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    7 Enzymes as active packaging agents

    A.L. BRODY and J.A. BUDNY

    This chapter discusses the role of enzymes in active packaging, especially as

    oxygen scavengers.

    Almost all mechanisms in which packaging structures function in

    response to a stimulus involve physical, chemical or physiochemical actions.

    In a physical action, the active element of the material, which is usually

    external, opens, expands, closes, contracts, etc. as one or more variables are

    changed. In chemical or physiochemical reactions, a component of the total

    package reacts with the package structure or component, usually in an

    irreversible manner, with the result that the active component is effectively

    consumed or changed as the internal package environment is changed.

    However, in catalytic processes physiochemical or chemical reactions

    occur in which the catalyst remains effective and intact. Enzymes, which are

    biological catalysts, accelerate chemical reactions but are not consumed as a

    result ofthereactions. Within limits, for as long as reactants or substrates are

    present, enzymes will function to catalyze chemical, or more specifically

    biochemical, reactions. When the proper enzymes are introduced under the

    proper conditions, they are capable of catalyzing reactions which can either

    prevent the product from being changed or extend the function of packaging

    beyond its accepted or previously understood functions by actively serving

    as a processing unit.

    7.1 Enzymes

    Enzymes are biological catalysts which are found in all living cells, whether

    plant or animal. These macromolecular proteins exhibit two outstanding

    characteristics in addition to the fact that they occur naturally and are found

    in living systems.

    The first characteristic is their catalytic power. Enzymes accelerate

    chemical reactions that occur in biological systems by factors that exceed a

    million over their uncatalyzed rate. In essence, enzymes allow living

    systems to carry out reactions that would not ordinarily occur or occur so

    slowly that the rates would not be of any practical significance. A simple

    reaction of the formation of carbonic acid from carbon dioxide and water

    occurs 10


    times faster with the enzyme carbonic anhydrase than the non-

    enzymatic or chemical reaction.

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    The second important characteristic of enzymes is their specificity.

    Enzymatic specificity takes on two distinct forms: the type of chemical

    reaction; and for any type of chemical reaction, a specificity for the reactant

    or substrate. Consequently, for each chemical reaction that occurs in a

    biological system, there is a unique enzyme required for the optimal

    production of reaction products. With so many different biological reactions,

    it follows that there are many different enzymes.

    As with all catalysts, enzymes do not alter equilibrium conditions. An

    enzyme increases a forward reaction in the same way and to the same extent

    that it increases the reverse reaction, i.e., enzymes accelerate the rate at

    which a chemical equilibrium is reached but an enzyme does not distort the

    ratio of the equilibrium concentrations of the products to reactants.

    The catalytic potential of enzymes and the speed at which they facilitate

    chemical reactions lies in their ability to reduce the Gibbs Free Energy of

    Activation (E


    ). Enzymes accomplish their catalytic objectives, not by

    reducing the E


    of the uncatalyzed reaction but by creating a new and

    different transition state and hence a different reaction path or mechanism.

    This new or different transition state is the enzyme-substrate complex (ESC)

    where the reactant becomes associated or bound to the free enzyme at the

    reactive center or site, followed by the release of the product which

    generates the free enzyme again. The now free enzyme is once again

    available to combine with another molecule of reactant to repeat the process.

    The net effect of this sequence is that reactant or substrate becomes product

    and the enzyme is unchanged.

    The active site is an area or region of an enzyme where the bond-breaking

    and bond-forming ofthereactants and products occur. The participation, and

    hence the reactivity, of an enzyme for a particular substrate-product pair is

    determined by the amino acid sequence and the geometric or spatial

    arrangement of the enzyme. Because enzymes are high molecular weight

    polymers which are made up of amino acids, it is not surprising that the

    active site represents only a small percentage of the total enzyme. It is also

    not surprising that the polymeric catalysts are three dimensional, and

    consequently the active site has a size (volume) shape to it. This spatial

    characteristic of the active site defines the size, shape and type of substrates

    or reactants which can be catalyzed by the enzyme.

    The kinetics of enzyme reactions are obviously of great importance in

    considering their potential commercial applications. At the outset, enzymatic

    reaction rates are linear with time until all of the free enzyme is used to form

    the ESC. When all of the enzyme exists as ESC, or as soon as the product

    is formed, the enzyme reacts with another reactant or substrate molecule,

    and the rate of conversion of reactant to product plateaus at the maximal

    reaction rate or velocity. Once the initial velocity has been achieved, all of

    the enzyme exists as the ESC.

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    Although enzymes may be classified according to the substrates they

    affect, as, for example, proteases for proteins, lipases for lipids, etc., in

    reality, these are designations for broad families to break proteins of entities

    that are specific to a single protein or lipid under a particular set of

    circumstances. An enzyme suitable for a single 16 carbon fatty acid

    oxidation reaction will not catalyze an 18 carbon fatty acid oxidation even

    though the actual reactions at the sites may be identical. This characteristic

    may be viewed as beneficial in that only the specific reaction and no other

    is catalyzed by the enzyme. On the other hand, this attribute may be

    regarded as undesirable since a specific enzyme is required for a specific

    reaction, and no single enzyme can effect a series of related reactions.

    Enzymes are proteins whose reactivity is quite sensitive to temperature.

