algo lectureset3divconq

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8/13/2019 Algo LectureSet3DivConq 1/29

CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering

 Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham

Divide and ConquerAlgorithms

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CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham

Introduction Solves computational problem by

Dividing it into subproblems of smaller size

Solve each problem recursively

Merging solutions to sub-problems to produce solution


Merge Sort

Quick Sort

Compleity analyzed using recurrence relations

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CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham

Divide and Conquer

 Divide Step!

"f input size smaller than certain threshold solve by

straightfor#ard method

Divide input data into t#o or more dis$oint subsets


%ecursively solve subproblems associated #ith the subsets


'ake the solutions to the subproblems and merge them into

a solution to the original problem

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CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham

Merge Sort  (ses divide and con&uer strategy to sort a set of numbers


"f S has zero or one element, return S

Divide S into t#o se&uences S) and S

* each containing half

of the elements of S


%ecursively apply merge sort to S) and S



Merge S) and S

*into a sorted se&uence

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CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham

Merging two sortedsequences

 "teratively remove smallest element from one of the t#o

se&uences S) and S

* and add it to end of output se&uence S

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CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham

Merge Sort

12 5 ! 10 15 " 2

 10 15 " 2

! 10 15 " 2

12 5 ! 10 15 " 2

12 5 !

12 5

2 5 ! " 10 12 15

5 ! 12 2 " 10 15

5 12 ! 10 15 2 "

12 5 ! 10 15 " 2

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CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham

Merge Sort

 mergesort+itemtype s, int lo#, int high/ 0

int i1 23 counter 32

int middle1 23 inde of middle element 32

if +lo# 4 high/ 0

middle 5 +lo#6high/2*1



merge+s, lo#, middle, high/1


7Src: S#iena$ Algorithm Design %an&al$ Chapter '

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CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham

Analysis of Merge Sort


n(2 n(2

n(' n(' n(' n('



Time Per Level






Total Time:

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CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham

Merge Sort: Analysis

 #ork done on the kth level involves merging *k pairs

sorted list, each of size n2*k6)

8 total of atmost n-*k comparisons

 9inear time for merging at each level

:ach of the n elements appear eactly in one of the

subproblems at each level

 %e&uires etra memory

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CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham

Quick Sort

 8 divide and con&uer strategy #hich also uses



Select a random pivot p. Divide S into t#o subarrays, #here

one contains elements 4 p and the other #hich are ; p


Sort subarrays by recursively applying &uicksort on each



Since the subarrays are already sorted, no #ork is needed in

merge part

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CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham

Quick Sort

12 5 ! 10 15 9  2

 12  10


5 6  ! 2 12 10 15 

2 5  !


2 5 ! " 10 12 15

2 5 ! 10 12 15

2 5 ! 10 12

2 10

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CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham

Quick Sort

 Q("C<S=%'+8, p, r/

if  p 4 r 

& 5 >8%'"'"=?+8,p,r/

Q("C<S=%'+8, p, &-)/

Q("C<S=%'+8,& 6), r/

 Selection of pivot

Can be first or last element +here/ Median element

%andom element

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CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham

Quick Sort Analysis @orst Case %unning 'ime

=ccurs #hen pivot is al#ays the largest element

Selecting the first element or last element as pivot causes

this problem #hen list is already sorted

%unning time proportional to n6+n-)/6+n-*/6....)


Src: S#iena$ Algorithm Design %an&al$ Chapter ',

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CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham

Average Case Analysis

 'he partition in a &uick sort of size s can be

Aood ! if the sizes of partitions are each less than Bs2

8 partition is good #ith the probability

the pivots cause good partitions

Ead ! if one of the partitions has size greater than Bs2

12 5 ! 10 15 "  2

5 6  ! 2 12 10 15 

12 5 ! 10 15 " 2

5 ! 10 " 2 15

Aood Ead

2 5  ! " 10  12  15

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CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham

Average Case Analysis

 For a node of depth i, #e epect

i2* ancestors are good calls , they are result of good pivots

'he size of the input se&uence for the current call is at

most +B2/i2*n

 For a node of depth *logC2Bn,

the epected input size is one

'he epected height of the &uick-sort tree is =+log n/

'he amount or #ork done at the nodes of the same depth

is =+n/

 :pected running time of &uicksort is =+nlogn/

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CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham

In-lace Quick Sort

 Quick sort can be implemented #ithout etra memory

 %eplace operation used in partition step

:lements less than pivot have rank less than p of pivot

:lements greater than pivot have rank greater than p

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CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham

Quick Sort: artitioning

 >8%'"'"=?+8,p, r/ 22inplace partitioning

5 8r

i 5 p-)

 for   $ 5 p to r-)

if  8$ 45

i 5 i 6 )

echange 8i #ith 8$

echange 8i6) #ith 8r

 return i6)

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CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham


