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2017 Silicon Valley Experts China Roadshow


2017 硅谷专家中国行


People @ SiliconValley Past Events

2016 硅谷专家中国行2016 SV Experts China Roadshow

硅谷人中国战略People @ SV China Strategy

与硅谷专家互动Interaction with SV Experts

媒体采访Media Interview

中国代表团斯坦福游学Delegation Training in Stanford

中国代表团谷歌深入学习China Delegation Visit Google

硅谷专家在阿里巴巴SV Experts in Alibaba

贵阳领导与硅谷专家在硅谷SV Experts Met by Guiyang leaders

外专局领导与硅谷专家在云南SV Experts Met by SAFEA Leaders

2017 Silicon Valley Experts China Roadshow



美中硅谷人才汇 ( 硅谷人 ) 是由硅谷高科技界资深人士创建的从事美中高级人才智慧交流和促进美中高科技行业专家互动的专业机构。 我们致力于在中国和美国,尤其是硅谷之间,发现和创造创新、创业和技术方面的互相交流机会。虽然硅谷是难以复制的,但它的精髓仍然是可以学习的。 位于硅谷中心,我们藉机其丰富的创新创业资源将硅谷的成功传播至世界各地。

硅谷人的使命是:成就智慧共享。我们将先从美国硅谷和中国开始,引智互动,育智落地并搭建智慧共享平台。我们举办的 ”硅谷创新专家中国行” 以及筹建中的大数据学院以及专家智库就是对育智与引智的践行。我们的智慧共享平台是一个以解决实际问题为目标,评估创新概念为途径, 实现智慧共享的开源平台。它始于美中两地,但不以美中两地为极点。

About People @ SiliconValley

Founded by passionate and seasoned professionals in Silicon Valley, People @ SiliconValley identifies mutual learning opportunities in the areas of innovation and entrepreneurship between China and Silicon Valley. Although Silicon Valley cannot be replicated, its essence still can be learned. Based in Silicon Valley, we leverage rich resources and proliferate success stories to partners on the other side of the world.

The Mission of People @ SiliconValley is to Inspire Knowledge Sharing. Our strategy is to Connect, Engage and Inspire. China Roadshow is an example of connecting. Through connection and exchanges, we identify needs and opportunities. We focus on three areas that Silicon Valley does the best in the world: Innovation, Talent Development and Technology. Big Data Institute and Experts Knowledge Base are just a few examples of future engagements. The knowledge sharing platform will be an open platform that inspires knowledge sharing through solving problems and evaluating new ideas collaboratively. Our starting points are the US and China, our final goal is to go far beyond the two countries.

www.peoplesv.com peoplesv.usa@gmail.com wechat: 138 1869 5528 ( 中国 ) 408 796 1878 (USA)

2017 硅谷专家中国行



受到美中两方对过去硅谷专家中国行高度美誉的鼓舞,美中硅谷人才汇 ( 硅谷人 ) 将率硅谷专家 10 名再度举行 2017 硅谷专家中国行。今年的专家行主题是”智慧未来“。 我们将参加在贵阳举行的国际大数据工业博览会。会议期间,著名专家卡普兰博士和霍夫曼先生将与阿里巴巴马云先生和王坚博士呈现精彩的机器智能峰会以分享他们的洞见;专家团还将举办“呈现硅谷”的互动活动,与贵州省和贵阳市领导互动交流。在上海,专家代表将与上海市科委及企业家代表探讨大数据投资机遇,并与企业家精英共同讨论后硬件时代的趋势和机遇。在成都,我们将参观一家创新园区。

硅谷专家组成:人工智能, 大数据, IOT, 智能制造硅谷专家来源 : 美谷国著名院校, 硅谷科技公司, 硅谷城市代表, 硅谷孵化器,以色列社团代表

本次硅谷专家中国行受到了外国专家局美中人才交流基金会,中国驻旧金山领事馆,贵阳市招商局,上海市科委,上海嘉定区政府,慈铭记健康大数据互联网平台, 企业家精英(国际)俱乐部和国际绿色能源(上海)创新中心的大力支持。我们在此表示感谢!