    At temperatures as low as 140


    F (68


    C), the catalytic reactivity of the

    enzymes may be temporarily or permanently disrupted, thus rendering

    enzymes among the most vulnerable of all biological matter. This tem-

    perature sensitivity is an important consideration in the commercial

    application of enzymes in processing operations.

    Among the many enzymes functioning in reactions that have been and are

    being used commercially are rennin (chymosin) to precipitate the casein of

    milk in cheese making; proteases in laundry detergents to assist in protein

    stain removal; amylase to convert starch to sugar for brewing; lactase to

    break down lactose in milk; various oxidases to accelerate oxidative

    reactions; and catalase to remove hydrogen peroxide that might be formed

    during prior oxidative reactions. Other, more generic applications of

    enzymes include stereospecific amino acid production, high fructose sugar

    production, beer and wine fermentation, tenderizing meats, milling and

    baking, juice and wine clarification, juice extraction from fruits and

    production of flavor enhancers, to cite a few.

    7.2 Potential roles of enzymes in active packaging

    In many commercial situations, enzymes may be viewed as chemicals to be

    added to the product to catalyze a reaction as one way to affect batch

    processing. The addition can occur to the in-plant batch or individual

    package. For in-package situations, the enzyme may be added directly to the

    product to effect a reaction or may be incorporated into the package

    structure. To function within a package material, the enzyme must be

    immobilized and the substrate, reactant or a constituent circulated past the

    site to initiate a reaction. Immobilization of an enzyme, or placing it in a

    static position where it may function for an indefinite period, may be

    accomplished by making the enzyme an integral part of the packaging


    Active packaging in general often involves the incorporation of a

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    chemical into the package material. Active packaging employing one or

    more enzymes involves the incorporation into the package material of the

    specific enzymes in much the same manner as the incorporation of a more

    conventional chemical to create the active package. The key differences are

    that the enzyme is not changed by the reaction and can continue to function

    indefinitely; the enzyme is vulnerable to variations in temperature, pH, etc.;

    and the range of environmental conditions for the functioning of the enzyme

    is a relatively narrow band. These key considerations which affect the ability

    of the enzyme to function require special processes and techniques for

    incorporating enzymes into packaging materials. Often, harsh manufacturing

    processes, geometric configurations, etc. that are adequate and even

    appropriate for non-enzyme packaging components render the use of

    enzymes inappropriate. Consequently, new and innovative methods are

    likely to be required for the incorporation of enzymes into packaging


    Although a broad range of enzymatic reactions stemming from enzyme

    incorporation into package materials can be conceived, only a relatively

    small number have actually been attempted on a practical basis. Examples of

    those that have been actively pursued include:

    Oxygen removed by means of glucose oxidase plus catalase.

    Removal of products of microbiological degradation by glucose oxidase/


    Incorporation of lactase to remove lactose from milk.

    Incorporation of cholesterol-changing enzymes to remove cholesterol

    from liquid egg or milk.

    Tim e-temperature integrator indicators which are triggered enzymat-


    Examples of enzymatic reactions that have not found general use but

    which might have some future potential and require development include:

    Conversion of sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide in secondary

    fermentations of wine to produce champagne-like products.

    A United Kingdom patent application (Thomas and Harrison, 1983)

    which describes an in-package secondary fermentation system using

    immobilized yeast within a liquid porous container immersed in an

    alcoholic beverage. In one manifestation, the container was a flexible

    pouch. Further, the inventors refer to isolated enzyme complexes as

    being useful as yeast substitutes. The objective here was to consume the

    residual fermentable sugars, converting them into carbon dioxide and


    In-package production of lactic acid for pickles, sauerkraut or sour dairy


    Production of 'natura l' antimicrobial agents such as benzoic or propionic

    acids to help preserve the product contents.

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    Destruction of natural toxins in foods.

    Removal of undesirable respiratory end products such as ethylene that

    accelerate the respiratory processes of fresh fruits and vegetables.

    Removal of undesirable end products of microbiological or endogenous

    enzymatic reactions such as polypeptides, carbonyls, ketones, volatile

    acids, etc.

    Tenderizing of fresh meat such as beef by proteases such as papain.

    7.3 History

    Although many enzymes and their roles have been known for several

    decades, the notion of incorporating them into package materials to achieve

    a desirable result dates back only to the 1940s. Almost simultaneously with

    the idea of protecting against browning of dry foods such as eggs by

    removing residual oxygen, the notion of in-package glucose oxidase/catalase

    reactions was born. In reality, the initial action of glucose oxidase is with

    residual quantities of glucose, a reducing sugar active in the non-enzymatic,

    non-oxidative Maillard browning reactions. Highly reactive hydrogen

    peroxide is produced by glucose oxidase, and is removed by catalase which

    breaks it into water and oxygen. This concept was put into practice by

    employing porous packets of the enzyme mix in which the enzymes slowly

    reacted with minute quantities of residual oxygen, an analogue of the

    commercial incorporation of sachets of desiccants to reduce the in-package

    relative humidity. The applications during the 1940s and 1950s appear to

    have been largely confined to very long term storage of military foods.

    The concern for the adverse effects of temperature abuse on frozen foods

    led to numerous ventures into development of time-temperature indicators,

    among which have been enzymatically actuated versions, beginning in the


    The exponential growth of modified atmosphere packaging in the 1980s

    led to the notions of oxygen and carbon dioxide and moisture control using

    in-package sachets of chemicals. Some enzymatic agents were included in

    these chemicals.

