asesinato en una casa de campo (1)mario alvarez . nacional

Post on 18-Feb-2017






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The true story of the murder of a rich businessman. June 22nd 1938 was Jeremy Travers sixtieth. He had dinner at his country house with his wife, Amanda, his daughter, Bárbara,

his business partner, Gordon Smith, and his secretary. Next morning when Amanda Travers went to her husband’s

bedroom she found him in bed…DEAD

Inspector Granger arrived at about 9.00. He was a tall man with a black moustache. Amanda, Bárbara, Claudia, and Gordon were in the living room. The inspector came in.

Insg: -Mr Travers died between midnight last night and seven o’clock this morning, he said. Somebody in this room killed

him. He looked at them one by one but nobody spoke.

Insg: -Mrs Travers. I want to talk to you first. Come into the library and they sat down.

Amanda Travers followed the inspector into the library and they sat down.

Insg: - What did your husband do after dinner last night?

A: -When we finished dinner Jeremy said he was tired and he went to bed.

Insg: -Did you go to bed then?A: -No, I didn’t. I went for a walk in the garden

Insg: -What time did you go to bed?A: -About quarter to twelve.

Insg: -Was your husband asleep?A: -I don’t know, inspector. We… we slept in separate

room.Insg: -Did your hear anything when you were in your

room?A: -Yes, I heard Jeremy’s bedroom door. It opened. I

thought it was Jeremy. Then it closed again.

A: -I read in bed for half an hour and then I went to sleep.

Insg: -What time did you get up this morning?A: -I got up about 7.15…

A: -I had breakfast and at 8.00. I took my husband a cup of tea. I

found him in bed. He was… Dead.

Insg: -Tell me, Mrs Travers, did you love your husband?

A: -Jeremy is… was a difficult manInsg: -But did you love him, Mrs Travers?

A: -No, inspector. I hated him.

Then the inspector questioned Bárbara TraversInsg: -What did you do after dinner yesterday evening?B: -After dinner? I played cards with Gordon and then I

went to bed.Insg: -What time was that?

B: -No. I didn’t hear anything.Insg: -Did you have any problems with your father?

B: -No, no problems at all. My father was a wonderul man and a perfect father.

Insg: -Thank you, Miss Travers

B: -It was about half past eleven. I

remembered I looked at my watch.

Insg: -Did you hear anything in your father’s


Next the inspector questioned Gordon Smith

Insg: -What did you do after dinner, Gordon?Gordon: -I played cards with Bárbara. Then she

went to bed.Insg: -Did you go to bed then?

G: -No. I stayed in the sitting room and I had a glass of whisky then I went to bed.

Insg: -What time was that?G: -I don’t remember exactly. I slept very well.Insg: -Did you hear anything during the night?

G: -No, I didn’t. I was very tired. I slept very well.

Insg: - You and Mr Travers were business partners, weren’t you?

G: -Yes, that’s rightInsg: -And it’s a very good business I understand.

G: -Yes, inspector, it is.Insg: -And now it is your business?

G: -Listen, inspector, I did not kill Jeremy. He was my partner and he was my friend

Finally the inspector questioned Claudia Simeone

Insg: -What did you do yesterday evening, after dinner?C: -I went to my room and I had a bath and I went to

bed.Insg: -What time was that?

C: -About 11.00 pm.Insg: -Did you hear anything?

C: -Yes. I heard somebody go into Jeremy’s room. It was about 12.00

Insg: -Who was it?C: -It was Amanda, his wife

Insg: -Are you sure? Did you see her?C: -Well no, I didn’t see her. But I’m sure it was


Insg: -Were you just his secretary?C: -What do you mean?

Insg: -Were you in love with Mr Travers?C: -No, I wasn’t.

Insg: -The truth please, Claudia

Insg: -You were Mr. Travers secretary,

ClaudiaC: -Yes, I was.

C: - Very well, inspector. Yes, I was in love with him and he said he was in love with me, he said he wanted

to leave his wife –Amanda-and marry me. I was stupid, I believed him. He used me, Inspector! I was

very angry with him.Insg: - Did you kill him?

C: -No, inspector. I loved Jeremy.

Before dinner, Gordon had a drink with Jeremy in the library

G: -Cheers, Jeremy. Happy birthday.J: -Ah, thanks, Gordon

G: -Listen, Jeremy, I want to talk to you about Barbara.J: -Barbara? What’s your problem?

G: -It’s not exactly a problem. I am in love with her, and I want to marry her.

J: -Marry Bárbara? Marry my daughter! Are you crazy? Never.

J: -You don’t love Barbara. You only want her money.

J: -You don’t love Barbara. You only want her money.

G: -That’s not true, Jeremy. I love her

J: -Listen to me. If you marry Barbara, when I die all my money goes to Claudia.

G: -To Claudia? To your secretary?J: -Yes

G: -Is that your last word, Jeremy?J: -Yes, it is

A: -Dinner everybody!

At midnight Gordon finished his whisky and went upstairs.

J: -Who is it? Gordon?

THE ENDMario Alvarez, Juan Luques, Brisa Contreras

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