Aiven an array having first n ints and net n chars

85 i) i* iB ... in, c) c* cB ... cn

@rite an in-place algorithm to rearrange the elements of the

array as! 8 5 i) c) i* c* ... in cn

 Aive an algorithm to divide an integer array into * sub-

arrays s.t their averages are e&ual i.e average of values of

left array must be same as average of right array

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CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham

"#ternal Sort: $ucket Sort

 8ssumes elements are uniformly distributed

Distribution sort

8rray is partitioned into n e&ual sized subintervals2buckets

:ach interval is a bucket

e.g each bucket can contain element starting #ith a particular


:ach bucket sorted separately

Can use bucket sort again (se other sorting techni&ues

 :lements from the buckets merged to form the sorted list

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CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham

$ucket Sort


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CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham

$ucket Sort: ro%erties 9et be S be a se&uence of n +key, element/ items #ith keys in

the range G, ? H )

Eucket-sort uses the keys as indices into an auiliary array E of

se&uences +buckets/

<ey-type >roperty 'he keys are used as indices into an array and cannot be arbitrary


 ?o eternal comparator 

 Stable Sort >roperty 'he relative order of any t#o items #ith the same key is

 preserved after the eecution of the algorithm

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CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham

Methods for $ucketing

 "nteger keys in the range a, b

>ut item +k, o/ into bucket Ek H a

 String keys from a set D of possible strings, #here D has

constant size +e.g., names of the "ndian states/

Sort D and compute the rank r+k/ of each string k of D in the

sorted se&uence

>ut item +k, o/ into bucket Er+k/

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CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham

$ucket Sort: seudocode


let EG! ! n ) be a ne# array

n 5 8!length

for i 5 G to n - )

make Ei an empty list

for i 5 ) to n

insert 8i into list Efloor+n 8i/

for i 5 G to n )

sort list Ei #ith insertion sort

concatenate the lists EG,E),....,En together in order 

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CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham

Analysis of $ucket Sort  :pected time is =+n/

:ach step takes =+n/ time ecept for sorting each bucket

:pected time to sort bucket Ei is :=+n


*/ 5 =+:ni


Depends on distribution of each random variable n Aiven n elements and n buckets, probability that a given

element falls in a bucket Ei is )2n

>robability follo#s Einomial distribution

 I  Mean :ni 5 np 5 ), Jariance Jarni 5 np+)-p/ 5 )-)2n


* 5 Jarni 6 +:n

i/* 5 ) - )2n 6 )* 5 θ+)/

Substituting in above e&uation epected time is =+n/

 @orst case compleity I =+n*

/ +ske#ed distribution/



O( E (ni*))

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CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham

$ucket Sort: "#am%le

Src: Corman$ iest etal$ ntrod&ction to Algorithms4$ !,'


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CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham


 (sing the previous eample as a model, illustrate the

operation of E(C<:'-S=%' on the array 8 +.KL, .)B, .

), ., .BL, .*G, .NL, .OB, .K), .*/.

 (se bucket sort to sort the follo#ing elements

+*BB, O, OK, KKK, OO, BB, *K, , KN, LGG, GG, OO,

OB), NKL, N*), *NL, )L*, LO/

Po# are the buckets chosen

& i hi ' d

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CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham

&e#icogra%hic 'rder

 8 d-tuple is a se&uence of d keys +k ), k 

*, , k 

d/, #here key k 

is said to be the i-th dimension of the tuple

:ample! coordinates in Bd space

 'he leicographic order of t#o d-tuples is recursivelydefined as follo#s


*, ,

d/ 4 +y

), y

*, , y

d/ if

) 4 y)  ∨

) 5 y)  +∧

*, , d/ 4 +y*, , yd/ i.e., the tuples are compared by the first dimension, then by the

second dimension etc

( di S t

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CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham

(adi# Sort Specialization of leicographic sort

9eicographic-sort sorts a se&uence of d-tuples in leicographicorder by eecuting a stable sort algorithm d times

%adi sort uses bucket sort for each dimension

8pplicable #here keys in each dimension are integers


+K, , / +O, ), O/ +*, , / +*, ), / +B, *, /

+*, ), 4/ +B, *, 4/ +O,), 5/ +K, , 6/ +*, , 6/

+*, 1, / +O,1,O/ +B, *, / +K, 4, / +*, 4, /

+2, ), / +2, , / +3, *, / +5, ), O/ +7, , /

Src: oodrich and 6amassia$ Algorithm Design4

( di S t

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CSE330: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Vidhya Balasubramanian Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vid a eetham

(adi# Sort %8D"R-S=%'+8,d/

for i 5 ) to d

use a stable sort to sort array 8 on digit "

 Aiven n d-digit numbers in #hich each digit can take on up to k

 possible values, %8D"R-S=%' correctly sorts these numbers inΘ+d.+n6k// time if the stable sort it uses takes Θ+n6k/ time.

Src: Corman$ iest etal$ ntrod&ction to Algorithms4$ !,3

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