aleaciones tipo babbitt (hugo avendaño-miguel quispe)

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Post on 02-Mar-2016




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    Integrantes:!! Hugo!Avendao!!Miguel!Quispe!

    Profesor:!! Manuel!Cabrera!Ayudante:! Juan!Morey!




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    1. Resumen*ejecutivo*!!En!el!presente!informe!se!dar!a!conocer!las!aleacin!tipo!Babbitt,!comenzando!por!una!pequea!resea! histrica,! y! abordando! puntos! la! obtencin! de! estas! aleaciones,! el!mercado! al! cual! esta!enfocado!junto!con!sus!usos.!Tambin! se! explicara! y! se! hablara! de! la! microestructura! de! estos! metales,! adems! de! las!propiedades!requeridas!para!ser!una!aleacin!Babbitt,!y!por!ultimo!se!mostraran!las!normas!que!controlan!la!confeccin!de!aleaciones!Babbitt.!!El! metal! Babbitt! fue! inventado! en! 1839! por! el! estadounidense! Isaac! Babbitt,! este! se! emplea!habitualmente!como!una!capa!superficial!fina!en!un!complejo,!pero!su!uso!mas!popular!es!como!material!de!cojinete.!Esto!se!debe!a!que!este!metal,!a!pesar!de!ser!blando!y!de!daarse!fcilmente,!se! caracteriza! por! su! resistencia! a! la! corrosin! por! roce,! esto! debido! a! que! su! estructura! esta!hecha!de!pequeos!cristales!duros!dispersados!en!un!metal!mas!blando,! lo!que!hace!que!sea!un!compuesto!de!matriz!metlica.!!!Las!aleaciones!Babbitt!pueden!ser!base!estao!o!base!plomo.!Las!primeras!disipan!mejor!el!calor,!y!las! segundas! tienen!mejor! resistencia! a! la! corrosin! por! cidos,! soluciones! amoniacales! y! otros!productos! qumicos,! aunque! debido! a! su! composicin! cada! vez! son!menos! utilizadas.! Adems,!ambas! contienen! antimonio! y! cobre,! que! dan! dureza! a! la! aleacin.! El! resto! de! elementos! de!aleacin! pueden! variar! segn! el!material! utilizado,! provocando! variaciones! en! sus! propiedades,!pero! todas! las!aleaciones!antifriccin!conservan! las!propiedades!comunes!de!elevada!ductilidad,!colabilidad!y!resistencia!ala!corrosin.!Las!composiciones!qumicas!para!estas!aleaciones!se!rigen!por!la!Norma!ASTM!B23.!!!

    !!!Segn!las!distintas!cualidades!de!cada!una!de!estas!aleaciones,!son!utilizados!en!distintos!tipos!de!maquinarias!como:!molinos!de!cementeras,!centrifugadoras,!compresoras,!motores!diesel!de!alta!y! baja! resolucin,! motores! y! generadores! elctricos,! motores! a! gas,! vagones! de! ferrocarriles,!motores!y!turbinas!a!vapor,!turbinas!marinas,!etc.!!

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    2. Introduccin***

    El!Babbitt!es!uno!de!los!metales!denominados!como!antifriccin!cuyas!aleaciones!principales!son!Estao,!Plomo,!Antimonio!y!Cobre.!Existen!2!tipos!de!metales!Babbitt!(mas!populares);!el!primero!tiene!base!de!Estao!con!ms!de!un!50%!de!ste!material!y!presenta!buena!adherencia!sobre!una!base!de!hierro!y!tienen!buena!dureza!en!temperatura!ambiente.!El!segundo!tipo,!tiene!base!Plomo!y!tambin!posee!ms!del!50%!de!ste!material.!Este!tiene!poca!adherencia!sobre!la!base!de!hierro!y! tiene! menor! dureza! en! temperatura! ambiente,! pero! conforme! se! eleva! su! temperatura! el!descenso! de! sus! propiedades! fsicas! no! es! tan! acentuado! como! el! que! tiene! base! estao.! Los!Babbitt! tienen! excelente! capacidad! embebedora! (o! sea! de! encerrar! o! enclavar! dentro! de! s! las!partculas! extraas)! y! conformabilidad! (capacidad! para! deformacin! plstica! y! compensar! las!irregularidades!en!el!cojinete).!!Cuando! ! el! cojinete! se! desgasta,! el!metal!mas! blando! se! erosiona! tanto! que! crea! rutas! para! el!lubricante!entre! los!puntos!ms!duros!que!proporcionan! la! superficie!de!apoyo! real.! !Cuando!el!estao!es!utilizado!como!el!metal!mas!blando,!la!friccin!hace!que!este!se!funda!y!funcione!como!lubricante,!el!cual!protege!el!cojinete!contra!el!desgaste!cuando!otros!lubricantes!estn!ausentes.!!!!Objetivos!!

    El! objetivo!de! realizar! esta! investigacin!es! el! analizar! y! aprender!de! las! aleaciones! tipo!Babbitt,.!

    Saber!cuales!son!sus!usos!y!el!mercado!que!abarca.! Analizar!la!microestructura!y!caractersticas!de!los!metales!Babbitt.!


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    3. Desarrollo*del*tema**3.1 Historia*sobre*Babbitt*

    !Como!un!orfebre!experto!en!Taunton,!Massachusetts,!Isaac!Babbitt!comenz!a!experimentar!con!aleaciones!en!1824.!Fue!entonces!que!Babbitt!se!convirti!en!el!primer!productor!de!utensilios!de!mesa!hechos!de!Britannia!(una!aleacin!similar!al!peltre)!EE.UU.!En!1930,!l!comenz!un!negocio!de!este!comercio!especializado!conocido!como!Britannia!Taunton!Manufacturing!Company.!Poco!despus,!la!empresa!se!disip!y,!junto!con!sus!socios,!Babbitt!se!vio!obligado!a!entregar!el!control!a! dos! hombres! que! haban! trabajado! su! camino! a! travs! de! las! filas! de! la! empresa.! Charles! E.!Barton!y!Henry!Bueno!Reed!resucitaron!el!negocio!y,!con!algunas! ideas! frescas,! le!dieron! lo!que!necesitaba!para!sobrevivir!a!la!prueba!del!tiempo.!La!compaa,!que!se!origin!con!Isaac!Babbitt,!todava!est!en!existencia!hoy!en!da!como!Reed!y!Barton,!el!famoso!fino!vendedor!de!vajilla.!

    !Despus!de!entregar!el!control!de!Taunton!Britannia!Manufacturing!Company,!Babbitt!comenz!a!trabajar!para! la! fundicin!de!Alger! y!Obras!Ordenanza!en!el! sur!de!Boston.! Fue!all! que!dej! su!huella!en!el!mundo!industrial.!En!1834,!Babbitt!fundi!por!primera!vez!caones!de!bronce!en!los!EE.UU.!Cinco!aos!ms!tarde,!Babbitt!produce!una!aleacin!utilizada!para!reducir!la!friccin!en!los!motores! de! vapor.! La! aleacin,! que! luego! sera! conocido! como! Babbitt,! que! originalmente!consista!en:!!


    El!carcter!prctico!de! la! invencin!de!Babbitt!fue!recompensada!por!el!Congreso!de!EE.UU.!con!una!subvencin!de!$!20,000!para!permitir! la!produccin!de! la!aleacin!para!uso!en!aplicaciones!navales.!Desde!1839,!el!trmino!Babbitt!ha!crecido!para!cubrir!una!serie!de!aleaciones!similares,!todos!ofreciendo!las!mismas!caractersticas!generales!de!la!primera!reduccin!de!friccin!de!metal!de!Isaac!Babbitt.!

    !3.2 Mercado*y*usos*

    !Aplicaciones:*!Las! aplicaciones!actuales!en! las!que! se! requiere!el!uso!de! las! aleaciones! tipo!Babbitt! son!en! los!cojinetes! antifriccin! en! donde! la! aplicacin! de! estos! son!muy! diversas,! y! se! ha! demostrado! el!buen! funcionamiento!de! la! tecnologa! implicada!y!de! las! tcnicas!de! fabricacin!de!este! tipo!de!componentes.! La! funcionalidad! de! los! cojinetes! antifriccin! es! amplsima,! existiendo!numerosas!aplicaciones,!materiales!y!geometras.!Los!cojinetes!de!metal!Babbitt!son!adecuados!para!cargas!grandes!con!velocidades!pequeas,!para!cargas!pequeas!a!grandes!velocidades,!para!dimetros!de! eje! elevados! pero! de! longitud! pequea! y! viceversa,! para! distintos! espesores! de! pared! y!diferentes! requerimientos!mecnicos,! y! todo! con! una! gran! variedad! de!materiales! para! aplicar!segn!sea!conveniente!en!cada!caso.!Tambin!otras!aplicaciones!a!este! tipo!de!aleacin! son! las!turbinas! de! vapor! o! hidrulicas! o! de! gas,! bombas,! trituradoras,! molinos! de! cementeras,!centrifugadoras,! compresoras,!motores! diesel! de! alta! y! baja! revolucin,!motores! y! generadores!elctricos,!motores!a!gas,!vagones!de!ferrocarriles,!motores!y!turbinas!a!vapor,!turbinas!marinas!y!otros.!