专家团将访问上海,贵阳和成都三个城市,共计 7 天 :5 月 23 日 美国旧金山飞上海5 月 24 日 上午 航天集团探讨大数据应用 下午 社交午餐 上海市科委领导,大数据领域投资者和企业家代表 , 上海 > 嘉定5 月 25 日 上午 嘉定区领导接见 下午 “后硬件时代的中国机遇” 峰会, 晚上 上海 > 贵阳5 月 26 日 上午 国际大数据工业博览会 开幕式 下午 机器智能峰会, “呈现硅谷” -- 专家与贵州省和贵阳市领导互动交流 傍晚 贵州省和贵阳市领导接见5 月 27 日 上午 参观贵阳大数据产业园 下午 体验贵阳, 晚上贵阳 > 成都5 月 28 日 上午 参观成都创新园区 下午 体验成都5 月 29 日 成都飞往旧金山,圆满完成中国行

2017 Silicon Valley Experts China Roadshow


About Silicon Valley Experts China Roadshow

Inspired by high appraisal from both US and China for past Silicon Valley Experts China Roadshow, People @ SiliconValley will make China Roadshow again in 2017 with 10 Silicon Valley Experts. Key theme of 2017 Roadshow is “Smarter Future”. We will participate International Big Data Expo in Guiayng. During the expo, our distinguished experts Dr. Kaplan and Mr. Hoffman will share their insights of Machine Intelligence together with Jack Ma and Jian Wang from Alibaba; we also will host a “Showcase Silicon Valley” event which will be participated by senior leaders of Guizhou Province and city of Guiyang. In Shanghai, we will host a forum “Opportunities of Post Hardware Era” with investors and entrepreneurs in Jiading district. In Chengdu, we will visit an innovation center.

Experts’ expertise: AI, Big Data, IOT and Smart Manufacturing Experts are selected from: notable universities, high tech companies in Silicon Valley, government officials, high-ranked incubators and Israeli entrepreneur community

We want to thank to following organizations that make the roadshow possible: State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, US-China Foundation for International Exchanges, China Consulate San Francisco, Development Bureau of Guiyang, Government officials of Shanghai, Ciming Healthcare Big Data Platform, Entrepreneur Elite (International) Club and International Green Energy (Shanghai) Innovation Center.

We will visit Shanghai, Guiyang and Chengdu in late May for 7 days:5/23 From San Francisco to Shanghai5/24 AM: Visit China Aerospace Science & Industry Corporation PM: Meet leaders of Shanghai Science & Technology Commission, Lunch with investors, experience Shanghai, Shanghai > Jiading5/25 AM: Met by Jiading government officials PM: Forum “Opportunities of Post Hardware Era” , Shanghai > Guiyang5/26 AM: Opening ceremony International Big Data Expo PM: Machine Intelligence Summit; Showcase Silicon Valley, Exclusive meeting with senior officials of Guizhou Province and City of Guiyang 5/27 Visit Big Data Industry Development Zone, experience Guiyang, Guiyang > Chengdu5/28 Visit innovation center, experience Chengdu5/29 Chengdu to SFO, conclude the roadshow

2017 硅谷专家中国行



引智互动 育智落地 智慧共享

2017 年硅谷专家中国行成员

薛 伟 美中硅谷人才汇 创始人薛伟女士是富有 20 多年国际经验的人力资源专家 . 目前是硅谷著名高科技公司人力资源高管,管理超过 60 亿美金的人力资本。薛伟女士是中国著名人力资源高管平台”东方遇到西方”创始人。薛伟热心于众筹专家智慧以实现其价值和潜能。 她参与和领导的“硅谷 - 中国 CEO 峰会”,”硅谷市长中国行”, 及“硅谷专家中国行”受到了美中两地的高度美誉。薛伟是硅谷薪酬福利协会董事,硅谷雇员协会委员。国际人 力 资 源 资 格 证 书 委 员 会 HRCI(HR Certificate Institute)试题顾问。她又是美国国家职业女性协会 NAPW (National Association of Professional Women) 加州理事。

