american psycho

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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PowerPoint Presentation is the movies film ident which has appeared at the beginning of the opening title sequence as this is one of the conventions that occur on every movie which shows the viewer of the film who the movie was created by and in this case it was created by Lion Gate Films.

The way this has been shown makes it seem like someone has typed it up on a typewriter and also with the way it has been laid out. It uses a white background which makes it seem quite simple and could connote purity however, the purity could be contradicted with the red droplet.

This image that they have used of the red droplet being splattered on the floor could connote some sign of blood or danger.

The way the red droplet is on the surface makes it look like it has been dropped from a height and the dispersion of smaller droplets also supports this idea.

However, when we see the red substance in a line, it makes us re-think what it could be for example, when I first saw this, I thought it could be paint from a tube.

The image of the large sharp knife could represent danger and they used a close shot to show how sharp the knife actually is.

Whilst the names of the main characters appear on the screen, pieces of fruit are falling down such as the raspberry. This could signify that what we thought was perhaps blood before could in fact be something else.

This is point of view shot where we are able to see through another persons eyes. Here we can see food on a plate neatly presented. From this shot, we can see what the images we saw before actually were; some sort of red sauce.

Here we can see a grey surface which looks like metal. This could represent cold and insensitive motives of someone and this may be linked to the persons name on screen.

This is a point of view shot of someones food. It showcases a sharp knife and fork which could suggest that they are in some sort of restaurant.

This is another point of view shot where we can see a neatly presented plate of food and clear glasses.

This is a close up of another plate of food showing how well presented the food is and that it may be a posh place.

Here we can see someone overlooking a bowl of dessert however when you first look at this image it looks as if there is a lot of blood spilled. The person wearing the black leather glover could suggest that they are trying to hide their identity and prevent leaving a trace of themselves.

We can see people seated at tables and a waiter walking behind them. The way everyone is situated would suggest that they are dining in a resturant.

The image shows a three different men dressed in a suit and this could suggest that the restaurant they are at is an expensive one where only the rich would dine.

The shot here is quite unusual as we can see a blurred out face but a man seated away from the camera has been focused on by the camera suggesting he could be someone of importance.

This is a mid shot of a man seated in a restaurant. His facial expressions suggest that he is laughing or in a conversation with someone.

We see the man here again with a mid level shot who seems to be looking up at someone either laughing or talking.The appearance of this male and the amount of times he has be shown would suggest that he is an important person in the film.

The close up of this guys face could be to show his facial expressions when hes talking and his reactions to the woman on his left hand side.

This is a mid- long shot of a group of men who have been shown throughout the opening sequence which shows they lay a large role in the movie and their facial expressions suggest they could be discussing something important.

Here a long shot is used where we can see an image of the outside of a warehouse of some sort which could be relevant later on in the movie.

A mid shot is used inside the club to show the body language of others in the club and also the facial expressions so we are able to see how they are feeling.

In this image we cannot see much except for darkness but if we look closely we can see what looks like a women. The darkness of this shot could suggest that the setting is somewhere at night.

Here we can see an male and female in particular in a club looking away from the camera. The director may be trying to conceal their identities until later in the film.

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