centro de estudios de masoneria

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  • 7/30/2019 Centro de Estudios de Masoneria


    Marzo 20111 Circular

    El mes de octubre del ao 2012 tendr lugar en Gibraltar, del jueves 11 (da de apertura)al sbado 13 (da de clausura) el XIII Symposium Internacional de Historia de la MasoneraEspaola, bajo el tema general de GIBRALTAR, CDIZ, AMRICA Y LA MASONERA.

    CONSTITUCIONALISMO Y LIBERTAD DE PRENSA, 1812-2012 organizado por el CEHME, con elapoyo del Gobierno de Gibraltar, Gobierno de Aragn, Junta de Andaluca, Universidad deZaragoza, Universidad de Cdiz, University of Glasgow y.Canonbury Masonic Research Centre.

    Desde el ao 1983 el Centro de Estudios Histricos de la Masonera Espaola vieneconvocando regularmente reuniones cientficas en las cuales numerosos investigadores nacionalesy extranjeros, procedentes del mbito de la historia, sociologa, filosofa, educacin, literatura,musicologa, ciencias de la informacin, arte, antropologa, etc. han realizado interesantesaportaciones a la historiografa de la masonera espaola desde el siglo XVIII hasta hoy.

    Los 21 volmenes de Actas hasta ahora publicados recogen los trabajos presentados yofrecen ya un corpus variado e importante para cuya mejor consulta se ha elaborado un tomo deIndices: onomstico, geogrfico, materias, participantes, etc. que se present pblicamente en el

    XII Symposio que tuvo lugar en Almera.

    Actualmente se prepara el XIII Symposium Internacional de Historia de la MasoneraEspaola previsto para octubre de 2012 y que se celebrar en Gibraltar. Tradicionalmente se haatribuido a este enclave un papel destacado en la implantacin de la masonera espaola y bajocuya influencia se explica el extraordinario desarrollo que alcanz en la zona circundante a la Roca.Al mismo tiempo se destaca, tambin, su relevancia como lugar de refugio de los masonesespaoles en pocas de persecuciones. Todo ello ha dado lugar a la consideracin del Pen comoun autntico foco de irradiacin de estas ideas, as como a no pocas leyendas.

    Ciertamente la masonera est presente en Gibraltar sin interrupcin desde el siglo XVIII, ydesde el primer tercio del XIX podemos destacar una presencia constante de espaoles en elinterior de la logia San Juan n 115. Este contingente de espaoles que comenz a nutrir la logiagibraltarea vendra a dar un giro a la orientacin militar que hasta entonces haba tenido para

    convertirlo en un lugar donde iba a conservarse la tradicin masnica espaola. Adems esta logiaobtuvo el privilegio de trabajar en espaol, adoptando tambin muchos de sus rituales. A partir de1832 encontramos a los primeros masones procedentes de la comarca vecina, sobre todo de laciudad de Algeciras, que se convierte, junto con Cdiz, en uno de los principales enclavesmasnicos del sur peninsular. En este contexto podemos hacer mencin a una primera logia enAlgeciras denominada Medioda, con anterioridad a 1848, que junto con Moralidady Filantropa,fundada en Cdiz en 1857, ambas de obediencia inglesa, representa el primer intento de implantarla Orden en la Pennsula desde Gibraltar.

    De la misma manera algunos de los masones iniciados en el Pen sern los pioneros enotras zonas de Espaa porque tendern posteriormente a crear logias en sus localidades de origen.Por lo que habra que destacar el papel de Gibraltar en el proceso de formacin de la masonera enEspaa al aportar una base importante para su desarrollo posterior. Gibraltar durante los aos

    previos a la Gloriosa se haba convertido en un referente importante para cualquier institucinmasnica que se implantara no slo en Andaluca. Y ya durante el primer tercio del siglo XX iba aproducirse el fenmeno inverso, como fue la incorporacin de gibraltareos a logias de obediencia


    XIII Symposium Internacional deHistoria de la Masonera Espaola

    GIBRALTAR, 11 al 13 de octubre de 2012


    Centro de Estudios Histricos dela Masonera Espaola.

  • 7/30/2019 Centro de Estudios de Masoneria


    espaola radicadas en la vecina ciudad de La Lnea que con un nuevo flujo, en esta ocasin desdela colonia, iba a ir incrementndose a lo largo de los aos. Hasta que en 1925 iba a producirse unimportante cambio en el mapa masnico de la zona con la fundacin en el propio Pen de untaller perteneciente a la Gran Logia Espaola, a la que seguirn otras dos entidades ms deobediencia espaola. Esta presencia se extender incluso a los aos de la Segunda Repblicacuando la citada federacin espaola celebr su asamblea de 1932 entre Gibraltar y La Lnea.

