26 de gener de 2018 - udgtasca 1: preguntes i respostes (2 minuts) presentació personal. el...

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Guia del candidat

Examen d’acreditació lingüística Anglès Multinivell B1/ B2.1/B2

26 de gener de 2018



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Objectiu de l’examen L’examen d’acreditació lingüística Anglès Multinivell té com a objectiu avaluar i certificar el nivell de les quatre destreses lingüístiques: comprensió oral, comprensió escrita, expressió escrita i expressió i interacció oral a nivell B1 i B2 segons es detalla en el Marc europeu comú per a les llengües o B2.1 (la primera part del nivell B2)

Per tant aquesta prova permet acreditar un nivell B1 o B2 (o B2.1) en anglès. En cas d’obtenir un nivell inferior a B1 l’examinand no té obté cap certificat.

Qui es pot presentar a l’examen? L’examen és obert a tothom. L’edat mínima per presentar-se a l’examen és de 16 anys.

Quins temes puc trobar a l’examen?

• Personal (família, llocs d’interès, relacions personals, estil de vida...) • Social (relacions personals i d’amistat, temps d’oci, excursions...) • Públic (transport, vacances, compres, salut, bens i serveis, transaccions, ...) • Acadèmic (estudis, intercanvis, projectes, classes, presentacions, entrevistes, ...) • Professional (pràctiques, llocs de treball, entrevistes...)

Criteris de superació

Pes de cada prova

L’examen consta de 4 proves:

1. Prova de comprensió escrita - reading 2. Prova de comprensió oral - listening 3. Prova d’expressió escrita - writing 4. Prova d’expressió oral - speaking

Cada prova té el mateix pes dins del global de l’examen, és a dir, un 25 % del total.

Criteris de superació

Per acreditar un nivell global de B1, s’ha d’obtenir, com a mínim, nivell B1 en cada una de les quatre proves de les que consta l’examen.

Per acreditar B2.1, s’ha d’obtenir un nivell igual o superior al B2.1 en, com a mínim, tres de les quatre proves de què consta l’examen. Només en una de les proves pot tenir un resultat de nivell B1, i mai inferior.

Per acreditar un nivell global de B2, s’ha d’obtenir nivell B2 en, com a mínim, tres de les quatre proves de les que consta l’examen. Només en una de les proves es pot tenir un resultat de nivell B2.1, i mai inferior.



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Procediments de correcció i assignació de nivells

Les proves que formen l’examen tenen procediments d’avaluació i d’assignació de nivells diferents en funció de si es tracta de les proves de comprensió o d’expressió. Els detallem a continuació. Prova de comprensió escrita i expressió oral

El nombre d’ítems encertats necessaris per tal d’acreditar un nivell determinat es calcula a partir del següent principi: 60 % dels ítems del nivell que s’ha de superar més la suma del total dels ítems dels nivells inferiors. Les proves de comprensió escrita i comprensió oral tenen entre 20 i 35 ítems cada una.

Prova d’expressió escrita i d’expressió oral

Les proves d’expressió escrita i d’expressió oral són avaluades per un examinador que disposa de criteris de correcció (Writing criteria i Speaking criteria) i una escala numèrica que correspon als nivells B1 i B2. Per la prova d’expressió escrita es puntuen els conceptes següents: 1) impressió global, registre i compliment de tasca, 2) repertori i control de vocabulari, 3) repertori i control gramaticals i 4) cohesió, coherència, fluïdesa i organització. Per la prova d’expressió oral es puntuen els conceptes següents: 1) fluïdesa i cohesió, 2) repertori i control lèxics, 3) repertori i control gramaticals i 4) pronunciació, entonació i intel·ligibilitat.

Descripció de l’examen

L’examen consta de 4 proves amb la durada següent: • Comprensió escrita / Reading 90 minuts • Comprensió oral / Listening 45 minuts • Expressió escrita / Writing 90 minuts • Expressió i interacció oral / Speaking 10 minuts

Divendres 26 de gener de 2018 • Comprensió escrita / Reading de 10.00 a 11.30 • Comprensió oral / Listening de 11.30 a 12.15 Pausa • Expressió escrita / Writing de 12.45 a 14.15

• Expressió oral / Speaking tarda i altres dies a determinar* * En funció del nombre d’inscrits


Aquesta prova consta d’entre 3 i 4 tasques de comprensió lectora. Cada tasca té entre 6 i 10 ítems i el total de la prova té entre 20 i 35 ítems.

