
Post on 06-Nov-2015






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en inglés



En Alemania se viva una situacin de crisis econmica muy importante. Walter Ulbricht se constituy como lder en la zona oriental de Alemania, ocupada por la Unin Sovitica. Despus del levantamiento de los obreros de Alemania Oriental, en junio de 1953, aplastado con gran ferocidad por el Ejrcito Rojo.

17 June 1953 (early morning): Ulbricht meets with State Security Chief Wilhelm Zaisser and General Heinz Hoffmann about the deployment of KVP units. Soviet troops enter the outskirts of Berlin. 17 June 1953 (approx. 7: 00 a. m.): Masses of workers begin entering Berlin and congregating at the House of Ministries. By 9: 00 a. m. 25, 000 people have joined the demonstration. Sometime after 10. 00 a. m., 80100 demonstrators storm the government building, forcing their way through ranks of Volkspolizei and KVP troops. Strikes, demonstrations and riots occur throughout the GDR. 17 June 1953 (approx. 10. 00 a. m. ): The SED CC Politburo meets at party headquarters. By 10: 30 a. m., Semyonov instructs the SED leaders to move to Soviet headquarters in Karlshorst for safety. 17 June 1953 (approx. 11. 00 a. m. ): The three Western Commandants meet in West Berlin. 17 June 1953 (approx. 12. 00 noon): Soviet tanks and troops fire into the crowd of demonstrators around and inside the House of Ministries. The protestors disperse, but fighting continues throughout the afternoon and into the evening. All train and tram traffic into the Eastern Sector of Berlin is terminated. 17 June 1953 (1: 00 p. m. ): Soviet Commandant, Maj. -Gen. Dibrova declares martial law in the Eastern Sector of Berlin. Eventually, martial law is declared in 167 out of 217 districts throughout the GDR. 17 June 1953 (afternoon): RIAS continues to broadcast reports about the demonstrations and riots in the Eastern Zone. 17 June 1953 (4: 10 p. m. CET, 10: 10 a. m. EST): President Eisenhower discusses possible reactions to the growing crisis with his adviser, C. D. Jackson. 17 June 1953 (evening): Demonstrations and rioting continue throughout the afternoon and into the evening. Overnight, Soviet troops and MfS arrest hundreds of demonstrators. xxxiv17 June 1953 (approx. 9: 00 p. m. ): Soviet Deputy Defense Minister Sokolovskii arrives in Berlin with Soviet Marshal Govorov. 17 June 1953 (10: 36 p. m. 1: 13 p. m. ): A special session of the Berlin House of Delegates takes place to commemorate the casualties of the day's unrest.

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