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    Un!ejemplo!de!uso!es!en!los!motores!de!combustin!interna,!la!aleacin!Babbitt!es!principalmente!a!base!de!estao,!ya!que!puede!soportar!una!carga!cclica.!Por!otro!lado!a!base!de!plomo!tiende!a!endurecerse! y! desarrollar! grietas! al! trabajar,! pero! es! adecuado! para! ser! mecanizado! con!herramientas!tales!como!tornos!y!sierras.!!!Tipos*de*metales*comerciales:*!

    c Metal!Babbitt!Nquel!c Elementos:!90%!Sn!c!8%!Sb!c!2%!Cu!c Caractersticas!fsicas:!

    c Peso!especfico!=!7.34!c Dureza!brinell!=!21.7!c Dureza!a!la!ruptura!=!1067.2!Kg/cm2!c Lmite!de!fluencia!=!697.4!Kg/cm2!c Punto!de!solidificacin!=!230C!c Punto!de!fusin!=!285C!c Temperatura!para!vaciar!=!365C!

    c Caractersticas:!c Alargamiento!con!tenacidad!y!elasticidad!sin!excesiva!dureza.!c Resistencia!a!la!compresin.!c Ampliamente! recomendable! para! usarse! directamente! en! el! acero! de! las!

    chumaceras.!c Adherencia:!

    c Tiene! menos! probabilidades! de! estrellarse! o! romperse! por! falta! de!adherencia!o!por!fallas!en!el!vaciado!que!cualquier!otro!metal.!

    c Utilizacin:!c Para!utilizarse!en!motores!marinos!o!turbinas,!as!como!maquinaria!mineral!

    tal! como!molinos! giratorios,! de! quijada! o! de! bola! para!machacar!mineral.!compresores! de! aire,! cojinetes! de! motor,! molinos! de! pulpa! y! papel.!calandrias!y!cortadores,!etc.!

    c En!general!en!donde!se!impongan!esfuerzos!y!alta!velocidad.!!

    c Metal!Babbitt!N3!c Elementos:!84%Sn!c!8%Sb!c!8%Cu!c Caractersticas!fsicas:!

    c Peso!especfico!=!7.46!c Dureza!brinell!=!27!c Resistencia!a!la!ruptura!=!1237.6!Kg/cm2!c Lmite!de!elasticidad!=!288.3!Kg/cm2!c Lmite!de!fluencia!=!942.0!Kg/cm2!c Punto!de!solidificacin!=!230C!c Punto!de!fusin!=!240C!c Temperatura!para!vaciar!=!490C!

    !c Metal!!Babbitt!grado!5X!

    c Debe! utilizarse! en! condiciones! de! operacin! severa,! donde! las! razones! econmicas!por!falla!del!cojinete!o!chumacera!son!primordiales.!En!general,!puede!decirse!que!las!

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    propiedades! mecnicas! y! fsicas! del! Babbitt! 5X! superan! a! las! del! Babbitt! 8.! Las!aleaciones! a! base! de! plomo! tienden! a! ablandarse! a! elevadas! temperaturas! ms!rpidamente!que!las!aleaciones!a!base!de!estao.!

    c Propiedades:!!


    3.3 Explicacin*del*proceso*/*Fabricacin*/*Obtencin*!!

    Uno!de!los!mtodos!de!obtencin!y/o!fabricacin!de!las!aleaciones!tipo!Babbitt,!es!el!mtodo!de!vaciado! turbulento,! elaborado! por! los! autores,! (Potekhin! and! Glushenko,! 2006)! consiste! en! lo!siguiente.! En! una! mquina! de! fundicin! especialmente! diseada! y! construida! (Potekhin! et!al.,2004)!sobre!una!mesa!rotatoria!c1!se!colocaba!el!molde!c2,!dentro!del!cual!a!una!distancia!de!1!mm.!de!su!superficie!interior!se!colocaba!una!barra!con!resortes!c3,!sujeta!a!la!barra!fija!c!4.!Una!vez!que!el!molde!estaba!girando!a!una!frecuencia!de!500!rev/min!se!verta!el!babbit! fundido.!El!coeficiente! de! viscosidad! cinemtica! del! metal! fundido! al! ser! removido! aumenta! de! 20,0.10c6!m2/s!a!4000C!a!27,0.10c6!m2/s!a!2500C!(Potekhin!and!Glushenko,!2006).!Siguiendo!el!criterio!del!nmero!de!Reynolds!en!este!proceso!el!mismo!cambia!con!el!enfriamiento!de!la!fundicin!desde!Re=900! a! 4000C! hasta! Re=4000! a! 2500C,! lo! que! se! evidencia! por! los! cambios! del! carcter! del!movimiento!de!la!fundicin!inmediatamente!antes!de!su!cristalizacin!de!laminar!a!intermedio!(de!transicin)! y! posteriormente! turbulento.! Por! esta! razn! este! mtodo! fue! nombrado! por! los!autores!vaciado!turbulento.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    ASTMEstao Antimonio Plomo Cobre gr/cm3 20C 100C 20C 100C 20C 100C C

    No.2 89 7.5 0.03 3.4 7.39 6100 3000 14900 8700 24.5 12 4245X 87 9 4 6300 15000 25 13 470No.3 83.3 8.2 0.03 8.3 7.4 6600 3150 17600 9900 27 14.5 491No.7 10 15 75 G 9.73 3550 1600 15650 6150 22.5 10.5 338No.8 5 15 80 G 10.04 3400 1750 15600 6150 20 9.5 341

    Magnolia 3 14 83 G 10.6 3380 1810 15500 5940 18 9.3 338No.11 G 15 85 0.5 10.28 3050 1400 12800 5100 15 7 332

    StannumI5 9.94 11140 10060 18.1 15.3 350

    ComposicinI% DensidadPuntoIdeI






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    3.4 Correlaciones*microestructuras*/*propiedades*/*manufactura*/*normas***

    Caractersticas*de*Babbitt:*!La!primera!aleacin!antifriccin!de!Isaac!Babbitt!en!1839!consista!en!24!piezas!de!estao,!8!piezas!de!antimonio!y!4!piezas!de!cobre.!Hoy!en!da,! las!aleaciones!Babbitt!cubren!una!amplia!gama!de!composiciones! del! 90%! de! base! de! estao! a! 90%! de! base! de! plomo.! Una! variedad! de!composiciones!aceptadas!dentro!de!esta!gama!son!proporcionadas!por!las!siguientes!Normas:!!ASTM!Bc23!(Sociedad!Americana!de!Prueba!de!Materiales)!QQcTc390A!(especificaciones!del!gobierno!de!EE.UU.)!SAE!J460!(Sociedad!de!Ingenieros!Automotrices)!!Como! se! ve! en! la! norma! ASTM;! QQcT390A! y! tablas! de! SAE,! cada! aleacin! se! compone! de! un!maquillaje!ligeramente!diferentes!para!una!amplia!gama!de!beneficios,!ya!se!trate!de!una!mayor!capacidad!de!soporte!de!carga,!mayor!velocidad!de!superficie!admisible!del!eje!o!de!la!capacidad!de! soportar! altas! temperaturas.! Mientras! que! todas! las! aleaciones! Babbitt! tienen! diferentes!composiciones,!cada!uno!de!ellos!proporciona!una!mezcla!heterognea!similar!de!cristales!duros!entrelazados! y! suaves! matrices! que! exhiben! caractersticas! similares! a! las! del! revestimiento!interior! del! cojinete! original! de! Babbitt.! Esta! estructura! permite! que! el! ! cobre! y! cristales! de!antimonio! se! uniformen! incrustados! en! estao! ms! suave! o! ! en! una! base! de! plomo.! Un!revestimiento! Babbitt! bien! utilizado! tendr! entonces! efectivamente! la! fuerza! para!mantener! su!capacidad!de! soporte!de! carga!al! tiempo!que!proporciona!una! superficie! suficientemente! suave!para! ajustarse! a! las! deformaciones! en! el! eje! para!mantener! suficiente! equilibrio! y! exponer! los!cristales! duros! para!mantener! la! resistencia.! Por! ltimo,! una! superficie! acanalada! comenzar! a!tomar!forma!dentro!de!la!base!suave.!Aunque!no!se!nota,!las!ranuras!absorben!aceite!lubricante!para! ayudar! a! mantener! la! pelcula! de! aceite! necesaria! para! el! cojinete! para! funcionar!eficientemente.! Como! esta! pelcula! de! aceite! se! descompone! con! el! tiempo,! el! revestimiento!Babbitt! proporcionar! suficiente! lubricacin! para! permitir! controlar! un! fracaso! y! posterior!sustitucin!del! revestimiento!Babbitt;!una!eleccin!mucho!ms!econmica!que!el! reemplazo!del!cojinete!en!su!conjunto.!Es!interesante!tener!en!cuenta!que!aunque!los!elementos!independientes!de!su!forma!homognea!pueden!proporcionar!la!resistencia!o!la!suavidad!deseada,!a!menos!que!se! encuentre! aleado! a! una! de! las! pocas! composiciones! qumicas! especficas,! el! compuesto! no!entrelazara!de!manera!uniforme!y!no!proporcionar!una!superficie!de!apoyo!suficiente.!!En! la! industria! de! hoy! en! da,! aleaciones! de! antifriccin! a! base! de! estao! son! fsicamente!muy!superior! a! las! aleaciones! antifriccin! a! base! de! plomo.! La! aleacin! Babbitt! en! base! de! estao!puede! soportar! velocidades! superficiales! de! 1.000! a! 2.000! pies/min! y! una! carga! de! 100c2.000!libras/! La! aleacin! Babbitt! a! base! de! estao! tambin! son! estructuralmente!ms! fuerte,! ya!que!muestran!una!mayor!resistencia!a!la!traccin!y!alargamiento!que!el!Babbitt!a!base!de!plomo.!Estas!cifras!se!presentan!en!las!tablas!1!y!2.!Adems,!aunque!no!claramente!en!comparacin!en!las!tablas!a!continuacin,!a!100!!C,!la!aleacin!a!base!de!plomo!#!7!muestra!una!dureza!de!10,5!HB!mientras!que!la!dureza!de!la!aleacin!a!base!de!estao!#!2!es!22!HB.!!!!!!