    Towards the end of the 1980s, interest increased with the formation of

    PharmaCal, Ltd. whose objective was to develop the application of enzymes

    in unit size situations. This company and its principal, the co-author of this

    article, suggested and, in some instances, physically evaluated three areas in

    which immobilized enzymes within package structures would catalyze

    reactions of products contained within packages.

    Lactase to remove lactose.

    Cholesterol reductase to remove cholesterol.

    Glucose oxidase/catalase to remove oxygen.

    Whether or not the communications emanating from PharmaCal were

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    directly responsible, several other enzymatically based active packaging

    oxygen control devices have been proposed since that time.

    7.4 Oxygen removal

    As is documented elsewhere in this book, oxygen is a highly reactive gas

    which can cause deterioration of almost all food products in terms of flavor,

    color, nutritional value and safety. Further, the presence of oxygen is

    essential to the growth and potential deteriorative effects of aerobic

    microorganisms including m ost bacteria, yeasts and m olds. Thus, minimiza-

    tion or removal of oxygen is an important factor in prolonging the quality

    retention of many food products.

    According to Baker (1949, but evidently conceived in 1944) the addition

    of an oxidase to liquid-containing food products such as beer, peas, corn,

    milk, apple cider or orange juice, protects them from oxidation. 'In some

    instances, it is better to produce in the product a substrate for the oxidase

    that is to be introduced rather than to use a substrate already present.' For

    example, glucose originally present or added can be oxidized to gluconic

    acid. Baker's patent indicates that if the oxidase produces an objectionable

    end product such as hydrogen peroxide, then an additional enzyme might be

    introduced to remove the undesirable end product.

    Among the interesting aspects of this early patent is the notion that as the

    oxygen in the product is removed, free oxygen in the headspace is further

    dissolved by equilibrium dynamics, thus removing oxygen from the

    headspace. The reaction, now very well known, is

    2G + 2O


    + 2H


    O -> GO + 2H




    where G is the substrate. Since hydrogen peroxide is a very good oxidizing

    agent, it is 'just as objectionable, or even more so, than is the original

    molecular oxygen.' Thus, catalase is introduced to break down the hydrogen






    + catalase - 2H




    + catalase

    The sum of these two reactions yields half the oxygen originally present and

    therefore ultimately the free oxygen approaches zero.

    Baker's invention was implemented by introducing one or more pellets of

    the enzyme into the product such as beer or orange juice. The patent also

    mentions the incorporation of lactase to hydrolyze lactose into glucose and

    galactose which are then oxidized in the presence of oxidases. Perhaps

    without realizing the significance of this assertion, the patent suggested the

    use of enzymes to reduce the lactose content of milk.

    The patent does not explicitly describe precisely how the enzymes are

    incorporated. The inference is that the enzymes are introduced directly into

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    the product. Expressed differently, this patent does not indicate that the

    enzymes are either part of the package structure or in an independent packet

    within the primary package. Thus, although the 1949 patent described

    perhaps for the first time the employment of enzymes to eliminate in-

    package oxygen, it did not indicate that the enzymes were part of the

    package material or structure.

    This concept of enzyme incorporation into a package material was first

    overtly described in a 1956 patent (Sarett, 1956). (Sarett, incidentally, was

    the assignee for the Baker patent.) In this patent, the same basic enzymatic

    reactions as in the Baker patent were reiterated as a reference, but the

    enzymes glucose oxidase and catalase in a solution were impregnated into or

    on a moistureproof or fabric sheet. The enzym e was bound to the sheet with

    a water-dispersible adhesive such as polyvinyl alcohol, starch, casein or

    carboxymethyl cellulose. The enzyme-coating face must contact the moist

    product to ensure that the requisite oxygen reduction reactions take place.

    The enzyme system was indicated to serve as a barrier to oxygen which

    would otherwise be transmitted through the sheet. Products described as

    being benefited by this system of oxygen reduction include cheese, butter,

    frozen foods subject to browning, etc.

    Although during the period of the patent a Kraft packaging paper called

    moistureproof (which, as it happens, was not actually moistureproof) was

    often used to package butter and cheese, the patent does not indicate the use

    of this material. Rather, the package material is described as having \ .. an

    exposed surface covered with a gas-permeable packaging material and

    having an inter layer between and in contact with packaging material and . . .

    food . .. inter layer providing an oxygen barrier. ...' The specific package

    materials identified were moistureproof cellophane, paper, rubber hydrochlo-

    ride with impregnation employed for the papers and coating for the plastic

    and cellulose films. Also cited as being suitable substrates were wax paper,

    styrene, polyethylene and vinyls.

    Experiments discussed in the body of the patent indicated results in which

    oxidation of cheese surfaces was retarded by the presence of the enzyme-

    containing package material.

    In 1958, Scott (co-inventor on the 1956 Sarett patent) of Fermco

    Laboratories, published a paper on Enzymatic Oxygen Removal from

    Packaged Foods in which enzymes were incorporated into packaging

    materials or introduced into packets. Fermco Laboratories was a manu-

    facturer of enzymes, one category of which was labeled Fermcozyme

    antioxidants, and of the packets which were named Oxyban. This paper

    marked the first publication to our knowledge on the use of packets of

    chemicals in packages.