Les tasques poden ser de:

• Opció múltiple (3 – 4 opcions) • Respostes obertes amb un número limitat de paraules • Completar frases amb un número limitat de paraules • Relaciones simples o múltiples • Seqüenciació • Inserció (frases, fragments o paràgrafs)



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Aquesta prova consta d’entre 3 i 4 tasques de comprensió oral. Cada tasca té entre 6 i 10 ítems i el total de la prova té entre 20 i 35 ítems. Les audicions es passaran 2 vegades.

Les tasques poden ser de:

• Opció múltiple (3 - 4 opcions) • Respostes obertes amb un número limitat de paraules • Completar frases amb un número limitat de paraules • Relaciones simples o múltiples

Les proves de comprensió escrita i comprensió oral es corregeixen a partir d’una clau de respostes i cada ítem té el mateix valor.


Aquesta prova consta de dues tasques, que poden ser contestades tant a nivell B1 com a nivell B2. Cada tasca té 3 punts a desenvolupar.

Tasca 1: text de caràcter transaccional o d’interacció (correu electrònic o carta) d’unes 125 - 150 paraules en resposta a un input previ. L’escrit pot tenir una o més funcions lingüístiques, com per exemple: agraïment, informació, disculpa, queixa, consell, instruccions, descripció.

Tasca 2: text de caràcter transaccional, descriptiu, narratiu, argumentatiu, comparatiu, d’opinió, etc. Aquest escrit ha de tenir una extensió d’unes 200 - 250 paraules.


Aquesta prova és individual i consta de 4 tasques i té una durada aproximada de 8 minuts

Tasca 1: Preguntes i respostes (2 minuts)

Presentació personal. El candidat té l’oportunitat de mostrar la seva habilitat en l’ús del llenguatge social. El candidat es presenta a l’examinador i contesta preguntes relacionades amb àrees com la feina, els estudis, el temps lliure i/o plans de futur.

Tasca 2: Monòleg i Interacció (2 minuts)

El candidat ha de parlar sobre 2 fotografies i contestar a una pregunta sobre un aspecte relacional amb el tema de les fotografies.

Tasca 3: Presentació i Desenvolupament d’un tema (2 minuts)

El candidat ha de presentar i desenvolupar un tema que li presenta l’examinador.

Tasca 4: Interacció (2 minuts)

Es farà un mínim de 2 preguntes sobre el tema desenvolupat a la tasca 3.



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Exemples de tasques


Read the article about the seaside family holidays. Seven topic sentences have been removed from the article. From sentences A to H, choose the most appropriate heading for each gap (Q1 – Q6) in the text. There is ONE extra sentence that you should NOT use. Write your answers in the spaces provided. There is an example.

MY COUNTRYSIDE 0. ___E___ Every summer my mother would take me and my older sister Cherry to Looe, and we’d

travel in a convoy with my uncle, aunt, cousins and grandmother, who would sit in front of the car,

smoking like a chimney.

Q1. ______ It was a safe place and I was left to my own devices. While my cousins tried to find

conger eel, I’d walk along the beach.

Q2. ______ One of my earliest memories is of playing with a plank of wood in the water butt in our

garden, pretending it was an oar and I was rowing on the sea.

Q3. ______ I bought a static caravan up on the cliffs in the north of Cornwall and, for ten years when

they were younger, from the moment school broke up in July, we’d stay there. They learnt how to surf

and fish, and we’d walk for miles along the National Trust coastline.

Q4. ______ I’ve cycled in countries all around the world, including India, Cuba, China and Vietnam,

fundraising for charity, but there’s nothing like the paths that go through the Chilterns and be

surrounded by endless greenery.

Q5. ______ This year I’ll carrots, runner beans, courgettes and rhubarb a try. Then, come autumn, I’ll

gather apples from our trees and blackberries from the surroundings hedgerows, which I’ll give to Phil

to make jellies and jam.