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    Tabla*1:!Propiedades!mecnicas!de!Chill!Cast!Aleacin!2!Babbitt!base!estao.!!Aleacin!2!Babbitt!estao!(89!Sn!!7,5!Sb!!3,5!Cu)!! ASTM!B23,!Grado!2!! SAE,!No.!12!! Government!QQcMc161,!Grado!2!! Navy!46M2,!Grado!2!!

    !!!Tabla*2:!Propiedades!mecnicas!de!Chill!Cast!aleacin!7!Babbittbase!plomo.!!Aleacin!7!Babbitt!Plomo!(75!Pb!!15!Sb!!10!Sn)!! ASTM!B23,!Grado!7!! SAE!J460,!No.!14!!

    !!A!pesar!de!la!importante!ventaja!Babbitt!a!base!de!estao!tiene!sobre!Babbitt!a!base!de!plomo,!no!hay! falta! de! demanda! de! Babbitt! a! base! de! plomo! en! la! actualidad.! No! todas! las! aplicaciones!requieren!las!capacidades!de!Babbitt!a!base!de!estao!y,!en!esos!casos,!Babbitt!a!base!de!plomo!puede!ser!suficiente.!Necesitando!slo!el!10%!de!estao!para!obtener! la!mxima!resistencia!a! la!temperatura!ambiente,!Babbitt!a!base!de!plomo!es!una!opcin!mucho!ms!econmica!cuando!se!trabaja!a!una!velocidad!ms!lenta!y/o!con!una!carga!menos!pesada.!!Propiedades*fsicas*y*qumicas:!!

    c Punto!de!cadencia!al!esfuerzo!suficientemente!alto!para!prevenir!deformacin!general!y!suficientemente! bajo! para! permitir! deformaciones! locales! en! los! puntos! de! desgaste.!(Debe!combinarse!con!la!resistencia!a!la!fatiga!ms!alta!posible).!

    c La!aleacin!debe!tener!buenas!propiedades!para!el!vaciado!y!la!fusin,!de!tal!manera!que!sea! estable! en! su! composicin! y! que! se! adhiera! firmemente! en! las! paredes! de! acero! u!otros!materiales!base.!

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    c ndice!de!concentracin!adecuadamente!bajo!al!solidificar.!c Resistencia!a!los!cambios!en!la!temperatura!de!operacin,!de!tal!manera!que!no!se!alteren!

    demasiado!la!dureza!y!otras!propiedades!mecnicas.!c Resistencia!adecuada!a!la!corrosin!por!el!lubricante.!c La!aleacin!debe! tener! resistencia!adecuada!al!desgaste!para!el!uso!particular!en!el!que!

    ser! destinado,! tomando! en! cuenta! que! la! resistencia! al! desgaste! no! es! una! propiedad!absoluta! de! un! material,! sino! que! depende! tambin! de! otros! factores! como! son:!temperatura,! lubricante,!presencia!de!abrasivos!y!geometra!de! la!superficie,!adems!de!los!factores!primarios,!carga!y!velocidad.!

    c Baja!dureza.!c Gran!plasticidad.!c Buena!susceptibilidad!funcional.!c Baja!resistencia!a!la!fatiga.!c Bajo!punto!de!fusin.!c Buena!conductividad!trmica.!c Buena!capacidad!para!retener!pelculas!de!lubricantes.!c Delgado!y!fcilmente!daable.!


    Aleaciones*Babbitt*amarillas*o* rojas*para* cojinetes,*Contienen!casi! siempre!80%!y!hasta!90%!de!cobre!y!adems!hasta!1020%!de!estao!y!a!menudo! zinc!hasta!un!5%.!Estos!materiales!deben!clasificarse!entre!los!bronces!como!se!desprende!de!su!composicin,!su!textura!est!formada!por!cristales!duros!y!uniformes.!Estas!aleaciones!poseen!gran!capacidad!para!soportar!altos!esfuerzos!a!compresin.!*Aleaciones*Babbitt*blancas,*Se!distinguen!esencialmente!de!las!anteriores!en!que!su!textura!est!formada!por!una!masa!fundamental!blanda,!en!el!cual!se!encuentran!incrustados!cristales!duros.!Los!ejes!no!necesitan!estar!ajustados!con!tanta!exactitud!como!los!cojinetes!de!aleacin!amarilla,!pues! la! masa! fundamental! blanda! se! desgasta! con! la! marcha! de! modo! que! los! cristales! duros!dispuestos! por! grupos! son! los! que! al! fin! y! al! cabo! sostienen! al! eje.! Si! la! presin!del! cojinete! es!mayor,! los!cristales!duros!se!aplastan!y! la!superficie!de!apoyo!se!aumenta,!con!lo!que!la!presin!unitaria! se!hace!menor.!Adems!de! su!bajo!punto!de! fusin! tiene! la! ventaja!de!que!en! caso!de!calentarse!el!cojinete!no!hay!desgaste!sino!que!el!metal!se!funde.!*Aleaciones* antifriccin* a* base* de* Plomo* y* Estao,*Metal! BABBIT! es! un! trmino! genrico! para!designar! aleaciones! suaves! con! base! de! estao! y! plomo,! que! se! funden! como! superficies! de!cojinete! o! apoyo! en! tapas! o! respaldos! de! acero,! bronce! o! hierro! fundido.! Los! Babbit! tienen!excelente! capacidad! embebedora! (o! sea! de! encerrar! o! enclavar! dentro! de! s! las! partculas!extraas)!y!conformabilidad!(capacidad!para!deformacin!plstica!y!compensar!las!irregularidades!en! el! cojinete).! La! microestructura! consiste! en! granos! de! dendrita! es! rica! en! plomo! con! una!solucion! solida! en! una! matriz! seudobinaria! eutectica,! contituye! una! matriz! de! SbSn! de! fase!intermetalica!y!rica!en!una!solucion!de!plomo.!!!

  • 10!!




  • 11!!



  • 12!!

    4. Conclusiones*!

    ! Una! aleacin! de! este! tipo! debe! tener! un! limite! elstico! suficiente! para! evitar! una!

    deformacin! general,! pero! lo! bastante! bajo! para! permitir! deformaciones! locales,!combinado!con!propiedades!de!resistencia!a!la!fatiga!tan!elevadas!como!sea!posible.!

    Las!muy!buenas!propiedades!de!friccin,!!a!la!resistencia!a!la!corrosin!y!el!bajo!costo!de!las! aleaciones!Plomo!!Antimonio! c! ! Estao!hace!que! sea! ideal!para!un!amplia! gama!de!aplicaciones.!

    Los! ! cojinetes! con! un!menor! contenido! de!metales! aleados! son!menos! resistentes! a! la!compresin,!y! los!que! tienen!mayor!contenido!de!metales!aleados!son!mas!susceptibles!de!sufrir!fisuracion;!es!necesario!conseguir!un!compromiso!entre!los!dos!casos!para!tener!una!aleacin!antifriccin!adecuada.!

    Las! aleaciones! tipo! Babbitt! deben! tener! bajo! punto! de! fusin! y! buenas! propiedades! de!fusin! y! colada,! para! que! su! composicin! permanezca! sin! modificaciones! despus! de!variaciones! de! temperatura,! y! no! se! oxide! trmicamente.! ! Tambin! debe! adherirse!fcilmente!a!su!soporte!de!metal,!y!no!debe!haber!una!contraccin!destacable!durante!el!enfriamiento,!ni!modificar!sus!propiedades!o!dimensiones!por!envejecimiento.!

    Debe!presentar!una!estructura!de!dos!fases,!consistente!en!partculas!duras!en!una!matriz!dctil.!Las!partculas!duras,!evidentemente,!dan!dureza!a!la!aleacin,!soportando!la!carga,!mientras! que! la! base! dctil! aporta! buenas! propiedades! de! conformabilidad.! Adems,! la!matriz!se!desgasta!de!forma!homognea!hasta!un!nivel!ligeramente!inferior!a!la!fase!ms!dura,!permitiendo!la!formacin!de!pequeos!canales!de!irrigacin!para!la!lubricacin.!

    Las! variaciones! de! temperatura! durante! el! servicio! no! deben! producir! desvos!significativos!en! la!dureza!del!material!o!en! la! resistencia!a! la! fatiga,!ni!en!cualquiera!de!sus!otras!propiedades!mecnicas.!

    La! aleacin! debe! presentar! buena! resistencia! al! desgaste! en! las! condiciones! de! trabajo!impuestas! al! cojinete.!Cabe!destacar!que! la! resistencia! al! desgaste!no!es!una!propiedad!determinada!por!un!solo!metal!o!varios!metales,!sino!por!el!conjunto!de!la!aleacin!y!por!otros! factores! como! la! temperatura,! el! tipo! de! lubricante,! la! presencia! de! impurezas!abrasivas!en!ste,!y!la!forma!geomtrica!de!la!superficie.!

    Adems!debe!tener!resistencia!a!la!corrosin!que!pueda!provocar!el!lubricante,!pues!sta!hara!que!la!superficie!del!cojinete!adquiriera!demasiada!rugosidad.!Si!una!sola!de!las!fases!de! la!aleacin!es!atacada!por! la!corrosin,!existir!una!debilitacin!de! la!estructura,!que!puede! conllevar! efectos! desastrosos.! Los! agentes! corrosivos! ms! habituales! son! los!productos! cidos! que! pueden! aparecer! por! la! oxidacin! de! los! aceites! empleados,! o!incluso!el!agua!marina.!!


