educación superior en el perú

Post on 16-Sep-2015






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Educación Superior en El Perú/EE. UU.


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Educacin Superior en el PerLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresEstructura del sistema educativo peruano

Fuente: Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresFuente: Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresEducacin no universitariaIncluye:Instituciones de educacin superior tecnolgicaFormacin de profesionales de nivel intermedio para sectores productivos y de serviciosInstituciones de educacin superior pedaggicaFormacin de profesores para todos los nivelesFormacin de docentes sin ttulosInstituciones superiores artsticasFormacin de profesores de formacin artsticaFormacin de artistas profesionalesDuracin: 3 a 5 aosLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresEducacin universitariaLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresTipos de universidades"Las Universidades en el Per tienen autonoma acadmica, econmica, normativa y administrativa".Fuente: Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresUniversidades empresas Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresGobierno de la universidadLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresAsamblea universitariaMximo rgano de gobierno de la UniversidadConformada por:El rector y vicerrectoresLos decanosEl Director de la Escuela de PosgradoLos representantes de los docentes de las diversas facultadesLos representantes de los estudiantes de pregrado y posgradoEl representante de los graduadosUn representante de los trabajadores administrativos, con voz y sin voto

Lic. Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresAtribuciones de la Asamblea universitaria"Reformar el Estatuto de la Universidad y cautelar su cumplimiento.Designar anualmente entre sus miembros a los integrantes de la Comisin Permanente encargada de fiscalizar la gestin de la universidad. Declarar la revocatoria y vacancia del Rector y los Vicerrectores.Las dems atribuciones que le otorgan la ley y el Estatuto de la universidad" Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresConsejo universitarioMximo rgano de gestin, direccin y ejecucin acadmica y administrativa de la universidadConformado por:El rectorLos vicerrectoresUn cuarto del nmero total de Decanos, elegidos por y entre ellosEl Director de la Escuela de PosgradoLos representantes de los estudiantes regulares, que constituyen el tercio del nmero total de los miembros del ConsejoUn representante de los graduadosLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresAtribuciones del consejo universitario"Dictar el reglamento general de la universidad, el reglamento de elecciones y otros reglamentos internos especiales, as como vigilar su cumplimiento.Aprobar el presupuesto general de la universidad, el plan anual de adquisiciones de bienes y servicios, autorizar los actos y contratos que ataen a la universidad y resolver todo lo pertinente a su economa.Conferir los grados acadmicos y los ttulos profesionales aprobados por las Facultades y Escuela de Posgrado"

Fuente: Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresConsejo de facultadrgano de gobierno de la FacultadConformado por:El decano, quien lo presideRepresentantes de los docentesRepresentantes de los estudiantes regulares

Lic. Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresAtribuciones del consejo de facultad"Aprobar los currculos y planes de estudio, elaborados por las Escuelas Profesionales que integren la Facultad.Proponer al Consejo Universitario la contratacin, nombramiento, ratificacin y remocin de los docentes de sus respectivas reas"Fuente: Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresPrincipales autoridades de la universidadEl RectorRepresentante legal de la UniversidadDirige la actividad acadmica de la UniversidadDirige la gestin administrativa, econmica y financieraEl VicerrectorObligaciones establecidas segn el estatuto de cada UniversidadApoya al Rector en sus reas de competenciaEl DecanoMxima autoridad de gobierno de la facultadDirige administrativa y acadmicamente la facultadEntre otras obligaciones establecidas segn el estatuto de cada Universidad

Lic. Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresSecretara GeneralLa universidad tiene un Secretario GeneralFuncin: Fedatario: Su firma certifica los documentos oficiales de la universidad. Designado por el Consejo Universitario, a propuesta del Rector.Fuente: Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresEducacin Superior en EE. UU.Lic. Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresHIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONSNon-profit or for-profit corporationsGoverned by boards of trustees, who are citizens appointed by a governor or legislature (public institutions) or elected by the board itself (private institutions)Single campus institutions, multi-campus institutions or systems comprising several independent institutionsFuente: Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresHIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONSGoverning boards appointed by state authoritiesSome annual allocation of state budget fundsSome of their property may be state ownedInternally self-governing and autonomous with respect to academic decision-makingIndependent of state control Non-profit or for-profitSecular or affiliated with a religious community

PUBLIC INSTITUTIONSPRIVATE INSTITUTIONSFuente: Magaly Ugaz FloresStructure of Higher Education System

Fuente: Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresCommunity CollegesPublic institutionsServe a region or a countyTwo years of studyPossibility to transfer to universities or 4-year collegeLower tuition costFocus on teachingClasses taught by facultySmall class size (25 to 30 students)Associate's DegreeLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresFour Year College / UniversityFour years of studyClass size: smallerBachelor's DegreeUndergraduate educationLess expensiveFour years of studyClass size: LargerBachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, PhDUndergraduate and graduate educationVery expensive

Lic. Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresAdministrative StructureThe Board (board of regents, board of trustees, or board of governors)Appoints the president (or chancellor) to the institution Creates general, fiscal, and academic policyChief Executive Officer (President or Chancellor)Oversees the day-to-day operationEnsures that the policies are implementedDeanHead of significant collection of departmentsApproves faculty hiringSets academic policies

Lic. Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresRegistrarThe registrar is the principal student record-keeping officer of the institution.

Lic. Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresTrmite para obtener los certificadosEn lnea o en personaPor correo electrnico, en lnea o en personaPerEE. UU.Lic. Magaly Ugaz FloresEjemplo de trmite enPerFuente

Lic. Magaly Ugaz Flores Magaly Ugaz FloresTerminology Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresTerminologySchool(1) Within a university, a school is an academic unit with a focus or foci of only one or two academic disciplines. (2) A school can be the name of a higher education institution. Schools are generally restricted to institutions who offer technical training. The credential awarded would either be a certificate or possibly an associate of arts degree.Fuente: Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresTerminologyCourse Credit"Students receive a certain number of credits for each course successfully completed. The number is directly related to the number of hours assigned to the course by the institution. For example, successful completion of a course that meets for 1 hour, three times a week equals a total of 3 credits. The same course with an additional hour of lab work equals 4 credits." Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresTerminologyTranscript"Copy of the student's academic record and contains the signature of the Registrar. The transcript includes courses waived, courses attempted and completed, courses and credits transferred, credits awarded for experiential learning, credit hours, GPA points, current program and major, associate degrees, certificates of achievement, and certificates of completion awarded." Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresTerminologyFacultyProfessors, teachers, and lecturers at a college or university.Major A college students chosen field of study, in which the student takes the greatestconcentration of courses. U.S. students typically declare their major at the end of their second (sophomore) year.MinorA subject in which the student takes the second greatest concentration of courses. Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresTerminologyUndergraduate studies "2- or 4-year programs at a college or university, undertaken after secondary school graduation and leading to an associate or bachelors degree."Graduate school"School that awards advanced academic degrees (i.e. master's and doctoral degrees) with the general requirement that students must have earned a previous undergraduate (bachelor's) degree."Fuente:, Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz FloresFUENTES Magaly Ugaz FloresLic. Magaly Ugaz Flores

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