    The glucose oxidase/catalase systems were derived from mold mycelia

    which were disrupted, filtered and further purified. To be effective in

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    reducing oxygen, glucose oxidase/catalase systems must be used in gas-tight

    packages. Among the applications indicated were:

    Aqueous foods

    direct incorporation, in mayonnaise or carbonated beverages;

    surface treatment in canned dog food;

    in packets in situations in which the enzyme and the product should be

    kept separate.

    Non-aqueous foods

    direct incorporation;

    in packets, as for chow mein noodles.

    The mayonnaise and carbonated beverage examples involved incorpora-

    tion oftheenzyme system directly into the products, with oxidative rancidity

    delayed in the former class of products and color fading (e.g., grape-flavor

    carbonated beverages) as well as flavor oxidations delayed in the latter. The

    dog food example was also a direct addition to retard surface discoloration

    on the top of the dog food in retorted cans.

    As a coating, the dried enzyme system was coated on the surfaces of

    package materials for processed cheese. Deposition of the enzymes was in

    solution form or via incorporation into a dry starch mixture prior to 'dusting'

    the package material surface. When the dry and therefore inactive enzyme

    picked up moisture from the product, it was activated and was a sufficiently

    good oxygen interceptor to control the formation of brown ring. Another

    series of experiments focused on obviating oxidative gray coloration on the

    surfaces of luncheon meats.

    Fermco's Oxyban product was a dry glucose oxidase/catalase/glucose/

    buffers blend to be incorporated into products to reduce headspace and

    occluded and dissolved oxygen in dry foods such as coffee or soup. In

    another manifestation, the Oxyban was placed in small packets in which it

    reacted with oxygen in packages of roasted and ground coffee, smoked yeast



    solids. Exactly how the enzyme was activated without moisture was

    not indicated, but clearly some moisture from the product was required. The

    author noted that this in-package packet was analogous to the desiccant


    Three years later, Scott, then with Hammer (Scott and Hammer, 1958),

    elaborated on the oxygen-scavenging packet for in-package deoxygenation.

    Using the same glucose oxidase/catalase packet system described earlier

    from their laboratory experiments, they proceeded forward to a more

    commercially viable mechanism. Among the problems they enumerated


    Oxygen-scavenger surface area owing to the gas phase reaction.

    The need for moisture (cited above).

    Necessity to neutralize gluconic acid to avoid enzyme deactivation.

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    Package material structure allowing passage of oxygen but not mois-


    The gluconic acid problem was obviated using phosphate buffers. As little as

    15 g of Oxyban enzyme mix in a packet was capable of removing all

    measurable oxygen from a sealed No. 2 size can held at ambient

    temperature. Once again, the type of package material used for the packet

    was not indicated.

    An interesting side note was an exploration of the use of glucose oxidase

    alone which, of course, led to an increase in the amount of hydrogen

    peroxide which would, in turn, slow the subsequent rate of oxygen


    The products benefited by the total system were primarily dry milk, potato

    granules and ice cream mix.

    An international patent application (Lehtonen et ai 1991) described a

    package material containing an enzyme system to remove oxygen from the

    interior of the package by enzymatic reaction. By removing the oxygen, the

    growth of aerobic microorganisms was significantly retarded, and so this

    technology was favorable to shelf-life from both microbiological and

    chemical standpoints. The enzyme, for example, glucose oxidase, was

    incorporated into a package material with a gas-impermeable layer on the

    exterior and a gas permeable layer on the interior, i.e., the layer containing

    the oxygen-consuming enzyme was sandwiched between two plastic film


    The background ofthispatent cited a 1969 German publication describing

    the use of glucose oxidase in package materials for the surface protection of

    meats, fish and cheese products but without elaboration. And, of course, the

    classical review paper by Labuza

    et al.

    (1989) described a similar

    technology of coating plastic film with glucose oxidase catalase, with the

    enzyme system activated by moisture from the food as Scott had previously


    This patent application from Cultor Ltd. of Helsinki, Finland, details a

    flexible package structure containing an enzyme system in the liquid phase

    trapped between films, the outer of which might be polyamide or

    polyvinylidene-coated polyester. The inner film would be polyethylene

    which is generally not a good gas barrier.

    The enzymes of choice were oxidases of the oxidoreductase family using

    oxygenases and hydroxylases which bind oxygen to oxdizable molecules.

    The enzyme solution contains a buffer and a stabilizer, and may also be

    mixed with a filler. The enzyme layer was applied on the film by gravure or

    screen technique with the layer thickness being about 12 fim. The enzyme is

    not directly in contact with the contents.

    The film produced was employed either as the cover film layer or as the

    thermoformable bottom layer for tray-type packages.

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    The inventors noted that with increasing temperature, the gas permeability

    of package materials increases and so also does the ability of the enzyme

    system to reduce the oxygen content from the 20.9 of air to about 1 at

    ambient temperature within 24 hours.

    From technological and potential commercial perspectives, this Finnish

    work is so precise as to imply a major advance in the ability to implement

    the principles of enzymes as active package components.