  • 13!!

    5. Bibliografa***




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    6. Anexos*

  • Behr Iron & Metal: Non-Ferrous

    Behr Iron & Metal


    208 Quaker Rd.

    Rockford, IL 61104

    P: 815-987-2680

    F: 815-987-2681

    Behr Iron & Metal has established itself within the Babbitt industry by following the same core principles and beliefs that have been the industry standard for nearly 100 years. In 1923, William Cohen of National Lead Company wrote about Babbitt and related affairs in an issue of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. He spoke briefly on the progression of Babbitt through the years, from Isaac Babbitts original Babbitt alloy to todays collection of alloys. At the time of the issue, it was becoming more evident that long-established ideas in the Babbitt industry were, in fact, based on a lack of full knowledge. As the true differences and advantages of different grades of Babbitt were becoming readily available to both suppliers and customers, Babbitt dealers began digging deeper for sales tactics to impress their customers. Using pseudo-scientific jargon, dealers were rambling on about unique methods and alternative, yet infinitesimal, residuals which made their Babbitt superior to the competitors. It was in response to these growing numbers of false claims that Cohen stated:

    It is now well established that such methods are both unwise and unnecessary, since the best alloys can be made by the use of good practice in the art based on skilful experience and well-known metallurgical principles.

    By combining finely tuned processes, a wealth of knowledge stemming from experience and a strong quality control program through ISO 9001 and 14001 certification, Behr Iron & Metal recycles and supplies Babbitt alloys to meet each customers individual needs. Through the use of three melting furnaces, Behr Iron & Metal is capable of simultaneously recycling scrap Babbitt and producing high quality tin- and lead-based alloys without any threat of contamination. BABBITT RECYCLING Babbitt scrap is created as soon as Babbitt begins to melt. Molten metal must be kept free of all impurities and a Babbitt dross will surely be formed when cleaning the surface. As Babbitt is cast onto a bearing, an overspill will likely occur. While machining the babbit-lined bearing back to its specifications, Babbitt turnings will be produced. When repairing a Babbitt lining, the old Babbitt must be melted out before the Babbitting

  • Behr Iron & Metal: Non-Ferrous

    process can begin again. Regardless of form (whether it be dross, spills, clean turnings, contaminated turnings or pigs) Behr Iron & Metal has a processing method specific to your Babbitt scrap. Upon being received by Behr Iron & Metal, each lot of Babbitt scrap is given a unique identification number to track it throughout processing. A processing route is then chosen, based on the condition of the Babbitt scrap, to produce the purest end result possible. As a state-of-the-art scrap processing facility, Behr Iron & Metal manages a variety of equipment to remove impurities from Babbitt scrap and process it for re-use:

    Magnetic separator- Removes steel from Babbitt turnings Rotary dryer - Burns cutting oils and melts Babbitt turnings into sow

    molds Burn chamber - Sweats Babbitt out of steel bearings Crucible furnace - Low-volume, high-temperature furnace melts Babbitt out

    of low-recovery drosses Melting Kettle - Melts each lot of clean Babbitt scrap to be poured into pigs

    and analyzed

    The use of technologically advanced spectrometers, both on-site and through third party testing, allow for the chemical composition of every lot of Babbitt scrap to be analyzed. Any lots containing both a chemical composition and visual appearance similar to a specific grade of Babbitt are re-alloyed to meet the required specifications of the customer. BABBITT PRODUCTION Behr Iron & Metal maintains both the expertise and capability to produce all standard grades of Babbitt or solder as well as any alternative grades a customer should request. Three charts of the more common grades can be seen in the appendix below. Through the use of three melting furnaces (as previously mentioned) and complete certification upon shipment, all Babbitt is guaranteed to be without contamination of any kind and within the pre-determined specifications. The variety of forms in which the metal is available makes it suitable to all needs. All grades of Babbitt are available in both 22x4x3 ingots and 11x2x1 notchbars. The more popular Grade 2 and Grade 7 are also both available in 25lb. wire spools, ideal for puddling and metal spraying. We at Behr Iron & Metal take pride in ensuring our products meet the required specifications 100% of the time. To receive a quote on Babbitt products or to learn more about the Babbitt process at Behr Iron & Metal and how our recycling program can benefit you, please call 815-987-2680 to speak with us.

  • Behr Iron & Metal: Non-Ferrous

    Babbitt Alloys



    Since its introduction as an anti-friction alloy by Isaac Babbitt in 1834, Babbitt has withstood the test of time as a tried and true bearing liner. Today, the term Babbitt covers a collection of white metal alloys consisting generally of a tin or lead base accompanied by antimony and copper. From one Babbitt alloy to the next, slight variations in chemical composition allow for consistent results throughout a wide range of working conditions. Babbitt is most desirable for its heterogeneous structure providing bearings with the advantages of both hard and soft surfaces. As a producer and recycler of Babbitt alloys, Behr Iron & Metal uses finely tuned practices along with a comprehensive quality control program to work towards each customers personal needs. HISTORY OF BABBITT As a skilled goldsmith in Taunton, Massachusetts, Isaac Babbitt began experimenting with alloys around 1824. It was then that Babbitt became the first US producer of table utensils made of Britannia (an alloy similar to Pewter). In 1930, he started a business for this specialized trade known as the Taunton Britannia Manufacturing Company. Shortly thereafter, the company dissipated and, along with his partners, Babbitt was forced to hand over control to two men who had worked their way up through the company ranks. Charles E. Barton and Henry Good Reed resurrected the business and, with a few fresh ideas, gave it what was needed to survive the test of time. The company, which originated with Isaac Babbitt, is still in existence today as Reed and Barton, the world renowned fine tableware marketer. After turning over control of Taunton Britannia Manufacturing Company, Babbitt began working for Algers Foundry and Ordinance Works in South Boston. It was here that he left his mark on the industrial world. In 1834, Babbitt cast the first ever brass cannon in the US. Five years later, Babbitt produced an alloy used to reduce friction in steam engines. The alloy, which would later become known as Babbitt, originally consisted of: 4 Parts Copper 8 Parts Antimony 24 Parts Banca Tin The practical nature of Babbitts invention was rewarded by the U.S. Congress with a $20,000 grant to allow production of the alloy for use in Naval applications. Since 1839, the term Babbitt has grown to cover a number of similar alloys, all providing the same general characteristics of Isaac Babbitts first friction reducing metal.

  • Behr Iron & Metal: Non-Ferrous

    CHARACTERISTICS OF BABBITT Isaac Babbitts first anti-friction alloy in 1839 consisted of 24 parts tin, 8 parts antimony and 4 parts copper. Today, Babbitt alloys cover a wide range of compositions anywhere from 90% tin base to 90% lead base. A variety of accepted compositions within this range are provided by the following sources and can be seen in the appendix:

    ASTM B-23 (American Society of Testing Materials) QQ-T-390A (U.S. Government Specifications) SAE J460 (Society of Automotive Engineers)

    As seen in the ASTM, QQ-T-390A and SAE charts, each alloy consists of a slightly different makeup providing for a wide range of benefits, whether it be a greater load bearing capacity, greater allowable surface speed of the shaft or the ability to withstand higher temperatures. While all Babbitt alloys have differing compositions, each one provides a similar heterogeneous mixture of intertwined hard crystals and soft matrices exhibiting characteristics similar to those of Babbitts original bearing liner. This structure allows for hard copper and antimony crystals to be uniformly embedded within a softer tin or lead base. A well worn Babbitt lining will then effectively have the strength to maintain its load bearing capacity while providing a surface soft enough to conform to irregularities and aid in preserving the bearings oil film. As the Babbitt wears, the soft base will recess and embed any foreign substances to avoid scoring, conform to deformations in the shaft to maintain sufficient equilibrium and expose the hard crystals to maintain strength. Lastly, a grooved surface will begin to take shape within the softer base. Although not noticeable, the grooves absorb lubricating oil helping to maintain the oil film required for the bearing to run efficiently. As this oil film breaks down with time, the Babbitt lining will provide enough lubrication to allow for a controlled failure and subsequent replacement of the Babbitt lining; a far more economical choice than replacement of the bearing as a whole. It is interesting to consider that although the independent elements in their homogenous form may provide the strength or softness desired, unless alloyed to one of a few specific chemical compositions, the compound will not interlace uniformly and therefore will not provide a sufficient bearing surface. In industry today, tin-based Babbitt alloys are, physically, far superior to lead-based Babbitt alloys. Tin-based Babbitt can withstand surface speeds of 1,000 to 2,400 ft/min and loads of 100-2,000 lbs/sq. in., easily surpassing the lead-based Babbitt limits of 100-1,000 ft/min and 100-500 lbs/sq. in. Tin-based Babbitt alloys are also structurally stronger as they exhibit greater tensile strength and elongation than lead-based Babbitt. These numbers are laid out in Tables 1 and 2 for two of Behr Iron & Metal most commonly requested products, Grade 2 and Grade 7 Babbitt. Additionally, although not clearly compared in the tables below, at 100 C (212 F), lead-based Alloy #7 shows a hardness of 10.5 HB while the hardness of tin-based Alloy #2 is 22 HB.