Q6. ______ I’ve set many of my novels in Greenwall and, when I need a break from writing, I go for a

walk with our old black Labrador . Long weekends away also help and every year I take my daughters

somewhere of their choice. Last year, Winnie and I went in search of the Loch Ness monster in the

Scottish Highlands, while with Grace, I spotted seals and eagles off the coast on the Isle of Mull.

Source: CountryLiving.com



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A My favourite seasons are spring and summer because that’s when I can get out of my bike.

B Although I grew up in land-locked Buinghamshire, I was always drawn to Looe.

C One of my first jobs as a writer was in Southampton so I lived for a time in Southsea.

D Our countryside provides me with constant inspiration for my books.

E My love affair with Cornwall started when I was a child.

F Trying to convince my children to care about organic gardening was challenging.

G We always stayed in an apartment called The Dolphin, which was as close to the sea as you could get.

H I’ve tried to recreate those trips with my own children-twins Jack and Harry, 20, Grace, 17 and Winnie, 13.

I I inherited my love of gardening from my parents –although, when it comes to vegetables, I have more enthusiasm than talent!

0 Q1. Q2. Q3. Q4. Q5. Q6.



Q1. Q2. Q3. Q4. Q5. Q6.




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Read the following text about cycling. Complete sentences Q1-Q7. Write your answers in the spaces provided, using a MAXIMUM OF FIVE (5) CONSECUTIVE WORDS FROM THE TEXT. Write your answers in the spaces provided. An example (0) is given.

10 reasons to get on your bike

You’ll tone up, boost your metabolic rate and stay young into the bargain. What’s not to love? Simple to fit into your everyday life, cycling is an any-age, any-time sport. As with all forms of exercise, the more time you spend doing it, the greater the rewards.

‘Any time on a bike is time well spent – it doesn’t matter if you’ve got 10 minutes to spare or an hour,’ says Neil Atkinson, British Cycling’s recreation education manager. ‘Cycling is widely recognised as one of the best forms of exercise for everyone, from the very young to the wiser among us.’ If you’re really unfit, cycle a round trip of just 3km three times a week and you’ll soon feel the difference. Naturally, the more time you spend cycling, the more you’ll improve. So keep with it!

Perching on the saddle tones and strengthens your lower back and stomach while pounding the pedals tones your thighs, buttocks and lower legs. It’s a pilates, yoga and body toning workout all in one!

Position the saddle so it’s comfortable for you – visit britishcycling.org.uk for top tips. Cycling shorts, which are slightly padded, will reduce the impact of the saddle. If the thought of Lycra is too mortifying, no problem – you can wear the shorts under trousers or a skirt and no one need know! If you’re on too low a gear your legs will spin around and you won’t get anywhere fast. Set the gears higher so you have to put more pressure through your legs and you’ll find the going much easier. For greater efficiency and power, strap your feet to the pedals. This is not for beginners so don’t attempt it until you’re ready.

Cycling to work is a great stress reliever because you get time to yourself but it also helps to release endorphins that give you a natural high. It’s also cheaper, healthier and better for the environment than driving or using public transport.

If you’re struggling with excess weight and find it hard to exercise, cycling could be the answer as it takes the strain off joints – around 70% of your weight is distributed to the saddle, handlebars and pedals.

Getting out and about in the great outdoors keeps you mentally stimulated and can also do wonders for your mood. So if wake up feeling grumpy you know what to do!

A spin on your trusty bike will help keep you young. Even occasional cyclists have a level of fitness equivalent to non-cyclists 10 years younger, according to a UK study.

Cycling can halve your risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). A study of 10,000 civil servants found those who cycled 20 miles a week were half as likely to suffer CHD as their non-cycling colleagues.

Cycling tones and trims and you’ll get a heart-pumping workout en route to work, school or the shops that would cost a fortune at the gym. Importantly it also builds muscle, which means you keep boosting your metabolic rate long after you’ve finished your ride.

Source: Healthyfood.co.uk



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0. It is easy to incorporate cycling into your everyday life.

Q1. Many see cycling as one of the most universal

Q2. The larger the investment of hours in cycling,

Q3. You can make your abdomen and lumbar region stronger when you are

Q4. If you’re an advanced cyclist and you want to go faster you can attach

Q5. Cycling is more economical and environmentally-friendly compared to

Q6. Being in the open air is good for your brain and excellent

Q7. Going out for a cycle ride


Q1. forms of exercise

Q2. the more you’ll improve

Q3. perching on the saddle

Q4. your feet to the pedals

Q5. driving or using public transport

Q6. for your mood

Q7. will help keep you young



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Read the following text about young entrepreneurs and decide whether the statements are true or false. You must justify your answer by writing down the FIRST 4 WORDS OF THE SENTENCE where the answer is found. Write your answers in the spaces provided. An example (0) is given.