2017 Silicon Valley Experts China Roadshow



Connect Engage Inspire

2017 Silicon Valley Experts China Roadshow Members

Wendy Xue Founder of People @ SiliconValleyWendy Xue is a seasoned HR professional with 20+ year’s international experience. Working in a multinational company in Silicon Valley, she is managing over $6B human capital. Wendy is a founder of “East Meets West” HR platform in China. Her passion is to realize power and potential of combined knowledge & expertise through experts. She made and led great programs like “Silicon Valley – China CEO Summit”, “Silicon Valley Mayors’ China Trip” and “Silicon Valley Experts China Roadshow”. All these programs were highly appraised by both the US and China sides. Wendy sits in a review committee of HR Certification Institute (HRCI). She is a board member of Silicon Valley Compensation Association and National Association of Professional Women California Chapter.

2017 硅谷专家中国行


杰瑞 •卡普兰主讲人和畅销书作者、人工智能领域知名专家、硅谷企业家与教育家杰瑞 • 卡普兰博士是一位人工智能领域专家、系列创业家、技术创新者、教育家、畅销书作家和未来学家。他参与创立了四家硅谷创业公司,其中两家成为上市公司。他在斯坦福大学教授《人工智能的社会和经济影响》课程。卡普兰博士只参加贵阳数博会

Jerry KaplanKeynote Speaker & Best Selling Author, Noted Expert on Artificial Intelligence, Silicon Valley Entrepreneur & EducatorJerry Kaplan, PhD, is an Artificial Intelligence expert, serial entrepreneur, technical innovator, educator, bestselling author, and futurist. He co-founded four Silicon Valley startups, two of which became publicly traded companies, and teaches social and economic impact of Artificial Intelligence at Stanford University.” (International Big Data Expo, Guiyang, only)

史蒂夫 •霍夫曼Founders Space 公司的创始人和首席执行官系列创业家、风险投资家、天使投资人、媒体工作室主管、计算机工程师、电影制片人、好莱坞电视执行官、出版作家、程序员、游戏设计师、漫画重写师、动画师和配音员。霍夫曼还是制片人协会硅谷分会主席、新媒体理事会理事和电视互动传媒集团学院的出资人。

Steve Hoffman Founder and CEO of Founders SpaceSerial entrepreneur, venture capitalist, angel investor, media studio head, computer engineer, filmmaker, Hollywood TV exec, published author, coder, game designer, manga rewrite, animator and voice actor. Hoffman was also the Chair of Producers Guild Silicon Valley Chapter, Board of Governors of the New Media Council and funding member of Academy of Television’s interaction Media Group

2017 Silicon Valley Experts China Roadshow


周 岚新兴技术(人工智能、机器人、物联网)策略家、营销家、作家与企业家周岚是 TOPBOTS 公司的首席营销官,该公司是一家领先的研究和咨询公司,专注于为财富 500 强大公司提供人工智能和机器人战略咨询。她被认为是具有最好成长前景的前 50 人之一、机器人领域顶级前 10 人之一、人工智能领域值得跟进的顶级前 30 人之一。周岚是哈佛大学优秀荣誉毕业生,并获得哈佛商学院的工商管理硕士学位。

Adelyn ZhouEmerging Tech (AI, Bots, IoT) Strategist, Marketer, Writer and EntrepreneurAdelyn is the CMO of TOPBOTS, a leading research and advisory firm focused on Artificial Intelligence and Bot strategy for Fortune 500 companies. She has been recognized as one of the top 50 people in growth, top 10 people in bots, and top 30 people to follow in Artificial Intelligence (AI). Adelyn graduated with honors from Harvard University and received her MBA from Harvard Business School.