  • Behr Iron & Metal: Non-Ferrous

    Table 1: Mechanical Properties of Chill Cast Tin-Base Babbitt Alloy 2

    Tin Babbitt Alloy 2 ( 89 Sn 7.5 Sb 3.5 Cu)

    ASTM B23, Grade 2

    SAE, No. 12

    Government QQ-M-161, Grade 2

    Navy 46M2, Grade 2

    Temperature Tensile Strength

    C F MPa Ksi


    % (a)


    In Area, %

    20 68 (b) 77 11.2 18 25

    49 120 63 9.2 24 27

    100 212 (c) 45 6.5 23 28

    149 300 28 4.0 32 38

    175 345 20 2.9 38 44

    (a) Gage length equals 4 area. (b) Compressive yield strength, 0.125% set, 42 MPa (6.1 ksi); compressive strength, 25% set, 103 MPa (14.9 ksi). (c) Compressive yield strength, 0.125% set, 21 MPa (3.0 ksi); compressive yield strength,

    25% set, 60 MPa (8.7 ksi).

    Table 2: Mechanical Properties of Chill Cast Lead-Base Babbitt Alloy 7

    Lead Babbitt Alloy 7 ( 75 Pb 15 Sb 10 Sn)

    ASTM B23, Grade 7

    SAE J460, No. 14

    Temperature Tensile Strength

    C F MPa ksi

    Elongation %

    Hardness, HB

    25 77 72 10.5 4 22

    100 212 38 5.5 25 10.5

    150 302 21 3.0 52 8

    Even with the significant advantage tin-based Babbitt holds over lead-based Babbitt, there is no lack of demand for lead-based Babbitt today. Not every application requires the full capabilities of tin-based Babbitt and, in those cases, lead-based Babbitt may suffice. Needing only 10% tin to obtain maximum strength at room temperature, lead-based Babbitt is a much more economical choice when work is being done at a slower speed and/or with a less heavy load.

  • Behr Iron & Metal: Non-Ferrous

    CASTING OF BABBITT The true value of a bearings Babbitt lining lies deeper than just the cost of having Babbitt cast into that bearing. Just as any other profitable function, if a piece of equipment does not live up to its expectations, money is lost. As far as a Babbitt lining is concerned, the two factors which determine value are effectiveness and lifespan. Assuming that the Babbitt used meets the required chemistry, the most crucial part to increasing the lifespan, and therefore value, of a Babbitt lining is ensuring it is properly cast and maintains a strong bond to the bearing. The bond strength can be maximized by ensuring a number of steps are taken before casting. Prepare the bearing surface

    By giving the bearing a phonographic (grooved) or otherwise rough finish, the potential bond strength will be greatly increased in a way similar to duct tape showing greater adhesion to a rough, versus a smooth, surface. As grooves are created in the bearing, the surface area is effectively increased allowing for a greater number of bond points.

    Clean the bearing surface

    Exposure to cutting oils, grease, dirt and even oils from our own skin decreases the potential bond strength of the bearing. A thorough cleaning of the bearing in any variety of caustic or acidic baths should efficiently remove all oil and grease.

    Tin the bearing

    Tinning provides a fine layer, generally of pure tin, between the bearing metal and the Babbitt which adheres to both metals and provides a stronger bond. In large operations, bearings can be submerged in a tin tank, best maintained at around 600F. It is important to keep the surface of the tin tank clean in order for the clean bearing to remain free of contaminates. After submerging the bearing in the tin tank, a thin, silvery layer should result. At this point the bearing is ready to accept the Babbitt lining through one of multiple casting techniques.

    Depending on the bearing type, various methods of casting Babbitt can be used. A decision must be made between hand (static) casting, centrifugal casting, spray casting and puddling based on the situation at hand as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each casting method. Hand casting (static casting)

    This method is typically called upon for Babbitting thrust shoes or abnormally shaped bearings, but may also be used for journal bearings where any of the alternative methods are not feasible. The term static casting is simply derived from the process of pouring Babbitt directly onto a stationary bearing. In order for the Babbitt to form an acceptable bond, a mold must be created which will fill all voids in the bearing and hold the molten metal in place as it cools. This mold should be made to hold a generous amount of Babbitt. Excess Babbitt is needed as it will decrease in volume as it cools. In the case of a journal bearing, a shaft should also be used as a barrier for the Babbitt. At this point, the bearing is ready

  • Behr Iron & Metal: Non-Ferrous

    for tinning. While in the tinning tank, it is important to allow enough time for the bearing to become thoroughly heated. This allows for a more consistent cooling pattern and a stronger bond. If a shaft is being used, heat it as well until it reaches a temperature well above that of the bearing to ensure the Babbitt cools first at the bearing. When the bearing has reached a temperature near that of the tinning tank and the shaft has been heated to a sufficient temperature, immediately begin pouring. If at all possible, use a ladle large enough so that multiple pours are not necessary. If pouring ceases, so that the ladle may be refilled, separation will occur greatly diminishing the overall strength of the Babbitt layer. Also, avoid pouring the entire ladle directly onto a single point on the bearing surface. This will cause the point to become overheated resulting in unnecessary stress to the bearing and an inconsistent cooling pattern in the Babbitt. Overall, hand casting is an effective Babbitting method in the instances where centrifugal or spray casting are not practical. When applied correctly, the Babbitt layer will have both an acceptable bond strength and consistency.

    Centrifugal casting

    Providing the best bond strength and among the most consistent layers (along with spray casting), centrifugal casting is the preferred casting method for cylindrical bearings of manageable size. In this method, centrifugal force is used to express the Babbitt outward against the bearing surface. Similar to hand casting, all voids must first be filled before the bearing can be tinned. After tinning, the bearing is placed perpendicular to any variety of vertical spinning surfaces. A second surface, with a hole to allow for pouring, is placed over the opposite end of the bearing to hold the Babbitt in place. The bearing must be perfectly centered on the machine to assure it remains equilibrated throughout the process. The slightest loss of equilibrium will cause an asymmetrical Babbitt layer. By placing a heated pipe through the pour hole and a funnel at the other end of the pipe, Babbitt can be poured at a consistent rate into the bearing. After pouring, use water to cool the outside of the bearing shell. Allow the Babbitt to solidify before stopping the rotation. Through centrifugal casting, separation will tend to occur as the force will affect all elements of the alloy differently. In tin-based Babbitt, for instance, copper has more mass than tin or antimony and will tend to expel further outward embedding itself deep into the Babbitt layer. Segregation can be easily eliminated by reducing the rotational speed (RPM) of the bearing, however doing so will also weaken the bond. To minimize segregation while still providing sufficient force, the rotational speed must vary, depending on the bearing size, to reach a set tangential velocity (m/s2). Tangential velocity refers to the effect that radius has on a rotating object. In an instance where two people are standing on the same rotating disc, but at different distances from the center, the person further from the center will be traveling faster than the person nearer the center. Due to the increased velocity, the person further from the center will also be experiencing a greater centrifugal force. Therefore, for bearings of larger diameter, less revolutions per minute (RPMs) are required to maintain the same centrifugal force.

  • Behr Iron & Metal: Non-Ferrous


    An excellent method for repairing an outer diameter is metal spraying. With the exception of typically lesser bond strength compared with centrifugal casting, spraying provides a high-quality Babbitt surface. Depending on the specific style of spraying used, the technicalities and characteristics will vary slightly, but overall the process allows for the most control and eliminates voids as well as any other casting method. Two of the more popular spray methods, arc spraying and flame spraying, are quite similar in practice. Both consist of a gun through which wire is fed, melted and sprayed. In an arc sprayer, two wires are simultaneously fed through the gun and melted by an electrical load. Compressed air then forces the molten metal away from the wires and onto the bearing surface. Similarly, in a flame sprayer, wire is fed into the gun, heated by an oxygen/gas-fed flame and sprayed by compressed air. Arc sprayers tend to provide a more efficient and consistent spray when compared to flame sprayers, however they do not allow for the portability that makes flame sprayers attractive. A major downfall of metal spraying, in general, is that it can create a fairly substantial health hazard. Large amounts of smoke, atomized metal and tin oxide, which result from the process, require the use of a filter mask and sufficient ventilation. Metal spraying techniques should only be practiced under well-ventilated conditions by thoroughly knowledgeable persons.


    As a method to provide quick, small scale repairs to an existing Babbitt surface, puddling is a less intensive Babbitting method. It is not a practical method for large scale repairs as it does not yield the strength nor uniformity of a completely re-cast Babbitt lining, however it is an efficient method for repairing surface scars. Due to its low melting temperature, Babbitt can easily be melted directly into a well-prepped void and machined back to the original specifications.