Turning good ideas into money We are often being told that the UK has a competitive and unsteady job market. With almost 900,000 young people unemployed and a record number of university graduates out of work, it’s no surprise that young people in the UK are growing increasingly jaded when it comes to their future prospects. However, whilst jobs may be scarce, it seems young people are beginning to take their futures into their own hands. Previous research has shown that many young people aspire to be self-employed and start their own businesses. Yet the support and funding isn’t always there for young people. That’s why charities, such as Bright Ideas Trust, have been formed to offer business advice, mentoring and funding to aspiring entrepreneurs who otherwise wouldn’t be able to start their own business. Being a young entrepreneur can bring many advantages such as; new and innovative ideas and less financial commitments that allow you to take more risks. Nevertheless, being a young entrepreneur can come with a number of complications and obstacles that you need to overcome. Having that one great idea is only the beginning. Research is often overlooked by budding entrepreneurs as they are so keen to get going with their idea that they forget to pay attention to the details. Thinking your idea through thoroughly and planning it properly is essential and, while it may not seem like the fun part of owning your own business, it can save you a lot of trouble later down the line. Before you get your business cards printed or website launched, make sure you know as much as possible about your business idea. Look into your market and how your company might fit into it. Research your closest competitors and see what they’re doing right and what they’re doing wrong and think of how you could be better than them. Bright Ideas Trust was founded as a way to provide budding entrepreneurs with the help, guidance and resources they needed. Bright Ideas Trust puts a lot of emphasis on supporting our beneficiaries, whether that’s through mentoring, guidance or even just giving them the motivation and belief to succeed. This kind of support is essential in nurturing young entrepreneurial talent. Remember that there’s no shame in needing and asking for help. Chances are that when you start your first business you’ll make a lot of mistakes and won’t be expected to know everything. A lot of the best lessons come from mistakes. A lot of emphasis is placed on funding for start-ups and SMEs. Whilst financial backing is important, it’s not the only thing needed to make a successful business. There are a lot of avenues to take with finance and there are a lot of organisations you can turn to for funding. It’s worth researching as many of these as you can to see which might work best for you. Once you do get finances in place to back your business, the most important thing isn’t how much money you have, but how you spend it. Regardless of the sum of the money available make sure you



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plan how to spend every penny and try to take into account any unseen expenses and non-fixed overheads. The key to being a successful entrepreneur, and getting your idea off the ground, is to be dedicated, driven and willing to work long hours. Many people assume that working for yourself will be “easier” than working for someone else. This isn’t the case. You need to put everything you can into your business to make it a success and this often means working more than12 hours a day, sometimes 7 days a week. The secret, that’s not so secret, to having a successful business isn’t just about having the idea; it’s about persistence, conviction in your idea and being prepared to work hard. However, if it is something you are truly passionate about it sometimes won’t even feel like work.

Statements True False Justification

0. It appears graduates are becoming more active about their working lives.

X However, whilst jobs may

Q1. When starting a new business, being adventurous is a plus.

Q2. Being too enthusiastic about a project may lead to ignoring key features about it.

Q3. One strategy is to copy what other businesses do well.

Q4. Getting assistance from others can be a sign of weakness.

Q5. Financially, the most critical aspect of running a business is to have plenty of funding.

Q6. To be a top business person, you have to spend a lot of time at work.


True False Justification Q1. X Being a young entrepreneur

Q2. X Thinking your idea through

Q3. X Research your closest competitors

Q4. X Remember that there’s no

Q5. X (Whilst financial backing is) OR Once you do get

Q6. X The key to being OR (You need to put)



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Listen to a fragment of a radio programme about a restaurant. Decide which answer (a, b or c) is the most appropriate according to what you hear. Write your answers in the spaces provided. There is an example.

Click to access the audio file. 0. The type of food served at Coppi’s is …

a. vegetarian. b. organic. c. fresh.

