construccion de cajas reductoras

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  • 7/29/2019 Construccion de Cajas Reductoras


    How to make gearboxLogin or register to post comments by Weirdo Collected by 14 usersTip/walkthrough

    By Weirdo@ May 18, 2009Making gearbox out of random plastic gears and small motor.

    How to make gearboxes out of random plastic gears:

    This tutorial shows how to make simple and small plastic gearbox with gear ratio about 1:100. Ratio can vary. This gearbox is good forstepper motors and other stolen motors what don't have their own gearboxes.

    1. Why & what?

    Building gearboxes is pain in the ass. Don't try it, it is not possible. Try to build gearboxes only when you are very poor and/or bored.

    2. What is needed?

    First you have to own some thingies. All what you need in the list of importance:

    * minimum 4 gears (if i say gear, i mean big and small gear attached to each other. And their teeth have to match. plastic is good. andyou can get them from toys, scrapyards etc.)

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  • 7/29/2019 Construccion de Cajas Reductoras


    * motor (DC, AC, stepper, whatever.)

    * about 10x10cm(3"x3") plexi glass or other kind of plastic sheet (aluminium if you are grazy. you can get plastic from random places)

    * bolts, nuts

    * some tools (drill, something to cut plastic sheets, screwdriver)

    3. How?

    First: Take smallest gear you can find and find a way to put it on your motor shaft. Good way is drilling a bit smaller hole in and press iton. If gear fits and comes off perfectly then use some superglue. If you don't have small gear then take bigger gear with small oneattached and cut off the smaller gear. If cutting off fails or is too risky then you can use big gear with smaller one.

    Small gear:

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    Pgina 2 de 10How to make gearbox | Let's Make Robots!


  • 7/29/2019 Construccion de Cajas Reductoras


    Cutting gears:

    Motor with gear:

    Motor with gearbox. Double gear on motos shaft.

    Pgina 3 de 10How to make gearbox | Let's Make Robots!


  • 7/29/2019 Construccion de Cajas Reductoras


    Second: Find a way to connect piece of plastic and your motor. It would be super if your motor had screwholes like mine. Plastic sheetshould be about 5mm thick. It is possible to use thinner ones but it will only make life harder. Plastic sheet should be at 90 degreesangle from motor shaft. This plastic sheet will hold all gearbox shafts.

    Third: Prepare gears. Find 1-3 double gears (small and big one attached to each other) and find one bigger one too. Big one is foroutput shaft and has to be at least 3mm bigger than rest of gears. I use one double gear. Then decide how big shafts to use and drill

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    your gears according to that. I use 2mm bolt for shaft and output shaft will be 3mm bolt. Drilling have to be almost perfect. If hole isangled or too big, you have to take new gear.

    Fourth: Put first gear in place (big par t of gear against small gear on motor shaft), and mark place for shaft. Then drill your shaft holeand fasten a bolt to there. And no, bold will not rotate! Bolts never do. Less rotating shafts = more chance of success. After drilling,putting your plastic piece back to place and placeing gears on shafts you will probably spot that you have failed and gears will not moveto right place. This can be fixed. To fix that drill plastic thingy screw holes wider and attach plastic thingy a bit further. Don't touch theshaft hole because shaft has to be strong. If you want more gears then attach more shafts.



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  • 7/29/2019 Construccion de Cajas Reductoras


    Failiure - gears don't match

    Now, hole is not round.


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  • 7/29/2019 Construccion de Cajas Reductoras


    Fifth: Prepare the output shaft. Drill hole for it. Attach gear strongly to shaft. When you find that hole for shaft is too close then drill it abit wider. If all gears match and run well then attach output shaft well to plastic.

    Output shaft:

    All assembled:

    Pgina 7 de 10How to make gearbox | Let's Make Robots!


  • 7/29/2019 Construccion de Cajas Reductoras


    Final: Make cover for your gearbox. It is important because all rotating shafts must be attached to gearbox from at least two places.Also it helps to keep gears in their place. If cover is complete and gearbox is assembled then all should be done!



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    Threaded list - expanded Date - newest first 10 comments per page Save settings

    Select your preferred way to display the comments and click "Save settings" to activate your changes.By UltraMagnus@ Sun, 2010-09-19 20:54

    none of the images display?

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    none of the images display?

    By rue_mohr@ Tue, 2010-06-01 14:41

    !!#$%%*&@$% I made my howto first!

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    not that anyone has ever SEEN it...


    Rue Mohr

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    By anitdragon13@ Sat, 2009-06-20 17:06

    what whould be really great

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    if u found a motor with no thread holes for the bolts and showed how 2 make the holes. XD that whould be kool

    By Salvage@ Tue, 2009-05-19 04:38


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    I just joined and I'm still learning the ropes on this site. Here is an arm I built using the above method. Nearly all the parts, (except thealuminum bar stock), came from junked VCR's.

    By Salvage@ Wed, 2009-05-20 03:41


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    This arm was built about 10 years ago as a "proof of concept" to show what could be accomplished for $10.00. As statedpreviously, with the exception of some aluminum and misc. hardware, all the par ts came from junked VCR's. The elbo joint, (shownbelow), is spring loaded so it offers no load to the elbo motor.

    The gripper is lined with conductive foam which forms the input to a comparator so the grip strength can be controlled.

    The gripper also has an LED and photo transistor so it will close automatically when an object is within the gripper, but only to theextent the comparator lets it. The gripper is also spring loaded to open and the pull cable closes it. At maximum settings, it cancrush an empty pop can. Every motor, gear, sensor, and motor driver chip came from VCR's

    By robologist@ Tue, 2009-05-19 16:20

    Pgina 9 de 10How to make gearbox | Let's Make Robots!


  • 7/29/2019 Construccion de Cajas Reductoras


    That's a pretty cool arm.

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    That's a pretty cool arm. You ough t to give some details about it in it's own post! Nice work!By guibot@ Tue, 2009-05-19 17:03

    Is is endeed!!! I would love

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    Is is endeed!!! I would love to see details too!!By Salvage@ Tue, 2009-05-19 04:33

    Better shafts

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    A better way to make your shafts / axels, is to use sections from a cheap telescopic antenna like a walkie talkie. They come in a varietyof diameters, are already polished, and are pretty much free. Once inserted in place, just cut them off with a beefy pair of cutters andthe end is crimped so it doesn't come out. I've used this method to make geartrains for arms and it's really simple.

    By OddBot@ Tue, 2009-05-19 00:16

    Good Walkthrough :)

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    I too have tried making my own gearboxes with some success. I used aluminium channel. As long as you lined up the holse just rightand drilled at 90 degrees (I used a drill press for this) then the result was small and strong. I even glued in some small bearings fromRC cars.By guibot@ Mon, 2009-05-18 21:58

    And I thought this was

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    And I thought this was almost an impossible thing to do... you've made it possible from now on!!

    good work ;)

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