  • Behr Iron & Metal: Non-Ferrous

    ASTM B-23 Chemical Compositions

    Grade 1 2 3 11 7 8 13 15

    Tin 90.0-92.0 88.0-90.0 83.0-85.0 86.0-89.0 9.3-10.7 4.5-5.5 5.5-6.5 0.8-1.2

    Antimony 4.0-5.0 7.0-8.0 7.5-8.5 6.0-7.5 14.0-16.0 14.0-16.0 9.5-10.5 14.5-17.5

    Lead < 0.35 < 0.35 < 0.35 < 0.50 remainder remainder remainder remainder

    Copper 4.0-5.0 3.0-4.0 7.5-8.5 5.0-6.5 < 0.50 < 0.50 < 0.50 < 0.60

    Iron (% Max)

    0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10

    Arsenic < 0.10 < 0.10 < 0.10 < 0.10 0.30-0.60 0.30-0.60 0.25 0.8-1.4

    Bismuth (% Max)

    0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10

    Zinc (% Max)

    0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005

    Aluminum (% Max)

    0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005

    Cadmium (% Max)

    0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05

    Total Named


    > 99.80 > 99.80 > 99.80 > 99.80 n/a n/a n/a n/a

  • Behr Iron & Metal: Non-Ferrous

    QQ-T-390A Chemical Compositions

    Alloy # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 13

    Tin (%)






    4.5-5.5 9.3-10.7




    Antimony (%)

    4.0-5.0 7.0-8.0 7.5-8.5 12.0-14.0







    Lead (%)

    0.351 0.351 0.351 0.25 24.0-26.0






    Copper (%)

    4.0-5.0 3.0-4.0 7.5-8.5 5.0-6.0 2.5-3.5 .501 .501 .601 0.40-0.60


    Iron (% Max)

    0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10

    Arsenic (% Max)

    0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.60 (3) 0.20 0.20

    Zinc (% Max)

    0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005

    Aluminum (% Max)

    0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005

    Bismuth (% Max)

    0.08 0.08 0.08 - - - - - - -

    Others (% Max)

    0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.30 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.75

    1- Maximum 2- A narrower range of Antimony within the limits stated may be specified, but the

    spread shall not be less than 1.00 percent. 3- 0.80-1.40

  • Behr Iron & Metal: Non-Ferrous

    SAE J460 Chemical Compositions

    Number 11 12 13 14 15 16

    Tin < 86.0 < 88.0 5.0-7.0 9.2-10.7 0.9-1.3 3.5-4.7

    Antimony 6.0-7.5 7.0-8.0 9.0-11.0 14.0-16.0 14.0-15.5 3.0-4.0

    Lead < 0.50 < 0.50 remainder remainder remainder remainder

    Copper 5.0-6.5 3.0-4.0 < 0.50 < 0.50 < 0.50 < 0.10

    Iron (% Max)

    0.08 0.08

    Arsenic < 0.10 < 0.10 < 0.25 < 0.6 0.8-1.2 < 0.05

    Bismuth (% Max)

    0.08 0.08 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10

    Zinc (% Max)

    0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005

    Aluminum (% Max)

    0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005

    Cadmium (% Max)

    0.05 0.05 0.02 0.005

    Others (% Max)

    0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.40

  • Behr Iron & Metal: Non-Ferrous

    Lead Alloy Chemical Compositions

    Number 6/2 Bullet Lead

    8/2 Bullet Lead

    1:20 Cowboy Lead

    Antimonial (Hard) Lead

    Tin 2.0 2.5 2.0 2.5 5.0 5.5 < 0.50

    Antimony 6.0 6.5 8.0 8.5 < 0.50 CUSTOM

    Lead remainder remainder remainder remainder

    Copper < 0.10 < 0.10 < 0.10 < 0.50

    Iron (% Max)

    0.08 0.08

    Arsenic < 0.10 < 0.10 < 0.10 < 0.10

    Bismuth (% Max)

    0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08

    Zinc (% Max)

    0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005

    Aluminum (% Max)

    0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005

    Cadmium (% Max)

    0.05 0.05

    Others (% Max)

    0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20

  • 9th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology

    Medelln, Colombia WE1- 1 August 3-5, 2011

    Ninth LACCEI Latin American and Caribbean Conference (LACCEI2011), Engineering for a Smart Planet, Innovation, Information Technology and Computational Tools for Sustainable Development, August 3-5, 2011, Medelln, Colombia.

    Propiedades especiales del babbit b-83, obtenido por el mtodo de fundicin turbulento.

    Hernndez Arcelio A., Potekhin Boris A., Castellanos Lus M., Khristolyubov Alexei S.

    Universidad de Cienfuegos, Cienfuegos, Cuba, Universidad Estatal Tcnico Forestal de los Urales, Ekaterinburgo,

    Federacin Rusa, Universidad Tecnolgica de Bolvar, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.

    RESUMEN Se estableci la dependencia entre la estructura del babbit marca B83, obtenido por diferentes mtodos de vaciado y sus propiedades. Se demostr que la segregacin (separacin debida a la diferencia de densidad de los componentes) durante el vaciado centrfugo influye negativamente en la resistencia a la fatiga y las propiedades tribolgicas. Se propone un mtodo nuevo y perfeccionado del mtodo de vaciado centrfugo del babbit B83, que garantiza la cristalizacin de los compuestos intermetlicos SnSb y Cu3Sn de la aleacin fundida en movimiento turbulento, lo cual no solo elimina la segregacin sino que convierte el compuesto intermetlico SnSb de agujas afiladas a forma globular. Esto eleva la resistencia a la fatiga y permite deformar la aleacin fundida B83 a 200C en los lmites de 40%.

    Palabras claves: babbits, mtodos de fundicin, propiedades, rgimen turbulento

    ABSTRACT Dependence between the structure of babbit mark B83, obtained by different casting methods and its properties was established. It was showed that segregation (separation due to the difference in density of the components) during the centrifugal casting had a negative influence on the fatigue resistance and tribological properties. Authors propose a new and improved method of centrifugal casting of babbit B83, which guarantees the crystallization of inter metallic compounds Cu3Sn and SnSb from molten alloy in turbulent motion, which not only eliminates the segregation but becomes SnSb inter metallic compound from sharp needles form to globular. This raises the fatigue resistance and allows deforming the molten alloy B83 at 2000C within the limits of 40%. Key words: babbits, casting methods, properties, turbulent regime

    1. INTRODUCCIN En muchas piezas para la construccin de maquinaria se emplean ampliamente aleaciones de deslizamiento, en particular los babbits. Por sus propiedades antifriccin los babbits superan a todas las restantes aleaciones de deslizamiento, pero las afectan significativamente su resistencia a la fatiga, lo cual influye en la capacidad de trabajo general de los cojinetes (Chichinadze et al., 2003). Los babbits poseen baja dureza (13 32 HB), tienen temperatura de fusin no muy alta (240 3200C), elevada capacidad de reblandecimiento (9-24 HB a 1000C), se pueden procesar de forma excelente y constituyen un compensador muy particular de diferente gnero de imprecisiones del tratamiento de la capa antifriccin y de montaje de los cojinetes. El mejor conjunto de propiedades antifriccin las poseen los babbits en base a estao (B88, B83, B83S). Debido a su alto contenido de estao, elemento que permanece caro, los mismos se usan preferentemente para cojinetes de alta responsabilidad, empleados en turbinas de vapor, piezas, ejes de distribucin de motores de baja potencia, compresores, etc. que trabajan a grandes velocidades y sometidos a altas cargas (Arzamasov et al., 1990),

  • 9th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology

    Medelln, Colombia WE1- 2 August 3-5, 2011

    (Kazanski et al., 2004). Segn la norma GOST 1320-98 la composicin qumica del babbit en base a estao B83 es 10,0-12,0 % Sb y 5,5-6,5 % Cu y consta de una matriz relativamente blanda de solucin slida de antimonio y cobre en estao (fase ) y cristales slidos de los compuestos intermetlicos SnSb (fase ) y Cu3Sn (fase ) distribuidos en dicha matriz (figura 1). Una de las principales insuficiencias de los babbits en base a estao lo constituye su baja deformabilidad a causa de las formas afiladas, puntiagudas y aciculares de los compuestos intermetlicos SnSb y Cu3Sn (Barykin et al., 2001). Esta forma de los cristales los convierte en fuertes concentradores de tensiones durante las cargas mecnicas y excluye la obtencin de cojinetes de deslizamiento por la va de la deformacin del babbit en base a estao, y esto, a su vez, estrecha su regin de aplicacin racional.

    Figura 1. Microestructura del babbit B83.

    Otra insuficiencia de los babbits en base a estao es su inhomogeneidad estructural que aparece especialmente durante la fundicin por el mtodo centrfugo y que est relacionada, en primer lugar, con la segregacin por densidad de los componentes. Las anteriormente mencionadas deficiencias estructurales estn ausentes en el babbit B83, vaciado por el nuevo mtodo turbulento de fundicin (Potekhin and Glushenko, 2006), desarrollado por los autores. El objetivo del presente trabajo es el estudio de las propiedades del babbit B83, vertido por el mtodo turbulento de fundicin. 2. MATERIALES Y MTODOS DE INVESTIGACIN. Durante la realizacin del trabajo se investigaron las propiedades en lingotes en forma de casquillos de altura 70 mm con dimetro de carga 85 mm y espesor de pared de 12 mm. En la figura 2a se muestran las zonas interna (1), central (2) y externa (3) del casquillo fundido de babbit B83, obtenido por los mtodos de fundicin centrfugo, de sifn y turbulento, en las cuales se llev a cabo la investigacin.

    a b

    Figura 2. Zonas de vaciado del casquillo investigadas (a). Dispositivo para el lograr el rgimen turbulento de cristalizacin (b)

  • 9th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology

    Medelln, Colombia WE1- 3 August 3-5, 2011

    El mtodo de vaciado turbulento, elaborado por los autores, (Potekhin and Glushenko, 2006) consiste en lo siguiente (ver figura 2b). En una mquina de fundicin especialmente diseada y construida (Potekhin et al., 2004) sobre una mesa rotatoria -1 se colocaba el molde -2, dentro del cual a una distancia de 1 mm. de su superficie interior se colocaba una barra con resortes -3, sujeta a la barra fija - 4. Una vez que el molde estaba girando a una frecuencia de 500 rev/min se verta el babbit fundido. El coeficiente de viscosidad cinemtica del metal fundido al ser removido aumenta de 20,0.10-6 m2/s a 4000C a 27,0.10-6 m2/s a 2500C (Potekhin and Glushenko, 2006). Siguiendo el criterio del nmero de Reynolds en este proceso el mismo cambia con el enfriamiento de la fundicin desde Re=900 a 4000C hasta Re=4000 a 2500C, lo que se evidencia por los cambios del carcter del movimiento de la fundicin inmediatamente antes de su cristalizacin de laminar a intermedio (de transicin) y posteriormente turbulento. Por esta razn este mtodo fue nombrado por los autores vaciado turbulento. Las investigaciones metalogrficas fueron realizadas en el microscopio POLAM P-312 Neophot 32 con fotografas en la videocmara Lumenera LU 375C con un posterior tratamiento de los resultados con el programa SIAMS PhotoLab. Dicho programa se us para la comparacin de los parmetros geomtricos de los cristales de SnSb (fase E) en el babbit B83 en dependencia del mtodo de fundicin. La deformabilidad de las muestras de babbits se evalu por medio de la compresin de las muestras en una instalacin especialmente construida y la localizacin del grado de deformacin bajo el cual se iniciaba la formacin de grietas en los cristales del compuesto intermetlico SnSb. Durante esto en cada caso se analizaron secciones de la muestra con una cantidad total de cristales de SnSb desde 30 hasta 100. El ensayo para la determinacin de la resistencia a la fatiga consista en la flexin en un extremo de muestras planas con una amplitud de la deformacin dada, la cual era calculada a partir de la tensin que deseaba aplicarse y que variaba segn un ciclo simtrico con frecuencia de 50 Hz (figura 3).