Q1. The restaurants owners are … a. also the waiters. b. the Coppi’s family. c. a brother and a sister.

Q2. The restaurant serves … a. Italian cuisine. b. typically American. c. a combination of Italian and American.

Q3. Most of the food is from … a. their client’s farms. b. local farms. c. the family farm.

Q4. To cook the meals, the restaurant mainly uses … a. electricity. b. gas. c. wood.

Q5. In 2002, Carlos … a. became the proprietor. b. opened the restaurant. c. started working at the restaurant.

Q6. Carlos is mostly proud because the restaurant is a good example … a. of sustainability in food and business. b. that everything is possible in the USA. c. of how popular the green movement is becoming.


Q1. Q2. Q3. Q4. Q5. Q6.

c a b c a b



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Listen to the following information announcement about study spaces at Bristol University and answer questions Q1 to Q7 in a MAXIMUM OF FOUR (4) WORDS based on the audio. Write your answers in the spaces provided. You will hear the audio twice. An example (0) is given.

Click to access the audio file.

0. In which locations should you study if you don’t want distractions? quiet areas

Q1. Who can give you help with books concerning your degree?

Q2. How many libraries can you choose from?

Q3. What should you consult if you want to find out where libraries are?

Q4. What should you consult if you want to find out when study spaces are open?

Q5. What made the university increase the number of study spaces?

Q6. When are the libraries busiest?

Q7. What attitude should you have when choosing a study space in busy times?


Q1. subject librarians

Q2. ten / 10

Q3. (a) map

Q4. library services webpage

Q5. student feedback

Q6. (during) (the) exam period

Q7 (a) flexible approach



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Listen to a fragment of a monologue about the food sharing program in Germany. Answer questions Q1 to Q9 using a MAXIMUM OF THREE (3) WORDS based on the audio. Write your answers in the spaces provided. You will hear the audio twice. An example (0) is given.

Click to access the audio file.

0. Europe wastes more than 50% of its food.

Q1. Every year more or less 90 million tons of food is _______________________ in Europe.

Q2. About ______________ of the farm-produced vegetables are discarded before they reach the market.

Q3. He says that these ____________________ and the fact that some people had little food during the war were the reasons he wanted to do something about food waste.

Q4. About ____________________________ ago, the not for profit internet site was developed.

Q5. The internet and ads are supported by _____________________________ and the work is performed by unpaid helpers, according to Toian.

Q6. Nowadays there are at least ___________________________ towns and 41,000 individuals take part in foodsharing.de.

Q7. She _____________________ foodsharing.de since it provides benefits for everyone.

Q8. Certain foods with sell-by dates like meat are not accepted. However items like ___________ ____________ are accepted because they have best-before-by labels.

Q9. Helpers who are employed by foodsharing.de collect items from _______________________ and bakers.


Q1. thrown away Q2. 50 % Q3. statistics Q4.18 months Q5. grants and donations

Q6. 240 German Q7. loves Q8.vegetables and bread Q9. supermarkets



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Task 1: Email

You have not been in contact with your friend Chris lately. Chris was an Erasmus student from Scotland you met at university last year. You have decided to get in touch with Chris.

Write an email in which you:

• explain why you have not written before • say what you are doing at the moment • describe your plans for next summer

Write the email in 125 - 150 words.

Task 2: Report

A regional newspaper has published information about how successful last year’s university graduates

were at finding a job in their area of study. You have been asked to write a report based on the data

presented in the chart.

In your report you should:

• analyze some of the data that is shown • suggest reasons for the differences between the areas of study • speculate how things might be different in 10 or 15 years

Write the report in 200 - 250 words.



Job Placement of Recent University Graduates



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• Where did you spend your holiday last summer? • What’s public transport like in your country? • How do you prefer to travel? • Where would you really like to go on holiday in the future? • Do you like to plan your holidays carefully or do you prefer to just go?

Task 2

Talk about the photos and say how you think technology has affected the way we communicate.



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Task 3

How useful for students would these rooms be in a language school? Justify your answers with examples or your own experience.


• How many languages do you speak? • How did you learn your second language? • What's the best way to learn a foreign language? • In your opinion, what is the best age to learn a foreign language? • Why do some people have more difficulty than others when learning a language?



computer room coffee room

study room

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