller Island City Lodge is different from all the hotels in the world. d) Nobody can differentiate Propeller Island City Lodge from any other hotel in the world. 8. According to the text, ___________. a) Lars Stroschen lived in a hotel. b) Lars Stroschen got into the lodging business by chance. c) Lars Stroschen had always been interested in building a hotel. d) Lars Strochen got into the lodging business because he needed money. 9. Lars Stroschen ___________. a) created rooms that were real pieces of art. b) made the furniture of his hotel rooms himself. c) gave his name to his hotels. d) covered the rooms of his hotel with mirrors.

10. Which of the words below means the opposite of “open to view”? a) hidden b) popular c) sure d) amazing 11. The Propeller Island City Lodge ___________. a) has exactly thirty rooms. b) has less than thirty rooms. c) has more than thirty rooms. d) almost has thirty rooms. 12. According to the text, ___________. a) One of the rooms in the Propeller Island City Lodge is called Grandma’s Room . b) Lars Stroschen’s grand-mother designed one of the rooms of the Propeller Island City Lodge. c) You cannot use the shower and the toilet in Grandma’s Room. d) Lars Stroschen’s grandma had the shower and the toilet in the closet. 13. According to the text, the Propeller Island City Lodge ___________. a) has never been more famous. b) was more popular before. c) is as well-known as ever. d) will be more famous in the future. 2. USE OF ENGLISH. Choose the right answer. 14. Emily Taylor, the famous actress, .............. in front of the TV a lot. a) uses to sit b) usually to sit c) used sitting d) used to sit 15. How far is ................... the station ................... the Hilton Hotel? a) from / from b) Ø / from c) Ø / Ø d) from / to 16. If we use disposable cups, ........................... more garbage? a) would we create b) did we create c) will we create d) we create 17. I wish I .................. less. a) have smoked b) smoke c) smoked d) will smoke 18. “I hope John will win the race” – he said. a) He said that he hoped John would win the race. b) He said that he had been hoping John would be winning the race. c) He said that he will hope John wins the race. d) He said that he hopes John will win the race. 19. After they ..................... work, they .................. a healthy snack. a) finish / will have b) are finishing / are going to have c) will finish / have d) finished / were having 20. I have a job interview ................. a publishing company tomorrow. I don’t want to be too nervous ................ the interview. a) with / during b) during / with c) for / while d) while / for 21. Parenting is a challenge, but you will .................. a) used to it b) got used to it c) use it d) get used to it

22. She stopped ____ her hair and opened the back door. a) brushing b) to brush c) and brushed d)from brushing 23. Remember .................... coffee near your computer. a) not to drinking b) not to drink c) to not drink d) not drinking 24. The ceremony at Damwell College ................... every August. a) celebrates b) happens c) is d) takes place 25. Could you recommend a place ............................ we could spend a romantic long weekend? a) how b) when c) where d) which


Write two compositions about these topics. Each composition should have 100 words approximately:

1. You are flying to a foreign country. Explain how you would prepare for your trip. You can mention the following points:

• Where you are travelling • If you are travelling on your own or with somebody else • How long you are staying in that country • What you intend to do there

2. A friend of yours asked you for help when s/he needed you and you did nothing for him/her.

Right an e-mail saying that you are sorry and would like to compensate him/her for not being a good friend then. You can mention these points:

• The kind of help your friend needed • The reason why you did not do anything for him/her • How you would like to compensate her/him


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