    Todo ello vendra a confirmarnos esta conexin que siempre tuvo Gibraltar con la

    masonera espaola desde un doble punto de vista; como un potente foco de irradiacin delmasonismo en todo el sur peninsular y como lugar de refugio donde se habran de preservar losvalores y la tradicin masnica espaola. Y de ah la propuesta del CEHME de celebrar su XIIISymposium Internacional de Historia de la Masonera Espaola en Gibraltar para 2012. Ademsesta fecha coincide tambin con el bicentenario de la Constitucin de Cdiz y de la Independenciade la Amrica Hispana.

    Por ello en este XIII Symposium Internacional de Historia de la Masonera Espaola nosproponemos estudiar la masonera espaola desde una perspectiva mas amplia. Abierta a Europa,al norte de frica y a las nuevas repblicas del continente americano. Reflejo de dos enclaves,Gibraltar y Cdiz, cosmopolitas y abiertos al exterior, que dada su particular situacin representandos vas de penetracin de nuevas ideas y corrientes ideolgicas en la Pennsula e Hispanoamrica.Se pretende aportar nuevas investigaciones referentes a la masonera espaola sobre aspectos

    como sus orgenes en el sur peninsular, el refugio liberal en el siglo XIX, el republicano de los siglosXIX y XX, el papel de la colonia durante acontecimientos relevantes al otro lado de la frontera,como la Guerra Civil o la posguerra, el influjo ingls de Gibraltar en la zona del Campo, el andaluzen el norte de frica y el que recibe Cdiz del Mediterrneo y Ultramar. Otra lnea de investigacinimportante es la prensa. En Cdiz se aprob la primera norma sobre la libertad de prensa unida alliberalismo en todo el viejo continente y esta ciudad tiene una gran tradicin periodstica, as comoGibraltar, donde en 1801 se fund Gibraltar Chronicle, el peridico ms antiguo de la PennsulaIbrica.

    Paralelamente se pretende profundizar en el estudio de otras masoneras locales yregionales, as como en los captulos habituales de prensa, biografas de masones clebres,educacin, masonera femenina, antimasonera, relaciones internacionales, sociabilidad, literatura,msica, iconografa, anticlericalismo, etc.

    Normas de participacin

    Teniendo en cuenta la experiencia de los Symposia anteriores, la organizacin de este XIIISymposium Internacional de Historia de la Masonera Espaola se propone que todos loscongresistas residan en el mismo hotel. La organizacin del Symposium se hace cargo de laestancia en dicho hotel (habitacin y desayuno en rgimen de habitacin doble compartida, consuplemento el que opte por habitacin individual o con acompaante), de aquellos congresistas quepresentan ponencia o comunicacin, previamente aprobadas por la Comisin Cientfica delSymposium.

    La extensin mxima de las comunicaciones ser de 20 folios a doble espacio, 30 lneas por 70espacios. Adems de la copia en papel ser requisito indispensable la remisin de CD o diskete, aser posible en Word, y si no, indicando el programa empleado. Para una mejor elaboracin delPrograma rogamos nos indiquen lo antes posible el ttulo provisional del trabajo a presentar.Cuando se remita la segunda circular se indicarn las fechas de entrega del resumen de lacomunicacin, de 15 a 20 lneas, as como el de la entrega del texto definitivo. Estos requisitossern indispensables para poder acceder a las ayudas de viaje y estancia.

    La Comisin Cientfica del Symposium velar especialmente por la justa evaluacin de lascomunicaciones antes y durante su celebracin. No sern aceptadas ni publicadas aquellas que, ajuicio de dicha Comisin, no ofrezcan las debidas garantas cientficas o se aparten de las normashabituales de convivencia en el mbito acadmico. La organizacin del Symposium asume lapublicacin de las Actas del mismo y la entrega del Diploma de participacin. La cuota de

    inscripcin es de 100 . Reducida a 70 para estudiantes, licenciados en paro y miembros delCEHME. Dicha cuota deber ser ingresada mediante transferencia en el

  • 7/30/2019 Centro de Estudios de Masoneria


    Banco Espaol de Crdito [Banesto]Oficina PrincipalPaseo de la Independencia, 3450004 ZARAGOZA

    a nombre del CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS HISTRICOS DE LA MASONERA ESPAOLA,especificando en la inscripcin XIII Symposium Gibraltar

    y cuyo nmero de cuenta bancaria es:


    Para una correcta reserva de las habitaciones es imprescindible recibir lo antes posible en Zaragozay debidamente cumplimentado el Boletn de inscripcin adjunto. Siendo limitado el nmero dehabitaciones disponibles sern concedidas por riguroso orden de peticin.