凯尔 •司徒凌印第安纳大学大数据计划(硅谷)主任凯尔是一位企业家和数据科学领域的专家。他在新发展、创建自主创业公司、建立业务伙伴关系等方面拥有丰富的经验。他对数据驱动和医疗保健业务战略有深入理解,领导过专注于市场策略和创新的创业企业及成熟的企业。

Kyle StirlingAssociate Director, Strategic & Industry Initiatives, Data Science Program, Indiana UniversityKyle is an entrepreneur and data-science specialist. He has extensive experience in delivering innovation, creating companies and establishing business partnerships. He also has a deep understanding of data-driven and healthcare business strategy, and has led start-ups and established companies focusing on go to market strategies and innovations.

2017 硅谷专家中国行


迈克尔 •侯德曼CYTIOT 公司的创始人兼首席执行官迈克尔 • 侯德曼:CYTIOT 公司的创始人兼首席执行官。迈克尔是一位经验丰富和成功的领导者、战略家和企业家,自 1980 年代初起就耕耘于电信/ 互联网行业。迈克尔的经验包括:领导力、物联网、M2M、事件驱动结构、Web 3.0、云计算、安全、国际市场发展等。

Michael HoldmannFounder and CEO, CYTIOT Inc.Michael Holdmann. Founder and CEO of CYTIOT Inc. Michael is an experienced and successful leader, strategist, and evangelist, he has been involved in Telecom/Internet since the early 1980's. Michael skill set includes: Leadership, IoT, M2M, Event Driven Fabrics, Web 3.0, Cloud, Security, and International Market Development.

艾琳 •阿德勒美国加州以色列商会(CICC)董事,首席执行官,主管国际战略和营销美国加州以色列商会(CICC)通过提供定制式的推介、联络活动、论坛和访问等形式,为全球公司及投资者和以色列高科技公司的对接提供一个平台。目前的重点领域是医疗技术、大数据,软件即服务(SaaS)和云技术、网络安全、移动互联网和农业技术。

Ilene AdlerBoard member of California Israel Chamber of Commerce (CICC)CEO, GS&M Associates - Global Strategy & MarketingThe California Israel Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is a platform for global corporations and investors to connect with leading Israeli tech companies through personalized introductions, networking events, forums and delegations. Current areas of focus are MedTech; Big Data, SaaS & Cloud; Cyber Security; Mobile & Internet; and AgTech.

2017 Silicon Valley Experts China Roadshow


丹 •菲尔德谷歌区域经理、研发者关系负责人菲尔德先生是结果驱动型的技术负责人,以人与技术的联系为使命。拥有广泛而深入的 IT 技术与云工程知识。在引导技术人员和非技术人员成功应用技术方面经验丰富。在与大企业和创业公司合作的同时,在推动云和开源平台的发展、创造收入方面取得了显著的成功。

Dan Feld Regional Lead – Developer Relations GoogleResults driven technology executive with passion for connecting people & technology. Broad and deep IT Technologies & Cloud Engineering knowledge. Experienced in driving tech and non tech audiences to a successful adoption. Achieved notable success in driving growth and revenues for Cloud and open source platforms, working with Enterprises and Startups.

大卫 •菲雷Content Analytics, Inc.(“内容分析”公司 ) 创始人和首席执行官大卫 • 菲雷是作为电子商务控制中心的“内容分析”公司的创始人兼首席执行官,在该公司之前,大卫曾是大数据集团的总经理、Mohr David Ventures 风投公司的合伙人。 他的职业生涯开始于微软公司。他是 Big Data Landscape 的制作人,也是《大数据揭秘》和《大数据趋势》等专著的作者。他拥有康奈尔大学的学士学位和斯坦福大学商学院的工商管理硕士学位。

David FeinleibFounder + CEO Content Analytics, Inc.David Feinleib is founder and CEO of Content Analytics, the Control Center for eCommerce. Before Content Analytics, David was Managing Director of The Big Data Group and a General Partner at Mohr David Ventures. He began his career at Microsoft. He is the producer of The Big Data Landscape and author of Big Data Bootcamp and Big Data Demystified. He holds a BA from Cornell University and an MBA from the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University.