    Figura 3. (a) Esquema de la instalacin para los ensayos de fatiga: 1 electroimanes, que trabajan a

    contrafase; 2 muestra ensayada; 3 panel de mando. (b) Construccin de las muestras del babbit B83 para los ensayos de fatiga: 1 lmina de babbit, 2 placa de acero.

  • 9th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology

    Medelln, Colombia WE1- 4 August 3-5, 2011

    El coeficiente de friccin del babbit B83, obtenido por diferentes mtodos de fundicin se determin para diferentes regmenes de ensayo de carga-velocidad en condiciones de capa lmite del aceite para turbinas marca TP-22. Los ensayos se llevaron a cabo segn una metodologa elaborada en la instalacin computarizada de friccin del tipo de torsin segn el esquema de disco- muestras en forma de deditos (Potekhin et al., 2006). 3. RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIN DE LOS RESULTADOS. Las estructuras ms caractersticas del babbit B83, obtenido por los mtodos de sifn, turbulento y centrfugo de fundicin estn mostradas en la figura 4. La distribucin de los compuestos intermetlicos SnSb y Cu3Sn en el babbit B83, vertido por el mtodo de sifn (entrada lenta del metal desde abajo en el molde metlico), es bastante uniforme, tanto por la altura del lingote, casquillo, como por su seccin transversal (figura 4, a). No aparece una segregacin por densidad notable. Para los lingotes obtenidos por el mtodo centrfugo es caracterstica una diferencia sustancial en las estructuras de las zonas interna y externa (figura 4, b) y d). De esta forma, en la capa de trabajo del casquillo del cojinete de deslizamiento (zona interna) la composicin qumica, estructural y de fases no corresponden con la del babbit B83.

    Figura 4. Estructura del babbit B83, obtenido por diferentes mtodos de vaciado: de sifn; b

    turbulento; c centrfugo (zona interna); d centrfugo (zona externa)

    Las condiciones particulares de cristalizacin del babbit B83, vaciado por el mtodo turbulento, garantizaron la obtencin de una estructura ms dispersa con tamao significativamente menor de los cristales del compuesto intermetlico SnSb y su globulizacin.

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    Medelln, Colombia WE1- 5 August 3-5, 2011

    El babbit de la marca B83 y sus anlogos se usan exclusivamente como aleaciones fundidas y slo en forma de lingotes por causa de su no deformabilidad a temperatura ambiente. El motivo de esto radica en la fragilidad de los compuestos intermetlicos puntiagudos de SnSb, formados en el proceso de fundicin por los mtodos de sifn y centrfugo. En la figura 5 se muestra cmo despus de la deformacin por compresin () en un 4 % de este babbit, obtenido por el mtodo de vaciado de sifn (lnea 2), en los compuestos intermetlicos SnSb se forman grietas (a); durante la deformacin en un 15-20 % los compuestos intermetlicos se destruyen por cizallamiento (b) y para valores superiores d la deformacin por encima del 30 % se desmoronan (c). De esta manera, el babbit B83 con compuestos intermetlicos puntiagudos, afilados durante la deformacin plstica ya en un 4 % comienza a destruirse con la formacin de grietasen el compuesto intermetlico SnSb. Este mismo babbit B83 con compuesto intermetlico SnSb en forma globular (lnea 1) no se destruye durante la deformacin por laminado hasta 45 %. De esta forma, el vaciado turbulento transforma la aleacin fundida B83 en deformada en fro, lo cual ampla la posibilidad de su uso racional.

    Figura 5. Influencia del grado de deformacin plstica () por compresin en la cantidad de cristales

    destruidos del compuesto intermetlico SnSb en el babbit B83 vertido por el mtodo turbulento (lnea 1) y de sifn (lnea 2). Grados de deformacin a) 4 %; b) 15 %; c) 30 %

    Los ensayos de fatiga del babbit B83 en diferente estado estructural mostraron la dependencia sustancial de la resistencia a la fatiga de la morfologa del compuesto intermetlico SnSb y de la distribucin del SnSb y el Cu3Sn por la seccin transversal del lingote. En la figura 6 se brindan las curvas de fatiga del babbit B83, vertido por los mtodos investigados. El babbit del vaciado por el mtodo de sifn (curva 3) tiene una elevada resistencia a la fatiga, igual a travs de toda su seccin. Un valor ms alto del lmite de fatiga tiene el babbit con compuestos intermetlicos globulares (curva 4). Evidentemente la causa de esto es la menor concentracin de tensiones.

  • 9th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology

    Medelln, Colombia WE1- 6 August 3-5, 2011

    Figura 6. Curvas de fatiga del babbit B83 obtenido por diferentes mtodos de fundicin: zonas internas y

    externas del vaciado centrfugo (curvas 1 y 2 respectivamente), vaciados de sifn y turbulento (curvas 3 y 4 respectivamente).

    Las diferencias en la estructura del babbit B83, condicionadas por la segregacin, formadas de manera distinta en el proceso de fundicin influyen significativamente en la principal propiedad de servicio de este babbit, su coeficiente de friccin (ver figura 7).

    Figura 7. Dependencia del coeficiente de friccin del babbit B83 de la presin especfica a) y de la

    velocidad de deslizamiento b): 1- vaciado segn mtodo de sifn; 2 - mtodo de vaciado turbulento; 3 - mtodo de vaciado centrfugo - zona 1; 4 - mtodo de vaciado centrfugo - zona 3.

    El babbit obtenido por los mtodos de vaciado de sifn y turbulento tiene igual coeficiente de friccin (curvas 1 y 2). De esta manera, la diferente morfologa de los compuestos intermetlicos en el caso dado (vea figura 4 a y b) no ejerce influencia en el coeficiente de friccin a causa de que el rea de la superficie de apoyo (rea total de la

  • 9th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology

    Medelln, Colombia WE1- 7 August 3-5, 2011

    seccin de los compuestos intermetlicos) queda en ambos casos igual. Pero en el caso del babbit obtenido por el mtodo de fundicin centrfugo como consecuencia de la separacin de los compuestos metlicos (figura 4 c y d) su rea en la zona de friccin disminuy. Acerca de esto, aparte de la estructura, es testigo la dureza HB de la zona 1 (ver figura 1 a), la cual es de 24 unidades mientras que despus de vaciado por el mtodo de sifn es de 28 unidades. El coeficiente de friccin del mtodo de vaciado centrfugo es 1,5 -2,0 veces ms alto que en los de sifn y turbulento. 4. CONCLUSIONES. 1. Se moderniz el mtodo de fundicin centrfugo con aplicacin a aleaciones que trabajan en condiciones de deslizamiento como ejemplo en el babbit marca B83, lo que permiti obtener el compuesto qumico SnSb en forma globular debido a su cristalizacin a partir del movimiento turbulento del metal fundido. 2. La resistencia a la fatiga del babbit obtenido por el mtodo propuesto resulta 1,5 veces ms alta que el obtenido por el mtodo de fundicin de sifn y 2 veces ms alta que el obtenido por la fundicin centrfuga en los ensayos en base a 2.106 ciclos. 3. El coeficiente de friccin del babbit obtenido mediante el vaciado turbulento es de 1,5 a 2 veces inferior que el del babbit obtenido por fundicin centrfuga. 4. El babbit obtenido por vaciado turbulento, como consecuencia de la esferoidizacin de los cristales de los compuestos intermetlicos resulta del tipo deformado en fro, lo que ampla el campo de su aplicacin racional. 5. El nuevo mtodo de vertido turbulento de los cojinetes de deslizamiento, no solo elimina la inhomogeneidad producto de la segregacin y mejora cualitativamente la morfologa de los compuestos intermetlicos en el babbit B83, sino que lo lleva a un nuevo nivel de conjugacin de propiedades tecnolgicas, mecnicas y de servicio de esta aleacin antifriccin, lo que ampla la posibilidad para el uso ms racional del babbit B83.