    Co-author Budny and his company PharmaCal, Ltd. have been actively

    researching enzymes for active packaging since the 1980s. The contribution

    of PharmaCal, Ltd. to enzymes in active packaging was to expand the

    concept of packaging beyond the two long-regarded functions of packaging:

    containment of the product; and protection of the contents. These require-

    ments originally were embodied in wine skins that ancient goat- and sheep-

    herders used for their sustenance beverages. Throughout history, while there

    have been advancements in materials and approaches, there have not been

    any fundamental changes or additions to the necessary requirements for

    containers or packages. Whether they are animal skins, a lid or a multi-layer

    stock, they should protect the contents and not leak.

    PharmaCal, Ltd. added a third dimension to packaging by allowing an

    individual package to become a processing unit or to perform a process step

    or function that previously was limited to in-plant operations. With a

    combination of patent applications and proprietary technology, PharmaCal,

    Ltd. has been able to expand the concept of packaging to include processing

    steps, value-addition to packaged products and increased processing effi-


    PharmaCal, Ltd. has developed a two-enzyme system involving glucose

    oxidase and catalase to intercept oxygen and has applied the technology for

    enzymes in active packaging to improve the proven concept of oxygen

    removal with the dual enzyme system of glucose oxidase and catalase. The

    use of the enzymes to remove oxygen has been acknowledged as not new,

    but their role in enzyme-based active packaging has been regarded as a more

    advanced application. Figure 7.1 illustrates the mechanism in which

    packaged liquid reacts enzymatically with glucose in the package wall to

    form gluconate. The resulting hydrogen peroxide is enzymatically reacted

    with catalase to produce oxygen and water that re-enter the contained

    product liquid.

    A container with an internal reactor, in reality an integral section of the

    package wall through which the liquid contents may flow, permits the

    enzymes to be retained for a reaction described in a 1989 patent application

    (Budny, 1989).

    A 1991 patent (Ernst, 1991), described a glucose/glucose oxidase enzyme

    mixture in a porous precipitated silica acid carrier. Calcium carbonate,

    calcium hydrogen phosphate, magnesium carbonate or disodium hydrogen

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    Figure 7.1 Oxygen removal from liquid products.

    carbonate may also be employed as carriers or reaction accelerators. The

    oxygen scavenger may be in the interior of in-package sachets.

    A 1991 patent (Copeland et al 1991) describes the incorporation of

    oxygen scavenging cell membrane fragments which contain an electron

    transfer system in solutions containing alcohol or acids to reduce oxygen to

    water. Although neither purified nor crude enzym es, the active component of

    membrane fragments in this technology must constitute the enzyme


    The inventors note that the major mechanism to effect the reaction is

    incorporation of the membrane fragments into the product, and that these

    active components may also be made part of the package structure. Sources

    of the membrane fragments were cell membrane of bacteria such as

    Escherichia coli and/or mitochondrial membranes.

    Examples of products from which oxygen might be removed by the

    system include beer, wine, fruits, juices and a variety of non-food products.

    Both red and white wines were treated with materials supplied by Oxyrase,

    Inc., which is also the patent assignee. Dissolved oxygen was removed

    within 16 minutes at 37C. Less than 12 minutes was required to remove


    of the oxygen from beer or tomato juice. A five-fold increase in the

    time to the onset of browning of cut surfaces of bananas and apples was

    observed at ambient temperature.

    Developers from chewing gum producer, William Wrigley, Jr., have

    described the use of porous polymeric beads containing glucose oxidase in

    multilayer flexible package materials (Courtright

    et al

    1992). The porous

    particles are made from styrene divinyl benzene, with the enzyme incorpo-

    rated mechanically. The beads are then blended into a thermoplastic coating

    in the multilayer film.

    H e a d




    enzymeluconate Glucose






    ata lase

    e nz y me

    Container wall

    Inside of container

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    Labuza and Breen (1989) have analyzed the issues involved in the

    incorporation of glucose oxidase into package materials.

    To counteract the quantity of oxygen passing through an aluminum foil

    lamination an enzyme surface will have to react with oxygen in the

    following manner:

    Rate = permeability X area X oxygen pressure difference

    between the outside and inside

    Rate = 0.1 X 1 [0 .2 1-0 .0 1] = 0.2 ml per day per m


    = 20 jxl/day

    The calculation above assumes air outside and < 1 oxygen inside. For the

    worst case and with a pinhole or cracked score, there would be the need to

    scavenge 1 ml/day. A film could be made equivalent to a barrier by binding

    the oxygen scavenging enzyme to the inside surface of the film to react with

    the excess oxygen.

    Glucose oxidase transfers two hydrogens from the -CHOH group of

    glucose to oxygen with the formation of glucono-delta-lactone and hydrogen

    peroxide. The lactone then spontaneously reacts with water to form gluconic

    acid. One mole of glucose will consume one mole of oxygen and so a

    package with 500 ml headspace is required, to reach zero oxygen, w ith only

    0.0043 mole of glucose needed as a substrate. The major factors are the

    speed at which the enzyme works, the amount of glucose available, and the

    rate at which oxygen permeates into the package. In the presence of catalase,

    a normal contaminant of commercial glucose oxidase, the hydrogen

    peroxide is broken down, and so with catalase one mole of glucose will react

    with only a half mole of oxygen, decreasing the overall effectiveness of the

    system. Pure glucose oxidase without catalase is reportedly expensive.