2017 硅谷专家中国行


凯瑟琳 •卡尔顿门罗帕克市市议员、美国华夏幸福基业公司公共关系副总裁凯瑟琳 • 卡尔顿是门罗帕克市市议员、美国华夏幸福基业公司公共关系副总裁,是一位成功的商业女强人。在定居于硅谷之前,凯瑟琳曾在香港生活十余年,担任当时亚洲最大的数据中心数码岛项目亚太澳洲地区总经理。

Catherine Carlton Menlo Park Council Member and Vice President of Public Affairs for CFLD USCatherine Carlton is MP Council Member and Vice President of Public Affairs for CFLD US, a successful businesswoman. Before moving to Silicon Valley, Catherine lived in Hong Kong for over ten years, and was the managing director for Digital Island in the Asia Pacific Australia region, which was the largest data center company in Asia at that time.

何 媛“硅谷专家中国行”项目经理致力于不同文化的沟通:是通晓多元文化的指导师、翻译和团队培训师;优秀的公开演讲师;有着 10 年法语经验、5 年欧洲商务与生活经验。汉语为母语,英语和法语流利。

Nicole Yuan HeProject Manager, Silicon Valley Experts China RoadshowBRIDGE CULTURAL DIFFERENCES: Skilled Multi-Cultural Mentor, Translator, and Team Trainer * Accomplished Public Speaker * 10 years’ French & 5 years’ European Business & Life Experience * Speak Native Mandarin, Fluent English, and French.

2017 Silicon Valley Experts China Roadshow


罗伯特 •阿德勒PAN 通信公司执行副总裁,硅谷专家中国行公关顾问罗伯特 • 阿德勒先生是收购了华帝公关公司的 PAN 通信公司的执行副总裁。罗伯特 • 阿德勒先生在协助前沿市场上的技术公司,如大数据,人工智能和物联网等领域高科技公司,开展工作方面拥有丰富的经验。他给这些公司带来了强有力的全球性聚焦,帮助亚洲和欧洲的客户在美国市场上取得成功,并已在 26 个国家建立了国际公关公司的网络。

Rob AdlerExecutive VP,PAN CommunicationsPR Advisor, Silicon Valley Experts China RoadshowRob Adler is executive VP at PAN Communications, which acquired Vantage PR, where he was a principal. Rob has extensive experience working with tech companies in cutting edge markets such as big data, artificial intelligence and IoT. He brings a strong global focus helping clients in Asia and Europe succeed in the US market and has developed an international network of PR firms across 26 countries.

2017 硅谷专家中国行



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专业财务顾问,美国加州, 熊玉如博士


电话号码: 408-656-



2017 Silicon Valley Experts China Roadshow


鸣谢 Recognition

我们对支持帮助 2017 硅谷专家中国行的政府部门,企业及个人表示衷心的感谢 (排名不分先后): 中华人民共和国驻美国旧金山总领事馆 慈铭记健康大数据互联网平台 美中国际人才交流基金会 企业家精英(国际)俱乐部 美国驻中国大使馆 国际绿色能源(上海)创新中心 国家外专局 合创新业(北京)科技服务有限公司 四川成都郫都区人力资源和社会保障局 田桢 中国市场支持 上海市科委 Alan Bologlu 美国市场支持 上海市嘉定区政府 戴灵 后台统筹支持 航天集团 郭越红 Jennifer Xu翻译支持

专家团成员著作 Books Published by Roadshow Participants

硅谷专家中国行参与单位 SV Experts China Roadshow Participant’s Organizations

People @ SiliconValley 美中硅谷人才汇(硅谷人) 475 Sinclair Frontage Road Milpitas, California U.S.A 408 796 1878 (USA),138 1869 5528 (中国) Peoplesv.usa.gmail.com

Dr. Kaplan 卡普兰 博士

Mr. Hoffman 霍夫曼 先生

Mr. Feinleib 菲雷 先生

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