    5. REFERENCIAS 1. Chichinadze A. V., Berliner .V., Berliner E.., Braun E.D. y otros. Friccin, desgaste y lubricacin (tribologa y tribotcnica); Bajo la redaccin general de .V. Chichinadze. Mosc. Mashinoestraenie, 2003, 576 pginas. (En ruso). 2. Arzamasov B. N., Brostem V. A., Buche N. A. y otros. Materiales de construccin. Manual. Bajo la redaccin general de B. N. Arzamasov. Mosc. Mashinoestraenie, 1990, 688 pginas. (En ruso). 3. Kazanski V. N., Yasikov A. E., Belikova N. Z. Cojinetes y sistemas de lubricacin de turbinas de vapor. 3ra edicin corregida y aumentada Cheliabinsk. Tsitsero, 2004, 484 pginas. (En ruso). 4. Barykin N. P., Sadikov F. A., Danilenko V. N., Aslanian I. R. Acerca del problema de la estructura del babbit B83. Ciencia de Materiales. 2001. 8, pginas 24-27. (En ruso) 5. Instalacin para el amasado turbulento del metal que cristaliza durante el proceso de fundicin centrfuga. Patente 53947 Federacin Rusa: P 22D 7/04 (2006.01) / Potekhin B. ., Glushenko . N.; solicitante y poseedor de la patente Universidad Estatal Tcnico Forestal de los Urales - 2005135247/22; solicitado: 14.11.05; publicado: 10.06.06. Boletn 16. 7 pginas. (En ruso)

  • 9th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology

    Medelln, Colombia WE1- 8 August 3-5, 2011

    6. Instalacin para el vertido de cojinetes de deslizamiento. Patente 38649 Federacin Rusa: P 7 22D 7/04 (2006.01) / Potekhin B. ., Glushenko . N. Iliushin V. V.; solicitante y poseedor de la patente Universidad Estatal Tcnico Forestal de los Urales - 2004101513/20; solicitado: 19.04.04; publicado: 10.07.04. Boletn 19. 6 pginas. (En ruso) 7. Potekhin B. ., Glushenko . N., Iliushin V. V. Propiedades del babbit marca B83. Tecnologa de los Metales. 2006. 3, pginas 17-22. (En ruso) Autorizacin y Renuncia Los autores autorizan a LACCEI para publicar el escrito en las memorias de la conferencia. LACCEI o los editores no son responsables ni por el contenido ni por las implicaciones de lo que esta expresado en el escrito.

  • AbstractIn this paper, the babbitting of a bearing in boiler feed

    pump of an electromotor has been studied. These bearings have an important role in reducing the shut down times in the pumps, compressors and turbines. The most conventional method in babbitting is casting as a melting method. The comparison between thermal spray and casting methods in babbitting shows that the thermal spraying babbitt layer has better performance and tribological behavior. The metallurgical and tribological analysis such as SEM, EDS and wet chemical analysis has been made in the Babbitt alloys and worn surfaces. Two type of babbitt materials: tin-base and lead-base babbitt was used. The benefits of thermally sprayed babbitt layers are completely clear especially in large bearings.

    KeywordsThermal spray, Babbitting, Bonding, Bearing,

    BFP, CWP

    I. INTRODUCTION ABBITT, also called Babbitt metal or bearing metal, is an alloy used for the bearing surface in a plain bearing. The original Babbitt metal was invented in 1839 by Isaac

    Babbitt [1] in Taunton, Massachusetts, USA. To deemphasize the term's eponymous character, modern writers sometimes lowercase it (Babbitt). [2], [3]. It is preferred over the term "white metal," which also refers to bearing metal, because "white metal" has other meanings.Babbitt metal is most commonly used as a thin surface layer in a complex, multi-metal structure, but its original use was as a cast-in-place bulk bearing material. Babbitt metal is characterized by its resistance to galling. Babbitt metal is soft and easily damaged, which suggests that it might be unsuitable for a bearing surface. However, its structure is made up of small hard crystals dispersed in a softer metal, which makes it a metal matrix composite. As the bearing be worn, the softer metal erodes somewhat, which creates paths for lubricant between the hard high spots that provide the actual bearing surface. When tin is used as the softer metal, friction causes the tin to melt and function as a lubricant, which protects the bearing from wear when other lubricants are absent. Thermal spraying techniques are coating processes in which melted materials are sprayed onto a surface. The "feedstock" is heated by electrical (plasma or arc) or combustion flame. Coating quality is usually assessed by measuring its porosity, oxide content, macro and micro-hardness, bond strength and surface roughness. Generally, the coating quality increases with increasing particle velocities. [4] Several variations of thermal spraying are distinguished:

    M.Jalali Azizpour and H.Mohammadi majd are with Islamic Azad University Ahwaz branch Iran.(corresponding author to provide phone: +986113358491; fax: +986113358490; e-mail: mjalali@

    S.Norouzi is with Noushirvani University of Technology.

    x Cold spraying x Detonation spraying x Flame spraying(wire and arc) x High-velocity oxy-fuel coating spraying (HVOF) x Plasma spraying x Warm spraying x Wire arc spraying

    In this study we use the flame spraying and casting

    processes for babbitting a bearing in the boiler feed pump of an electromotor with tin and lead base babbitt.

    II. EXPERIMENTAL PROCIDURE The main DE and NDE bearings of an electromotor (Fig.1)

    and circulation water pump (CWP) (Fig.2) are selected as substrates. The revolution per minute for shafts in boiler feed pump is 3000 RPM and in CW pump is 400 RPM. So we selected tin based babbitt for DE and NDE bearing (No.11) and lead based (No.13) babbitt (both according to ASTM B-23) for CWP bearing. Table 1 shows the chemical composition of used babbitt by wet chemical composition analysis (according to ASTM E354). AISI 1045 steel (according to DIN1.1191) was used as substrate material. Two method of coating processes have been used: wire flame spray and conventional casting. For thermal spray method treading and sandblasting was used to achieve the good bonding to substrate. For casting method the tin layer was used and the melting temperature was 500 and 300 degree Celsius for tin and lead base babbitt respectively. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) used to have an observation on worn surface. EDAS analysis has been used to have a point analysis from the chemical composition. Ultrasonic test ( mmDMHzfA 10,4,0 $ ) and penetration test (penetrant: Red, spraying, 10min, 25C & developer: Wet, 10min) has been used for inspect the surface and through of the thickness from cracks and porosity after the final machining.

    Fig. 1 boiler feed pump bearing in electromotor (tin based babbitt)

    Babbitt Casting and Babbitt Spraying Processes Case study

    M. Jalali Azizpour, S.Norouzi H. Mohammadi Majd


    World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 56 2011


  • Fig. 2 CWP bearing in electromotor (tin based babbitt)



    b Sb Sn Wt%

    0.1 0.08 5-6.5 0.5

    6-7.5 86-89 SAE11


    0.05 4 0.4

    7.3 88.1 Wire babbitt


    0.06 4 1 2 91 Melted babbitt

    III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION In this study two type of bearing have been selected to be

    used as substrate. Tin based babbitt was selected for boiler feed pump bearing with RPM more than 3000. The work temperature is 100 degree Celsius. The tin based babbitt is a good choice for this condition. Fig.3 illustrates the result of EDAS Analysis in coated babbitt thermally sprayed by wire flame spray. As can be see only the principal elements are present in the coating and there is not any thing from the corrosion product. Then it seems that the wear mechanism is the predominant mechanism in coating failure. Fig. 4 shows the SEM topography of worn surface. The wear mechanism is abrasion wear. Fig. 5 shows the SEM topography of penetrated particle and Fig.6 shows the results of adhesive wear that was caused cavities in the babbitt surface. Fig.7 shows a crack in the coating. All the figures 5 to 7 are from cast babbitt coatings. The presence of porosity and inclusions in the coating cause cracks through the coating. The oil film in the gap between the shaft and bearing could reach the coating-substrate interface and play a thermal barrier role at the interface. So the heat generated in the bearing-shaft contact zoon could not pass this thermal barrier wall so make hot spot

    Fig. 3 EDS point analysis of babbitt coating

    Fig. 4 SEM topography of babbitt abrasive wear mechanism

    Fig5: SEM topography of wear particle (debris)

    Fig. 6 SEM topography of wear particle (debris) in higher


    Zoon is formed at the babbitt-substrate interface. This phenomenon could be led to debonding of babbitt layer from substrate [5].

    Fig. 7 SEM micrograph of longitudinal continues crack in babbitt(coated by

    melting process)

    The result of ultrasonic test shows that there is not any

    segregation between the babbitt coating and substrate. The result of penetration test did not show any micro crack and the babbitt has homogenize surface completely in flame thermally sprayed coating. The result of field test shows that the thermal sprayed babbitt has good performance and tribological condition and after 7000 hours in service. The babbitt layer coated by casting process experiences same condition is shown in Fig.8. The debonding of babbitt layer is clear in the bearing-babbitt interface.

    World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 56 2011


  • Fig. 8 debonding the babbitt coated by melting process

    IV. CONCLUSIONS The coating and repairing of boiler feed pump bearing and CWP pump has been investigated. Wire flame thermally spraying process, melting process and metallurgical analyses are employed for this purpose. A summery of conclusions is as follow:

    x The bonding strength of thermally sprayed babbitt layer is higher than melting processes.

    x The hot spots which are the result of thermal barrier

    oil film in the babbitt-substrate interface eliminated completely in thermally sprayed coatings.

    x The lower percentages of porosity could increase the

    bearing property of babbitt layer. x The benefit of thermal spray process is has higher

    importance when the bearing is large in dimension. Babbitting these bearing with melting process could damage the geometrical tolerances because of the high temperature nature of melting process.

    REFERENCES [1] Hellemans, Alexander; Bryan Bunch (1988). The Timetables of

    Science. New York, New York: Simon and Schuster. pp. 305. ISBN 0671621300.

    [2] American Heritage Dictionary, 4th ed, headword babbitt metal. [3] Green 1996, p. 2150. [4] Metals Handbook: Metallography, Structures and Phase Diagrams,

    American Society of Metals.1993. [5] Application Bulletin: Bearings and Babbitt, Metco Inc.

    World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 56 2011