    If no surface exists for the peroxide for diffusion, the glucose oxidase will

    be inactivated, precluding this application. Since many foods may have

    minimal contact with the package surface, except on the sides and bottom,

    this may not be the best approach for oxygen scavenging.

    At 30-40


    C, pure glucose oxidase has a rate of oxygen consumption of

    about 150 000 (il/h/mg. Based on this, and spreading mg per m


    on a film,

    this would be equivalent to reacting with all the oxygen passing through a

    film with an oxygen permeability of about 18 000 ml/day m



    Thus at room temperature, a i m square surface with 1 mg of enzyme

    spread out on it should be able to handle all the oxygen passing through any

    package film. One advantage is that both polypropylene and polyethylene

    are good substrates for immobilizing enzymes. One factor to take into

    account is the stability of the enzyme when bound to the film. An unknown

    factor is how stable the enzyme will be on the film over time. Glucose

    oxidase bound to a plastic surface has been shown to undergo a 50 drop in

    activity in 2-3 weeks followed by little loss over the next four weeks.

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    The Japanese have worked on binding of enzymes to chitosan, which is an

    insoluble polymeric carbohydrate from shellfish shells, but a 70 loss in

    activity for bound glucose oxidase has been reported. Glucose oxidase

    immobilized on polyethylenimine-coated glass beads retained 78-8 7 of its

    activity and was more stable to heat inactivation. Since the enzyme is a

    protein and can serve as a nutrient for microbes along with the glucose

    substrate, a microbial inhibitor may be needed in the film.

    Besides glucose oxidase mentioned previously, other enzymes have

    potential. One such enzyme is ethanol oxidase which oxidizes ethanol to

    acetaldehyde. The reaction is extremely rapid. Hopkinseta/. (1991) describe

    a package in which alcohol or oxidase or cellular extracts of



    cells containing alcohol oxidase are the enzymes used for oxygen scaveng-

    ing in dry foods. An alcohol substrate either from the product or introduced

    into the package from the exterior is required to remove the oxygen from the

    package headspace.

    7.5 Antimicrobial effects

    The use of enzymes in active packaging to control microbial growth and

    subsequent packaged-product degradation can be achieved by two independ-

    ent approaches. By controlling the amount of available oxygen, selective

    control of aerobic bacteria can occur. However, this method of bacterial

    control can, under certain circumstances, allow the overgrowth of patho-

    genic anaerobic bacteria which, from a human view, may be worse than

    aerobic bacterial overgrowth. A second approach that has been implemented

    by several investigators is non-specific relative to oxygen requirements and

    is a direct attack on the organisms present, independent of whether the

    organisms are aerobic or anaerobic. This second approach can be either by

    a direct attack on bacteria (both aerobic and anaerobic) or by the production

    of broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents.

    Neither the literature nor the memories of the authors indicates the

    commercial implementation of the Fermco products. Meanwhile, the use of

    immobilized enzymes in commerce has increased significantly. During the

    1970s, Scott (1975), in his continuing research on the technology of glucose

    oxidase, noted that catalase-free glucose oxidase might exert antimicrobial

    effects due to the production of hydrogen peroxide. At the University of

    Rhode Island, Rand and his co-workers conducted research and development

    on catalase-free glucose oxidase as a food preservative, especially with

    regard to fish (Field et aL 1986).

    The enzymes (not coincidentally, supplied by Fermco) were applied to

    fresh flounder fillets or w hole fish by dips, immersion in ice or by enzyme/

    algin blankets. In some experiments, the enzyme system included catalase

    and/or glucose. The university researchers' experiments (which had begun

  • 8/11/2019 envases.pdf


    during the early 1980s) demonstrated that the enzyme treatments retarded

    the onset and magnitude of adverse microbiologically triggered spoilage

    odors. The researchers explained the result as due to reductions in surface

    pH under the refrigerated conditions of the test. These changes influenced

    the metabolism of putrefactive microorganisms. They also suggested that the

    generation of hydrogen peroxide might inhibit the growth of psychrotropic

    microorganisms which are reported to be sensitive to the chemicals used.

    Other possible microbistatic agents include gluconic acid, reportedly a metal

    complexing agent, and gluconolactone, reported to be a binding agent for

    water and metal ions. Another factor reported by the group was an altered

    gaseous microenvironment in which oxygen in the muscle interstices was

    depleted by the enzymatic action thus retarding the growth of aerobic

    psychrophiles. This last, of course, is synergistic with the oxygen removal

    aspects of the enzyme system.

    The authors cited a Japanese patent in which catalase-free glucose oxidase

    was demonstrated to be effective in preserving other proteinaceous foods

    such as ground chicken and tofu (Fukazawa, 1980).

    Although the Rand


    work did not specifically state the incorporation

    of enzymes into package materials, the implications were sufficiently clear

    in the examples of the enzyme-containing ice and the enzyme-containing

    algin blanket. Either of these could have been relatively easily substituted

    with a skin package material which had been surface tested with the enzyme

    system. The notion of hydrogen peroxide as an intentional active anti-

    microbial agent is somewhat of a contradiction since this chemical is quite

    reactive with many food constituents, especially lipids, and residual free

    hydrogen peroxide is not readily accepted by regulatory officials. If the

    hydrogen peroxide is fully reacted with microorganisms as in aseptic

    packaging, however, perhaps the proposed system may warrant further

    consideration. Unfortunately, work at the University of Rhode Island on this

    topic has been discontinued.