    Centro de Estudios Histricos de la Masonera EspaolaFacultad de Filosofa y LetrasUniversidad

    50009 ZARAGOZAe.mail: masonera.gibraltar@gmail.com

    Los boletines de inscripcin hay que remitirlos al Centro de Estudios Histricos de laMasonera Espaola [CEHME] en Zaragoza.

  • 7/30/2019 Centro de Estudios de Masoneria


    March 20111 Circular

    In the month of October 2012 the XIII International Symposium on the History of SpanishFreemasonry will be held in Gibraltar starting on Thursday 11 th (opening day) to Saturday 13th(final day) under the general theme of GIBRALTAR, CADIZ, AMERICA AND FREEMASONERY.CONSTITUTIONALISM AND FREEDOM OF THE PRESS, 1812-2012, organized by CEHME and the,with the support of the Governments of Gibraltar, Aragon and Andalusia, Universities of Cadiz,Zaragoza and Glasgow and Canonbury Masonic Research Centre.

    Since 1983 the Centro de Estudios de la Masonera Espaola (CEHME) has convenedregular scientific conferences inviting academic papers from numerous national and foreignresearchers from diverse fields such as history, sociology, philosophy, education, literature,musicology, information science, art and anthropology who have made important and significantcontributions to the historiography of Spanish Freemasonry from the early eighteenth century rightup to the present day. The individual articles and research papers already accepted by the scientificpanel have been published in twenty one volumes so far and offer a varied and important corpus offuture research material for Universities and individual researchers alike. In 2009 a separate indexvolume was published for the purpose of indexing the huge amount of material collated so far.

    The organising committee is already busy preparing the groundwork for the XIII

    International Symposium on the History of Spanish Freemasoneryscheduled for October 2012 andGibraltar has been proposed as a possible venue. Popular tradition has often dictated played acrucial role in the implantation of Freemasonry in Spain which may explain the extraordinaryMasonic influence extended over the immediate vicinity of the Rock. It is estimated that as muchas one in five Freemasons in the whole of Spain resided in the Campo de Gibraltar, a trulyastounding figure. Gibraltar had always been considered as a vital temporary refuge for hundreds ifnot thousands of exiled Spanish Masons during the countrys darkest periods of religiousintolerance and political persecution. Gibraltar therefore gained folklore status as a source ofinspiration and diffusion of ideas radiating freely in contrast to the prohibitive and claustrophobicsocial restrictions imposed by Church and State in the neighbouring country. Not surprisinglySpaniards frequented the Rock to take the opportunity of enjoying many of those pursuitsvehemently denied in their own mother country; free press, affiliation of banned political partiesand of course Freemasonry.

    The Fraternity has certainly been active on the Rock without interruption since 1727,notably the oldest institution still existent in Gibraltar and its influence locally and in the immediatearea although for too long neglected, can no longer be ignored either in Gibraltar or in Spain. Asearly as 1828 the Gibraltarian Lodge of St. John No. 115 began to accept numerous Spaniardswithin its ranks. This famous lodge started life as a regular military lodge but eventuallytransformed itself into a civilian lodge and almost immediately adopted the Spanish ritual toaccommodate the increasing number of Spanish members that sought Masonic initiation within thesafety of the colony. The first Freemasons from the neighbouring city of Algeciras appear activelyin the membership lists of St. Johns lodge as early as 1832 coinciding with the death of thedespotic Fernando VII and the return of a more politically tolerant administration. Algecirastogether with Cadiz became in due course the major Masonic enclaves in the southern peninsula.In this context we can mention a first lodge known to have existed in Algeciras called Mediodia,founded prior to 1848 which together with Morality and Philanthropy, founded in Cadiz in 1857

    (both directly founded by Freemasons operating from Gibraltar) represent the initial attempts toreplant the seeds of Masonic tradition in the Iberian Peninsular after so many years underground orin exile.


    XIII Symposium Internacional deHistoria de la Masonera Espaola

    GIBRALTAR, 11 al 13 de octubre de 2012


    Centro de Estudios Histricos dela Masonera Espaola.