    A German patent assigned to Continental Group (Anon. 1977) describes

    incorporation of biologically active enzymes into polymers on the interiors

    of package structures to destroy microorganisms of contained products. The

    enzymes were intended to destroy microorganisms by breaking cell walls

    and also to consume oxygen, thus increasing shelf-life without heat. The

    applicable products were beer and fruit juices.

    Enzymes such as muramidase for cell wall destruction and glucose

    oxidase for oxygen interception were attached to the internal polymer by

    covalent bonds. 'Non-essential' functional groups such as NH


    , COOH, OH

    phenol, imidazole and sulfhydryl were cited as examples.

    The polymer was described as a terpolymer of monomer alkyl acrylate

    and vinyl aromatic applied to the interior of a glass container from a solvent

    and dried by heat. The enzyme was subsequently applied as a coating from

    an aqueous dispersion.

  • 8/11/2019 envases.pdf


    Tests indicated highly significant reductions in oxygen concentrations

    within the glass jars due to the conversion of glucose to gluconate in an

    oxidative enzymatic reaction.

    This appears to be the first reference to actually incorporating an enzyme

    into an interior package wall to achieve an enzymatic antimicrobial


    7.6 Time-temperature integrator-indicators

    For many years, efforts have been underway to develop a practical, accurate,

    reliable and economic indicator of total temperature-time exposure of food

    products. Among the routes has been the application of the principles of

    temperature sensitivities of enzymes. Although the original objectives were

    aimed at frozen food defrosting devices, more recent interest has been

    focused on chilled foods. Among the issues are activation only when

    actually at the beginning of shelf-life, accuracy over the entire range, how

    reflective the integrator-indicator is of the actual temperature-time experi-


    and another basic question, how well the measurement represents the

    effect of the temperature-time integral on the food


    Kramer and Farquhar (1976) listed a number of the problems in their

    evaluation of five commercial, time-temperature indicating and defrosting

    devices. No descriptions were given the mechanisms for sensing, integrating

    or measuring time-temperature.

    On the other hand, Blixt and Tiru (1976) described a commercial

    enzymatic time-temperature monitor, called I-point TTM. The authors, of

    Kockums Chemicals of Malmo, Sweden, stated that their device met all the

    requirements of reliability, accuracy, size, cost, understandable message and

    ability to integrate ' . . . both length and degree of all temperature


    The reaction was based on enzymatic degradation to colored end points.

    The device was a two-part system, one containing an enzyme and pH

    indicator since the system was based on pH change caused by enzymatic

    activity plus a substrate. Because of the enzymatic core of the pH change,

    the temperature response was exponential with increasing temperature, and

    so evidently indicative of actual biochemical changes arising due to the

    temperature-time experience. Although the indicators reportedly functioned

    very effectively, no reference was made to the type of enzyme used. One

    might speculate on the simple glucose oxidase-catalase system producing

    gluconic acid as the reaction proceeded.

    This product was another manifestation of the application of enzymes in

    package systems to an inactive mode.

    A 1989 US patent (Klibanov and Dordich, 1989) claimed a temperature-

    change indicator composed of an enzyme and substrate, a colorimetric

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    indicator and a trigger mechanism of a solid organic solvent system that

    melted when a specific temperature range was reached to permit the enzyme

    system to respond to temperature stimulus over time. The enzyme and

    substrate cited in the reduction process was peroxidase and peroxide with a

    /7-anisdine colorimetric indicator. Another enzyme cited as being effective

    was polyphenol oxidase. The organic solvents claimed were basically

    paraffins. Applications were as monitors on the exterior of distribution

    packages of pharmaceutical and food products.

    No further reference to the use ofthisenzymatic temperature indicator has

    been found in the literature.

    7.7 Lactose removal

    Lactose intolerance is a dietary problem affecting a minor but nevertheless

    substantial fraction of the population. Individuals affected by this problem

    suffer from a lack of the enzyme lactase in their intestinal wall. Lactase is

    necessary to break the disaccharide lactose, or milk sugar, into its

    component parts glucose and galactose. Since lactose cannot be absorbed

    from the gastrointestinal tract, its presence can cause discomfort in the form



    bloating, flatu lence and diarrhea. Persons with lactose intolerance

    either avoid milk or introduce lactase enzyme into their milk prior to


    A British patent assigned to Tetra Pak International AB (Anon., 1975)

    describes incorporation of lactase into pasteurized or sterilized milk prior to

    packaging to split the lactose after packaging. The lactose must be sterile

    and is added aseptically. The patent notes that the milk must remain for

    about a day at a temperature of at least 8


    C for the lactase to function.

    The Tetra Pak approach differs from the previously discussed examples of

    active packaging because the enzyme has no relationship to the packaging

    material. Rather, a solution of enzyme is added directly to the individual

    package just prior to sealing. In reality, the Tetra Pak approach is batch

    processing done on a miniature scale, within the individual container.

    However, this approach does point out that an active enzymatic process can

    be carried out in a sealed container.

    PharmaCal, Ltd. extended and improved the Tetra Pak approach and made

    the process a true enzymatic active packaging process. Budny, at Pharma-

    Cal, Ltd. (1990) incorporated the lactase, using proprietary technology of

    PharmaCal, Ltd. with the result that 30 -70 of the lactose was removed in

    24-36 hours at 3-4C. PharmaCal, Ltd. has proprietary designs and

    approaches for commercializing this active package (Figure 7.2).

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    7.8 Cholesterol removal

    The widespread information on the effects of excess cholesterol in the diet

    does not require discussion here. To demonstrate the awareness in the USA

    of the cholesterol content of foods, all food packages in the United States

    must be labeled for cholesterol content.

    Co-author Budny (1990) suggests the removal of cholesterol which is

    present in whole milk by incorporating the enzyme, cholesterol reductase, in

    the package structure. Using much the same proprietary technology of

    PharmaCal, Ltd. as he employed for enzymatic oxygen removal or lactose

    splitting, the fluid milk contents are exposed to the enzyme to convert its

    cholesterol to coprosterol which is not absorbed by the intestine.

    This system, illustrated in Figure 7.3, reduces the extensive in-plant

    processing required by supercritical fluid extraction systems to produce

    cholesterol-reduced fluid milk products. Rather, active packaging and the

    technology of PharmaCal, Ltd. allows untreated fluid milk to be packaged,



    e n z y m e








    wal l

    Inside of container

    Figure 7.2 Lactose removal from liquid products.

  • 8/11/2019 envases.pdf


    Figure 7.3 Cholesterol removal from liquid products.

    and in the time taken to transport the package to the consumer, it

    conceivably could become free of cholesterol. While the commercial

    implementation has not yet been completed, the component elements of the

    application have been successfully demonstrated.


    Anon. 1977)

    Package d foods and drinks in containers coated internally with polymer carrying

    enzyme with sterilising action.

    German Patent DE2817854A.

    Anon. 1990) Packaged milk containing lactose enzyme-giving milk with reduced lactose


    UK Patent Application.

    Baker, D.L. 194 9)

    Deoxygenation Process.

    20 September. US Patent 2482724.

    Be st, D . 19 90 ) Fermentation opportunities ripen.

    Prepared Foods,

    159, 5.

    Blixt, K. and Tiru, M. 19 77 )

    An Enzymatic Time/Temperature Device for Monitoring the

    Handling of Perishable Commodities. International Symposium on Freeze-Drying Biolog-

    ical Products, 36, 237.

    Budny, J. 198 9) A transporting storage or dispensing container with enzym atic reactor.

    International Patent Application WO89/06273.

    Bu dny , J. 19 90 ) Presentation at Pack Alimen taire, San Fran cisco, California, M ay.












    Inside of co ntainer

  • 8/11/2019 envases.pdf


    Copeland, J. C , A dler, H.I. and Crow, W .D . 199 1) Method and composition for removing

    oxygen from solutions containing alcohols an d/or acids.

    X S Patent 4996073.

    Copeland, R.A. 199 4) Enzym es, the catalysts of l ife. T oday s Chem ist at Work,March.

    Courtland, S.B., McG rew, G.N. and Richey, L. 19 92)

    Food packaging improvements,

    30 June.

    US Patent 5126174.

    Ernst, R. 19 91 )

    Oxygen absorbent and use thereof 2

    July. US Patent 5028578.

    Field, C , Pivarnik, L.F., Barnett, S.M. and Rand, A.G . 19 86 ) Utilization of glucose ox idase

    for extending the shelf-life of fish. J. Food Science, 5 1 .

    Fukazawa, R. 19 80)

    Methods of preventing spoilage of foods.

    Japanese Patent 23071180.

    Hopk ins, T.R., Smith, V J . and Banasiak, D .S. 19 91 )

    Process utilizing alcohol oxidase,


    December. US Patent 5071660.

    Klibanov, A.M . and Dordich, J.S. 198 9) Enzymatic temperature change indicator, 2 May. US

    Patent 4826762.

    Kramer, A . and Farquhar, J.W. 19 76 ) Tes ting of time-temp erature indicating and defrost


    Food Technology,

    30, 56.

    Labuza, T. and Breen, W . 198 9) Active Packaging. J. Food Processing and Preservation, 13,


    Lehton en, P., Karilainen, U ., Jaakkola R. and Ky mo lainen, S. 19 91 ) A

    packaging ma terial

    which removes oxygen from a package and a method of producing the material. International

    Patent Application WO 91/13556.

    Sarett, B.L . and Scott, D . 19 56 ) Enzym e treated sheet product and article wrapped therewith.

    US Patent 2765233.

    Scott, D . 19 58) Enzymatic oxy gen removal from packaged foods.

    Food Technology,

    12 7),


    Scott, Do n and Hammer, F. 19 61) O xygen scavenging packet for in-packet deoxygenation.

    Food Technology,

    15 12) , 99.

    Scott, D . 196 5) Oxidoreductase.

    Enzymes in Food Processing,

    Academic Press, NY.

    Thom as, K. and Harrison, R J . 19 85) Method and apparatus for secondary fermentation of

    beverages. UK Patent Application 21 435 44 A.

    W iseman , A . 19 75 ) En zym e utilization in industrial proce sses, Handbook of Enzyme

    Biotechnology, Ellis Horw ood, UK .

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