  • 7/30/2019 Centro de Estudios de Masoneria


    In addition many free-thinking Spaniards from many parts of Spain had already taken

    advantage of the failing grip of Church and State to seek Masonic initiation in Gibraltar and it wouldbe these men in particular who would later become the main pioneers of Masonic expansion inother parts of Spain, creating lodges in their own local regions as soon as the political and socialcondition shifted towards a more popular liberal approach. All these reasons emphasise the pivotalrole of the British colony in the early formation of modern Freemasonry in Spain, becoming a saferepository of Spanish Masonic traditions during the times of oppression and exile and providing a

    firm foundation for its further proliferation whenever liberal policies were re-introduced. Thereforeeven before the 1868 Glorious Revolution changed the political landscape, Gibraltar had alreadybecome an important point of reference for the development of Masonic institutions not just inAndaluca, but the whole of Spain.

    Nevertheless the role of Gibraltarians in the expansion of Spanish Freemasonry would notbe restricted for during the first third of the twentieth century a reversal of roles was to occur bythe incorporation of Gibraltarians into Spanish lodges mainly operating in the nearby town of LaLinea to the extent that even in Gibraltar three lodges under the Spanish Constitution whereconsecrated before the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. In 1932 the Grand Lodge of Spainshared its National Assembly in the towns of La Linea and Gibraltar strategically in an area whereas already stated a significant proportion of its membership resided. It is perhaps a little knownfact in Gibraltar that the Archivo General de la Guerra Civil Espaola in Salamanca preserve police

    files of as many as 100 Gibraltarians identified and processed by Francos Office of Investigationand Anti-communist Propaganda Ministry as a result of their Masonic membership in SpanishLodges. One prominent Freemason in particular was sentenced to twenty five years hard labour inabsentia, a purely symbolic sentence due to his British nationality but one which could easily havebecome a reality had Gibraltar fallen to German/Spanish forces a few years later. The fate ofhundreds of other British and local Freemasons also hung in the balance had Hitlers OperationFelix become a reality.

    All the evidence available therefore suggests that Gibraltar always maintained a closerconnection with Spanish Freemasonry than at first realised. Firstly, as a powerful source of Masonicinfluence throughout the region of southern Spain, and secondly, as a place of refuge, whereSpanish Masonic values and tradition could be preserved in times of persecution. This has led theCentre for Historical Studies of Spanish Masonry to seriously consider holding the XIII InternationalSymposium in Gibraltar itself.

    Furthermore, the title being proposed Gibraltar, Cadiz, America and Freemasonry.Constitutionalism and freedom of the press 1812-2012 coincides with the bicentennial of thefamous Constitucin de Cdizand Independence of Hispanic America.

    Therefore, in this Symposium researchers are invited to study Spanish Freemasonry from avery broad and ample perspective. Open to researchers primarily from Europe, North Africa andAmerica and reflecting upon the cosmopolitan enclaves of Gibraltar and Cadiz, as ports they whereliterally wide open to the wider world and therefore represented two main entry points for newideas and ideological undercurrents into the Peninsular and Hispanic America. It is hoped that newavenues of investigation related to various aspects of Spanish Freemasonry as well as its origins inthe southern peninsular, the liberal exiles in the 19 th Century, the Republican in the 19th and 20thCentury, the role of the British colony in relation to relevant events witnessed on the other side ofthe border, such as the Civil War or post war era, British influence in the Campo de Gibraltar,Spanish and British in North Africa whilst also taking into consideration the external influencefermented in Cadiz from the Mediterranean and Ultramar. Another important line of enquiry isundoubtedly the role of the press in Gibraltar and Spain. The Cadiz constitution of 1812 decreedthe liberty of the press and this city boasted a fine tradition in the publication of local newspapers,just like in Gibraltar where in 1801 the Gibraltar Chronicle was founded, the oldest newspaperprinted in the Iberian Peninsular. Also in a parallel manner the Symposium aims to try to deepenthe study of other local and regional Freemasonry in the area, as well as Freemasons biographies,influences in education, women's Freemasonry, anti-Masonry, international relations, sociability,literature, iconography, anticlericalism, etc.

    The CEHME scientific committee has for almost thirty years earned a well deservedreputation for maintaining a high level of academic criteria for all submitted work brought beforethe panel. In this respect it welcomes any debate that will shed useful light into the intricate

    relationship enjoyed between Gibraltar and the rest of the peninsular. It will also enable some ofthe historic myths and biased arguments which have permeated for so long to be finally put intotrue context. In this last respect alone, the proposed symposium has much to offer.

  • 7/30/2019 Centro de Estudios de Masoneria


    Participation procedures

    Given the experience of previous Symposia, the organising committee of the XIIIInternational Symposium propose that all members of forthcoming congress reside in the samehotel. The committee will take responsibility for hotel arrangements (bed and breakfast in a doubleroom shared scheme, extra room being optional for individuals or accompanying partners) for alldelegates who have had their research paper previously approved by the Symposiums Scientific


    The length of submissions must be a maximum of 20 pages, double-spaced, 30 lines by 70characters. In addition to a paper copy a software copy on a CD or floppy disk will be also berequired, preferably in Word, or if on another program the name of the program used being clearlyindicated. For organisational purposes it would be advantageous if the working title of the work tobe presented is submitted as soon as possible. In our second circular the closing dates for a briefsummary of the submitted paper (15 to 20 lines) and the delivery of the final text will beforwarded. These requirements are essential for access to the travel and accomodation subsidies.

    The Symposium Scientific Committee shall endevuor to fairly evaluate all communicationsbefore and during the event. Any submission which in the opinion of the Commission, offers noscientific substance or does not abide by the normal academic procedures will neither be accepted

    nor publihed. The symposium organising committee assumes responsibility for the publication ofthe submissions as well as the presentation of participating Diplomas for all delegates. Theregistration fee is 100. Reduced to 70 for students, unemployed graduates and members ofCEHME. This fee must be made by transfer to:

    Banco Espaol de Crdito [Banesto]Oficina PrincipalPaseo de la Independencia, 3450004 ZARAGOZA

    in the name of CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS HISTRICOS DE LA MASONERA ESPAOLA,specifying registration XIII Symposium Gibraltarwhose banking details are as follows:


    For a prompt booking of rooms it is necessary to receive in Zaragoza the duly completedRegistration Form attached as soon as possible. There is only a limited number of rooms availableso rooms will be allocated on a first come first served basis.


    Centro de Estudios Histricos de la Masonera EspaolaFacultad de Filosofa y LetrasUniversidad50009 ZARAGOZAe.mail: masonera.gibraltar@gmail.com

    Registration forms must be submitted to the Centro de Estudios Histricos de laMasonera Espaola [CEHME] in Zaragoza.

  • 7/30/2019 Centro de Estudios de Masoneria



    ................................................... ............................................... .........................................Apellido 1 Apellido 2 Nombre

    Domicilio: Calle o Plaza .......................................................................... n .............Piso ...............

    Poblacin ................................................ C.P. ....................... Provincia ........................................

    Tfno. ........................

    Profesin ................................................... E-mail ..................................................

    Deseo participar en el XIII Symposium Internacional de Historia de la Masonera Espaola que secelebrar en Gibraltar del 11 al 13 de octubre de 2012

    Presento comunicacin: S


    Ttulo de la misma......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    Solicito una ayuda de residencia S


    En habitacin doble compartida En habitacin individual

    He abonado los derechos de inscripcin por:

    Ingreso en c/c Taln bancario

    Direcciones de personas a quienes puede interesar el Symposium:

    1 ...................................................................................................................................

    2 ...................................................................................................................................

    3 ...................................................................................................................................

    ..........................................., a ................ de .............................................. de 2011



    XIII Symposium Internacional deHistoria de la Masonera Espaola

    GIBRALTAR 11 al 13 de octubre de 2012


    Centro de Estudios Histricos dela Masonera Espaola.

  • 7/30/2019 Centro de Estudios de Masoneria


    Subscription information

    ...................................................................... ......................................................................Surname(s) Name

    Home address:

    City: Post Code: Province/County .

    Profession: ................................................... E-mail ..................................................


    I am interested in taking part in the forthcoming XIII Symposium Internacional de Historia de laMasonera Espaola to be held in Gibraltar from the 11th -13th October 2012

    I will submit paper: Yes


    Title of the same:......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    I require assistance in booking a room Yes


    Shared double room Single room

    I have paid my subscription fees via:

    Bank current account Bank cheque

    Address of those who may also be interested in taking part in this Symposium:

    1 ...................................................................................................................................

    2 ...................................................................................................................................

    3 ...................................................................................................................................

    ...................................................................................................................... 2011



    XIII internacional Symposium of the History of

    Spanish FreemasonryGIBRALTAR 11th 13th October 2012

    Organised by:

    Centro de Estudios Histricosde la Masonera Espaola.

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